Big, Bad, and Oh-So-Wolfie Chapter 3

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#4 of Big Bad Wolf

I was about to make the third story about the Three Little Pigs and Wolfie exclusively, but one thing led to another (in this case, another trip into a scene from Renart the Fox's ongoing saga), and here you have it. I'll write more about sexy little pigs next time.

Big, Bad, and Oh-So-Wolfie

Chapter 3: Being Reasonable

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Red's eyes fluttered open as she felt the first kiss of the sun on her cheek. After the sensation of brightness forced her eyes closed once more, the next sensation to strike her naked skin was one of coldness. Wolf wasn't next to her any more.

That realization made the slim redhead start up, eyes wide and almost panicked, clutching the bedclothes to her bare chest. But then she saw the shaggy-furred beast only a short distance away, standing on his hind legs before the big fireplace as he stirred the morning's porridge (her breakfast, she realized, and not his), and leaned back against the backboard. She glanced to the side and saw her dark-haired Grandma, dressed in her common daily dress and bonnet, cleaning her glasses on the hem as she sat in the smaller bed that the middle-aged woman had once used for guests, and which she now took for herself.

"Be sure to add just a touch of cinnamon," she commented, and Red watched in some amazement as her Wolf did just that, sprinkling a dash of one of the many little spice containers in a rack near-to-paw into the mix in the smaller pot. Grandma seemed to sense Red's eyes on her, and the older woman turned to give her granddaughter a pleasant smile as she replaced her glasses.

"He insisted," she explained. "The brute came to me when I was pottering about before dawn and wanted to know what you liked best for breakfast, and how to make it, so I showed him the basics and then have been just watching ever since. That's done it, I believe," she called out to Wolf, whereupon the dark-furred animal spooned out a sizable quantity into two wooden bowls, sticking wooden spoons into them both and bringing them over to where Grandma and Red were sitting in their beds.

"Thank you," said Red, giving Wolf a hug that threatened to spill the bowl in his paws as he came over to her. "But what are you going to eat?"

"Oh, something'll come up," replied Wolf with a grin as he slowly parted from the energetic girl's grip.

"You're going to eat somebody, aren't you?" Red accused, looking up at Wolf with her brilliant blue eyes as she stirred the oats in milk in her bowl. "I know that it's your nature, but I want you to promise me that you'll at least try some other way of getting what you want today than just gobbling up the former owner and then snatching it."

Wolf cleared his throat, and would have tugged on his collar if he'd had one. Girl had hit his plans right on the head! Now how was he supposed to make the Three Little Pigs give him what he wanted? But...he loved Red. That last realization, still as strong as it had always been, made him heave a long sigh of defeat.

"All right, Red," he said, and meant it. "I promise I won't steal anything. I don't promise I won't eat anybody, but I do promise that I'll do my best to avoid it if I can." He shrugged, his expression a bit sour. "You know how the rules for these stories go, after all."

"All right," said Red with a smile - it was progress, and she'd take what she could get from this bad old wolf. Even a little was just that much more proof that he was indeed trying to change. For her! "Are you going to be leaving right away?"

The Big Bad Wolf picked up the suggestion and promise in those words, and had to gnaw on the knuckles of one paw to keep himself under control.

"I can't stay, Red," he said, and she knew from his tone that it was true. "I want to linger a bit, but," his shaggy head shook, his tail drooping a bit, "well, this is going to take all day as it is, and I want to be back by tonight." 'To be with you,' hung, unspoken, in the air, but felt by them both.

"Well," said Red with a grin as she lifted the first spoonful of porridge to her mouth. "Anything special, or will we just spend a nice evening at home?"

"Heh, somethin' special, all right," said Wolf with a grin. "Come dusk, have Grandma show you the way to the Three Bears' house. We're gonna have a little party over there, to celebrate some good news I hope to be able to give you by then." Then he rolled his large yellow eyes. "Or to commiserate over some bad news if I don't make it. See you then, all right?"

"See you tonight," Red answered readily, leaning forward to press her lips against Wolf's muzzle before he turned and loped out the door, dropping back to all-fours in a transition that she still hadn't gotten used to: the transition from civilized and genial to savage and bestial. "I suppose we'd best get ready for this party," she commented to Grandma over her porridge.

