The Hunter
A Poem, dedicated to Able Hunter. Happy (Belated) Birthday! ----------------------------------------------------------- **The Hunter** He was always there for me. And I, him. From the day we met, to our dying breath. His eyes, they sparkled as...
The Werewolf Queen and the Little Blue Bird
Many brought gifts for their beloved queen, to celebrate the future and what already had been. year 'round it was she who created for these beasts, but now it was their turn to supply her with treats.
He wondered how the thing worked but knew it was better to not open the gift any further as that would ruin the purpose of the gift being a surprise. when his parents arrived back home, they helped him wrap the gift.
You smile, you laugh, you say ILY You hug, you sing, you reach for the sky, With a simple flash, a memory is frozen. Your smiling and your happy, ... ... At least, that's it means to me. Behind your little smiling photos, Behind the words you...
birthday commision?
is anyone willing to give me a birthdaycommision? as is right now i'm broke and trying to save money so i can move... if anyone is kind enough to do so i would be very happy.
A Birthday at the Pub
This was a birthday gift for a friend of mine who actually turned 21. i am happy to say he liked it, as i hope you do too. he heard the students zipping up their bags.
Rock monsters
gift for user: ashika ayalah ashika swam by the shore. she needed a good swim every once in a while. too much dry land didn't exactly do wonders for her skin. rough as it was itching, and it loosing it's luster was just a waste of good hide.
Tropical - Chapter Fourteen
Their short separation is inevitable so they decide to exchange gifts to help them through their time apart. seven-o-clock the next morning, rye woke up with cloud still on him hugging him tighter than ever.
Patreon reward for kaji quick little gift-giving for a birthday draolf. really hard to shop for a god, but sometimes going with a hand-made gift works the best... sometimes.
Christmas Walk.
Walking through the snow, Showing all things to grow. The life of it all. A bright morning sun, It's rays dancing through the tree tops. Canines holding paws, Tails wagging happily. Pulling you closer to me, Squeezing your paw tight. I lean to...
Twilight Stroll.
Walking paw in paw, Tails swishing side to side Down the sandy beach. Lazy clouds drifting, Painted by suns amber blaze. Seas reflecting light. Waters gentle touch, Washing away our tracks. A dog and wolf stroll. Gazing over him, His eyes...
A Dream Cum True Chapter 1
Something i did as a gift to a friend. basically, my friend rein wanted to be herm, but had nobody who was able to help him with it, so he came to me and i transformed him from male to herm!