Slave (Part One)

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Slave

This story was written when I was asked "What would I do with a Slave". Here are the

results. Enjoy. M/M issues.

I saw the crowd at the Slave Market, grouping below the platform where the unfortunates

would be paraded for sale.

Internally I shuddered � never being a slave myself � I'm freeborn, but I can understand

what slave can go through.. You see � I have owned them myself.

My family always had slaves on our property, indeed I was practically brought up by a

slave when I was young.

The bidding starts as the various furs are brought out. There are no discrimination but it

is rare to find a human on the docks, more through lack of supply than anything else.

Since the furs came about several centuries ago we humans have been in the declined.

True there are those who mutter about wars and taking back our natural place. But I have

never stood by them nor understand their need..

Turning away from the dock to go on my way I saw something.. a flash of white fur that

caught my attention. It was a tall white wolf with tribal markings on his arms. I was too

far to see what the markings were but the resemblance was uncanny.. But then my brain

kicked in. No � it could not be Kyle.. My companion, mentor, and dearest friend lay

under stones back home..

Moving closer I tried to see more of him. That was not difficult as slaves rarely wore

clothing and his lanky frame and maleness were all too apparent. His face was down

turned and I could not see his eyes, not any indication of their color. As with all slaves he

had the collar around his neck with the control pendant set into it.

Bidding was brisk for him.. 300 gold, 400, 500.. I reached down to my money bag and

felt it weight. I turned and considered.. then decided, raising my voice above the din I

shouted "1000 Gold!!"

There was silence as the Slaver looked at me. "Lot of money for one so young.. You can

prove it" "I put my gold where my voice is � if you want my gold"

The other bidders muttered as I had out bid them by more than 400 gold pieces. The

Slaver looked across the others who shook their head and then made the final

announcement "Once, Twice, Sold"

Making my way to the side of the dock I handed over my hard earned money � the last

gold I had, and took the ownership ring and papers. There was not much on the paper

apart from species, last owner, and scanty details. A few moments later a tall furred form

appeared behind me with his hands tied together and with the look of a servitude on his

face. A sort of hopelessness that comes with uncertainty of the future � other than that

will be hard and unpleasant.

Around his neck was the slaver collar. A device made of a polymer that has a habit of

constricting if it is cut or attempt to be removed. I had seen the results of a slave trying to

saw it off. The vixen's bulging eyes and swollen lifeless tongue still made me cringe.

The only way to safely remove it was with the ownership ring whose unique chemical

key breaks down the collars chemical bonds.

The papers said that his name was Petre, though I doubt if that was his true name. I

looked closer at him seeing the dingy matted fur, and several scars o his shoulders spoke

of a hard existence. His age was only a few years older than my 30. Finally he looked at

directly me and I felt my breath freeze. He had green eyes like Kyle.

I was handed his lead, which were connected to his collar so I turned and walked off

calling over my shoulder "This way.. My cart is over there"

He followed me, not having any choice but I did not tug on the lead, instead tried to keep

pace with him.

At the cart he climbed up and I secured the lead to the railing. "Petre.. I need to get some

supplies. Wait here and I will be back soon." And walked off.

I half expected him to escape, I knew I was taking a risk as he could easily have jumped

and run, but I peeked from around the corner and he was still sitting there.

A few minutes later I returned, having used some of my silver to purchase some items. A

loud drunken voice sounded next to me and I turned to see a heavyset man dragging a

wolf female on a lead.

"Hey � you got yourself a bargain with that Stud there" he bellowed, covering me with

the stale scent of cheap beer"

"Thank you " I replied politely "Can I help you?" and as I looked behind him I could see

a couple of his friends gathering with leers on their faces

"Well " he leered, scratching at his crotch "Care to make a couple of silvers and

maybe.... some entertainment"

I looked at him quizzically, looked at the young wolf behind him. She was dirty, starved,

and looked terrified. She could have been barely 14 and yes.. she was in season,

obviously her first.

