Bush Walk Chapter 2 The Rescue Tar

Story by Zeound on SoFurry

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Re-upload of Chapter 2 of an old story

Chapter 3 coming soon

Bush Walk

Chapter 2 The Rescue Tar

By Zeound AKA Ze Dragon Wolf

When I awoke I was lying on an animal fur in front of a fire in a large cave of some sort, I stood up to discover I was wearing a loin cloth similar in shape to the one the minotaur was wearing only slightly smaller and red. "So your finally awake ... I hope that werewolf didn't rape you to hard" a deep voice bellowed behind me I turned to face the minotaur, "um.. no.. actually I wasn't raped hard enough" I replied with a grin. The minotaur just smiled back "you must be hungry" he asked, my stomach started grumbling "yeah just a bit" I said holding my empty tummy

"Ok I'll make you something to eat" he replied and clopped of into another room, "oh by the way my name is Gregory but you can call me Greg" the stud said,

"Oh ok I'm Joseph but you can call me Joe nice to meat you" I responded. After about a minuet of rustling Greg called out "Ok its ready cum and get it I hope you like sausages", I didn't pay that comment much mind and walked through the same door way Greg used and then saw what he meant.

Greg was naked his big dangling balls in plain sight, his massive dark piece of male meat hard and dripping with pre. My mouth opened wide in admiration "yeah that's it open wide now put you're head here and suck my 100% pure primed beef sausage "Gregory said pointing to his hard cock with a smile on his face. I literally crossed the room in 2 steps, wraped my fingers around his impressive member and started playing with it.

"Oh it's so big" I commented as I massaged his long hot rod,

"Yeah... it's 14 inches by 2 inches of hot hard gay love probe" he said with a big smile on his face and lust in his eyes. I knelt down before the mighty minotaur removed my hand from the hard cock, I started licking his sensitive dick flesh and fondling his hefty balls. This caused Gregory to lean his head back and let out a grunt.

It was clear that he had not had pleasure like this in quite some time, I only managed to get a few more licks of his studleness before he grabbed the back of my head and forced his hard dick into my mouth I almost gagged on it. After getting use to the massive size and strong taste of Greg's maleness I began slowly bobbing my head along his length and started playing with what couldn't fit in my mouth, occasionally moaning sending pleasurable vibrations down his length, Greg leaned his head beck once more this time letting out a cry of pleasure.

Greg's hips started bucking back and forth, his hand on the back of my head encouraging me to take as much of his big bit of beef into my mouth as possible. "Oh yeah you're good... suck it, suck the cum out of me", Greg said his tail whipping from side to side in time with my head bobs. I responded with a long deep moan, he released my head, lent back and bellowed loudly then placed both hands on the back of my head and forced as much of his throbbing bull cock into my wet mouth as he could.

Then he started thrusting his hard beef stick in and out of my hungry mouth with lustful enthusiasm "Yeah suck it you bitch" he cried and forced his hot throbbing dark piece of male meat down my through quickly followed by so much spooge I thought I would drown and a loud bellow that echoed throughout his cave. Gregory collapsed backwards from exhortation, then I collapsed on top of him and hugged him, then I kissed him passionately and said "I love you" before falling asleep on his warm chest.

I awoke still lying on top of Greg's worm chest, I snuggled in to his hairy pecks and kissed them, "Oh you're finally awake again" Greg said wrapping one muscled arm around me. I looked up at him and replied "mmmm yes hello there you big sexy stud", Greg got up and started to carry me back out towards the room with the fireplace, he bent down to pick up his loin cloth as I wraped my legs around his wast. I smiled up at him, he kissed me in the forehead and said, "I love you to".

Greg rose to his feet once again and continued to carry me into the other room, he set me down on a large rock up against a wall with pillows on it. Reluctantly I released my grip on the mighty minotaur and he sat down beside me. Then he placed a rough hand on my thigh, I put my hand on his, stared into his big bull eyes, my other hand sneaking it's way towards Greg's hefty hairy balls. Then he said "After a blow job like that you deserved to have you dick sucked" and then his other hand started to rub under my red loin cloth, I opened my legs as he masterfully manipulated my balls.

