Dog Gone (12)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Dog Gone (12) By Roofles

"Mind control?" I asked munching on a dog biscuit while talking to Biscuit. The treat was a bit old and stale but it smelt good and somehow that made it taste better. My taste sense itself seemed to be lacking. Just from a feeling as if it was weaker now then before. But my sense of smell made up for that ten fold.

"Yup." Biscuit walked in front of me. His tail was perky, curled far more than mine did and for whatever reason I found myself watching that ass as it shifted from side to side; as his muscular thighs bulged as they beared his weight. That tight ass flexing with every step. It wasn't that bad of a sight. So I had a show while he explained what he had blurted out from before. "They erase your memory and then brain wash you. Trap you in a room staple your eyes open and force you to watch and listen to one thing after another as your pumped full of some wierd drug called...called... Ok, I can't remember the name!" He threw up his paws, stopped and turned to look at me.

My eyes looked at the bulge in his pants after he turned. It was after all at the same level as his ass had been. He stopped talking so my eyes drifted up his front through trailing through the white fur along his belly and chest to his face. His eyebrows were down. "Stop staring at my ass. This is the last time I'm telling you."

He spun back around and kept walking and my eyes drifted down back to that perfect rear. I seemed to be sexual aroused by him. Strange. For whatever reason I knew I should have a problem with that and yet I didn't fully understand why that was. I had the logic but not the reason. The lack of experience in this field also made me feel rather befundled. I'm sure with prior experience I would be able to handle this situation better or maybe the social acceptance or 'normality' of it all.... Strange. Without memories I seem to be thinking far more clear than I had been before.

"And that's how you become brain dead!" He finished stopping at the end of the corridor. There had been several doors on our right and left as we walked down the tunnel. I caught a familiar scent. Scents actually, and stopped at the farthest door turning towards it. My eyes were closed and I took one breath after another as I sniffed the air in front of it.

"I should explain a few things before we go out there. First of...what are you doing?" I opened my eyes and looked at him. His eyes were different colors. I hadn't noticed before. Brown left, green right.

"I don't smell him." I said simple, matter-of-fact, as if it were the clearest thing in the world, as if it were obvious... I mean duh. "Is he here? If you know that is." If he didn't know, this link to finding who I was, then I felt no obligation to stay here. It was cold, apathetic. Yet seemed the most logical decision. I had no ties with this dog-man. He saved my life possible but does that mean I owe him one?

These thoughts seemed to spiral around in my mind. Should I care? Should I not? If it doesn't benefit me then why stay? It seemd the most logical thing to do. The most reasonable, possibly. Yet my gut was twisting at the thought of just ditching him. And that only further confused me. Why was I conflicted in the first place? Did it have something to do with this "memory wipe" Biscuit had mentioned? And if I stayed would I find out more about it? And cure myself of this blight? This ignorance?

"Well...he might be." Biscuit ears folded back and he rubbed his arm. The action prompted my ears to rise. Body language. A way of communicating non verbally. The arm scratching was odd, not natural so something was up but there was still a gaping hole where the answer should've been. My ears were up and my curiosity was piqued. "I mean the place is pretty big. And there's a lot of dogs here. So the chances that someone else rescued him would only make sense." His ears jumped back up and his tail wagged as he smiled. His voice was a bit strained and it was clear in his eyes that he wasn't letting something on. But he seemed to trust the fact that the possibility of him being here exsisted. So I would too.

But that wasn't logical. It was more...hopeful than anything else. And when I thought of it my heart seemed to sing and my tail wagged. This hopeful thought. And I felt...happy for the first time that I could remember. Really too dog gone happy.

"So anyways." Biscuit said putting his paws on my shoulder and forcible drawing my attention back to him, keeping it locked on his face this time aorund. He did seem rather needy in the aspect. Attention wise that was. "First thing first. I'm Biscuit, your charge. I found you. Brought you here. So your my responsibility. Got me?"

I grabbed his shoulders as he was grabbing mine. "I got you." I said gripping a bit tighter. His tail wagged and his eyes lit up glad to see I understood.

"Good! So be on your best behavior. Your actions will reflect back on me. And I don't want the Alpha getting on me because of it. Dude has a bone up his ass every since his Omega - I mean...anyways," he cleared his throat taking a stepping back and looking away as his paws slipped from my shoulders. I let go of my hands on his. "So just be on your best behavior, Gravy."

I was the one to take the step back before leaning towards him with confused growl that escaped me. I was angry. And confused. So it sounded like a retarded growl. "Gravy?" I asked accusingly as I corrected my posture standing back up. Straight back, shoulders out, head up high.

