Read the Fine Print pt.1

Story by Killhubi on SoFurry

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Wrote this just after I came back home from school. Now that with the holidays, I don't have to mind on other stuff. And I felt writing to it right at that moment.

It took me roughly 2 hours writing the first part. (I'm getting faster, and better?)

The story was actually ment to be one parted, just like the other side stories. But, again, I gave in into the details.

This sort of story always intrested me the most, but I hope I can keep it short. Can't afford doing more work, or I'll end up in chaos.

Hope you enjoy the readin and I'm always happy to receive critics.

Credits to Feraldeath

He corrected my work.

Warning ahead; this is a adult story. Kinks like breeding, inflation, pregnant, impregnation, machines, herm and so on, will be 'shown'.

This was actually planned to be a short story. Yet the idea expended and I couldn't stop. A bearess signed a contract without reading it completely through. A big surprise waits for her at front.

Story, characters, ideas:


Spelling correction:

Feraldeath (Thank you very much)

Judie, a white female anthropomorphic bear, decided to help for a good cause. She was slightly informed about a medical trial she read off a flyer and found some of it to her liking.

'Come here, come now!', it said, 'See never before seen materials and get to know your favorite stars. Dr. Osma - The extreme physicist, Dr. Med. Dent. Ruediger - The romancer, and who could forget the great Dr. Fuzilli! All you have to do is sign up and take a needle. You aren't afraid of a little shot, are you? Then come see right now and get registered instantly! Leave everything else to us, you don't have to worry about anything. Until the end of... those who register now . . ." The lower part of the flyer was scratched badly which made it very unreadable but it continued further below "and you will even get a "bonus" on top of the big amount of money you're sure to receive. Join now!"

It looked very simple and she heard that they were doing it for a very good cause; curing diseases or something. The bearess thought how great it would be further such a cause, but the payment didn't hurt either. Her loan was overdue by a month already and her food supply was getting dangerously low. So why not kill two birds with one stone she thought. And what could go wrong with needles? They surely wouldn't kill her. She was in a bad enough state as it was.

So on that very same day she went to the science company called TESCO, someplace isolated in outer ring of the city. The sign of the company on the wall had even smaller letters in the lower left corner, but they were so small that she could barely read it. T... M?- E... F? She wasn't sure what it could've been, but that wasn't important right now. Judie wanted to start right away and was too excited to notice that she was the only one there to sign up.

The entire building looked odd due to the architectural design, but everything was kept very clean. It was still somewhat weird, considering that the rest of the neighborhood was abandoned and really run down. She hit the bell on the counter a few times hoping for somebody to at least talk to. Luckily before her hopes could sink, an older female lava lizard with a small stature, wearing a white lab coat with a pair of pens in her chest pocket appeared.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

"Yes, hello. I'm here for the sign up?"

"Sign- Oh, yes, yes, yes, hello! You are the first one to actually come. Please! Follow me."

"This is the place for the scientific test, right?"

"Yes, yes."

"And I hate to ask, but I will receive the money when I'm done?"

"Yes, of course. Lots of money. Enough for live well for the rest of your life."

The bearess followed her to a small office near the entrance hall. In comparison to Judie's large, muscular yet slender body, the older woman looked rather small and thin as a rake. She took a form out of the desk while they sat down.

"This place is so huge and empty. Are you the only one that works today?"

"Oh, no, no, no. This is only the greeting section. The rest is underground."

"But it's so tall and wide. You could consider that this place is more of a huge museum. Isn't this just wasting space?"

"Some may think that. Yes. But it has a bigger purpose for us. Good appearance to some. The spenders think of us better. We get more money for our instruments. But please, fill out this form. It is necessary for those against reprobation."

"Sure, whatever it takes to make this go faster. What does this mean?" Judie asked pointing to a question.

"Um, parents measurements of your disobedience."

"OK. And this?"

"Favorite ice cream taste."

"Why are these so random? This list goes on forever. Do you really need to know... How often I - chew on my nails? What?"

"You don't have to fill that out. If you want, you can stop here. It will suffice. Now would you please sign here? And here. And here. And your birthday goes here, here and here. And sign here. OK. That will be it. Thank you very much. Please keep your arms closed and try to stay calm?"

"Wait, what?"

The lizard woman pushed a button under the desk and the chair where Judie was sitting folded away and she fell down a narrow hole. The bearess screamed in fear while she slid down a lightly lit tube. Something vacuumed her cloths off and in the next moment she automatically got a patient's coat dressed on her. Suddenly a heavy wind blew up against her; breaking her fall drastically. She flopped out the end of the ride and landed perfectly into a soft wheelchair. The exact same lava lizard is standing in front here.

