Master's Reward

Story by Anielde on SoFurry

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And now, I present the long-awaited sequel of Master's Wish! Thank you all for being so wonderfully patient.

Note: This story contains strong sexual themes and all-male sexiness, so if you're underage, either leave or dont get caught, and if youre not then enjoy! -Anielde


The first thing Derek noticed was the smell. Even from the other side of the thick, varnished oak door, his sensitive lupine nose could clearly register the sharp odors of perspiration and sex emanating from within. The mere scent was enough to set his ears twitching with anticipation and a hint of arousal that made his sheath stiffen in his faded jeans. The aroma was unmistakably masculine, to be sure, but the wolf's delicate senses could pick out subtle undertones of lavender, his favorite fragrance. But the best aspect of the smell by far was certainly the fur to which it distinctively belonged. Derek smirked toothily to himself and muttered under his breath as he fished his keys out of his pocket.

"Seems like Danny had himself a good time."

The wolf quickly unlocked the door, the loud jingling of his keys in the lock no doubt clearly audible to his puppy's acute ears. He was quite careful to duck under the doorjamb as he stepped inside. Derek had smacked his head on this same doorjamb several times before, forgetting that a 7-foot-tall grey wolf couldn't easily fit through a normal-sized door, and it was a mistake he rather desired not to make again. The tall, burly wolf deposited his keys on the nearest end table and turned toward the living room, his pink tongue moistening his lips as he smiled broadly.

"Knock knock, anybody home?"

Derek heard a shuffling noise, followed by a thump accompanied by a muffled yelp and finally a scrabbling of paws. The sight that met his eyes as his lovely pet shepherd crawled on his hands and knees around the corner made his jaw drop straight to the floor.

"Oh my..."

The cute shepherd dog's normally glossy fur was matted with sweat, his eyes slightly glazed over as he crawled, wincing with each step. Derek stepped forward quickly and knelt beside him, scratching delicately between his ears and cooing to him soothingly as the trembling dog turned his head and tried to lick his wrist. His eyes widened considerably when he caught sight of the shiny black base of the toy. It was completely flush with the shepherd's rear, and that meant...

"Oh, wow... Danny, you did it!"

Derek rarely used the German Shepherd's real name since the pair had discovered their shared interest in domination and submission quite by accident a few months ago, when the wolf had crept stealthily into their bedroom only to discover Danny flat on his back, naked and masturbating furiously as a huge, leather-bound tiger plowed harshly into a leashed, collared and muzzled doberman pinscher. Still, as absorbed as he was in the sight of his mate's obscenely stretched tailhole, the name fell from his lips unbidden, and Danny was in no state to care one way or the other. Derek gently lifted the sheppie's feathery tail, giving the base of the toy a few experimental pats and grinning from ear to ear at the ensuing pleasured yips issuing from Danny's muzzle.

The dust-colored wolf slowly stood upright once more, deep in thought as he absently lifted his broad forepaw above the shepherd's head. Danny reared back and followed it with the tip of his nose as he sat back on his heels, exposing his thoroughly soaked chest and belly fur as he licked and nuzzled his master's paw lovingly.

"Y-yes master... god, it feels so fucking huge..."

Derek nodded silently as his pet spoke, then leaned down and scooped him up into his muscled arms, nuzzling affectionately at the shepherd dog's cheek as he carried him up the stairs with a briskly wagging tail.

"Let's go ahead and get you cleaned up, puppy dog. Did you remember to turn off the camera when you were finished?"

"Yes, m-master... puppy f-followed master's instructions to the letter."

"That's a good boy."

Now Danny's soft, feathery tail was whipping back and forth with just as much enthusiasm as his mate's as the broad-shouldered lupine elbowed open the door to the bathroom and carried him inside, setting him down lightly on the spare white-tiled floor. The tiles felt a bit chilly on Derek's knees as he knelt down once more, this time behind his quivering puppy, and slid his broad paws over the curve of Danny's slender hips and over his sweet, round tush. Finally, they met at the stark black base of the dildo lodged inside him, and he snickered as the shepherd's knees trembled and his puppy tried unsuccessfully to stifle a quiet whimper.