"Yeah. I'm Biscuit. Your Gravy. I found you so I name you." He shrugged his shoulders. "Biscuit and Gravy the best pair. Besides that's how it's always been. Finders, keepers."

It did have a nice ring to it but I still felt as if I should be offended. They did sound like they should go together. "So that why you found me?"

His paw had gripped the steering wheel like handle for the door and was about to turn it when he stopped. He took his paw off slowly and looked back at me. "No. I saved you because it was the right thing to do." He said softly and for the first time I saw a look in his eye that had never been there before. Sad conflictions of something more. I wasn't about to press the issue as the next thing I knew his ears were up again and his tail was wagging. "The place is being remodel so be kind. And welcome to, The Society." He opened to door tossing out an arm and display the shit hole in front of me.

We were on the third floor looking down over a scene unlike anything I've seen before. Then again that wasn't saying much as I didn't recall anything before waking up today. Several, several large cargo crates had been stacked up making makeshift...houses? I wasn't sure. The bottom parts were opened up and tables had been turned around. Dog's peddled goods to the passing dogs. Old sheets and cans of food. Some various other things that didn't really click at first. A toaster, pens and pencils and paper. It looked like a bunch of junk they had collected and these dogs were actually buying it. Well... no exchange of currency was presented but I had a strong feeling that they'd owed them one for it. One of those "Scratch me behind the ear, I scratch you behind the ear." As Biscuit had mentioned.

"It's a give and take society. Where you only get what you need and what we can afford to spare." He rested against the guard rail next to me. I was still looking over the seen before me. A give and take? That seemed very...peaceful, primitive in nature though. But with the lack of supplies I could see how it was the best course of action to take. But if they planned on progressing I think they would have to use something more. Again, without previous memories the logic I had seemed rather sound.

A stream of water poured down into a large bucket in the middle of the room. Looking up I could see that the pipes had eroded from lack of repair. Rusty water. My favorite. It looked like a giant doggie bowl. Several spouts came off of it and like canals they ran through the town, veins in this body of a town. A large machine hummed underneath the doggie bowl.

My mind was soon distracted as the world lit up in a new light before me. The smell was strong. So many different scents combining into one. If I really focused I could follow them back to their source, one by one. I wouldn't do that though. I didn't care for the random dogs around. I just kept my eyes closed trying to breath in that one scent. But the second I thought I had a trace of it it was sucked away, up high into the ceiling fan rotating above.

"This place is a dump." I said rather flatly looking up at that fan. My eyes glared coldly at it. With it going I wouldn't be able to get a good trace of that faint scent. Rather it was his or not, I wasn't sure.

Biscuit winced laughing a bit as he scratched his arm, a peculiar thing indeed.

"It's not that bad. It's home. We have food and running water, that we do purify!" He said proudly. "We just got that installed actually. Warm water too. Your lucky." He nudged my side playfully. And I pushed back. For a split second I brown and black face flashed before my eyes. And I shook my head with a laugh.

"Sorry. It just kind of...not what I expected." I said trying to remember that image. It seemed to have been important but it was already gone.

"It really isn't much. It uses most of the same things a submarine does...uh facility wise. Reusing everything to the maximum extent. Or at least thats what the brains say." He nudged over to the opposing wall where an observation tower stood. Several of the top floor lights were on and bodies were moving around inside. "I'm just another stupid meat head," he grumbled slouching against the bar and drooping out having lost the strength to stand. He looked like a wet rag, and I laughed at that.

"Your not a meat head. Your rather smart, bright and funny. I do enjoy being around you." I said with a shrug heading towards the stairs. Maybe if I mixed with the crowd I'd find some kind of better trace of that scent. Wishful, hopeful thinking...and that made me happy.

"Really?" He jumped up to his feet following me. "You think so?"

"Well yeah, your the smartest dog I met." I didn't have the heart to tell him he was the only dog I remember meeting.

"Oh thanks, Gravy. I'm glad I found you." I felt his strong arms wrap around me giving me a rib crushing hug. "Your the best friend a dog could have." I was shaken back and forth like a rag doll.

"W-what? You d-don't get along with the others?" I coughed before being set down. Stumbling and holding the guard rail again for support as the world around me spun. He was defiantly...enthusiastic, to say the least.

"Well a lot of people say I'm too hyper." He said jumping next to me. His tail was wagging faster than the eye could see. That brown and green eyes lighting up before me like a pair of headlights.

"I can't imagine why." I rubbed my ribs as I pushed myself up.

