lMore then Just Friendsl *The Black Thorn* lAwakeningl

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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If you are underage, as usual I don't care, just don't blame me in the end.

Todays Tribute: Leonardo Davinci, one of the most smartest minds in history, and he was gay!!

Special Tribute- Arctic Fox 9, Libahunt, W.A.F, foxpaws, Arctic pup 23. Liode, Jon Talbain, Lucas Kale, and Cove

Try Listening to - Caught in a dream or perhaps Dead Babies, Both by Alice Cooper

I'm sure some of the dear loyal readers to my series took notice to The title, More Than Just Friends *Black Thorn* lCompany by a Huskyl

This marks part two of the series *Things are accelerating more and more O_o*


It was 9.00 Am and Resiren walked down the halls of the hospital heading towards the room which Hall was in, he had to see the Fox because Resiren really had to talk to him because he was troubled, today Resiren had to wake up early to see Hall because him working for Oklain and his father was very time consuming.

''So you finally came to see your dying friend'' Hall mocked.

''Your not dying Hall'' Resiren walked into the room.

''Everyone seems to be saying that, but I cannot say I feel that well''

''Of course not, you were shot''

''Everyday I keep feeling weaker and weaker, The doctors said they can't get rid of the venom, but I'll live, does that make any sense?''

''Well, I'm sure they can isolate the venom and make sure it doesn't clog up your blood''

''Yeah right, whatever you say, I like your Utopian views''

''Utopian views?''

''Yes, this venom feels like it's tearing inside me,I feel like swearing every goddamn second and the only thing thats stopping me from doing so is the fact they have these fucking wires on me, one of them's morphine and theres...Well I'll be damned If I know, and also if your stupid Utopian world was real then the plan would be perfect and that bastard wouldn't shoot me''

''Why did you even aim the gun at him? that has to be one of the stupidest things anyone could do''

''He said I insulted his son, Apparently it seems he really doesn't know Oklain was plotting against him, to bad this Fox nobody could care about had to die in the process, I'll admit it I panicked, I didn't like his tone, I think he was going to pull the trigger on me anyway''

''This fox nobody would care about?!, If I didn't care about you I suppose I wouldn't be here''

''You took your time, been seeing her? couldn't see your soon-to-be-dead-friend but you can see her?''

''I know how upset you are about me and her, and this should cheer you up, I wasn't seeing her, I had to juggle my time with Oklain and his father, trying to not miss a fucking 3rd ring on a cell phone. Seeing Oklain and accomplishing what he hands out. and this news should really make you even more happy, I think she is cheating on me since from her point of view I never see HER and I always see my friends, When really I'm caught in two godamn sides of a conflict between this Mob boss and his son, and trying to keep Oklains father from killing you''

''Sounds like a lot of trouble'' Hall heaved.

''And I'm goin to die''

''What makes you say that, I'm the one with this venom shit''

''If Oklains plan fails then his father will know I'm involved, if it succeeds than most chances his father will know I'm involved and probably have me hunted down''

''You have a lot of stress on your mind...'' Hall seemed concerned.

''Hall are you Bi-Polar?''

''No, why?''

''Why are you usually an asshole and at times you can be so kind, why can't you be the same person for more then 10 minutes?''

''Jealous, How would you feel if you knew someone for 13 years, and then they suddenly have this random fiancee who they knew only two months of their life, and all because one of them cannot be happy, all because they both belong to the same gender. but then again I'm nothing but a fag, so do I matter?''

''I don't care that your gay, I'm still your friend ain't I?''

''Problem is I saw a bit more then friendship, and some friend, first insult you could ever think of using on anyone at any given time was always something with ''faggot'' or ''gay'' in it, Sounds to me you do care''

''Well I...''

''Well You what? can't think of anything to say?''

''Fine, I'm sorry, and I'm leaving, hope you get well soon'' Resiren hissed as he stormed out the room.

''Don't Worry Resiren!! In a few day's I'll be the opening act in hell!!'' Hall shouted feircely, a few of the nurses were very startled by his sudden outburst and they quickly swarmed around his room like hornets. Resiren walked to the car and as he entered the vehicle he put his head down on the wheel and broke down crying. He should of just said no to Oklain when he wanted some help, then none of this would happen.


Sekhai looked down at Lexiharin as he was still unconscious, maybe he really wasn't going to wake up, he looked at Azrain in hopes of some comfort.