"Suppose so," agreed the older woman. "We'll need to get something cooking, too, to bring over. Just plain manners, after all."


Third, called so because of tradition, the sheer potential size of a standard litter of piglets, and the lack of creativity on the part of her mother, nodded in deep satisfaction as she set the last of the bricks in place on the massive fireplace of her house. She'd even installed a nice, big oven to one side as a little experiment and rubbed her hands together in eagerness. Third was a slightly plump little pig, though she'd kept off most of the fat associated with her kind through constant hard work, giving her a firm, stocky build that sometimes threatened to burst out against her slightly too-tight blue denim overalls and the snug t-shirt she wore beneath it. Third was good-looking, actually, and she knew it, especially knowing (and loving) how the boys around town would stare at her butt and breasts when she came in for supplies every so often. So, since she had it, she saw no reason not to flaunt it. After all, boys were so cute when they drooled. Pathetic things, really, but still fun to tease.

"So much to do, and never enough time for it all," Third said with a sigh as she mentally reviewed the day's various activities. "Well, I suppose, as long as there aren't any interruptions, I should still be able to get through the majority of it."

It was, of course, at that very moment that there was a knock at the door. Third rolled her eyes at the irony of the interruption, and went to the sturdy, well-made wooden door, pulling back the curtain by its side. As soon as she saw who it was, however, her eyes widened in surprise. She was so surprised, in fact, that she simply stood there, her mouth open for several minutes. It was the Big Bad Wolf!

"Hey, Third," said the wolf in a friendly enough fashion (but then, he always was friendly, at least at first). "Um, got a few minutes? I've got a business proposal for ya."

"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin," said Third with a teasing smirk, regaining her composure to stroke her perfectly smooth chin. That finger then continued its journey, down her neck, and then just over the full front of her overalls. Third couldn't help but grin as she saw Wolf's yellow eyes following her finger with surprised interest: typical male. "I don't think we'll ever have any business with each other, Wolfie. After all, you've tried many times to get into my house." And other things hung unsaid on the air between them. "And you've been ever-so-clever in your attempts. I really don't think I should trust you. After all, a big boy like yourself could gobble up a sweet little thing like me."

Despite himself, Wolf growled at this. Blasted pig! Third had been the lucky pig in the story'd been centuries, and then only in some obscure versions, little know by anybody, or some retellings that deliberately strayed from the original, but seldom had any actual influence on the way things ran in the world of fantasy. And for quite a long time after that, she'd been the one to save her two sisters, so that the Big Bad Wolf always went hungry when he tried to get at some juicy pork. Over the years, the relationship between Wolf and Third had started out as purely antagonistic, with Third in terror of what the wolf could do to her, but thinking quickly to save herself from his clutches. But it had evolved from there, as all such relationships do, just as Wolf's relationship with Red had evolved. Unlike with Red, however, where hunger and lust had turned to love, with Third, it was all about the teasing. Third was an incorrigible flirt, unattainable, untouchable, unreachable, and she knew it. Smoking hot as well as succulently delicious, as Wolf's eyes and nose told him plainly, she'd grown used to Wolf being unable to reach her. Her sisters might quake and cower and squeal in fright at the sight of the Big Bad Wolf, knowing that at any moment an older version of the story might play out, but not Third. First and Second would have to run for their lives at some point, or else they were in very real danger of being seized, stripped, and gobbled up on the spot, or else dragged back to Wolf's lair for an even worse fate. All Third had to do was hide in her house and wait out the story. Then, when all was said and done, she'd have wolf for dinner.

"Naw, I'm legitimate this time," Wolf said, trying hard to ignore how Third was unbuttoning her overalls right in front of him. "I didn't even go to First or Second before coming here. You know I hafta get into their houses first before I can even try to eat you."