My cock slowly hardened, I moved my covering out of the way revealing my stiffening member. Greg got up then knelled down in front of me, lowered his head between my legs and kisses my balls then licks them. I closed my eyes in pleasure as his hot bovine breath rushed over my balls and cock, He easily slipped his hand around my small hard member "Oh looks like I'll have to teach this little thing how to grow" Greg exclaimed and began stroking it. His rough skilled minotaur tongue, lovingly lapped at my balls as his coarse hand caressed my sensitive penis.

I leaned back and opened my legs wider, Greg moved closer and started licking my entire hard cock. I let out a lustful moan, he licked one side of my length then the other before pulling my cock close to his mouth and kissing the pre cum from my tip. I reared back cried out from the pleasure as his leathery lips pressing gently against my throbbing gland, he kissed it again and I razed my hips to meet his puckered lips, forcing my head in to his wet mouth.

With my gland still in his mouth Greg began licking it, paying special attention to my leaking cum slit, I put my hand on the back of his massive head and gently caressed and coxed his head down onto my rock hard cock. He lovingly complied, taking all of my maleness into his hungry mouth and wrapping his tongue around my length, "Ohh yeah that's it" I cried feeling his hot mouth on my hard rod.

Greg pressed a finger to my exposed hole causing me to jump a little, "Ohhh" I cried out even louder, "You kinky lover boy" I say and slowly began thrusting my cock in and out of Greg's mouth. He started bobbing his head along my length in time with my thrusts, I closed my eyes and picked up the pace, Greg mooned as my slick peace of meat slid easily between his pouting lips.

I looked down at the mussled minotaur his head bobbing up and down fast, smiled and said "I hope you're going to stick you're dick up me after you finish fingering me". Greg stopped rubbing his finger against my ass and started fondling my full balls, paying special attention to the pleasure point just under my sacks. I released a little more pre cum witch made Greg suck even harder and push his finger hard up against the sacks pleasure point, "AAHHHH God yes ... marry me you stud" I cried out with lust.

I moved my hand from the back of Greg's head to one of his long horns' and griped the other with my other hand, his mouth now hungry for all of the cream contained within my nut sacks lifted me up almost taking my balls into his mouth. After a few more lustful sucks, I held Gregory's head as still as I could leaned back and with one final thrust released my seed into his hot hungry muzzle. He swallowed every drop mooning with satisfaction after every hard gulp. After a while of lining there with my spent cock still in Greg's mouth being lovingly suckled by him, I leaned ford and kissed Greg on the forehead and said "Wow that was fantastic hun".

Greg smiled pressing his rough finger to my sack pleasure point again, opening his mouth and snaking his wet, hot bovine tongue out to lick my salty nut sacks before helping them into his slightly crowded muzzle. "MMMM that feels so good" I moaned, his hot bull breath washing over my fat abdominal area as he coursed my balls and dripping cock with his course tongue. Forcing me to release another wave of cum which he eagerly consumed.

After a few minuets of lying there with my cock and balls in Greg's mouth, both of us moaning with pleasure every so often as he slowly let my balls slump ot of his mouth and licked the cum from my tip with his nimble tongue as the stud slowly pulled his head off my throbing cock. He released my spent softening member from his hot wet mouth, my cock dripping with Silvia and cum. Greg slowly moved up my body his dick rock hard and drooling until we we're face to face, and engaged in a passionate wet kiss. His lips and his tongue tasting like my dick and cum, after a good minute of tongue hokey Greg broke of the kiss and said "Were you serous?"

I looked puzzled back at him with my mouth wanting more of his moist lips, "About what you said while I was sucking the seed out of you," he added. I still wasn't sure what he met, "About wanting to marry me or was that just in the heat of passion?" I smiled up at him, leaned closer and hugged him.

"Yes big sexy I am serous I want to marry you" I reply.

"Well then I better carry you to bed and begin the mating ritual", Greg said with a super sized grin on his face.