The Lamia, etc. Part 3.5

Story by Xadera on SoFurry

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#4 of The Lamia, the short-thingy, and some other stuff

"First, let's get ourselves washed up." Seti leaned down to Kiir.

Kiir nodded and jumped on Seti's back, wrapping her arms around. Seti turned and headed out of the room. She maneuvered around the white piles, trying not to spread it into other rooms.

On their way back to the large log to the first floor, Kiir spotted another in a room as they past. It intersected the walls, parallel to a floor absolutely full of pillows. Storage?

Oh well. The only other room Kiir could make out was one on the first floor as they head towards the back of the house. It seemed to be a kitchen, with a large fire pit for a stove. She didn't see much else with Seti's hair matted into the shape it was. When they passed through a doorway just beyond the kitchen, she could hear water trickling.

"You can get down now." Seti lowered herself to the floor.

It took a few moments for Kiir to peel herself from Seti's back, her skin still sticky. Large rocks made up the majority of the floor. In the middle of the room was a huge pool of clear water. More gurgled in from a hole in a wall, diverted from the stream outside.

Seti opened a door in the floor. Heat billowed out. She picked up a few logs from a pile at the side of the room and threw them through the door. "I like to take warm baths." She smiled.

They both melted into the water. Kiir sucked up a hefty amount, her parts filling out again. They pulled in a couple of towels and began scrubbing each other off. Already exhausted, they were careful not to arouse each other. The white stuff trailed off, caught in the current of the pool. It ran out a hole in another wall, towards another room behind a closed door. Once they were both clean, they laid back against the side of the giant tub.

"I really enjoyed all that. You're amazing Kiir."

"Thank you." Kiir grinned. "I think you're a perfect fit for me."

Seti blushed. "I-I have a question to ask."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Umm... Well... I'm kinda lonely around here... Few people pass through and most are afraid of me. They think I'll eat them or something... Even when I go to the marketplace, many move out of their way to avoid me. So, I don't say much and try to stay here as much as possible. And I don't have any family and I don't know anyone else like me and I remember you said you didn't know any of you're kind and I haven't seen you around in my many years of being here, so you must have traveled far and..."


"And... I was wondering..."


"Would you mind... staying with me?" By know Seti's head had shrunk into her shoulders.

Kiir shuffled up next to Seti. "I would love to." She smiled warmly.

Seti brightened up and pounced Kiir. She pulled Kiir into her chest and hugged tightly. "I'm so happy!!"

A long moment passed.

"Umm... Seti... I know I said I could hold my breath a long time... but I don't think my lungs can survive being crushed..."

Seti let go. "Oops." She stuck her tongue out at Kiir.

"Watch it or I'll suck that out of your face." Kiir stuck out her tongue in return.

They giggled a bit and relaxed back into the bath. Kiir nuzzled up under Seti's arm.


Seti brought her other arm over her stomach. "I think all that action got me hungry..."

"Me too. Whatcha got to eat?"

"Let us clean up first, I'll get us some food when we are done."


They got out of the water and dried off. Seti went to a closet and pulled out another slip, same shape as the one before but with different colors and designs. She and Kiir went back through the house, picking up some large baskets along the way.

Kiir gathered up messy leaves into one basket. Seti gathered soiled blankets and pillows, along with her soiled slip, into another. Kiir worked on wiping down the wall while Seti brought the sticky back to the pool, pulling out a few buckets of water to wash with.

"Time to get some food." Seti said the work was done. She strapped two large baskets to her tail and picked Kiir up, setting her in front of one of the baskets. "You can get some more leaves for the Play Room." Kiir nodded in acknowledgement.

Out they went back down the trail. Seti collected the small game her traps had captured in the basket behind Kiir's. Kiir pulled leaves off trees and bushes as Seti traveled and collected them into the basket she was stationed at. She noticed that at each trap there was a sign with big bold letters "Warning! Beware of trap!" Even though people may have feared Seti, Seti tried her best to not injure those in her territory.

On the way back Kiir piped in. "I was thinking about that thing at the end of your tail when I was cleaning up its mess."


"I think I might know of someone that could use it."

Seti stopped and turned her torso to Kiir. "What do you mean?..."

"Oh, nothing bad." Kiir laughed. "I was thinking that she would make you squirm much more than you or I ever could." Seti remained silent, intrigued.

"You see... she was banished from her village many years ago for playing around with creatures outside of the village. She doesn't mind being separated from her village, but when I met her, she said she really wanted children. So... I was thinking, would you like to help?"

Seti was stunned. "You mean... I could use that?!" She pointed down her tail.

"Yup." Kiir smiled. "You interested?"

"Oh... oh my gosh... This is all so sudden." She paused.

"That's a yes then?" Kiir nudged her perversely.

"I-I would like to... Wouldn't that make me a father though?"

"Don't worry about it. The women of her kind take care of the children while the men keep outsiders away. That's why they banished her; she broke tradition or something... Anyways, when I talked to her she said anybody I found wouldn't have to worry about the upbringing of the children, she'd take care of them just fine on her own."

Seti thought for some time. "Ok! I'll go!... You'll be there too though, right?"

"Duhh. I gotta show you how to get to her anyways. She's a good week or so from here. Well, for me it was; probably just a few days for you."

"Oh..." Seti chuckled. "Oh! I'll have to prepare though. I can't go a few days back and forth without food, clothing, cookware, blankets." She was counting each item on her fingers. "It will take me a few days just to get everything together."