''Maybe it really was genetics, Maybe he really won't wake up'' Azrain stared down at the unconscious Lexiharin, so much for comfort..

''Have you ever checked his pulse?'' Azrain added.

''I don't think so'' Sekhai replied and once again looked down at Lexiharin.

Sekhai lowered his head down to Lexiharins chest slowly and planted his ear and noticed their was no pulse... he was dead all that time...'

''Well at least you still have me'' Azrain petted Sekhai's head, but the paw did not seem like it belonged to Azrain.

Sekhai turned around and noticed as expected, Azrain...but what shocked him was the fact beside the Husky was a very shady figure. He began to feel slightly nervous staring at the odd figure, almost like a specter of some sort.

''Sekhai...'' Azrain appeared to be flooded with to much concern.

Sekhai found it more awkward then sad that Lexiharin was dead, but why? didn't he love for Lexiharin...instead though he found himself confused as he looked at Lexiharins dead body.

Azrain hugged Sekhai to comfort him, Sekhai felt more irritated then sad...or comforted.

''I think we should just leave''

''What about Lexiharin?'' Azrain asked.

''He's dead, nothing will change that'' Sekhai was surprised him selfhow heartless he sounded, it's like he became Oklain.

''Okay then...'' Azrain seemed slightly intimidated by how cruel Sekhai suddenly was.

They began to head down the stairs and as they did Sekhai took notice to Dalmation that looked oddly familiar, holding a knife which had ''Schreien Sie Banshee'' engraved in it.

He glared at Sekhai and quickly flipped the knife in his hand then threw it.


Lexiharin blinked a few times in confusion and quickly realized a moment ago he was dreaming, though the question remained, how long was he dreaming? He tried to get up but found he couldn't, he felt week... Now Lexiharin really began to wonder how long it had been sense he was last awake.

Lexiharin was very confused, the fox actually thought he actually died as he began to recall the last events he could remember, Lexiharin said good bye to Azrain, began to drive home, some idiot rammed his motorcycle and he went flying into a tree, the idiot turned out to be Oklain...

It was pitch black in the dark so no one could notice Lexiharin, Oklain or whoever it was must've helped him or something...so far from what Lexiharin could tell nothing made sense. Not even his dreams did either, the entire dream was of irony, Lexiharin was Sekhai and he was looking at his supposedly dead self.

Lexiharin felt very weak, what stopped him from going back to sleep though was basically fear. Lexiharin didn't wish to fall in another coma, and once again wake up confused not knowing how much time had passed. Lexiharin thought of reading but was too wrapped in his thoughts.

Lexiharin didn't trust people to easily, it took him one entire month to actually accept Sekhai was his friend, not just trying to trick him in a prank that was planned by Mazaran. Azrain was a bit too kind *and perhaps clingy* that it kind of made him slightly uneasy. Anyone that is as kind as that usually get pushed constantly until they are pushed too far and suddenly snap.

Then there was another thing of Azrain that made him feel uneasy...just like in his dream Lexiharin saw that spectre beside Azrain, Lexiharin didn't know why he saw it...but he felt slightly paranoid around it. Then there was Oklain, Lexiharin didn't know why but he oddly did actually trust Oklain, Lexiharin used to consider him slightly like his uncle, but now he became aware of how much things in common he had with Oklain. Yet right now Oklain might just be the reason why he was in the coma in the first place.

Lexiharin worried slightly if Sekhai...or if anyone at all came to see him, even if Sekhai wanted to visit, Lexiharins parents were homophobic, and they really disliked Sekhai even before he told Lexiharin he was gay. Maybe Lexiharin should of learned just to trust more...he was fully aware if Sekhai really was gay who the ocelot liked, but Lexiharin never actually believed that Sekhai was gay. Hopefully Sekhai would come, and that his parents could just accept Sekhai for once.

As Lexiharin continued to think he got careless, his thoughts soon began to manipulate him as an overpowering urge for sleep overcame him. His last thoughts were of his uncle, Kendall who at first as well broke the coma...and he stayed up for two entire nights trying to not fall asleep. Eventually he must've gave up or could no longer take it and it would appear, his first chance at waking up was his last one. Lexiharin knew it was to late, and he didn't even last five minutes, it was said Kendalls heart stopped beating, another theory though was that Luxir killed him.

