Vampires of the Vacant lot 3

Story by Zecon19 on SoFurry

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The story continues as the vampire of the vacant lot discovers that she has something in common with her king.

Chapter 3

The Questions

I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and over three cats sleeping on different parts of my body. After I knock them off and jerk on my jeans, black tee, and moccasins, I hurry to the bathroom to take care of morning essentials before venturing to the kitchen. Now yes it is odd that I can eat and still need blood to survive as well. Well the truth is, food is nice to eat, but it does not have the nutrition that vampires need to live. It also helps to keep up the custom of having food and preparing food to keep up the rouse of an ordinary life style.

I rummage through my fridge and cabinets until I pull out some essentials to make a descent breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese, grits, fresh biscuits, and sausages with grave. Smiling, I start to cook my meal and this gives me time to think.

So far, I went to a meeting and nearly tore Lola's head off (again), I was visited by the king (Linkz) twice, I meet a boy named Todd who's father was murdered by a Hunted vampire, I learned that his mother was a (Not going to say), I gave information to the king (who visited me in my bathroom) about the murder, and I was ordered the same day to accompany the king at his private residence in the Northern Mountains.

I sigh, that was quite a bit to take in from the past few days, and I am very nerves about going to see Linkz.

I fumble with my eggs as I add onion slices. A black ferret jumps on my leg and starts climbing. I giggle as he sits on my shoulder and nibbles my ear. I swat at him as I relies his brother, a coco colored ferret, is making his way to my meat slices. I shoo him off and twist my hand in the air. Food falls into awaiting bolls and the animals attack them.

I smile fondly at them as I finish making my own meal. Finally I take myself, and my breakfast, into the living room to relax and watch the news on my big screen TV. Man I love that thing.

After closing the big red blinds, I get ready to squeeze into the lounge chair when I hear a knocking at the door.

I growl in irritation.

Now who can that be?

I stand up and march over to the door and jerk it open. There standing with white grins, is Duglan, Madam Dandy, and Red Bullet in their elf forms.

Today Red wore a snazzy red leather Jacket, hat, pants, black boots, and his guns as usual. As an elf, the only difference in his appearance is his skin color, which is a nice toasty tan, and his eyes, that are emerald green.

Duglan wears white sneakers, black jeans, and a red shirt that is tight over his muscular form. The words 'Eat me.' are boldly imprinted on his shirt. His skin is golden and his eyes are navy blue in color.

Madam Dandy wears another of her Victorian styled clothes. Blue corset with small ruffles, several layers of petty coats under a skirt that is tastefully decorated with ruffles and bows. Her hair is a little looser then the previous night, yet still horribly confined. It is bundled on her head with black onyx stones holding it in place. Her rogue is very light and accommodated her appearance greatly, unlike some other vampires that go overboard. Her skin is still white as silk but her eyes are a warm brown. I like her eyes. (They make me feel all warm and safe and stuff).

"Hey!" I say as I step back to let them in. "I didn't know you were all coming. Please come in. I just made breakfast. Would you like some?" I pointed to several velvet couches that circled the living room.

Madam Dandy sits down in a flurry of skirts, taking out a blue fan and waves it vigorously. "That is a very charming idea. Tea and cakes will be lovely. And please add a little cherry to the tea dear."

Cherry meaning blood. A little joke between us now.

"Yeah that sounds nice, but I would like something a little stronger. Bourbon for me girl, and some of them eggs an biscuits! Damn you make good biscuits!" Red bullet shows his love by stealing the two I had on my plate before sitting across the room from Madam Dandy. I glare at him as I walk to the kitchen. A few animals follow me.

"Aye lass! Bourbon will be good for me as well. I swear Red me lad you and I share the same mind we do." They laugh as I prepare my guests their orders and remake my breakfast. Thank Gods for magic.

It takes me a scant few moments to get everything done before I bring it out into the living room again. I place the items on the middle table were we can all reach it and say, "Well I can see you all have a healthy appetite. Please tell me why the surprise visit? Is their another meeting scheduled that I missed or..." I wave a hand in the air to indicate a mute continuation.

