Telling the truth and sharing the past

'He's really gonna kiss me! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet! We just met yesterday!' I am broken out of my panicked thoughts by the sound of my cell phone ringing. 'Oh, thank god!' I think to myself as I quickly turn away from Xander and...

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A day at the park

\*ScreeeeechHUBBUBULBLUBWHEEERHISSSSSS\* \*BAM\* I slam my fist down on my alarm clock as it's irritating sounds startle me out of sleep like every morning. I lift my head still feeling pretty groggy as I take a look at the time. "11:30! SHIT!"...

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The fun before the movie

"So whats been your favorite stunt on the show so far?" Chris asks with an expectant look as we make our way to his house. I rub the back of my head and shrug my shoulders as I say with a slight chuckle, "Well. I actually haven't seen the show...

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A day in the life of a shopkeeper

Quick note: Hol is the currency of the world in this story and 1 hol would be the equivalent of a dollar. "That'll be 1200 hol." I say with a grin as I hand the young looking tabby cat archeress her items. "Enjoy your new Silver Bow and...

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A movie and a dream

After we all got our tickets and drinks we made our way to the room down the hall where our movie was showing. When we got inside I was very surprised to see a really good turn out for the movie with a large crowd of teens and college...

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The Call

As I walked home from the high school I kept replaying the events at the pool over and over in my head with a huge smile on my face. I still couldn't believe a guy as gorgeous as Xander could be interested in a guy like me, but those thoughts...

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A Happy Collision

It feels like I'm floating. Not floating through the air, but on water. I open my eyes and realize I'm floating on my back in the school swimming pool. I must have nodded off for a second, losing myself to the sound of the flowing water as my...

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The Life and Adventures of Gunther Ward *Preview*

A bright light shines down upon the group causing their wounds to healing, their energy returning. They all breath a collective sigh of relief and get ready to continue onwards after their long hard battle and well earned victory. ...

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An invitation to go out/ Another small peek into my fantasys

"I just got started with it, but I already think Chronicle Crusaders is pretty damn good. Thanks again for lending it to me the other day." I get a great big smile on my face as Chris gives me one of his costumary man hugs after thanking me....

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Those awkward moments that become great ones

I can't help but smile as I walk to my next class after lunch has ended. Chris' near constant smile just seems to rub off on anyone I see talking to him and after having been graced with the chance to spend time with him I fully understand...

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Hopes and Doubts

After my little nightmare in English class I paid extra attention to the lessons in the rest of my classes to avoid another turn for the mental worst. When it comes time for my Intro to Computers class to end and lunch to begin my eyes are...

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A dark cloud looms overhead

"So, you maybe wanna meet some of my friends on the wrestling team? They are in the locker room right now, but you can tag along if you want. I'm sure they would looove to meet you." Chris asks me with a suggestive grin on his face. I blush and...

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