A final vision appeared in Lexiharins mind, that Dalmation in his dream that threw the knife at him...he saw him at the formal party when Sekhai was Talking to Azrain. he spoke a lot of German so Lexiharin couldn't actually understand anything. And from what Lexiharin could tell he was talking to Oklain and was requesting drinks...and something more.

Sadness suddenly flooded Lexiharins mind, if he dies like his uncle at least Sekhai has the Husky...


''A mansion to ourselves and we still can't think of anything to do, we must either be stupid or just boring'' Azrain heaved.

''Sorry, I guess it's my fault I really can't...''

''No need to blame your self, we can just check on him now if you wish'' Azrain replied.

''At 12:00 Am? I try not to see him until at least three, if I anger his parents they'll definitely not allow me''

''Want to see the grumpy wolf?''

''Nah lets piss him off later''


''No'' Sekhai was surprised with his response himself.



''Why not see what it's like to live rich life?''

''Hey if you have a mansion why don't you have anyone here, like a butler, chauffer, gardener, or even a maid?''

''Well my mother doesn't trust butlers or chauffeurs, we do have a gardener and a maid but you never saw them, and we also have a cook, just my parents let him take a break and they gave me 500$ in case I needed anything...I'm not allowed to spend it on anything but necessities... which is pretty damn hard''

''So how much rooms does this place have?''

''51, first floor has seventeen rooms, the gym takes up a lot of room. Second floor has the most rooms which is twenty, and the third floor has the most less, fourteen rooms, In these 51 rooms I'm not including attic or basement, so I suppose this house actually has 53 rooms''

''Must get a bit scary at times''

''Very, especially the night when Lyon died, I was very scared and thought that the killer was still in here, I locked all the doors in every single room before I went to bed...and there was always another thing that used to creep me out, would you like to know?''

''I suppose, just to kill some time''

''Ok, now while were walkin' their I wish to tell you of the basement of this house, it's very big, it's like the size of this damn house, in the center, dead center of this house is a bunch of religious stuff, like pictures on the walls, posters on the ceiling, statues beside the wall, and every where else either empty, or entirely full of junk that we should have gotten rid of''

''Where are we going anyway?''

''The biggest room in this house, other then the basement and the attic''

''House? don't you mean mansion''

They were now on the second floor continuing up the stairs to the third floor, Sekhai knew where they were going, the room that covered the six rooms the floor did not have. As they have reached the third floor though Sekhai took notice to how odd the floor was, the hall's were more like catwalks of ivory and marble which were in between the wall and the staircase, thus you could look down to see the first floor. Then they led to the actual hallways, but in front of them appeared to be the room Azrain wanted to show him, the husky opened the door and instantly Sekhai noticed the gargantuan sized room.

It was a massive ball room that was perfectly symmetrical, Sekhai did not understand what creeped Azrain out about the room so much.

''I don't see what's so bad about this place, or do you see ghosts or something?'' Sekhai asked.

''I don't believe in ghosts, just look up though, and tell me what do the frames holding the ceiling up look like''

Sekhai looked up, the frames came down and are apparently were the pillars as well, but Sekhai began to notice what Azrain spoke of, just a mere coincidence though...the frames were shaped like a pentagram.

''Probably just a coincidence''

''I used to say that my self, Lyon was the one that pointed that out to me though, what really is creepy though is that, this room is the center of this mansion, and guess what else is?''

''The part of the basement with all the religious stuff?''

''Yes, I never liked the basement, I never knew where the lights were, and well...we never got them repaired...so it was like wandering into pitch black, and also this is the room where Lyon was found, mom thinks he committed suicide because he couldn't stand the guilt from manipulating his younger brother, she really hated Lyon''

''And what do you think''

''He was murdered, when we saw his body death metal echoed throughout the room, yet he listened to only punk, and besides, she always thought just because I was younger, I was a lot younger, even though me and Lyon were 8 minutes apart. Also whoever said he was the one that started it, It was me that asked to even sleep with him''

''Where was your father?''

''In the lobby, we noticed him first before Lyon...that was the worse night of my life''


''It's none of your fault, now should we head to the next room''

Sekhai was slightly dazed, he knew Azrain was depressed suddenly just remembering this room, it was wise just to shut up and follow. they traveled after clearing the entire third floor and half of the second floor, they reached a Certain room.