"Aye lass we be here for a reason." Duglan says seriously as he takes a swig of bourbon. "Ahhhh! That is good stuff. I see you kept the one I gave you five months ago." His smile melts into a thoughtful frown. He leans forward and his eyes go distant. "I believe we are all here because well..." His eyes roll in exasperation. "We worry lass."

"That's it indeed!" Red replies enthusiastically, his shoot glass spilling bourbon about. "We're worried about the king." He stops and gives me a level look. "as well as you girl."

I gape at them, my biscuit hanging limply in my hand. I place it on the plate on my lap as I try to understand them.

"W...what do you mean? Have I done something wrong to offend the king you think?"

"No, no. Not at all darling." Dandie's young face contorted to soft surprise. "You have done nothing wrong. Its just, well, you haven't done anything yet. That is what we're worried about." She takes a sip of her tea. "Oh I love this flavor."

I stare at them, my mind running a mile a minute to nowhere. "What?"

"You know!" Red says taking another shot. "Ahhh. You haven't done anything. You sit around playing mouse to the king, being quite and such, while Lola takes all his attention." He growls. "The last thing I need is for him to marry that little...."

"What Red is saying is that we all know how the king feels about you." Duglan finishes as he bites down on his biscuit. Swallowing he says, "We all know how you feel for him. We can see it, hear it..." He grins wickedly. "Smell it."

I throw a pillow at him as he laughs. He catches it and sniffs the cover.

"Ah what a crisp sent, apple and cinnamon, you're the only one who has such a crispy smell." He continues to sniff it, making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Oh Dug please stop teasing!" Dandy says snippily. " Your embarrassing the girl enough as it is."

He chuckles and drops the pillow.

"Now dear as much as we love our king, he does have a funny way about him. He is infatuated with you, this we can tell. Why else would he change you and make you his elder when your barely a Vampiris yet?" She finishes by giving me a side long glance.

I blush, Oh man.

"And as such, we all agree to come today and ask the question we all are curious to know. In Reds words, ' Getting the word from the horses mouth'." Dandy's face turned into a thoughtful frown.

"That's not exactly the right way to say it but its close." Murmurs Red.

"So lassie, tell us, what are you going to do to win him over?"

They all lean in to hear.

I pause and look at each face. I breathe and say, "Nothing."

"What in bloody hells!"

"My goodness!"

"Why not lassie!"

I giggle nervously at their outbursts and say quickly, "If the king wants me, he can make a move to approach me himself. I don't want to cross any lines to get his affection. And really, how do you know he really thinks of me like that at all? For all we know he could think of me as a sister, or... or distant cousin or... ok stop looking at me like that. I just don't see the whole idea in trying to get his interest now. Lola..." I growl the name in content, "is not exactly everyone's cup of tea, but she is who he picked. They know each other and she is gorgeous..."

Madam Dandy huffs.

Duglan snorts.

Red farts.

We all look at him and he blusters, "Well when you gatta..."

"Ah lad shut up, both your holes please!"


I giggle.

"Ahch the stench!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"I can't breath!"

"You goanna and did it now! Whole place smells like dung!"

"Someone seen my hanky! The rose scented one!"

"You both going crazy over a little putt!"

"Our nose is stronger then normal idiot!"

I watch as all three banter over Reds fart. To tell the truth... it is rancid.

"I propose that we leave and go out for some air." I say as I stand up and walk briskly to the door.

"Fine with me lass." Duglan growls as he shoves a big hand over his face. Glaring at Red he says, "But don't you think we need to be more stealthy. You know transport and all."

I stop myself from opening the door to wide and looked and say quietly, "If some one is watching the house don't you think they might find it odd if we don't leave and all of the sudden I am home alone?" I leave it to his brain to finish the idea.

Duglan leans back and thinks for a moment. His big hands running up and down his chin and finally he looks me in the eyes and says, "The wee lass has a point."

Red smirks and says, "So how are we to leave."

I smile and take up all the plates. Walking to my kitchen I look behind me and say. "Lets just take my truck."

