The Chronicles of Eurenia: The Svaria War - Chapter Two

Story by Mewzyk on SoFurry

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#2 of The Chronicles of Eurenia: The Svaria War

hey you guys, this is the second chapter of "The Svaria War" I hope you guys like it, please comment ^.^

I don't speak German by the way ^.^

es tut mir lied

(Chapter Two)

7:03 A.M. - Tellurian form - Near Fort Jajaci

"I miss Levas." I said, sitting on a log, facing the beach. I was catching small spiders that roamed about in the fallen tree, I peeled off pieces of the bark to catch some spiders. Whenever I caught a spider, I ripped off their heads and put their body in a nearby jar that also sat on the log. I was gonna make a bottle of Krynu-dy-Anos Norq, (cry-noo-dee-ah-nooz-nork) a medicine that destroys this parasite eating away at the host's stomach.

One of the soldiers, who also happens to be my dumbass friend, Shite Lubadic, was with me when me and Jamsin took some of the soldiers to get a quick drink of water from that lake we found near Fort Jajaci.

Apparently, he ate a fish, raw. :| I mean... we ALL- and I mean ALL of that small randomly selected group of soldiers told him not to eat the fucking fish like that, but still he said he was super hungry, he could just spit out the bones and he was down and yada-yada-yada. >:(

Now because of that I have to kill innocent spiders just to kill one pest inside of him. :,( Porfanzi-merci arinas! (Forgive me spiders!) I also hope the bees understand why I took a bunch of their eggs. Or a piece off their home.

"Dude, it's just for a day- how far and long can you stay without Levas by your side?" Jamsin was cutting off some cactus-looking mushrooms, he was helping me make the medicine, Commander Gew let me, him and Shite himself make the potion. Shite's somewhere near the beach, collecting weeds off the shores. It's part of the recipe.

About the mushrooms... I forgot what they're called but it's part of the recipe for this medicine. I don't need the plant/mushroom/whatevers, I just need to make a small cut in their heads and squish out all the purple goo in it.

Damn... Krynu-dy-Anos Norq requires a lot and a WEIRD variety of ingredients for the effects to be powerful. Well, it's not JUST for treating Inside Eater, (that's what Shite's parasite is called) it also treats first and second-degree burns, ear infections, (but you have to dump it in the ear and be in the sun for like three hours) diarrhea and for some reason chlamydia.

"Hey, I'm done with the eggs, is this what you wanted?" Jamsin handed me a small black pot, I got a hold of it and looked into it.

"No," I turned to my right up at him in a mere disappointment. "I said an orange-colored yolk."

"Orange?" He stopped cutting the mushrooms.


"No, you said light-green shells."

"I was talking about the spiders," I showed Jamsin the jar of the spiders. "these, bastards."

"Oh, shit." He paused in a small chuckled.

I didn't laugh.

Honestly, I was a bit sad.

"You just killed some unborn birds for no reason- four of them." I dropped the small plate near my feet.

"Alright, so what do I look for now?"

"I said- well the shells should be transparent and you should see the orange in it before you think about cracking it." I wasn't too bitchy about it now. I'm a bit too tired to even confront him about it, and besides if I had the energy, I probably wouldn't because those birds are overpopulated ass Hell. It's all cool.


"Hey, bitches." Shite came. He dropped a small bag of weeds. He was a white leopard with black spots and a scar that prevented fur growth on his back neck. Shite is a swordsmen, or melee attacker- I dunno. ^.^ He preferred a sword and a shield to fight in the battlefield.

Now, how I met Shite- well actually, me and Shite were best friends before the war. We used to go to high school together, until the Draft recruited us. He was also buff... ^.^ Hey, that's weird, everyone is buff. Jamsin, Levas, Shite. Ah, well. The more the better.

"Hey." Me and Jamsin said at the same time.

"Whatcha doin'?" He sat next to me and grabbed the pan full of that light-green yolk. He started dipping his finger in it and eating it.

I joined in. The light-green yolk was li- Ma-bo Reux!!! There we go!!! Ma-bo Reux! That's what it's called!!! ^.^ Anyway, Ma-bo Reux (that pan full of light-green yolk that Jamsin wasted -.-) is like... ehhh, peanut butter!!! ^.^ You can easily eat Ma-bo Reux like it's peanut butter. And it's good!!! <(^_^)>.

