100 themes - Introduction
We go by a wide variety of names - witch, wizard, warlock, mage, conjurer, sorcerer or sorceress. i think some of us have referred to ourselves as charmers, but i'm not a pretentious twat, so witch is fine with me.
The Witch
And there'd been elsha, a good witch, who'd prepare healing balms and help with hard deliveries, to those who brought her food or curried her favor. they were all witches, but what did that mean?
The Witches
She had only a second reprieve before the witch's bolt struck her, and her entire body went up in a plume of smoke. some of the other witches cheered excitedly until angela's hand went up to silence them. "enough!
The Witch
._ --- _tales of the dark horse_, by **rob baird** s6e3, "the witch" stardate 67440 their ready room was dominated by the hologram general beltran had called forth, and stared at proudly.
The Witch
Not that it did much to muffle the witch's shrieks of mirth, though.
The Big Sister Part Three: Dark Ambition
Adriana had woken up panting as she gasped for breath. Her entire body ached and was sore from what she presumed were hours of tossing and turning that night. As she would lean up her green eyes would begin to dilate. Sunlight would pierce her window...
Riding Shame (poem)
She no wait, but she know me intake purge, it's my disease hold me closer let me be hold me closer let me go away barely know you know my name trip the witch and ride the shame just because you're so cliched it don't mean you won't get
Furside - Chapter 15, The Witch and the Warrior (Part 1)
She squirmed futilely against her bonds and screamed as loudly as she could manage. The wooden pole behind her back was worn smooth from both weather and previous unwilling tenants. The villagers crowded around her had stripped her bare. Moonlight...
A Dragon's Song
Soon the dragon will once again awake, as ancient king and elivish lord, stole his mighty hoard, but a silver necklace they had strung, made of stars upon crowns they hung, the dragon's soul in which it obtained, all his power drained, captured by a witch's
Blessing or a Curse
Zoos and witches! and so luke goes to the zoo one day looking for a job. but wouldn't you know it... the zookeeper turns out to be an evil witch. perhaps he otter have just stayed home again.
Witch Published
Ordinarily, i would save this blade for the witch alone, but today you are in the way."
The Witch's Way
The witch stared into his lion eyes as she scratched his goat chin.