“Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…” Part 6

Story by Terian Whitepaw on SoFurry

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#6 of “Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…”

©® KAYCEE** Pseudonym 2012

This material may not be copied, sold or distributed without written consent of the author. All rights reserved.


Our property line ran right along the Evan's property line which in turn abutted the Los Padres off Pacific Valley Hwy, north of Plaskett. Our house was located closer to the road and Hwy 1 than the Evan's place but still it was dirt road to both. We could walk five minutes out our backdoor and down the trail towards the water and most of the areas that Kyle and I learned to surf as kids.

The further we got into the foothills national forest the more trees we encountered. Soon, we ran out of road. Blake pulled the truck over next to a couple of old growth cedars, "Most of the ferals that your Grandmother and I have encountered have been found around this area."

I recognized the spot. We weren't more than a half mile from the Evan's place. "Have either of you seen the feral responsible?" I asked Blake as we got out of the truck. He shook his head.

"No. We've only come upon the 6-8 ferals that have been turned. The oldest was just past his second full moon. We were lucky. Had he gone through his next cycle without an Alpha or guidance, he would have lost his humanity and might not have been able to shift back," he sighed.

We pulled out gear out. I took Gran's staff and handed Blake the tranq gun with the aconite darts. Both of us threw on our backpacks and headed out towards the last area that a feral had been spotted.

"Anything you can tell me about anyone that's been turned?" I asked making my way through the scrub and undergrowth edging up against Kyle's family land.

"You mean that the fact that every last one of them were surfers?" Blake replied as he hacked out a path through the forest. I stopped. "Seriously?" the surprise evident in my voice.

Blake nodded, "Yeah, and that's what's got me wondering most of all. Whoever is turning these kids is wise enough to move within their group. Surfers are a tightknit group. They don't like outsiders. It has to be someone that knows the lingo and can surf as well."

That set my mind back to the other night and had me thinking.

"Take this," Blake spoke up catching my attention back to him after I began looking around the area at his last statement. He threw me the tranq gun. "Put it in the back of your pants. The safety is on. I think it's time that I tried a different tactic this time around. Wait right here," he said before taking off towards the truck. We were only 100 feet into the woods but it was heavy growth.

I'd never seen a lycan run in human form. To say it was amazingly fast would be an understatement. It was close to the speed of a cheetah at full run without tiring. Lycan stamina was well known. He returned moments later and began stripping his clothing.

"I think I need to start thinking a little more like our feral," while kicking off his boots. The moment he dropped his jeans I thought I was going to faint. I could feel the heat run up my body and over my face. I'm sure that I was seven shades of pink.

Blake wasn't wearing any underwear. I covered my eyes in embarrassment. His chuckling brought them off, "What are you laughing about?"

"You!" he continued to laugh. I got indignant, "Well, excu..." only to find myself tongue tied as I took his body in. Blake in clothes was ruggedly handsome. Blake without was sex on wheels. Fantasy material. Much fantasy material. A huge case of tennis elbow, fantasy material.

His chest was massive. It was covered in a well groomed layer of hair that ran over his pecs, each areola bare, down the middle of a six pack that would make have the guys in fitness magazines envious and down to his crotch holding an ample package of what looked to be 6" soft and a set of balls that would make most stallions envious. What surprised me most was the fact that he was well groomed there too; even his balls looked to be shaved.

"Yes?" Blake asked laughing. I caught myself looking up into his eyes again. The mirth was evident.

"A metrosexual werewolf?" I asked incredulously.

"I'm gay. You expect me to be some hairy Sasquatch that doesn't care for his body? Besides all lycans are either born with this type of physic or if they are turned, then they change their physical appearance towards ours. It's part of our nature. Our body just reforms for strength, stamina, health and regeneration," looking slightly put off at my statement. "I'm definitely not metrosexual!"

"Besides," he said stretching allowing me to get a better look at the muscles ripple across his torso, "You're gay too."

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. "What?" I asked, "What did you say?"

"You're gay," he stated again.

My legs started to give way and I found him immediately behind me holding me up, "Whoa! Are you alright?"

I moved to sit down on the ground, "Just give me a second, ok," putting my head between my legs while trying to keep from hyperventilating.

He kneeled down beside me, "Don't tell me you're not out." Looking up, I shook my head, "Only to Gran and Mom."

"Seriously kid?" he asked in a surprised tone. I could only nod.