"Talking." Jamsin said.

"And..." I licked my finger, I haven't forgot about what Jamsin said. "I don't know, man. I'm just a bit worried about Levas- you know what type of guy he is. He's a bit sassy and always down to pick a fight. I'm afraid that'll get him somewhere he can't get out."

"Levas, in trouble?" Jamsin chuckled, he sat down to the right next to me. "Entis, do you honestly think Levas could get into so much trouble with so much people that he won't be able to kill 'em? I mean, honestly, I think he can kick my ass."

Shite started drinking water.

"I feel like it'll be a tie. If you guys do." I said a bit glum, with my head resting on the palm of my hand, my arm was acting like a pillar holding up my head on my knee.



"Well, hopefully if we ever get in a fight, it'll be for a damn good reason. 'Cause I'm sure as Hell am not going to let any small shit get between me and my best friend."

"Aww." I was touched. Levas and Jamsin were also best friends. After I met Jamsin, I took him to my house, that's where he met Levas. And they were both best friends- I swear to God. We would always hang out in the forests when Tulemon or Gew let us have some free time. They would carry me on their back when I was tired and just play piggy back rides. Levas gave Jamsin piggy back rides, Jamsin gave Levas a ride, I tried to give Levas and Jamsin a ride but, I was weak. :( I only last for like ten seconds- in werewolf form!!! >:o But ah well. I love them both.

"That's gay." I said, playing around.

"Bitch, you're gay." Jamsin gave me a quick small punch. He got the joke.

"Bitch, don't push me- what the fuck?" I returned the small punch. "You..." I was thinking of something. "mutt."

"Bitch, you're the fucking mutt, you... animal that only has hair on it's head." He punched me again. I'm a Tellurian right now, that's why he called me hair on my head, 'cause Tellurians have hair on their head, not like other- yeah, I'm sure you get it. ;P

"Bitch, you have fleas, that's why your dick smells like fishes." I punched him again.

"Bitch, you sucked my dick last night," He punched me again. "that's why it smells like fishes- 'cause your mouth smells like you ate a raw fish- like Shite's dumbass." He pointed at Shite.

"Aye, fuck you, man." Shite threw some of the yolk at Jamsin. I stopped. I froze. I was traumatized. @.@

Holy shit did- Jam- did Jamsin just find out?!?!

HOW!?! O,O

I stood up. "And your ass is swollen." Jamsin pushed me.

I turned around and gave him a scared look.

"What's wrong?" Shite said.

"No- nothing." I freaked out, I was looking behind me for a salvation to keep me from telling the truth. I'm that type of person that like- if I'm under so much pressure, I'm bound to tell the truth. Or stutter it out.

Mostly stutter it.

Shite grabbed his sword and shield, and stood in a fighting position.

"What's- did you hear somebody or see something?" Shite was in front of me, looking around frantically, calm.

"No- stop. Oh, fuck."

"What's up Entis?"

"Nothing- oh, my God- I'm sorry, Jamsin."

"Sorry about what?"

"I didn't know you were awa- I mean I know I'm not supposed- you're my friend- please."

"Entis- bro, chill." Jamsin came up to me and he grabbed my waist with a hand, trying to calm me down. That was useless though, I did something I shouldn't have done to a friend. I love Jamsin, I know I have a crush on him but, I can't do that. He's my friend. Jamsin is my friend. And I violated our friendship.

"What are you talking about?" Shite sheathed his sword.

"Entis." Jamsin was curious too.

I... I think I just have to tell him.

"Nothing." I said calmly.

"Are you sure? You l-"

"Mhmm." I interrupted Jamsin.

"Oh... okay." He said.

8:01 A.M. - Tellurian form - Fort Jajaci

Well, we're back in Fort Jajaci, and I'm almost done with making Krynu-dy-Anos Norq. I just need to finish cooking the spider eggs, burning the weeds until they're all crumpled up and shit and presto! Ho-ho!

