The Zookeeper - 02

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of The Zookeeper

A Zookeeper who loves wolves a little too much.

3rd Draft - 10/26/2012

"You really need to get a boyfriend," Leo said to Lucy as she came into the wolf exhibit after the crowds had left for the day.

"They'd just get jealous," the young woman replied with a smile that she seemed to where every day since becoming Goliath's keeper.

"I think I'm a little jealous," he half-joked. "It's been three weeks and this big guy's the only man in the world you seem to have eyes for." He shook his head at her, and then glanced down at the baskets in her hands. "You know you're not supposed to bring meat in from the outside like that. You might make him sick with that stuff." Lucy twisted up her face in a pout, and then aimed it at Leo who could only maintain his serious face for another thirty second before he broke and laughed. "Alright, alright ... hell, nothing I ever did for him seemed to work. I guess I'll just leave you two lovers alone to dine under the full-moon."

"Thanks, Leo," Lucy said as she allowed her usual smile to recover from her pout.

"Yeah, yeah," the scruffy man said as he waved his hand dismissively, "but if he turns into a werewolf and eats you, I don't want to hear about it. Are you okay locking up by yourself?"

"Sure," Lucy smiled victoriously, "I'm just going to spend a little time with Goliath before I do."

"Alright." Leo turned to leave and then called over his shoulder, "Goodnight, Lucy."

Though she normally would gave told him goodnight, Lucy's pale green eyes were already fixed on her charge ... who was pacing restlessly inside. It was not unusual for him to show enthusiasm when she came in, but tonight he seemed to be especially full of energy. Maybe it's the full-moon, she thought with a grin, and then she passed through the reinforced safety door and entered the massive wolf's territory.

"There's my favorite giant," Lucy cooed to Goliath. The beast planted his four feet onto the ground and let his long red tongue loll out of his mouth. He was panting at her in what could only have been his best impression of a full-faced smile. "I've brought you some steaks."

The intensity of the moonlight caused Goliath's eyes to glow, and Lucy felt a shiver as she stared into the depths of his fierceness. Something in his expression caused some baser instinct inside of her to shudder. At first she thought it was the natural fear generated whenever a sizable predator glowered at a person ... but as the seconds ticked past, she began to feel the type of tingling in her body that she had experienced when Goliath first turned his gaze to her.

Lucy shook off the feeling and forced her smile into place. "Guess you're really hungry, huh?" Once she broke the gaze and moved to the clear area where she could set down her baskets, Goliath continued to pace once more. Bending over to set out the steaks, she carefully checked the area, making certain there were no abnormalities which might hurt her giant pup. She never even noticed Goliath stalking up behind her.

"OW!" Lucy shot suddenly upright and glowered at Goliath. His massive head dipped forward and he looked ashamed at what he had done. Lucy put her hand on the right cheek of her plump rear and felt the place where the canines had torn through the fabric. "What the hell was that for?" she scolded him. "That hurt!"

Goliath whimpered and then moved away from her, and immediately Lucy felt she had acted foolishly. Many animals, wolves among them, where known to give affectionate nips to those whom they were fond of. Goliath had not meant her any harm ... but his fangs were the size of her fingers and their affection stung.

"I'm sorry," she told him in a gentler tone, "you just startled me." Pressing her hand against the wound felt a little better but she could not help but notice that the stinging did not want to die down. "Oh, damn-it ... I think you broke the skin."

There was a first-aid kit in the break room and a spare outfit in her locker. Also she would need to buy another pair of shorts to replace these. Then there were the climate controls ... she would need to check them ... because it was getting awfully warm in here. Lucy was considering her next move when she paused and nearly fell over. Oh ... damn ... I'm so dizzy ... what's going on?

Goliath appeared at her side and Lucy put her weight on him. "Thanks," she whispered, and he turned his massive head to look at her. When she focused on his face, she saw excitement. Though he was there to hold her up, he still wanted to play. That must have been what the bite was for ... she tried to take another step, but she stumbled again, and would have fallen to the ground had Goliath not been there to steady her.

