The Red Door

Story by ASLV on SoFurry

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Another amazing story done by Akira, check her out if you are looking for a story commission.


Brian Griffin is given a birthday present that he would never expect... and experience with a squirrel named Rocky that will change his views of the world forever. After all, bigger is always better.



It wasn't that he didn't trust Jasper... it wasn't that at all - Brian Griffin couldn't help but to trust his cousin when he was doing something special for his birthday. However, the way that the homosexual canine was so excited about the prospects of where he was taking him made Brian wonder if they were headed to a gay bar. That, of course, wasn't going to be the best birthday present that Brian had ever received. He'd been reassured more than once that they were going somewhere that was 'simply to die for'... somewhere that would make his birthday 'larger than life'.

The suspicious feeling that he had, in response, was nothing less than practical as far as Brian was concerned. There was something more than suspicion that was pulsing through his mind about the endeavor, however... and it was that something that caused Brian to follow his cousin on that particular night.


He couldn't help it... he wanted to know what Jasper was so excited about - he wanted to know what had caused his cousin to come knocking on his door out of the blue with a late birthday present that Brian simply had to have. The canine's mind was absolutely bursting with an insatiable need to discover what this 'surprise' was. As they pulled up into a parking lot, and Jasper - in the most satisfied way possible - turned off the car, Brian couldn't help but to suddenly feel a bit of doubt and disappointment.

"This is it?" He knew that the tone of his exclamation was more than enough to let his cousin know that, whatever the joke was... he didn't get or appreciate it. However, his words only seemed to make Jasper all the more smug.

"I know it doesn't look like much from the outside, but that's because it's a very exclusive crowd. Just wait until you see inside." And without a moment of hesitation or explanation, the white canine stepped out of the car, his earring swinging with his gait, and made his way towards the building. He waited at a very nondescript door for his very confused and somewhat agitated cousin. Brian wasn't going to be pleased in the least if this turned out to be some kind of trick. The look on Jasper's face told him that he wasn't going to have a ride home if he didn't get out of the car and join him... so with reluctance in his movements, Brian made his way to the door. Jasper gave him one pat on the back, and then knocked slowly three times, giving pause between each rap of his knuckle.

For a moment, nothing happened. However, the door in front of them soon slid open. Brian's jaw instantly dropped.

Inside was a complete contrast to the broken down, outside appearance that the building had let off. Smooth, pristine onyx walls made the entire place look sleek. Crimson tiled floors with golden veins running through whatever type of stone it was seemed to accent the exotic and almost forbidden feeling of the building inside. Jasper gave a grin and pulled a card from his pocket. "Here you go, cuz. Enjoy." He gave a wink, and pushed Brian so that the other dog actually stumbled through the door. He had time to turn and catch sight of Jasper winking before the door slid shut.

Whether he liked it or not, it seemed like he was in for the ride. Turning the card in his hand to look at it, his head tilted to the side.

"Akira's Fantasy Services...? What is this place?" The words were printed in neat, crimson letters on a slick black card. He read it aloud and spoke his thoughts without really intending to be answered. However, a low, nearly purring voice spilled out from in front of him, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.

"I thought the card was very descriptive. This is the place where fantasies come true... I'm Akira, your...hostess." The woman in front of him gave a small bow. Dressed in a skin tight black dress that was split from ankle to hip, the woman looked every part both the seductress and the hostess. Her crimson hair was up in a bun, curls loosely falling around her face, and full lips were curled into a teasing smile. "You must be Mr. Griffin. Your cousin Jasper told me all about you... he's one of our regulars. He's booked you a session with a buddy, so you won't be going in alone. I hope that you're ready for the best experience of your life." Her purple hues were full of mirth, and with a wink, she took Brian's arm and began to lead him down the long hallway.

There were doors along each side of them, as far as he could see, until the hallway gave a turn to the left. They didn't make it that far, however. Before Brian could even think to formulate a question of what was going on (for he was so taken aback by the entire situation), Akira pressed her hand to the wall and one of the doors slid open. She stopped in front of it, her voluptuous body leaning against the wall. "I hope that you enjoy your stay, Brian. I guarantee you'll never forget today."