"All well, I see."

"Where the hell was I? And how did you get-"

Someone behind her pushes the wheelchair forward and several other scientists swirl around her, noting down her reactions, measuring almost every part of her body - even her nails.

"What are you doing?" Judie yelled and pulled her bear paw back.

"Please, Judie, let us do the work. Look! Here is Dr. Osma."

To her left was a sofa with a vending machine. Near it stood a big, fat panda, talking with a lot smaller girls, who were hanging on every syllable that was coming of his lips. He noticed Judie and gave her a friendly wave. Though she wanted to see more, the other scientists around her blocked the view and the others were already going into another room.

"What the hell is happening? I demand an answer, for cryin' out loud!"

"As you wish. By signing up you gave us the permission to test on you. It's really thrilling. We never had one before. We must test right away. I'm so excited!"

"What? You never said anything about testing!"

"Please, Judie, the testing won't be grave. It only changes your body and functions. We can reverse it too, of course. If we had written testing on subject, most wouldn't have come. Sadly, you are the only one. I wonder why?"

"You're going to change my body? You can't do that! I quit!" the bearess yelled while they swiftly entered a small hall.

"You are not able to. You signed a contract staying for an unknown amount of time. When we are sure about the results you may go. Till then, we test," the lizard said while the others left the room.

"What are you going to do to on me anyway?"

"Mostly fertility tests. If we succeed, it will solve many problems. We'll examine other matters along the way."

"Fertility? What the heck for?"

"Breeding is only possible between same races. Imagine a wolfess with a rhino in love. With our cure, it will be possible for her to bear the rhino's child. Maybe even a new exciting species could be created. It's very interesting indeed."

"That's insane! Have you seen the size of a rhino? Giving birth to one is impossible for her body. You are going to kill me if you put such thing in me! You know what? I'm leaving this nuthouse!"

But before she could stand up out of the wheelchair, two robot arms rose up beneath her, grabbed her by her ankles, and held her feet tightly in their place. The next second two more robot arms appeared from above and roughly grabbed her arms. Every resistance she brought was futile and they lifted her up with ease. She then got swung over to a table that had rapidly raised up from the floor. The arms guided her feet and arms to the cuffs on the table, which locked immediately. Judie was now lying with her back on the metallic table, but the weird part was that the fabric of it changed into something very soft and comfortable. From her view it looked like a big soft and black cushion. Though the bits where her wrists and ankles were tied up remained the metallic. While other machines, coming up from different places, circled around her, the lizard came up next to her.

"You can't quit. Or you will be fired."


"-Out of a canon. Into a lava pit."

"But I'm going to die anyway if I let you test on me!"

"That is why we change your body's functionality. You should be able to breed with anything."

"I can't believe my ears!"

"Don't be gloomy. Look! Here is Dr. Ruediger."

"Hello Miss Judie!" a deep feminine voice sounded from behind her. "You have to excuse Laura. She is very excited that someone finally came, and some may feel disoriented by her extreme objective way to chat. But I'm sorry to say that mister Fuzilli won't be able to come here today."

While the hummingbird-anthro walked up next to the shackled bearess, Judie blurted "I don't care about any of you. I just want to get out of here."

"But Judie, don't you want to help others? These tests will give birth to a whole new generation and many lovers will be forever thankful to you."

"But not in this way."

"Some aid must be done in your part, for something so hard to believe in. But I can ensure you, you will not die. First it may feel uncomfortable, but you will fall in love with the pleasure quick enough. And after we are done, you will live your own life without any money problems."

"This will really work?" They nodded "Okay. I'm in."

Laura eeps in joy and Ruediger begins.

"Alright. We really appreciate you for being here. Believe me. Try to relax while the machines do the rest. Don't worry; they are as gentle as they look fearful."

Before Judie could ask anything further, she got a gag stuck into her mouth; there was even a vent to allow her to breathe easily. There is also a buzzer on top of it. The gag ball itself was tied to a leash that went around her snout.

"This is for your own safety, and look - it even has a hologram. It tells you everything that is being done to you, so you know exactly what is happening at any time. We even can chat with each other. You have to chew and lick on the ball for the controls, but you will get used to it very fast."

