Ocean Depths part 32

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#33 of Ocean Depths

Ocean Depths (32) By Roofles

"And I want you guys to be careful ok...but have fun... and no horsing around in the apartment though. Sorry, didn't mean to..." Lucas mispoke trying not to look at the mule next to the young otter. "You know what I mean, Jay."

"No worries, Mr. Carlson." The mule said not even looking at him. The mule was chomping on a carrot and was zoned out in front of the tv with the rest of them. But Lucas froze at his words. Did he just call him Mr Carlson? That he wasn't expecting...

"Don't worry, Luke. We'll be fine. And safe. No worries really." Justin said for the fifth time trying to shoo him out.

"Well...me and your father are going out with a couple of friends. You got our numbers, right?"

"Yes. And the emergency numbers. And the med kit. As well as the neighbors number, Axel's number and the presidence just in case." The otter rolled his eyes as he spoke. "Everything will be fine. I promise. Go have fun." He manged to push him to the door way but Lucas stood his ground firmly.

"Right. Well good. Good..." Lucas stood around not really sure if he should hug the otter in front of his friends or just leave. "You got the money for the pizza right?" He asked again.

"Yes, Luke. We got everything. Now leave. Go, go, go!" The otter said pushing him out the door. The four kids behind him were still watching their tv show. Mocking it the whole time but apparently enjoying themselves nontheless. "You'll be back later tonight anyways. Don't worry." Justin gave him a strong one arm hug before shoving him out the door. The otter stood in the doorway waving him off with a webbed paw; Lucas kept turning his head around unsure that they would be ok.

It wouldn't exactly be the first time Justin had been alone. But this time he wasn't by himself. He had a bunch of friends over and were having some kind of sleep over or hang out or slumber party...or something. Lucas wasn't sure what they called it these days. Some kind of get together of watching movies, playing games, eating junk food and other things kids did...

Lucas stopped at the end of the hallway looking back one last time before opening the door to the outside where Axel was waving at him from the window. He looked back over his shoulder getting worried again, gripping the door's handle tightly. When he was a kid, about that age, and he invited a guy over... He was doing something other than just hanging out with him. Of course he couldn't just assume Justin would do that. Let alone if he was even into that stuff... but with his father he was worried. His dad the horny man that he was had already planned their sexual schedual for the next few weeks. When he could get lunch off or get off early or take a break from work, during the weekened before they had plans with the neighbors next door and after bowling on sunday. All those times they could do something from a bj to a romp in the sack. He would put the otter on a leash if that'd help. But he was afraid it'd just turn him on further if that were possible.

The tapping on the window drew his attention and the doberman waved again even more excitedly than before as if he was only now being noticed. The dog bounced about on the porch while Lucas stepped out to join him. "How are the kids doing?" Axel asked giving him a strong hug lifted him off the ground and shaking him back and forth.

Lucas patted his back. "They're doing good. I'm a bit worried with them being alone together, though." He admitted as the dog set him down still hugging him. Lucas could always tell Axel anything and it was only asking for trouble if he tried to keep anything from the dog.

"They didn't toast 'n butter the house last time or tha' time before 'at. Why 'you so worried, now?" The doberman nosed his neck and cheek and chin making him squirm. His uncropped ears perked up as he grinned. "Ya' gettin' along with the pup well enough it seems."

Lucas pushed past him and jumped down the steps one at a time with his hands in his coat pocket. "Justin's doing well in school. Some kid been picking on him still. Well a group of kids 'cause they're cowards to take him on alone. Otherwise things seem to be going well. Last week we went over college forms and I maybe was able to get him a position at work - part time so he'll have a job."

"'N Carlson has to say about this?" The dog followed behind watching Lucas with a bored expression but he was grinning for the world to see.

"Oh, he loves his son. Glad he's doing well. Has a bit of' trouble getting involved with some of his school activites but we're going to his game this coming week. That'll be fun. I guess." Lucas looked up at the night sky. The nearby streetlamps blocked any stairs from view but the soft tranquility wasn't lost on him. "You can come if you' like."

