Vampires of the vacant lot 4

Chapter 4 A funny turn about           "Young lady. Young lady! Madam are you listening to me?!"             The words Linkz said to me the night before echo through my mind like a chorus. The amulet, still nestled between my breasts still refused to...

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Vampires of the Vacant lot 3

Chapter 3 The Questions   I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and over three cats sleeping on different parts of my body. After I knock them off and jerk on my jeans, black tee, and moccasins, I hurry to the bathroom to take care of...

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Vampires of the vacant lot part 2

Chapter 2 A boy named Todd   There are three more hours to go before sunset and my shop is pleasantly full of customers. I enjoy these types of days, were a smooth amount of people come in to look at my books, quietly, with only a hint of a whisper...


vampires of the vacant Lot part 1

  Chapter 1 The vacant lot               My heart is pounding. At last the day is drawing to a close and the rays of twilight fill my small store with its dieing light. I stare impatiently at my grandfather clock as my last customer walks idly about...
