Changing Custom (part 2)

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#2 of Changing Custom

Having succeeded in capturing Brolek, Fadin and Orlin, Ilirae and the other dragonesses enact their plan to force the dragons' submission. But they won't give in easily, and look for escape at every turn...

Brolek struggled and flexed his claws helplessly, panting from the effort... first from his humping before Ilirae had turned on him, then from his struggling when she refused to get him off! "Release me!" he hissed through his bound jaws, his tail lashing, trying to sit up so he could finish himself since she wasn't going to... But he only managed to lift his shoulders and back a paw's width from the ground before the black-and-blue dragoness saw and pushed him firmly back down. "Rrrrgh!" he squalled, thrashing back and forth but unable to push her off while bound tight, the ache in his loins from the recent denial just making him howl again in frustration.

"No you don't..." she growled, her paw stroking almost roughly along his shaft to, if not keep him as hard as his scales, at least keep his cock from retreating so quickly. "You're staying right here." Her touch made him shudder and moan from how close he'd been just a minute or two ago, some part of him still hoping that perhaps this was a cruel joke, that she'd change her mind and get him off after making him suffer a bit longer... but then she turned her head and let out a short, trilling call.

A few moments later another dragoness entered the cave, a smaller, sleeker dragoness whose presence both made perfect sense, and meant what Ilirae told him was no joke: Prosta, the quick, timid little dragoness who asked every dragon who defeated her to bind her before claiming his prize. "It worked, you caught him!" she wriggled all over in glee as soon as she saw him lying tied on his back, making him flush hot in helpless embarrassment. "And you've already had some fun, I see," she licked her lips, prowling closer, taking in the view the rigid spreader bar gave her of Brolek's slit, of his half-hard erection...

"You can't do this to me!" he bucked, trying to intimidate the weaker dragoness, to change her plan... "Let me out!"

"Shhh..." was Prosta's response, her tail flicking as she watched his muscles flex against the gear, against Ilirae's grip on him. Rumbling in delight, she nuzzled at his flank, rubbed a paw gently along the curve of his belly, his heaving muscular chest, her light touch making him tremble... finally giving his nose a little nibble. "Unless you want to submit already... I think the big dragon needs to shush," she smirked. "And if you can't quiet yourself down, well... I have a few things that can make you."

"Ngh...!" he groaned as her tail found his dragonhood, gave it a little squeeze, unable to keep himself from squirming and thrusting against the stimulation. "Let me go!"

She only shook her head, sharing a little smirk with Ilirae. "How long do you think it'll be until Hrathana and the others get the twins over here?"

"Hmmmm... An hour? Maybe a little more or less, depending on how smoothly it goes... and whether they decide to tease the boys some before bringing them over." Her own tail tickled the underside of the red dragon's shaft next, and he began to struggle again, growling.

"Rrrrg... let me out! Now!"

"Only if you agree to help us put an end to the endless dueling!" Ilirae snorted. "Though if you're ready to give in already I might actually be disappointed... We planned this out pretty carefully, after all."

Prosta blushed a little, and Brolek realized she was growing rather aroused herself, her scent turning hot and sharp. "Nh... Since we have a little time... You don't mind if I play with some, do you? He just looks so sexy..."

She grinned wide in response. "I don't see why not... a big tough dragon like him is going to take a lot of work to break down after all, isn't he?" She groped his rump firmly, making him shudder. "Just be careful; I already edged him once."

"Oh, I know what I'm doing..." Prosta purred, settling down atop Brolek's tail, her eyes fixed on his cock, having relaxed some but still out of his slit from the teasing, from the presence of two pretty dragonesses intent on playing with him... "I mean... What do you think happened to the few dragons I was able to defeat?"

"Oh, did you really?" Ilirae giggled, settling down by Brolek's side, draping a foreleg across the base of his neck, ready to hold him down if he struggled too much.

"Why yes," she purred louder at the thought, taking a few moments to dip her head... suckling firmly on their captive's shaft.

"Nnngh... no! Stop that... nnh!" he writhed and moaned in complaint, his hind legs straining against the spreader bar uselessly, but there was nothing he could do to stop her... And horny as the first tease had left him, he couldn't summon the will to ignore the pleasure her maw gave him, no matter how hard he tried!

Only once Prosta had him fully hard once again did she continue speaking, squeezing and stroking him all the while with a forepaw to make sure he didn't start to soften up again. "It only seemed fair considering what they wanted in turn for defeating me! So if I won, I would tie a dragon down, tease and deny him some, maybe make him pleasure me as well... then tell him that he wasn't allowed to get himself off until he'd left my territory." She smirked... then lowered her maw to his shaft once again, taking his full, throbbing length between her jaws and licking firmly at its underside as she did.

"Oh, I can imagine that sight, watching some poor desperate horny male flying off as fast as his wings can carry him..." She giggled again, nuzzling Brolek's forehead as he panted and groaned.