"Heh, your more 'is father then the old rudder-dog is." Axel turned his head to the side. Lucas really did look good in those shorts, specially the backside. Even just staring up at the night sky Axel found himself staring at him.

The dog spoke the words that had only been drifting through his mind. Lucas wasn't sure when he was labeled with fatherhood. Not even having his own after all. Having an otter for a kid no less. His family would die if they found out. Maybe he should give them a call... Or better yet bring 'em to a family reunion.

"We takin' my gal or yours?" The dog asked still grinning from ear to ear.

"I haven't named my car and it doesn't have a gender." Lucas laughed looking over his shoulder at the dog who quickly looked away. "Carlson's meeting us there so let's take yours. I'll get a ride home from him."

"I'm sure he'll ride you all the way 'ome," Axel grin only widened as Lucas blushed at that. The dog not only teased him mercilessly but could be very handsy as well. As in grabbing his ass tightly after said comment.

Lucas swatted the paw away and the doberman just smiled, wagging his tail innocently as if all was normal. He bent down a bit sticking his tongue out and wagging his tail faster. "I'll ride you there, n' worr-ees. And if your lucky," he drolled in that heavy southern accent of his. "I'll ride you back even if 't takes all. Night. Long." He broke into a barking laugh like he always did after said comments. A laugh that put Lucas at ease as if he were joking.

"Yeah. Not happening. I'm still coughing up furballs nights after being with Carlson. I rather not take a mistress on the side. I already got one horny otter drooling over me every night. It'd be too much for my body to handle havin' you on the side. I'm sorry, it just wasn't meant to be." Lucas laughed shrugging, taking a seat in the old beat up truck the doberman owned. Not catching the dog's tail dipping between his legs or the droop to his ears.

"Heh, yah. That'd be a shame. Too much worry and bother to go for this old tired dog." Axel's laugh was hollow and empty but Lucas didn't catch it as he looked out the window waving to one of his neighbors.

"Old tired dog, my fat ass!" Lucas teased punching his arm playfully. "Your out clubbing every night. While working full time. Hooking up with a new boy every night and partying until the sun was up. You just don't sleep or what? And you call yourself old."

"Ya, 't was fun for the past decade or so. And a few more years before that. But when you get in your thirties," he groaned. "Late thirties. Ya' want to find a cute boy. Settle down. And fuck him five times a day." The dog pouted but Lucas hardly could take him serious. Even now he had leather strapes on his arms, a collar and bracers. Short black leather shorts with a tight bright pink t-shirt with a slab of meat on the back of it with an arrow pointing down. "Of course he'd 'ave to be hot. Sexy. Buff. Fit. With a lot of stamina."

"You want a boy toy basically. Isn't that a dream of any old queen?"

"To be rich with a latino pool boy toy that is." Axel teased lightening up a bit before pushing him roughly with a paw. "So how 'r you an' your pool toy doing?"

"Ha. I get it. Pool toy. Otter. Fun-ney." Lucas eyes rolled pushing the dog. "And we're doing good. He's a bit...rambunctious. In the morning. The shower. Before work. At lunch time, coming in during work hours and pulling me into the backroom. Or I can't count the nights I found him sprawl out naked on our sofa in those bright mango scented speedo's they sell at that 'fox den' next to walmart. Down the back alleyway. I don't know why he bought 'em it's impossible to smell anything him. And they don't stay on long. And sure I love the wild nights and I'm always game for it but I feel like theres more to life than just sex, sex, sex."

The dog perked his ears as they drove but didn't say anything.

"I mean sure I sometimes seduce him, and it doesn't take much. I mean one time after a long night of work and he wasn't really in the mood I kind of sort of...put that mango scented speedo on and had these lacy leggings he bought for me as a joke and stuff. Even before I really showed him'em he was all over me. Or...this one time he was working late and I spent the whole night sending him naughty pics. Heh. Oh, oh! One time I just kind of kick my legs up on the kitchen table with my legs spread open and well you know." Lucas laughed a bit trying not the blush. One thing he enjoyed hanging out with Axel, no matter what he said or did the dog had been there at one time or other. So he always had other wilder stories to tell than Lucas could even possible think of. Like the other involving those three ferrets. Pudding. And something about a kiddy pool.

