A day in the life of a shopkeeper

Story by zacky351 on SoFurry

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Life as a shopkeeper may not seem like the most exciting thing in the world, but for Gunther Ward the people he meets and the stories he hears make it all the more interesting.

Quick note: Hol is the currency of the world in this story and 1 hol would be the equivalent of a dollar.

"That'll be 1200 hol." I say with a grin as I hand the young looking tabby cat archeress her items. "Enjoy your new Silver Bow and Lightning Arrows." She smiles and says, "Oh, I will. These'll be great in helping me make my way through the Water Temple of Vizan." I widen my eyes in mock surprise and say, "Oooh, that does sound treacherous. I've heard the creatures in there can be quite difficult to deal with if you don't have the right equipment. I'm glad you stopped by our little shop before trying to tackle such a place." She nods enthusiastically as I say these things then she says, "Yeah, I had heard a few things myself and have been looking for some things that might help. I'm really glad I spotted this place while passing through. You guys have a pretty decent selection and really good prices." I gave her my best winning smile as I said, " Well, I am glad we could be of help to you. And I hope we can be of continued service to you on your journeys." Her smile turns a shade seductive and she winks at me as she says, "Oh don't you worry. I'll be sure to stop by whenever I'm in the area again." She then walks to the door before turning and giving me a slow wave goodbye. I chuckle nervously as I return her wave and say, "Thank you for your business."

Once the tabby is out of view I let out a sigh of relief as I relaxed my face from my way too happy sales smile into my usual half-lidded bored stare. I sighed again as I looked around the empty shop. My name is Gunther Ward and I am a 23 year old, 5'6" brown rabbit. I live in the small trading town of Winchester with my mother and younger siblings. Ever since my father went missing two years ago I had been given the task of taking care of my family and running our weapons and armor shop. When the word had reached me that my father had gone missing and that he had left the shop in my name I had been on a quest with some of my friends, who I was grateful made no fuss about my needing to return immediately.

When I arrived home and saw my families distraught and saddened faces I knew that father had wanted me to take over the mantle of man of the house in his place. Although I did feel a bit trapped into the situation, when I looked at my families faces and thought about how much they would have to struggle without me around I gladly did my duties. Father had already taught me most of what I needed to know in order to run the store over the years, so I didn't feel confused or at a lose when I had to transition from just helping out at the shop to running full time myself. I had always loved helping out at the shop over the years because all of the adventurers that came through gladly shared stories of their travels as they shopped. If I could not live the life of an adventurer myself anymore then I could at least live vicariously through the many stories I was told.

The only real downside I had found during my time as shopkeeper was the immense amount of boredom I would go through during the occasional slow workday or when my customers weren't feeling up for a good chat. As I am standing at the counter waiting for my next customer I start to think about my boyfriend Aiden Wesker and what he could be doing right now. He is a border collie who used to live down the street during my teen years and who used to be a member of my former party. He has the usual black and white coat of his kind, the only thing slightly different about his fur pattern being that the fur of his cheeks was pure white. A trait I found most amusing whenever I managed to make him blush. He is 5'8" with a slim but slightly muscular build from all of his adventuring. Being an archer himself he always wears light leather clothing with his bow strapped to his back and his quiver at his side. He even wore the cute little hat with the feather in it.

As I am losing myself in the image of Aiden my right ear flicks as I hear the bell above the door ring, signalling my cue to return to my happy sales act. I let out a small grunt of agitation under my breath before returning to my happy sales smile and saying, "Welcome to Ward's Weapons and Armor Shop. My name is Gunther, how may I help you?" My smile wanes as I hear the booming laughter and realize who just walked in. "You can drop the act Gunther. It's just me." I sighed in relief as I looked over the border collie I had known most of my life with a great big smile before I say, "Oh thank goodness it's you Aiden. I needed a moment without that stupid smile or my face was gonna start cramping up."