I remember being with my mom, she'd teach me all sorts of potions and such. I know over fifty kind of different potions!! ^.^ By heart!! No paper, baby!! My mom would teach me some rhymes to find and know what types of ingredients to make what potion.

"Sally's spiders, burn Phuma weeds, cook Ma- Bo Reux eggs with light-green yolk, catch Enojado Bees or a piece of their home, squish Naro mushrooms for Krynu-dy-Anos Norq."

That's how I learned how to make Krynu-dy-Anos Norq. ^.^

"Private Fawzdun." Commander Gew came in.

"Holy shit!" I dropped an empty bowl by accident. He scared me!!!! 0.0 I was thinking about otters!!! >:

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fawzdun." He squatted to get the bowl and put it back on the table. Commander Gew is a nice guy. He's the type of guy that... like, you can act like a dumbass around him or play with him, he'll even help you out in any problem you have if you ask him then you can have a few laughs, but when he's fucking serious, everybody gets his plans and then they're serious too.

"Thanks, Commander Gew. Is there something I can assist you with?" I cleaned my hands with a cloth.

"Yes, how are you doing with that- uh..."

"Krynu-dy-Anos Norq."


I chuckled.

"How's it going?"

"Oh, I'm almost done."

"Okay, that's good."

"Can you help me out a little?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Could you uhh, throw that purple squishy stuff into that pan with the light-green eggs, thing?" I pointed at a pan with bubbling light-green now yellow water.

"And mix it." I said as he grabbed the mushrooms' liquid, then he dumped it in and mixed it with the eggs. Then he started to mix with with a spoon next to the bowl.

"Hey Entis, I need some other potions, kid. Is that okay with you?" Commander Gew looked at me.

"Umm," I tried to focus on counting how many spiders I put in the smashed beehive pieces. "yeah, what do you need?"

"I need," Commander Gew took our a small piece of paper with his right hand, his left hand kept swirling the spoon in the small cauldron. "a bottle of Gumin-Gumin, another of Jesdin Peefrat and a soup of Sopa Para la Riza Tos."

"Oh..." I thought as I stared up at a small calendar above the laboratory/ingredient/potions maker thing whatever. "okay, I'm okay with that but, I might serve over at Fort Jajaci next week and most of the ingredients are nearby this city, there's a forest past a lake and that's where most of the ingredients are."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Well, I can make a list for you and you can have a group of soldiers look for them as I'm at Fort Jajaci."

"You know," Commander Gew got closer to me, in like a sneaky way, as a friend. "I could... write a letter to General Tulemon, telling him that I sent you off on a mission regarding you're making potions for some sick soldiers of mines." He introduced me the now pink/tangerine-colored liquid. I took it, and dumped all of it on a bigger yet smaller cauldron, then I mixed it.

"Really? Well..." I though about it. Then I thought about it again. "wait-Commander Gew, I just can't leave the fort for my personal gain, I have duties, my country needs my help."

"Look Entis," He put a hand on my shoulder. And spoke as I mixed the ingredients. "Eurenia may be in trouble with Svaria right now, but you should understand, Eurenia; eight out of the eight wars it has been in, has never lost a war to anybody. For shit." Commander Gew was doing a good job in enticing me to do so. I found my hands slowing down, and then they stopped. "I'm not persuading you to do any bad, just to take a rest. Go with- aye you can take Jamsin with you! Or Levas! Jamsin and Levas! And Shite!"

"Really?" I smiled a look at Gew.

"Yeah, kid. Just go in wherever you need to to find the ingredients and I'll start that letter to Tulemon."

"Okay." I chuckled a bit.

"Alright." He patted my back.

I don't know about Shite though, I think I'm gonna have some bad news to give him.

8:13 A.M. - Tellurian form - Fort Jajaci

"Alright, Shite." I said as I walked into a small tent, Shite was on his bed, talking to his girlfriend, (who was also recruited by the draft) Lufmie. I love Lufmie!!! She's one of my best friends and I am so proud of Shite to go out with a girl like Lufmie, she's such an angel. Poor tiger (she's a tiger, imsene like me ^.^) joined by draft as well. She's a real good fighter on the field though, I really cannot argue with that. I mean, at the raid, she was rolling on friendlies' backs to stab a Svarian in his/her neck. She even took on THREE halberdiers AND an archer!!! 0.0 I was like DAMN!!!! But she broke her right wrist, I fixed it easily. Like you just had to twist it and voila! ^.^

"I have your potion all ready." I said as I gave the bottle a last shake and a steady look into the liquids. I think it was ready.

