The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 4

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#4 of The Ultimate Winter Break

Shown through Chris's eyes, this is his story of emerging college life at CSU Long Beach. This is the Winter Break edition to The Ultimate Man.

Well after that nice break down with Michael and his family, Chris now stands at his house, annoyed at the possibility that Michael might not be able to join him on the trip up to the cabin. Will Michael make it in time?

After a day had passed before hearing back from Michael, I had started to get worried that maybe he wasn't going to be able to come up. I know it was childish to keep checking my phone but with a limited amount of days to spend together during the break, I wanted to make the most of them. When the 5th rolled around, I shot him a text, "Hey, I know it's only been two days since I left but did your parents ever decide on letting come up?" Sadly though my text fell upon deaf ears, or whatever texts fall upon when they are not received.

Tay and I, while sticking to our respective houses, were chatting over Skype that Thursday, me doing a lot of venting to him. Growling over the speaker, I complained to my best friend about Michael, "How many texts should I text him before giving up? I mean we patched things up, or so I hoped but still..."

While our houses were not exactly across from each other, I could clearly see him out of my window, his computer lined up kiddy corner to the window in the same manner as me. It annoyed me to watch him laugh, as well as hear him over my laptop speakers. "Give him a few more days. We have the cabin for another two weeks so there is plenty of time. Just don't forget about the convention."

Looking out to Tay, I sighed heavily, him catching my heave from his room. "Yea, I know. I'm looking forward to it as well, it's just... I want to spend time with Michael as well..." Off to my side, my cell phone buzzed, notifying me of an incoming text. Grabbing it quickly, I rush to see who it is. Seeing its Tay, I snip out at him, "That's not funny TAY!"

Tay's laugh breaks over the speakers, I watch from my seat as he claps in his room. "You should have seen yourself. The speed you went to grab that phone; that was like lightning fast. Relax Chris. He will get back to eventually." Tay's text reads "Gotcha :-D"

Grumbling I almost toss my phone to my bed, but stop as another text starts to fly in, the preemptive buzz vibrating the phone. "Tay this isn't funny." I show him my phone, him looking out his window to see my hand holding the phone.

"I didn't send that one. Who is it?" Tay comments, him returning back to his computer to look at some website.

Looking at the screen, I see that it IS Michael texting me, a simple one word message written on the line: "Surprise!"

I am completely confused. Surprise? What is he talking about? "It's Michael. He said 'Surprise'." Typing into the phone, I respond, completely at a loss for what he is talking about. "Surprise?... I'm confused o.O"

Michael takes a few second to get back to me, probably doing something with his family and being unable to answer. Another text rolls in, "Knock knock... I'm here. Outside. Can I come in?"

I am completely confused at this point, here? How is he here? Looking over to Tay, I shout out to him. "Hey do you see anyone outside my house? A good looking gentleman: likes to wear Hollister."

Watching Tay bolt out of his chair was the most amazing sight I could see. I had scanned my yead as best I could, no sight of Michael from my view, and seeing Tay's face pressed against the window brought a slight laugh out. Tay was looking around eagerly, "He's here? Where? I don't see him!"

Shouting out to him, I start to leave the room, "I don't know. I'm going to go looking for him; I'll be back in a little bit." Working my way down the stairs, I look outside my door, trying to find Michael's curly hair hidden in any of the neighbor's plants. Looking back at my phone, I type out to Michael, "Where is here?" After sending it to him, I look up to Tay, him having pulled out his binoculars to look for Michael. Laughing, I look around again.

The buzz rings in again, "The gate. I'm freezing at the gate." Cursing to myself, I start to head off. After living here for so long, I had completely forgotten about the gate, just another thing on my driveway. As it was, I had expected Michael to pull a Pike and show up actually at my door, not really staying at the gate.

Walking down the gravel street, I approach the gate, Michael's small Honda sitting outside. Shouting out to him, I wave my hands, "What are you doing here?!" I start to break out into a run, the chill slapping my face.

