Dog eat dog
It's a dog eat dog world, after all.
Dog Eat Dog
Feedback always welcome to: [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) dog eat dog ©mmvi whyte yoté the coffee on ganymede sucked.
The Dog
He shouted at the dog. he was half angry and half thankful the dog had not digested him. the dog hung its head and ears and whined sorrowfully. ilbv immediately felt bad, the dog was just very playful and happy to see him. ilbv sighed..."
The dogs appeared to be surrounded, the few sights of the humans showed black clothing with automatic weapons.
None were as loud as the dog's barks."silent!" andriel hissed as he carefully closed the door. the dog howled, barking even more excitedly. "silent, you fucking mutt!"
The Dog
The dog sighed. he didn't take his hungry eyes from my hole. 'i was born deaf. i could not hear until the age of six,' the dog said in way of reply. 'i am gratified to be able to hear, of course.
Dirty dog and Top dog
Sequel to top dog and dirty dog story. top dog yawned and grumbled as he awoke to find himself still chained to the wall. he glanced around and wondered where his brother dirty dog was.
Top dog and Dirty dog
"mmmnnn yyeesss good bitch," dirty dog muttered, and he suckled harder on top dog's balls, while he paws his swelling sheath.
Dog to Dog - Chapter 2
A dog as his new doberman lover.
Dog to Dog Chapter 1
The pitty snarled and grasped the taller dog, and the doberman tried lifting his shirt off.
Service Dog, a Burb Dog Story
Plenty of people make the assumption that dogs and dogs share a lot of the same breed attributes and, for the most part, they're right, but most dogs are closer to the human sensory range than they are the dog range.
Dog Soldiers (Multi Dog TF)
When we found it, there was a female dog in there - nothing special considering the whole town just got turned into dogs, right? but if the timing of the reports was true, then this dog must have been the first one connor turned.