Axel nodded. He always favored the fact Lucas was human. Something about dogs and humans was always one of those secret kinks he wouldn't tell a soul. Most dogs were like that rather they would ever admit it or not. That or with other dogs. No one was really sure why that was. And lucky for the doberman Lucas's nose wasn't able to catch his obvious arousal from the topic at hand. Or when they were together. Or the night Lucas stayed over when Carlson was on a conference call. Laying in his lap like he was just a big pillow, inches away from him and still he hadn't notice. Maybe it was because he was a human or he was just naive.

"...and then I couldn't talk for the rest of the night. I thought my jaw was broken, heh." Lucas finished stretching. The dog had a paw on his thigh. The constant need for physical contact really did take some getting used to for Lucas. No matter if it was with the otter or other furs he met and knew. A paw touch or nose, hug and just the close sitting was just mild things they did without even thinking of it.

"What be' the problem then? You guys ar' the happiest couple I know. Mikey in an open relationship thats goin' as far as a field mouse in a pickel jar." Lucas had to look at him to see if he was being serious or not when he spoke like that. "One of the guys I work with is in this group relationship pansexual thing. Horny Jackrabbits on the farm are more subtle about their mating habits." Axel rolled his eyes at that. "Anothers in a pack and well it just goes down the gopher hole from there. You two are the only real relationship I see these days. That has a chance of lasting.

"My parents g't a divorce even before me and my sis turn ten. All my friends. School chums. Even teachers were divorced or just single parents. My grandparents were only together 'cause of tradition. And my parents only got together because 'ts what society dictated it to be. So when I see you guys together, it gives me hope. Ya know."

"Well I guess...Owen is the most stable guy I've been with. And is good for me. Fun, energetic. Loveable, damn good in bed. Funny, sexy, sweet and theres a future there with us." Lucas thought it over still frowning.

"And your complaining 'cause hes a horny mongrel. That he loves and wants to spend time with you. Wanting to be with you any god given moment of your lives together? Such a shame... Besides did you talk to him about these things?" Axel, at times, could be the voice of reason. Which was hard to really listen to in the get up he was in.

Lucas wasn't sure when or how it happened but Axel had pushed, shoved and forced his way into the 'best friend' position. Stomping, trampling and removing any unwanted pest that dared to try and take it away from him. Which was one of those strange things of life as he met the dog through the ferret who he rarely spent time with these days. Lucas didn't mind much finding the dog a lot better company than the ferret was anyways though he felt obligated to hang out with the ferret still. Even if the tuberat could drive him insane. It was easier to have Axel along with them and maybe that was how they got so close. Either way these days Axel was one of the few guys he hung out with on a weekly occassion. Lucas actually found himself looking forward to the manditory outings together. Axel made sure they at least grabbed lunch once a week. Or he'd come in and kidnap him from his home. The last time that happened Justin let him in and waved them off...

The restaurant was on the edge of the beach. The very table they found themselves sitting at was on the balcony overlooking it. Their table was on the edge next to the railing and Lucas could feel the cool breeze coming off it. It was a warm summer night and the breeze was refreshing and he wasn't the only one soaking it in.

Carlson was waiting for them with close eyes, his muzzle pointing up as the air passed through his fur like a gentle breeze through a meadow. It flowed loosely in the wind. His nose twitch as that scent wafted through the air. The thing he was waiting for. All the other smells fell flat in comparison to that one. The otter could almost reach out and grab that smell with his paw it was so distinct, so vibrant that it almost had color to it. But it slipped through his webbed finger as his eyes opened and he waved over to the two. Greeting Axel casually while, giving an elegant bow, kissed Lucas on the hand and looking up at him with those large ocean blue eyes.

"Lucas je t'aime, ma chérie mon ange, mon amour, mon cur." Carlson brushed Lucas's face with the back of his paw looking at him with enduring eyes, "Ma loutre." He said the word with care and loving beyond any of the others though the meaning was lost on Lucas. They bumped noses and Carlson tipped his head to the side as usual and pressed his lips tightly against Lucas's. It was just easier for them to do so rather straight on. It was something Carlson had perfected over their time together. Something that took time, effort, tact and practice to truly perfect.