Moving through the gate, I rush up to embrace Michael, hugging him closely. Pulling back, I retry my question. "What are you doing here?"


Michael pulls me in close, leaning his head back to look at me. "I came up here to be with you. My parents said it was ok to go to the cabin with you. You should have heard my sisters' comments about it, the innuendos they dropped; it was embarrassing." He leans back to kiss me on the lips, the cusp of his mouth slightly chilled from being outside so long.

Breaking off from the kiss, I walk over to the keypad and enter the digits, opening the gate. Jumping into the passenger side, I motion Michael up to my house, telling him each of my neighbors along the way. He is shocked by the street, each house impressing him more than the previous one. What I took for granted as my normal street Michael takes as this rich posh area. It is almost a role reversal from when I went to visit him, the shock and awe of where we live catching us off guard.

Pulling into our driveway, Michael shuts off the Honda, resting in his car for a few seconds to take in the sights. Our house is just as it has always been for me, the shrubs leading up to the front door, the grassy lawn mixed in with a stone setting. It was very picturesque for Michael, the grand scene of everything absorbing into his eyes. I open up the door and step back out into the cold, looking to Tay's house, knowing he would be there watching the entire thing.

As expected, Tay stood at his window, completely obvious to all, his binoculars looking not at me but at Michael, who is still slumped over his steering wheel looking at my house. Not trying to make it too obvious, I wave my hands at Tay, motioning him to move away from the window. He notices me, pulling down the binoculars to reveal an amusing pout plastered to his face. Mouthing to him, I keep on waving "GO!"

Right when Michael opens his door and steps out, I turn to look at him, a smile tossed upon my face so fast it barely has time to stick. He notices the sudden grin, his confusion over it growing, "What? What's with the grin?"

"Um nothing. Let's get inside before we freeze out here." I move around to the trunk, hoping he would pop it and allow me to grab whatever bags he has.

He does, looking around as he walks up behind me. Grabbing my waist, he whispers coolly into my ear, "We're being watched aren't we?" Michael rubs my chest as he reaches around me, grabbing one of his two bags.

Moving back up, I look over to Tay's house, his silhouette gone from the window. 'Probably outside spying from one of his bushes,' I think to myself as we shut the trunk. Looking to Michael, I smile more genuinely this time, "Nah, looks to be just the two of us."

Working our way inside the house, I stop at the entryway, looking Michael straight in the eyes, serious. "Umm... well you have two choices, the couch over there or the detached guest house." Michael starts to question the two, but before he can begin, I explain why the options. "My dad doesn't allow anyone to sleep in our rooms, short of relatives. Doesn't matter if it's guys or girls. You should have seen him with Pike over Thanksgiving... He has rules for the house, no sex in it unless we are married being one of them."

Michael objects to the conditions, having him not expect that. "Well that blows. Umm, I guess I'll take the couch then. I mean it's understandable but still." We work our way over to the living room, dropping his bags next to the couch. "Do these rules apply to the cabin as well?"

Looking around for the General, mostly because I know he will pop in at any time, I quickly state, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Winking my eye, I turn around to face the General, his imposing figure standing in the doorway.

"What don't I know?" The General barks, his arms crossed, looking at Michael then me. He is casually dressed, or at least as casually as a man of his stature can be, a plain black polo shirt matching khakis.

Looking at Michael real fast, I eye my father, slight unease about introducing Michael to him. "General, DAD, this is Michael." Pausing for a slight effect, "My boyfriend."

I can only watch as the General looks Michael over, deciding whether he is up to the standards for his son. Extending his hand out, I knew this trick multiple times. He is going to squeeze the hell out of it, his way of figuring out if the guy is a leader or follower.

Michael cautiously takes the Generals hand, the vice grip instantly closing, not releasing till Michael proves himself. There is a slight wince from Michael at first but after he realizes what is going on, he returns the grip, his rugby grip making for a great match for my father. Their arms start to flex, the clutch of death straining both their bodies. It had been a while since I had seen a battle this strong and this long.