"What kind of �entertainment' are you suggesting?" I asked, already guessing what he

was implying

"Well.. I'll give you a couple of silvers for Stud duty and you let him do his stuff, Maybe

I'll get the pup's when they drop.."

"Possibly" I replied slowly "There are some stables over there where my slave and

yours can have some privacy. We can leave them together and get a couple of drinks and

return when they are finished."

"How do I know if he is doing his stuff if I don't see it" He growled, his arousal evident

in his loose pants.

"No.. I don't think so.. Firstly this is my slave and I will not use him for entertainment,

and secondly your female there is far too young to bear pups, let alone mate. If you do

want to talk Stud duties then contact me in a few years when your slave is older..

Otherwise.. Good Day Sir."

I turned and walked off to get some more supplies, fuming at the fellows implications.

That lass was too young to bear pups, it would kill her or at least badly hurt her. And not

knowing anything about Petre I was loath to put the lass through that. Certainly he would

be too large for her as a first mate.

I returned a few minutes later to see the fellow talking quietly to Petre so I waited to see

what he was up to.

"Look mate.. have some fun.. I'll tell your master that you jumped her.. Once you got it

in her well � a Stud like you will have to last the distance"

Petre sat looking straight head and quietly shook his head.

"Go on.. hey I know you can smell her.. Got a nice boner there. Think of it.. tight young

bitch like that. Make your eyes cross when you finally dump you load in her. She's

waiting for you.."

Petre wrapped his tail around himself, the scent of the female obviously getting to him

"Look fellow.. If you don't � I'll tell your master you tried to escape.. Or you attacked

me.. One way or another boy � You going to hump her.. Cause" and the fellow reaches

up and tugged on Petre's lead.

I decided that was enough and stepped up behind him, grabbing him and turning him

around.. Pinning him to the carriage I growled "Cause if you continue I will tell my slave

that you threatened me and to defend me.. I'm sure you know what my �studs' teeth and

claws will do to your slimy carcass..."

He glared at me and staggered off, dragging the poor female away.

"Some people should never be allowed to own slaves " I muttered "if I had a couple of

hundred pieces of gold I'd buy her from that hell" then looking up at Petre "Are you ok.."

He nodded silently "If he returns, you have my permission to take what action you want.

Including killing him." He nodded quietly and as I turned I thought I heard a quiet

"Thank you"

It took longer to get the next few items, as I rarely visit such a large town so it meant that

there were some things I desperately needed. By the time I returned it had turned cold

and started to rain. Petre was still waiting for me, not having moved mainly because there

was no shelter on my carriage.

I climbed up next to him, noting that his fur was wet and waterlogged, rain dripping from

his whiskers, and that he was a picture of cold damp misery

"Oh Petre, you should have gotten under some shelter. I would not have chastised you

for taking care of yourself. In future � protect yourself first."

He nodded mutely as I turned and dug around the back to find some old tarpaulins.

"Here, put this over you.. I'll be back in a moment"

I jumped down and ran around the corner to a small inn, quickly purchasing two bowls of

steaming stew, full of meat, spices and vegetables. Definitely not the standard fare that

one would give to slaves. When I returned he had wrapped himself in the canvas, only his

muzzle and tail tip visible.

"Here Petre.. get theses into you.. You must be chilled to the bone"

He picked them up gingerly, feeling their warmth and lapped gently but with the haste of

someone who was very hungry"

I waited for him to finish, feeling glad for my own waterproof cloak.

"Are you still hungry.. Do you want some more"

I got a brief and hesitant nod so I brought him back another couple of bowls. These he

finished in less haste, and seemed to savor the flavors of the second bowl.

It was going to be a long journey back so I started the cart and moved off. Hoping that the

batteries would last the journey

As we traveled I could see the bundle of canvas next to me shudder every so often. "Are

you still cold?" I asked, and saw a nod from his muzzle, which was all I could see of him.

Pulling out a flask from within my cloak I passed it to him "Drink this then.. It will help"

I smiled as he took a sip.. coughing slightly at the taste of the strong spirit but it seemed

to warm him as the shivering slowed and stopped, and in the cool air I could see the

steam seep out as his warmth dried his fur.