''This is moms bedroom'' Azrain opened the door, as soon as they entered though he seemed to be searching for something, eventually the Husky found what he was looking for, a key. Sekhai really couldn't see why a key was so important at the moment.

They walked through numerous rooms and skipped one, then went down stairs and cleared that as well, when Sekhai expected the odd tour to end Azrain asked him a question.

''Do you want to see the last room?''

''I suppose''

They walked back to the second floor, it was all to obvious they were going to the room he skipped earlier.

''We never bothered changing this room'' Azrain began to try and unlock the door, after the slight struggle he finally got the irritating door open.

Sekhai saw a bedroom, that just like Azrains was noticeably bigger compared to Sekhais, except it had stacks of cd's and posters of bands, not a single one with a female though. Sekhai was fully aware who's room it was, it felt a bit awkward in being in the same room that once belonged to someone that once lived, and was now dead.

''I'm sure you know who's room this is''

''Yeah...so it really never was changed?''


''He sure must've liked music'' Sekhai gazed at the large library of Cd's and dvd's''

''Yes, but he was fussy, he is what you would call ''Punk'' ''

Sekhai noticed the picture of a Husky, his appearance was very different from Azrains, Lyon had more black fur then Azrain, and spiky hair that went down slightly in the front. his eyes were green and he appeared to be wearing black and red. Sekhai was haunted by the thoughts that the person he was staring at was alive not long ago...the question was how long?

''When did he die anyway?''

''two years ago, when I was fifteen''

Sekhai was slightly surprised, he always thought him and Azrain were the same age, yet the Husky was a year older. Sekhai wondered if Oklain is eighteen or nineteen.

''What age is Oklain anyway?''

''Same as me, he's younger though by a three months''

Sekhai was surprised, Oklain was tall and seemed so...perhaps...old, yet he was the youngest out of Him, Azrain, and Lyon.

''The only question is what now?''

''Well amazingly that actually took an hour, you think we can see Lexiharin now?'' Azrain asked.

''You seem more enthusiastic to see him then I am, how come?''

''Because you'll be more lively and happier if he's awake''

''Yeah but thats slightly what I'm worried about, if he wakes up what happens with me and you?''

''We're just friends, remember? maybe you should worry about me only after worrying about Lexiharin waking up''

''Okay, well...yeah I guess we should go and see him, his parents should be kinder in times like these, when they're son is dying. Something like being straight or Gay shouldn't matter...should it?''

''Back in a time it mattered enough to get you death penalty'' Azrain sighed.

Sekhai began to walk towards the door.

''Um mind if we get a taxi this time? I really am not used to walking a half an hour and back''


Azrain called a taxi and while waiting he checked around for some beer and drank some, his excuse was taxis are so damn slow by the time it gets there Azrain will have entirely finished. It would seem though Azrain was wrong, as the taxi made it when there was a quarter full left of the bottles contents.

The taxi was a lot more convenient then walking, or even running, because in almost no time, to Sekhai's time getting there anyway, they were at Lexiharins house. Sekhai knocked on the door and Lexiharins parents as expected let him in as usual without a hello, hi, or basically any form of greeting and just walked back to the living room. Meanwhile Sekhai and Azrain walked to upstairs towards Lexiharins room.

As Sekhai opened the door and took notice that Lexiharin was still unconscious, Sekhai sighed was he ever going to wake up?

''Sekhai?'' Sekhai just looked down thinking, he didn't really know how to reply to Azrain, but then realized it wasn't Azrain that spoke, he quickly set his eyes on Lexiharin excitedly.

''L-Lex?'' Sekhai stuttered, he hoped it wasn't his imagination.

''Do you know what it is today?'' Lexiharin asked as his eyes were still closed.

''The third of July...you were in a coma for a very long time, I was very worried because Oklain didn't think you were going to make it''

''No wonder why Oklain didn't think I was going to make it, I think he's the one that did this to me in the first place''


''Yes, I saw him exit the limousine that rammed me''

Sekhai quickly remembered how close Oklain resembled his father.

''Well did you know Oklains real name is actually Oklain ll, and that his father looks almost the same as him''

''So he actually is related to the one that murdered your parents then...''

''Yes, so do you still think Oklain did it? cause I don't recall him having a limousine''

''Okay then...I can't move that well and I believe I can sense Azrain is here too''

''That's right, only one that isn't here is Oklain''

'' I Never knew I was so popular'' Lexiharin said sarcastically.