He skipped backwards before catching his foot at the edge of the stairs (or lack there was of them) and fell backwards down them. I looked down the stairs at the pile of mess at the bottom. Several boxes had been knocked over and he looked like a bowling ball hitting a bunch of pins that spilled various garbage when struck. His tail still wagged and he laughed as he crawled back up shaking himself clean, somewhat.

"Good job, Biscuit." I joined in laughing, taking careful steps down the stairs. I clung to the railing like a new born. My legs were still wobbly and I just couldn't get a good grip on the floor. My legs felt strong. But once more it was a balance issue. Walking in a straight line was bad enough but down a flight of stairs? Such a pain.

"I'm the best." He laughed wiping off an old oil rag from his face, cans falling everywhere as he stood back up fully. I smiled down looking at his legs. He stood just as I was but he was managing far better than I was. "Here," he offered taking a step or two or the stairs and offered a paw. "I'll give ya' a hand. I know it's not the easiest thing."

I rolled my eyes. "That's an understatement." But I took the paw firmly and took another step. Timidly, feeling the cool metal stair under my toes, curling them around the edge, and letting the end of my foot touch the ground. The paw pads added a natural cushion thankfully, like a sole of a shoe, making it a bit easier.

I was getting more comfortable with this body. Even if it only had been a half hour or so since I woke up. I didn't like that. It was becoming more natural to walk, to feel my limbs move and muscles contract. It was as if this body had been mine from the start. Looking at the dog next to me...a husky... I turned away. He had excepted his fate. And I wasn't about to except mine. If I found this Brutus maybe this whole mess would become more clear. And I could fix this mess; maybe not put things back to the way they were...but who really wanted to go back to the past? The future was ours for the taking.

Another step down and still I gripped that paw tightly. He returned the grip and didn't even seem to mind as I leaned against him for support as we stood on the same step. Biscuit was a good guy. Putting up with all this mess with a laugh and a smile on his face. Yet I was dealing with it well, as well. Stripped of ones memories left one in a...dull bliss. Ignorant bliss. A bunch of bs if you ask me. I just...didn't seem to be the type to except things so easily. What a pain...yet I found myself smiling as I took the last step and reached the second floor.

I looked up at him a smile on my face as my tail wagged. We looked at each other before I let go of his paw and turned away. "Thanks," I grumbled. I got another strong hug in return. He kept one arm around my shoulder as we walked around the circular upper floor. Several dials were on the walls and hundreds of lights were flashing on an off, of several different colors. Wheels spun and other things did this and that was lost on me. "The hell are all these things?" I stumbled and wrapped an arm around his back clinging to him a bit too much as I almost fell face first. He didn't seem to mind so I clung to him a bit more. I was close enough to smell that strong musky scent of his. If I turned my face towards him my nose would be rubbing in his armpit, heh...

"These are the ones that power the water pumps." He said proudly with his head up in the air. I nodded a bit feeling that flush creep back into my face and burn in my ears. Just holding him...made my tail wag.

"Lighting." Another dog said passing us by. He had full white fur with several black dots all over it. "Those are the lights Biscuit, welcome newbie." He said over his shoulder sounding far more pleasant to me than to Biscuit. I pulled away from the husky flushing even more, much to my confusion, after being seen in such a position with the dog.

Biscuit dipped his head down, folding his ears. "I knew that. These are lights and those ones over there are the water pumps."

"Those actual manage the air flow." The other dog said passing us by quickly again. He had loose pants on with a large white lab coat, a pair of dog tags around his neck. He was shirtless, like Biscuit and from the looks of it all the other dogs. Wearing pants already felt wierd...let alone the jock strap. It messed up the fur and pushed it in the wrong direction when you accidentally bumped into something. Which I did a lot. I had half a mind to walk around without the pants. The thought only made me start to pant. Thinking of walking around naked with Biscuit...damn these thoughts!

"Shut it, Twister!" Biscuit growled but a whine escaped his throat. It was apparent how much the husky wanted to impress me with his knowledge of the building. It was cute the way this tough dog acted. And how he really felt.

"Twister?" I thought of a Tornado but I was sure it had some other meaning.

"A kids game with a bunch of different colored spots. I had half a mind to sneak into his room and dye his spots different colors...if I had the dyes I would've." He said looking down at me. He still gripped my shoulder and side tightly, still guiding me along. "Use your dominant leg first," he said looking down at my legs. I still looked up into that face next to me. An inch or two closer I could stick my nose in that crook of his neck and really smell his scent... "Don't use heel toe. Just use toe. Keep them flat when you land and press off when you take a that, yeah."

