Poke Paradise: Daven 3

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#11 of Poke Paradise

Hey, all! This is the third RP with Dashboard! Daven finds a couple of lovely ladies, and they get into a very sexy debate, which Daven must judge. Happy fapping!

M Jolteon x F Nidoqueen x F Mienshao

A couple days had passed since Daven's little 'Welcome' celebration in his room. The Jolteon was beginning to get a grasp of the layout of the building. At the moment, he was up on the roof of the building, lying out on a towel he had placed on the floor, wearing only a pair gym shorts and letting himself enjoy some relaxing sunbathing. Right below where Daven is sunbathing is the room of Poke Paradise's Nidoqueen resident, Nina. She hears the walking over her head, and grabs an umbrella and knocks against the roof.

Nina: Hello? Who's up there?

Daven sat up swiftly in shock as he heard something thumping from underneath him. He scratched at his head in confusion, having to place his ear right against the ground to properly hear the voice underneath inside the building. He wasn't sure why he was doing so, but he kept his face as close to the floor as he could. In a raised voice, so as to get his words through the floor, he said...

Daven: Uhhh..my names Daven! I was just looking to do some sunbathing! I'm a new Pokémorph here! Nina: Ah! Head near the edge of the roof. I got a window near there so we can see each other!

Nina headed over to the window and poked her head out.

Nina: Look for a Nidoqueen!

His eyes widened a little bit as he heard her yell out to look for a Nidoqueen. He rose up his sunglasses to his forehead, then looked over the edge of the roof. And indeed saw the face of a Nidoqueen looking back up at him. He smiled and waved down at her.

Daven: Well um..heh, hey there! I wasn't bothering you was I? Nina: Not at all. I was reading and you just startled me a bit. No problem at all. So, when did you start working here, and how did you get your job? Daven: I officially started the other day. But I got roped into all this by Fel. I'm her new mate. Nina: Oh, Fel! We talk a bit. Hey, you hungry? I got some poffins that I bought this morning, and they're great! Daven: Um sure! I'll be right down!

He went over and grabbed his towel, heading back inside. He went to the first right under the roof, and simply went to the door that was closest to where he was on the roof, knocking on it. Nina opened the door, revealing that she was a tall, but slender Nidoqueen morph. She was wearing a purple T-shirt and blue jeans.

Nina: Hey, Daven. Come on in!

He smiled up in surprise, not too surprised though he was still a bit shorter than the Nidoqueen herself. He laid his towel over the back of a chair, closing the door behind him as he entered. "

Daven: Thanks. By the way, I never got your name. And are you sure I'm not bothering you? I know everyone is really 'friendly' here but I still wouldn't want to be rude. Nina: The name's Nina. And don't worry! I love having company.

Nina got a plate of poffins, all different colors for the different tastes.

Nina: Take whatever taste you prefer. I like sour, especially Nomel poffins. They're the best. Daven: Thanks! Wow I haven't had poffins in a long time.

He picked up a spicy one, almost chomping it down in one bite! He clenched his eyes shut for a moment, grinning.

Daven: Mmm! Delicious! I remember when I first tried spicy poffins, I ate so many I'm surprised I didn't burst into flames! Nina: Ah, I see that you're into spicy. Those are Tanga berry poffins. I had never heard of them until I saw them. They have a sour note that I really like. So, Daven, what was your life like before working here? Daven: Before coming here? Well I wasn't into anything too big. I thought about going into the various leagues...but in truth battling and such was never my thing. So I was actually working in construction here in the city. You'd be surprised at how great an electric type can be at welding. Nina: I would think so. I was a battler myself. I had competed in several leagues as well, but could never win the championship. I even tried contests a few times, but could never get them down. I eventually discovered my love of sex when I met my mate at a bar. She's incredible. Daven: Contests huh? I won't lie to say I bet you still made a lot of jaws drops while you were competing. Haha, but I guess I shouldn't try barking up that tree huh? I guess it's safe to say she works here too? Nina: *giggle* Oh, stop it. Yes, she does work here too. We're right next door. Oh, here she is now.

A gorgeous Mienshao walks through the door, wearing a fancy kimono.

Nina: Daven, this is my mate, Sayama. Sayama: Oh, hello, Daven. You're the newest partner here, right? Daven: *whisper* Woah... *normal voice* Ah yes I am. I'm Fel's new mate, and before you ask it was her that got me the job here too.

He smiled and stood up, offering out his hand to her. Sayama extended a hand, shaking his.

Sayama: It is a pleasure meeting you. I've never gotten around to getting to know Fel. Is she a nice Pokémorph? Daven: Oh she definitely is. And like Nina described you just a moment ago, she is nothing short of amazing in bed! She and I have even been practicing using our electric techniques for even more pleasure and fun in the bedroom. Sayama: *blushing* Is that so? Nina: Ah, don't worry about her, she's just shy when it comes to sex. Sayama: Nina! Stop that! You know I'm way better in bed than you are! Nina: Is that a challenge?! Sayama: Maybe.