"Yeah?" Shite sat up straight, he spilled some pencils and books off of him, Lufmie started picking them up.

"Yeah." I knelled on his bed, I uncapped the bottle and handed him the light-blue and sparkling yellow medicine. He took it.

"Wait, Shite." I grabbed his wrist before he tilted the bottle in his mouth.


"I... forgot to mention. This medicine has a side effect."

"Huh?" Lufmie went.

"W-... what is it?" Shite was curious too.

"It-... it's gonna cost all your stupidity to be gone- HA!" I started chuckling into his shoulder.

"Shut up, Entis." He put his lips on the opening of the bottle.

"Wait- wait. Okay," I started collecting myself. "I'm serious though, there really IS a side effect and I'm ashamed I didn't tell you before and I'm serious ass fuck because I forgot to tell you earlier."

"Well, what is it?..." Lufmie asked as she grabbed Shite's arm in worry.

"It's... well, he's gonna be in a coma." I said. I felt terrible. I never told him before or Lufmie. Holy sh- I really hope they're not mad at me... :(


"How long is it gonna last?" Shite asked with a serious face.

"Well, I wanna say like a week. But, I couldn't get any Enojado Bees, so I just took a piece of their beehive, and that's was a major ingredient in this potion if you wanted to serve after a week."

"Well, why couldn't you catch any bees?" Lufmie asked just a bit assertively and disappointed.

"I... I'm allergic."

Shite and Lufmie moaned and groaned in the 'oh's' of an 'I forgot' manner.

"I'm sorry." I patted Shite's shoulder.

He smiled. "It's okay, kid."

"So how long is he gonna be out cold?" Lufmie asked.

"Like... a month."

"A month??" They both went.


"Just for a worm- are you serious?" Shite was upset.

"Well, I mean this worm lays approximately five-hundred eggs a week and in a day those eggs will hatch and those little Inside Eater motherfuckers are gonna want to find your stomach to eat out of your stomach acid. Pretty soon your liver might not operate well and your lungs's air sacs are gonna be new homes for them. To completely wipe them out, this medicine's gonna wanna shut down your brain temporarily so it won't receive messages from your stomach or urinary system to make more stomach acid- well, I don't know if that's possible, all your systems are gonna be out except your digestive system and your respiratory system. Your urinary system- especially needs to be out because if you pee while you're asleep you could die."

"Eww, that is some nasty shit. But I stopped peeing in my bed like at six." Shite said.

I stopped, I had something to say that I simply cannot get rid of.

"At my house... on my favorite bear..." I said with bitterness. I remembered how he did it... -.-

"Oh yeah." Shite chuckled with some sort of a sorry sense.

But that's true!!! He slept over my house and he peed. All over my favorite bear!!!!! >:,( Manzur Haloosy!!!:,(

"Why?" Lufmie asked in sadness now.

"'Cause if he does his urinary system is gonna perceive the medicine as waste by mistake, given that his brain is shut down, and he could pee out all the medicine and the medicine would've not had enough time to turn on his brain."

"Wait- how the Hell can that medicine shut off and on my brain?" Shit asked. But that was a good question.

"Because it's made out of temporary hormones. Hormones are messengers that deliver orders from your brain to your body. Because this medicine's gonna shut off your brain, is because Krynu-dy-Anos Norq- that's the name of this medicine, is gonna want to stop your urinary system so your pee is still gonna be there so Krynu-dy-Anos Norq could push the parasites into the pee and they'll be destroyed in the pee. That's why if he pees, the medicine could go out with it, forgetting to restart his brain. And if his brain is out, he won't be able to receive messages like images delivered by your eyes, sensory, motor and interneurons to feel things, hear, eat, talk and such, considering him dead." I felt like a smart ass. 0.0

"So how do we stop him from peeing?" Lufmie asked.

"Did you have any water lately, Shite?" I asked him.

"N-... well yeah."