"That would've been rather amusing." I was looking down at my feet now as I took one step after another, my ears folded back. "And if you ever get those dyes tell me. I'll be happy to tag along. A rainbow mutt would be a sight." I laughed and I could feel his paw grip my shoulder a bit tighter for a second or two. I rested against him for those two seconds. Feeling his strong heartbeat through his chest and his breath.

"I'll make sure to let you know when I do." I looked up in time for the top of his muzzle to bump the bottom of mine. It was a strange gesture and I looked at him a bit confused. He was looking down at the center floor. His eyes shifting from one spot to the next.

"How about we grab a bite to eat? Must be starving." He turned back towards me and I looked away, having been staring. He really wasn't that bad.

"Sure." The words escaped me before I really thought about it. I wanted nothing more than to look around and find what I was looking or lack there of and leave. If Biscuit wasn't here with me I already would've left...Sticking around, with Biscuit, wasn't so bad.

The next flight of stairs was far easier with the other dogs assistance. I was getting the hang of it quickly with his coaching. Little things about moving ones whole body with the step rather than just the legs. "Proper body mechanics are key." He had said smartly, once more I got the feeling he was trying to impress me. I just nodded along.

The dogs around us greeted me warmly but seemed to show little interest or care for Biscuit, which was beginning to get on my nerves.

"Hey newbie. Biscuit, how many times have I told you you can't just go out an find a friend," the larger dog barked with a laugh. "Just 'cause they follow you home doesn't mean you get to keep 'em. The rest abandoned you and so will this one."

"Back off!" My fur was on end and ears back as my lip lifted as I bared my teeth. I hadn't meant to but they really were beginning to press my buttons and not in the good way. "Just back off." My voice was more stern but my fur was settling and I had stopped growling. I didn't want to show emotions so easily with my apperance. I wasn't a dog...

"Easy, newbie." The dog said looking at me coldly.

"Puck." Biscuit said as sternly as I had. The larger dog took a step back. Even though both of us were smaller than he was it was clear that Biscuit intimidated him. That I was impressed by. I figured the largest dog here was in charge but when Biscuit spoke others seemed to listen even if they didn't show him much or any respect.

The husky let other dogs walk over him, push him around and tease him mercilessly. But he all took it rather well, whining or pouting like a child. Or playing it off. But once he meant business they listened.

"That was rather cool." I said taking a seat on the turned over milk crate. Sitting down was a bit of a pain not because of the sitting but of the sitting, heh. Getting down on my butt was easy enough but sitting there was a pain. My legs were a bit too long for the table and I kept trying to find the right place to put them. In the end I just mimiced the dog across from me and stuck them out on his end as he had done mine. One of his legs between mine and one of my legs between his. His thighs tightened around the lower part of my leg and again I found myself blushing unable to return the favor.

"What?" He asked turning back to me his ears jumping up. "Did you say something?" He had been eyeing the dog on the way out with a cold glare.

"Nothing, nothing." I prefered if he didn't know. I didn't want him to get a big head. The worst kind of people are those that know their awesome, know their good looking or funny or such. They become arrogant and full of themsevles and in the end become douches that you don't want to be around... Did that mean I thought he was awesome, good looking and funny? I guess so, heh...

...I closed my eye as I rubbed the side of my head. How did I know that? Or know of that? It was like that face on the edge of my memory. It should've been so clear. But just like that face it was out of focus as if beneath rippling water. It was so...frustrating. If all the felt like this then I could see why their methods would work. I'd do almost anything to have an answer to these thoughts. Or not have these thoughts at all...and that thought scared me.

"It's not great." Biscuit's voice slowly pulled me back to reality. He had a can opener and was twisting open a can for us. "But it'll keep you alive, heh." He slopped some of the dog food into the bowl he had placed in front of me before giving the rest to himself. He dipped his head down inspecting both the bowls from the side to make sure they were even. He took a long lick of my food and I could only watch in horror. "There. Even." Biscuit pulled out a military canteen and set it on the table. Looking at me with a slightly tilted head. "You sure your alright though?" I felt his toes rub my leg and it sent shivers up my spine.

"Thanks, and I'm fine." I spoke trying not to twist my face in disgust after watching him lick my food. He dug into his bowl the next second; licking, chomping, biting and eating like...a dog really. It was rather repulsive. Yet I felt the urge to scratch him behind the ears which I suppressed.

He looked up with large eyes, food drippling down the front of his chin, and smiled at me before swallowing loudly. "You haven't tried it yet."

He kept watching me so I swallowed my pride and took the top part between my fingers. It squished and the chunks broke apart in my hand like fresh snow. So I stuck a finger in my mouth and gave a weak smile with a loud "Mm....." He brightened up and went back to his meal focusing fully on it. I tried not to watch but the flying pieces of food made it impossible not to notice. I lost most my appetite there and the rest after the first lick. I gagged a bit picking up the canteen and tipping it over.

