Fisherman's Folly part 3

Story by kaeori on SoFurry

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#3 of fisherman's folly


warning. this installation contains sex, not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. contains ghey sex. you've been warned :]


I woke up with a bad feeling this morning and rolled over to find an empty bed once again. This time around it didn't suprise me as much. I seen another note on the bedside table but didn't even bother reading it, already guessing what it said. Luke just leaving like this was starting to annoy me, but who was I to tell him any different. I tried not to let it bother me and went downstairs

Even after I had cooked breakfast the bad feeling persisted. In fact it stayed all morning, even after my moody attitude towards luke had vanished. Call it a sixth sense but something didn't feel quite right.


Once again fishing was going awesome. I was along the coastline just past the cove, exactly like that fateful day. While I fished I kept an eye on the clouds which seemed pretty dark and not at all friendly. A smart fisherman would've taken the day off, but I could not contain my excitement to find the ring again and so, here I was. The net loads of fish kept getting larger and larger, I was sooo close, I just knew it! I tied my net to the side of the boat as I kept an eye on the clouds. Were a storm to kick up while I was out here, I'd have little hope of paddling back. I shook my head not wanting to think about it, just one or two more netfulls then I'd go. As if on time I felt my boat rock and the net pull taunt. Either I had a ton of fish in there or I'd just caught something massive. I strained to pull the net up but it was far heavier than I'd origionally thought.

Shit! it was starting to crack the piece of boat it was tied to. I attempted to try to undo the knot but it was pulled far too tight. Thinking quickly I grabbed a paddle to try to get some leaverage on the roap to pull it off where it was tied to. I'd rather loose a net than my boat. Just as i thought I had the pressure became too much and the paddle splintered, breaking in two.

"DAMN IT!" I roared. I had to do something quick because whatever was down there was getting more and more frantic. I looked around for something sharp. anything at all, but remembered my knife being washed away during that freak storm. I groaned. I was so busy searching for anything I didn't notice where the crazed fish was taking me, right to the sea rocks along the shoreline.

By the time I looked up it was too late, besides I only had one paddle now.

"Oh shit" I said simply as I saw the rocks closing in

Just then I heard the sound no fisherman ever wants to hear, the sickening squeal of rock against wood and metal. It sounded like the death cry of my boat and in reality it was, the bottom ripped open in tow place and water poured in.

I didn't have much time to think, just enough to kick off my shoes and jump in. The water enveloped me, the cold welcomed me. I broke the surface gasping as the waves slapped my face. This was not how today was supposed to go. I knew from experience that I would not last more than 15 minutes in this water before i succumbed to hypothermia.. maybe even less.


Worry was all I had on my mind as I paced at the edge of the pier, watching the black clouds envelop more of the sky. A few locals stared at me but I didn't care, I wasn't paying attention to them. It also didn't help that like wasn't back yet; he usually didn't fish this late into the day. I began to walk towards the boat launch to borrow a boat, perhaps I could just go see what he was up to. The feeling in the pit of my stomach agreed with me.

The whole time I rowed I kept an eye on the clouds, a storm was definitely rolling in and by the looks of it: a big one. I had just rounded the corner of the cove and looked out across the choppy water of the open sea. It had been a while since i'd taken a boat trop like this, especially into open water. It was getting quite choppy now, and especially hard to paddle. What worried me more was, luke's boat was nowhere to be seen. Through the choppy rolling of the wind kicked waves I could've sworn i seen something bobbing in the waves, and I had a bad feeling about it. Where was luke? I decided to row over and investigate.


It was hard to swim as the waves were getting larger, and rougher. I kept spitting the salty water out of my mouth that spilled in every time I tried to breathe. I was nearly to the cove and already I could feel my extremities going numb. It was as though I was swimming with lumps rather than limbs. Twice this ring had almost killed me and now it will succeed I thought, though I had no one to be angry at except myself. After all, I had gone looking for the damned thing again.