"Why the H-"

"No- no! That's good." I interrupted Lufmie.

"This medicine needs water so your urinary system could suck the last nutrients out of the H20 and it could become pee and more pee means more room for the parasites to die. But one way we can prevent him from peeing." I said, I held Shite's lower jaw and instructed him to open his mouth, and he did. "If his tongue is blank white, that means he's completely dry of stomach acid and the dead parasites are gonna be down his urinary system ready for release. His tongue should be orange if his heartbeat picks up, that means Krynu-dy-Anos Norq already turned on his brain and the brain would've ordered his stomach to make more acid, you're gonna have to give him something to chew on and make his jaws chew on it for like an hour, that way, the stomach is gonna make more acid for itself because you're making it think like he's eating regularly and it needs to prepare itself for digestion. You also dip his hand in warm water-"

Shite started laughing. Lufmie smacked his arm.

"Wait!!! That shit!?!??" He cracked up.

"Yeah..." I said. -.- Immature-ass.

"Okay, go on- I'm sorry." He sniffed.

"Whatevers, anyway, Lufmie, you have to dip his hand in warm water and if he pees pure light blue, then he's okay and he'll be awake the next morning."

"What about the parasites?" Shite asked.

"Oh, you'll just shit it out."

Shite and Lufmie traded looks. They emotionally communicated an argument.

Then Lufmie nodded.

"Okay." Shite raised the glass. "Here we go." And he drank. I heard him gulp all the 3oz. medicine down. Then he handed me the bottle.

"Aye, that shit tastes good." He smiled.

Me and Lufmie chuckled.

"Like orange juice, huh?" I said.

He nodded.

Then Shite's head crashed backwards onto the pillow.

He snored.

I had a hard time processing it. Lufmie was combing his hair, her head on his shoulder, teary-eyed. I patted her shoulder in sorrow.

9:37 A.M. - Tellurian form - Derra if ly Mearto - near Namneda

"So..." Levas put an arm over my neck. "is he d-"

"No- no." I interrupted. "He's in a coma."

"So the medicine didn't work, or he was too l-"

"No," I interrupted Jamsin, and I felt guiltier. "the medicine had to put him to sleep- not kill him, but literally put him to sleep. So then the worms ca- I mean, the medicine can kill him- it's super complicated." I hung my head in regret and shame.

"Because I'm allergic to Enojado Bees."

"Come on- hey," Jamsin pushed Levas' arm off my shoulder and put his. "you did what you could. I mean you're the only medic or alchemist that knows how to make that type of shit- more than anyone else."

"Bitch, don't push my arm." Jamsin pushed Levas' arm off my neck and put his.

"Bitch, too fucking bad." Levas did the same.

"Bitch, you're... a whore." Jamsin did it again.

And then Levas.

And then Jamsin.

And then Levas.

And then Jamsin.

And then Levas.

And th- "Ow! Bitch, you hit my throat!" I grabbed my neck. Fucking Jamsin punched my throat!!! >:| Lowkey... I liked it... being pushed around... by muscles. ^.^ But he seriously punched my neck. xO

"Oh, shit I'm sorry Entis." Jamsin hugged me. I let him. ^.^

10:13 A.M. - Tellurian form - Derra af ly Mearto - Near Namneda

"Okay," I sat down on Levas' lap, he was sitting on a stone and I was too damn tired to sit on the floor- I just had to sit on Levas' laps. ^.^ Plus, it's right next to a tree, but Levas is already leaning on it.

"Jellybugs, Kundzako leaves, Sunty frogs, Ern claws, blah-blah." I read the list by myself.

"Is that all?" Jamsin threw himself on the floor all tired and shit.

"Humph, this is barely half of the list." I said all tired too. "We have to go to Ti Gekenwor uf Pipsino and then to Eflin."

"Eflin?" Levas raised his voice in a surprise. He picked up his torso and dropped his chin on my left shoulder.

"Eflin's in Svaria." Jamsin too picked his head up.

"I know." I said.

"Why the Hell would Commander Gew send us off to Eflin?" Jamsin sat up.

"No, Gew didn't send us, we have to go. It's the closest place where there are Zazibra grapes, Chinwanter seeds and Psilocybin mushrooms." I said.