"I don't even know what's going on here... why should I even go in there?" Suspicion again poured from his voice, but it seemed to only amuse the Wolvpanther in front of him.

"Why wouldn't you want to? Curiosity never killed the dog, after all. It just brought him pleasure beyond his wildest dreams." Winking again, Akira made her way down the hallway. Brian, dumbfounded, stood for a moment before going after her.

"Wait a minute! What are you talking ab - " His words were cut off mid sentence. He turned the corner that Akira had disappeared behind, only to find that the woman was gone. There were no doors, no entrances that she could have escaped through. She simply wasn't there. It was the strangest thing that Brian had ever seen (well, perhaps one of the strangest)... but he couldn't do anything about it. Instead, he made his way back down the hall, intent on simply leaving. He was brought to a halt by the door that still stood open, however. There was a small room, and a curtain that cloaked another entrance. He couldn't help it - a part of him wanted to know what was behind the curtain. A part of him was overtly curious as to what was going on, and what this place was all about.

Though the more logical part of him told him that he would be better off simply going outside and getting a ride home... Brian gave in to the more curious aspect of his nature and walked into the room. As though to seal the deal, the door behind him slid shut with a smooth whoosh of air. He didn't bother looking back. Instead, he pushed his way through the curtain.

There were only two things in the room before him. Another door... and a person. Though the door, crimson on a white backdrop, caught his attention... the other person also gave him pause.

He had never seen a squirrel so big... let alone so cute. The blue adornment of his head only seemed to bring that cuteness forward all the more. Brian's voice rang out, semi - awkward, but friendly. "Uh... hey."

"Hi there!" The squirrel was obviously chipper about the entire situation. He was bouncing back and forth from foot to foot as though anxious to get started with... whatever they were doing. Brian, of course, felt like a fool to inquire.

"This may sound stupid... but I have no idea what I'm doing here. I'm Brian," He held out his hand, not caring that his question made him sound like a dolt. It was better to feel like a fool than to go in blind.

The squirrel seemed amused by his statement, and took his hand, shaking it. "The name is Rocky... and that's awesome. Akira told me that this was going to be your first time. I can't wait to show you everything! It's going to be great!"

"Rocky... exactly what's going to be great? I don't even know what we're doing here." He had a feeling that it was something more than just having sex with the squirrel. After all, though the card had read Akira's fantasies.... it seemed like a rather high tech place for something as simple as a prostitution shop. More than that, the red door only a few feet from him seemed to be humming, nearly vibrating with an energy that kept drawing his eyes to it. Rocky seemed to notice that fact, and his grin broadened, showing elongated teeth. Brian tore his gaze from the red frame to look back to the grey creature expectantly.

"Haven't you ever wanted to just let it all go? To be the most powerful, the strongest? To release your inhibitions and be free?" Rocky's voice took on a tone that was nearly alluring, as though the little squirrel had tasted something so exquisite that it had changed his life forever. Brian was intrigued by that tone, and found himself nodding his head before he could stop the muscles from moving. After all, hadn't everyone had such desires? Rocky seemed pleased by his motion, and actually stepped forward to take his hand.

"Then come with me. I can show you a world where there are no rules, no restrictions... no one to tell you no..." Rocky began to slowly pull him towards the door - Brian gave halt for only a moment.

"I still don't really know what's going on..." But his voice was waning... he was already so tempted to see what was behind the door that he nearly sprang forward without hesitation. Rocky gave another tug, and his other hand stretched out and took the doorknob.

"You'll know soon enough. And once you know? You'll never be sated." And before Brian could argue, or tell him to stop (Or go, for that matter) Rocky opened the door, and a brilliant white light almost seemed to burst forward, engulfing them both and eating away everything else.

For a moment, Brian thought that he had been blinded by the light. However, as his vision slowly returned to him... he realized that he wasn't in the room anymore. There was no sight of the door - there was no sight of the building, for that matter. There was a wide, open sky... and sunlight beating down into his gaze. "Where...?" But before he could finish the question, he noticed something else...