 "That one Red gave you on your first birthday. The one with the big wheels, makes that horrid vrooming noise, and can drive off road, and all that nonsense?" Dandy sniffs in distaste before her face transforms into a look of wicked delight. "I'm in!" She jumps up and glides out the door laughing gaily.

" I'm game." Red gets up with a grunt and takes hold of his back. "Man I'm getting old." He whines as he shuffles off toward the door. I grin at him, while I wrap the remainder of the unfinished breakfast up and put it away. I come back and find Duglan, still sitting on my couch. He takes the biscuit he has been holding for a while and gulps the rest down in one bite. Rising he looks at me side ways, then walks up to me until he stands a foot away.

He begins slowly, "You know lass, the king left almost as quickly as you did from the lot the other night." He leans over and my vision is filled with his blue eyes. "He didn't take the wee kiss I gave ya to heart did he?" his worry touches me and I smile at him.

"Not at all Duglan, he just seems to worry about the pairing that's all." I look away to embarrassed to look him in the eye. "He said we didn't belong together, that a match between us was a bad one." I looked back at Duglan and smiled, trying to keep the hurt from my face and voice. "But it's cool really, nothing to worry about, honest."

"You can't fool me lass, nor the others." Duglan says as he kneels down in front of me. His big hand stretched out to touch my face. "Your hurt because of his decision aren't ya?"

I stare and the pain and loneliness rakes through me. "It's just hard to hear. Even from my own creator, that I'm not good enough..."

Duglan's hand smashes into my hair and rubs it roughly. "Girl shuts up and listen. I've known the king for as long as three thousand years and I can tell you this." His eyes probe into mine, "He is not heartless. He has motives for ya an he will tell you soon enough. So stop getting yourself down in the dumps."

He stands and walks toward the open doorway where the sounds  of Madam Dandy and Red bullet arguing can be heard. With a hand gesture he motions me along. Smiling at his retreating back I follow.

Luckily we did for if we waited any longer Madam Dandy and Red would have been brawling.

Five minutes later:

"Nooo!! Red no! Don't hit the excelerator that hard!!"

" Laddy Faster! Your driving like a woman!!"

"My word what is that suppose to mean!"

"Shut your yaps! I have this!!"

"The rut the rut!!"

"Damn lad! Trying to kill us!!"

"How wonderful!!"

" I tolds ya'lls shuts up!!"

Two hours later:


All hang on to dear life as Madam Dandy drives like a mad woman about the forest trail. The tires screeching and the trees zipping by in horrifying clarity as the three frightened vampires hang on to each other for dear life.

"How thrilling!!! Muahahaaa!!!"

An hour later:

"Left! I told ya boy left!"

"Lad don't make me turn this vehicle around on your ass!"

"You don't even know where ya going ya ninny! And you say I drive like a woman!"

"Shuts up!"

"How dull"

"Now look we're going down the wrong trail!"

"That's it if u say one more thing u pooting bastered!"

"That's enough!" I scream as I slam into both front seats. "Duglan! Out of the front I will drive my own truck. Gods!!"

Five minutes later:

"AHHHHHhahahaaa!!" the evil laugh burst from my lips as I drive the truck backward over a hill. I skid that mother down as we bumped onto the forest floor and the rear bumper finally got a use for its name. I jolted the truck around in sharp turns, I speed even faster through narrow trees, I whipped and slammed the brakes until we were facing forward again and then I proceeded to gun the gas and zip forward.

The terrified screams of the other ancient's never reached my ears as I zipped toward our location taking the fastest rout that I remembered.

Releasing a horrifying laugh I make my way up the mountain full speed. Vertically up the mountain that is.

"Ahhhhh!!!ahahaa!!! Were going to die again!! Duglan get your big ass off mee!!"

"No way I'm letting go you flea bitten mongrel!! If I die your drunken, smelly, fartty ass is coming with meee!!"



The truck bucked and bolted up that mountain until I felt the wheels leave the ground they were racing on. The entire front end of the truck fell forward and a rock wall met our sight. The others screamed, well Duglen yelled out, Red cursed up and down heaven, and Dandy clapped in glee.