"Maybe you were just in the mood for something a little...mmm...sweeter today," said Third with a teasing wink, before she pushed her overalls down her perfectly smooth pink body, then kicked them away, standing there in just her t-shirt. It turned out, she was completely smooth everywhere. "I know there's something that I'd like to eat," Third continued, her hands stroking up her trim tummy, firm and tight despite the slight love handles on her hips. She caught the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and then tossing it to join her discarded overalls. "And I like to eat it," she said, licking her lips as she looked Wolf up and down, noting smugly the swelling of his large sheath, "naked."

Drooling despite himself, Wolf watched as Third cupped her full breasts in her small hands, licking his chops as she caressed the plump mounds, then tweaked and squeezed her dark nipples between her fingers, rolling them as she whimpered in rising lust. Reaching out to pull the curtain wide, letting Wolf see everything, Third stroked her other hand back down her body, and then over her naked pubis, and finally into the tiny crease of her untouched piggy pussy.

Giving a soft cry of rising pleasure, Third turned fully away from Wolf, then bent, baring her sweet bottom to him, letting him drool over her fine haunches and tender hams. Pressing her butt right up to the cool glass, the teasing little pig started to work her fingers into herself, watching Wolf with heavy-lidded bedroom eyes.

"I hope my sisters don't get away from you," Third said breathily. "I love listening to them squeal while you eat them." A finger popped past her flushed lower lips. "Did you know I once followed you back to your lair? It's true. You had just blown down Second's house of sticks. I watched with my telescope when you were tearing off First's clothes, and was shocked when you licked her."

With that, Third thrust a second finger into herself, giving a loud gasp at the sudden increase in penetration pressure.

"She squealed and wriggled and then tensed up, before she just went totally limp, making it easy for you to carry her off. I watched where you went, and when you came for Second, I was ready. I made sure to stay downwind while you were working that big, beautiful tongue of yours into little Second. And up close, I could see your penis! I'd never seen a boy's penis before then. Now I've seen several. Even sucked on a few, too, though never to climax."

A third finger slowly, carefully, squeezed its way next to the first two. Third fell to her knees, her thighs shuddering as they grew slick with the copious juices running down her legs now.

"But none of those boys have ever been as big as you," Third continued, her voice tense, the strain of pleasure obvious as she started to work her fingers, nice and slow for now, but slowly building up speed. "I watched you make her cum - that's what you did, though I didn't realize it then - before you tossed her over your shoulder, and off you went with her, with me just a short distance behind. You were too busy putting your fingers in her, and telling her all the terrible, wonderful things you were going to do to her back at your lair, and she was too busy sobbing and squirming and begging you not to do them, so neither of you noticed me. I waited for so long at the mouth of your den, listening to the echoing cries and squeals of my sisters - both of them! - and your wicked, sexy laugh and growls and grunts while you did, indeed, do terrible, horrible, wicked, and wonderful things to both of my sexy sisters."

Her bottom hiked high, her cheeks flushed as she watched Wolf's face, not able to see below his waist in her current position, but knowing from his expression what she'd see, Third reached back with her other hand, and slowly, carefully squeezed a finger into the tiny, clenching bud right below her curly tail. Her whole body tensed as she did so, her eyes rolling back into her head, her mouth open as she gave the softest, sweetest little gasp of orgasm.

"I didn't have the courage to go into your den, though," Third said, panting, her eyes slowly opening again as she forced herself to stop there, to not prolong the pleasure any more. "And you ate my sisters after you'd finished with them, so they forgot everything by the next time I met them, just like they always do. But I could hear and smell their meat sizzling sweetly, and heard their muffled crying as you cooked them alive, so I know how that part of the story ended, even if I didn't see it."

Pouting in remembered disappointment, Third slowly got to her trotters, picking up her shirt and then her overalls, shimmying herself into her clothes once more before she kissed the glass on the other side from Wolf.

"So, you see, I know just what you'd like to do to me," the little pig said with a teasing wink, "and as much as I'd like to try it out, well, I know how that ends, and I'd much rather eat you than be eaten myself."

