Wrestling with Change - Chapter 9

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Wrestling with Change

The four teammates find out the more things change the more things stay the same.

  • Action and Reaction

For his part Max was a little leery of heading off to class with a tail hanging out the back of his pants but Ricky was insistent that everything would be just fine. When their group finally broke up and headed their separate ways he was actually grateful he was a bit late for class as nobody else was out in the halls. When he reached his first period calculus classroom he tried to slip in the door quietly in hopes of sneaking his way to the back of the class. He edged in the door with his back to the wall, feeling his tail brush against the cinderblocks, when he quickly realized that, as usual, the only seat available was right up front in the center of the room. So much for subtle, he thought. With nothing to do but to go for it, he walked as casually as possible to the vacant seat, consciously trying to keep his tail from wagging too much. It would have helped if the teacher hadn't stopped writing equations on the board as he pulled the seat forward to give his new appendage more room. It felt like every eye in the class was on him as he threaded his tail through the chair back and sat down. When he pulled out his books and looked around he actually found that almost nobody was looking at him. The teacher had stopped writing because the class was now trying to solve the equation. Even the kid directly behind him who had the most prominent view of his long grey tail was ignoring it, though it was nearly brushing against his knees.

"Hey Max, I got a question for you." the girl next to him nudged his shoulder.

Oh great somebody finally noticed, he thought to himself. "Yeah, Brittany?"

"What's the equation for slope again?"

"Huh? Well uhh..." his brain sought to catch up as he was surprised by the normalcy of the question. "Oh uhh, its y = mx + b."

He realized that Cowboy was right, that nobody was going to pay any more attention to him than usual and he started to relax. The happy feeling that spread through him quickly reached his tail which wagged quickly back and forth. At least until the kid behind him did pipe up and asked him to cool it. At the end of the period the teacher even wished him luck at the upcoming match in front of the rest of the class. Just one more sign that things were looking up for his team.

Cameron was much less shy about his change. He strutted away from the locker room with an obvious bounce in his step, enjoying the cool feeling of the linoleum hallway floor beneath his pads. He was practically high-stepping when he marched into his first class of the day and it took every ounce of his self control not to lean back in his seat by the window and prop his feet up on the sill. Fortunately art wasn't that demanding a class because his mind kept wandering back to Cowboy. He was still disappointed he had to give up the shoes and singlet, or was it jealousy? He was anxious to see how far Ricky would go with it, but he wanted to be first and now he would have to wait almost two whole days before he got his own gear. He fervently hoped his own changes didn't were off before then, he liked his new feet and he absolutely loved his cock. Of course that was really nothing new.

He felt his new sheath start to swell the more his thoughts lingered on it and Cowboy. He finally sat up right in his seat and pulled out his sketchbook and turned it to the back pages, the ones he never showed in class. His pencils seemed to move of their own accord, his inspiration springing from the throbbing in his crotch, as he sketched out daydreams. He wasn't even aware he was groping himself with his free hand as he drew but a quiet voice in his ear startled him and brought him back to reality.

"God Cameron these signals of yours are getting even easier to spot. If you need one that bad I've got study hall next period." The voice whispered.

Cameron jumped despite himself and slammed his sketchbook shut. He spun around but relaxed when he saw it was only Stewart. The small mousey haired guy wasn't as much a friend as an acquaintance, one Cameron had found useful to keep around because of willingness to help Cam out when he was in need. They had been in the same art classes for years and it was after a couple of extended afterschool projects that Cam found out that Stew liked to suck cock. Cameron had rationalized before that he wasn't gay; he just liked to get off in any way that he could, so he never reciprocated and the agreement was that Stew would never tell anybody about what they did. Their arrangement was that Cameron would signal the other when he wanted some head, then they would meet up in a discreet location and Stewart would go down on him. This time though the script might be a little different.

"Jesus Stew, you know I hate it when you sneak up on me like that." Cameron hissed.

"Oh yeah, I now you like it better when I'm up front with you. So what do you say, next period, auditorium sound booth?"

"You know what, I think that might work." He said smoothly once again shifting in his seat to adjust his swollen prick.

For Trick it wasn't even a question of trying to hide what had happened to him. While he had attempted to keep his head down and stay unnoticed in every class his change was quite literally as plain as the nose on his face. He wasn't so much worried about what people might say as he was just trying to block it all out. His larger ears were easily much more sensitive than he was used to and they kept perking up at the slightest sound. It was actually kind of distracting when trying to concentrate on his classwork to hear people humming, grinding their teeth or sucking on the end of a pen. He could even pick up whispered conversations from across the room and while most had nothing to do with him he was surprised to hear a couple of girls in his Spanish class mention how cute he was looking today. Not that he was interested in them.