"Mrrrrrf... Mnh, oh, it was very satisfying to watch!" she lifted her head again, not continuing to tease this time, only wrapping her paw around the base of his cock and squeezing firmly. "For them to fly to me hoping for a fuck, getting defeated, then teased and abused before being sent away without any satisfaction!" Prosta snickered before resuming her 'work.'

Knowing he couldn't order them to stop, Brolek tried to keep quiet this time, to just endure the perverse torment... Or to be as quiet as he could manage while a dragoness sucked his cock, anyway, which made him groan and shudder over and over in pleasure and desire. His sides heaving, he tried to still his rocking hips, to control himself, to ignore the stimulation when he knew he wouldn't be allowed to climax! But it soon became clear that Prosta wasn't just good at teasing a dragon; she was also very good at giving oral. She knew just how to squeeze with her lips without letting him feel her teeth, knew precisely when and where to put pressure with her tongue, how to time her licks and sucks and the movement of her lips so it felt amazing... "Nnngh...!" He couldn't help himself, couldn't summon the will to shut out all the incredible sensations she was giving him, he needed her to keep going!

The scent of aroused dragoness in the air around him only deepened his need, and after a while he realized: Prosta was really enjoying this, but Ilirae was turned on by the show as well! He glanced at her when she nuzzled him and groaned before an extra-strong suckle made him lie back with a sigh of pleasure, thrusting firmly at her maw... Oh, he was so close now, he could feel himself growing tense again... Almost, so close, just a bit more--!

He'd been grunting and shuddering for nearly a full minute before he realized he wasn't getting any closer to his peak, and he thrashed and howled in wordless frustration, bucking, struggling, trying to break the collar and cuffs and spreader through brute strength! "Rrrrgh! Stop! Let me--!" he tried to roar, but his voice was greatly muffled by the muzzle, and all the gear held him easily, forepaws trapped against the base of his neck, hind legs spread wide, and with Ilirae keeping his shoulders down and Prosta sitting on his tail... there was nothing he could do, only squirm and thrust and moan.

"What's that?" Prosta asked after a little while, lifting her maw at last and smiling all too sweetly at him. "Did you want something?"

"Nnnnngh!" Brolek was so worked up he could barely think, let alone speak; he gasped for air as he stared in longing down at where her maw hung barely a claw's width from his shaft, trembling all over from the need, the tension... His cock throbbed, its tip twitching a little with every rapid beat of his heart, aching near-painfully from its tip to deep in his belly from how pent up he was. His struggling and humping only grew more powerful when she finally stopped, and he shuddered all over before finally managing, "let me c-- go! Let me go!"

"Oh, no... I'm enjoying this far too much to just let you out..." She gave his bobbing shaft a firm lick, from base to tip. "But perhaps for now, that's enough teasing for you... Should save the rest of the fun until your friends get here." She sat up, though she remained straddled across his tail just to be certain he couldn't use it to touch himself.

"Ngh! You bitch--rrrrrgh!"

Ilirae bit him nearly the instant he said it. "None of that now! I'll let Hrathana get here before we go over the rules, but trust me, if you insult any of us again, you will regret it."

"Let me go!" he only cried in response, the terrible backed-up feeling between his legs slowly fading to a still-unpleasant but less powerful ache as slowly he was able to calm down, the girls finally leaving his cock alone... But neither of them even responded to his plea, just keeping an eye on him as they waited to hear the sound of wings outside.

Fine, Brolek thought to himself as finally his dragonhood was allowed to retreat into his slit, panting in exhaustion, both from struggling and from his thrusting. Play your little game... But he planned to figure out a way to break free long before they could do this to him enough for him to even begin to consider submitting.

A short time later another call rang out from somewhere above the cave, and Ilirae looked expectantly out at the sky. "That will be Hrathana and the others returning... and I see two more dragons coming than I saw going! They've succeeded as well."

She backed inside to give them room as the new arrivals landed on the entry ledge, two at a time. First came two more dragonesses, followed by Hrathana and a bound Fadin, then Silira and Orlin. Though being referred to as the twins wasn't entirely true--they'd hatched from separate eggs--they were brothers from the same clutch, nearly equal in size, appearance and even demeanor, though Fadin was regarded as the stronger of the two. It could be difficult to tell them apart by sight without close examination, their grey and white hides nearly the same, but the white spot on Orlin's throat was larger--and their scents were more easily distinguishable, of course. They had landed growling and glaring at their captors, but seemed to deflate a little when they saw Brolek there as well, tied securely on his back, exposed, smelling of recent arousal... He blushed, a little at how his friends looked at him, but mostly at the hungry expressions some of the arriving dragonesses directed his way!

