A Pleasant Surprise

Story by Tarzimon on SoFurry

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Well, here it is, an actual story! Today is Ryan's birthday, and all he wants is some loving from his roommate. Will his birthday dream come true?

This is my first proper endeavour into the world of furry fiction, and my first piece of erotic writing, so please give feedback =)

Ryan, a Dalmatian student, had woken up on the day of his birthday. He had just turned 19, and was looking forward to the week ahead. Since he was away at University, no plans had been strictly made for his birthday, but he knew that when he got home that weekend, his would have plans to celebrate.

He got out of bed and headed straight for the shower, stripping off his pyjama bottoms and hopping straight in. The warm water coming out of the faucet was enough to bring energy for the day ahead.

It wasn't ten minutes until his roommate came banging on the bathroom door. "Oi!" he called in, banging on the door. "When gonna be done?"

"In a minute" the Dalmatian called out, his ears propping up in alarm.

After a couple more minutes in the shower, Ryan made his way out, shaking his fur to let off the excess water, going over himself with a towel, wrapping it around his waist.

"Finally!" his roommate, Sam, exclaimed from the kitchen, making himself some toast and eggs sunny side up. "What took you so long?"

"You weren't even awake when I got in there!" Ryan laughed, making his way to the kitchen. "Also, you know what today is?"

"Uuummm, Friday?" Sam responded, his filled with deadpan sarcasm.

"No!" Ryan replied, reaching for a box of weetabix. "Its my birthday!"

"And you think that gives you a bathroom exemption?" Sam replied, shoving egg into his muzzle.

"Like I said, you weren't awake yet" Ryan replied, leaning over the counter, wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out at Sam.

After their friendly banter, Sam had finished his eggs and got into the shower, hopping in straight away.

Ryan had never mentioned this to anyone, but he's had a crush on Sam ever since they met in their first year. He loved every aspect of his wolf friend - his soft black and grey fur, his fluffy tail, and the way his ears perk up every time they went out drinking. All Ryan wanted to do at that very moment was to go into the shower with Sam, and feel his body against him, feel his fur caress his, touch the muscular physique his friend hid underneath that silky coat.

But Ryan never stepped up to the plate - he liked the friendship he had with Sam, and didn't want to do anything to ruin that. All he could do was sit in the Kitchen and finish his cereal, and steal that single piece of toast his roommate left behind.

. . . .

Ryan had just gotten into class for 11:05, just before the lecturer arrived. He took his seat in the usual place - a couple of rows from the front, right next to the window. He got his notebooks out if his bag, and just sat in his seat, staring out of the window.

"Hi Ryan" female voice chimed from the right. He looked over to her, to see that it was his friend Bernice. She was a Rabbit with grey fur and a short, blonde pixie haircut. She was wearing a blue T-shirt and a pair of grey skinny jeans.

"Hey Bernice" Ryan replied, half acknowledging her existence.

She pulled up in the seat next to him, her tail fluffing a little as she sat. "First of all, I would like to wish you a happy birthday" she started. "And I would also like to give you this" she said, pulling out a little fluffy bear plush with blue fur and a white stomach.

"Thanks B" he said, taking the toy in his hands, a big grin forming over his face. "At least you remembered my love of plush."

"And from the sounds of it, your actual birthday" she said, knowing where the conversation was going.

"Yeah" Ryan replied. "I'm not sure if he was playing, or if he actually forgot. I'm not saying he has to make a big deal, I'm just saying, we're pretty close."

"Yeah, but your closer to Sam than he is to you" Bernice pointed out, emphasising her point with a pointed wiggling finger.

"I know" Ryan replied, half-sighing. "I can't help it - he's really attractive and fun."

"Well, he is pretty fit" Bernice replied. "But there are plenty of other guys out there."

Just as Bernice made the point, a large, unclean looking bear with unkempt brown fur sat down in the row in front of them both. When he took his seat, he trousers were tugged down a little, exposing the upper section of his butt crack, which was not helped by his shirt riding up his furry back.

"Oh yeah, so much on the market" Ryan said sarcastically, followed by pretend looks of lust over at the unkempt bear.

"Okay, that was a point-killer" Bernice said, until she saw Trent walked in. "But there is some hope" she said, pointing Trent out to Ryan.

He looked over at the Horse, and couldn't help but agree. He was fairly tall, around 6'0, and had a lush coat of chestnut brown fur, and a mane of dark brown hair. He was clearly quite muscular, with his biceps bulging underneath his shirt.

"I'd fuck him," Ryan laughed, still looking over at the equine stud.

"I told you there's hope," Bernice said, nudging Ryan's shoulder. "Ask him out."

Before he could stand to walk over to Trent and ask for the date, his lecturer came in and demanded the class's undivided attention.

. . . .

After 5 hours of studying, including a lunch break, Ryan and Bernice were walking from campus to Bernice's flat in town. They had just barely made it off of Campus when Ryan got a message on his phone.

He took the phone out his left pocket and checked out what the message was:

Sam: Ryan, u gotta get back 2 flat. I've got a surprise 4 U

"Huh" Ryan said. "Sam says he's got a surprise for me in the flat."

"Really?" Bernice said, voice filled with intrigue. "Do you think you him and Trent are gonna hook up?"

"Shut up" he said, punching her lightly in the arm. "I don't think its that. Still worth checking out?"

"Sure" Bernice said. "I can just hang out with Trisha."