The General releases first, taking his grip off, which Michael instantly follows suit, not holding a second longer. Massaging his hand, the General looks at the two of us, his stern face falling off to reveal the fatherly smile that is happy to welcome a new guest, someone special to his children, into the house. "Welcome!" The General roars as he moves into hug Michael, taking the upper hand to squeeze whatever life was left in him.

Michael gets lifted off the floor, a gasp squeaking out of his body, all air being forced from his lungs. After being placed back onto the floor, Michael croaks out, "Thank you General."

Not wanting my dad to milk the situation for any more than he can, I grab Michael's hand and drag him away. As we work our way up to my room, I hear the General shout up to us, "Keep that door open! You know the rules!"

Groaning out loud, I shout back to the General, "I KNOW! Thanks for the reminder DAD!" Looking to Michael I apologize for the outburst. "It's hard for him at times raising us alone but he means well."

As we approach my room, I hear Tay screaming out over the speakers, "Chris! I know you can hear me! Where is he? Where is this stud muffin you have been talking about? Show him to me!" Shit! I had forgotten that I left Skype open, the phone call running along.

Leaving Michael's side, I rush ahead, bursting into my room to shut Tay up. "Tay shut up!" I shout out to him, pointing at him from my window, knowing he can see me from his. Closing the call, I turn around to see Michael standing there, a blank look on his face.

Raising his hand to his hair, he starts to scratch it awkwardly. "Umm... So that was Tay." He moves into my room, taking it in, and then moving towards my window to look over where Tay was. While the call may be ended, Tay is still typing away at the keyboard, sending a flurry of messages to me and Michael.

"Really? Come on Chris! When do I get to meet him?" The chimes of Skype keep pinging, forcing me to mute the computer so Michael doesn't notice it. He does notice Tay however, as Tay moves away from his computer, him getting a good look at Michael.

Michael just stands there waving slowly, looking to me then back to Tay. Turning my back to the window, I rest against the wall. "Don't encourage him please." Michael can't help but laugh at me, then Tay as he waves back, Tay's enthusiasm running high.

Tay disappears back to his computer, allowing Michael to look at my room and enjoy it. It is a change from his, no posters on the walls, instead pictures of the Armed Forces, some plaques from high school when I ran track and cross country. Tay's chimes come back in, "He's HOT! Can't wait to meet him Chris. When? Dinner?"

Moving innocently towards my laptop, I keep my back to the screen, my hands making small movements towards the screen, gently moving it down before Michael notices what's up. He is still taking in my room, while similar to my section of the dorm with Bryan and Zach, there are still some differences. Shelves noting worthwhile reads that I had collected; 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' and 'To Kill a Mockingbird' to note a few. Michael takes interest in them, commenting, "Man, it has been a while since I read these. They were required reads for my high school."

Moving away from my computer, I look at my collection, thinking to how many of them were collected on my own versus being forced into it by high school. "Yea, a few of them were required for me as well, some others I picked up on my own." I look over the novels, the dust collecting on their pages since I have not been here much to take care of them.

Looking around past the books, Michael nonchalantly asks, "So where is this cabin exactly? I know you said Squaw Valley but I've never been there. To be honest, I've never been snowboarding or skiing in my life. I'm actually looking forward to it."

Moving casually over to my laptop, I slowly open it up, Alt tabbing out of Skype to the desktop. Tay has gotten the point that I am spending time with Michael, him having sent one last message, "FIINNE, I'll leave you two to your things." Since I haven't answered it, the logo box in the bar still shines orange, the notification that I have a new message from him.

Pulling open the internet, I click onto Google Maps, zooming quickly into Squaw Valley, down to where the cabin is located. The Wayston's and Jacob's managed to get a great location, the house being less than a half mile from the resort and lifts. I go to street view, attempting to show him the front of it as best I can, but the picture doesn't do the house justice, the snow not being there to whiten the eaves in the manner that make it amazing.

