Birthday's Present [edited]

Story by kreiver on SoFurry

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What happens when a horny dragons celebrates his wolf mate's birthday. enjoy this is my first story any comments are accepted.

Do not read if you are under the legal age in your country or you don´t like gay relationships, bondage or any other content in this story. This was entirely done for fun, if the characters have any similarity with a copyright, I apologize. This is my 1st story so enjoy and leave comments.        Alex: 21 years old Gray wolf with deep silver eyes, standing at 5 ½ foot, with some muscles build up over the years but that are somewhat defined. He's very intelligent, understanding, caring and shy but hides himself acting cold. He's currently a sophomore majoring on Chemical Engineering at the New Age University. He's submissive only to Blake and he's completely loyal to him, to the rest he never lets them even insinuate sex or they will suffer his wrath. He's deeply in love with Blake and he always lets him know.     Blake: 22 years old dark blue dragon with bright amber eyes and silver hair, standing at 6 foot with two dark blue long wings with a light blue membrane, with well-defined muscles. He's very dominant in his relationship with Alex and he's very protective of him, sometimes getting very jealous. He's very gentle and honest; he loves to be with Alex and will always look for a chance of proving it. He's currently a sophomore majoring on Psichology at New Age University.                              

      Alex woke up as sunrays passed through the window hitting him right in the eyes, he tried to ignore them because he wanted to return to the blissfulness of sleep, and let's be realistic most people do, but he finally gave up as those sunrays seemed adamant on making him open his eyes, and he did so very slowly, getting used to the light in the room, and lied there for a while as he could still hear his mate Blake snoring, this brought a smile to his face, because after 2 wonderful years with the dragon he had always found him adorable and peaceful while he slept, Alex got closer to his mate and enjoyed the warm feeling of protection and happiness he always got when he was near his mate. After 10 minutes he decided to get up because he was getting hungry even though he'd love to stay close to his mate longer, but he had to be careful to avoid waking the dragon, after all everybody knew that it was a suicide attempt to wake up a dragon and Alex knew that from personal experience as he still remembered the only time he had done it and the thought scared him. He was getting up as quietly as he could, making sure every one of his movements never made a sound, he was almost out of the bed when a big dark blue muscled  arm stopped him and pulled him close to his mate, who turned Alex around so that they were facing each other.     '' So, you wanted to get up without me.'' he said with a grin and kissed Alex on the lips softly '' Happy birthday Hun!'' he scratched Alex behind the ears.     Alex started to move his leg uncontrollably as a reflex caused by the scratching, he hated those canine genes, but he would let it be this time just because it was Blake because Alex could never get mad at Blake as he always found a way to make him laugh  ''Morning sleeping beauty, I never thought dragons hibernated on summer''.     Heh, so I enjoy sleeping all I can, you never complained before, especially when you were nuzzling me or that time when you said that you always loved to see me sleep because I looked... how did you put it?... ah! YesImpossibly cute´´ ´´ a huge grin appeared on Blake face as Alex tried to hide the blush that was forming on his face.     Th-that's completely different, it's just that you're a great pillow´´   Hahahaha, sure, you're a bad liar´´    I never lie´´   No, you just change facts to your convenience´´ Alex jumped over Blake and started tickling him making Blake laugh a lot, his mate enjoyed teasing Alex mostly because Alex always blushed and it was quite funny when Alex tried to make a remark. Actually Alex began to think that it had become his favorite activity but he loved him anyway and after all it was one of the best things about Blake he always made him laugh.    After a while of fooling around and a little payback, they got up and went for a shower, they were both only in their boxers, Blake wearing Black boxers and Alex wearing blue ones, but there was no one to worry about as they lived alone in their own house. As they reached the bathroom, Alex got out of his boxers as Blake turned the water on making sure it was warm before getting undressed too, then Blake pulled Alex inside the shower and pinned him against the wall, before he started kissing him passionately, their hands exploring each other like there was a huge treasure hiding in their bodies and they wanted to find it. When they were running out of air they parted reluctantly, Alex reached to play with his mate ''tool'' when Blake stopped him.    ''Save it for later, we got the whole day to do it'', Alex put his best puppy eyes and whined a little, he even went as far as lowering his ears and pinned them to his skull, Blake laughed at this you look adorable, but I'm immune to that look today.´´    Alex gave up his attempt, there were only a handful of times when that look failed, it was his secret weapon and he seldom used it '' I had to try'', they finished their shower without much incident and dried themselves. They put on some clean boxers, shorts and t-shirts, Alex had a plain white T-shirt and some blue and black shorts, while Blake had a gray T-shirt with a tribal symbol and black shorts.    They went down to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Now for some background, they lived in a light blue two-story house that their parents had helped to buy because of two simple facts: First, it was relatively near to their college and their part time jobs, so it would reduce their expenses and let them save some money, but also because their parents were tired of hearing them going at it every other day, if you ever heard a dragon have sex you could have an idea. The house was simple combination of XIX century architecture and modern furniture, a strange mix that somehow worked for them. It had two bedrooms, a living room, the kitchen and dining room were the same room and it had a front yard. The larger of the two bedrooms was set for its intended purpose while the other was made a study room.    