I turn the truck so that we skid sideways a bit, I saw with no small bit of evil glee that Red turned pale as the walls side came close to kissing his door. Then I gun the engine again and head up the spiral road to the top of the mountain. After a few moments I reach the top and slam on the brakes as we continue to skid dangerously close to the side of the cliff. I kill the engine and turn to look at my passengers.

Duglan's head is bowed forward and he seems to be catching his breath. Red's face is regaining its blood and he is searching in his pockets franticly looking for his smokes. Madam Dandy looks disappointed that the ride was over.

To be evil I say, "Well passengers this is our last stop, please fold the trays to their upright position and disembark accordingly." I get out with a laugh as I watch the men drag themselves from the back seats.

Madam Dandy gets out and holding her skirts skips over and takes my hands. "Oh dear how exiting! I do wish we could do that again. That was pure genius! How you twisted and turned us about!! And those hills..." she pauses to fan herself with a fan that is now bent, once noticed she flings it away and says, "My dear can you please show me how to do that!!"

"No you don't!" Red shouts from his bent over position beside the truck, his knuckles turning white as they pressed tightly to his thighs.

"You teach that Brit anything like that and I swear there will be a wailing in if for you girl!"

"Oh do shut up Yankee. Don't you know how to speak to a woman?" Madam Dandy sniffs.

Red huffs. "Woman, stay out of this. I can talk to my grand daughter anyway I want." He stands and walks over to me his hand clamping my shoulder as he leans down and says, "I swear to whip you a good one later but I do admit girl that was some nasty driving." He looks in my eyes and grins. "Have you ever thought to take up rodeo?"

"See here Red!" Gasps Dandy.

Duglan laughs and smacks Red in the back of the head causing him to flinch and rise up.

"Lad leave the wee lass out of those dangerous sports. You might lose more stock from her riding them to the ground." He points back at the truck and me and Red follow to see that my truck is indeed cover with mud and loose soil. I even somehow managed to get a young sapling stuck to my roof.

I laugh at the sight and turn as Duglan and Red begin talking about the fundamentals of me in an actual rodeo.

Standing at the very edge of the cliff, I breath in the air and watch as twilight descends over the mountain ranges. The sight is breathtaking as the colors blend and darken as the sun's face hides itself further beyond the tall dark ridges. I feel the others come up and stand beside me, all quite now as we take in the last few moments of sun light. Our eyes closed to the light. We feel the last of the sun's light as it finally disappears completely from view. The change takes us instantly. Our appearances transform into that of our vampiric selves. We sigh as our blood pulse, our powers serge and strengthen, and our hunger mounts.

My red eyes open to witness the last few rays leaving the sky as night chases the twilight over the hills.

"I love the feeling of change." Red announces as he grabs Madam Dandy from behind, almost drunk from the rush. Dandy gasps and giggles as she pushes away from him to get a safe distance.

"Oh aye." Duglan agrees as he eyes me from afar, "Change is very stimulating, for many hungers."

I blush and turn my head. We all know better then to do anything with one another. We were friends and sometimes friendships were torn by hasty reactions caused by change.

As we stood there for another hour or so we talk about other things, mostly how badly all of them needed to practice driving and especially how to get the dirt off my truck. We even agreed to keep the sapling at Duglan's Bar as a trophy to my wild driving ways. Laughing Duglan pried the sapling off the hood and marched around with it in the air and started to sing:

We like them in the kitchen

We like them in the house

Their as pretty as a picture

And as meek as a mouse

But put them in a car

And before your very eyes

She turns into a wild cat

And fires up that ride

Women and cars

Women and cars

Racing through the city

To get chocolate bars

No telling where they go

No telling what they do

They zip around like crazy

Until they smash you!

We laughed like crazy at his stupid song. In all that time we never got back to the discussion of how I was to court our King. In my opinion I didn't want to talk about it anymore. Not that I wasn't interested, but because I was afraid.

I smile sadly at the thought before I saw how late it was getting. Walking to the edge I gaze at the forest ground. It is over sixty feet below me a trip or slip could send a normal creature to their death.

Thankfully I wasn't normal.