Aiden grins as he says, "Aww, but I kinda like that big goofy smile you make whenever your trying to make a sale." I glared at him but he just shrugs his shoulders and chuckles before saying, "Well, I guess it is better to see you smiling for real, but that smile you make when your in sales mode is adorable in its own way." I blush a little under my fur, glad that I am a brown rabbit and not a white one, before saying in mock agitation, "I'm glad someone enjoys me standing here all day with that stupid smile on my face." He chuckles again as he says, "Well if I could I wouldn't mind watching you stand there all day." I chuckle a bit myself at this before saying,"That sounds kinda creepy when you think about it, but if its you I don't think I'd mind." I can see him blushing through the white on his cheeks as he scrathes the side of his face and says, "Well, it didn't sound as creepy in my head." This gets a good laugh out of me until I take a glance at his wrist. There is a scar around it and I know that if I were to inspect his other wrist and his ankles there would be matching scars. My eyes darken as I remember how he got them.

Before I can get too deep into my memories I am snapped back to the present by Aiden leaning over the counter to put his hands on either side of my face and pulling me into a tender kiss. I swiftly forget about the past as the kiss goes on for a few minutes before we slowly part. He keeps his right hand on my face as I nuzzle into it and say wistfully, "You know. I was just thinking about you". He grins slyly as he says, "Oh! Were you now?" I chuckle as I say, "Yeah, actually. I was just wondering what you were up to and here you are all of the sudden." He chuckles too as he says, "Well, isn't that quite a coincidence. It almost seems like fate doesn't it?" I groan a little as I say, "Oooh, don't use that word please. It's so overused now." He grins as he says, "Aww come on. I still think it's romantic." I chuckle as I say, "I guess if its coming from you it still kinda is." His smile widens at my compliment and he pulls me in for another kiss.

After our second kiss has passed I sigh sadly as I say, "Sometimes I wish I could just drop eveything and go adventuring with you again." He smiles reassuringly to me, but I can see the loneliness in his eyes as he says, "Me too. But there's not much we can really do about that now can we. You have to stay here and take care of your family and I have to continue the search for the whereabouts of our fathers and their party." I close my eyes and shed a tear as I hold his hand against my face and say, "I know. We both want to know where they went and I can't leave to help you. I know, but there's nothing wrong with just wishing is there?" He smiles lovingly as he wipes the tear from my face and says, "No, I guess not." As he slowly pulls his hand from my face I absentmindly try to follow it. He chuckles as I blink my way back to reality and he says, "Guess you really have been missing me haven't you?" I chuckle awkwardly and rub the back of my head as I say, "Yeah, I guess I have been."

After another moment of calm silence between I let out a small cough and say, "So, do you have the time later tonight to maybe stop by for dinner?" He smiles widely as he says, "Yeah! My new party and I are staying in town for the next two days in preparation for our next quest. Maybe I can introduce you to them?" I looked at him curiously as I said, "Um, you got a new party?" He nods as he says, "Um, yeah. After you left I realized that the rest of the old party were really all your friends and not mine. I did try and make it work for a while, but I just didn't click with them without you around. So I decided to look for another one to start my adventuring life anew so to speak. I found my current party about a year and a half ago and we get along great."

I smile up at him as I say, "I'm glad to hear you decided to carve your own path like that. But, um..." I look away from him and nervously say, "Are you sure that it would be alright to introduce me to them? I mean do they even know that you like men?" He rolls his eyes as he says, "Of course they know. I'm quite open with them and most people that I meet. You'd be surprised how many people just don't care about that sort of thing anymore." I look down at the floor in a bit of shame and embarrassment before saying, "I know. I've just grown used to not really advertising that sort of thing." He rolls his eyes again at this before saying, "Come on. You know that not all gay men are overly flamboyant. And even if they are the people who have a problem with it are not as prevalent as they used to be." I nod as I say, "I know. I know. I'm just used to keeping to myself is all." He smiles as he ruffles my headfur and says, "And that shyness of yours is part of why I love you so much." Then he chuckles again as he says, "Although, it wouldn't kill you to be a little more social."