"Uh ... what's going on?" Lucy muttered as she began to breathe hard from the effort she was exerting in order to stand. She looked up at the full-moon and winced, for some reason it was impossibly bright. Closing her eyes, Lucy took off her baseball-cap and shook her head. The fox-tail she wore broke loose, spilling her long red hair down her back like an untidy mane. She pulled at her collar, unfastening the bandana which hung customarily as part of her uniform. Sweat beaded on her forehead and she tugged at her blouse until she coaxed her fumbling fingers into freeing a few of the buttons and allowing her cleavage some breathing room.

"The ... hell?" Lucy gasped, and she cupped her ample bosom with both hands. They had only been a b-cup ... but now they were bigger ... a lot bigger ... and ... they were ... STILL GETTING BIGGER!

This detail surprised her so much that she wavered drunkenly and then tumbled backwards, crashed into the ground, and laid there panting. This is crazy! Her body was so warm and her clothes were beginning to feel tight all over. It was like a great fire had ignited inside of her blood and set it to a skin swelling boil.

"No," Lucy spat as she tried to control her breathing. "This isn't right. This isn't happening ... I'm just too hot ... I ... I need to calm down." But the heat only got worse and her swollen breasts were pressing impossibly against the confines of her blouse. A few of the buttons popped and skittered away, drawing from her a small gasp of surprise. Then, a sharp pain cramped her hand. Lucy grit her teeth to keep from crying out ... but then there was a crunching sound and the bones began to warp and stretch.

A shriek of astonished agony burst through her lips. The swirling daze from before was replaced by the pain of her body outgrowing her clothes and her bones seemed to buckle as they pushed outward. Then something warm and strong pressed up against the lower parts of her body, and Lucy clamped her legs shut ... around Goliath's immense head.

"Goliath?" Lucy shrieked. "Wa-what are you doing?"

Lucy's question was answered by his massive red tongue stretched out and lapped across the fabric which was now stretching dangerously tight over her nethers. The sudden stimulation caused the young woman to cry out ... first in shock ... then in something else. _No ... this is so messed up ... I can't be enjoying this! _ A sopping mess began pooling into her shorts made up of one part Goliath slobber and another part involuntary lubrication from her body's betrayal.

It occurred to Lucy that the heat in her body was the accelerating of her metabolism brought about by her change. The change itself still did not make any sense to her, but Goliath's continued attentions made the details difficult to focus upon.

The long red tongue lapped over her again. Soft warm flesh pressed into the grooves of her body's folds ... stimulating her in ways she had only fantasized about during lonely nights when she was sure no one else could see. Goliath continued to attend to her, drawing moans of pleasure as she panted like a bitch ... like a bitch in heat. The thought gave her battered mind something to focus on ... pulling her away from the maddening pleasure and back into her textbooks.

Stages of proestrus ... stage one ... swollen vulva. _ Lucy focused on her list as she tried to ignore the vulgar slurping and the ecstasy it built in her as he pressed the fabric of her shorts against the sopping folds of her puffy lower lips. _Ch-check ... next ... discharge ... a whimper of pleasure fell out of her and she gushed with even more excitement. Yeah ... next ... suitors ... oh ... God ...

Goliath was an unquenchable force. The motion of his tail told Lucy that he was taking great delight in her body, and she loathed admitting to herself that she was enjoying it too. Looking down into his face, she realized the amber eyes were staring up into hers. There was no mistaking his lecherous intent. If things kept going as they were her darker fantasy would come true ... she was about to be bred.

Lucy's mind rallied against the thrill of that forbidden delight, but there was no deigning the waves of sensation which trampled up through the base of her sex and up into the rest of her. The struggle against her lust might have been won with the proper application of will ... but her body had other ideas.

The heat from before suddenly surged more fiercely and it seemed to blot out the higher functions of her mind. The swelling of her breasts began again, only this time it seemed to spread into other parts of her body too. A feral little growl began to resonate from her throat and she could hear the fabric of her kaki blouse beginning to tear. Then the sensation intensified, and a wild surge of orgasmic bliss suddenly accompanied the yielding of her sports-bra and the rest of her top's buttons. The confines of her thick worker boots also split apart as her feet broke free, and then she was able to settle for a moment.