The world that he was in was so... small. The buildings were miniature size - as though he had walked in on a model, and he was Godzilla on the set. He couldn't believe it - he would have thought it fake, had he not heard the screams of shocked surprise and terror, and seen the tiny people driving in their toy sized cars and scurrying about beneath them as though to escape the wrath of some monster.

A world with power, a world where you were never told no. A world where you could release your inhibitions...

Was this what he had meant? Something inside of Brian nearly gave a primal growl, but he couldn't help the hesitance and nervousness that was boiling in his stomach. "Are we supposed to...?" His arm gestured out, sweeping over the entire city. Though his movements said nothing and his words even less, it seemed as though Rocky got the picture. Without answering, he turned. His hand darted down and he plucked one of the cars from the street as though it were a plaything.

Inside, Brian could see a man and a woman screaming, too frightened to open the doors in an attempt to escape. Instead, they held on to their seats as though the grip could save them. Rocky chuckled, and for the first time Brian could see that there was a wicked malice behind that playful and sweet tone. He rocked the car back and forth and brought it to his lips. For a moment, the people inside screamed so loudly that even Brian could hear them. The car was placed between Rocky's teeth, and he gave a gentle bite to it - metal screeched, and for a moment, Brian thought he was going to bite it in half. However, he shook his head, still grinning, and pulled it from between his lips.

"It's your first time. You try." He held the car up face level with Brian, and tilted his head. "One big gulp - once you have a taste, you'll never have enough."

"I don't know..." The car was still trembling in front of him, like a little appetizer. Rocky's gaze was imploring, and Brian couldn't help himself. His tongue darted out, licking against the metal. Though he didn't know it, that teasing gesture frightened the people inside more than if he had simply consumed the car whole. That scream, in tandem with the taste of metal seemed to wake something up inside of Brian - he'd never really felt it before... but suddenly he wanted those screams, wanted the metal.

"C'mon. You'll really like it... just open up." Rocky stepped forward, actually wrapping one arm around Brian's waist. The canine felt his entire body flare up in heat - he'd thought the squirrel was cute... but the attraction that he was feeling for him now was unreal. That, in tandem with his other needs, caused him to nod and part his lips. "That's my boy..." And, writhing his body against him so that Brian could feel the beginning of an arousal, Rocky pushed the car between Brian's lips, guiding it back into his throat. As his mouth closed, Brian heard the screams echoing violently in his mouth for a moment... and then, with one swallow, they disappeared down his throat. The taste of it... the feel of what he had just done burned through Brian. His eyes closed, and he could feel his own cock hardening. Was this really his present? Was he really allowed to do this?

"Is this really happening?" Brian couldn't help but to ask... and both of Rocky's hands slid around him now. The squirrel held him tight for a moment, and whispered in his ear, "See for yourself. Play for a while, Brian... I think you'll find that you like what you see... what you can do. I'll see you soon."

And before he had so much as a chance to cling back, to ask the squirrel not to go, Rocky took to the air with his arms spread wide. A flying squirrel... of course.

Brian was left alone, blanketed by the sunlight and the sound of screams. To his left, the entire city was his playground. To his right, a bay seemed to taunt and call to him. Though the thought of rampaging through the city was alluring, Brian couldn't quite bring himself to do that yet. The bay seemed soft... safe...

After all, why wouldn't he want to take a bath?

Without hesitation, the decision was made. He nearly romped to the bay, and jumped in as though it were a giant pool just waiting for him. He felt the waves of water as his mass displaced the liquid around him... he watched it roll and ripple, capsizing toy sized boats in the harbor. Something about the entire situation was so satisfying that Brian could hardly contain the laughter that wanted to spill from his chest. Instead, he waded out into the water until he was waist deep, and then began to splash around as though he were in the largest tub that he had ever been in before. His hand stretched out and took one of the boats as though it were a toy put there for him to play with. He watched as some of the crew quickly jumped overboard and began to swim desperately for shore. Others, however, seemed too frightened to do so... and soon they were too far above the water to risk jumping without killing themselves. For a moment, Brian simply played with the boat, waving it through the air, pretending he was sailing on invisible waves. His dark eyes focused on the men and women aboard, and he gave a small grin. Without hesitation, his voice rang out.