"That can be arranged," said Wolf, licking his chops some more to clear them of his copious drool. "I don't see why we can't do both, anyway. After all," he winked, "you've had me in your mouth often enough." Then he shook himself, trying to will his raging erection back into his sheathe as he turned serious once more. "No, really, Third, I just want you and your sisters to build me a house, with you in charge of the project. I've finally shacked up with Little Red Riding Hood after all these years, and she deserves somewhere really nice to live. A hole in the ground just isn't good enough for a girl like her." Wolf looked down in shame as he thought of where he often lived, comparing it to what he'd seen of human dwellings, especially the mansion of Red's family. "She deserves better than that."

"She deserves better than you," Third said with a teasing grin. "Though I suppose I spoke too soon...that is, if she likes them, mmm, big."

"Big, bad, and way too wolfy for my own good," Wolf growled quietly, making the pig giggle.

"Hmm," said Third thoughtfully, rubbing her smooth, hairless pink chin once more. "Let me think about your offer for a little b-no."

Wolf blinked at this, never quite as clever as the taunting, teasing little pig. It took him a moment to realize that she'd just turned him down.

"Why not?"

"Silly wolf," Third said, giggling even more. "You're actually wanting to break with tradition. You actually want to hire me and my sisters to do contract work, rather than try to gobble us up? It can't be done." She nodded decisively.

"I ate the woodsman and Red has accepted me as my mate," said Wolf, folding his arms. "It can be done."

"You still don't understand," said Third, waggling a finger at the huge, hairy beast outside her window. "I'm not saying that you can't change. Or that the story can't be changed. I'm saying that I don't want to change; I like things as they are. And if you can't get me to help you, then you can't change anything at all." She blew him a kiss. "Come again soon...I'll be having a friend over for dinner."

The curtains then slid back into place, leaving Wolf staring at the floral-patterned cloth.

"Hey Third," he called out, though not angrily - not yet. "Ever think about your sisters? You know I'm coming: you could tell 'em I'm on my way. 'cause I am. That way, you'd save all three of you, and nobody has to lose a house."

The curtain tugged aside slightly once more.

"Where is the fun in that?" Third answered, before sticking out her tongue at the shaggy wolf as he stood on two legs to better speak with her in civilized fashion. Then the curtain closed again and did not part another time, no matter how Wolf tried to get Third's attention.


Back in the cool shade of the forest, still panting a bit from the heat of the day around the three hills where the Three Little Pigs lives, made all the more strenuous from the effort of staying on two legs, Wolf lowered himself to all-fours and started to trot through the woods, grateful for the return to a place where he felt most comfortable. He had no idea how he'd adapt to living in a house like he was going to have made for Red, but he would do anything to make her happy, even if it meant giving up a little of his own comfort.

"Silly fox," growled Wolf, lowering his nose to the forest floor near the tree where he should have met Reynard by now. "When was the last time he was on time for anyth-?"

Wolf's soliloquy suddenly cut off as he heard a woman's shrill voice piercing the air.

"Get me out of here, you rogue! You knave! You trickster!" snarled the voice. "Stop that licking this instant - I'm in distress, and all you can think to do is...ah! AH! AAAAAHHHH!" The next words were tense, choked out only with great and obvious effort. " won't get away with, ngh, with this, you ra-Oh!-rascal! I'll see to it that my husband has your tail staked to a mmmph!"

As the female voice - an oh-so-familiar one, Wolf noted - was suddenly cut off to a mere muffled outcry, Wolf crept forward towards the noises filling the air, then parted the underbrush with his paws. His eyes were immediately presented with the delightful image of a well-formed, though slightly plump, grey-furred rump, its tail pinned up and out of the way against its owner's waist by a loop of firm wood, the upthrust curl of a tree root that had obviously been just a little bit too small for the rump's owner to pass through all the way. On the other end of that encircling root, Wolf could see Reynard, smiling pleasantly and quite naked, as he finished cinching his belt around the muzzle of the she-wolf, holding a small, wadded-up bundle of clothing - likely her undergarments - in place, effectively muzzling her.