He picked me up off the ground and dusted me off, "Look," as he began to stretch again, "I'm not going to tell you how to live your life but you need to be honest with yourself and others. I learned that advice years ago from my old man. If only..." breaking off into a memory.

Catching himself he returned to me, "Like I said, 'True to yourself!" making his point by poking me in the chest. "And," moving away just a hair, "as much as I'm flattered about you looking at my body" as I noticed his musculature begin to flow, "I do have a partner."

I rolled my eyes, "And with all due respect, as hot as you are..." pausing to look at him and appreciate his appearance.

"What?" he chuckled, "Are you telling me that I'm not your type or that you have someone you're already interested in?" At that I could only blush.

"Oh ho!" chortling at my discomfort, "You do have someone you're interested in!"

"I, I...," stuttering a response as my tan skin paled. "He doesn't know?" he asked.

I dropped my head and shook it, "I've never said anything to him. We've been best friends since kids. He knows nothing about the other part of me or my family. Plus," sighing, "I'm pretty sure that he's straight."

"The Evans boy?" looking into my eyes for confirmation. "Yeah," I sniffed trying to turn my face away.

"Listen Jesse," catching my attention with his eyes, "I understand what it's like to worry about others finding out you're gay. I've been down that road and back. It's difficult and you feel like everyone's eyes are going to be on you. Well," pausing and looking up to the sky, "they are. I hate to tell you that bud."

"Great, just great," I sighed.

"It's not easy. I'm not going to lie to you. Life isn't easy either and on top of being what we are we have other secrets to keep as well. Don't you think allowing a small part of who you are will give you the strength to handle all the other stuff you will deal with in your life?" Blake asked.

"I," pausing to swallow, "I don't know."

"Well, just think about it little man. And remember," moving over a bit from me to some open space, "That I and your family will be around to help you. I may not be the Alpha to your wolf but I'm sure as hell a friend," he grinned.

"Thanks for reminding me of that," I grumbled and kicked a stick.

"We'll figure it out," Blake spoke with a smile.

"So," trying to change the subject, "You wanna tell me exactly why you stripped?"

"Well now," putting his hands on his hips and thrusting them forward. I tried like hell to keep my focus above his waist but it was rather difficult with his cock flopping back and forth. I swear he did it on purpose because he got this evil grin on his face. He continued obviously enjoying watching me squirm a bit, "You'll see in a minute."

I could see his body begin his shift. I had read numerous accounts of how it occurred over the years but the sight of it was something to behold. It was fluid. It was like quicksilver running over the ground. He moved to his anthro form and I was blown away. He reached close to seven and a half feet tall.

Even reading all the books I had over the years, it still didn't prepare me for the sight of a full anthro lycan and an Alpha to boot! Every book on lycans only gave me small glimpses of what they looked like; physical traits, variations in fur colour, height, anatomical descriptions and all with full colour pictures but nothing could compare to being with one for the first time.

I moved closer, "Can I?" I asked hesitantly as I brought my hand up.

Blake laughed, "Sure Jesse." I moved forward and touched his dark black fur. It was surprisingly soft and silky. His fingers had elongated and were tipped with some extremely deadly looking claws, almost talon-like. His face was a cross between a human and a wolf but more wolf-like with a definite pronounced muzzle.

"Incredible," I gasped at his features. Everything else about him was all wolf, as I glanced down I saw that even his package now had acquired a sheath. I stared down at it. It seemed larger than before. "Does that look?" pointing down to his cock.

He pulled back the sheath to show me. It was pointed and mottled with spidery veins like a canine.

"WHOA!" I gasped and caught myself wanting to touch it. Blake laughed louder than before, his voice booming.

"You're like a little cub wanting to explore," smirking and showing his canines. I noticed his voice was similar but deeper and held a gravelly quality. I moved my hands up. He leaned down and allowed me to feel his nose and slight muzzle before I moved to his canines.

Realizing that I'd probably gone too far, I pulled my hand back hurriedly. "Sorry about that," I blushed and apologized, "It's just, after all my years of reading and studying our shared history, you're the first lycan that I've met. Understanding lycans and their physiology was something that Gran had made a point of study when I was growing up."

He waived his paw, "No need to apologize. It's normal."

"Why did you shift to your anthro-lycan form?" I asked after watching him move upright and placing his hand to his face to shade his eyes. He looked around in all directions then glanced down at me, "We call it our 'Were' form, but as to your question," smirking, "All the better to see with..." choking in a laugh.