"Relax, sweetheart, I'm going to take it out of you now. I promise, puppy, I'll be gentle."

The release of tension in the shepherd's body was palpable when Derek finally gripped the base of the huge black dildo and gave it a sharp tug, the glistening silicone toy reappearing inch by slow, steady inch as the wolf drew it carefully from between his lover's smooth, tawny-furred cheeks. Danny sighed audibly when the wide, flared head of the horse dildo finally popped out, leaving him gaping open long enough for Derek to gently slide a few fingers inside of him and check for any sign of injury. Thankfully, he found none, probably due to the amount of time his puppy spent practicing with his bafflingly vast collection of silicone phalluses and, of course, riding his master's thick, midnight-black lupine shaft while they watched TV, ate, played video games, and even once when the shepherd had surprised him in his office at work.

By now, the throbbing of Derek's fat sheath in his jeans was growing difficult to ignore. He set the monstrous black dildo down gingerly next to the toilet, careful to position it so that it wouldn't tip over. The thing was notoriously unstable; only Danny's months of practice enabled him to ride it with such stunning ease. The evidence of this, Derek remembered suddenly, was sitting in a video camera just downstairs, waiting for him. The thought didn't help much; he needed out of these jeans more desperately than ever.

"Hey puppy, I could use a little help with these jeans."

"Master wishes to join his puppy in the shower?"

"Maybe he does, pup. Or maybe he's just getting a hardon."

Either way, Derek was pleased to see his puppy whirl around with pure joy and excitement in his eyes as Danny knelt before him and fumbled hastily with his belt. The poor thing must have been more eager than he had first thought, if the wavering of his practiced paws was any indication. It was at that exact point that an idea started to form in the muscled grey wolf's mind, nebulous at first, but clarified to utter certainty after but a few moments of reflection. A reward; something Danny seemingly cherished from his lover more than the air he breathed. His puppy certainly deserved one after he had behaved so wonderfully for his master. If the cute little sheppie was so eager to have him, then have him he would.

Any way he wanted.

But first, he was in desperate need of a shower. Even with shaky paws, Danny soon had his master's jeans pooled around his ankles and was apparently striving against his instinctual desire to just shove his nose up under the taut bulge in the wolf's cotton briefs and go to town on them before he even had a chance to escape. One stern look was all that Derek needed to get the point across; there would be no more playing around until he was well and truly naked. Not that it would take long. Within moments those stretched cotton briefs joined his jeans on the floor, and it was a simple task for the lupine to cross his arms, grip the hem of his green v-neck, and peel off the tight-fitting garment in a single practiced, fluid motion. Derek was pleased to see that his puppy had remained faithfully still in spite of the intense desire evident in his sparkling emerald eyes, which remained fixed intently upon the thick, dusky-grey sheath and heavy sac that dangled between his well-toned thighs as the wolf sauntered teasingly over to the shower and bent down to turn the shower nozzle. It gave in with a loud protesting screech that made both him and Danny wince.

"Ugh, damn, we really need to get that fixed, don't we pup?"

"Uhh... yeah..."

Turning suddenly to glance over his shoulder, Derek couldn't help but twitch his tail and flash a grin characteristic of his species as he caught the shepherd dog openly staring at his ass, a tiny bit of pink just beginning to peek through at the tip of his tawny sheath. He loved having this kind of effect on his pet; such teasing was hardly a new phenomenon, but Danny never seemed to tire of it in the least. His ears canted backward and his nose dipped embarrassedly when he realized he'd been caught red-handed, but his tail still wagged happily behind him as he crawled forward toward his naked master at his signal, a flick of the wrist that was their adaptation of the standard "come hither" gesture.

"In you get, puppy dog. Plenty of time for staring at my butt later."