I navigate the area as best I can but after having Michael look over my shoulder for a few minutes, I sit him down, allowing him to scroll around. Moving around my room, I start to gather my stuff, thinking of heading out to dinner soon. It was approaching 6pm, the night having already fallen. Moving back to Michael, I toss him the hunger question, "Hey how hungry are you? Want to get food soon?"

Michael turns back to me, his eyes scanning me over, his sight landing on my stomach, "I guess, are you hungry?" He shrugs his shoulders with a lack of care over the subject. Looking over the computer, I watch as he continues to look over the area, checking out the cabin and the mountain.

"Well, kinda. I wasn't expecting a surprise by my boyfriend, so I was going to be eating around this time." Moving behind Michael, I wrap my hands over his chest, fastening my fingers together, not letting him move from the chair.

Michael lets out a small laugh as he closes out of the web, shutting off the site to fall upon Skype. Scanning his eyes over the comments between me and Tay, I feel him tense up a little, him leaning forward to read it all correctly. "Tay thinks I'm hot? Like your neighbor Tay?" He removes himself from my laces, my stammering not stopping him from checking out the window.

Michael looks across the street at Tay again, a clever grin coming across his face. Tay notices the two shadows out of his window, him doing his happy wave again. Michael waves back again, this time a whole lot more enthusiastically, "I want to meet him, is that ok with you?"

Groaning out loud, I think of how this could turn into a problem but since they both want to meet each other, I agree, telling him to get his stuff. Michael grabs his jacket, and then heads out with me across the street. Tay notices us walking over, somehow knowing that we were going to dinner as well, and meets us at the door, his peppy tone happy to meet us, "Hey you must be Michael. Nice to finally meet you." Tay sticks his hand out, shaking it with Michael.

Michael is slightly caught off guard by the intensity of Tay, his forwardness VERY forward. Hoping to ease it down a notch, I speak out to Tay, "Hey Michael and I are heading out to dinner. Do you want to join us?" I loved Tay, I really did; but with him being my brother, former lover, and neighbor, I had a feeling this could get very awkward for me.

Tay doesn't even take a second to think about it, grabbing his jacket off the coat rack and motioning to us, "So where are we eating?"


Dinner was, of all placed, Denny's, the only thing that came to my mind that might entice all of us. Tay I knew immediately would be fine with it, but Michael, I was unsure of how much he would be interested in eating at the diner. He seemed to be in good spirits on the drive over, talking with Tay a bit about college, the two of them comparing their experiences at Long Beach and San Francisco to see which one is better.

Arriving at the joint, we, as usual, got immediate seating, the waiter having recognized Tay and I the moment we got out of our cars. Unlike our normal sessions though, we had to wait for Michael to order, him looking over the menu to see what all we wanted. The waiter took notice of the wench in the works, coming over to check on us barely a minute after we were sat to see if we wanted anything to drink while we waited. I felt kind of bad and while we only ordered waters, I informed Michael what was going on when the waiter left, "Take your time babe. The staff here pretty much knows us, this being our normal eating place when Tay and I hang out."

I could have sworn I saw a sour look flash upon Tay's face when I called Michael 'babe' but it was immediately replaced with his smile, him adding onto my comments about Denny's, "Yea, it's fun at time to screw with the staff by changing our orders or ordering for the other person, checking to make sure from time to time that they know what we want or that our habits and wants do change. While you decide though, I am going to go use the restroom."

Michael looked over the menu, me sitting next to him pointing out the things that I enjoy eating. As we look it over, Michael casually comments, "Tay always this out? I guess out isn't the right word, bubbly, bubbly is better. He seems very energetic."

Looking around for Tay, I defend my friend, explaining Tay out to Michael. "He grows on you but yes he is very... bubbly. He means well and at times can be a bit much but I learned to accept him as my brother. He was great during high school, the two of us watching out for each other, me protecting him from the jocks and him allowing the geeks to realize that not all jocks are asses."