''What was it like being unconscious for so long anyway?'' Sekhai asked curiously.

''Could've been better if it was during school instead of summer, only problem is that I keep on falling asleep 5 seconds after I wake up''

''So it's hard to stay up?''

''I can't even open my eyes''

''I hope you get better soon''

''I do to, half the time I don't know if I'm dreaming or awake''

''Than how do you know your awake now?''

''Cause I know your scent and Azrains''

''What am I like?''

''Husky? what else''

''Ok whats Oklain like, alcohol?''

''He has a peculiar scent, like a fox and a wolf in the snow''

''Really? I've never actually noticed''

''Probably because all the alcohol being apparent numbs your sense of smell, It doesn't numb mine because I rely on my sense of smell a lot more since I'm blind''



''Oklains the opposite almost, he lost his sense of smell and he is slightly deaf, yet his vision is exceptionally well''

''What's it like to be perfect?''

''Um I don't quite understand''

''What's it like to see very well?''

''I can't exactly explain it, why not just get glasses?''

''They don't help''

''Wait you mean your entirely blind? how do you drive then?''

''smell and hearing, remember?''

''Oh right''

Lexiharin didn't respond and he just remained still, must've fallen asleep again....

''Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow'' Azrain said.

''I'm just happy that he's alive''

''I think we should just leave and let him rest''

''Okay...'' Sekhai agreed reluctantly.

''So to the Fox wolf?''

''Technically that's Lexiharin, he actually is part wolf part fox, sense his father is a wolf and his mother is a fox, Lexiharin just said Oklain had the scent of a fox and a wolf''

''You think he could actually be wolf - fox to?''

''Well they have so much supernaturally in common I don't see why not''

''Um Sekhai you wouldn't mind if we took a cab again...would you?''

''I guess not'' As Sekhai began to walk down the stairs he got out his cell phone and called a taxi to pick them up.


''It's all right, your just lazy''

''Guess I can't argue with you there''

''That taxi is going to take awhile isn't it...''

''Don't they always take awhile Sekhai?''

''Yeah...Um I was wondering, that book you gave me last night, Mein Kompf..is Oklain really a Neo Nazi?''

''I was wondering when you were going to ask me that, well did you ever notice how he calls you ''Ocelot'' at times instead of by name?''

''Yes, because he finds me annoying''

''Wrong, he used to call me Husky all the time, it's because some of his beliefs actually did revolve around Nazism''

''So he thinks we deserve to be gassed alive?''

''Not exactly, he just considers wolves superior, when he calls you by your species not your name he's implying he's dominant''

''So you used to be friends with a wolf that always insulted you and considered you primitive?''

''Well he usually didn't insult me, but you could tell he considered him self a lot more important''

''How could someone be so smart yet so stupid to be blinded by there own ego''

''Try growing up with a father thats a Neo Nazi, in a family tree of dedicated Nazi's, Oklain once told me himself that his great great grandfather was a part of the Waffen SS''

''Yeah I suppose after generations of teaching each other such things it would kind of sink into there minds...''

''Sometimes I actually worry, I often times wonder whether Oklain is a good person or not''

''I feel the same way, except I wonder if he should be trusted or not, and do you think he is a good person?''

''Well Oklain was always loyal, and he was nice, by the way I said nice, not cheerful''

''He was actually nice once?''

''Well yeah, I'm sure he still is, it's just that he doesn't seem to be it, and I suppose one of his finest qualities is that he is very honest''

''Hey I noticed that to, I once asked him if he was related to the one that killed my parents, he restrained and was silent a few seconds, but in the end he answered'' suddenly the taxi pulled up, together Sekhai and Azrain entered the taxi as it began to head towards Oklains house, the price came up to an intimidating amount of 25$ and Azrain gladly paid, but it made more sense the Husky paid considering his family was rich.

Finally they reached Oklains house, now all that remained was the question whether Oklain was going to be miserable or his usual slightly less miserable self.

Azrain knocked the door.

Oklain opened the door and was instantly bombarded with Azrains usual cheerful attitude.

''Hello Oklain!''

''Your more cheerful today ain't ya'?'' Oklain seemed amused, and slightly more kind then usual.

''Well I suppose there is a reason to be, Lexiharin is out of the coma!''