The twins stumbled inside after a little prodding; each of them wore a muzzle, with their fore and hind legs shackled close, and once they were inside a full six more dragonesses landed, bringing their number to twelve. "We were able to catch them without too much difficulty," Hrathana said, breaking the quiet that had settled over the cave, "and it seems you had little trouble taking Brolek. Well done."

Ilirae nodded as the big yellow dragoness walked over; Brolek grunted and squirmed as he looked up at her, not liking how her gaze swept over him, or that he couldn't roll over or stand or protect himself... But she only snorted and shared a brief nuzzle with the dragoness who'd lied to him, seduced him... tormented him! "Did you play with them at all, or just...?" Ilirae asked quietly.

"No, and have barely told them anything more than that we're going to make them put a stop to the dueling. I'm sure they expect us to try to beat them into submission, though the way Brolek smells is probably putting at least a bit of doubt into their heads..." She glanced back at the brothers, who were shifting uneasily on their paws.

"I'll explain, then. Go get your toy on, so you can show them what's in store if they need to be... punished."

Hrathana grinned so wide even Brolek was frightened for a moment, and she sauntered deeper into the cave as Ilirae spoke up. "Hello, Fadin. Orlin. Do you know why you two have been brought here?"

Fadin snorted, baring his teeth behind the muzzle. "You want us to stop dueling--and make everyone else stop too. But it's not going to work, and you can't beat us into submission."

Orlin nodded agreement. "Let us go! I could take any of you in a fight. Coming after us in a pack, binding us like this..." He pulled against his shackles. "It's not fair, it's not honorable!"

"There's no honor in calling a challenge just to get under a dragoness' tail, either," she hissed back. "So until you swear to stop, and to tell every dragon who follows your actions to stop, you won't be getting or deserving any 'honor.' And if you don't like it... Then now you know how much all of us hate being forced to fight just to protect our flanks, and having to lift our tails every time we lose."

Orlin shrank back a little from her ferocity, but Fadin was not cowed. "Too bad! It doesn't matter how hard or how much you torture us. We won't give in."

Several of the dragonesses smirked as Ilirae countered, "oh, don't worry... We're not going to beat you. We have something much more difficult in mind..."

"Like what? I'm not afraid of you, not while free, not stuck in these chains, not ever!" His tail lashed.

Brolek wanted to say something, to warn them, but with his maw strapped shut he couldn't raise his voice enough to be heard over any of the dragonesses, only able to struggle and try to sit up--but even little Prosta was able to pin him down in his helpless state!

"We are going to tease you, over and over, and deny you orgasm every time until you submit to us."

Orlin snorted in disbelief. "...that's it? That's your grand plan for breaking us?" He shook with suppressed laughter. "If that's the best you can do...!"

"Go ahead, Brolek," Ilirae turned to him. "Tell them how... unpleasant it is..."

He growled at her, shaking his head after a moment-- No, he wasn't going to let her use him to scare the other two, tied down or not!

"No?" She shuffled her wings dismissively. "That's okay... If you don't want to tell them, you and Prosta can just show them what it's like. If you don't mind, dear..."

"Oh, not at all!" The green-and-brown dragoness giggled and reached down towards his slit-- No, he didn't want to feel that awful denial again, or at least not over this!

"Okay!" He yelped and shuddered and tried to squirm away when her paw found his unprotected, sensitive slit and groped firmly. "It's... Rrrrrgh, it's difficult... Doesn't feel good..."

"There, was that so hard?" Ilirae smirked and nuzzled him, knowing how much influence he had over the other two. "The promises we want from you aren't very hard either..."

He snarled. "I won't."

"In time, in time." She straightened back up. "Now before we... begin... We should go over a few rules, and explain how things are going to go. You will be kept in bondage at all times, and teased twice daily; if you want us to stop, all you have to do is promise what we want from you: that you will stop dueling for the right to mount a dragoness, and that you will convince all the dragons you meet to stop as well. We will hunt for you, and lead you down into the valley if you need to clear waste, but those will be your only freedoms."

Brolek huffed and tried to hold still; despite having said what Ilirae had wanted, Prosta still had a paw lying on his belly, and worked up as he'd been before he was finding it far too hard to control himself. At least the twins didn't seem to notice his difficulty... yet... but they'd experience it themselves before too long either way.

"At least outside of the teasing, we expect you to behave. Now if you growl and glare and resist, refuse to eat, that sort of thing, you'll just be punished with some extra teasing. But if you take off any gear without permission, if you try to escape, if you damage your equipment, if you insult any of us, or anything else... unpleasant... then Hrathana will punish you herself. Hrathana, why don't you show them what you'll be doing if any of them need punishment?"