"Dive, dive!" And before the people aboard the ship could do anything, Brian brought the boat down to the water so quickly that he could hear the air ripping through the sails. The splash of water soaked his face. He saw tiny bodies floating lifelessly in the water as he lifted the ship again. Some still clung (or perhaps were simply stuck) to the bow of the boat. He saw the captain inside of the ship, clinging for dear life to the wheel. "Mmmm..."

He didn't think twice about it as he brought the ship to his lips. It was larger than the car, so he had some trouble with it - he had to break the sail from it and toss it aside. Doing that, he could easily slide it down his throat - he felt the bodies, the wood... the taste of the salt from the sea played thick and scrumptious against the back of his throat... it was so delicious. So perfect.

And he wanted more.

It was like a child who had just discovered candy for the first time and was suddenly released inside of an entire factory full of it. Brian dove into the water and began to swim through it. "Da dumm..." The theme from Jaws was half sang aloud, so that it boomed around the bay as he swam. "Da dumm...." He quickly picked up the pace of the music, and started to swim straight for an ocean liner. As the climax of the music sounded, he opened his mouth - though he got a throat full of ocean water... his lips clamped around the front of the ship, teeth digging in. It was more than a mouth full. Where he had simply been hungry before, to feel such a large thing slide between his lips, play at the back of his throat, Brian was suddenly and uncontrollably horny. He felt his cock growing in the warm ocean water, hidden from view by the murky waves.

Both hands moved to clasp around the ship. He lifted it from the water, sitting back so that he was half floating. His head tilted back, and he took the white vessel deeper into his throat, like it was a large cock pulsating and ready for him.

Screams could be heard, he felt it as people ground against the deck and through his teeth, slicking the ship even more. He didn't care... it was so sexual, so perfect. The people on lower rooms watched in horror as they entered into the mouth of the enormous dog, only to be brought back out. He deep throated the vessel as though he wanted to feel it cum inside of his throat. He sucked and licked, lapped at it. While one hand gripped the back of it tight, the other worked, pumping against it as though it were a large cock, while he sucked in tandem with the motion of his hands.

For a moment, Brian forgot about everything around him. He had never felt anything so pleasurable as this... he had never felt anything that truly brought him to new heights of arousal like the motion of foreplay with this ship was doing. It was as though he was awakening a part of him that he had never known existed. His tongue curled around the bottom of the ship, and he brought it in even further, so that it curved and worked down his throat - hitting against his gag reflex, he had to draw it back out quickly. Saliva drenched, with people still screaming in terror, it was the perfect fuck toy. He didn't want to give it up. He knew, however, that there were so many toys to play with... so many things to do. He didn't want to miss a thing. He didn't want to waste a moment.

But he couldn't just leave this situation how it was. His body was burning, craving more attention. The foreplay wasn't enough, he needed more. He lowered the ship to the water again, and then began to press down. Like an ocean liner that had struck an iceberg, it began to submerge, sinking down into the depths of the water. He saw people floating, trying to swim... people trying to escape... and he knew that people were trapped inside. He knew that there were people who could see the murky depths of the water. Perhaps a shark, or fish... but more than anything, the approaching body that it was drawing closer and closer to. He brought the ship around until the tapered front pressed to the aching hole of his anus. Closing his eyes tight, he gave a loud moan of pleasure as the tip of the ship pushed past the ring of muscle and began to slip inside of him.

"Oh, God..." His other hand came around, pumping his cock hard and fast, so that the motion brought waves into the water. "This... feels... so good..." He couldn't help but to bite his lower lip as he pressed the ship inside of him even more. The people still inside were treated with a few of his pink rectum, of muscles that ached and pulled hungrily, drawing the ship further and further inside. It was the last thing that they would ever see, screaming and horrified, as they were pushed further into the depths of his core. Brian had the ship a third of the way inside of him when he felt his body pulling, sucking it in faster than his hands were pushing. He moved, letting his body do the rest of the work. Cheeks clenching tight, he ass began to suck the metal of the ship inside. He could feel it caressing his inner walls as his hand pumped harder, working around the warmth of the water to simulate his cock, so that he gave another loud moan of ecstasy. The ship was half inside of him, and he could hear metal screeching, bending forming to the shape of his body.