"We get it," Mikey grumbled playing with his fork. "Your in love. It's wonderful, your making me gag though. I'm losing all interest in food."

"That works f'r me." Axel pushed the small ferret nearly knocking him off his chair. "I'm paying for your cheap tailed ass anyways."

"Single, jobless and dripping for the waiter. Your an inspiration for all gay furs everywhere." Carlson teased half playfully, half with cold hard truth that made the ferret shirk back.

"I thought you were seeing that bat. Thomas... Tom... Andy? Something like that," Lucas mused over taking his seat the otter pulled out for him. Carlson took his place directly next to Lucas. They're chairs were touching and the otter had a paw on his thigh. Gripping it every few seconds as he looked over the menu.

"Nah. We broke up even before it began. He was too clingy. Calling me or texting me like...once a week and stuff. Gawd, he was sufficating me! Plus he didn't want to do threesomes. Or twosomes."

"Twosomes?" Lucas asked seeing as how neither the otter or the doberman were going to. He didn't like being left out of the loop.

"Me and another guy." Mikey rolled his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah. Such a shame that you want to have a relationship and have a few mistresses on the side. And how dare he want to communicate with you once week." Lucas tossed his arms up. "My gawd the world itself is coming to an end when someone actually wants a monogamous relationship. The horror."

"I know right!" The ferret perked up swishing his tail behind him as he stood slamming his paws on the table. "What's coming over people? Hasn't the world taught them that they'll never find love and its better to just give up and have fun?"

"I know right," Lucas mimiced the ferret with a roll of his eyes rubbing the otters paw on his thigh. Sliding his fingers between his webbed ones. Rubbing the loose skin and feeling the soft fur on the palm of his hand. The warmth underneath the heavy outer layer of fur. How the otter tensed up before slacking noticeable, leaning against him. Rubbing shoulders together and scooting a bit closer and onto his chair a bit. Tieing up their legs under the table while still directing his attention to the two furs in front of them and the menu.

The two in front were bickering over the menu items and prices. Mickey was convienced that the more expensive the dish was the better tasting it would be. While Axel was trying to tell him he hated seafood, and specially shellfish at that. The ferret shook his head, crossing his arms and stuck his chin up.

"I so too like them!" He huffed. And the larger dog frowned, whiney that it wasn't fair.

Lucas had to stop himself from laughing. The small ferret was nearly half the size of Axel and yet the larger dog was being intimidated by him. As if their situation was reversed. Then again the idea of a ferret the size of Axel sent shivers up Lucas's spine. Carlson mistook it for him being cold and put his coat on his shoulders before snuggling up again. Still the idea of a giant ferret Mickey was going to haunt Lucas's dreams.

"And I'm tell you." The dog growled with folded ears, the corner of his jowls quivering. "That just 'cause theres a spoon full of honey in front of you doesn't mean you should take a dang bite!"

"I don't get it." Carlson said bluntly looking down at his menu. What did honey have to do with the menu. There wasn't even a dish with honey in it. Though the scallops do sound delicious.

Lucas saw the otter grinning and nodding to himself and decided it best not to ask.

The two continued to bicker even as the waiter came up to take their orders. In the end they decided to share a dish even though both of them hated shellfish. In turn Lucas ordered a T-bone steak he was planning on giving to the dog as Carlson bought something the two could share. Or rather he was sure he would be having some; seeing as how crab puffs, scallops and fresh hailbert on lettuce was all things the otter loved as finger food and in turn feeding to him.

"We're sorry for the delay but we're having slight...difficulties back in the kitchen. The drinks are on the house. Please pick whatever you like." The ringtail offered each of them a menu. Her tail was curled around itself like a spring.

"Free of charge?" Mikey jumped up asking with a wide grin. Anything free always came as something worth having to the ferret.