''That's wonderful'' Oklain didn't seem to really care because he didn't sound all that intrigued.

Oklain walked inside the house first as usual and sighed.

''Had no rum, whisky, vodka, or even tequila for 3 days, I think I'm going to lose it''

''So thats why you didn't drink anything while me and Sekhai were there last night, but why are you quiting so suddenly?''

''A few reasons...one of them being I am immune to alcohol's effects, so there is no reason in drinking it any more, and Amber wants me to quit, so I my swell''

''Yeah there's also benefits to''

''Azrain your almost as predictable as the Ocelot''

Sekhai wasn't to amused at Oklain throwing ''the Ocelot'' when Sekhai was right there.

''And what makes me predictable?''

''Tell me what one of these ''benefits'' are that your thinking of''

''Getting laid, what else'' Azrain replied.

''I knew that's what you were thinking, so the Fox is awake?''

''Yes, it's just that he keeps falling asleep'' Sekhai replied.

''Well that German injection I told you of, it shouldn't work like that, you can't wake up from it, and if you can, then you'll pretty much fall back in it soon''

Oklain wasn't exactly the most comforting, practically saying that Lexiharin got out of one coma and just fell into another.

''You don't sound very worried about Lexiharin''

''I don't wish to sound cruel but I'm more worried then I should be''

''What do you mean by that?''

''Oklain really hates Foxes, I once had one that was a friend and yet suddenly one day he just disappeared, and Oklain said it was my fault he died, I shouldn't have be friended a Fox, he even caused a scar on my right paw because of it''

''A scar?''

''You mean you really never actually took notice to that bandage I have on my right paw at all times?''

''I never actually see it, you were always carrying a bottle of some sort''

''I was really that bad?''

''Well, you sure liked your rum, you drank it a lot more then anything else''

''You mind showing us the scar?'' Azrain butted in the conversation.

''Afraid I'd rather not, either way whatever sympathy I give Lexiharin, he's lucky I give him that much''

''So you hate him?''

''Why would I hate him, I don't even know him much, I would advise he stops coming here though, Oklain sees him coming to my house he'll probably skin Lexiharin alive''

''You still call your father Oklain?'' Azrain sighed.

''I wish he wasn't my father''

''If he wasn't your father don't you think you wouldn't have been born?''

''Everyone knows that, I was practically an accident''

''For an ''accident'' he seems to treat you well enough, doesn't he?''

''Only because I turned out to be a wolf, he always said my mother was a hooker, which was a Fox but what I think really happened was that he raped her''

''Well...I suppose thats quite horrible''

''Yeah, my mother was a rape victim and my father is a rapist, and I can hate him as much as I want, I don't care how much we have in common, or how good he tries to treat me, or how much regret, I hate him and he knows it, and I'm fine that way''

''Are you sure it was rape?''

''Yes, because he hates Foxes, or have you forgotten? and he is obviously psychotic''

''How much people did he kill?''

''Psychotic doesn't mean you like killing stuff, it means you like power over people, and he is obssessed with it...and what better power over someone other then humiliating them?''

''Um what would happen if your a Fox?''

''He'd probably kill me so there wasn't any records he was related to one, I have a few Fox traits, it's just hard to see''

''Fox traits like?''

''You know, I really hate comparing my self to Foxes right?''

''So you do hate Foxes then''

''Took you that long to figure out?''

''But then you hate Lexiharin''

''No, I actually find him more tolerable then this ocelot here''

''Oklain..this always worried me, so I'll just ask it, Ever sense we were 12 I wanted to ask this, Do you think what the Nazi's did were right''

''A lot better then my father, they weren't allowed to rape as decreed by Hitler, and I can admit they were delusional, but I won't say what they did was bad, when you think of what crusaders did back in a time, or even how close the Soviets were to us in ww2, I think what the Nazi's did is alright, just we got the raw half cause everyone know of it thanks to T.V, if T.V was invented back in the crusades we'd definitely say they were worse''

Azrain seemed like he was going to ask another question but very quickly Oklain continued.