Brian's head tossed back in pure pleasure as his muscles hungrily pulled the ship inside of him completely. His hand squeezed his cock tight and then let go. He could have found release in that moment, but Brian wasn't ready to quit yet. Oh no... there were too many things to eat, to feel, to fuck, to play with. He wanted more.


It was only the second time that Rocky had been given the pleasure of this experience, but he knew that it was something that he would be addicted to for the rest of his life. His first experience had been one of discovery, of playfulness... and of learning that there was a darker side to him that he had never known about before. Always chipper, hyper, he learned that there was a malice and cruelty behind that when it came to such power as what one was given in this situation. At that moment, those needs were overtaking him - he wanted to play before he met back up with Brian. He was going to make sure that the canine had an experience that he would never forget.

But first, Rocky wanted to pleasure himself.

The airport was in the center of the city, and it was where he headed first. After all, there was nothing more fun than taking to the skies like a giant, flying monster. He knew how things worked even better than before... and since he had done this last, there were a few things that he desperately wanted to try out. The planes were still taking off, perhaps out of fear, or perhaps because they simply hadn't been informed of what was happening in their city. Regardless, Rocky took off with them. He saw as one silver aircraft took off from the runway... a dark chuckle escaped him, and he flew ahead of it, half masking himself in the cover of the clouds.

When the plane came to speed, and began to lift into the air, he began to speed towards it. As it climbed, he opened his mouth wide. After all, it wouldn't be able to swerve, it wouldn't be able to maneuver. At the last moment, he pulled himself up so that the plane was faced with the gaping of his jaw - as he expected, there was a brief shudder, as though the pilot tried to stop... tried to do anything to get out of the way of his obvious fate... but there was nothing that he could do.

The plane, like fast food, flew straight into his mouth - he angled his body so that it caught in his throat. The strength of his muscles helped the plane to glide smoothly and effortlessly into his stomach. He groaned in satisfaction and pleasure, knowing that the passengers had seen his teeth, seen his throat, and were now seeing the stomach acid surrounding them, slowly eating through the metal. They were still screaming inside of him, and had he been able to, he would have put his own ear to his stomach to hear. The satisfied laughter that spilled from his throat was far too innocent for the thoughts that it was correlated with... but he couldn't help himself. He wanted more.

He dove down to the airway as another airliner was zooming in preparation for takeoff. As he flew downward, he let saliva drench against his fingers. The appendages moved to his ass, and dove inside. Both fingers wriggled and writhed for a moment, soaking his hungry hole, preparing him. He flipped his body around, coming to all fours in a near crash in front of the plane. Again, the pilot had no time to move, no time to do anything. At full speed and nearly ready for takeoff, the aircraft came speeding forward and rammed into Rocky's ass like a cock hungry to feel his clenching core around it. The squirrel gave a scream of pure pleasure as the nose actually pushed past the tight ring of muscle and entered inside of him. The entire situation was so erotic that he wanted to cum - he actually felt his hardened and ready tip give a small little dribble of precum as though to warn him that too much excitement would do him in.

He knew he had more control than that - the plane couldn't move. Instead, it was slowly drawn foot by foot deeper inside of him by clenching ass muscles that seemed famished. His hand moved back, pushing it deeper into his core. His eyes rolled back, and another moan was echoed by the screams of the people at the airport who watched what occurred. Behind him, people attempted to escape through emergency exits... to do anything. His hand snapped around it, forcing them to stay inside of the plane as it was pushed deeper into his aching and ready ass. Tiny fists pounded against doors and windows. People screamed, they cried... and Rocky pushed the nose of the plane deeper inside of him, until he was met with the spread of the wings that gave him halt.