"I bid you farewell then." I say as I prepare myself for change.

Duglan and the others stopped laughing, "Wait there lass we haven't even..."

"Later Duglan, and sorry for being so blunt, but the King specifically asked me to come see him as soon as possible." I turn and leap into oblivion. As I free fall I change into an owl and wing my way into the night.

"Just remember to fill us on the details!!" Madam Dandy yells.

I roll my big eyes as strong wings take me hire into the air.

Flying is always calming to me, but in the event of seeing the king again, to see Linkz again, it is usually enough to send me speeding over without delay. However tonight I want to take it easy. I didn't want to be there to quickly in the even that, Lola, is there.

I squeak out as that name passes my mind. I never liked Lola, from the first time I laid eyes on her making out with our king in the palace gardens, I never liked her one bit! It was an embarrassing memory for me only, since Lola knew I was there and she always found some way to remind me. She was proud of her hold on the king.

I was sickened.

The flight takes me no more then an hour to get to his quarters in the woods. A little owl farm hidden in the northern mountains, small and insignificant, the hut like place is just perfect to have a secret meeting with Linkz. No servants, no wives, no distractions ( Lola, grrrr) and nothing else but the two of us.

I descend into the trees surrounding the hut and land on a branch. I peal out a few chirps to get his attention. His acute hearing would be able to hear me from the tight confines

 of the tiny place. I scrutinized the odd place again as I wait. A wooden home shaped in the form of a triangle. No windows, an old pail hanging on a nail by the log door, and a few owl cages scattered here and there.

I chuckle at the Linkz's sense of humor. The man can't seem to go a day without doing something extreme, living in a mud hut would just kill his advisors and staff who try tirelessly to keep everything in order in his big castle to the south.

I hear him moving about as he opens the door to the night air. I wait, my breath holding tightly. He steeps out into the night, his glorious hair unbound and falling about him like a white silken cape. He wears a pair of baggy, blue jean pants with many pockets. Holes and tears decorate the pants and were so numerous that if one more tare were to mar it they might fall off. A white tee shirt and a black leather jacket give him a laid back look. Something twinkles from one of his ears, presumably an earring. His bare feet stand on the forest floor as if it were a fur carpet. His tail swishes slowly, almost seductively from side to side.

In the moon light, he is absolutely breathtaking.

He turns his head and finds me within the branches of the tree.

Smiling he says, "I see you took your time today little one." He holds up his left arm for me. I flutter down to him and perch there, his arm drawing in protectively around me as he holds me close to his body.

"There now good girl." He crowns as he lightly pets me. This is a useful exercise to keep up incase someone watched. But knowing him, he would know if anyone was.

"How about a stroll my dear?" Linkz asks.

I nod and hoot softly up at him. His eyes, more beautiful then any treasure, shine down on me with hidden amusement. He walks away from the hut and ventures deeper into the woods, I scramble up his arm to rest on his strong shoulder. I fluff about until I get comfortable.

The moon's light gifts us with a celestial glow as we make our way through the woods. The trees were sparse enough to give us breathing room. Looking back at his face, so close to mine, made me breathless and almost tipsy.

"You are quite tonight my dear. This is such a lovely night, would you not speak?" His tone is playful, not seductive in the least, so I took the queue to ask.

" Would you allow me to ask a question?" I start quietly my thoughts sounding pathetic even to my own ears.

"Ask Zecon. You know you don't need promistion. Never between us." He looks at me and for a moment I lose my will. His eyes glow faintly in the light, and my heart seems to stop.

"Speak." Murmured the sensual lips, mere inches from my face. If only I was a woman again at that moment. Maybe not.

I gulp, and push onward, "What is the purpose behind meeting tonight?"

Damn! That is not what I wanted to say at all!

He chuckles, "I have more then one reason, which is to say mainly I wanted your charming company. It's not easy to find someone as gifted as you are in speech." His eyes are laughing and his smile is even more alluring.

My goodness.

"You just wanted to see me?" I ask doubtfully.

"Of course. Why would you think I wouldn't want to see a tasty little bite like you?" His smile produced a singular fang. I shiver in reminder of that fang and the feel of it sinking into my neck.