He was much more concerned about catching the eye of Cameron and that meant trying to track him down most of the day. His larger nose gave him a bit of an advantage in this department as well. Trick found he could detect the slightest of smells and actually able to distinguish them from the surrounding environment. For some reason he was especially adept at picking out the scent of his teammates. He could track Max and Cameron from well down the hall however Ricky's scent was stronger than either of those two. He could almost see in his mind's eye every move he had made throughout the day. But it was still Cam who drew his focus and he was puzzled by the change in his scent when he saw him after second period. Even more confused when he discovered that same altered scent practically rolling off of one of his other classmates after lunch. It triggered a memory in him of laying on top of Cam in his bedroom and it instantly hardened his cock. It was all he could do to shift his book bag in his lap to save him some embarrassment as he counted down the minutes for the final bell when he could at last retreat to the wrestling room for practice and whatever else might come up.

Ricky was also grateful that the school day was almost over. Not that it hadn't been a good day; all in all it was almost surreal. Since the video had played that morning the brightly colored warm-ups he was wearing made him easy to spot and seem to draw people in like moths to a flame. Countless people had wished him luck for the upcoming match and the rest of the season even folks he was certain had never watched a wrestling match in their lives. He hadn't been this popular since moving away from his old school, it was just like old times. Well not exactly like them, there were a few major differences after all.

He was still feeling very hot with all of his team gear on but he was in no way uncomfortable. In fact, feeling the sweat dripping down his forehead or soaking into his fur actually felt really good. He ran into the other guys throughout the day and they all seemed to be feeling just as pumped as he was, especially Cam for some reason. None of them seemed bothered by their changes anymore and Max even shot him a thumbs up as he passed him at his locker, his tail wagging happily behind him.

Wrestling practice after school progressed almost normally as well it felt good to finally shed the extra clothes for at least a little while and show of his muscular fur covered body while wearing nothing but the singlet. The entire team seemed to be more focused and driven than ever before. Max was positively beaming about their prospects for their first match. Even Coach Bartlet managed to make an appearance and inform them that he received notice that the rest of the team uniforms would be in first thing Friday morning if they all wanted to come in early to get their gear. The whoops and hollers he got in response clearly indicated the wrestlers' anticipation of each of them getting a full set of new duds.

After practice was every bit as spirited an affair. Once again Ricky waited with the guys he no longer just considered teammates, but friends, until all the rest had cleared out. The closeness that had developed between them in just the past view days was remarkable, or perhaps it was not the product of just the recent changes they had experienced. Since his arrival at Westfield, Max had welcomed him and took him under his wing, much like he older brother he had never had. Cam was a rival to be sure but the competition seemed to have created a bond between them, a mutual respect and appreciation. Pt seemed like even Trick was like a member of his family now, his quiet reserve masking the slight hero worship Ricky saw in his eyes every time the smaller wrestler was around Cameron.

Ricky lost track of the number of times he had cum that afternoon, let alone who was responsible for each moment of bliss. By the time they hit the showers he was completely exhausted and was extremely grateful for the extra pairs of hands that helped clean then dry and groom his thick coat of gray fur. He didn't really want to separate from his friends even for one night but was comforted by the fact that the next day was likely to proceed exactly as this one had.

Once at home Ricky could scarcely keep the grin off his face. Again his dad had no qualms about his son's appearance, even as he sat on the couch shirtless while they watched TV after dinner. Ricky kept poking as his expanded chest and flexing his oversized biceps as he ran his fingers through his fur. Eventually he retreated up to his room with the intention of finishing his homework however in reality he was able to get very little work done. He kept staring at his reflection in the closet mirror or spacing out as he gazed at the singlet and the tops of the sweats and warm-ups lying on his bed. Eventually he got up and walked closer to the mirror, leaning in as he ran his hands across his jaw, trying to imagine what he would look like with a muzzle like Trick's. Looking into the reflection he suddenly jumped as he peered over his shoulder and saw a face peeking into his bedroom window. He spun and swore as Cameron gently tapped on the glass, an enormous smile on his face.

Ricky cocked his head to the side pursed his lips in an amused grin as he walked over and opened the window. "God damn it Cam you about scared the shit out of me!"

