The wolves and the sheep chapter 1: take

Story by Lister on SoFurry

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The wolves and the sheep

Chapter 1: take


This story has NC contents between male anthropomorphics, if this isn?t your cup of tea, then I suggest you don?t read it, and you must be of legal age to view such material and all that boring routine. Otherwise, enjoy.


As soon as the tiger up front sounded the horn, every other fur were establishing camp for the night. The ram dropped his heavy load and fell on the soft grass with a relieving sigh. They have walked for nearly six hours without stopping for food, nor water. Those who owned carts were able to do shifts when one gets tired. This was envy for every fur that traveled along except to the ram and few others. Nick was a 5?7? tall ram; averagely built, his fur was rather soft and straight unlike other sheep. The other furs established tents and huts, some already started cooking their dinner.

The ram closed his eyes and tilted his head as the wind blew over the prairie grass and brushing through his fur. He gave himself a moment of pause reflecting all that made him what he was today. He recalled the earliest image that he could remember as a lamb- his mother - that thought always made him feel safe when he was depressed and homesick. The next image was of his infancy, that stage of his life amazed him; it was when he was ready to believe all the myths he?d been told. Then came his teen age his teen age? the ram ended his flashback at that. He was miserable enough to be away from his home, thinking of that stage in his life wouldn?t help. The ram lied down from his sitting, put both his arms beneath his head and stared at the blood red sky; it would?ve been such a sight if he saw it from a lake.

The ram decided to let his curiosity get the better of him, he sat back up and scanned through the area. Coincidentally he saw the river just about 1 mile down the hill; ?wow? he thought, ?what are the odds of that?? Getting up and grabbing his load, a huge paw dropped on his shoulder. Recognizing the pattern of stripes on the paw, Nick figured this to be a cat? a Tiger. He turned around and looked up at the huge feline. He was more than 6? tall and wore leather armor, yet it looked as if though no sword would be able to penetrate that thickness. He looked straight in his eyes: ?Yes, leader?? the leader of the caravan.

The tiger used to be nick?s superior when they were in the military. They both fought side by side and were there for each other; especially when the tiger needed sexual relief, the ram didn?t mind to cooperate. Both retired later as war became very uncommon in the land; they felt they were no longer needed. They made their own business of guided migration. And now this is their fifth migration so far.

The feline had his arms crossed and from the looks of it he wasn?t happy. Finally the tiger sighed and said: ?Look Nick, I can guess what?s on your mind but please be careful when you head down there. I?ll let you be with your business but get an early rest, we?re leaving at dawn. We?ll be waking I?ll be waking everyone up if need to but if you?re not among us, I can?t go look for you?. The ram gulped at this and thought twice about it. ?Yes sir.? He affirmed. Stubborn as he was the ram still wanted to go down there. ?I?ll be back ASAP? the ram reassured. The tiger smiled softly, turned and walked away, examining the others at the back of the caravan.

Nick decided to set off for the lake since time was not on his side. The ram made it down the slope through the thick forest and finally to the lake. The ram came to a halt and leaned down to his knees heavily breathing. He walked slowly walked to the shore of the lake, knelt down on all fours and bowing his head to drink from the lake. After 15 seconds the ram looked drunk with satisfaction. He fell back again on his arms and enjoying the view. He sighed:? ah? life?s good.? The sunset was beautiful to watch indeed. But tiredness was overwhelming him from the trip and the running to here; he slowly closed his eyes, and slept.

After dreaming of the dark, the ram opened his eyes. He found himself sleeping sideways, staring at the other section of the forest. He sat up yawning and stretching his arms out, and stood up. He brushed himself getting off some grass from his clothes. Picking up his pack, he turned. What he saw really frightened him: two buff wolves standing more than 6?. Besides the fact of what species they were, they were in the nude and lacked emotion from their body language and muzzle expression. He couldn?t tell much since they were about 50 yards apart and being dark. Nevertheless, he knew he stood low in the food chain; the ram gulped and took a step back. The wolves crouched down and dashed from on all fours. The wolves were traveling at the ludicrous speed of an ox. Nick just stood there with that first step back he made, and was dumbfounded. He knew he couldn?t outrun these wolves even if he dropped his pack. One of them was already a few meters away about ready to leap. The ram just said a stupid: ?heh?? in just a split second, the world just went spinning around him.

The first wolf dove into the ram?s upper body that got the wind knocked out of the critter and wrapped his arms around the prey. Both were propelled to the grass, and soon the second wolf followed, the second one did the same except it was around the ram?s thighs. Regaining consciousness after that crash, Nick?s eyes were met a pair of red eyes obviously the wolf?s. He was terrified he couldn?t say anything or even scream. The wolf made a snap with its muzzle, it suggested the ram it was going for the kill. The ram started to panic and squirmed, the first wolf released his grip around the ram; instead he grabbed both the ram?s wrist and pinned them down. After his shock passed, Nick was about to yell for help, but that was interrupted when the wolf plunged its tongue into the ram?s muzzle, muffling him and gasping for air. The wolf?s tongue was forcing and massaging the ram?s. Meanwhile the other wolf was sniffing the ram?s crotch, its muzzle made contact that the ram began to twitch and yip at this. Then he started to lick from the ram?s hole all the way up to his balls and cock. After that first lick, the wolf lustily dove its head and took the ram?s ball and cock in his muzzle suckling on them hungrily. The ram?s fears were soon replaced with pleasure and he kissed back at the wolf topping him. The wolf pulled back, he crawled forward until his waist was facing nick?s muzzle. The ram was face to face with the wolf?s monster, it was hanging one foot and three inches wide. The wolf slid down a paw and held Nick?s head. ?no wai?gulp? the wolf thrust his cock deep enough to gag him. He began to hump his face. The sheep was mixed in a wave of pleasure as the other wolf below was still feasting on his lower parts. He happily complied by sucking hard.

The ram was nearing his climax with all the senseless lust going on.

The ram just gave one more hard suckle, and his muzzle was gushed with cum, some could be seen dripping from the side of his muzzle. The ram was given no choice but to drink it. The ram had to glug three times to swallow the entire wolf?s load. Arching his back the ram?s cock spurted hard inside the lower wolf?s muzzle. Nick ended his climax with 4 waves of ejaculation. One of the most erotic moments of his life, the wolf below licked the cock clean. The ram passed out satisfied. Both the wolves pulled back out. The wolf who took over the upper body pointed to the other wolf and said pointing to his cock: ?not going to relieve yourself?? the other wolf looked back and replied ?later... I?d like to have him when he?s recovered... and then...? he smiled ?we humiliate him.? the other grinned at the thought. He knelt down picked up the unconscious sheep and carried him on his shoulder; they both headed into the darker parts of the forest, away form the caravan.

To be continued...

Author?s note: apologies to the readers who thought the story to be too technical and had fast sex in it. (my first story, sorry)

All feedbacks welcome to: [email protected]