"Yes. A drink." She added already figuring the ferret out. He pouted at that but still ordered the most expensive drink there was making Axel groan.

"We'll both have this black-pearl drink. Right, hun?" Carlson made sure to ask afterwards. Lucas just nodded lightly and he grinned at the acknowledgment looking up at her with a large smile, thumping his tail happily.

As the waitress left Carlson nosed Lucas cheek while the two continued to bicker on. "Hun. Let's go to the restroom. I need to use something..." He groped his paw down. Lucas coudl feel those strong finger beginning to knead his groin.

"Carl-son!" Lucas said with clench teeth trying to pry away his fingers but the otter persisted with a low murr nosing him even further as he stroked, patted and groped his lover.

The otter got up dragging his paw up his chest, pulling his shirt up a bit with it before heading over. Lucas stayed where he was in order to calm down a bit flushing and feeling far too hot for the midsummer night air. The two were still distracted and he easily managed to excuse himself.

"You sure we shouldn't follow?" Mikey pondered watching them go. "Foursomes are hot."

Axel rolled up a napkin and swatted him on the muzzle with it. "No. Bad Mikey!"

The second the door shut behind Lucas he found himself pressed against the wall. The warm muzzle was already attacking his neck. Biting and nipping at his flesh, pulling loosely at it as he kneaded the skin with his lips. Suckling as his teeth scrapped against his skin. That moist, soggy tongue slurped his neck as that paw returned to his groin.

Gripping, squeezing roughly as he petted, stroked and molested him. Lucas groaned despite himself. Holding back as long as he could, letting it build up in his chest. Filling his throat before it left his lips, between clench teeth. His eyes were closed and face was hot as that musky breath crossed over it. Carlson kissed his chin, nuzzling his face with a whiskery muzzle as his paw continued to work between his legs.

"Let's get in a stall." Carlson growled in a low tone. "Already checked," he spoke before Lucas could form thought for the question. "No ones here." He seemed to be proud about it. The luck they had.

"Carlson," Lucas gritted his teeth letting out a hot breath shoving the paw away. He covered his mouth with the back of his arm trying to regain his senses. A lust addle mind could be a very distracted thing. "Carlson!" Lucas said a lot more forcefully giving the otter a strong shove.

Carlson took a step back confused about the situation. "Oh, sorry." He said coming to a conclusion. He withdrew his paw which was still pressed against him and stuck three fingers into his muzzle. Sucking on them before taking them out. Tendrils of saliva connected the fingers with it still as the slick digits proceeded back to what he was doing.

"That's not what I meant." Lucas said catching his wrist. The otter looked at him confused. The large ocean blue eyes waiting for him to say something else to clarify the situation.

It took a second for Lucas to regain his thoughts again. The otter fingers were still dripping and the look on his face with a partially open muzzle, stopped in mid action, was...hot. Attractive. The fuzzy mongrel was looking at him with confusion but the need and want was clear in his eyes. He was still leaning towards him, resting a paw on the wall for support as his other was dipped down towards his legs. The tip of his tail was slightly lifted and his ears were up aimed forward waiting for his response. Whiskers were out straight, rigid with flared nostrils just waiting for a response.

"We've been doing this a lot lately." Lucas lowered his paw, clearing his throat a bit and trying not to think of the swelling bulge in his pants. "I mean we only been doing this stuff lately."

"Oh," Carlson closed the distance and nosed him brushing a paw on his cheek. "Well the public thing maybe getting old. We can head home early and I can run up the tub. Or theres the patio. I can bring out some blankets for the couch. I think theres a spot in the kitchen where I haven't teabagged you yet." He kept rubbing noses with closed eyes.

"That's my point, though." Lucas pressed though he stopped as their lips met. Waiting for the otter to pull back. Carlson kept him silent for several seconds as he probed his mouth with his tongue. Licking along his teeth, wrestling with his tongue before sticking it down his throat. With a long slurp he pulled back, licking his lips and still rubbing his face with a webbed paw.

"As I was saying..." Lucas huffed, fully aroused. "That I want to do more then just. Sex." The word was forced, alien almost. As if it were some strange forgotten language and he even didn't fully understand the meaning of it.