I clear my throat, than forgot that I can't speak out in this form, sent out my thoughts instead.

             I understand. But is there anything else that you require for me other then my presents."

            "Well," He says lightly as he jumps over a log, "there is something. But I prefer to ask you in a more gentlemen like fashion. So if you please turn back..."

            I nod in understanding and hop off his arm, with him around there is no need to fear discovery. I transform back and stand there in my black sneaks, red shirt, and black jeans. The shirt has a white outline of a dragon on it and for some reason the king takes a minute to stare at it.

            His expression remains calm and inviting as he walks up to me, towering over my meager five feet, and kneels down to eye level.

            He takes my hands and looks me in the eyes, and for a moment I could do no other then stare back, my heart galloping a mile a minute.

            "I would be honored if you would attend the ball in two night's time. I want you to be my lady."

            I can not breathe.

            Can't speak.

            The only thing I can do is staring at him like a dummy.

            "What?" I finally ask as my word comes out in a squeak.

            "I wanted to know if you would accompany me to the ball in two night's time." His easy smile and eyes lure me, but something inside of them seems off.

            I took a breath and tug my hands from his. Steeping back I stare at him with an intensity that caused a frown to cress his brow.

            "Z what is it?" He asks as he stands.

            "Is this a game, because it is not funny?" I say, my voice shaking.

            His frown intensified, "Game, Zecon?"

            "Yes a game! Come to a ball with you in two night's time indeed. Take Lola! She is beautified and knows how to talk to people!"

My heart shrunk in my chest and tears pricked my eyes as I continued.

"Or at least one of your wives. Gods Linkz I am just an elder, hell without you I am practically a nobody anyway. So...soo.."

            I breathe and turn away from him unable to look him in the face.

            "I am sorry, but I'm getting fed up with running around.  You give me lecherous grins; act as if you're upset every time Duglan gives me an eyeful, then slobber all over Lola every time she comes near! You even go as far as showing up, almost in the buff, in my own home! In privet places like the bathroom, or hot tub room." I sigh and breathlessly finish "I really want to understand what you really feel for me. Why you made me."

            As I finished I turn and look up to see his face as he answered but what I saw caught me off guard. His face is mute of all emotion. His eyes as hard as the metals they mimicked. His lips are set in a fine line and his features just seem so out of place that all I can do is gawk. He turns and walks over to a large fallen log. Sitting down he crosses his legs and leans up against a tree situated behind him. The way he is sitting reminds me of a king in his court. In a very funny way he is a king in a wooden court. His eyes stare at me and I have a sudden feeling of being scrutinized. I find myself taking a few steps backwards.

            "You never did get it did you." His low toneless voice seems empty to me.

            I look at him in shock as I relies that he is not upset.

Just furious.

            Oh boy.

            "I chose you because, out of all the beings that I have ever associated with; male or female, vampire or elf, animal or spirit, you are the only one who attracted me the way you do." He sneers and says, "I changed you because I felt something about you, a hidden talent, and a pull that dragged through the cosmos from you to me. That is the reason I changed you. You are special, a treasure that my instincts understood at once. You have something that so many lack. Can you even guess what that is?" He says eye brow rose.

            "I have no idea." I say truthfully, my breath coming out in gasps.

            "You have a Dragon's spirit." He says simply.

            I stare at him unable to fully comprehend his meaning.

            "You have a Dragon living in your very genetic code. You are a Draci, just like me." His words seemed to sound a little more exited even when his face and poster remained tightly withdrawn.

            "A Draci?"

            "Yes, a rare thing to find among any other species. A Dragon's soul would usually be reborn into the body of another Dragon; however you and I are an exception. We have the same spirits, in this is the attraction. But it is only the tip of the block of truth. After meeting you for the first time, I was drawn to your smile, your sadness, your fear of failing and your will (even though it was weak) to become stronger. You wanted change, and that is what I gave you. When I changed you I became even more intrigued. Your curious heart, your way of drawing people to you, even your voice drew me."