Endorphins swirled through her body and muddled her mind. Goliath appeared to understand what had happened and he pulled back from her trembling form. Lucy used the moment to breathe deeply and study the changes she had undergone. It was difficult to see past her outlandishly huge boobs ... but when she shuffled a little, she managed to separate them, and that is when she discovered two other pairs of breasts had budded and were pressing forward along her chest.

The muscle-mass on her frame had nearly doubled. Red fur was beginning to bristle along the edges of her arms and legs. There was a math to what was happening here, but her rational mind could only utter a single phrase. "What ... the ... fucking ... hell!?"

Lucy's gaze journeyed along the landscape of her body and then over to Goliath, whose expression was one of being very pleased with himself. The great wolf was watching her intently, then he turned his head towards the full-moon ... and he too began to change.

The massively thickness of his torso elongated and became almost man-like in shape. Front legs thickened and bent into a more human shape while his paws became hand-like claws. The hind quarters rounded and smoothed into a more man-like rump and his legs grew with manly quality.

When Goliath's transformation was complete, everything became crystal clear in Lucy's mind. As a fanatical wolf fan-girl, she was also a big fan of werewolf lore. Everything which had transpired over the past weeks suddenly made sense. This was the reason his face seemed sentient. This was the reason he understood when she spoke. This was the reason he did not respond to the others who treated him like nothing more than an animal. This was the reason he was going to claim her now.

Claim me, her mind struck upon the phrase, he's going to ... claim me ... the thought was both terrifying and alluring. Waves of lust had already sent her over the top once ... and now ... her acknowledgement of the situation caused the process to continue.

A surge of licentious energy crackled up through her soaked sex, flooding her pelvic region and then spread her wider than she had already been. The button which had been struggling to hold her shorts around her waist was finally overcome, and it popped off, lost forever in the nearby brush. Lucy's hips grew wider and the flaring of some primitive instinct turned her over onto her hands and knees. The ecstasy and the agony danced through her, drawing deep breaths of desire and excitement. Then she felt the primal presence behind her, and she realized the literal position she was in.

"No ... wait ... Goliath ... no ..." The widening of her hips had burst the stitching which held her shorts onto her body, and it took little effort for Goliath to grip the fabric with his teeth and rip the rest of it away. The remains of her panties bunched around her as it was pulled free, dragging along her lower lips and drawing another sting of pleasure from her sex before the rush of cool air chilled the moisture on her bare skin.

I don't know what's more fucked up right now, Lucy's lucid mind managed to cobble together, actually turning into a monster ... or the fact that I want this more than anything ...

The giant red tongue slurped over her dripping sex. Whimpers of pure yearning emitted from her, and she wiggled her bottom at him. The sudden itch of a wispy red tail pushed free and wagged as best it could. Goliath knew the signs, and he crawled over the back of the bitch in heat, mounting her as a proper sire should.

At long last, the head of his wolfish potency emerged from his sheath and pressed unceremoniously into the heat of his mate. Juices gushed out of her, encircling him in layers of slippery lubricant which allowed him to glide into her depths, unhindered. Lucy huffed ... puffed ... and then gasped in carnal delight. The walls of her resistance yielded to the advancing sire, and the changes to the she-wolf's body began to accelerate with her acceptance of it.

The alpha drew his imposing erection back and then slotted it forward once more. The mass of his girth pulsated inside of her canal. Instincts pushed her back towards him, and she growled, calling for him to breed her, and he responded with forward thrusts. They built up a rhythm, together. Eagerness changing into a sort of lewd fever ... causing the bitch to pant ... to whimper ... to loll out her tongue and drool. Liquid spilled from both front and back as the swelling of another orgasm quaked through her once more.

The release fluffed more fur along the surface of her body, as her hands and feet grew into formidable claws. The bestial call of nature thundered through her, and it built in the cadence of her mate's unyielding meter. Pure power pounded through the breadth of her, and she drew every part of him inside. When her own fangs flashed, and the slat face pushed forward into a true she-wolf's muzzle; she roared with the delight of a savage.