Michael only nods, continuing his search for food. Resting his choice on the easy $6 burger, I was proud of him, me being a follower of the 2,4,6,8 menu as well. My choice of food though was the Bacon Chipotle Chicken Skillet, the thought of bacon sounding really good to me. Tay had returned as well, him ordering the $6 burger as well. I think that Tay was a little happy that he and Michael ordered the same thing, me happy as well that there might be a small connection between the two of them. After setting back into it, there is a slight lull in conversation, the three of us trying to figure out what to talk about.

Tay strikes it first, asking me about the Furry Convention, its date rapidly approaching. It was weird to think that it was only a week away, the thought of thousands of people walking around in costumes running across my mind. "So Chris, with Michael here, are you still going to be able to go to the convention? Cause you made a promise that you would come with me." I didn't want him to bring up the promise but with that comment, I suddenly felt guilty about the issue that I might not be able to go.

Michael's interest is perked, he asks what convention the two us are going to. He looks over to me, raising his eyebrow as we start to inform him of the furry convention, then the furry community.

I start in first, subtly eyeing to Tay 'Let me tell him first.' "The convention is called Further Confusion, it is a furry convention." I didn't know if Michael knew what a furry was but the look on his face said it all, needing me to explain more of what a furry is. "A furry is; well picture yourself as an animal. It is basically that, a whole bunch of people who have an animal persona that gather to share artwork and stuff."

Tay just sits there rolling his eyes. "Stop, it's more than that Chris." Tay looks at me, his conviction for the community strong willed. Turning his gaze to Michael, he sets me right, making huge modifications to what I had said. I had a general understanding of it but Tay, Tay almost brought out the wiki page on it, describing everything that he knew about the Furs.

"It's more than Chris had said. He is merely a watcher of the community, I am part of it." Sighing heavily, he proceeds, "In a way, Chris is right, it is your animal persona, a fursona as it is called. Some people have multiple fursonas, but they mainly use one for their actual personality. It is a huge community, and while gay in some ways, does cater to the straight gender as well. There is artwork, songs, stories; you name it on there, all with a general animal tone to it."

Michael looks a little bewildered, tilting his head as he attempts to comprehend what all it is, "So what is the difference between this and bestiality?"

Tay's eyes go wide, then he starts laughing, "No, no, no. There is no sex with animals or anything remotely having to do with actual animals. Pretty much imagine an alternate universe where you can be an animal, or transform into one. This new skin that you are in, while you still may be Michael, would be who you now are. You would not be a human, instead, say a fox. Or dog. Me for example, I am a bunny. Chris, he is a closet wolf, someone who has not come out to the community yet."

Michael looks interested, on a variety of different levels, him still trying to figure out the community. I would have to show him the pictures that Tay sent me, as that might be a good start, even if a good majority of them are erotic. Looking at Tay, I shrug my shoulders, "To answer your question, I don't know yet. Most likely yes I will still be going." Turning to Michael, I offer it to him as well, "Would you be interested in it? It would be fun to go to, trust me. Tay has sent me a few links talking about what all will be going on, and from the looks of it, it will be well worth it."

"I'll have to tell my parents that I am staying a little longer but I don't see why not. I'll think about it ok?" He tells the both of us, resting his hand on mine to show that he is interested, but still cautious on it all.

The rest of the dinner is talking about the trip, Tay asking if he can come along, which Michael agreed to. It took some convincing on both Tay and my parts; Tay saying that he would be able to borrow his parents Audi, it being all wheel drive, and me telling him that Tay does know the area, his family going up more often than mine.


The drive back was nice, Michael sitting up in the front with me, Tay in the middle seat looking at the two of us. I was driving Ally's car, not wanting to waste Michael's gas, rather me wanting to irk my sister in a way. His hand rested on mine as I held it on the shifter, even though it was an automatic. I caught Tay glancing down at it a few times, him locking eyes with me before averting them off to some random corner of the car.

I did feel a little bad doing this to him but he needed to realize that we were not longer together, us being back at the friend stage. Rubbing my thumb over Michael's hand, I thought of how I was not going to make the same mistake twice.