Brolek panted and turned his head to see as she walked back to the center of the cave... and groaned when he saw her wearing that strap-on Orlin had told him about. "If I had my way," she growled, "each of you would be taking this up your rear before we even started to tease you into submission. Maybe Ilirae's just nicer than me, but we agreed that we should save it, to... deter you three from misbehaving." She rocked her hips for emphasis. "So if any of you try the things she just said, you'll be feeling me mounting you soon after. And believe me, after the way you three have been so rough on some of us... I won't be going easy on you."

Orlin groaned and shuddered visibly, from the memory of how it had felt the first time she'd used that thing on him, while Fadin and Brolek only blushed, recalling how he'd told them of it, and imagining being put through the same ordeal.

"So unless you want it... in which case I'm sure it will only make the teasing worse on you... I suggest you behave yourselves. Because if you don't, I will be very happy to punish you."

Both of the twins shuddered this time, while Brolek groaned softly.

Ilirae said, "oh, I agree it would be fitting for the three of them to be mounted like they've mounted us so many times... I just think it would be more effective as punishment than as a tease. And speaking of teasing..." She nodded to the other dragonesses. "Tie them down next to Brolek, and let the torture begin."

The girls went to it with a will. The twins didn't even have time to say it wouldn't work before they were being dragged over and shoved rudely onto their backs, one of them on either side of Brolek. Fadin had his hind paws and tail cuffed to a spreader bar, while his forepaws were bound to another, this with the bar passed beneath his neck so he couldn't properly lift them from the ground. Orlin's forepaws were strapped down firmly to his sides, and his hind paws were tied to his tail directly, with a shorter spreader fit between his knees to keep his legs apart... ensuring each of the three males was helpless and exposed.

"Nnnngh... Try to... ignore it," Brolek panted, bucking and struggling as they were tied in place next to him. He only wished he could follow his own advice... His whole belly seemed to ache from what Ilirae and Prosta had already put him through.

"Ignore it?" one of the dragonesses purred, making Orlin shudder as she rubbed a paw firmly against his slit. "Why would you want to do that?"

Orlin couldn't manage a response, and before either of the other two could say something for him they began to receive their own attention. "It won't... work," Orlin finally grunted, claws flexing at his sides, straining for buckles that were well out of his reach. "Won't..." But then he gasped as the dragoness between his legs probed into his slit with her tongue, arching his back at the touch to such a sensitive place, trying to resist!

Brolek squirmed and panted and groaned, blushing, wishing he could be a better leader for the other two by resisting the pleasure as long as he could, but having already been teased quite a bit his slit seemed much more sensitive and responsive than usual, and it didn't take long at all for Ilirae to coax his shaft out once again, purring and licking it and groping his thighs and rump to get him nice and hard for her. Orlin bucked and growled complaint, but when he saw Brolek's cock emerging he seemed to lose a bit of heart to fight the stimulation, soon growing aroused as well.

He barely noticed that about half the dragonesses had disappeared back outside, but he did take notice when one of those who'd stayed began to paw herself right between his head and Fadin's, and two more, Silira and Hrathana, began necking and kissing and grinding against each other with heated energy! Fadin managed to hold out a little while longer, but Prosta's repeated skillful touches between his hind legs combined with the sights and sounds and smells of dragonesses pleasing each other... and themselves... was eventually too much for him, and his hard cock joined the other two. "That's a good dragon," Prosta purred, taking the elastic ring that one of the others handed to her... another going to Ilirae... and one more to the dragoness teasing Orlin. "And this will make sure you stay nice and horny for us."

Each of them stopped their teasing long enough to show what the rings were for: Ilirae held him still and slid the gold-colored band down to the base of his shaft, where it squeezed tightly around his flesh, making him squirm and groan and hump at the feeling. The restriction only seemed to make his cock throb more strongly, but then Ilirae went down on him again and it was impossible to string any thoughts together... only to moan and writhe and thrust, even though he knew what was coming!

Having already experienced it twice didn't make the third any easier. Despite knowing the orgasm he was so close to would not come, he couldn't keep himself from humping harder, gasping and shuddering in pleasure and anticipation and desire... only for her to stop again, the dragoness who'd been pawing helping to hold him down as he bucked and thrashed and raged. "Aarrg! No! Let me-- Rrrrrrgh!" he howled, muscles bunched and aching from the strain as he tried to break free somehow, twisting back and forth and snarling and clenching his claws tight as he tried to find a way to get himself off, to make that terrible unsatisfied pent-up feeling go away! But the two dragonesses didn't even suggest that he give in, just kept him pinned down until finally he subsided, groaning and trembling.

Orlin's eyes were wide after seeing how rough it had been on a dragon even stronger than him, but he and Fadin were equally helpless and could only suffer the same fate at nearly the same time, bucking, moaning, struggling through their own denial. Each of them was given a chance to calm down... then all the dragonesses switched places, save for Silira. Prosta moved from Fadin to Orlin, Hrathana grinned evilly at Brolek and a new torturess familiarized herself with Fadin's needy cock, while Silira drew the other two close and began to give them the pleasure they'd been denying from the males.