Water ran down the side of my cheek and I coughed several times. I tried wrapping my lips around the end but my muzzle couldn't apply much suction to it and I kind of had to tip it to the side...and lap at the stream as it fell into the dog bowl in front of me. I only got a gulp or two before I stopped, not wanting to waste any more.

"It has it's own gravy." Biscuit spoke up nodding down at the bowl. I glared at him and he laughed as he wiped his muzzle off on the back of his arm. He got up and I thought he was going to the restroom or something before he took a seat directly next to me and began to help. He had already finished his bowl after all but even so I felt rather flustered at the warm body pressing against my side. My ears burned hotly and my heart began to race as he scooted closer.

He took the canteen and tied the top back on before demonstrating how it was done. He was looking over at me the whole time and a large smile curled at the end of his muzzle as I scoffed at the idiot next to me. "See. Not hard at all. Don't tip your head back so far. Only a small amount right on the center of your tongue and swallow around the bottle top. Here, try."

"After you slobbered all over the end? No thank you." I pushed it away laughing and he pushed it back nudging against me and again we exchanged a laugh as we fussed over it. He tried to twist it off and I tried to twist it back on and in the end we both fell backwards and got soaking wet.

I wiped my face off kicking him to his side as he continued to laugh, somehow finding the situation funny. "Your wet too." I poked his side as I got up, having to cling to the table to get off my knees and stand. I had a very strong urge to shake myself but I just wiped my fur off and rang it as dry as I could.

"Hehehe." He grinned up at me. I rolled my eyes and offered a paw and helped him up. He stood and shook himself dry, irritating several nearby dogs. I was hit worst than they were and I wasn't fussing over it, what a bunch of old hens.

It was the first time I noticed or cared to pay attention to the fact that he was taller then me. If I looked forward I was looking at his chest and neck. He could set his muzzle right on mine if I looked straight I was now... And like he just did.

I got another strong, rib crushing hug my snout pressing firmly now into his fluffy slightly damp chest. Strong wet dog smell and I didn't mind... "Well then, let's get looking for this dog of yours. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." He pulled back but kept his paws on my shoulder.

"What? You don't have to help me. I think I can manage, Biscuit." I didn't move back and kept myself standing where I was, my snout dipped down and still in his fur a bit.

"Oh come now," his tail wagged and he was smiling. "It'll be fun. Plus I'm your charge, it's my job to watch out for you." A weak excuse but I don't think I could say no to that face.

"Fine, fine." I rolled my eyes. I turned around and his paws let go only to give me another strong hug from behind. He rested his muzzle on my shoulder and leaned against me as he wagged his tail, nuzzling the side of my face. And I nuzzled back looking ahead of us at the smooth metal insides and at that reflection. And for the first time I could see my own reflection.

I had a simple black coat of fur on the back of my arms and legs, back and neck like a tux. I had white fur on my hands like cufflinks and tall white socks on my feet. Under my chin the white markings crawled up to. Around my eyes and the tip of the end of that muzzle, at the corners where the whiskers were thickest as if someone had dipped their fingers in white paint and dapped the end oy my muzzle with them. Brown marks were where my eyebrows should've been, a half ring was on my arms and legs where the black fur broke off into the white. The only real signs of brown. Still simplistic but not bad...the husky on my back had the same grayish blue fur with the two different color eyes as he wagged his tail. He was far better looking than I was.

"I wonder what breed I am..." I muttered looking at myself yet my eyes were focusing on the husky on my back. My paw was touching the one on my chest and my other on his that was on my side...

"Border Collie." The dalmation said coming around the corner. I swear he was following us. He issued a few things out to the nearby dogs, forms and papers mostly, and turned to face us. Biscuit had let go and was looking at the dog rather bored and slightly annoyed. "Alpha wants to see the new dog." Twister was looking at us but not looking. He had thick glasses on and appeared to be staring right past us.

"What does he want?" Biscuit's voice was a bit harsh and his ears were down. A paw had touched my shoulder again and held on to it as if afraid the dalmation was about to pull me away.

"He just wants to meet him." Twister replied turning away from us. "Orientation, as per usual. Don't keep him waiting. You get away with a lot around here but not that much." I swore his nose went up at that and he walked away.

"What a douche." Biscuit said and I laughed looking over my shoulder.

"Well...maybe this Alpha guy will know where Brutus is. Or at least if he's been here." Biscuit was looking up at the tower and I could swear I could see someone looking right back down at us. My paw gripped the one he had on my shoulder tighter...