He passed it back but I told him to keep it "You need it more than me.. I'm sorry.. Not

much of a master am I. Letting you get wet like that."

He was silent for a moment, his breath steaming out "You.. are considerate of my well

being, and, my dignity" he replied tactfully.

"Dignity?" I looked at him.

"You could have order me to mate with that female, in front of the others"

I hmmphd "Petre. You are a handsome fellow, but if you are to mate.. That's your

business. I know there are establishments that cater for that, furs of different sizes and

species. And some folk will pay to see that. But I don't agree with that kind of treatment..

Also, that female was far too young to be mated, let along bear cubs.. Beside. Well..

You'd probably hurt her greatly when you tied with her."

He nodded silently at that.

"My.. last master would make me perform at those venues."

I looked at him, a little surprised.

Petre continued "When he would visit the town, he would get drunk and sell my services

for entertainment."

I thought on that "I'm sorry.. I promise that will never happen whilst you are with me.

Did.. Did you enjoy it?"

He chuffed softly "I.. was often made very drunk, they would use the scent of a female in

season to get me to respond. Most times it was a blur with the crowds shouting. Enjoy.."

he shrugged "I suppose I got more matings that a slave normally would.. but.. if I was

given a choice.. then no, not that way. There was no feelings, just the motions"

I smiled "Don't worry Petre.. Your dignity is your own from now on." Again I heard the

quiet "Thank you"

It was still raining heavily when we arrived at the house, and the fire inside has long gone

out letting a chill permeate everywhere. I sent Petre inside with a lantern whilst I parked

the cart, hooking it up to the small solar array. We still had some technology left but

sadly a lot of knowledge had be lost in the dark times. When I went in he had already

performed the duties of a good slave and had the fire burning with a pot of water on it.

"Master � where are the Slave quarters?"

"Petre, please.. my name is Brett.. I don't stand on that formality. But they are outside

and need to be aired and cleaned. For tonight you better bed down here � there is a spare

cot in my room.". I took him in there and showed his the cot in the alcove.

He nodded and padded around � trying not to be too obvious at looking around his new

home. I smiled within myself � glad that he had not lost too much of his drive or spark. I

had too often seen slaves that were mere automations.

I made a simple meal for us both, Dried fruits, cheese and bread, and some dried meats as

well. I had to smile as he hesitantly started to take food from the common plate �

worried that I would chastise him. It was like seeing some one awaken again from a bad


"Petre.. Please take what you need. If you are hungry. Eat! I can always find more."

So he ate.. not with gusto, but certainly one for whom food was a rarity.

He was even more surprised when I warmed up some mulled wine for us both. I gave him

a mug and he took it, smelt it, sipped and started to relaxed, warming his toes by the fire.

"Petre can I ask a question.. Is that your real name or the name you were given"

He looked away from me, avoiding my gaze "That was the name I was given.. Master". I

knew I was pushing a boundary. A slave is rarely considered to have a past before they

became a slave. A Master never talks to a Slave about his past prior to being a slave.

A person becomes a slave for many reasons.. For money.. to pay a debt for his famly.

Captured into servitude. A criminal sentenced for life. The immovable collar marks one

as such until it is removed.

Again I pushed "Tell me of your family.. Do you have a mate, cubs, parents somewhere"

His jaw muscles bunched "That life is no more Master.. I am your dutiful Slave", and

with that he turned away from me, gazing into the fire.

I sighed.. not sure how to approach this.. It would be difficult but I HAD to try.

"Petre � I want to tell you a story. I once knew another wolf with markings like yours.

He was an old gelded male on our farm called Chetr. I was 5 when he first came to us,

his age.. unknown, but he was a kind and gentle person.

He was assigned as my caretaker and I was a troublesome brat. Always testing him and

his patience. But he never scolded or took affront to my actions.

The years went by, I grew up and he grew older. My parents �were often busy with

affairs of the farm and so the left me in his care. They trusted him completely with me so

I was left more and more in Chetr's care. He could read and write and thus also became

my tutor. He was my window to the world to whom I would listen in rapt amazement.