Danny's tail was still wagging up a storm as he hopped into the steamy shower, unable to stifle a cute, high-pitched yelp when the cheeky grey wolf swatted his shapely rear as he passed by. Derek chuckled at the sound as he stepped in behind his lovely puppy. The shower may have been built for two, but its designers clearly hadn't considered that a tall, nearly 200-pound wolf might attempt to occupy it at the same time as his 150-pound sheppie pup. Still, though there wasn't much room for maneuvering, there was mercifully enough headroom for even Derek to stand without craning his neck. And the lack of space leant their communal bathing place an air of intimacy it might otherwise have lacked.

The two males stood chest to chest under the hissing spray of water, the wolf's paws delicately soaping up his mate's chest and fluffy belly while the shepherd held onto his shoulders for balance. Luckily, Derek had gotten home just in time to catch Danny just as he had finished, and thus the thick gobs of semen that stained and matted his lovely pelt were still easily worked out without the aid of a brush. Still, he clicked his tongue a little as he worked at a few particularly stubborn areas, gradually working his way down toward his puppy's thick groin fur and causing Danny to shiver drastically despite the heat of the warm, rushing water.

"Tsk tsk, you really did quite a number on yourself, didn't you sweetheart?"

"Three, if I remember correctly."

Derek chuckled and nosed tenderly at his puppy's neck and shoulder, one large paw cradling his puppy's smooth sac while the sudsy digits of his other paw encircled the smooth pink tip that jutted about an inch from his puppy's velvet sheath, giving him a tiny little squeeze that made the smaller male whimper and push up onto his tiptoes.

"Mmm, that's going to be fun to watch..."

He murmured softly, while Danny danced on his tiptoes and whined supplicatingly, his ears laying flat against his water-soaked scalp.

"Ooh... master... puppy's still a bit, uh, s-sensitive down there..."

"I know honey, but you're also messy, and I just can't help myself... you've been such a good boy... I want to give you something in return."

Danny's large, black-tipped ears flicked right up at the prospect, and his eyes widened, deep emerald pools that flickered with excitement as he met the steady gaze of his master's cool, clear blues. Even with his puppy up on tiptoes, Derek had to tilt his head down and lean over him in order to brush their noses tenderly together, one paw reaching out to shut off the hissing stream of hot water while the other slid around Danny's waist and pulled him closer. Their lips met only a half-second later, and the shepherd's maw cracked open to emit a quiet gasp when his sneaky lupine mate grabbed a pawful of his pert hindquarters. It was the perfect opening for Derek to gently push his thick, velvet tongue into his lover's mouth, catching Danny by surprise and leaving him with no alternative but to wrap his lips around it and suckle tenderly, his eyes half-lidded.

Somehow, with a great deal of fumbling, groping, a few near slip-ups and altogether too much giggling, the pair managed to make their way slowly from the shower to the dryer, an investment that had paid its dividends many times over in convenience. Hot, powerful jets of air blew from vents in the floor and walls, drying their thick fur in minutes and leaving Derek free to explore the warm, familiar confines of his puppy's maw, both males' fluffy tails whipping the swirling air as they intimately savored each other's presence.

Finally, there was a solid mechanical click, and the whirring of the fans that blew the air into the chamber faded to a soft hum and eventually to silence. In the stillness that followed, Derek carefully extricated his tongue from the shepherd dog's muzzle and nosed affectionately all the way from his collarbone to the base of his left ear, loving the way his puppy's knees shook as he whispered quietly.

"I love you, puppy... You have no idea how hard it was to tear myself away when I knew you were back here by yourself, putting on a show for me..."

Danny's ears canted backward and he whined softly, wrapping his arms tightly around his master's thick, muscular waist.

"Then why did you go? You could have s-sat right there on the couch and watched me..."

"Because I wouldn't have been able to force myself to just sit there and watch, sweetheart. It would have been too much for me to handle."

Danny tilted his head, lifted his chin and gave Derek's wet, black nose a gentle lick, and the slate-grey wolf smiled warmly and kissed him on the forehead.

"Stay, puppy. I'm heading to the bedroom, you can come when I call you."