Daven held back a chuckle he was going to have, looking back and forth a little between the two females.

Daven: Well isn't there a way for you two to settle this?

Both fems looked at each other before they got evil smiles on their faces. They both somehow jumped out of their clothes and tackled Daven to the ground at the same time, kissing him. He didn't even know how to figure out the speed at which they were suddenly out of their clothes and tackling him to the ground. But damned if he even cared about that little mystery once he saw the looks on their faces!

Nina: Well, Nina, how about we start off with a body comparison competition? Sayama: Sounds good to me. And it'll give a good show to our judge.

Daven: I will be more than happy to judge you ladies! And I promise to be fair and unbiased!

Nina and Sayama got up and started kissing each other deep, pushing their breasts together.

Nina: First is breasts. Who has the better rack, Daven?

Nina had a very busty E-cup, and they hung. If she were to do naked jumping jacks, the sound would be great. She had large nipples on each of them, great for suckling on. Sayama was smaller at a C-cup, but still busty. She had great breasts to cup and play with, not overflowing from someone's hands like Nina's. Her nipples were smaller, but easier to play with again. As it came time to judge their breasts, the Jolteon grinned.

Daven: Hmm..I need to carefully inspect you both ladies." First he focused on Sayama. He cupped both of them with his hands, lifting them teasingly and squeezing with his fingers. His fingers pinched both of her nipples nice and firmly, before leaning in and beginning to lick his tongue over her nipples. Whenever he licked, he made sure to send a pleasurable little volt of electricity through his tongue and against her nipples.

Sayama: *giggle* A playful little boy, are you? Take your time. Nina: Hey, don't forget about me! Daven: Don't worry Nina, your next!

The Jolteon chuckled, grinning as he gripped Samaya's tits with both hands firmly, giving her a hard squeeze. Before letting go, he sent a surging electro volt through Sayama, but one he had been practicing with Fel. One that would hit all the pleasure points in the body in just the right way~. Sayama gasped and collapsed as she came hard from the shock, panting as she rode it out.

Sayama: Wow, that was insane... Nina: If that was due to a shock, sorry honey, but I'm part ground-type.

Then he turned to Nina, licking his lips as he grabbed at her breasts. Indeed his hands could barely grab at them even in two handfuls! He winked at her as he leaned in, nuzzling his face against them, dragging his tongue over them both lustfully. He then wrapped his lips around one of her nipples, starting to suck on it quite eagerly. One of his hands went to the other nipples, pinching and pulling on it so it wouldn't be left alone. He smiled, at Nina sounding cocky by saying she was a ground type, he smirked and bit down on her nipple, tugging back on it firmly with his teeth before letting it go. When he did he licked his lips.

Daven: Mmm, very delicious. But I have to tell you ladies..in terms of breasts your both equals! Nina..you have humongous tits that are perfect for playing with and sucking from. And Samaya, yours may be smaller but are still very nicely sized and very fun to play around with. So as the judge you both tie in the breasts category. Nina: I'm ok with that. Sayama: Same here. Now onto our asses. Also consider our tails, and how they might be problems with sex.

Both females walked to a wall and bent over, showing Daven their rears. Nina had a large ass, but it was because she was a tall Nidoqueen. Since she was covered in plates, it was a little rough, but still comfy. Sayama had a much smaller ass, but it was soft and fluffy due to her fur. The Jolteon knew he was going to have with this part of the contest. He kneeled down on the floor behind them and in the space between them so he had perfect access to both of their lovely asses. His hands came up, one grabbing at Nina, the other Samaya. He began to squeeze and rub very firmly at both of their lovely raised rumps. He then gave a strong smack to Samaya, then one to Nina. And he smirked, leaning in to Nina and giving a teasing lick over the spot on her asscheeks where his hand had spanked her, then did the same to Samaya. Both females meeped when Daven spanked them, then moaned as he licked their now sensitive cheeks. Daven smiled at their reactions, continuing to fondle both their rears, now doing so a bit more rougher.

Nina: Ah...that's the first time that's happened to me. Sayama: Same here. Daven: Oh wow, this is already gonna be a tough decision. Now let's see...Samaya, show me how well you can move that cute ass of yours around.

Sayama giggled and guided Daven over to a plush chair. She proceeded to give him a lap dance, making sure to show off her goodies and rub against him as much as possible, while still retaining sensuality. Daven grinned, constantly realizing how great all his new neighbors were here. He murred out some whenever her rear brushed and glided over his crotch, still wearing his gym shorts. He playfully nipped just close to the tip of her tail.