I pulled into Tay's driveway around 7:30, the night already into full motion. While I didn't want to kick Tay out, I needed some alone time with my boyfriend. "I don't know what time we are leaving tomorrow but figure anytime around ten ok Tay?" I informed him as I parked the car in his driveway. He had an idea of what was going to happen, not saying much as he got out.

Opening the rear driver's side door, he moved away from the car, "Yea sure. Do you want me to get you or you to get me?" There is a smile on his face, a loopy grin that shows he recognizes why I pulled into his driveway, the glint in his eye matching mine.

Holding the best face I could, I told him that we would get him. Watching as he walked in, I moved out from his driveway, putting the car into reverse and backing across the street into my own driveway, pressing the garage opener in a fluid motion to have it open by the time we reached the door. Michael looks puzzled at my driving, him uttering out in disbelief, "Umm... what was the point of that? Why didn't you just pull in here and let Tay walk across the street?"

Closing the garage door, I shut off the car and look over to him. "Mostly because I wanted alone time with you. If I had pulled in here and had him walk out, I would not be able to remain in the car inconspicuously. And I would not be able to do this." I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach over to Michael, taking his head in with my hand and kissing him on the lip.

Michael's eyes widen at the surprise attack, his lips remaining flat for a second before breaking into the kiss. Unbuckling himself from the seat, he too leans over, scooting as close to me as he can before the center console stops his body. Rubbing his right hand across my thigh, he moves his left around my neck, his fingers gripping my hair in a forceful yet passionate manner.

Taking notes from his technique, I too move my hand down, my left running its course up and down his thigh, increasing the pressure as I arrive closer to his groin. Our tongues play their games, greeting each other passionately before they are torn from their embracement, me kissing Michael's left side of his neck as he outlines my ear with his mouth, his tongue running its course on the rim of my lobe, up to the top, then into the canal, spreading his hot breath into my body.

We both moan intensely, neither one of us wanting to stop from our current motions. I move down around the base of his neck, kissing the throat depression of his skin, moving around to his right portion of neck. It is there that he resumes the ear cleaning, enveloping my entire right ear with his mouth, his hot breath spreading erotic noise down my ear duct, the vibrations increasing their tempo with every breath he takes.

Moving both my hands under his shirt, I start to undress him, doing my best in the confined quarters. Michael is forced to lean over to me, his arms too long to be raised up completely. Tossing his shirt down to his feet, I kiss his chest, taking note of his nipple and the increasing firmness of the dilation, its pink ring contracting from the cold of the garage.

Moving over the center console, I press Michael against the door, his body arching towards me due to the armrest. Kneeling in the driver's seat, I press my hands against his back, pulling him close as I kiss down his body, noting every piece of skin that clung to his body.

Moving down his body, I unlatch his belt, moving the slip of fabric from the buckle and unbuttoning his pants. Kissing down his treasure trail, I slowly release the zipper, moving it further and further down his groin, exposing the budge that was eager to meet my mouth.

First thing to say, giving a blowjob in a car is the most uncomfortable thing that can be done, even in the stance I am currently in. Normally when you hear of blowjobs being given, it is one person leaning over to give the other person head. That is very uncomfortable on the body, the twist of the spine not natural for the body. As it was, my current stance was no better, me basically on all fours to balance myself on the cushion.

Mouthing the tip of his cock, I work to moisten his Bench box briefs with my saliva, his precum doing an equally decent job on the other side, oozing the liquid out of his body onto the fabric. Taking my hand around the pole, I brace it for my mouthing, his tip getting a good tease as I run my tongue across the top, then around it, the cloth the only thing separating his meat from entering my mouth.

Michael tries to contort his body into an easier position; him forcing his body back into the seat, stretching out his legs and curling his toes, his right hand gripping the armrest, his left gripping into my back, grabbing at whatever skin he can. Moaning out, he moves his hand up my back, caressing my locks while also pressing passionately down towards his groin.