"We're out to dinner with friends." Carlson was confused over the situation. They had been doing a lot of things lately. Sex was just a bonus. They did it once or twice or three times...ok so they did do it a lot from small rubs to mounting for hours on end. Cuddling and groping, spooing and just molesting one another until the sun came up. Work could be rather difficult to do without sleep and draining physical from one nights endeavour. "We go to clubs and to the beach and movies, we throw parties and and and-," The otter was flustered, panicking. He hated fighting with Lucas more than anything. "What do you want me to say? To do?"

"Just. I would like to go some time without you hounding over my lovejunk." Lucas laughed nervously but he felt a bit ill. "A day or week without you feeling me up. Or sex. I need a break sometimes." Though his tented pants said otherwise.

"Well I mean we could just not do it that's fine. I don't want to be pushy or needy. I just...want to make you happy." Carlson looked down before nosing him. "We ok?"

"Of course we are. I just miss when you..." Lucas trailed off not wanting to say the words. Even thinking about it made him feel...well, gay. And he didn't like that. That wasn't the guy he wanted to be.

Carlson chirred low, an otterly sound. A loving sound that made Lucas heart skip a beat. Their lips pressed again and Carlson grinded him back against the wall kissing him a bit more roughly. Pulling on his bottom lip as that chirr turned into a murr. "Miss when I what exactly?" He spoke the words hotly into his ears. Nosing and licking it the next second making him squirm.

"Owen," the change of name alone made the otter become more frisky. His paws run up his sides and back down them as he grinded against him huffing into his ear. Chewing on the bottom of it as he nuzzled his face. "Come on. What if someone comes in."

"Then let 'em." He growled chewing on the other side of his neck.

"Carlson," and the otter stopped letting a low whine escape him.

"It's not my fault. Your so sexy and sweet, and hot and damn if I don't want to just mate with you every second of every day." He said in defeat ripping himself away from him and taking a few steps back. He began pacing the room back and forth. "I just see you and your smell. I just want to-to," he growled clenching his fists before sighing.

"Ten things. Name ten things why your with me and I'll do this."

That got the otters attention. "If i agree can we have sex?" Lucas just looked at him so the otter started bouncing from leg to another happily. "Well... Your great with my kid. Heck you like him and he loves you. And that alone means the world to me."

"Ok that counts for two things." Lucas smiled resting back against the wall crossing his arms.

"Your real strict sometimes..." his ears folded back and he sheepishly continued twisting his wrist. "But you let me get away with so much at the same time. I love the way you treat me like a baby when I'm sick..." Carlson looked down at the floor unable to meet his eyes. "And how you still rub my paws after a long day of work even though I don't ask... The way you look at me when you think I can't see you..."

"H-hey we both do that." Lucas laughed nervously blushing, he didn't realize he had been so obvious about it.

"That your fun and outgoing and get this homebody otter to do things. Or how you put up with my family. I know how annoying he can be." Carlson grumbled his hackles raising a bit. Lucas really didn't have a problem with his brother though he had to admit both of them were far more alike than either would ever admit too. "Your secretly a huge nerd. Don't deny it I found you collection of star wars."

"The original movies are classic!" Lucas defended. This tme he was the one to look away.

"And just how," Carlson closed the distince between them bringing both paws up to his face. Stroking it softly with the back of his fingers. "After every damn day when I'm able to come to home to your smiling face the my world lights up and the sun shines, birds sing and fish just smells better." He smiled his ocean blue eyes watery up.

"Ok. Fine." Lucas sighed, giving up. "We can have sex. If we have too."

"Only if you want too, hun. I won't do anything you don't." Though the otter was already zipping down Lucas's pants sticking a paw in it even before he finsihed speaking.

Lucas just grinded into that webbed paw. Long fingers with blunt claws, warm soft pads pressing against his bulge. Not just pressing but stroking, gripping and fondling without hesitation. Bouncing his sack on the tip of his fingers. Grinding his palm into him as his thumb slipped into his underwear. That fur covered finger brushed his side making him shiver. It was warm, soft and the strong pad applied ample pressure to it.