"Silly Hersent," chuckled the mischievous and rakishly handsome fox as he reached around, his cunning fingers sliding into the smooth crease of the she-wolf's upraised, trapped bottom, making her whimper as he stroked her puffy, flushed, furry labia, then spread them apart, exposing her inner pink places to Wolf's gaze. "Here I was just innocently testing a skeleton key to make sure it worked, and you simply couldn't leave well enough alone." Reynard winked at Wolf as he circled the trapped and helpless she-wolf, Isengrim's wife, bending over to start running his tongue with subtle skill over and into the struggling female's clenching, soaking wet slit. "Of course," he added with another wink at the watching wolf, pausing in his slow oral teasing to continue speaking, "I was testing it on the bathing room of Isengrim's tower just as the lovely Hersent was taking her bath. My but it was a fine sight, watching her lift each long, lovely leg, running her dainty paws over her deliciously buoyant breasts. But then I couldn't hold back a wolf's whistle, and she was up and after me in a flash." He laughed, and made the plush-bottomed she-wolf squirm as he teased his fingertip against and around her tiny tailhole. "She made quite a sight, bouncing after me down the stairs of her castle and out the door and into the woods, intent on wreaking terrible harm on my person. Now, normally I'd say that her present predicament was the result of too much haste and too little thought. But, really, I've caught the lovely Hersent in situations like this a good handful of times in the past. You'd think she'd have learned by now...unless she enjoys it, of course." He winked down at her, making the she-wolf Hersent give him such a pleading look in return. "Or perhaps this time she wants red-furred babies."

"Lecherous horndog," snorted Wolf, stepping from the bushes, rising back onto two legs as he walked forward, scenting the fertility and intense arousal of the trapped she-wolf before him. "And isn't this incest as well as adultery? I know Hermeline couldn't care less, as often as she - and you as well, I might add - end up with my older brother's balls deep inside of you both."

"Hermeline's dalliances with Isengrim might be incest," admitted Reynard thoughtfully, idly stroking the trembling, heavily-aroused the helpless female's g-spot with a well-placed finger, "since he's her half-brother. But me and Hersent? Perhaps by technicality of the law alone. But at least our babies won't have any similarity of genes. Unlike the grey-furred foxes that I see running around these days with Isengrim's eyes and fur, and Hermeline's tail and face." He snickered, making Hersent's head snap back, her bottom tensing, tailhole clenching tightly with a swift motion of his fingers that made her climax as though it were the easiest thing in the world. "Of course, I don't mind terribly, with my wife having the children of another male. They're easier to bed than their mother, or even Hersent here, and that is saying something."

Wolf eyed the helplessly presented wolfrump before him, licking his chops slowly as Reynard saw his interest, and spread Hersent's cheeks widely apart with his deft hands. The grey-furred she-wolf was soaking wet, the fur around her sex and inner thighs matted down against her skin in her eagerness. Idly, Wolf noted that Hersent was shaking her head, trying to catch his eye, her expression and soft whimpers pleading for his mercy as surely as any words, but he ignored her as he stepped forward and seized the she-wolf's tail at the base, just before she could work it free of its place trapped against her waist. She gave a high-pitched whine as he tugged her tail forcibly upward, then bent his muzzle to her flushed cunny, taking her scent.

"You plan on keeping this wolfslut all to yourself, Reynard?" Wolf asked, looking up at the smirking fox, still holding Hersent spread wide for Wolf's inspection.

"Oh, certainly not," Reynard said with a laugh. "There's plenty for all, I believe. If you don't mind sharing, that is."

"Not a bit," Wolf assured his foxfriend with a chuckle, before reaching forward to grip Reynard's hard pink cock, stroking it slowly. "You want her butt or pussy first?"

Hearing herself being so casually discussed, like livestock about to be divided up for sale at the butcher's, Hersent gave several loud protestations into her gag, struggling all the more mightily against her present situation. Her muffled words and thrashing quickly came to a halt, however, as Wolf buried his muzzle in Hersent's muff. Soon the woods around them were filled with the loud, messy slurping of Wolf, and the even louder moans and cries of Hersent as her body rocked against the tree root, uncertain of if she should try to escape or try to thrust back even more into the pleasure that her lupine brother-in-law was bringing her. Then her back-and-forth motions stopped completely, her entire body tensing up into orgasmic paralysis, as her vulpine brother-in-law joined his muzzle and tongue to the efforts of his friend. Wolf's tongue was a massive, smooth broadsword in its motions, sweeping over everything, giving strong, steady pleasure wherever it touched. Reynard's tongue, on the other hand, was a cunningly-skilled rapier in movement, tickling Hersent's pink parts here, there, and everywhere, but especially concentrating on the throbbing bud of her clitoris. Under such combined attentions, it was only a matter of time before the overwrought she-wolf was thrashing, moaning, arching, whimpering, bucking, and soon outright screaming into her gag as she came again and again and again, a helpless victim of a crime of pleasure.

