WOLF - pt.10

Story by Eben Black on SoFurry

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#10 of WOLF

Part 10 ... rate, comment, fave and subscribe :3 much love~

The new uniform fit me fine, but made me a little green around the gills seeing as the last one had been ripped off just before I had savaged Linus sexually.

I shuddered and gripped the sink basin, as I fought back against my stomach.

No! I would not throw up. I would not!

When I felt confident enough to walk, I went in search of my fox comrade and the questionable lion. I found them in the common room, moving the second couch back into place, opposite its twin.

It was foolish to keep the door barricaded. If Linus wanted in, the devious fuck would find a way.

"Right then. What do you want to know?" Lian asked. He hopped over the back of the couch and with a dull thump was nestled between the cushions and the plush leather. He reached up and yanked at the crevat fixed around his throat. It spilled away in a flourish of dark gold silk.

Thin scars crisscrossed the flesh of his slender throat. He caught me looking, and touched them absent-mindedly.

"Remember when Linus asked if the scenario between you and him looked familiar to me?" he asked.

I nodded.

He slumped forward, elbows leaning on his knees as he massaged the back of his neck. "Normally when damage is done while your in full moon form the wounds heal when you become human again, unless one condition is met."

"And that would be?"

"The use of silver on the wound. Am I right?" Miles asked suddenly.

Lian nodded.

Miles sighed and asked, "Did Linus bind you in a silver collar with dozens of tiny, silver-infused blades on the inner side of the collar?"

Lian's eyes went a little wide, while he nodded slowly.

Miles smiled sadly.

I didn't understand half of what was being said, but Lian seemed to work it out rather quick.

"I wear silver piercings all the time. Silver never did me any harm," I suggested.

"Piercings and the like won't. Not enough silver content to even make a dent. But a silver blade with a high enough content secreted in the steel will hurt like acid on your skin," Lian explained.

He then rounded on Miles, and glared at the fox.

"The collar was meant for you, but Linus never got a chance to use it when you went berserk. The whole of Haven talked about your murder attempt on Linus, but never mentioned the toys that he had wanted to use on you." Lian frowned and looked resentfully at Miles as he growled, "Because of your reaction to SD I was brought in next and took the collar when Linus fucked me..."

He let his voice trail off, as Miles squeezed his hands at his side, that tremble had returned again.

"I'm sorry..."

Lian's eyes burned with anger, but then simmered as he visibly calmed down. He sat back in the seat and sighed, "Don't worry about it. If it hadn't been me, then it would have been someone else."

Miles considered Lian for a heartbeat and then nodded.

Lian stretched his whole body, he laced his fingers together and groaned under the strain. He eased back and looked at me. He gestured to the couch opposite and I sat at his indication.

"So, the initiation or my involvement. Which do you wanna hear about first?" he asked.

I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair. I rubbed my wrists over my ears and noticed that my piercings had gone missing. Probably snapped off during the transformation, which meant Linus had them. Joy.


"Initiation is exactly what it sounds. An initiation test into the Haven Institution. All students either pass the initiation or fail. Those who fail disappear, unless they are special cases like Miles or myself," he replied.

"You failed your initiation?" I asked.

Lian touched a finger to his lips and said, "Shh, I'll get to that."

"Alright, so what happens?"

"Initiation lasts for about a month. In that time you will have scheduled lessons, mandatory of course, and also trained on the sidelines control your inner beast and mentored in retaining your human consciousness during a natural transformation. Not one induced by SD. In between all of that you will meet the Elite, and this is where the initiation comes into its own."

"The Elite?"

Lian nodded. "The Elite are Linus' own personal sexual deviants. Over the course of the initiation period, you will be charged with enduring SD-induced sessions with each of the Elite."

"If I refuse?" I proposed.

"Your binding contract becomes void. The conditions that keep you here, entrapped, will collapse. Whoever, or whatever Linus is dangling above your head to keep you in line will be annihilated."

"Basically, I have no choice but to take that drug again?"

"Basically, yeah."


"Loved ones, items, conditions, all of it will be fed to the wolves if you do not comply."

"There!" I snapped suddenly, pointing at Lian.

He blinked at me, "What?"

I grinned, and asked, "What does that mean? That phrase? You both have issues with the wolves, you and Miles, and Linus used the exact same threat earlier!"

Lian smiled and continued, "SD compells each and every animal to do its bidding; fight or fuck. All, except for one animal. The wolf. This was because we believed all werewolves were sadomasochists and sadistic lovers in bed, just like the wolf pack that dwells here in Haven. Even without the drug, they are vicious and disgusting." He shuddered at the thought and then added, "You've met Luis. He's more sane than the others and I'm pretty sure he hates what he has become, but all the wolves' inner beasts are violent manifestations of insanity itself."

"Its what made me so cautious around you when you first arrived here, and I found out you were my new roommate," Miles explained.

"When you submitted to the SD influences, it was discovered you weren't as insane as the others. A normal, humane werewolf, its unheard of at Haven," Lian said with a shallow smile.

"How many werewolves are there here?" I asked.

"Too many to count. Both male and female. The ones to watch though are the alphas, the Big Three."

"Big Three?" I repeated with a slight frown.

"Luis; you've met; Carmella and Broderic are the other two," Lian explained.

"Luis isn't so bad so long as his beast isn't racing to the surface, but Carmella is a mad bitch, and Broderic loves nothing more than inducing damage during sexual exploitations. It was his involvement that made Linus develop a passion for using the collar," Miles added.

I looked at Lian, "Broderic helped abuse you?"

Lian shook his head.

"Broderic wouldn't have been there personally. Linus doesn't share all that well," Miles explained, "But they do swap tips sometimes in the cafeteria."

"Fucked up, but I got it, stay away from the wolves."

Lian chortled, "Easier said than done. Do your best to avoid them, but you are a werewolf. It wouldn't be too unexpected if they paid you a visit sooner or later. Right? Any other questions?" he added.

I nodded. "Miles indicated you might harm me. Why was that?"

Lian sighed and then stood up. He unbuckled his belt in silence and pushed his pants down a little. He lifted his shirt and revealed a golden trail of hair encircling his naval and then diving down beyond the waistband of his black boxer shorts.

Just before his hip dipped to meet his groin, a letter 'E' done in scripture had been branded on his flesh.

"I'm a member of the Elite."