With a small growl as the pleasure being cut off, both of his hands moved behind him - he snapped the wings off as though they were nothing more than a nuisance, and then shoved the plane deeper inside of him. It seemed to glide now, as though his own ass were providing lubrication for the pleasurable experience. His eyes rolled back into his skull, and his entire body shivered in pure pleasure as the metal pushed deeper, pulled his ass open to take it all in, so that the hole was spread wide and hungry. With one final push, the tip of the plan disappeared inside of him. The perfect, phallic shaped metal filled his core.

Perfect... phallic shaped...

Rocky suddenly had an idea - that was enough alone time. There was someone that he was here to play with, after all. Lifting himself up, he snatched another plane that was awaiting take off in the runway. Looking down, his eyes met with the pilot, and he chuckled. "I can't wait to show you where you're going..."

With that teasing taunt, he turned and made his way towards where he had last saw Brian. It wasn't like it was going to be that hard to find such a large canine in such a small city.

He was a dog, of course he had the urge to chase cars. However, as the fifth vehicle that he had chased and caught slide down his throat, Brian could feel the slight bulge in his stomach that told him that he needed to slow down. There were so many more things to taste, to touch, to play with... he didn't want the experience over before it had even begun. He was going to have to remember to thank Jasper - he had no idea what had brought his cousin to this place, or what had caused him to think of Brian... but he was going to be eternally grateful to him for showing him a side of himself that he would never have known otherwise.

Brian was even reluctant to think about returning to the world - why couldn't he just stay here forever? He didn't want to think about it. He didn't have to think about it. All that he had to think about was exactly what he wanted to play with next. A whistling sound seemed to speak to him, as though to say, "Have you forgotten about me?" The train that zoomed beside him was the perfect candidate. He spun on his heels and chased after it as it disappeared into a long, underground tunnel. His eyes scanned, and sure enough, he saw the end of the tunnel towards the edge of town. Just as he made it there and came down on all fours to wait for the train to reappear, Rocky landed beside him, gracefully falling from the air.

In the squirrel's hand, a plane was held. Brian could still see the people inside, screaming, panicking, unsure of their fate. His brows hiked, and a grin spread across his lips. "This is..."

"Amazing?" Rocky gave a small grin, and leaned forward. "I know. And now I want to see how amazing it is with you. Get on all fours and put your ass in the air, Brian." The squirrel's voice was both demanding and full of eroticism. Though Brian would have never pegged him for a top, he could see that Rocky was just that. More than that... he felt his cock give a nearly painful squeeze - a demand that he do what the squirrel said. Without hesitation, he got onto all fours, though his eyes still watched for the train to emerge. "That's right... now, let me show you what this world is really all about."

Without warning or hesitation, Rocky let his head lower down. Brian could feel his warm, hot tongue playing circles around his core. He licked and lapped, as though he could taste the remnants of the ocean liner that Brian had already taken inside of him. The squirrel seemed intent upon soaking every inch of his hole. The whistle of the train was almost like an allusion to Brian's own desire - it was burning inside of him... so strong. He didn't know how he was going to hold on. The canine gave a low growl, thrusting his entire body back. Rocky seemed to be waiting for that - he moved his face away, and what Brian thrust against was the nose of the plane that Rocky had brought with him. He gave an actual howl of pleasure, but then quickly moved his head down as he saw the lights of the train - Brian's mouth closed over the exit hole of the underground tunnel, and as Rocky broke the wings of the plane off and began to thrust the aircraft inside of Brian, the canine felt it as the train sped up the tracks and actually rocketed straight into his mouth. The metal crashed against the back of his throat, while the metal of the plane was thrust deep inside of his ass like a cock aching and ready to fuck him.

It was so pleasurable that Brian could feel precum dribbling at his tip. Rocky seemed to sense it, because his hand came down, and while he pumped the plane into Brian's ass, he worked at the dog's cock, squeezing and jacking him off as though he meant to make him cum then and there. Brian growled the train still in his mouth - his head lifted back slightly, and the cars lifted with him. Half in the tunnel, half hanging in the air, Brian bit the first car off and swallowed it. However, the people in front of him were so delicious, so tasty. They were screaming... and he felt so toyed with, so pleasured... that Brian couldn't help but to tease them.

