The Ultimate Man- Chapter 13

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#13 of The Ultimate Man

Shown through Chris's eyes, this is his story of emerging college life at CSU Long Beach.

Waking up to a naked man is always a great way to start off any break. Even though Tay and I had ended our relationship, as evidence of last night the passion was still there. The link between Tay and I was even stronger than that I thought. It was the comfort of having an old friend, companion, and comrade lying next to me that reminded it of how even though we may move on, we will always hold a part of each other in our hearts.

With the sun glowing off Tay's picturesque body; my left arm untangles his hair as my right caresses the midsection. Our legs are intertwined together, him wrapping his right over my right leg. We both have slight hard ons; evidence how well we slept last night. His beige blanket holds us in place, covering up our lower sections.

Tay mumbles softly as he flutters open his eyes, looking right back at me. "Good morning sexy." He sweetly speaks as he leans in for a kiss.

Returning the passion, our lips embrace each other. The touch of morning connects us closer, me shifting through his blanket to move on top of him. I move my right hand up to his face, outlining his cheeks as he smiles at me. "Good morning Tay."

I rest my head down onto his chest, listening to his heart beat, increasing slightly as he begins to become more conscious. Kissing my hair slightly, he twirls with my blonde curls, playing around with each spiral he makes. "You know, it would be a tragedy to waste this morning wood. I suggest we saw them down." Murmuring into my ear, he moves his hands out my hair, sketching my sides before resting on our heads.

Rubbing the tips slightly, he takes both planks as one and begins treatment. Moaning softly, I nibble on his ears while massaging his nipples. The nipple play, along with the ears elicits whimpers from him, us both reaching a close climax. He managed to work well, us both blowing busts at the same time. Mine shot further between our bodies, moving up my chest, stopping short of my pecks. His was more of ooze, shooting slightly up his chest but the majority flowing out down to his pubic hair.

Releasing the hold over our poles, he draws a line back up my side, ending on my cheek, pulling me in for another kiss. The smell of eggs breaks our airlock on each other, the whiff of food causing our stomachs to growl at us. Their endless complaining makes us laugh at each other, Tay sliding down my body, kissing my stomach gently before giving a goodbye lip lock to my cock.

Standing full-monty in the sun, Tay rummages through his drawers, finding some pj's to pull on. Tossing me my jeans from last night, he pulls out a plain white t-shirt to cover the stain on his body. "You coming for breakfast or just sitting in bed all day?"

Grinning at him, I sit up and start dressing back up, moving my legs through the briefs and jeans all in one motion. Tay did well last night, managing to take both off in one fluid motion. "Well I was hoping to shower first but I guess that I can do that back at my place."

Pulling my brown shirt over my head, I ruffle my hair together, hoping to make myself a little presentable before seeing Tay's parents. Especially his father... Tay leaves first, heading down the stairs and out of my sight. Patting my pockets to make sure I have all my belongings, I follow suit.

While each of the houses in this community is set up differently, there is still a slight similarity between them. The kitchen is always near the back, dining room off to either the left or right. The family office room, or in Tay's family's case, the man cave, is opposite the dining room. The bottom of the stairs makes for the introduction, the man cave to my left, dining room to my right.

Looking around me, pictures of airplanes and jets line the walls, Tay and his family scattered in a few of them. Tay's father works in the aeronautics industry, creating and designing planes and engines. His mother is lawyer, working high up in the courts, not normally dealing with low end cases.

Moving into the kitchen, I see Tay has already started eating, bacon, eggs, and a waffle filling his plate. His mother is operating from behind the bar, the stove sizzling bacon in one pan and eggs in the other. "Hey Chris, I had a feeling you were over last night. Welcome home." Her smile tells everything, knowing that Tay and I had sex last night. "Come, eat. You need some protein after last night."

Coughing slightly, Tay drops his fork and looks over to his mom. Speaking through a slightly filled mouth, "Mom, really?!" Turning to me, his eyes are wide, a red skin fighting his naturally white face.

Blushing as well, I move over to Tay's mom and grab a plate. "Thank you Mrs. Wayston." She moves a couple pieces of bacon and an egg to my plate before winking at me. There are waffles on the table so I quickly turn around and head over, finding a place near Tay.

"So Chris, how long are you in town for?" Mrs. Wayston quizzes as she moves the pans off the electric stoves and to a cooler place. She then moves to the sink to start cleaning up the bowls and measuring cups.