Kiir stared back. "Normally I just go as I am. On the other hand, I guess you would need a lot more than a fish and some berries each day. Alright, you'll prepare and in a few days we'll head out."

"Alright!" Seti smiled as she turned back to the trail.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Back at the house, Seti left Kiir to put the leaves along the floor of the Play Room while she cooked up the game she had caught. Kiir sniffed the air from the floor below and her mouth watered. The smell was so great that she started to drool, just thinking how good it must taste. More and more drool collected in her mouth, running down her chin and further still. ‘Damn, I'm leaking so much' she thought to herself as she stuck a leaf in her mouth to disrupt her imaginings.

Seti brought Kiir back down when the meal was finished. They went to the kitchen Kiir had spotted earlier, though this time she managed to see the huge table that took up more than half the room. At least five feet high, ten feet wide, and twenty feet long, it was decorated from end to end with all sorts of fruits and vegetables, the game cooked a multitude of ways.

Kiir gasped in awe. "You... You didn't need to do all of this for me. I couldn't possibly eat even a... a... an eighth of this! And where did you get these fruits? I don't recall you picking any."

Seti laughed. "Well, I did make the meal more diverse than normal; I didn't know what you'd like. I eat so much that I have learned to make many different dishes. Whatever you don't finish, I will take care of. I need to watch my figure you know." She flaunted her body, tail and all. "As for the fruits and vegetables, I usually spend a good portion of my day collecting them, so I store a lot more than I could downstairs in the cellar."

"A cellar? You really planned for everything when you built this place."

"Thank you, but I didn't really plan out much. Most of it I built when I realized I needed it. Well then, enough looking at it, let's eat!"

Seti picked up Kiir and plopped her on the table. Seti then immediately started grabbing up food. She must have been famished. Kiir walked around, sampling the many dishes. She was also dumbfounded by how much food Seti ate. Seti extended herself across the table from her position many times, eating whatever Kiir no longer wanted. Big size meant big appetite.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

::Uuurp:: Kiir belched. "Excuse me."

The table was empty. Except for Kiir, that is. She was sprawled on her back, her belly round. "So... much..." She burped again.

Seti giggled a bit. "Glad you liked it." She too had a bit of a belly on her. Not just on her torso either. The belly of her serpentine tail bulged against the slip slightly. Her hand came up to her mouth as she also let out a small burp. "Oh, excuse me." She said politely. "You just lay there Kiir. I'll take care of the dishes and then we can head to sleep."

Kiir hadn't noticed it, but it was growing dark outside. She rolled to her side; her plump butt counter-balanced her plump stomach, making her unable to pull her tail out from under her. "Let..." ::buurph:: "Let me help you."

Seti giggled some more "No, no. It doesn't look like you can move much anyways. Just rest a bit while I take care of things."

Kiir rolled back and sprawled out again. Seti took to picking up and cleaning all the dishes and cookware.

An hour had passed before Seti was done. She came back to the table. "Feeling better?"

Kiir sat up. "Yes, much. That was delicious Seti. I don't remember the last time I ate so much."

"Thank you. Now, would you like to go to bed?"

"Oh yes. I think it'll take the entire night for me to digest all this."

"Good." Seti reached down and picked up Kiir. This time she rested Kiir on her shoulder instead of hugging Kiir against her chest like she usually did. She didn't want to squeeze her too much.

Seti slithered to the room with the log and pillows. "This is the bedroom" She began to set Kiir onto the pillow-covered floor.

When Kiir put her weight on her feet, she began to sink. The pillows that made the bed were too deep and were too small to distribute Kiir's weight on their own, too large to distribute it across more than one. She sunk down to her waist when Seti plucked her up.

"Uh oh. This bed is several feet deep, deeper than you are tall... You won't be able to sleep on it without sliding in.... Now what do we do?"

Kiir looked down to the bed, relieved she'd been saved. "Hmm..." She thought for a moment. "I know! Seti, you'll have to take off your slip."

"Okay..." Confused, Seti brought Kiir to her back and pulled off the slip while Kiir held on. She dropped the slip to her side. "Now what?"

"Bring your other end here."

Seti obliged.

"Now, open the foreskin up so I can get in it."


"When I was on it earlier, your foreskin was able to cover me up inside of it. To tell you the truth, it was nice and comfy in there. So, I will sleep in there as you sleep out here."

"But... What if?"

Kiir chuckled. "I won't play around with it... much. I've gotta sleep too you know."

"Ok... But let me get into position first."

Seti pulled Kiir into her chest as she went to the other side of the room where the pillows piled up slightly higher and some blankets were strewn about. She laid back into the pile and stretched her tail out. Her tail then curled up into the air, coiling around the log above. One revolution away from being completely coiled,she brought the end up beside her and opened the foreskin.

"There you go." Seti lifted Kiir to it. Kiir grabbed onto the large member and hugged it close, bringing her own tail around the soft flesh to get a better grip.

"Ok, you can close it now." Kiir said once she settled down.

Seti lowered the foreskin around Kiir. She closed it just up to Kiir's neck, leaving much of the member's head uncovered. Kiir relaxed her grip a bit as she let the warm, moist environment take her. She sighed with comfort. Seti brought the member closer to her torso. She pulled up a blanket and hugged against the outline of Kiir.

Kiir rustled a bit and rested her head on the member's. "Goodnight Seti."

"Goodnight Kiir."