Poke Paradise: Daven 5

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#14 of Poke Paradise

Hey, all! This is the fifth RP I did with Dashboard! We find a little bit about Daven's past, and it makes the relationship between Fel and Daven even stronger. Happy fapping!

M Jolteon x H Flaaffy

Several days after Daven's fun at the spa, he's nowhere to be seen. Fel's a bit worried that something's wrong, so she goes to his room. She knocks on the door, calling out to him, but hears no voices. However, she does hear something like music. She quietly opens the door to see Daven in a corner with a portable DJ table and computer, with her mate nodding his head while wearing headphones. The room was kind of dimly lit, the lights having been turned down apparently as the Jolteon worked. He did not notice even a tiny bit that his door was being opened. His eyes were closed at the moment, his head bobbing a little in time with the music coursing through the headphones. She creeps up to him, seeing what he's doing.

Fel: What's all this?

When Fel speaks, he doesn't exactly hear her..but does hear something that seems muffled. He opened his eyes and looks over, seeing her.

Daven: Fel! Agh! Damn it.

He cries out in surprise, suddenly falling over in his chair and onto his back rather painfully. He rubs at the back of his head as he sits up.

Fel: Oops! Sorry, honey! I didn't know you knew how to make music. Daven: It..It's okay.

He blushed deeply as he stood up, closing down the music programs rather quickly. He turned away from the equipment..clumsily trying to avoid the obvious topic.

Daven: Umm...s-so what brings you here? Fel: I noticed that I hadn't seen you all day, and decided to check up on you. And I know you're trying to shy away from your music. Why do you have all this?

He gulped nervously, not meeting her eyes.

Daven: Well..it's just....I had those in storage...they've actually been locked up for a good long while. But then..ever since coming here, Fel..well, I thought maybe I could start over on some..past mistakes. Fel: Mistakes? What do you mean?

Fel walked her mate over to the bed, seating them on it. He was blushing some as he sat down with his mate, staring down at the floor ahead of them.

Daven: Fel..umm...have you ever heard of JoltVolt? Fel: Yeah. When Poke Paradise has our annual party, we play a lot of his music. I've always wanted to know who the mastermind of his music was. He's great.

In the world of music, JoltVolt had been a fast rising and extremely popular Pokémorph DJ and music creator. Even today clubs all over would still play his music to throngs of dancing bodies. No one ever knew who the Pokémorph had actually been..and it was almost two years ago that anyone had last seen them. Daven gulped very nervously as she said that, and closed his eyes.

Daven: Fel...you're.....you're sitting beside him right now.. Fel: What?! You're JoltVolt?! What happened?! You were at the top of your career! Why become a brothel partner? Daven: Fel....It's like you said I was on the top of my career. It was everything I could have hoped for. And when I started getting approached by managers and such I was just so amazed by how fast it was all going....but I was an idiot. I didn't realize that the big record companies and such out there weren't exactly happy a Pokémorph was doing so well in the music biz. At least not one that they didn't own lock stock and barrel. One day I found this letter to my manager...talking about how they were going to market MY music through a Pokémorph they wanted to promote instead of me. When I confronted my manager about this he actually laughed at me. He told me there wasn't anything I could do..the contract I signed pretty much gave them free reign with my music. I was so angry that I actually threatened them, but they still didn't care. They always said if I tried anything they'd just send the guy they were going to give my music to after me, probably the meanest looking Charmeleon I'd ever seen...I....I was actually scared of him. I'm no fighter.......but I still did something stupid despite all that...... Fel: You didn't... Daven: Back during that phase..I wanted to keep my real identity secret. So I always had my fur died, and I even wore this silly domino mask to further keep people from finding out my real name and face. Well...I just snapped hun. I snuck into the studios one night and I just...I destroyed everything having to do with me. All the recordings they had, all the paperwork, everything! But..when I was trying to get away that Charmeleon showed up. When he saw what I'd done..practically torching his own career...Well, let's just say I was lucky I got away with the injuries I did end up with. After that...JoltVolt was dead. I scrubbed out every bit of dye on me, locked up all my equipment and the old mask and started over as just myself. Fel: I never knew...I'm so sorry, Daven. You know what, you should get back on the scene! Our next party is coming up, and there will be tons of Pokémorphs and humans from all over. DJ at the party; let people know that JoltVolt is back on the tables!

His ears flicked in surprise and he looked over at his mate, staring at her in shock.

Daven: W-what?...Fel...I...I haven't performed in so long.... Fel: Here, let me listen.

Fel picks the headphones off his ears, and holds one up and plays back the track he was working on. He watched as his lover actually started to listen to his music..blushing nervously the entire time she was listening. She listened for several minutes, bobbing her head. The track ended, and she put the headphones down.

Fel: That was incredible, Daven! You aren't out of practice at all! And your charisma could win over anyone!

When she stopped, he was genuinely surprised to hear she liked it. He sat himself up again, nervously looking into her eyes.

Daven: You really think so? Fel: Of course! You're still in it! Tell you what; I'll talk to Rose. I'm sure that we can set up a DJ stand for you! Daven: Fel...