"Har dee har har," I groused. "That wasn't funny half a millennia ago and it's still not today."

"Well," leaning up again to look around, "It beats climbing these damn cedars. The oil in the bloody needles gives me a rash if I'm around them for too long. Besides, I need to see where we are and what areas that Althea and I have covered. I left marks on certain trees at my 'were' height level so that we'd be able to grid the area."

"Makes sense," I said while attempting to shuffle his clothing into my backpack. "I'm not going to be able to fit your boots in here," realizing that I didn't have enough room with my backup spell books.

"Never mind," taking his clothing and boots and running them back to his truck. Returning he looked around again, "I'll just stay in this form or my full wolf form."

"Is it always that easy to shift?" I asked while he continued to spy around. He began moving away towards a group of large of trees and forcing me to follow.

"For Alphas it is," pausing to search around the large redwood, "It's part of an Alphas nature to shift cleanly. The first few times it's like the rest of lycans. Bones readjust and snap, fur spouts and itches and then the push at the base of the spine as the tail forms. Once an Alpha gets used to his shift it pretty much goes instantaneous without much thought and without any pain. All Alphas can shift in mid run from one form to the next. Lower level lycans generally have to wait a few seconds to a minute to complete their shift."

"However," but he stopped and leaned up and examined one of the large sequoias next to a recently treaded pathway, "... Aha, here's one," pointing to a rather large gash in the bark of the old growth tree, "where was I?" he asked.

"Lower level lycans," I stated moving over to examine his mark more closely even though I really couldn't get up to his eye level to see it.

"Oh yeah," as he moved on down the trampled undergrowth, "lower level lycans, non-Alphas, can in time develop the ability to shift almost as fast as an Alpha and with little to no pain but they really have to practice and shift constantly. In this day and age with most of us having normal jobs and lives there are few of us out there that can shift quickly unless they are an Alpha."

We moved down the trampled area and then across for about a half mile before turning East for another half mile. Blake came to a stop, "Ok, this is the last grid in a half mile radius that your Grandmother and I were able to complete. She didn't have that much stamina to go further. We should try at least another couple of miles before gets much later. What time do you have?"

I was still getting used to the 'growly' nature of his voice. I could hear his normal voice mixed in with the sounds of a wolf. I looked down at my watch to check, "330. We've got about another two hours before amount of light streaming through starts to diminish."

"Not good," Blake said moving away from the tree and heading out towards the Northeast, "we lost a lot of time back at your place. We need to try and grid out towards..." He stopped in mid-sentence.

"Wha..?" I started to ask before he held up his large paw-like hand to silence me. Noticing his posture I moved Gran's staff in front of me and readied a stun spell. Her staff would amplify it giving me a better range and strength. Even though it was only about a four foot tall piece of oak with a retractable 10" almost pure silver tip, essentially a concealed bayonet that also had the ability to inject 50 cc's of Silver nitrate via the same tip. It was more than enough to send any lycan back to the eternal ether in a matter of seconds.

Blake pointed to another trail that headed off the one that we were on at the moment. It was barely discernible but if you knew what you were looking for then you'd be able to see it. Blake took a deep sniff around the vegetation, "Come on!"

Blake moved forward a half second before shifting again, this time into his true wolf form. He was very large, larger than any normal wolf. He looked up at me and growled. It wasn't a kind of angry sound but I could tell that he now couldn't speak as his true wolf. He nodded towards the trail and acted that I needed to follow, taking off at top speed.

"Blake!" I yelled catching his attention. He stopped while I caught up with him, "I might have an increase in wolf stamina and speed but you're using your pure abilities. I'm going to lose you if you take off at what would be normal for you, not to mention all the stuff I have to carry." He nodded understanding.

"Secondly," I said while pounding Gran's staff on a piece of rock on the ground, "Reddo Blake!" allowing the incantation to flow out and around me. "Now," staring at him, "say something."

Blake spoke in growls and whines that slowly began to change by the magic I'd invoked. "... we don't have a lot of time and what the hell is it that you want me to say?" finally came out clear. He stopped when he realized that his voice was being heard clear and in English.

"What the fuck?" he asked surprised.

"Old spell that few know about," I laughed, "It allows us to talk while you're in your wolf form. To anyone else you would still sound like a wolf with growls, huffs and whines. Gran's staff amplified it to make sure that it's permanent. Generally, it only lasts for a half hour or so but with as much running as we're going to do and will so many forest noises, this is going to allow us to stay in contact."