Moving bites into my mouth and swallowing, I quickly respond before digging in again. "Ally and I are here till Friday. She has a project due the following week which she needs to work on." The bacon grease tastes incredible, the crunchiness of the meat sending flavor down my throat.

"That's nice. Hope you enjoy your time while you are here." Her tone suggests an ulterior motive to what she probably means. Her back is to me so I am unable to see what emotion she is displaying on her face.

Glancing over to Tay, he merely grins back. The food is quickly devoured, me wanting seconds before seeing the time. It is already ten, the day passing quicker than expected. Finishing up the food, I sneak over to Mrs. Wayston, her motioning to place the dish next to the sink. She is still working on the dishes. "Thank you for the food. I would love to stay longer but I need to get back home."

Tay simply waves at me as I make a break for the exit. Mrs. Wayston shouted out to me something inaudible, the opening door cutting off her speech to me. Quickly traversing the graveled road, I move towards my house, moving up the walkway. Heading in the door, I try to make as little noise as possible.


I manage to sneak past the General, though I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs. Wayston informed him of my whereabouts. Not hearing his commands calling out for me, I strip out of my old clothes and grab a towel. Strutting down the hall, I enter the bathroom, the huge limestone counters, dark brown contrasting with the white tub/shower combo sitting against the wall. Not wasting any time depriving myself of a shower, I turn on the water and hop in.

The cool run of the water revitalizes me before warming up, relaxing my body back into vacation mode. The shower takes longer than normal, running the water for about 15 minutes before the General bangs on the door telling me to get out.

Changing back in my room, I text Wendy to see if she wants to hang out. While waiting for her response I head downstairs, running into the General and Ally, both sitting at the table talking. Knowing it was to be expected, Ally merely ponders, "How was your night Chris?"

Smirking at her, I retort bluntly, "My guess is better than yours given that you are here before me." Turning to the General, "Hey I am going to go hang out with Wendy today ok?"

Instead of responding, the General simply hands me a piece of paper over his shoulder. Looking at in confusion, it takes a few second before I actually read what it is. Formatted out in a list, food is sorted out by refrigeration, baking, drinks, etc. "Pick that up before you get in tonight ok?" The General breaks his silence turning to look at me. "Also don't stay out to late tonight, we have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow, well you two do. I am going hunting with the Attorney General." He smiles at me, the adult grin that says he still has authority.

Turning around in disbelief, I head out the door. Wendy had already pulled into the roundabout, the passenger's door open. Jumping in, I comically state, "Glad to see you still remember the code to get in here. Makes me glad I don't have to walk all the way down the street."

Wendy laughs as she leans over and hugs me. "I completely forgot to give you that last night." Pulling out of the driveway we make small talk till getting to the local shopping center. As we used to do back in high school, we got out of the car and made our way through the mall, finding the perfect place to people watch. It was a nice three story mall, and our special bench looked out over all levels.

"So which game are we playing? I spy, story line, or matching?" Wendy nudges me as I look over the community moving in erratic manners.

Eyeing a man dragging his kids across the second floor, I grin happily. "Story line. I already have a perfect scenario." Wendy folds her arms and kicks back, scanning over the populous for whom I am about to talk about. "Second floor, walking towards us. There is a man dragging his kids. He just got his freedom from the wife but on the condition that he takes the kids. Since he has a few hours to himself, he is trying to..." The man enters a cigar shop, disappearing out of our sights. "Grab a cigar because his wife thinks he is quitting when he isn't."

Wendy laughs at absurdity of my statement but as the guy walks out, holding a bag, she laughs even more. "Ok, ok. My turn." She glances around the complex, picking out the perfect targets. Pointing across to the food court, same floor as us and directly across; she spots out a group of high school looking girls. They are all leaning in, whispering something to each other.

"They are stalking a cute boy in their class, maybe for the winter ball that is coming up." Wendy looks around the court, trying to figure out who the guy is. I spot him first, the typical jock, wearing a sports jersey of a team that is unrecognizable from our distance. Wendy notices him as well. "Yea they are all trying to figure if he will make the first move or if she should."

Keeping my gaze on the group, I utter out loud, "Kinda reminds you of us a few years ago right; you and I whispering over if Sean was actually going to grow the balls for you. It took a little nudging on my and Tay's part though..." Flashbacks to high school race across our minds, thinking of all the fun times we had as a group.