The shepherd nodded obediently, the flickering of his large, canted ears the only sign of his impatience and burning curiosity. He kept them carefully attuned to the slightest noise, but all he could discern was the faint rustling of clothes and the quiet tinkle of something he couldn't quite identify. He flinched suddenly when a shrill whistle pierced the air, recognizing his master's signal and immediately racing toward the bedroom as best he could on all fours. Yet, the minute he burst through the door he pulled up short and almost piled up in a heap on the floor, eyes wide with shock.

"What took you so long, puppydog?"


Derek was there, all right, as Danny had known he would be. He was naked, too, just as Danny's ears had suggested. But there were three important details about the gorgeous lupine sprawled over their lavishly furnished bed that Danny's ears had not led him to anticipate. For one, he was absolutely hard as a rock, his fat ebony wolf cock drooling a steady stream of warm, musky-smelling pre down over his plump, dangling testicles. For another, he bore a thick, studded collar that fit tightly to his muscled neck, a collar that Danny had never seen him wear before, and that complimented his mate's lush fur perfectly.

But that, of course, didn't explain the faint tinkling sound the shepherd's acute hearing had detected. Fortunately, it didn't take long to discover the source of the noise. Without a doubt, it was the pair of solid stainless-steel handcuffs encircling his mate's wrists that had generated it, as they did now whenever the powerful male shifted on his back, which he did now as he grinned toothily and eyed his stunned puppy.

"Do you like the collar, sweetheart? I had to do SOMETHING to keep myself occupied while I was out and about..."

Derek had come upon the store during his long, meandering drive, while he was trying to keep himself occupied long enough to avoid returning prematurely. The poor kid at the counter, a short, slender little red fox, had nearly keeled over when he had ducked through the entranceway, but nonetheless proved to be quite adept at picking out the perfect collar to supplement his smoky-colored pelt.

After a few moments of collecting himself, inhaling great big lungfuls of air laced with the lupine's heady, fresh musk, Danny was finally collected enough to haltingly stammer out a reply, blushing like mad and almost hiding behind his own paws.

"M-master's collar is very beautiful... it matches the rest of him perfectly."

"Thanks, puppy, I figured you would appreciate it. But as you may have noticed, I didn't invite you in here for some idle chitchat..."

Derek wiggled his bushy eyebrows and almost giggled as he watched Danny sit there and squirm, afraid to approach him any further without being told. As usual, he was behaving perfectly, kneeling there on all fours with his chin tucked and practically salivating. Finally, after a few moments more of letting the shock sink in and fade to awe, he beckoned for his puppy, and the sheppie practically leaped right up onto their bed from where he knelt.

"Y'know, Danny... with these cuffs on, if there was anything you really wanted to do, I don't know if I could possibly stop you..."

His meaning was not lost on Danny, whose velvet sheath had retreated gradually to lay bare a stiff, prominent and drippy erection of his own by now, his deep red maleness more suited to a puppy of his shorter stature. Nor did the significance of being called by his first name escape his perception. Derek was inviting him to take the lead, and he was doing it with the kind of style and flair that had caught Danny's eye when they had first met, and greatly contributed to his affection for the dusky grey lupine. The shepherd's tail wagged slowly as his eager countenance turned inward and reflective, the gears in his head churning so clearly that Derek fancied he could hear them if he listened carefully enough. He laid a paw gently atop his lover's straining black cock, smearing some of that delicious pre back up toward the crown of his engorged maleness and soaking his soft pads in the process.

"Anything... anything at all?"

"Nnh... y-yeah..."

As preoccupied as he was with the delicate paw dancing slowly up and down the underbelly of his glistening shaft, Derek failed to catch the sudden sly, playful glint that lit up his puppy's features as the shepherd dog spoke. He tried not to flinch or to gasp noticeably, but Danny knew him far too well. He was devilishly good at locating all the myriad sensitive places that could make even the big, seven-foot-tall wolf melt into the bed with lidded eyes and a dazed, helpless countenance, and he pressed his advantage ruthlessly now that he had been given the chance.