"I see," moving back towards the trail, "You're proving to be very surprising Jesse."

I could only smile as he moved back in the direction he'd been running, "What got the burr in your tail?"

He turned his head back to me and raised what could be only assumed as an eyebrow since his right eye opened a little wider, "Burr in my tail?" he chuffed.

He nodded his head back towards the trail, "Another lycan has been through here within the past 24 hours. Their scent is strong and it doesn't smell feral."

That, made me stop in my tracks. "Blake?"

"I'm not sure Jesse. I don't recognize it. It could be the Alpha that claimed you or another wolf that I'm not familiar with has moved into the area. We need to follow this trail and find out where it leads," as he moved forward with me hot on his bushy black tail.

The trail turned and moved back towards the west. We followed it for a good hour and a half before finding ourselves on an overlook facing the Pacific. I looked below and saw the beach that my family had used for years.

I realized where we were and turned to Blake knowing full well I had to tell him about what Kyle had said last night and that I hadn't told a couple hours earlier.

"Blake," I said turning to face him, making him stop and turn, "This is the bluff that overlooks our property. It's where Kyle told me last night over dinner that a group of surfers saw a rather huge brown 'dog' standing above the cove just after sunset. They said it was a dark shaggy brown. Seemed to be watching them everywhere they went."

Blake's face contorted in what I could readily tell, even in his true wolf form, passed as extreme concern, "He's cleverer than we know. I'm starting to suspect that this feral isn't as 'feral' as we suppose."


Althea was sitting in the kitchen finishing up a late afternoon snack thinking about what she should make for Jesse or Blake when they returned. She would have called them but cell signal where they were located was less than ideal. As she tried to figure out what to make or if she should just pop in some Chinese the dishwasher started acting up again. The damn thing was ornery. It had gotten temperamental about the type of detergent Jesse had picked up from the store and kept deliberately spitting suds on the floor. She was about to spell the thing shut when she heard a truck barreling up her driveway to the house, and it was not slowing down.

Twenty feet from the house she first heard brakes squeal against drums followed by the sound of gravel and dirt being thrown in all directions, some of it hitting the porch. Seconds later, a panicking and highly agitated, Kyle burst through the backdoor. He ran to the table screaming, "ALTHEA, WHERE'S JESSE?!"

The woman stopped and tried to get him called down, "Kyle, what's wrong? Just take a minute, you're starting to hyperventilate."

Kyle's face twisted and his eyes glowed yellow giving the old witch a shock. "WHERE IS JESSE?!" his voice coming out in a growl that she knew too well. It put her on the defensive but this young man was family.

"Kyle, honey," she paused trying to calm him and invoke the incantation she needed at the same time. The last words silently slipped from her lips.

"ALTHEA!" He screamed louder and with more anger tinged heavily with fear. "WHERE'S JESSE?!" She tried the incantation again but it was not working. Something was wrong. This shouldn't have happened. He should have immediately calmed down. Her mind tried to get ahold of the situation when Kyle's fist slammed the table almost splintering it in twain.

"GRAN!" his desperation and depth of voice was nothing compared to the reverberation shook the kitchen. The dishwasher clattered loudly and belched one hell of a pile of soap suds across the floor. The power that was radiating from Kyle was incredible and it was causing small silver tipped black hairs to pop up over his fist. He placed both hands on the table. She saw that his nails were changing. He was growling. She could tell he was trying to gain control.

She was working fast to invoke a different incantation to subdue him when he yelled in pain and worry, "ALTHEA! JESSE'S IN DANGER!" The words made her stop mid incantation.

She stared into his eyes. There was nothing but pure concern for Jesse. No malice, no deception. This was something more, something even she had not expected especially after what she'd just witnessed. He was telling the truth. Something wasn't right and he was terrified.

"He's with Blake up near your place on the back trail," she was able to speak before he turned and rushed to the door.

"KYLE!" she yelled calling to him and causing him to turn back to her. "I'll find him," was all he said before bursting out the back door, stripping off his clothes in the process.


Blake was busy sniffing around as he began shifting back to his anthro form. He stood up and stared out in every direction, "I smell two lycans that have been here recently. One's scent is recent. At least the past 24 hours but the other is older, maybe about day and a half or hair longer and it's been deliberately disguised."

He moved around the bushes near one of the trees near the overhang, "There's a weird scent around here. It's like metal but it seems to be covered over in something. It smells like aconite."