You just couldn't be happy with what you had and where you ended up, could you luke! my mind taunted.

why did you have to be so stupid luke! I mentally yelled at myself. Most of all I felth as though I was betraying Kaeori, leaving him all alone again. Now I'd never see that playful smile of his or those beautiful green eyes of his I so often found myself staring at without realizing it. I began to cry for the first time in so many years, my tears as salty as the sea I attempted to keep my head above-

Holy shit! Is that a boat? Just my luck!

"HEY OVER HERE!" I began to yell franticly. I just hoped they'd hear me over the storm.

They were headed straight for me. I almost began to cry tears of relief that I wouldn't die today in this cold relentless ocean. The boat came closer into view and on it was none other than kaeori himself, the man I thought I would never see again. There he was, like a pillar of hope for me in the choppy sea. What happened next seemed as though in slow motion. We made eye contact and i saw the fear in his eyes, then relief. He reached into the water to pluck me out of the grasp of the frigid ocean.

"Oh god luke, I had such a bad feeling about you leaving, I thought you were gone, I thought I'd lost you!" he said, tears forming in those emeralds of his as he pulled me into a big wet hug. He rocked me back and forth as one would a crying baby.

Did I mention I was crying openly now? I cried like a baby in his arms but it didn't matter anymore because i was safe here in his arms.

"K-Kaeori I don't know how I'll ever repay you, I wrecked my boat and I'm such a fool for trying to leave an-"

"Shhhh, it's ok now. I got you, you're gonna be fine, and I forgive you." He cooed, all the while still bear hugging me. Never have I been so glad for all that fur. It was warmer than any blanket I could've asked for plus the warmth of who I knew I was hugging.

"But we really should get back to shore before this storm swallows both of us, besides you're freezing" he said, being the voice of reason. As If on cue I shivered, It seemed ten times colder out here in the wind as it did in the water. Hypothermia was definitely setting in. The Otter sat down and started rowing back to the cove. I sat there, a dripping freezing mess as he did all the work unsure of what to do. My mind was not working at full capacity, all I could think about was how cold it was.

"Come sit on my lap so you don't freeze to death" he said matter of factly

"I nodded, I wasn't about to turn down his offer for warmth. Once once I sat down he curled his body slightly around me and flopped his tail into my lap, trying to cover me with as much of his fur as was humaly... er otterly possible. We stayed like that the whole way back and I retold the events that had lead up to me being dumped into the freezing water. He listened patiently and kept rowing. After that, I was unsure of what to say.

"Hey kaeori..? thanks for everything" I said sheepishly.

"Luke" he said "you couldn't ask me to be anywhere else in the world right now, I'm here for you now and I'll always be"

I pondered what he said but what rudely interupted by the cold sting of rain and the crackle of thunder.

Many stares were on us when we pulled up at shore. I'd like to think that by now at least a few of them were pity or sympathy.. or maybe just willful ignorance to my presence but I couldn't be sure. I think it was a mix of both. I didn't have long to look anyway as the otter sheltered me on the way back to his house. When we got inside I was relieved not to have the cold wind blowing or the bitting chill of the rain against my wet clothes and skin.

Kaeori looked at me thoughtfully for a second before resting a webbed paw on my shoulder.

"Luke, go take a hot shower, you gotta get out of those wet clothes. I'll make us something hot to eat and I'll bring up some dry clothes in a bit." he said

I felt slightly uneasy, Kaeori was always doing the work but I nodded anyway and went upstairs to take a shower. as I padded up the stairs, I vowed that after this whole ordeal was done I'd do something for him for a change."

I closed the door, not bothering to lock it since Kaeori was going to bring a change of clothes up. I peeled the drenched clothes of my body and shivered, the cool air now touching preiviously unexposed areas. I quickly cranked the water to hot and jumped in. Ouch! maybe a bit too hot. I quickly added a bit of cold water so it was comfortably warm. The spray of the warm water felt heavenly against my cold body. I rubbed the water all over as if trying to rub the heat into myself. Soon enough Kaeori poked his head in.

"Hey. here's a change of clothes and a towel. Also the food's ready downstairs" he said.

I jumped a little, not realizing he was even in the bathroom after having been so absored with the spray of the warm water. Admirably he managed to only take a small glance before ducking out of the washroom again.