The Jolteon smiled, a lot more happily than he had since Fel had come into the room so far. " He hummed a bit, chuckling as he got off the bed, reaching under it and pulling out a small trunk case. Opening it, he pulled out an old red domino mask. Wiping off a little bit of dust on it, he slid it on and smiled to his Flaaffy mate.

Daven: Heh, think it still makes me look mysterious and alluring?

Fel grabbed the mask off her mate, and kissed him on the nose.

Fel: No mask. It's time that people found out about the true identity of JoltVolt.

The Jolteon chuckled as the mask was taken away and he got the little kiss.

Daven: Well I'm not gonna be stupid and try to argue with you, hun.

He leaned in, now locking Fel into a soft and loving kiss, easing her back onto the bed with him. Fel gave back the kiss, moaning as she was lowered to the bed.

Fel: You know, it's always been a dream of mine to mate with the legendary JoltVolt. Without the mask, of course. Daven: Oh really? Well don't say that I didn't want to make my favorite fan as happy as possible.

Daven could only smile as he was now positioned over his mate, one of his hands now slowly, sensually caressing up the side of her body. He leaned down, kissing sensually at her neck, giving soft little nips with his teeth.

Fel: *moan* We've never really had passionate sex before, Daven. I really like this... Daven: So do I, hun.

He smiled down into her eyes, before kissing her once again. It was a little deeper this time, but still soft and loving. As he kissed her, his hand slid back down the side of her body, teasingly sliding and caressing at her inner thighs now. Fel thrust her tongue into Daven's mouth, wrestling with his. She rubbed his back with her fluffy hands, tracing the outlines of his strong back muscles. He welcomed her tongue happily, letting his own wrestle with hers. He felt his body shiver lightly in pleasure as her fingers traced over his back. He softly broke the kiss, giving her a smile as he began to trail his kisses down her body. As his lips kissed over her breasts, his tongue flicked itself out over her nipples.

Fel: Ah, that's it honey, that feels so good.

Fel cupped her mate's head gently in her hand, inviting him to start suckling on her breasts. Daven did not deny the invite, sealing his lips over her nipple. One hand continued to massage the other breast as he sucked on her, the other hand now sliding down between her legs. He lightly squeezed at Fel's shaft, stroking at it slowly.

Fel: Haaa...so good, Daven...keep going...

Daven closed his eyes, giving a small nip at her nipple. The hand at her shaft slid down further, his fingers now caressing teasingly at her pussy lips. He spread them open, rubbing at the exposed pink inside now.

Fel: Myaaaaa...I've never been treated like this before...this is incredible...

Fel leaned back and closed her eyes, just focusing on her mate and the attention he was giving her. Daven blushed softly, releasing her nipple from his lips as he lifted himself back up to her face. He softly kisses the Flaaffy, his fingers continuing to sensually rub at her slit. As he continued this, he gulped nervously as he whispered.

Daven: I love you, Fel... Fel: I love you too, Daven. Please, put it in me...

Daven smiled down at her, nodding to her as he lifted up her legs some, spreading them open so he could move between them. In the classic missionary position, he rubbed the head of his shaft against her moist slit. Then slowly he began to push in, wanting to let her feel every inch sinking into her. Fel gasps and shudders as her mate slowly slides in, her lip slowly feeling his shaft bury itself into her. She gripped the sheets, sparking her fur a bit.

Fel: *gasp* Oh Arceus...it feels so good...you sliding into me...I love you...I love you...

Daven's body, excited from both the pleasure and the sheer passion they now shared, started sparks arcing along his own fur, sometimes bouncing onto her own body in turn. Hearing her words of pleasure, he blushed and smiled happily. He kept pushing in, until he was buried to the very hilt inside of his beloved Flaaffy. Fel panted as she felt Daven fully inside her, in disbelief of how good he was.

Fel: Daven...this is so good...please...mate me...

The Jolteon was breathing heavily alongside her. His arms kept him held up above her body to keep him from simply laying right on her. And at her heated words, he began to move his hips. He went at a more fluid pace than when he had first entered, but still slowly enough for them both to enjoy every sensation of his shaft now being slid back and forth inside her hot and tight slit.

Fel: Oh fuck...Daven....I love you...fuck me...please...

Daven groaned out heavily now, his mate's urging words causing him to move his hips at a quicker speed. The bed itself rocked softly underneath their bodies, small beads of sweat glistening here and there over the Jolteon's body.

Daven: Nnn..., Fel....you're so tight! Fel: Haaa....Daven...you're so big...please...harder...faster...

Fel reached down and started jerking her incredibly hard and sensitive cock off, reaching up with her other hand to grab the bedpost for support. It wasn't long until Fel screamed in ecstasy as her cunt spasmed around her mate, causing him to fill her up with his seed. They came hard for several minutes until Daven collapsed onto Fel, passed out. Fel giggled a bit as she gently rubbed his head, giving him a quick peck on the forehead.

Fel: You're going to be great, Daven. In more ways than one...