Love and Sex ch 1

Story by Valentine001 on SoFurry

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I have this up on InkBunny too, this ones got a better opening and has more fixed up but there's more on InkBunny right now.

A small boy ran avoiding any light so that his fur wouldn't shine and give him away. He jumped behind a bush a twig broke under his foot as he landed. 'Did they hear that?' He thought as his heart caught in his throat. "He's over there, behind the bushes somewhere!" One of them shouted as they all reared there steeds towards the pointed finger to charge at the position. How had he gotten there? Who were these people? And for the love of god, why were they after him? Did he do something wrong? 'Well, none of that matters right now, the only thing that does is surviving.' Suddenly, he emerged from a Forrest into a muddy clearing and he saw a house not too far off. "Get hiiiiimmm!" Someone shouted in a booming voice behind him. Then he felt his foot catch on something and before he knew it he was lying face fist in the mud. They'd have him now, no he couldn't give up. He rose and sprinted all at once towards the house, desperate to make it in time. It was a cold, gloomy summer night, a young woman of only seventeen stood in nothing but her underwear. She wore a pink C sized bra, and pink panties both with a lighter lace lining. She was a beautiful looking brown and cream coloured cat. She stood looking out her window at the peaceful old town being attacked by rain. She always loved that sight and never for one second wished she lived back there, she liked it here alone in this house with a big garden. This wasn't weird for Summer, it was always raining and gloomy, despite warmth. That was when she saw it, a small figure running, running towards her house. She leapt past her bed towards her door grabbing her nitty and sprinted towards the stairs pulling it on as she went. As she walked down the stairs she tied it up with the most perfect bow she could before her foot hit the last step. She ripped open the door to growl at the figure that was running towards her and her house. As she set her lips apart and went to show her gleaming white teeth, she saw that there was no danger approaching. There was but a frightened little golden, white puppy approaching, it looked as if he were running from someone or thing. "Hello?" she spoke as in the most comforting and soft voice she could muster, looking down at the small boy standing completely exposed in front of her. "He-help, they're coming." He spoke in soft shaken voice. "Who, who's coming?" She asked. "C-C-Can't you see them, riding their big black horses?" He shrieked in fear. "Sorry, I can't see anyone." She said looking around the place for any sign of what had just been described to her. She however saw nothing, not even a distinct foot print left by a horse shoe, not one. She looked down at the boy again, noticing he was shivering. She opened her mouth to give him the news about there not being any people on horses, but no words came even when she opened her mouth. As a bolt of lightning hit a tree just off side of the property, the boy jumped yelping and grabbed onto her leg. That was when she noticed just how wet and cold he was, she looked around once more to see if he had anyone out there looking for him. She saw nothing, not one person looking for a scared little puppy boy, and such a cute one at that. "Come on, you need to come inside. It's too cold out here." He looked up at her shocked and confused. He was unsure, but was still too frightened to let go of her leg. Instead he forced a smile on his tiny snout and looked up at her nodding twice, if only to say 'I'm ok with this'. She shut the door behind her and walked back up stairs. "You need a bath; you've got mud in your fur." The boy looked up at her with a look of horror on his face, as if she asked him to cut his own arm off. Although she didn't know him she told him "You'll get sick if you don't listen. I wish I could have a run in mud, and be offered by some kind stranger like this, a bath." The boy just shot her an odd look and shook his head. "Fine, I'll put in on and get you something to wear." She said, this puzzled the boy, was she really expecting him to bath in this place? All of these thoughts left his head as she walked into the bathroom and turned the baths taps on. "In or I will not let you sleep, or cook break-fast for you tomorrow. Unless, of-course you take the bath." With a shocked look on his face he jumped in the bath. "That's what I thought." The boy Jumped out of the bath after he'd cleaned himself, but then he realized he didn't have a towel. He thought it best he not show the girl his naked body any more then he had to, so he jumped back in the bath. He'd heard her naked feet softly brush along the floor as she walked, and he knew she was approaching. He had just enough time to climb back into bath and watch the small splash subside before she opened the door again. "Here, I got you a towel." She Muffled under her breath. She held out the unfolded towel, laid it across the air like there was an invisible close line there. She held it out indicating for him to get out and she would wrap it around him. That's exactly what he did; standing up as she looked away, and he taped to towel, in an instance it was around his body and tucked in tightly against his fur. "I'll be back to help you dry your fur, but first you I need to find a suitable pair of clothes for the morning." "Ok." He forced out in a squeaky and still shaky voice. She soon returned with the drier in hand, she knocked this time, and shouted "You got the towel on?" "Yeah." The boy said shyly and most of his shaky voice was gone now. "Ok, don't go getting any 'wild' ideas on me. Just keep it on." She said easing open the door, a sly smile etched on her face. She'd tried to crack a joke. "Yeah." He repeated out of embarrassment from the poor joke. "Ok now, I'll have you dry in no time." She said, twirling the dryer in her palm. As she dried him down, without removing his towel the two talked. By the time she was done she worked out he was named Hubert, and she'd told him her name Serenity. Through their idle chit-chat she'd learnt that he was a nice boy and appeared quite the gentle-man. Despite his character no one was looking for him, this fact saddened her, and so did the fact that the poor puppy obviously had self esteem issues. She handed him a small pink dress like top, this made him shot a look of disgust at her. "It's the only thing that I have in your size." This comment didn't lighten his mood at all, but he still slipped it on over the towel. After putting on the top it went to his knees, he slipped the towel down out of it. He looked up and opened his mouth, but Serenity cut him off before he was able to say anything. "Sorry, when I said 'the only thing', I meant the only thing.' I wish it wasn't." This comment shocked the little puppy. "N-no... you mean I have-" "Yeah, no undies, sorry..." She said cutting him off again. Hubert stood in silent shock, no words forming in his trembling mouth. "Oh, yeah, I hope its ok; we only have a single bed. I never have guest, and I live alone. I can sleep on the floor if you need me to." "No! I mean, I've already imposed too heavily on you. You have a couch of something?" He said all in a hurry. Serenity told him there was no couch as she had no T.V. and never sat down long enough to need one. The little boy just shrugged and told her he could sleep on the floor if she wanted the bed. "No, I'm on the floor or we're both in the bed. Sorry about the couch." "Quite alright, I guess we have to share then." He said with a sly little smile on his face. "Hey, don't make this weird by getting excited." She hadn't turned this down; he'd tried to get her to let him take the floor. She sure was set on letting him have the bed, both to stubborn to give in they climbed into the bed. She wondered why such a young puppy would feel the need to use such formal words. Hubert noticed Serenity's tail was sticking out, and he shifted over to give her more room for it. She just thought this cute, and then she pulled him up to her. "Scared of girl germs are we?" She huffed into his fur. "No, I'm givin' ya some room." He said in such a muffled voice she couldn't hear him. "You'll hate this then!" She said smiling, as she tossed her nitty out onto the ground. Hubert didn't hate this, instead it relaxed him. She pulled him closed and fell into an almost instant sleep; Hubert just laid there in the embrace. This girl was nice, and he thought her to be pure, but he didn't care this was an odd, yet somehow nice situation to be in. As the puppy boy lay, completely still. He thought about what was really happening. He was in bed with a nice, pure, older and strange cat girl how was he so lucky? Was it a dream? No, if it were he'd have on better clothes. He just laid there at peace, even if that peace was only temporary.