Taking out his cock for the first time, I slip the briefs down the seat, him eagerly kicking them off to sit nude in the seat. Taking in the whole hot dog, I swallow deep, the tip of his cock working at the back of my throat, seeping it's cum down the crevasses of my gullet. After pumping up and down a few times, taking whatever liquid I could out, I pop off, having to unbutton my own shirt due to the rising humidity in the car.

Michael takes the intermission to lean the seat all the way back, his body lying prone out the length of the car. After releasing my shirt from my body, I crawl across the console, straddling my boyfriend, him leaning up to kiss my chest. Making it easier for him, I lean down to him, sliding up his bare landscape, my jeans eager to remove themselves from the situation.

With my cock pretty much in his face, Michael works to reveal it, working through the layers of my clothing. After digging down two levels, my flesh makes itself known, bouncing out from its cage, almost smacking Michael playfully on the face. He doesn't mind though, instead mouthing it in, grabbing my ass in the process to start fingering me. It hurts at first but after instructing him to use some saliva as organic lube, he follows suit with a smoother prodding, his finger slipping in and out more gently.

Gripping the headrest, I start to face fuck Michael, moving my cock into his mouth with every motion of his finger. The sting feels great, him widening my hole to two fingers then three with every few sucks he takes. I move my cock in slowly, not wanting to gag him.

After my whole is well open, I slide down to his cock, resting it over the cusp, knowing that if I were to move any more south, a simple pop is all it would take for his crown to become king of my body. Leaning across his body, I kick off my pants, allowing me to lie nude with him.

While I kiss him on the lips, our bodies connect, our nipples charging each other with volts of human energy. Reaching into my pants to pull out my wallet, I locate my safety condom, the one that is always good to have for situations such as this. Tossing the wallet to the back seat, I open it up and lean up off Michael's body, his lustful gaze shifting from me to the cover then back to me as I move my hands behind me, clamping onto his cock to unravel the protection.

Unrolling it slowly, I make sure it reaches as far down as possible, then give his cock a few good drives, making sure that the condom stays on, even though I knew it would. While I am working on his cock, Michael sticks one of his fingers into my mouth, the one that hadn't been in my ass earlier, allowing me to saliva it up. After a few seductive sucks, he removes it and places it on my ass, lubing it up again, hoping that will help with the slide down.

Moving my ass over his cock, I press my hand against the window, the print making a stain in the same manner that Kate Winslet did to her car in Titanic. As I slide down his pole, shafting myself, my hand slid as well, the fingerprints gliding through the moisture, a moan erupting out of both Michael and I when I reach his groin. While I much prefer using lube, this feels great at the moment, the fiction of it all sending sparks through my body, each neuron in my brain exploding from the intensity of Michael's rod resting against my prostate.

Moving back up, I kiss his lips, then his nose, lastly his forehead, working my way down his left side, his ear then cheek lastly lips again, repeating the process up then down his right. Michael grips my ass firm, his clenching fingers digging into my butt muscles, spreading my ass wider in the process. I move to his lips as I increase my tempo, working the rod like a stripper sliding down the dance pole, each time down a different move.

While Michael does clench my ass with his hands, I am still able to flex my muscles, closing my hole to his bar, not letting him leave at all. Beginning to feel close, I increase my speed again, Michael doing the same as well; his tell that he is about to cum as well. Screaming out in complete passion, I lean back, pressing my hands to the front window, my juices flying out over Michael's body. Right as I had cum, he came too, the tightening of my ass to his penis sending him over the stars and into ecstasy.

Leaning down to kiss him, I pop off the top, his cock flapping against mine, the condom the only thing separating our juices from mixing. Gingerly, I touch his cock, causing him to convulse as I take off the condom. His cock is happy to meet mine, the last bit of cum oozing into mine, our seed mixing between our bodies.

Not wanting to break our sealing bond between us, we lie there nude, our dicks growing flaccid, us each enjoying the heavy breathing of the other's body.

Another nicely done chapter in my opinion; I am really looking forward to the cabin though, and to cap off Winter Break at the Furry Convention. It will be a blast there! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter as well and let me know what you think.