Wendy interrupts the moment, bringing up an uncertain issue facing me at the moment. "Speaking of you and Tay... what's the deal? It didn't take much to see that you two still had a flame for each other."

Taking in a deep breath then releasing it, "Nothing can happen with us. We are at different parts of the state studying two different things. He knows it and I know it. It's just moving beyond that part that is complicated. Not going to lie though, we both still love each other." My eyes go blank, not wanting to show any emotion over the subject at hand.

Wendy chuckles a little then admits, "Yea he kinda told me after you left his house. Since you left, it's been more of a threesome instead of a group. Sean, Tay, and I all talk to each other but you have gone off the radar."

Like Tay, I begin to open up to her, telling her about Kyle and the attack, though that was something I still need to talk to Tay about. She pulls me in close, comforting me as much as she can before I continue. I talk about Michael and how he is affecting me, the feelings that I have for him but don't want to move into too quickly. Knowing it has reached around early into the afternoon; I break off from my monologue and tell her we need to head over to the supermarket for food.

Leaving the mall, Wendy heads over to the closest grocery story, finding parking then us walking in. Grabbing a cart, we start strolling down the aisles, picking out things here and there that we need. Reverting back to our previous banter, I pose my question to Wendy, "What about you? Surely you and Sean still have a flame that burns. Embers at least." Grabbing some breadcrumbs I toss them into the cart, turning to her looking for an answer.

Laughing, Wendy moves in front of me, turning around and walking backwards. "Sean and I are still actually... together. Yea we are going to different schools but we still see each other on the weekends. He comes down to me every other weekend, or vice verse. It's been hard at times but we try our best." Her talking about the strength of the relationship brought pain to my heart, thinking of how Kyle and I couldn't do it and we were only 40 miles away from each other... if that.

We quickly finished up and went back to my house where we spent the rest of the day playing video games. She was one of few women that I knew that played Halo, us being a perfect match for each other. She told me that her roommate played as well and they would often have all night competitions against the guys in the floor below.

She left around six at night, heading out to dinner with her family. Ally, the General, and I all ate dinner together, one of our few times where we actually felt like a family.


The following morning was all about Ally and me baking pies, having us both start at around 9. The General had gone out early in the morning to take part in the traditional quail hunting with the Attorney General. While we were blending the ingredients together, the TV was showing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. There were a few times when we took a break to watch the concerts that were performed or check out some of the floats.

Thankfully we didn't have to make too many pies, only the stereotypical apple and blueberry pies. We finished the apple first, taking that out of the oven around 11, the end of the parade showing. The General came back around 11:30, walking into the kitchen while Ally and I were cleaning up after the first pie. "I guess it's a good thing that we got a turkey this year. The quail seemed to know I was back in town and were all hiding."

I am surprised that he came back empty handed, a very rare feat for the General. "That bad out there?"

Resting the shotgun on his cameo jacket, the General let out a depressed sigh. "Well Ferris did manage to get one and I shot one as well but I owed it to Ferris for scaring off a hunt earlier in the day." Turning back around, he moved back out, leaving a dirt trail showing his efforts.

Ally moved towards the closet, grabbing a broom out when the door rang. "Hey Chris you wanna get that while I clean this up?" She was already working on the floor, sweeping the clots of dirt and dust together.

Moving over the path of grit, I make my way to the door. The shadow is attempting to peek in through our hazy windows. Seeing me move up the door, whoever it is moves out of sight, back into the light. Opening the door I am caught in shock of seeing Pike standing out front, holding nothing but a duffle bag. Completely confused at what is going on, I blurt out,

"What are you doing here?"

He quickly pulls me outside, closing the door behind me. Zipping back up his brown leather jacket, he hides the Thanksgiving shirt he had on underneath. It is a humor shirt, a ploy on the phrase "Tastes like Chicken." The shirt says "Tastes like Human" written on the top and beneath it is a turkey standing over a stick figure human. Hushing his voice, he starts his explanation. "Hey Chris, I know this is last minute but I came up to surprise your sister. I was hoping that she would answer the door. Is she home?" Pike is slightly nervous at the moment, hoping that his plan will still work.

"Well she is cooking at the moment but if you want me to get her I can." I point my finger over my shoulder back at the house.

Pike looks over my shoulder then pauses for a quick second. "Nah, actually can I surprise her in the kitchen?" A playful grin crosses his mouth as we both enter back into the house.