Such occasions were rare, but not unheard of. Since Danny was always such a well-behaved, subservient pup, it was usually a sufficient reward to treat him with the kind of love and affection that Derek lavished upon him daily. In fact, punishments were far more common, as the puppy had a bit of a fetish for spanking and dirty talk that the wolf was perpetually ready and willing to satisfy. However, perhaps it was the pure scarcity of rewards such as this one that made them so precious to the shepherd dog. Perhaps the occasional foray outside of their mutually decided roles even provided some much needed catharsis for the pair, and added a little room for experimentation to their somewhat unusual love life.

Or perhaps Danny just adored worshipping his master's beautifully toned, perfectly naked body in ways he would never have dared to suggest on his own.

"Well... there is ONE thing I've been saving for a rainy day..."

Had Derek's mind been less fogged with a haze of pure unadulterated lust, he might have been surprised by the shepherd dog's admission. Danny rarely hid anything from his lover, and even if he had been so inclined, Derek rarely went anywhere without taking his pet along with him, although in public they more closely resembled an average gay couple. That he had managed to sneak anything by the lupine unnoticed was just shy of miraculous. Nevertheless, in his current state of desperate, mind-numbing arousal, nothing surprised him at all except the sudden, frustrating lack of a paw tending to his angrily jerking wolf cock. He gritted his teeth and huffed slowly through his nose to calm himself down, cracking his eyes open to discover that his cute little puppy had disappeared but for the tips of his ears.

The motivation of this sudden, unexpected disappearance became abundantly clear the moment Derek felt the caress of a familiar warm, wet, silky-smooth muscle just beneath his heavy testicles. Those cute, twitching ears slowly yet steadily vanished as Danny worked his way down the cleft between his master's sculpted cheeks, licking here, kissing there, ultimately burying his cold, wet nose between them with all-too-evident relish. It wasn't long before Derek found himself squirming, bucking and whimpering as his puppy's delicately probing tongue lapped wetly over his virgin tailhole, setting his teeth on edge.

"Oh fuck, Danny! What on earth are you doing to me..."

The shepherd dog flatly ignored his protests, giving his lover's tailhole a lewd, messy tongue bath until his rear was slick and damp with his tangy-sweet saliva. Derek had given more than his fair share of rimjobs, as lube was sometimes difficult to find in the heat of passion, but never once had he even considered allowing himself to be on the receiving end. Until this very moment, he had considered himself to be a strict top, an alpha male. But if so, then why in hell was he so unbearably erect and drooling he could hardly stand it?

"Shit, wow... s-so that's what it feels like..."

Inwardly, Danny let out a silent sigh of relief as he felt the lupine's tense muscles finally relax. Taking the initiative made him nervous; he could only do it now because Derek had given him special permission, and still he had worried that his lover would simply put up with his decisions - or worse, become uncomfortable and ask him to stop. That he was relaxed and solidly erect meant that, on some level, the musky grey wolf was enjoying himself, and that was enough for him to keep washing his tongue over that delicate pink pucker, his fluffy tail swishing through the air behind him as he reached down and steeled himself for the next step in his fantasy-become-reality.

By the time Danny was satisfied with his handiwork, Derek was panting heavily and blushing scarlet, clutching the sheets so tightly his knuckles had turned white from the effort. He watched through lidded eyes as the shepherd slowly reappeared, wincing and shuddering as that blissfully soft tongue cupped his heavy orbs and slid delicately up the underbelly of his ebony length to the very tip, where it swirled in circles around his leaking tip.

"Looks like somebody likes it when I play with his ass... Mmmph..."

Derek whined softly, embarrassed by his own intense arousal as the shepherd's tongue kept apace with his drooling, twitching erection, washing every drop of the hot, salty pre that flowed liberally from his tip right down the smaller male's tight throat. As strong-willed and controlled as he usually was, somehow Danny had managed to turn him into a squirming, whimpering mess with just a few strokes of that delicate, slender tongue. It was torturous, even humiliating.