"Aconite? Who the hell would be using aconite besides a magic user?" I asked more to question myself.

I noticed that Blake immediately tensed up. "JESSE RUN!" He screamed at me before being slammed against a tree trunk.

I had been suddenly knocked to the ground by whatever had blasted past me and into Blake. I was dazed and tried to get to my feet when Blake flew over my head and about twenty feet away. His arm hung to the side limply as he stumbled up and attempted to step forward. I could see and hear the resetting of his arm bone from his ability to heal. His face deep in anger.

I heard the snap of the trigger before I heard his scream. His leg was caught in a large steel bear trap that had been well camouflaged. The teeth looked to have been coated in some sort of powder.

Blake doubled over in pain trying to break free when I heard the growl behind me.

I turned to face one extremely large, dark brown anthro-lycan. Its' teeth was coated in blood. Blake's blood from where he'd torn into the now resetting arm. The lycan was stalking me and I panicked trying to scoot backwards out of the way.

It lunged out at me with a snarl, taking a swipe but missing me. I tried a calming incantation but it had no effect. I reached behind me to grab the tranq gun but it wasn't tucked in anymore. I looked over to my left and saw that the blow had knocked it loose. The lycan looked over to it and chuckled. It wasn't a type of laugh that I could get to enjoy either.

He lunged out at me. I threw up my hands and put up a blocking/repulsion spell that sent him flying backwards by fifteen feet into some bushes. I scrambled towards the gun only to have the lycan throw a log at me. It barely missed the top of my head.

It was time enough for the beast to lunge forward again. The words flew out of my mouth before thought "VIRES NAVITAS!" Gran's energy/lighting spell began to work. The words literally mean 'force energy' and began to draw the power from the atmosphere and through my hand and forward into the lycan. It sent him tumbling through the brush and left a God awful smell of burnt flesh and singed fur. I rushed towards Blake.

"Good work but it won't keep him at bay for long. Get me out of this thing. The God damn thing has been coated in aconite powder," he huffed in pain. His leg was enflamed and but still trying to heal. Having the trap unlocked from his leg helped but he wasn't going to be able to use it.

The howl and snarl that enfolded around us caused us both to stare towards the source. The lycan had returned and it was in a worse mood than previously. Foam literally dripped from its' muzzle. I looked for Gran's staff only to find it was over by the backpack where I'd been knocked to the ground.

The lycan was starting to heal but you could smell the burnt flesh and fur to the point that I wanted to gag. I launched forward throwing my hand open with the spell again. He anticipated it and leapt out of the way as the lighting flew from my hand and into one of the redwoods blowing away half of the trunk.

I looked around finding that it had disappeared. Blake was struggling to get up when I felt the ground shake. The 'were' dropped from some of the upper branches of one of the other redwoods. I felt his clawed hand knock me to the side and away from being near Blake.

It claws were open and reaching for me. I knew full well that I might not make it. In my fear I had forgotten so many of my teachings and froze. I couldn't focus on anything as it made its' way closer to me.

It reached forward to grab my throat when there suddenly was a LOUD and BLASTING howl that roared through the underbrush as a silver black wolf twice the size of Blake's true form sailed through the air and crashed into the lycan sending him into the same tree that Blake had smashed into earlier.

Within seconds the wolf shifted. It was incredible as the now anthro-lycan stood before the brown one. The new lycan still retained the silver black colouration but reached to nearly eight feet. Its' musculature was phenomenal. It lashed out at the dazed 'were' that had attacked both Blake and myself. The balled clawed fist struck the brown feral lycan deep into the chest staggering it before the right paw caught the 'feral' under the chin and sent it flying over the cliff and down into the water below.

I froze in fear as the silver black turned to me panting. Blake scrambled forward as his leg continued to heal.

The silver black's face turned from the cliff side in mid growl and started towards me. I started to panic and scratched backwards to find my feet when I heard a low whimper. The lycan before me dropped down. It moved to its knees still panting from exertion. Its' face seemed upset and hurt that I was afraid of it. There were tears at the edge of its' eyes. "Jeessseee," I heard it gasp out before it collapsed forward on its hands and started to shift. Fur started to recede and the muzzle dropped back to reveal the start of a human face but what caught my attention were the eyes. In all the chaos I had failed to notice them. They were Pacific blue/green.

As the transformation finished, there sat before me a very naked Kyle with tears running down his face.