Ally shouts from the kitchen wanting to know who it is. Responding back at her, I yell "It was just Tay wanting to know what time they are coming over for dinner tonight." Pike hangs a few feet behind me as I enter back to the kitchen.

Ally has finished the crust, having laid it out in the tray. Looking over to me, she nods her head to the fridge, "Hey while you are there, could you get out the blueberries?"

Hoping Pike waits a few seconds, I open up the fridge and shift around the random assortments of food, knowing the berries are right in front of me the entire time. "I am not seeing them, are you sure they are in here?"

Ally huffs, moves over to the sink to wash her hands, and then behind me pushing me out of the way. I move back, allowing for her to take full custody of the search. Motioning for Pike to come in, he slips in and wraps his hands over Ally's face.

"What the..?" Ally barks out, pulling out the blueberries in the process. Breaking Pike's eye mask, Ally wraps around, taking in his quirky Thanksgiving shirt, then his face. Coming to the realization of who is standing in front of her, Ally drops the basket of blueberries all over the floor. "PIKE?!"

Pike grabs Ally by the waist and lifts her off the ground, twirling her around. Ally squeals loudly as Pike stumbles backwards, crushing a few of the berries in the process. Putting her down, Pike flattens down his shirt before beaming at her. "I thought I would surprise you for Thanksgiving." Changing his tone real fast, Pike persists, "If that is ok with you..."

Before Ally can respond, the General walks in, his shotgun bent in half, a cleaning rod hanging out the loading side of the barrel. The General pulls out the rod and snaps the shotgun back together, the clap tearing Ally and Pike apart. "I heard screaming and a man's voice. Are you alright Ally?"

Ally shoots blood to her face, embarrassed that the General walked in on her and Pike embracing each other. I have moved away from the two and towards the table, pulling up a chair to see the show. I would have wanted popcorn at the moment but the explosions of the kernels might have made Pike more scared of the General than he already was. Ally back over to Pike, wrapping her arms around his waist before opening up. "Dad, you remember Pike right? Well he is my boyfriend... now."

The General looks at Ally, then Pike, then his shotgun. Opening it up, he comments out loud, "Oh shit, I forgot the shells." Clapping the gun back together, Pike jumping again, the General props it against his shoulder once more and extends his free hand. "Well Pike, I saw the bag out front, you planning on staying here the night?"

Pike awkwardly pull outs his hand, gripping the General in a strength test, then backs out real fast. "Umm... well sir, I was hoping to but wanted to have your permission first." With me sitting behind the General, it is hilarious to watch Pike constantly switch his views from the General to the shotgun and back. It is almost as if he doesn't know which one to ask.

The General drops the shotgun down a bit, catching it at the barrel, and then converses "Well if you are to stay here tonight, you either get the guest house or the couch. Ally is sleeping alone, whether she likes it or not." I notice a slight head movement to her before he continues, changing his tone to more upbeat. "Other than that, I have no problem with you staying."

Ally squeals again, jumping onto Pike as the General turns away. Heading back into his office to continue cleaning the shotgun, he bellows, "Keep the affection to a minimum please, your old man doesn't need to see too much of that." Pike moves towards me, high fiving me as I get up.

Ally calms down a little, very little, as she notices the squashed berries on the floor. "Ah shit, I dropped the berries. Now we have to get new ones." She moves to pick up the whole ones and tosses them before grabbing a sponge and cleaning up the stains left behind.

Wanting to leave the two to their fun, I offer to go get new ones. Ally agrees to my offer, informing me that she will start working on the dinner. Pike though catches both of us off guard, "Hey Ally baby, you mind if I tag along with Chris?"

Slightly perplexed, Ally releases an unsure, "Yea, sure, I guess." Before Ally can comment further, I move towards the side door, heading out towards her car. Pike follows chase, jumping in after me.

It doesn't take us too long before we get to the closest open supermarket. We manage to get in during the peak hours of the day, people apparently forgetting many items for their dinners tonight. Pike and I stroll through the market, looking at the wives and husbands rushing to get the last pumpkin can or cranberries.

As we head towards the fresh fruit section, I strike up conversation, pertaining mostly to what he is doing here. "Ok, I can understand you jumping over the fence to get to my house but what are you doing here in Sacramento? Did you literally just come up to see my sister?"

Pike looks out ahead, not wanting to face me. "Yea, it was pretty spur of the moment for me. My parents are all on the other side of the country with family, my brother with them as well. I didn't feel like being alone for Thanksgiving so I came up."