I chuckle and playfully bat his hand away from my head as I say, "Alright, you win. I'll meet your party. I'm free tomorrow until late midday, so I should have a few hours to spend with you and them." His grin widens and his tail flails about excitedly behind him as he pulls me into a hug over the counter and says, "Oooh, thank you thank you thank you!" He then gives me a peck on the cheek before saying, "You won't regret this. I'm sure." I can't help but smile as I return his hug and then pull back to turn his face and start another kiss. Right after we started our kiss my ear twitched again from the sound of the bell and I jumped back with a startled look on my face and quickly said, "A-a-and we just restocked our supply of Ice Arrows to help you on any adventures you many have through the volcanic regions of Morthonin." I quickly glanced behind Aiden to see a young ferret casually browsing through our selection of daggers, clearly not having noticed what we were doing before he walked in.

As I turn my attention back to Aiden I see he has his arms crossed while lightly tapping his arm with a finger and a displeased look on his face. I smile nervously and rub the back of my head, begging him with my eyes to let it go this time. He rolls his eyes while unfolding his arms and shrugs them in resignation. He then gives me a sly grin, that tells me that I better pay him back later, before deciding to play along and says, "That sounds like it'll come in handy, but I mostly wanted a look-see at your daggers if you don't mind?" By this point I have calmed down enough to get my normal sales attitude back and give him my happy sales smile as I say, "Why of course my good man, right this way please." I led him over to the dagger display and we both made such a good show of it that I ended up getting the ferret to buy a few of them.

As I wave farewell to the smiling ferret I turn my head to see Aiden shaking in the corner of the room. I look at him worriedly and slowly walk to him before saying, "Um, is everything alright?" I then jump back in surprise as he starts laughing hysterically and says "*BAHAHHAHA* You should have seen the look on your face when he walked in! Oh that was priceless!*HAHAHAHA" I cross my arms and stare at him unamused as he wipes away tears of laughter from his eyes. Once he has calmed down he looks at my face and chuckles a bit more as he says, "Oh, you. Don't give me that sourpuss look" He then walks up to me and gives me a deep hug as he says, "You know I'm only having some fun." He gives me another kiss on the top of my head and I can't help but smile and let it go as I nuzzle into his chest.

---Later that Night---

"Is the steak ready yet?" I say to my mother Olivia (43) as she is milling about the kitchen getting things ready. As I am finishing cutting the vegetables she says, "Almost Gunther. Just a little while longer. I know its Aiden's favorite don't you worry." "Yeah! We all know its your BOYFRIEND'S favorite Gunther!" says my 17 year old little sister Vivian with a mischievous grin on her face. I let out a grunt of frustration at her snide comment before smirking at her and saying, "Well, at least I have one." She then sticks her tounge out at me and I return the favor. Our mother sighs as she says, "Oh stop it you two and help me finish up." I quickly started peeling potatoes as Vivian started setting the table. In the living room my younger brother Demetri (11) is playing with our youngest sister Jillian (8). Being the oldest sibling and having to take care of my family in my missing fathers stead was a bit difficult, but seeing them fed and happy made it all worth it. It did worry me that mother was still saddened by fathers dissappearance, but I did my best to reassure her that Aiden was doing everything he could to find both of our missing fathers. She had always liked Aiden and greatly appreciated his continued efforts. As I continued to help with the dinner preparations I started to reminisce about when my father was still around and the time I had first met Aiden.


The first chapter of my new fantasy story. I can't help but sigh as I think about all the trouble this story is giving me. I have a ton of great ideas, but writing them down and having things not come off as forced or contrived is proving to be very difficult. I really hope this first chapter is good enough to peak people's interest in the story. Feel free to comment whether it be to compliment or criticize. Either one being very helpful towards improving my stories and making me a better writer.