He had traveled from place to place and told me many tales of places and peoples in far

off lands.

Though I often asked about his childhood and he gave me a few small details, but never

much. No matter how much I begged him. I think some of this lectures of different

people also involved his own. But nothing of a personal nature.

He lived with in, in my room sleeping on the cot. My earliest memories was drifting off

to sleep with him reading to me.. Or just being there enjoying a book. When I woke in the

morning he was there also. I loved him so much..

Sometimes when I had bad dreams he would cuddle me, and so often I would fall asleep

listening to his heartbeat or quite breathing. I so enjoyed just being close to him when I

was about seven I asked him to move into my bed, so each night we could cuddle, and

tickles.. He loved having his chest scratched, or his ears rubbed.

When I came of age and my body responded to the changes it was Chetr who explained

what was happening to me, and that was when I realized what had been done to him. I

was shocked that someone could do that to another. But he told me that he had gelded

long ago that he considered me to be his cub anyway so that the loss was not.. worrying.

Often when we slept I would find myself becoming aroused next to him, and although he

had explained that fondling one-self to climax was natural I found that I wanted more.. I

love him.

I had often stroked his body when he slept and knew that he had a sheath and a penis.

And that sometimes his penis would swell and press against me and leak fluids as he

moaned softly in pleasure.

I remember one night when that happened I.. kissed him in his sleep and he woke. Rather

than being angry he just smiled whilst I stammered my feelings for him..

That night we became lovers, and although his sack had been taken from him I found that

he was still very much a male. He showed me many things that were pleasurable to me,

and also that were pleasurable to him.

I.. loved him.. dearly.. Being honest in body made us honest in thoughts too.. But I could

feel that he was always holding something back. I loved him too much to order him to tell

me what it was, in fact I had not given him an order for years..

I grew into my teens, never wanting to look for another mate for I had found all I wanted

in Chetr.

But it was not to last. There was a fever that came through out village. I remember Chetr

comforting me whilst I shivered and moaned, and then my parents caught it.

They already being older and frail succumbed quickly even thought Chetr used all that he

had read to try and save them, but I survived with Chetr's care.

Then I saw the trembling in his hands and the listlessness in his eyes and knew that he

also was with it..

I tried, potions, poultices, broths. Sat with him, read him his favorite books.. But he

continued to slip. I kept him warm when he shivered with my body, cooled his brow

with water when he panted.

I remember our last night together. He had grown weak with the fever that racked his

body but nearing midnight it broke leaving his eyes clear and lucid.

He reached over and gripped my hand


�Yes Chetr'

�I'm dying...'

I nodded, weeping softly, having seen my own parents like this.

�I know Chetr.. is there anything I can do for you... my friend and lover'

�I.. I want to die free'

I was shocked. I had know him nearly 20 years, and over the past 10 had never

considered that he had been anything but free.. I knew he wore the collar but I had never

ordered him to do any task. He was my constant shadow, protector, and lover.

Leaving his side I raced to my desk, scrabbling through the drawers until I found a dusty


Returning to Chetr's side I pressed the ring to the collar and it parted with a snap.

�Chetr.. why did you not say something before.. To me you were always free. I'm sorry


Chetr smiled �My name is Karl.. Chetr is my given name'

His breathing slowed and stopped, and I was left in the silence with the empty shell I

have loved so much.

Since then I have never owned another slave.."

I turned in my chair and looked at Petre � seeing his green eyes reflecting in the firelight,

his expression blank and guarded.

Rising I walked over to him and press the ring against his collar � feeling the it snap open

"Petre I never had the chance to repay Chetr.. Karl's love and companionship. I miss him

terribly, but please � consider this.. his legacy, his gift to another"

I walked past him towards my room.

And then I heard behind me, quietly "Brett.. My name is Kyle"

I awoke the next morning and looked.. The cot was cold and had not been slept in.

In the hearth lay a charred collar.

I know nothing of Kyle's past nor of his life, I just wish him well.