I know they're gonna give me crap about me not telling them that we're gonna have to go to Eflin to get that crap because our soldiers need it. Plus, they probably would've gone with me if I said I wanted to go by myself.

"Ugh." Jamsin threw his head on the floor.

"Look, Eflin's a pretty well-guarded city," Levas grabbed a map out of my backpack. "if we're going over there, we have to like, come in disguise or, fly there- I don't know."

"How far are we?" Jamsin asked.

"Uh," Levas squinted as he tried to read the letters. Levas always had a hard time understanding my writing, especially when I make maps, I mean when I write down the names of the countries and their major cities I do it small because we know where we are. "I think, ninety-three miles from Fort Jajaci."

Right now we're at Derra af ly Mearto.

0.0 Oh, I forgot what it means.

"Hey, Jamsin." I said.

"Mmm?" He hummed, facing the sky.

"What does 'Derra af ly Mearto' mean?"

"Land of the Dead."

"Oh, thanks!" I smiled like a bitch. ^.^

Jamsin knows how to speak Ebice. Ebice is a language that comes from Ebicnia (Ee-beye-s-nee-uh), he was born in Ebicnia. I visited that place actually, and his hometown Dufbrig. Dufbrig is a nice place, I brought a necklace there that looks so... freaking... awesome. ^.^

Anyway, we were gonna head deeper into Derra af ly Mearto, Land of the Dead. I know it's such a cliché name for a place, being that every fantastic story I read as a kid has it, but that place is... more different. Supposedly there's like, undead legionaires... 0.0 Mhmm. :

Like, there was a war here a long time ago, I think it was the Drundan-Faunt war, or the Odissian Revolution.

Well, like... first there was Fauntle. Wealthy, powerful and prosperous nation. Then, it raided it's neighboring country, Drundos. Drundos was a small, poor kingdom. I don't know, some shit- I think these Tellurian kids helped it gain independence from Fauntle.

And those dead soldiers, from both sides, were resurrected by some bitchy, mean sorcerer-necromancer. Those poor bodies now serve him and they protect Derra af ly Mearto. 0.0

Awesomeness! ^.^

"Oh, look." Jamsin pointed at the sky.

Me and Levas looked up.

"What?" I said.

"Did you see that bird?" Jamsin said.

"No." Levas said looking around trees.

"Oh, well." Jamsin dropped his arm.

"Drudu sen chao!" Someone yelled. 0.0 But the scream was evil-sounding!!!

Oh, look... I explain the story of a war and the resurrection of undead- and here comes some rotten soldiers. The irony of my life... -.-

I jerked up and looked around as I pulled up my bow and drew an arrow.

"Get up!" Levas shouted at Jamsin as he picked up his shield and raised his sword. Jamsin did the same.

"Sena fenp etvicha-selcodo!" We heard again.

"Whoa, shit!" Jamsin fell back on his butt. An arrow almost hit his head!!! 0.0

I pulled the arrow and looked for a target.

"Meut!" A woman screeched, followed by a clash of metal. Jamsin raised his shield as some undead bitch flung her halberd at him.

"Jamsin!" I yelled for his life.

Jamsin tried to squirm himself away from her, he was raising his shield as it was being pounded down and down.

I was frozen, I examined the undead's body in supreme fright. Her skin was the color of swamp, it was ripping and dark-red blood came oozing out of her from small and big tears in her flesh.

"Shoot her!" Levas yelled. I aimed the bow at her. But my left arm was interrupted by massive pain.

"Fuck!!" I yelled on the floor, but held onto my bow. It was a reflex I gained by fighting for some time.


My left elbow was twitching and I tried to pull the arrow out of it.

Lucky, the arrowhead easily popped off like the cap of a beer bottle, these arrows are so fucking old, that goes for all their other weapons.

I squirmed to get back up and try it again.

Stood on one knee, pulled the arrow back, and shot her!!!

She fell in defeat, and her body collapsed into her own bones clashing with each other to her death. Her weapon dropped on Jamsin's shield.

Jamsin stood up with a nod thanking me.

"Come on, bitches!" Levas found some more far behind me.