            He stands and walks over to me, kneeling again; he takes my head in his hands and holds it steady. "I am a king of a race of dark dwellers Z. I am older then many dragons and supposedly wiser then any wise men. But I fear I am growing tired of my life. Responsibilities overpower anything else in my life and the few moments of fun that could be spared are short and forgetful. I have twelve seview at home, all have lovers, and none have love for me." He takes a breath, "I am tired of being used Z. I am sick to the pit of my stomach with greedy men and women. Sick of responsibility, but for all accounts I am sick to death of being alone."

            "But how can you be alone?" I ask confused, "You are surrounded by a large court of vampires. How can that make you lonely? What about Duglan, Dandy and Red? They were with you before you made me. So you must..."

            He chuckles. "Unlike the others Z, as I said, they do not have the Draci spirit like you or I. With you..." His hands tighten further on my own. "I don't feel so alone anymore. You're like a glowing light in the middle of a red haze."

            He smiles sadly and my heart burns for him.

            "Will you come to the ball now?" He asks whispering, hope in his words...

            "Yes." I say. Yet the feeling of doubt dwelled behind that singular word.

            He chuckles and stands drawing me up into his arms and he looks down at my face. "Very good little one. And do not worry about clothes and the like, all will be taken care of. In two days time a carriage will be by your cabin to pick you up. Twilight will be the time it will arrive. But first..." He leans back and produces a small box, "this is for you my dear."

Staring at the box I immediately take in its beauty. Red velvet wrapping with cream colored ribbons decorated the small box, my favorite colors. It even had a cartoony dragon with a toothy grin on it.

            Smiling at the gift I take it and unwrap slowly. It came undone like a flower blooming in my palm. Inside of the bloom of silken wrapping is an amulet. The silver base was in the shape of a Dragon's horned skull. A beautiful red ruby rested in the middle of the base and it is so lustrous that it gleamed in the pale light of the moon. I gasp at the loveliness and gasp again as it rises from its bed to float in front of my face, the ruby glinting in the pale light as it turned to its back to show the flat side of the silver base. On its back is an inscription, one that looks old and that I am unable to read.

" Grreefini Lu'mu Gaffli bunnsi. A wild heart forever bound to a heart that is equally untamed." Linkz said as he takes the silver chain that held the amulet and walks behind me. He kneels down and moves my crazed hair from the nape of my neck and puts the necklace on. Clipping the chains in place his lips graze my throat as his long arms encircle themselves around me.

"This is a promise Zecon. That no man will have you and no man will touch you inappropriately. This amulet is my eyes, ears, and protection. If you are in any danger it will find and bring me to you."

His soft spoken words, husky and deep, take my breath away. Tears form in my eyes as I hold his hands tightly with my own. Cold lips press onto my pulse and I can feel teeth raking up to my ear in a slow torturous movement.

But as suddenly as it started it stops, and I breathe in disappointment as he steep back from me.

I turn to face him as a flash of light surrounds his face and I realize that he has just teleported us back into my home. I could smell and hear the animals as he places me on my bed.

            Straightening he murmurs, "Now go to sleep, and feed soon. I can tell that you haven't as of late. Good night." He smiles and starts to back away, I grab his arm.

            "Linkz!" He turns to smile at me. "Please, tell me this is not a joke. I trust you its just..." A cool hand stops my moving lips.

            "Everything that I told you tonight is the truth. Whether you believe is all up to you. Until then rest I will see you in two night's time."

            I stare after him as he backs away, his fingers leaving a chill on my lips. With a wave he vanishes into the darkness of my room.

            Unable to move, all I can do is lay where he has placed me. My mind rolls in a torrent of unexplainable ideas, hopes, and fears. In two days I am to join the king at a ball. A ball with no meaning other then to meet other people, to be seen with whoever you came with.

            At the sudden realization of my situation, and choice, I cover myself under the blankets. Fully clothed I moan into the pillows of my velvet dragon bed. The amulet's cold beauty nestled between my breasts and over my pounding heart.

            This might be a very bad idea after all.

An hour later I get up in huff and fling my covers off of my person. I just remembered that I left my truck on the top of that damn mountain.