"Ok thanks, I'll be out in a sec, the water is getting cold anyway" I turned off the water and quikcly toweled myself off, then turned to look at the change of clothes the otter had left on the counter. As expected they were sligtly too big. the shirt was a faded red tee and the shorts I had to use a belt to keep up and the underwear had cartoon fish all over it. In short, I thought I looked like a clown, but beggars can't be choosers. In reality I was just happy to have a dry change of clothes on.

After I changed I made my way downstairs where kaeori awaited with a pot of tea and the classic meal of fish, seaweed and rich that I'd become accustomed to. I guessed it was a staple in all otter households.

I made the usual comments on how delicious it smelled, and it tasted just as good. As we ate, we made eyes at eachother like we usually did at mealtimes. True enough we'd become a lot closer since we'd first met and even still I kept my feelings for the other man hidden away. For reasons even unknown to me I always kind of walled myself up from feelings, I guess I thought it would just be an easier way to live life. I toyed with the idea to finally tell kaeori what I'd been thinking when I thought I was going to die. My heart felt like it was beating a thousand times a minute as a I mentally resolved to tell him.

"Yunno earlier when I thought I was going to die, all I could think about was how I was such a fool for trying to leave you. And all i could see was you.. your pretty green eyes and that smile of yours." I was starting to get a little emotional now and so was kaeori by the looks of it. Tears wattered up in his eyes, making them look like shimmery emeralds. 'beautiful' I thought as I continued my speel, there was no way I was backing out now"

"But most of all you silly water boy, I love your personality, I've never met anyone else I'd want to be as close to as you. You're so kind to me, you made me meals and take care of me..and rescue me when I need saving. So I guess what I'm saying is, could you forgive me for trying to leave, I don't want to go anywhere anymore" I finished off.

"Of course I forgive you luke, I could never stay mad at you. I was a little mad when you wanted to leave, but most of all I was scared you'd just disapear. and I'm really glad you decided to stay." he blushed.

At that moment I felt a welling up of joy and happiness in my heart that I'd never experienced before. It was as if my confession to him finally broke the barriers of solitude I'd build around myself. I blushed. I was just soo happy to be alive, right here with him!

"oh.. my god kaeori, I can't even begin to tell you how much.. I love you." I said as we made eye contact. Our eyes were locked so intensely, by then we had both stopped eating. It was though we were conveying everything to eachother, just by simply looking at one another.My heart fluttered and I got a shiver of excitement down my spine and that broke us both from the trance.

Kaeori got up from the table and walked over to me. He brushed the back of his hand against my cheek softly, and I revelled in the smooth feeling of his fur against my skin.

He spoke up "Luke.. did you want to.. join me in the bedroom?" The green eyed otter couldn't help but smile deviously as he spoke the last bit. He held out his hand to me. I grasped mine in his and couldn't help but feel his soft fur and the sleek webbing between his fingers. It was so different from mine but I couldn't help but love it all the same.

He pulled me up from sitting, and we started up the stairs. He wrapped his arm around the small of my back as we climbed the stairs, and I couldn't help but feel the blood fill my cock slightly in anticipation for what was to come.

We pretty much fell into kaeori's bed, just one big mass of fur and flesh grinding and kissing and rubbing All the pent up lust from the past weeks was now just spilling out in a raging torrent. I pushed against him as we kissed over and over again. I wanted to be even closer to him, more than was even possible. I felt his furry hand cup the back of my head as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I couldn't help but moan. This was all happening so fast but I was loving every second of it and if I could guess, so was kaeori. We humped against eachother, my dick by now was rock hard, straining against the fabric at the sizable lump in his pants. I felt too constrained in my clothes and kaeori seemed to sense my discomfort.

Fumbling paws worked my belt buckle open and tore the shorts down past my knees and off. neither my shirt or my underwear lasted much longer and soon I was butt naked in front of one very horny otter. He gazed fully over my body drinking in the image of my nude form, his eyes clouded with lust and affection. I wasted little time returning the favour and soon we were both naked, grinding the hot flesh of our hard dicks together. I could feel his heart beat against mine as his chest rubbed up against me. I moaned loudly. The sliding of his fur against my skin and his cock against mine only further fueled the fires of lust that were by now a raging inferno. "Oh my god kaeori" I said, kissing him "you're so fucking hot"

The green eyed otter just nipped at my neck, then inhaled deeply while he rubbed up against me.