He let his tongue run along the length of the train, casting a look over his shoulder as he did so. The motion seemed to incense Rocky behind him, because the squirrel's paw worked harder against Brian's cock, pumping and working it, small thumb rolling over his head and playing at the little divot at his tip. Brian gave a howl of pleasure that brought more screams from the people inside of his toy. That howl seemed to be too much for Rocky.

"Guh, I want to fuck you..." The words came out of the squirrel's throat in a near growl. He pulled the plane from the depths of Brian's ass and brought the tip of it to his mouth. His sharp teeth bit the end of it off easily - and suddenly he was left with a gaping hole. For a moment, he let go of Brian's cock and brought the plane to his own. He thrust hard inside of it - the people still within the cabin screamed as an enormous cock ripped the seats away, plastered and crushed them to the wall. Those who were still alive were stuck, some had been crushed and smeared in red streaks along the walls. For a moment, Rocky worked in and out of the plane, pumping his cock inside of the cabin until it was crushed smooth, until it was perfect. Brian looked back at him, aroused by what the squirrel was doing. Rocky slid it onto his cock completely, covering himself and giving Brian a wink. "Safety first, after all."

Brian suddenly understood - Rocky was using the plane like a condom. With some of the passengers still inside and screaming, and with the pilot left in the cockpit so that he was given the perfect view of what was about to happen... Brian couldn't help but to think that it was one of the most arousing moments of his life. Thrusting his ass even further into the air, the dog looked over his shoulder and spoke in a husky voice. "Fuck me..."

Rocky seemed all too willing to oblige. Both hands came forward and grabbed Brian's hips, and with one thrust, he was deep inside of the canine's tight ass. Brian's hole opened wide, taking in the girth of the plane. It was only the thickness of Rocky's cock that kept the metal around his length, that and his hand holding the base of his shaft. There was something so pleasurable about the feel of it, though. Rocky could feel Brian's core clenching tight around the metal - his own cock inside of it was slipping and working around, lubricated by people, by his own precum that seemed to flood the cabin now. The entire situation was so arousing that he wanted to scream and find release in that very instant.

However, he seemed as unwilling as Brian to let the moment pass without making it last for as long as possible. Carefully, Brian opened his lips - it was hard to concentrate, but there was something that he wanted to do. Instead of taking the train apart car by car, he wanted to take it all in... to eat it slowly, drawing it between his lips like a long string of spaghetti. He wanted each passenger to see what was happening, so that they all ran screaming for the back of the train before he completely consumed it. He brought the first car back to his lips and began to suck slowly, swallowing reflexively and often. Rocky, watching behind him, slapped his ass once, hard. "That's right, take it all in. Do it while I fuck you."

Brian was only too eager to comply - he began to suck the train down, car by car - it was hard, he could barely breathe around it, but it feel it coiling up in his stomach was so pleasurable that he could hardly hold back the moans that would have choked him. Rocky continued to thrust and work him, hand pumping his cock, plane covered dick thrusting hard and fast inside of him so that Brian could feel the metal work and play against the channel of his ass.

As though he wasn't pleased with the angle, or as though he knew that he wasn't hitting Brian in the perfect spot, Rocky changed the angle of his hips. The dog howled, nearly choking on the train - the plane worked against his prostate gland now, and Brian began to see stars with the pleasure that was pouring through him. Precum drizzled so thick and fast from his tip that the squirrel's hand was soaked with it. He sucked down another three cars, and noticed that the end of the train was in sight, peeking out of the tunnel.

He sucked the train harder, and that seemed to only inspire Rocky to fuck him more vigorously, as though he refused to let Brian finish the train before he brought him to orgasm. Though he wanted to prove the squirrel wrong, the burning feeling that was building up inside of him argued with him... he wasn't going to make it. It wasn't going to make it, and he knew it as the pressure of orgasm that was nearly at the surface engulfed him and send his entire body quivering and shaking.