Daven: Oh very nice Samaya. Sensual, fluid. Even your tail knows how to move with your body like this. Sayama: *giggle* You naughty boy. Now it's Nina's turn.

Sayama gracefully seated herself on the couch as she watched her mate do the same thing she did, giving Daven a great lap dance, despite her size and build. The Jolteon chuckled, grinning up at Nina as she started to move and grind her rear against his all too blatant bulging crotch.

Daven: Mmm, my my Nina your very good too. You obviously know how to hypnotize with that shapely large ass of yours. Nina: Thank you, Daven.

Nina concluded her show by running her ass across his crotch one last time before blowing him a kiss and taking a seat next to her mate.

Sayama: So, who had the better ass and showed it off better?

Daven had to bite his lips for a moment, almost feeling like his cock would tear through his gym shorts if it got any harder. He then smiled at both ladies and chuckled, shaking his head.

Daven: You two are going to be very surprised, but once again we have a tie. Samaya, your lovely ass is small and shapely, adding to your already sensual curves. And you know how to make it and your tail sway and caress over a man's crotch in a way to easily hypnotize him. And you Nina! Your ass is nice and big and round. The kind any man would drool at getting to see you rock or bounce against him. Nina: Well, there's only one more contest left. Sayama: And it's one that I think you'll enjoy.

The two fems each grabbed an arm and led him to the bed. They slipped off his shorts, and his cock literally snapped out of there, shaking like a diving board. Daven smiled and chuckled as the two females pulled him right to the bed. He smirked in anticipation as his cock sprang out rock hard. The girls giggled as they started to lick him. A shiver ran down his body as they both licked at him, a large drop of pre already forming on the tip from the attention.

Nina: The sex-off. Sayama: Who gives the better fuck? I'll let you go first, Nina. Daven: Ooh..this is gonna be my favorite contest to judge~

Nina got up and slowly lowered herself onto Daven's hard cock, her pussy enveloping its length. He let out a soft moan as Nina sank down around his hard shaft. Sayama crawled sensually up Daven's body, licking one of her paws as she did. She kissed Daven as she slipped her paw between her legs, presumably to finger herself. He looked beside him to watch Samaya, and smirked as he reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could slide her hand between her legs.

Daven: Mmm..not what kind of guest would I be..if I didn't offer to eat such a delicious looking pussy as yours. Sayama: Sure, honey.

Sayama turned over and sat on Daven's face, pushing her pussy lips into his muzzle.

Sayama: *thinking* Shit! This makes things a bit harder! Oh well, I'm still gonna do it.

Sayama leaned up to her mate and pulled her into a kiss, the two ladies moaning into each other's mouths. The Jolteon did not waste a moment, pressing his muzzle up against Sayama's slit, and already his tongue was beginning to eagerly lap up and down over her. And already he was beginning to move his hips up and down, driving his cock in and out of Nina's tight and hot slit. But he didn't go too hard or fast, wanting to let the Nidoqueen move at her own speed and pace for the contest. Nina moaned as Daven started pistoning in and out of her, bouncing hard and grinding on his crotch. She took her mate's breasts into her hands and started massaging them.

Nina: Hey, Daven was right, they are fun to play with! Sayama: Uh...that feels really good...

The Jolteon growled out in lust and pleasure, now starting to lick faster and faster at Sayama. Every time Nina would bounce and grind down on him, he would thrust up nice and hard, driving as much of his shaft into her as he could every time. His hands then came up, grabbing and holding onto Sayama by her ass, squeezing firmly as he suddenly thrust his tongue as deep as he could into her slit.

Sayama: Oooooh, I'm cumming, Daven1 Nina: Me too!

Sayama screamed as her juices turned from a stream to a river, coating Daven's face. Nina did the same, clenching down hard on the cock in her as her lips tried to milk it for all it had. The double onslaught of both females cumming was just too much. With how tight and hot Nina's cunny was, and the feeling and taste of Sayama's nectar..Daven just had to let himself go. He let out a deep groan of pleasure against Sayama's drenching slit, drinking down all that he could as he slammed up as hard as he could into Nina. Gush after gush of his cum shot up into her, mingling with her own juices. Nina murred as she was filled up by Daven's seed, holding it all in with her strong muscles. Once Daven finished, the two ladies got off him and gave him a couple of minutes to recover before switching. Nina sat down on Daven's face, giving him her cum-filled pussy. Sayama slipped Daven into her, but instead, it slipped into her rarely-used tailhole!

Nina: Hey, you're cheating! Sayama: We never said which hole you had to let him take.

The Jolteon murred out in definite pleasure as he was allowed to enjoy the afterglow. But as the two ladies were getting into position, he slid himself out of Sayama before she got too deep.