Brolek could only watch as Hrathana went to work between his legs, with her paws and tail instead but using them just as well as Ilirae had used her maw! Even worse, this left her mouth free to taunt him all through the teasing...

"You remember every single time you've forced me beneath you, don't you? All the times you beat me, you took me, you used me for your pleasure... I bet every single one of those is running through your head right now, isn't it?"

Her tailtip stroking beneath the tip of his shaft made an answer impossible; all he managed was a moan of need.

"I can remember them too... Remember every time you used my body, every time you came inside me... And I can't even explain how satisfying it is to have you like this, to play with this all I want," her paw squeezed his length tight, making him shudder, "and know that, without orgasm, you won't enjoy it one bit..."

Just as bad as her words were the sounds coming from behind her: Silira had put on Hrathana's strap-on and was humping Ilirae, who writhed and moaned and thrust back against her... soon reaching a powerful climax, seeming almost purposefully timed to come just before the three males were left short of orgasms of their own once again!

The longer the perverse orgy went on, the harder it got. Every dragoness but Silira got a turn teasing each dragon, sometimes while being pleasured by one of their companions! Brolek could only watch, powerless, as his shaft was abused over and over again, throbbing painfully against the cockring, the ache of his need growing painful, all his muscles and joints burning from how hard he'd struggled in vain... But he did not, would not give in, and to his relief neither did either of the twins. Every fresh edging and denial made him thrash and howl and demand his release, but when it did not come he refused to beg, refused to do what they wanted... he would endure, he would find a way to free himself, or to make the torment less difficult, he would find some way to make them pay for this!

When finally the last dragoness was done with him--Prosta, who'd held him just short of orgasm for what had felt like an hour--he barely had to strength to move, only able to lie back and gasp for breath, moaning, trembling in weariness and need, his cock painfully hard and slick with saliva and pre. Even when the rings came off it took several minutes for his erection to go away, and far longer than he wanted it to... Having to feel it, feel how congested and aching his loins were, how badly his body was screaming to cum only made him blush in humiliation, that his body and his own sex drive could be used to torture him! Beside him the twins seemed equally drained and exhausted, Orlin even whimpering a little at how hard the tease had been on him... but he had not surrendered. Hopefully would not... at least not before he managed to break them out somehow.

While waiting for his arousal to fade, though, he wondered: how closely could the dragonesses watch them, every hour of every day? How tightly would they be kept bound, outside of the... horrible... teasing sessions? What was to stop him from just taking a paw to himself in the middle of the night, while all of them were asleep? Unless the other dragonesses were here to keep an eye on them while the rest slept...

But the answer he got, when finally the three dragons were no longer hard, was even worse. After each dragon was released from the gear that had trapped them while they were teased (except for the muzzles), allowed to stand, fitted with shackles to restrain their paws and straps around the chest and midsection to keep their wings pinioned, Prosta brought out three curved metallic... he wasn't sure what they were, until she took one of them and fit it around his hindquarters, the cool rigid metal pressing firmly against his slit: a chastity belt. He shivered as it was locked securely over his rump, twisting his head to look, seeing one small hole and one larger gap that would let him clear waste without the belt even coming off... knowing immediately that they would be kept in the tight chastity belts whenever they weren't being teased. And the locks ensured that only the dragoness with the key could free them; otherwise, they were trapped in their slits, unable to even get horny without permission.

"You'll... pay for this," he panted as Hrathana put the key into a little pouch around her neck--Ilirae had the key to the rest of their gear.

"I really doubt it," the yellow dragoness snorted dismissively.

Ilirae regained their attention with a flap of one wing; she seemed as worn out as the males were. "We'll be doing that twice a day until each of you has given in. If any of you don't want to go through it another time..." She eyed them, but they remained in the best stoic silence that they could manage. "Very well; it's fun for us, so we don't mind, do we girls?"

They all chimed in with enthusiasm.

"Oh, yes!"

"I've dreamed about having a big tough male to toy with for years..."

"They've had it coming for so long!"

"It's just what they deserve after claiming us over and over."

She giggled to herself. "Now, have all three of you eaten today?" When Orlin shook her head, she went on, "all right; one of the other girls will hunt for you, but until then, we should get some rest. Go ahead, you must be exhausted..."

Orlin flopped onto his belly gratefully; Fadin glared at their captors, but when his brother sprawled out so quickly he soon joined him in rest. Only Brolek remained on his feet, growling at each dragoness in turn, though Hrathana was the only one who cared enough to growl back. The rest of them seemed to have things to do, cleaning up the cave, cleaning the rings and that strap-on, going outside and stretching their wings... Hrathana and two new dragonesses from outside kept a close eye on them, however, and when it was clear they wouldn't be left unattended he finally slumped down to rest.