"Stall. Stall." Lucas pleaded and the otter just grinned. Guiding the two over to the large handicap stall and shutting the door behind them, locking it with his hind paw as he pressed him against the opposing wall. He cupped his arm around the low of his back keeping it close to him so he didn't run into the saftey assist bar.

"Up, up." Carlson coaxed his legs up. One onto the bar and the other underneath his arm as he hoisted him up onto the bar, shoving him against the wall. The gasped surprise of the force caused Lucas to lower his guard and the otter took full advantage of it. Nipping and licking his exposed neck.

The paw on his back was already between his legs picking up where it left off. He pulled his underwear down enough, to pull him free of the restraint. Stroking him all the way up to the tip before bowing down. Getting on his knees and hoisting Lucas's legs onto his shoulders as his muzzle sunk into his groin.

The whiskers ran up his thighs as that cold nose pressed into his curls. The fuzzy chin nuzzled his sack as his length sank into that muzzle. The warm, moist cavern was always a perfect fit as if sculpted and molded specifically for him. The warm tongue teasing his tip, slathering along the sides and wrapping around it like a boa constricter.He began to bop up and down as Lucas wrapped a leg around his neck, rested back against the wall and breathing heavily.

It had been the first time in the past three days and Lucas didn't realized how much he needed it. A lust addled mind wanted what it wanted after all...

Carlson picked at the empty plate in front of him. The two had already left. Mikey got a call and one of his ex's found a new bar that was supposed to be worth the hour line wait. So they bid their farewell's and were off to go clubbing until the sun rose in the sky. Lucas was sorry to see the dog leave but he bid them both farewell on a sad note. But the otter was far from it.

His paw rubbed through his hair as he picked at the food on his plate. He twitched, closing his eyes and taking a sharp breath before relaxing again. He scooted forward in his seat a bit more, squeezing his thighs around the head between his legs and leaning over the table. "Easy, don't want to 'cause a scene." Carlson joked but cut off with a sharp breath at Luca's reply.

The furry legs rubbed the side of his face. The warmth and smell alone was over powering as the otter's slick shaft throbbing in his mouth. Even with the tables cloth covering him he tried to stay as far under the table as he could. The otter lounged out in his seat, hiding his lower torso underneath the table to compensate for it. It was awkward, a bit uncomfortable but Lucas had willingly gone under the table even before Carlson asked. Though the thought had always been on the otters mind. Wanting to return the favor Lucas found himself between those legs. The warm meat in his mouth, the sack on his chin and the fur in his face was something he had missed. It had been a few days since he had last done it after all.

Lucas pulled one leg up onto his shoulder and continued to nurse. Sucking the living flesh and teasing the tip that was already leaking. Rolling his sack with a hand and gripping his thigh as the otter humped into his face. Bucking his hips, stretching his toes out as he let out a long breath still leaning against the table trying to appear as bored as possible to the world around them.

Carlson was good at keeping a straight face. Playing it off as some bad indigestion. As if there wasn't someone under the table sucking him off. That he was twisting his hip and legs as his flesh and body were pleasured. That his tail stretching out long was just him stretching and not because his toes were curling in their sandals or his breath was quickening, his heart raced in his chest. That his sack wasn't tightening against himself as he let out a long breath into a groan...

"Make sure to leave a large tip." Lucas said still wiping his mouth. There was something about otter spunk that lingered in ones mouth. Like having a large spoon of peanut butter. Minutes later you were still tasting it in the corners of your mouth, the back of your throat. Trying to get it out. Fussing with it between your teeth, on the roof of your mouth. A place where no matter how hard you try you just couldn't get it out. Not that he was really trying either though.

"I left a large something. Har har har," Carlson joked giving him a strong one arm squeeze as they headed out. Nosing his cheek and his neck licking softly. "I left a very generous tip." He said afterwards.

Carlson opened the door for him and slapped his ass as he stepped out. "Now then. How about a nice walk on the beach, hm?" The otter asked following behind quickly so that his back was pressing against him, and his groin was tightly pressed against his rear.