Cameron shrugged as he stood on the roof outside the dormer, "Well if I had just come in through the front door I would never have gotten to see you preening in front of your mirror."

"I wasn't preening. How did you get up here anyway?"

"Climbed up the trellis on the garage then jumped across to the porch. So you gonna let me in or not?"

"Oh yeah, sure I guess." Ricky pulled out the screen and stepped back as Cameron climbed in the window, his furry feet falling noiselessly on the wood floor. "So what are you doing here anyway?"

Cameron looked around smiling before walking over to the bed and picking up the singlet, "Well I guess I needed to find something out. You know I've never been to your house before, your room is bigger than I imagined, cleaner too." He said holding the singlet up to his nose and sniffing it. It was strange, it smelled strongly of Ricky, but there was still a faint trace of his own scent on it, Trick's too.

Ricky scratched his head still a little confused by Cam's unexpected appearance. The other wrestler was right, he had never even thought to invite any of his new teammates over to his house, especially Cameron. He had been so focused on being accepted with the team and competing with Cam that he never even tried to become friends with them. Even now with him here in his room Ricky realized he still wasn't interested in just being friends with Cameron. And that feeling seemed to settle in the pit of his stomach, making his pulse quicken and his knees a little weak. He watched as Cameron continued to examine the room and found himself staring at the sculpted roundness of his ass in his jean shorts, the curves of his chest and back under his tighter and smaller than necessary t-shirt, and the equally enticing curve of the prominent bulge of his crotch.

"So you... I mean uhhh what , what was it you needed to find out." Ricky asked, the words catching in his throat a little.

"Whoa! Is that your state champ trophy?" Cam asked jumping over to the bookcase where Ricky kept his awards. "I guess everything isn't bigger in Texas." He joked as he stared at the three foot high trophy with the golden wrestler figure on top.

"Yep, and there'll be another one to stand beside it by the end of the season."

"God Stetson, you just can't help it can you?"

"Help what?" Ricky asked sitting down on the edge of his desk.

"Being so fucking hot."

Ricky felt his eyes widen slightly as this was not what he was expecting from Cameron.

"You know I've always been the big man on campus at Westfield. I could have my pick of any girl I want and to be honest more than a few of the guys too. But that all seemed to change when you showed up. I've seen the looks you get in the halls, even if you don't notice them. I've seen how the guys responded to you in the wrestling room, especially after you took away my spot. The thing is I had a moment earlier today when I was able to just take what it was that I thought I wanted and then I realized that what I wanted was you. So now I needed to find out if it was possible that you felt the same way."

Cameron finished talking then jumped up on Ricky's bed, lying propped up on his side while he smiled expectantly at Ricky.

"Cam I thought we might have determined that after practice the past couple of days."

Cameron shook his head slightly, "I'm not talking about just getting off with each other, Cowboy. The truth is..." he paused slightly taking a deep breath and biting his lower lip, "the truth is I love you Ricky."

Ricky just sort of froze. He stood there staring at Cameron with a blank expression carved on his face like stone. Seconds passed as he became aware of the rapid beating of his heart and he actually had to force himself to breathe again. His senses slowly started to click back on individually. He could hear the rustling of the leaves outside his window and the hum of cars passing by on the street. Ricky's mouth was suddenly quite dry and the taste of the cinnamon gum he had after dinner was starting to burn his tongue. His skin tingled and a rippling chill spread up along the back of his legs and all the way up his spine making his fur stand up on end. His nose twitched and he grew curious at the mixture of his own familiar scents mingling with the rich masculine aromas he was sure were coming from the grinning young man that he observed laying on his bed.

For his part Cameron leaned forward expectantly having just laid it all out on the line in front of his teammate and waiting for him to answer. As the seconds ticked past, Cameron became more anxious as Ricky continued to stand there without reacting. It took every ounce of his will to wait nearly a minute before he couldn't stand it anymore. "Hey Stetson, you still with me here?" he asked reaching out to tap Ricky on the leg.

Ricky shook his head a bit and brought his focus back, "Huh? Oh yeah Cam. I don't know what to say. I mean I didn't even know you were gay too."

"Well, I guess neither did I." Cameron smirked as he stood up slowly moving closer to Ricky. "But I know it now, and I know I need you. So what do you say?"

Ricky looked into Cameron's deep dark eyes then shook his head from side to side, "Nothing I guess."