The wild presence of nature caused her to thrash forward and then back against her mate's body, his magnificence slamming forward into her gluttonous need. Strong jaws firmly gripped the back of her neck. Fangs pierced skin and scruff, bracing her as he lunged, creating a flow of fluctuating bodies as the heat of their mating pulsed.

The she-wolf growled and shuttered in his grip, the force of her strength made it difficult for him to hold on. Though she was slipping from the grip of his jaws, the male began to growl with the fury of his own desire. A slavering grunting rocked through him, and with every motion he plunged faster ... deeper ... so deeply that the fur of his scrotum beat wetly in the pool of her cream.

The male pressed all the way forward, burying himself in her warmth. The knot at his base was growing, slipping in and out of her with increasing pressure that made the rest of him harder inside of her. The she-wolf convulsed as it began to catch her, and soon she was pushing so hard against him that when it caught, he was lodged quite deeply inside.

Frenzied delight coursed through them both, as she squeezed every inch of him with her muscles. The sire shook his bitch, stirring her insides until the source of his virility pulled taught and burst forth with the hot liquid of his potency. The sound of their howling rattled the walls of the enclosure as the sire flooded his heated bitch with all of his seed.

The walls of her canal seared and shivered, filling with his magma ... all of it stoppered by the knot. The sweltering fluid jetted up ... and up ... pressing against the button of her cervix and then squirting through to the recessed of her womb. Thick ropes of vitality sprayed into her core, coating the egg within and then sealing it in place. There was no escape.

At last their passion cooled and the she-wolf collapsed exhausted to the ground. Her mate settled over her, his knees and elbows keeping the brunt of his weight from hurting her. As her heart rate began to settle to normal, her breath slowed from its vigorous panting. The sire nuzzled his mate's neck, and she leaned back so that she could return the gesture.

The rays of the moon shown down upon the new couple, and their eyes and fur to glowed in the energy of its unending light. Nothing would ever replace the sanctity of this moment. And as they lay, knotted together, they finally relaxed, and then drifted off into exhausted slumber.


It was a long time to the end of her dreams and she covered the ground at the frightening pace of her new and awesome body. The land was her playground and the scent of fresh air told her everything without the need of sound or sight. Her new form flexed perfectly in the moonlight. The sheen of her red fur fluttered as she bounded on all fours. The world stretched on forever ... forever ... until at last she tumbled into a thicket with her mate.

Gray fur gathered around her, a blanket of living warmth to guard her from the night. The musk of his body was rich, and she buried her face into him, breathing in the scent of him that she would carry with her forever. He was her alpha. She was his alpha too. That was the greatest thing about being a werewolf ... he would only dominate her when she wanted him to, and his temper would never flare because she was not like some Photo-Shopped girl on a page. This night had been perfect.

When her senses flickered to life, she was only aware of her mate. The warmth of his fur covered her naked flesh, and in the moments which followed, she realized that she was a wolf no more. Though there was some disappointment in her gut, she knew she could be with him later that night. All she needed to do was slip out and get into her street cloths. That would be good.

A deep breath allowed the blood to return to her limbs, but a collection of faint sounds warned her that something was wrong. It took a moment to process in her sleepy mind, but then all at once her senses filled with information, and she heard a little voice. "Hey mom, why does she have hair down there?"

A dozen eyes were watching from the other side of the glass. Camera phones were flashing, capturing her naked flesh to be posted on line. How could this have happened? Her eyes were wide in humiliating fear. Then she remembered that it had been her job to lock up last night ... and she had never made it that far. So the doors were all unlocked when the customers arrived this morning ... and they were all staring at her.

"Oh shit," she muttered as she leaned nakedly against her warm alpha, "I'm so fired."

The End?

For now this is the end ... though I have often thought about returning to this story, it is not mine. The way to make this story continue is to convince the original artist ... and inspire him with your e-mails, your love, and your cash.