"Great. See you later" Ryan said, going back the other direction, waving to Bernice.

It was just a brisk 15-minute walk back to the apartment, 10 minutes if it wasn't for the trip to town. He walked up a couple of flights of stair to get to the second floor, walking down the hall until he reached his flat - door 15.

He got his keys out to unlock the door, only to find that the door was already unlocked. He walked into the flat to find it relatively empty. He walked around for a few moments, wondering where Sam was, and what this surprise was meant to be. He stopped a few steps away from Sam's bedroom door, seeing that it was a little ajar.

"Come in" he heard from the other side of the door. It was obviously Sam, but he still wondered a little about the surprise. He walked up to the door, one slow, light step at a time, until he finally reached the door. He pushed the door open further, poking his head slowly into the bedroom, to find an image he had always wanted to find.

Sam was sat on the edge of his bed, wearing nothing but a pair of blue Boxer briefs. He got up from the bed and started walking over to the door, where Ryan was stood in still awe, his tail wagging quickly from side-to-side, his ears perking.

His trousers were suddenly getting tighter.

"I'll take that dumb look on your face as a good sign" Sam said, laughing a little.

"Uh..." Ryan started, shaking himself out of his lustful daze. "Why are you doing this?"

"Well, I've always had a hunch that you had a thing for me" he said, rubbing his index finger softly over Ryan's chest. "And I was hoping to give you results."

"Oh, right" Ryan said, unable to think straight at that moment in time.

"Well, looks like I'm breaking the ice here" Sam said, leaning in to kiss Ryan right on the muzzle. At first he was shocked, but Ryan eventually melted into the kiss, returning it to Sam. He let Sam's tongue into his muzzle, enjoying the feeling of it as their tongues entwined each other.

He leaned into Sam's body, feeling the warmth radiating off of it. He loved the feeling of pressing up against the fur, feeling the toned muscles underneath it.

Ryan momentarily broke away from the kiss to remove his T-shirt. He quickly got back into the kiss, as Sam turned him into his room, guiding him to the bed in the centre of the room. Sam pushed him down onto the bed, leaning in to kiss Ryan's body - his neck, his chest his stomach, leading down to his trousers. Whilst doing this, Sam has been rubbing at Ryan's crotch, tugging at the hem of his roommate's trousers.

Sam began to undo Ryan's trousers, causing him to beat his tail down hard onto Sam's bed. When Sam got Ryan's trousers down to his ankles, he began to caress the bulge, which quickly formed in his white briefs. He slowly peeled the underwear away from Ryan body, exposing his sheath in all its glory, inhaling deep to get the full scent. He grabbed Ryan's member and began moving his hand up and down slowly, getting a few pleasured moans from Ryan.

That was when Sam started licking Ryan's sheath, eventually leading him to take the whole thing in his muzzle. The slow up-and-down motion Sam made had caused Ryan moan louder, his tail wagging more aggressively against the bed. Sam sucked Ryan's member harder, taking it further into his mouth, causing pre-cum to dribble down Ryan's sheath.

He pulled away from Ryan's member, rubbing a little and asking, "You think that's good?"

Through panting breath, Ryan replied, "Yes. Why'd you stop?"

"Cos you're gonna love this" Sam responded, pulling Ryan a little off the edge of his bed. He moved his focus a little further down, parting Ryan's cheeks to reveal his entrance.

Sam quickly descended upon Ryan's hole, licking at it. This had gotten louder, longer, more passionate moans from Ryan, a positive sign on Sam's behalf.

"Fuck" Ryan moaned, his head rolling backwards, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Sam knew things were going the right way, leading him to launch his tongue deeper into Ryan's hole, sending shockwave's up Ryan's back.

Sam pulled away from the action, standing up and pulling down his underwear to reveal his large erection.

"Please say you're not going to force that in?" Ryan asked, half lustfully, and half out of concern.

"No" Sam replied, leaning over to grab a bottle of lubricant on his bedside table. He squeezed out a glob of it, and started to motion it up and down his sheath, swiping up another glob and using it to explore Ryan further.

"You ready for this?" Sam asked, pressing his member up to Ryan's entrance.

"Yeah" Ryan replied, panting from the previous endeavour.

Sam began pushing his cock into Ryan, slowly inching his way in until the base of his cock met with Ryan's entrance. Sam leant down on both arms, moving himself slowly in and out of Ryan, each thrust accompanied by a rough exhale.

Ryan was riving with pleasure, loving ever second of the pleasure of Sam inside him. He grabbed hold of Sam's bed sheets, groaning with pleasure.

With each passing moment, pleasure build up in both men, pressure getting higher. Ryan panted harder and harder as Sam began thrusting harder and harder, bucking so much that Ryan had trouble keeping rhythm to push down onto Sam's member. This continued until the pleasure built up to the point of climax. Sam reached down for Ryan's member, rubbing it until Ryan's seed was launched into the air and across, the room, coating his chest and stomach.

Sam then collapsed onto Ryan, having finished off inside of him in intense pleasure.

. . . .

After a few moments of just laying there in each other's arms, Ryan finally garnered the energy to say "I loved that."

"I thought you would" Sam said, leaning over to kiss Ryan on the face.

"So, what does this mean about us?" Ryan asked, looking at Sam.

"It can mean whatever you want it to" Sam said in Reply.

"Thanks" Ryan said, pulling up to kiss Sam.

"Happy birthday" Sam said, nuzzling the top of Ryan's head.