An awkward silence descended over the cave, persisting even after the males had recovered from their first bout of teasing. They had nothing to say to each other, really; the dragons had no wish to talk about what they'd been forced through, or to try to conspire for freedom... especially when there were enough girls around to listen to every word they had to say to each other, to use against them later on. But the dragonesses were quiet as well, perhaps not wanting to talk about future plans for fear of spoiling the surprise, or perhaps just not feeling comfortable discussing... whatever it was dragonesses talked about, when dragons weren't around.

Brolek was glad for the quiet. It gave him space to think, and he was going to need to think hard to find a way out of this. So as he rested, squirming and pulling on his shackles from time to time, he tried to gather as much information as he could to figure out how to gain his freedom--without giving in, of course! So he watched his captors move about the cave, to see where the guards went and how attentive they were, what the more perverse dragonesses spent their time doing when he and the twins weren't being teased, who was in charge and made the decisions, who had access to the keys, how much bondage gear they had in reserve either as spare or as further torment to come...

The sheer number of dragonesses in the cave was enough to make any escape attempt extremely difficult even if he wasn't tightly bound... but with his maw strapped shut, wings tied and paws shackled close it was going to be even harder. Along with the six who'd taken part in the teasing, there were six more who seemed to act solely as guards, who if they were smart would most likely work in shifts... They seemed attentive enough now, but that wasn't enough to tell how closely they might watch him at night. He let each name, each face, each scent burn into his mind as he observed; every one of these dragonesses was going to need to be defeated and pinned down and taken hard to remind them that he was the dominant male of these mountains, and he was not a dragon to be trifled with!

Hrathana and Ilirae were clearly in charge, though Prosta seemed to carry a fair amount of influence as well; despite being undersized and normally so submissive, her experience with the treatment they were giving him lent her more sway than he expected. He tried to figure out who was in charge among the less perverse of the dragonesses... But before he could his count swelled further, when three more girls flew in carrying the carcasses of goat and deer to feed Orlin, and a few of his captors as well. He paid close attention to the feeding, as they took the grey dragon's muzzle off to led him eat--and stood almost threateningly over him as he ate. But so outnumbered already, that slight freedom wasn't enough to make mealtime the time to escape...

"How do you think that went?" Prosta murmured to Ilirae, just close enough for him to make out. "I have some more pieces, if you'd like to bind them differently, for variety perhaps, when it's time for the next tease..."

She shook her head. "That won't be necessary, I think... How we bound them today was quite secure, and with three tied males and five friends to enjoy, I struggle to imagine growing bored of things!"

She chuckled. "I know what you mean... It was a workout, but that was fun. Almost makes you wish they'll hold out a while."

"Mmmmh... You're right, though. Even if we really enjoy it, we need to be ready to change things up a bit to give the guys variety and keep them from zoning us out." She began to guide Prosta out of earshot. "So let's have a look and..."

So they had a fair amount spare, though without seeing all of it he couldn't be sure of its integrity, only guess--but considering how strong the shackles and the muzzle and straps were, he didn't doubt that whatever else they had would be equally capable of holding a dragon. Anything merely buckled--the straps on his wings, the muzzle--he could get off by himself, provided he could reach it, but for the shackles and the chastity belt he'd need the keys to remove them. Or remove them properly, anyway...

Even going outside to clear waste bought only the slightest reprieve. First he had to ask permission, then Ilirae removed the shackles from just his hind paws--for ease--before one of the guards clipped a leash to his muzzle and led him down into the forests beneath the cave, another dragoness following behind, another flying overhead. At least they had the decency to turn away... but just having a little more room with his hind paws wasn't nearly enough for freedom, either. He refused to let his head droop as he was led back into the cave, however, he knew he would think of something!

But what? he wondered as the evening drew on, the sky outside going dark, his pupils growing wide to help him see. Strong as he was, he couldn't fight off so many on his own even if he was free; bound so tightly, it seemed even more impossible. But there had to be a way... as long as there was an opportunity for him to free himself, maybe just enough to fly off before anyone could stop him! And despite how hard it might be figure out how to free himself, he had no trouble imagining what he would do once he was... Defeating every dragoness one by one, mounting them... claiming them... He grinned to himself at the thought for just a moment, only for a sudden pain between his hind legs to make him grunt and squirm!

It was the chastity belt, Brolek realized with a moan. He'd started to get hard, only to meet the resistance of the unyielding metal almost immediately, leaving him with his slit swollen, shaft throbbing as it wanted to grow, but it couldn't! He rocked his hips back and forth almost out of reflex, claws clenching both as he wanted to try to push the belt out of the way and as he was determined not to show his discomfort and frustration to the dragonesses who'd locked him inside it! "Rng," he grunted quietly, his movements granting him no relief at all from the feeling of being held back in a way he'd never experienced before! He could only grit his teeth and wait for it to die back down... Just another way he'd been bound, just another obstacle to overcome. Even if he still felt a little needy after the tease, making him want the chastity belt to come off most of all! His thoughts dwelt on that stupid belt longer than he would have liked; but even then he could think of no way to get it off without the key, not without enlisting the help of some human and its tools...