I turned around, and saw four melee-handlers, and two archers. I remember in my training, they would time us on identifying a target as offensive, neutral or ally. In addition to that, they would make us make estimations on how many enemies were on the field, and what weapons they used as a primary.

I'm really good at that. ^.^

I really don't care which century-old motherfucker shot me... but these ancient bitches aren't getting away with it... -.-

"Metar sene!" One undead pointed at us.

And their archers drew arrows, as the spearmen, two swordsmen and another one flailing around an axe tied to ropes. Smart -.-

"Jamsin!" Levas looked behind him at Jamsin, who was poised for three more coming up behind us.

"Damn!" I pulled an arrow.

"There's too-" Levas raised his shield for an incoming arrow.

I pulled back my arrow and took down another archer.

I usually handle the archers whenever we're in a battle, so they don't distract Levas or Jamsin while they're doing the up-close combat.

I readied another arrow for fire.

But the archer was taken down with another arrow claiming it's end.

It wasn't mine. 0.0

"Fucking Faunts!!" A distorted voice screeched. "Leave Odissia!" I turned to see him pull another arrow. It was the undead soldiers that Jamsin wanted to fight. But they totally ignored him. 0.0

They weren't here to fight us, they helped us! ^.^

"Odissia is territory of Fauntle! We will not leave until we re-claim what belongs to Plaf!" The leader undead charged.

Then, it was on.

Me, Levas, Jamsin and some old undead/zombie Drundans versus some Fauntlic undead/zombie group.

There is no other word more describable to an event like this so I'm just gonna say 'awesome' again. But with feeling.

Awsome... -.-

We charged all together, I stayed behind with the zombie Drundan leader and two more old-Drundan archers. I think he was pretty aware I was on his side.

Like, first there was a pretty big group of fighters clashing their weapons and skitsa, but then Levas took steps away as he dealt with three Faunts, which was pretty hard.

"Oh, my God." I whispered.

Levas was downed by Fauntlic halberdiers, swinging their massive halberds on his shield, every swing meant another crack in Levas' steel shield.

"Go help his friend." The Drundan leader faced an archer to his right.

The archer threw his bow and pulled up two great rusty maces, he ran towards the halberdiers.

I looked at the leader in a thanks, but he didn't face me, he was busy pulling arrows and letting them go.

"E'o drafin ponk hunchisqe!" He yelled, he dropped his bow and walked up to the last undead Faunt.

The last remaining Drundans stepped away from him and pulled Levas' and Jamsin's arm in discouragment when they tried to fight him.

"Sban." The Faunt commander, who was on the floor, spoke to the walking Drundan leader walking up to him, the Faunt commander was on his chest, and stood up with pride.

"Vodra." The Drundan hissed as he caught two swords slipping from his sleeves.

"Why do you fight for Drundos?" The Faunt said as he calmly swung a longsword and poised for a fight.

The Drundan stopped and did the same.

"Because you fight for a cruel tyrant, that took my people and killed everyone I loved, so close to me."

"Look, if you stop now, I'll leave you and your army live."

"Why would you stop the fight?" The Drundan smirked. "Are you scared of a second death, Vodra?"

"No, but you should be of me."


They clashed together, the Drundan and the Faunt, holding on to their same old beliefs.

Grunts and pounding and- xD that sounds like sex.

Anyways, the Faunt stood at surprise at the Drundan swinging his longsword near his head. And the Faunt fell.

I saw, his eyes glowed from a bright yellow, to a cozy golden brown as his body processed and accepted death.

I stood there.

"I'm sorry," The Drundan yanked his longsword out of the Faunt's neck, blood squirted out of it. "but I need to avenge my family, including helping you conceal your epiphany, brother."

The Drundan leader pointed his feet at the direction in which he came from, and started walking.

The other soldiers followed him.


As he passed by me, I softly put my hand on his shoulder.

He stopped, and turned his head to me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

He nodded, and then resumed walking.

8:17 P.M - Tellurian form - Near borders of Svaria - City of Bwasa

"No," Jamsin grabbed my collar and pulled me a little back. "they could see you."