Rocky's thrusting came harder and faster, until Brian was left screaming. The last car of the train was brought between his lips, swallowed along with the rest. He couldn't tell if the shouts were from the people inside of his body, or from himself... he didn't care. The feel of Rocky thrusting so hard inside of him made him completely lose his mind. With both hands digging into the ground and his ass high up in the air, Brian felt himself cum. His ass clenched tight around Rocky's cock. His orgasm was hard enough that it pulled the plane straight from the squirrel's length, sucking it deep inside of him. The sensation seemed to be enough to make Rocky himself lose control. Suddenly, the squirrel was met with the feel of Brian's muscles working and squeezing around his arousal. His hands dug hard into Brian's hips, and he began to thrust and work harder, his paw once more coming down to pump at Brian's spouting cock.

Cum spilled in thick, white streams from Brian's tip as he came. Rocky's fucking was so intoxicating that he didn't know if he would ever stop. The pleasure that overwhelmed him was more than he could stand... so much that he was dizzied - he could feel the plane crashing against the ship that he had taken in earlier, he could feel Rocky's tip thrusting it all deeper inside of him. He could feel thick ropes of his cum spilling from his tip and slapping against the ground with such force that it snapped trees in half, carved holes into the earth. Brian screamed, and he came, slamming his fist into the ground as he did so, head tossing back, eyes rolling as another jet of cum escaped him.

Rocky couldn't hold on any longer, it seemed. The way that Brian was working and writhing, thrusting his body back hard against the squirrel's grey frame was more than he could take. That, in tandem with the way that Brian's muscled core clenched around his cock as though it mean to keep him forever was too much. With his eyes closing and a pleasured scream pouring from his throat, Rocky gave Brian's ass a final slap and felt his own cum burning and pouring from his tip. It jetted inside of Brian, lubricating his insides, and causing the ship and plane to slick even further into the dog's depths. Rocky thrust hard, fucking Brian as though he had never fucked before. He worked in fast, deep, so that his testicles slapped against Brian's ass. His hand around Brian's cock had finally stopped moving as the dog's orgasm died down. Slicked with cum, his palm gave a final squeeze as Rocky let his own cock completely paint Brian's insides.

He filled him to the point that cum began to dribble and drip from Brian's stretched hole to the ground... and still there was more. Rocky's eyes rolled back into his head, and the squirrel felt his body jerking, writhing, until he collapsed forward, falling against Brian with a low moan; his hips gave one final thrust, and then both squirrel and dog seemed to slip forward, falling to the ground with Rocky's cock still buried deep inside of Brian as they clung to one another.

As though that final orgasm had marked something, that dazzling white light spilled around them yet again. Both seemed unable to move, to protest... to say that they were not yet ready to go - they were completely wrapped up in the pleasure that was still floating through them. The world around them faded, and as the light died, down... was once more replaced with that room and the red door which closed in front of them.

That smooth voice that had greeted Brian, what had seemed ages ago, came over an intercom.

"Thank you for choosing Akira's Fantasy Service. We hope that you enjoyed your trip... make sure to sign up for your next pleasure at the front desk before leaving." That voice seemed tinged with laughter, and though he was sure it was automated, something about it seemed to know exactly what had happened. For a moment, they simply laid there on the ground... until finally, they rolled apart.

Brian and Rocky looked at one another, and then began to speak at the same time. Brian quickly cut himself off.

"Go ahead..." He gave a small, almost shy grin to Rocky, whose own mischievous and playful grin told him that he was going to ask what Brian had wanted to.

"Well... I was just wondering if you'd like to sign up for another session..." Rocky's hand came out, trailing at Brian's jaw. Brian gave a small grin.

"Nothing in this world would bring me more pleasure..." The canine grinned, and sat back on his heels. "When would you want to...?" He trailed off, still half shy in the moment, but wanting more already.

Rocky seemed to be of the same mindset, because the squirrel, in the most innocent voice possible answered him, "Well, I'm free for the rest of the day..."

Laughter spilled from Brian's throat, and he stood up. Offering Rocky a hand, he pulled the squirrel to his feet and nodded before answering him with a soft chuckle, "Then let's find that front desk..."

And hand in hand, dog and squirrel made their way out of the room, leaving the red door behind for the moment in the quest for another adventure.