Daven: Mm..hold on ladies..Let's try a different position this time.

He gave them a bold wink as he moved up the bed, sitting himself up a little against the headboard. He grabbed Nina to him, moving her to somewhat straddle his body on all fours, giving him perfect access to both her cum filled slit and luscious ass. "Mmm..now Sayama, I want you to ride reverse cowgirl, alright?" And even as he asked this, his hands were already squeezing and spreading open Nina's asscheeks, and his tongue teasingly rimmed over her own tight looking tailhole.

Nina: Ah! I like your creativity! Sayama: I kind of wanted to see my mate's face as you ate her out, but I don't mind.

Sayama slipped down, running a paw over her open cunt. She reached into a bag that she had brought, and took out a fairly large dildo, and started ramming it in and out of her pussy. She started leaning back until her head landed on her mate's large breasts.

Sayama: These would make great pillows. Daven: I think your right there, Sayama. And I think you'll still have fun even if you can't see Nina's face.

Daven just smirked, now sliding his tongue down to Nina's well pounded pussy. It was somewhat strange, now tasting his own cum alongside Nina's pussy juices..but he'd be lying if he said it didn't end up tasting quite good. He smirked, giving a tiny buck of his hips to make his hard cock bounce a little as it stood up into the air, just waiting for Sayama to slide back down onto it again.

Sayama: You're right. Here I come.

Sayama slipped the head into her, not having lubed herself up previously made it a bit hard. Suddenly, Nina grabbed her mate's hips and slammed her down all the way, making Sayama grunt in slight pain.

Sayama: Nina! What was that for? Nina: Payback for taking it up the ass. And now for part two.

Nina grabbed the dildo in Sayama's cunt and used Agility on her arm to piston it in and out of her mate at incredible speeds. Sayama's eyes started to roll back into her head as she started bouncing wildly on Daven. Daven was certainly not expecting Nina's sudden actions either! The feeling of Sayama suddenly slamming that wonderfully tight ass down on him made him gasp out, and all he could do was try to keep up with her wild thrusting as she started bouncing like a sex crazed madwoman on him! In turn though, he growled and suddenly shoved two of his fingers as deep as he could into Nina's tailhole, pumping them furiously in and out of her. And as his tongue lapped over and over at the Nidoqueen's cunt, nibbling at her clit and thrusting his tongue in and out of her.

Nina: Ah! Haven't had anything in my ass in a while! Keep going, Daven!

Sayama couldn't say anything, still bouncing furiously on Daven. Her ass clamps down as she experiences her first orgasm from Nina's ministrations, another already on the way. Daven had to fight back to keep from cumming as Sayama already had one orgasm while riding him, making her even more incredibly tight than before! But he decided Nina needed some 'unfair attention' of her own.

Daven: know you're a ground-type..nn..but I think this will still teach you a lesson.

He smirked, shoving his tongue as deep into her pussy as he could, and slamming now two, but now three fingers in and out of her tailhole. As he did, he used his Thunder ability, channeling the carefully managed electric charge to go surging through the Nidoqueen's body through his tongue and invading fingers.

Nina: *grunt* What the hell? How did I feel that?

Nina screamed as she came hard, her pussy juices drenching Daven's face, clenching on his tongue. Sayama made only soft squeaking noises as her fifth orgasm rocked her, her tailhole now clenching down hard. Her juices now matted her fur, along with drenching Nina's hand. Just like he did with Sayama before, Daven eagerly and lustfully lapped up Nina's honey, happily letting his face become drenched with what he couldn't. And with Sayama now cumming yet again, he gave out a loud, long moan as he slammed up into her ass as hard as he could. His own second orgasm sent shockwaves through his body as he began to flood her ass with just as much cum as he had in Nina's cunny. Sayama came down from her high, panting on her mate's chest. Nina giggled and picked Sayama up, and sat down on the couch, then laying Sayama down, her head on the Nidoqueen's lap. The Jolteon laughed some, finally catching his breath as he sat up off the bed. He stretched out for a sec as he stood.

Daven: Whew..I think I may need to start eating just a bit more energy food... Nina: So, who was better, Daven? And no ties this time.

He walked over to the two on the couch,

Daven: Heh, guess I couldn't get away with that a third time huh? Al right..since you wanna know.....Sayama. She just got so wild there...Sorry Nina, but no way I can't name her the winner after that. Sayama: Yay! I win! Nina: Aww, you just won because you cheated. Sayama: Nuh uh! *sticks her tongue out, but then kisses Nina* But you're still amazing. Nina: Aw, thanks, baby. Thanks for that, Daven. Feel free to come by any time you want some more fun.

Daven grinned, leaning down to give both of them a soft kiss.

Daven: Oh I promise you I will.