"mmmphf fuck you smell so good" Kaeori said "god I just want to fuck you... I've wanted this for so long, you have no idea" he said as he slid his hand up and down my length teasingly.

"hah.. ooh I've had some idea" I replied cheekily and returned the favour, smearing his pre over his hard prick.

Kaeori raised an eyebrow in a comical manor

"Oh really? how long have you known" he said playfully, still rubbing my cock which in turn elicited a moan from me.

"oh, for about as long as I've wanted to fuck you" I said in an equally playful manner, then rolled onto my back with him on top of me.

"Then why the hell didn't we do this sooner!" he laughed.

I chuckled with him "well we're doing it now aren't we?"

He grinned again "and do you I will!" he said

I just rolled my eyes at how corny that was. The horny otter pinned me down and used the leverage to push and drag his hard dick along the cleft of my ass, all the while keeping my hands down under his grip. I could feel his cock leaking pre all over my ass, but I was loving it.

"Goddam tease" I said, and couldn't help moan.

"Heh, now look who's the desperate one" he teased and leaned in to kiss me.

I rolled my eyes "Would you just fuck me already!"

kaeori shook his head and grinned devilishly "Nuh-uh not until you beg for it"

"God, you really are a sadist" I said jokingly

he shrugged and made the most innocent eyes he could possibly make.

I sighed, giving into his demands "fine then! kaeori can you please pleaseplease fuck me, I wanna feel your cock in me"

"Much better he said" and began to burry his hard prick in me. I moaned loudly as I felt hid dick going deep into me. Truthfully he wasn't that much bigger than I was, probably about seven inches. As soon as the otter hilted fully he bit his lip slightly, then a large moan spilled from his lips. Then he slowly pulled back and pushed all the way in quickly, his furry balls slapping against my bare ass.

Kaeori felt pretty heavy on me, after all all his weight was bearing down on me, but who was I to complain? I was loving every second of it. Every time he would shove his hard prick back into me it speared my prostate, succeeding in making my cock all the more slimy with pre. He began to pick up the pace now, fucking me in ernest. all I could do was writher underneath him and moan his name as he reamed my ass, which only served to turn him on more.

"mmm fuck fuckfuck luke you're so hot. goddam I can't wait to blow inside you" he said lustfully. By now a more primal part of kaeori's mind had taken over, only focused on breeding his mate which he so happily pinned down underneath him. In kaeori's lust fuelled haze I managed to slip a hand free to toy with my own cock. It was so sensitive that even touching it, I felt as though I would blow my load.

"Oh fuck here it comes" kaeori said speeding up even more. The otters shaft pistoned in and out of me and I moaned loudly, from both the pounding the horny otter was giving and the sensations of my hand on my over sensitive cock. I swirled my hand around the head of my shaft and I knew I was gone over the edge.I let out a long moan as I felt my dick flex before string after string spewed out of my cock. At the same time, my asshole became a vice grip as I rode out orgasm. I could feel Kaeori hump frantically, growling low before burrying himself as his cock expanded and warmth filled my ass. I could feel his cock twitch inside me four or five times before he stopped cumming and collapsed ontop of me. We both panted breathlessly and rested for a minute before even attempting to speak.

"Goddam!" I said a little breathlessly "you are a fucking beast in bed!"

"and don't you forget it!" he chuckled

"oh and also I think you're going to need new sheets" I said, looking down at the seed I had shot all over my stomach and sheets. Most of it though was smeared inbetween me and kaeori when he'd collapsed on top of me.

"ah..fuck it I'll worry about it tomorrow" he said and rolled off of me but continued to hold me against him. We stayed like that for a few more minutes before I tried to talk again.

"Hey kaeori?" I asked. He was already asleep.

I shrugged and curled against him tighter, taking in a deep breath of his soft fur and the certain smell that seemed to permeate from him. he smiled in his sleep and pulled me closer to himself.

damn what a crazy day!