Left dangling there, her arms pinned to her sides, Hersent couldn't have resisted Reynard's hands as he tilted her flanks more upward, more fully on display for both males, even if she'd wanted to. Her tail was flopped limply to the side, her eyes heavy-lidded, her cheeks flushed. She was completely at the mercy of these males now, unable to do anything to stop them, unwilling to do so anyway, drunk on pleasure as she now was. Until, suddenly, her eyes grew wide at Reynard's next words.

"In truth, I supposed that we could both fit," he said with a laugh as both he and Wolf positioned themselves behind the helpless Hersent. "I'm more long than thick, and for all your immensity of length as well as girth, you're hardly the size of the cubs she's given Isengrim...hmm...all right, close, but nevertheless...."

They...they couldn't be serious! Could they...?

Hersent's heart pounded, her head swimming almost deliriously as she felt the tip of Wolf's penis, even larger than the incredible size of his older brother, pressing against her juicy folds, parting them slightly. Then, glancing over her shoulder at some movement, her breath caught in her throat as she saw Reynard straddle her upturned rump, pressing his penis almost straight down with one hand, until he was pressed up against her plush pussy lips, and then popped just barely inside, parting their upper half even as Wolf had spread the lower half.

Kicking her legs desperately with the last of her flagging strength, trying to pull free before she was split in half, Hersent whined loudly as she felt herself stretching...stretching...and stretching some more as both males took their time, their firm, attractive rumps tensing as they fought to hold themselves back almost as much as they fought to force themselves inside of her. Then, suddenly, Wolf's powerful hands grabbed Hersent's outer thighs, and he jerked her back and free of the encircling root with effortless ease. But instead of giving her freedom, Hersent suddenly found herself hoisted upward almost vertically, her tail falling limply against her lower back, her legs spread apart as Wolf tucked each leg under one arm, and, with a loud pair of grunts, both males, fox and wolf, sank down into her until their balls pressed against her body, Wolf's against her pubis, and Reynard's just beneath her tail. In that moment, feeling herself stuffed like a Christmas goose, the full knots of both males only just barely outside of her well-stretched cunny, her hands clawing the dirt below her in feeble desperation, Hersent fought with all her mind and might to retain herself, to not lose control, to not give in. Fought, and lost, as her entire body trembled at first, and then jerked, tensing and spasming in overwhelming waves that ran through her whole body. One of those males tugged the belt around her muzzle free, and Hersent spat out her knee-length bloomers to scream bloody murder and high heaven as she was wracked to the core with orgasm after orgasm until they all blurred together, seeming to merge into a single, long, intense orgasm that never ended.

With her inner folds fluttering around them, gripping them like velvet steel, Reynard and Wolf had to work their hips good and hard to properly pound Hersent's pussy. Reynard hunched over the squirming wolfling, putting his weight behind his thrusts, his face a mask of concentration. Wolf, meanwhile, closed his eyes, letting his head fall back as he basked in the sweet squeeze of the female beneath him, and the smooth sliding of the male's cock against him. His abdominal muscles standing out in firm definition, he bared his fangs in a feral grimace of ultimate bliss, his more powerful body letting him hammer home two thrusts for every one of Reynard's.

Suddenly, like an electric shock, Wolf jerked slightly, feeling something tingling right at the base of his tail. That tingle crawled rapidly up his spine, all the way to his brain, and then back down his chest and belly, before sinking into his balls, and then all the way down his thick, plowing penis. Instantly, it was too much for him, Hersent's exquisite doublestuffed tightness striking him to the very core. His muzzle fell open, as did his eyes, and he stared at Reynard's handsome face, staring back at him, both of them panting hard as he fought to hold it back, to hold it in, just a little while longer.