Right now we're at the state of Vasio, it's a state that touches the borders of Svaria. But the city, Bwasa, now that's where we precisely are. A city that shares a river with the Svarians. And it's not a good spot to be in. 0.0

There's like Svarian guards on the opposite side and Eurenian guards on the other side, literally staring at each other over a river.

"So let's just swim in the damn river." I said. Me and Jamsin were on a crab-infested side of the river, which no one liked.

"No, they have puffer fishes and piranhas and eels." Jamsin argued.

"On our side or theirs?" I was astonished.

"Our- no theirs."

"Damn." I collapsed my butt on a rock.

We're hiding behind this big-ass boulder. There's alot of boulders in Bwasa, like, you can smuggle an elephant if you wanted to with these boulders.

"What if we drop some food in the lake to draw the fishes away?"

"Levas is talking to the guards to do that- pay attention, kid." Jamsin was silently assertive to me. I get nervous when Jamsin or Levas get like that. Like if they tell me "Stop" or "Calm down" or "Be serious". I would always be scared deep inside because that's not who they usually were. But, it's the fucking war.

"Guys." Levas was on the Svarian side of the river, waving his hand in the air like a dumbass.

"Levas?!" I whispered a holler.

"What the Hell are you doing there, man- you're supposed to be talking to the guards!" Jamsin lowered a blowdart he was gonna use against what we thought was a Svarian, but actually Levas.

"I did- I told them we were near the swamp-place with the crabs and they said just to cross."

"Really?" I placed my hands on Jamsin's shoulders.

"What about the eels and shit?" Jamsin stopped after he placed a foot in the water.

"Oh, yeah, they said they were gonna help us pass through the lake by asking the Svarians if they could dump dead animals in the spot, that way, the blood and corpses would attract the piranhas, then the eels would follow them."

"Alright." Jamsin dug a foot deeper into the river.

"Don't drop anything." He looked at his side to me.

"Okay." I said. "Here." I dropped a bag full of our stuff in front of him.

"'Kay." Jamsin grabbed the bag and flung it with full strength over Levas' side of the river.

"Idiot!" Levas ducked. "You almost hit my head!" The bag got stuck on the roots of a tree that had no more land to dig into.

"Sorry." He said to Levas. "Is that all?" He turned to me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Alright." He sat on a high level clear of water. I sat and had Jamsin in front of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and threw my arms under his and held onto his chest.

I don't know how to swim. :

"Okay, hold on." Jamsin said, he grabbed my legs and pushed them up closer to his torso.

As Jamsin looked to set his right foot in the water, Levas ducked and looked in the distance for Svarian guards, holding his crossbow ready for fire.

"'Kay." Jamsin said. He now had both his feet set on the river floor, he started advancing slowly as his hands held up my legs.

"Hurry up." Levas whispered.

Jamsin was slipping and taking steady steps now and then.

"Fucking rocks are slippery." Jamsin grunted.

"You're doing good." I patted his muscles. I dug my left cheek onto his right broad shoulder for support. And comfort. ^.^

I was kinda scared, this river was pretty wide, I mean Levas was about ten-fifteen yards away.

(I really don't know my yards and feet and such so, I'm sorry 0.0)

Anyway, the water felt nice and cold. I felt my bare feet diving into the cold and shaky waters. It was nice.

I looked down onto it and saw my and Jamsin's reflection. It was a crescent moon that was visible in the corner of my eye, and it gave off sufficient light to see my Tellurian face.

I saw myself, my bright brown eyes and black hair, and I saw Jamsin's brave, fright-less face facing upwards, towards Levas.

For some reason... I smiled. This kind thing he was doing for me reminded me of other things Jamsin does for me.

I mean, Jamsin always looked out for me, and I intended to do the same, always.

Jamsin would always protect me and make sure I was safe where-ever I go.

And seeing myself being carried by my own crush.




I just feel safe now. Like, I feel safe and well guarded. I know I have two best friends present with me that love me so much. I kept my eyes focused on our reflections.

The moon was crescent-shaped, and the clouds were dark and light-gray, fading smears of fog, mixed in with a light purple romantic sky that grew blinking stars in which stood bright and screamed out the color white.

There was also a set of dancing hairs and two dark circles next to each other, and two white rows of rocks alined in a messy sequence.

Oh shit. 0.0