We manage to find the blueberries, one of three containers still left. They were all the ones that no one wanted, some of them a little too ripe. "Ok next question, at the beach party you told me that you and my sister started dating back in September. How did that come about? I was kinda pissed to be blindsided by it but have gotten over it."

Approaching the self checkout, I slide through the berries as Pike counters my question. "Well I actually ran into her when I was at Fullerton talking with Victoria. She saw me after my fight with Vic and came to talk to me. It is actually your sister that helped me get over Victoria."

After paying for the food, we proceed to head out to the car, Pike maintaining his explanation. "After your attack, we got a little closer, her wanting me to keep an eye on you. Even though you and I didn't interact too much, I still have my eyes around the campus. They reported to me how things were going and all."

The thought of Ally and Pike caring that much about me made their relationship a little easier to stomach. While they had never told me about it, they were still thinking out for my best interests, wanting to keep me in their good graces.

It didn't take that long for us to get back to the house, but when we did we saw that it was approaching 3 we realized that we took longer than we should have. The dinner was supposed to start soon, Tay and his family bringing over some food as well. Pike and I got back in, handing the berries to Ally who had moved onto the turkey. She mixed the berries into the ingredients before tossing it in the oven as well. Changing the time a little, having to cook the turkey and pie at the same time, she grumbled while she did out the calculations.

Around 4:30 the dinner was ready and being set up. Tay and the Wayston's had arrived about 15 minutes prior, bringing over various vegetables and stuffing and biscuits. We all gathered around the table for food, the smell bringing us together for the feast.

While it isn't much, our Thanksgiving dinner looks great. Ally did a great job on the pies, coming out perfectly brown on the tops. The turkey is glazed over, mixed dark meat on one plate and light meat on another. The smell of the meat, wafting in the mixture of pudding and veggies, makes my eyes water. Being home and getting real food is one thing but to get Thanksgiving style food is far and few to come by in the college life.

We all sit down, the General saying grace before starting to pass the food around. The General sat at one end of the table; Mr. and Mrs. Wayston are directly opposite, Mr. Wayston on the end and Mrs. on the corner. Ally and Pike sit in the middle together: playfully nudging each other as they eat their food. Tay and I managed to get seats opposite each other, him next to the General, me next to Mrs. Wayston.

Small talk is made between the two families, most of it directed to Pike and his budding romance to Ally. Having the Wayston's know us since we were really young; they wanted to know all about Ally's love interest. While I had slightly gotten used to the two of them cuddling and giggling every so often, it still was annoying at times to see the love. The affection that they were showing displayed what true love was. I was mostly silent throughout the dinner, more interested in savoring my food than talking.

Tay took notice of my attention on the couple, slight disgust appearing on my face from time to time. I did my best to mask it but having been with Tay for so long, he had noticed when I was jealous, this situation being one of those. Feeling a leg kick me under the table, my attention is turned away, looking for who kicked me.

Tay lets loose a small smile, his leg starting to stroke mine beneath the cover of the table. After a few motions up and down, I have focused on him more, less on Ally and Pike. It still doesn't stop the conversation from revolving around Pike but it is a start.

Thank god for Pike though, after a while he moved the conversation to the Wayston's asking how they knew us, what all they did, and where Tay went to college. It was a quick and easy ploy to chance direction, turning the tables as now being the guest interested in the extended family.

The dinner ended around 6, with dessert being served soon after. Talking continued further; commenting on Ally's pies, as well as remembering how good the dinner was. Mrs. Wayston helped clean up afterwards, her cleaning off the dishes while I scrubbed them. Mr. Wayston and the General packaged away the food, each placing certain foods into containers.

After that, it was a slow night. Tay and his family left around 7, Mr. Wayston having to work the following morning. Ally, Pike, and I all got into some massive gaming on the Xbox, moving between several games; one of the Halo games then switching over to Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

I was the first one to call it a night, heading out around 9:30. I knew it was early but my stomach was putting me into a coma. The taste still lingered in my mouth and even though I brushed, I didn't want to end the taste, grabbing a piece of apple pie before heading up to my room.

Eating the pie, I began to think over the week. While three days had passed since we left Long Beach, it felt like a long time. Seeing Tay again made me feel at home and relaxed. It was going to be hard to go back to Long Beach but come the weekend, I know it will be done.