Night had come now, and when the dragonesses gathered together to sleep the males let out little sighs of relief: there would be no more teasing until tomorrow. And Brolek didn't plan on staying that long, not if he had any say in the matter! He watched through slitted eyes as the girls settled down next to their captives... forming a circle around them, with two dragonesses sitting at the cave entrance and remaining awake, to keep watch. Once all of them had settled down, the cave was quiet, the guards nearly motionless... But now was not the time to make his move, not yet.

Some inner sense woke him, two hours before dawn. He slowly lifted his head, just enough to look around: all remained quiet, all the dragons and dragonesses were asleep... except perhaps for the guards at the cave mouth, but they were too far away for him to tell in the darkness. Now was the time to make his move.

Lifting his forepaws, he slid them slowly down along his chest, doing his best to keep the chains from rattling. Once he located the first strap that pinned his wings he carefully opened the buckle, paused and listened, then repeated the process with the second strap, freeing his wings--though he kept them pulled in tight, not wanting to attract any attention yet! Next came the three buckles of his muzzle, which came undone with only a little more difficulty, a few clinks coming from his chains that seemed loud as thunder to him, but didn't cause the slightest stirring from his captors, or his friends. He stretched his jaws silently, waiting a moment longer, a knot of nervous tension forming in his gut; now came the hard part.

Curling into a ball to hide as much of the light as possible, Brolek pulled the shackles on his forepaws apart as far as he could, spread his jaws wide and breathed his fire onto the taut chain. He hissed at the pain as the heat raced along to the cuffs on his wrists, but kept at it, heating the chain more, more-- until it parted with a snap! Now that his forepaws free to help him fight his way past the sentries, he leapt to his feet and hurdled over the sleeping dragonesses, not bothering to be quiet now, just dashing as fast as he could with his hind paws still fettered for the freedom of the cave entrance! The two girls stationed there had begun to sit up, but slowly--

There was an earsplitting roar, then something hit him from the side, so hard it sent him flying right into one of the guards. She snarled and wrestled with him as the other sentry moved to help, and as the dragoness who'd tackled him--Hrathana!--leapt onto his back, roaring again to wake the cave while she grabbed his neck from behind, twisting and squeezing so hard he could barely move, barely breathe... "Got you! You're not going anywhere..."

"Rrrgh--" He grunted, trying to find the air to roar back, bucking against her and the other two dragonesses, thrashing as he saw the others waking and rising and coming over to help... "Let-- Me-- Go!"

"Not a chance," she hissed, giving his neck a bite, making him shudder and kick at the air uselessly, until another dragoness grabbed the chain linking his paws to hold those still... No! He couldn't let him get him bound again! Roaring, wrenching his paws and head and tail back and forth, he fought their grip, desperate to break free--

Something hit him on the head and he went limp, stunned and dizzy, head throbbing. "Get the gear I told you about before," Prosta said from somewhere to his left, and as his vision cleared he saw Ilirae and another dragoness dragging over that collar and pair of cuffs... a spreader bar... and a few more things he couldn't identify. "Hold him still now!"

He tried to fight back, but even if he'd recovered in time he could not overcome the combined strength of all the dragons holding him tight. He felt tight leather pouches slip over his forepaws, their size and shape forcing his claws to curl up, unable to flex back enough to damage them from the inside. His wings were tied again, and another muzzle went over his head, but this one had a heavy metal bit in its center that slid to the back of his mouth, resting heavy on his tongue as the straps were buckled tight to pin his jaws shut around it. The collar and cuffs went back onto the base of his neck to secure his now-useless forepaws to his chest, the spreader bar replaced the shackled between his hind paws... Then finally all the girls released him, setting him down on his paws... which left him with his chest lowered and rump hoisted up high until he noticed enough to lower it!

"Rrrgh... Lllmg!" he glared, twisting his head back and forth... only growling louder when he realized the bridle wouldn't let him speak. "Llmg m gmmmmf!

"Be quiet," Hrathana snarled, easily talking over his muffled demands. "We are not going to let you escape, and for breaking the rules we gave you..." Someone handed her that big ribbed strap-on, and his eyes went wide.

"Nnnnnf! Llmt mm-- Rrrrg!" he shuddered and bucked as the yellow dragoness' big heavy tail struck him.

"Bind his tail." She said as she slipped her hind legs and tail into the harness, buckling it securely, bringing the toy into position against her belly... He snarled and thrashed in resistance, but couldn't stop them from attaching a tight cuff to his tail and yanking it rudely over his back to bind to the collar on his neck--leaving him totally exposed to her! He only protested more loudly, trying to crawl away but with nowhere to go, barely able to move in his tight bonds, unable to protect himself... blushing as he saw a couple dragonesses making sure the twins were in perfect position to see what was about to happen.