Then Reynard's hand reached out, catching hold of the back of Wolf's head, and then pulling him into a firm, powerful, masculine kiss. At first Wolf's eyes widened in shock, and he half-pulled away, unsure of what to think of this. A moment later, however, Reynard's skilled tongue penetrated Wolf's muzzle, and Wolf felt his eyes roll back into his head, even as he gave himself up to the rush of orgasm.

Hersent looked up at that moment, feeling the first intense, high-pressure gush of hot wolf and fox cum into her waiting womb. She felt them working their hips over her, making sure to milk out every last drop inside her clenching, cumming body, pounding her good and hard right up to the very end. At the same time, their muzzles and tongues worked against each other in one of the most passionate kisses Hersent had ever seen, let alone experienced herself. Seeing that passion of two males against each other sent her over the edge once more, and this time, her consciousness went with her.

Breaking the kiss with Reynard, Wolf looked at the line of saliva that joined their still-extended tongues for a long moment, until he closed his mouth fully, breaking the connection. He then looked down at his brother's wife, with such a happy, satisfied smile on her face, her tail wagging slightly even in her state of bliss-filled, satiated sleep. Carefully, as Reynard eased himself out with a slight wince at how sensitive his penis was at that moment, Wolf set Hersent down and stepped back, his own cock slowly returning to its sheath, albeit reluctantly, his sheath remaining rather swollen with readiness for additional use. Wolf might have indulged himself some more with this ready and willing female, or maybe with the equally willing and ready male before him, but he still had a job to do, and he had to be back that night to be with Red.

Reynard stood there for several long moments, watching Wolf, waiting to see what the burly male would do next. The fox knew he was far too weak to resist whatever Wolf might desire, if Wolf could seize hold of the lithe fox. But Reynard had no intention of trying to get away, though he did intend to make it seem as though he were doing so, in hopes that this would excite Wolf's predatory instincts more, making him especially rough and savage with the smaller male, just the way Reynard liked it. His erection stood proud, slick, and pink before him. Wolf, however, just stood there in thought, seemingly lost in his own world.

Sighing, Reynard turned away from Wolf and picked up his belt, being sure to give numerous flashes of the snowy white of his "treasure tail," the line of white fur standing in stark contrast to the red and black of the rest of his body, running up beneath his tail to perfectly frame the tempting pink treasure hidden there. Wolf, sadly, didn't take the bait, and Reynard contented himself by carefully binding Hersent's wrists behind her back, before he gripped her bottom, lifting her up onto all-fours, her tushie held especially high while her head lay on the ground in her limp, slumbering state, and spread her cheeks wide once more. His tongue was just starting to extend, to start rimming Hersent's perfect pink tailhole, to get her nice and slick for the fun Reynard intended to have with her as soon as she woke up, when Wolf suddenly spoke.

"Skeleton key," said the big, dark-furred lupine.

"Beg pardon?" said Reynard, turning to look at Wolf.

"You were testing a skeleton key," explained Wolf. "Was that a part of the plan we made yesterday?"

"Oh," Reynard replied with a nod and a chuckle, before reaching over to his trousers, neatly folded and hanging over a low-lying limb, and pulling out a small silver-looking key. "It is indeed. The Three Blind Mice made it for me - they're astonishingly good at this sort of thing with their dainty little hands. Be sure to thank them for me if you get the chance."

Wolf caught the key out of the air with one huge paw as Reynard flicked it towards him, then tucked it into the thick fur of his neck ruff, just behind his ear.

"I'll do that," he said, smirking as Reynard turned back to his fun with Hersent. "Try not to make too many red-furred babies in her, Reynard," he counseled teasingly, giving a wink of his own. "You don't want Isengrim to be suspicious, after all."

Reynard just snorted with laughter, before he teased his tongue with deft precision against and then into Hersent's tightly-fluttering tailhole, making the sleeping she-wolf moan softly in rising, returning arousal. Wolf watched for a moment longer, and then turned and started off at a brisk trot on all-fours back into the world beyond the forest.

Those pigs wouldn't know what hit them.