Judie wiggled with her mouth to get to know the thing better. Meanwhile two big ribbons from mechanical arms wrapped around her upper thighs. They were tight but pleasant and very comfortable. Very thin strings slithered out of her wrists cuffs and went behind her back and slowly bent her arms behind her back. The coat gets pulled away suddenly, leaving her completely naked on the cushion. However, Ruediger and Laura had already left the hall. The hologram from the leash around her mouth started to blink up; the screen showing her that it was booting up. Then suddenly, she heard something coming from the intercom.

<<Hello Judie, it's me again, Ruediger. The machines are booting up, but in a moment you will receive a small shot into your upper left arm to relax you more and preparing your body for the upcoming procedure. You may feel aroused.>>

A small shot prick into her arm and the stuff was working almost in an instant. A heat started to extend from her chest out to her arms and legs. Her C-cups begin to heat up and even swelled up to a D-size. Her entire torso started to prickle and she started to feel a bit light headed. The programming was now done and the hologram displayed a sort of desktop with an open chat window.

A text appeared: Try to write. Just chew in the ball.

With the first bite came just random letters. But when she tried to make the same motion as speaking, she observed that it wrote the exact words she wanted to say. The intercom switched on again as the chat window closed once more.

<<Very good, Judie. The tests will start any moment now as you can see. Just don't forget: If there are any problems, just shout. You can switch hologram off and on at any time, but we can switch it on again if we have to give information. The things that are displayed under 'TEST' are the exact same thing we see on our computers. There will be always somebody to chat with you. That would be all for now. Enjoy the testing.>>

At the moment the intercom turned off, several of the machines started to move around her. Her legs got carefully pulled open and a rather large tube closed in to her vagina. She tried to struggle at first, but realized soon, that she couldn't fight against it. So the bearess submits to the testing and is actually curious to see what will happen. It's for a good cause after all.

The tube slowly lowered to her opening and the touch revealed to her that she had become wet already. The moment it touched her lips, it started to vibrate very softly. Judie moaned through the gag and with the gentle penetration she shrieked out. The sensation was far better than she thought it would be. However the chat window popped up and somebody on the other side began to write.

Ruediger: Is everything alright?

Judie: Ahh, ohahohahaaaa

Ruediger: I'll take that as a yes for now.

It was kind of embarrassing for her to uncontrollably write that to her, but her mind was too occupied with the dildo machine in her pussy. It moved constantly deeper with the same slow pace. The circumference got exponentially bigger as it went deeper. It was a thousand times better than she could experience with a man. But before the metal base reached her lower lips, it stopped moving and the dildo slowly began to retreat back. Suddenly, it moved out quickly with just before the tip barely reaching her vaginal opening.

The dildo repeated its task several times until it was at a pace she couldn't believe she could hold out at. It had double the speed of the most eager mate she had before. Her mind was blown away by the extreme pleasure it provided her. Her peak was already getting reached and the machines knew it. Just before her orgasm exploded, they rammed the dildo into her with a strong push, sending her over the hills.

She arched her back as far as she could and hit her head into the cushion beneath her. The orgasm was so overwhelming that only soft, quiet moans escaped through the ball in her mouth. After some time, when her orgasm slowly began to ease itself down, the dildo began to thrust into her again, although with a much slower and harder rhythm. It instantly kicked another orgasm off again. By now, her muscles just twitched on their own accord. Luckily the chat window was turned off, or she might have written embarrassing things again.

As time passed, the dildo never stopped thrusting into her; bringing her up to several further releases. But after the fifth time it finally stopped ramming into her as well as vibrating. Her inner organs finally could relax a bit. Judie was breathing shallow breaths and looked down across her body. Her private area and the dildo were totally soaked by her own fluids. As her mind slowly came around, she opened the 'TEST' window to see what happened and what is going to happen. It said that it was just finished with the warm up and now starting with 'adding penis'.

When she read that, she thought about another dildo, maybe to use in her back hole. But that idea got disproved in the instant when she got another stung in her upper left arm from a different needle. Another wave of prickling from her arm to her lower body started.

The entire wave focused now on her frontal pelvis area to a single point, namely her clitoris. It was burning and receiving stimulation at the same time. As she took a glance at it, she realized that her clit was starting to grow slowly. The chat window popped open.

Judie: What the hell is happening to me? What are you doing to me now?

Ruediger: You are receiving male reproductive organs

Judie: What? You are changing me into a man? Stop it!

Rudiger: No, you'll stay as a woman but you will also have a penis.

Judie: It AAAaahhh It can't be. Why do I get a dick?