He could only watch, bucking and squirming helplessly, as Hrathana rubbed some kind of fluid or gel onto the toy, wiping the excess on her paw right against his tailhole! He snarled and tried to kick a hind paw when he felt the unwanted touch, tail twitching where it was tied up over his back... Wishing the chastity belt covered his rump and protected it as securely as it kept him inside his slit, but no--she didn't even need to take it off to do this to him! And of course he'd never paused to consider the consequence of failure, so certain he was going to get away...

"I can't even tell you how much I've fantasized about this," Hrathana growled at him, deigning him ready to be... taken... and rearing up as he had over her so many times, putting her weight on his back, growling at him as she gripped him tight... He snarled in resistance as he felt the tip of the toy nudging against his ass, bucking and shaking his head in a way that was all too familiar!

A paw grabbed one of his horns to hold his head still, and he howled in rage as the slick tip of the dildo pushed against his tightly clenched rear... making him thrash and cry out in pain as it pushed just a little ways in despite his resistance! But-- "relax..." a voice murmured into his earhole: Prosta, who'd grabbed his horn just to say something to him. "Relax yourself... don't fight... and it won't hurt..."

Brolek snarled in fury--he wasn't going to just let this happen! But when Hrathana pushed again and it hurt again he gave in to her advice, realizing it would be easier, over with faster if he didn't fight, no matter how humiliating it was... "That's better... Submit to me," Hrathana said, making him flush hot in embarrassment that she'd noticed the toy beginning to slip in more easily now! She kept up the firm, steady pressure, making him shudder and grunt as it spread his rear wide... as it found and prodded against some unexpectedly sensitive spots inside him! He groaned and writhed beneath her, trapped beneath her weight, pinned against the toy... panting through gritted teeth as finally she hilted it inside him.

"There..." she growled, her breath loud in his earhole as she nipped the back of his head, roughly. "Do you like how that feels down there?"

"Nnnngh," was all he could groan in response, his tongue pressing firmly against the bit as he shuddered again. Prosta was right: it didn't feel uncomfortable when he wasn't trying to push it out of him, but... no, there was no way being taken this way could feel good, that he could like it!

She began to slowly rock her hips back and forth, the dildo sliding a little ways out, then pushing back in, making him clench his claws and moan as those ribs teased that far-too-sensitive spot... Shuddering when a little pain on the other side of his hips made him realize: this was making him horny, and yet again the chastity belt was in his way! But at least it hid that his body was... somehow... enjoying this, as he panted and squirmed and hoped nobody would notice the heated change to his scent, this was humiliating enough without anyone knowing he was growing aroused...

"Is it hard for you?" Hrathana snarled, beginning to pound him more roughly now, making him grunt as he was forced to take that toy again and again and again. "Hard to be defeated, and mounted, and taken against your will?"

"Nng!" he growled back before a harder thrust made him moan again. "Mmmmhf..." He could only glare and shudder, his body somehow liking this... his mind hating it, it was the most humiliating thing he'd ever experienced! To be tied down, to be taken like he was a dragoness was bad enough, but for so many others to watch was even worse!

"Now you know how I feel," she bit him. "Now you know how all of us feel!" she emphasized each phrase with a rougher thrust, picking up speed, making him pant and moan at the unfamiliar sensation, his slit and trapped cock aching where they were pinned down by the chastity belt. "Every time a dragon defeated us, and forced us to lift our tails for him, and took us no matter how badly we wanted to say no..." She was panting herself now, from the effort of humping him, from the emotion... "It's humiliating." Thrust. "It's degrading." Thrust. "Every single one of us is tired of it, and we are going to make you stop." Thrust, thrust, thrust. "No matter how long it takes to break you!"

Brolek could only bite down on the gag between his jaws and howl, shuddering and clenching his claws as the dragoness mounting him picked up her pace further and further, going nearly as rough on him as he'd been with her so many times... only growling in satisfaction every time he flinched, or shivered, or moaned in response to the thick dildo she'd speared him on. He flushed hot in embarrassment... in arousal... as he felt something building inside him, his body tensing up, feeling strangely... good... like he wanted more... But before he could get much farther she finally stopped and pulled the toy out of him, letting him sag down, panting, relieved it was finally over.

Hrathana snarled down at him. "Think about how that felt for a while," she spat, "and maybe you'll realize why the dueling needs to stop."

He could only moan back, dimly aware of Ilirae giving orders, something about the next tease beginning in a few hours, but just rolled onto his side as his tail was released and he was put back into shackles... His rump sore, his cock aching beneath the chastity belt as he sank into a stupor.