Well back to the story, Alex and Blake arrived at the kitchen/ dining room, Alex cooked breakfast while Blake set up the table and then watched the news, this an agreement they had come up with after the last time Blake tried tocook´´, and every time Blake attempted to cook something Alex was quick to remind him about their last incident, much to the dragon displeasure who wanted to make breakfast for his mate as a birthday gift, but he had something else in mind for that and he wanted it to be a surprise so he would have to wait until breakfast was over . Alex made some sandwiches and they eat in a comfortable silence.  After they were done with Breakfast and everything was cleaned, they headed back to their room, it had a king sized bed near the window with a bed table on both sides, a closet in front of the bed and next to mirror. When they got there Blake, put his plan into action.    Alex, cover your eyes and don't peek´´   Uh, Why?´´    It's a secret, would you please do it?´´ Blake put his hands together in a pleading sign.   -sigh- Alright, I know you're scheming something but I'll do as you say´´ Alex covered his eyes with his paws and wondered what his mate was up to, he was used to Blake aking this kind of things often and they often ended with something nice happening.      Blake quietly went to the closet and got out a black box with a blue bow on it and he handed it to Alex with a huge blush forming on his face as he could remember very well what was inside, something his mate liked a lot but always made him blush when Alex talked about it.    Happy Birthday´´, Alex was confused by his mate behavior so he opened it, being very careful as he treasured everything his made gave him, inside were a leather collar, some leather straps and a cock ring.   It's wonderful´´ he said as he kissed Blake in the lips thank you´´.   Happy you like it, so... wanna try them out´´ he said a big grin on his muzzle and his eyes showed his happiness and eagerness to try the gift´´ as another part of him also was .   Do you have to ask?´´ that was all he said before he quickly got undressed tossing his clothes to one side of the room as he eagerly starting to put everything on him, with Blake's help of course.    How do I look?´´ he said as he put on several sexy poses teasing Blake as much as he could.    Damn hot´´ he said as his cock started to poke out of his sheath and made a tent on his shorts.     What are your orders Master?´´ he said getting closer to Blake.    Suck on my cock, pet´´ he said as lust started to overcome him and he took off his t-shirt and shorts.    Alex got on his knees, looking at those boxers that could barely contain what was inside, he pulled them down  and licked the cock teasingly making Blake shudder, he started to lick it getting it out bit by bit, then he took it on his muzzle and started to suck on it bobbing his head up and down, after a minute he put it all out and the draconic cock stood fully erect at 10 inches, he started playing with the orbs hanging lower, Blake was moaning, and Alex was enjoying the sounds, he started sucking on the cock once again, getting it inch after inch inside his muzzle. Blake was moaning very loud now, his mate knew how to give him a lot of pleasure, he wanted to go gentle on Alex, but that thought dissolved quickly and he grabbed Alex by the back of his head and started trusting in his muzzle.      Alex started deep-troathing the member licking all the delicious precum his mate produced, moving his tongue around the member and playing with the balls, then Blake took out his member of Alex and said ''laid on your back''. Alex got on the bed and laid face up, Blake started kissing Alex in the neck  and slowly went down, kissing his chest, then his stomach until he got to Alex cock which was semi erect he started to pinch his nipples and Alex led out a moan, Blake continued to pinch on Alex nipples because he knew how sensitive Alex's nipples were, he continued kissing Alex way down until he got to the Alex's cock, he gave it a few licks and the one of his hands started stroking it, making Alex moan louder. Blake's hand stopped stroking Alex's cock and went lower, and started to poke Alex's tail hole, Blake's muzzle got lower until it was facing Alex's tail hole and he started licking it, this made Alex moan a lot, as the serpentine tongue licked his tail hole and penetrated him a bit twirling his tongue inside his mate's ass, touching a lot of spots. Then Blake got his tongue out and put his middle finger instead reaching as far as he could and moving his finger around, this made Alex moan as his prostate was hit and a lot of pleasure was cursing through his system. Blake smiled and got his finger out and then put 2 instead moving then in and out, finger fucking his mate who could do nothing more than moan. Then Blake started to masturbate his mate fast, Alex was feeling so much pleasure his mind could barely keep up with everything, Blake put his fingers inside his mate as far as they could go making his mate moan before spurting his load all over Blake's hand and his own chest.       When Blake was pleased with his work and he thought Alex was prepared he took his fingers out of his mate's hole and put Alex's legs over his shoulders. Alex was coming down from his aftermath, when Blake pointed his cock to the tail hole slowly and gently started penetrating it while watching Alex face to avoid hurt him as much as possible, he put first a few inches, and retired until only the head was in, and trusted back in making a steady pace, getting an inch every other trust, this made Alex's cock stand fully erect once again, getting to 7 inches with his knot already forming behind the cock ring.      As the pair started to moan louder, Blake's trusts became more erratic, and started to go deeper inside his mate as he wanted to place his seed deep inside Alex to make him his,  he started to pinch Alex nipples, the feeling was too much for Alex as he came hard on his and Blake's chest and face, as Alex came his tail hole became tighter which make Blake go over the edge, filling with cum his mate insides, eliciting a loud growl as he bit on Alex shoulder, in a mating bite.    For a while all they could feel where each other and undescriptable amount of euphoria, as the climax subsided both of them were left panting hard with big smiles on their faces, they stayed like that for a while enjoying each other company without moving because that would ruin the moment, until Blake got out of Alex and they licked the cum out of each other's body.     ``Happy birthday´´ Blake said as he hugged Alex and put his wings over them. They drifted to a peaceful and happy sleep because they were together and that's all they cared about.