Ruediger: For further stimulation and later testing.

The chat window was closed by the bearess as her mind gets blown away by the intense feeling of her growing clit. By now it was already five inches long, but there was something else growing as well. At the very base of her transforming clit something started to blow up into a sack and two small orbs contemporary flopped from above her lips through her clit into that sack. And they didn't stop to grow either. They even began to outgrow her furry skin around the foot of the base and scrotum.

Her clit - or better cock - complexion throbbed the whole time wildly. During the entire course, she arched her back up and groaned in pleasure. She was kept on the edge of her orgasm all the while and was begging in her mind for a release. As her length reached 10 inches, it stopped growing upwards but still continued to widen with every throb massively.

Something slowly moved up along her cock and all the while increased its sensitivity. As it reached the tip, a small hole leaking translucent liquid emerged. Meanwhile, Judie feels how her new formed fluffy scrotum rests upon the dildo, which its tip was still lodged in her pussy. Her testes by now have each reached the size of an orange. The thoughts in her mind are only looking for a salvation of the pressure building up her pleasure. And the last throb of her dick makes her wishes come true.

An amazing new feeling rises up her length. As it has quickly arrives the tip, it erupts a small amount of cum, landing onto her belly and chest. She threw her head back in total bliss and shouted out into the gag.

Suddenly, everything retrieves from her away, while Judie was still in her shorter but intense orgasm. Even the dildo goes out of her jerking lips and disappears. The ribbons clinked off of her legs, letting her closing them again; though she squeaked a bit when her sensitive balls got squeezed a bit. Her head laid on its side of the cushion with eyes saying out that she just had the most wonderful pleasure she ever had. Her hips still buck up a little bit from the aftermath, but when she has finally realized that her arms and feet were freed, she notices Ruediger with Laura storming into the room.

"Judie! Are you alright?" shouts the hummingbird while Laura attempts releasing her from the gag.

The moment the ball freed her mouth she moaned "Wooooow... That was amazing! I didn't believe such pleasure could exist!"

Ruediger smiles in relief. "Oh good. You had me worried back there. I think we have to rethink the idea of shouting as a sign of help. But you now have time for a break. I believe you must be exhausted from that experience."

The panting bearess nods and sits up "Oooh yes!"

Her penis was still erect like the Eiffel tower. She barely tried touching her new organ when a rush of painful pleasure spiked up to her. Laura grabbed her hand back.

"Please. Best to let it rest. After first rise it should calm down within a few minutes. Then it will retreats back into sheath automatically. You just have to wait a moment."

"Yeah, Laura is right. You should let that thing rest. Even if you are attempting to touch it and your curiosity is eager to explore the new part your body, it really is for the best if you just wait for now. Lie down and relax. In the meantime, I will discuss with the others and will come back to you in two hours. See you later." With a short wave Ruediger disappeared out the room.

Judie rubbed through her hair with her hand and observes the stylish black rings around her wrists. The same were hanging around her ankles as well. While she looked down at her newly formed dick, she thinks to herself how absurd this actually is. But her inner voice screams at her that this is the greatest gift she ever received. The slowly growing flaccid member leaned against her white furred, wet, belly and at the touch it throbbed again.

As it tardily retreated into its sheath, a thought came to her mind "Hey, um... Laura?"

"Yes?" happily waited the lizard while she wrote down something on the clipboard.

"Um -oh- um... Why did I actually get this?"

"You mean your penis? As Miss Ruediger said, it's for further stimulation and tests."

"What sort of tests?" asks Judie while she lied back on the cushion and roamed her hand over her cum.

Laura notices her observing her own cum and hands her a small towel while she explains "It's forbidden for me to tell you."

"Come on, Laura. I will find out sooner or later, won't I?"

"No matter. You should rest. More tests will come later today."

"Yeah, about that... how long will this last? To be honest, I'm kind of excited."

"We have a lot of tests. Mandatory stay will probably last for 45 days, maybe 46. Further optional tests can be made if wished."

"And every day is like this?"

"No. Today is only the warm up. Tomorrow will be the first breeding trial."

"Doesn't breeding usually take up several months?"

"Usually yes, but not with our serums. The time it takes to breed will be reduced drastically depending on what procedure we use. Possibly even down to an hour."

"An hour?" she repeats in disbelieve "How will that even be possible?"

"Can't explain. You wouldn't understand. I have to go. I need to maintain other things. Relax till Ruediger comes back," she blurted and with the her head bowed she leaves Judie alone.