And yet, he loved every minute of it.

"Nnf, D-Danny, I'm so fucking horny... p-please don't stop ..."

For all the days and weeks he spent toiling away in the local gym to hone his physique, the burly wolf felt like putty in his lover's paws as Danny shot him a seductive glance and continued to slurp and suckle lewdly at his thick, swollen manhood, one maddeningly delicate paw circling his maleness just underneath the knot and giving a few short tugs that left him yowling in ecstasy as bright white stars danced before his eyes.

The sheer intensity of the pleasure radiating from his groin was so great that he almost failed to notice the slight, gentle nudging of something blunt, slick, and warm against his virginal pucker. As it was, he noticed just a fraction of a second too late.

"H-hey, wha- OH!"

Before he could lose his nerve, Danny forced himself to push harder, deeper, plunging the smallest (and also newest) vibrator in his collection to the hilt inside the wolf's incredibly tight, saliva-slickened ass. Derek's breath hitched in his throat as the toy suddenly sprang to life inside him, his pained outburst subsiding into a deep, shuddering moan as it buzzed madly against his prostate, held expertly in place by the shepherd's practiced paw. Shocked though he may have been, the sudden jolt of pleasure proved to be simply too much. The grey wolf's hips bucked up sharply several times in quick succession, and he howled noisily as a geyser of hot, sticky, milky-white cum jetted into the shepherd's open mouth, splattering his lips and tongue as he gulped it down with evident relish. Danny gently slid his soft, delicate paw up and down the length of his mate's straining, girthy cock as he milked him dry, managing not to spill a single drop of his potent spunk.

"Hnnf, f-fucking god, puppy..."

Derek finally managed to grunt, shivering and gritting his teeth as the shepherd dog swiftly tugged out the still-buzzing vibrator, switched it off, and dropped it to the floor. Panting and spent, he unclasped the pair of handcuffs binding his wrists, rolling over and setting them aside on the nightstand. When he returned his gaze to where Danny had last been, he found him kneeling on the floor, ears flat against his head, chin tucked against his chest.

"You really are something else, puppy dog. So full of interesting surprises."

Danny's tail flicked slowly from side to side as he tilted his head up to look the reclining wolf in the eyes.

"S-so you aren't upset with me for... for-"

"For shoving a vibrator up my ass?

The shepherd nodded contritely, angling his gaze back down to the floor.

"Well, I must say it was quite, uh, unexpected. To say the least. But ya know something, puppy? I really liked it. Are you satisfied with your reward?"

To this Danny nodded emphatically, his fluffy tail whipping up into a frenzy in an effort to fully express his appreciation.

"Oh yes, master, I couldn't possibly ask for a better reward than the one you gave me a moment ago..."

Danny blushed hotly and licked his lips, the taste of the wolf's thick, musky seed still fresh on his tongue. When Derek smiled warmly at him and patted the bedside, he leapt up onto the bed and crawled forward readily, embracing the larger male and nuzzling affectionately beneath his chin. A deep, happy rumble emanated from the grey wolf's chest as he cradled the little puppy gently in his arms.

When Derek awoke, several hours later, Danny was still sound asleep, snoring softly and kicking his leg in such a silly fashion it made the burly grey wolf chuckle under his breath. He carefully extricated himself from the slumbering puppy, who whimpered quietly at the sudden loss of warmth but didn't wake from his dream, and padded downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water.

On his way back to the stairs, a sudden glint of silver caught his eye, and the wolf turned his head sharply to glance in the direction from whence it came. There squatted the digital camcorder faithfully upon its tripod, aimed at a lonely-looking empty chair splattered with distinctive drops of an off-white color. The sight gave him pause, and instead of padding quietly back up the stairs, he loped over to the camcorder and switched it on.

"I suppose I'd better take a look at what all this fuss was about..."

Derek murmured under his breath, and he smirked wryly as he jabbed the PLAY button with his thumb.

This was going to be... interesting.