''I suppose you should know this; Ocelots are nothing but crossbreed Feline Foxes, and a Husky is nothing but a dog that looks like a Wolf, I suppose ethnic cleansing should be arranged if there are so much half breeds roaming this planet. Maybe the first Husky was just a Canine being defiled by a Wolf, and a Ocelot a complete freak of nature which should be kept in obscurity. I dreamed of killing people, I dreamed of memories, Maybe I really did kill Lyon, you can't make a perfect race if everyone sleeps with there brothers and lacks the capabilities like producing a heir''

Azrain seemed stunned and just stood silent, but suddenly in a pissed off fury punched Oklain across the face and the wolf just stood there, as small as the act was, Sekhai was actually intimidated by Oklain, The Wolf probably didn't feel anything, not even regret.

''So your actually happy he is dead? we were your friends for 8 years and none of it mattered to you all because were Huskies, not Wolves? all because-''

''Your wasting my time, Obviously I don't care, you myswell save your self the trouble and just leave''

Azrain stormed out and as expected Sekhai followed.

''At least me and him won't be the ones going to hell Oklain'' Sekhai slammed the door.

It was all to clear that Azrain was depressed, Sekhai ran up to him

''He actually meant what he said too, he used to be accepting of me being gay and everything...I can't see why it all matters now'' Azrain replied as Sekhai finally caught up

''WellI bet he didn't always think of you that way, maybe he is going through a hard time and needs someone to blame his problems on...none of it's your fault though, and even I think he was an asshole back there. Maybe he really did change like you said he did, and not for the better either''

''Thanks I guess...he's becoming more and more like his father, it's kind of ironic, and maybe he just snapped, he does have a lot of problems after all'' Azrain stuttered massively

''Azrain are you crying?''.

''Trying not to, I once actually had a crush on him, I always liked Lyon but I knew it was wrong to love a brother in the way that I did, and I always thought he was straight. So I tried to be straight my self, that failed miserably though and well, you really shouldn't be someone your not...at first I didn't see Oklain was an option, I didn't want to use him to cover up my feelings for Lyon. But in the end if I ever had a problem it was either him or Lyon that I talked to, Lyon would often times listen, but he never had advice, Oklain though always had some sort of suggestion...I told him I actually loved him, he didn't seem to mind, but he told me straight forward we were just friends.'' Azrain suddenly sighed and added.

''Do you think he killed Lyon?''

''Oklain isn't even capable of lying or taking care of him self, you really think he could kill someone? especially a friend?''

''I suppose....he doesn't listen to death metal anyway''

''What does he listen to?''

''Right now nothing,I don't even know what he does any more, it's like all he does is wait for visiters, like us, then when he see's us he either spreads his misery''

''It is sad isn't it, he is almost the cause for anything that's bad, he's like the plague''

''You noticed that to Sekhai?''

''Yes'' Suddenly Azrain stopped at Sekhais house.

''Over stayed my welcome?''

''No, Just that I'm sure your mothers worried''

''Oh she's never home anyway, she works to hard, and I can see your depressed, and not just because of Oklain''


''Be honest, your not entirely happy Lexiharin is awake are you''

''Well...I..am a bit worried...I feel selfish for thinking like that though''

''Well don't, I'm still here for you''

''And what about Lexiharin? now your suddenly leaving him behind because you know me''

''Actually I'm confused as hell, I feel like I'm betraying Lexiharin because I'm seeing you, and then I keep remembering he might not even think of me the same as I think of him''

''Stop kidding your self, you were his only friend, and why did you befriend him anyway, I expected him to be the type of person you would overlook''

''Well I guess it was more of pity I became his friend, he wasn't popular just like Oklain, and well... I guess I wanted too know him better''

''I'm sure we both know you cannot have both Me and Lexiharin, even I think you should pick the Fox over me''

''And why is that?''

''Face it, you knew him longer then me and you have known each other, we only knew each other during the June, and just like Oklain I have problems''

''I don't care if you slept with your brother, I don't see you as some desperate Husky that'll use anyone for sex, I've never known anyone nicer then you, people just manipulated it all the time''

''That's nice to hear, except Oklain him self would say things like that''

''Forget Oklain, a few days he'll be begging for forgiveness, and I'm sure that'll make up for what he said to you''

''I hope your right...''

''And also forget about Lexiharin'' Azrain was instantly surprised by what Sekhai said.

''He's awake so we don't need to worry about him anymore''

''Your as bad as I am, I can tell you regret what you said already''

''Yeah...I really don't wish to pick between you two''

''Just pick Lexi, last thing he should here is that you abandoned him as soon as he finally wakes up''

''In that sense I do feel a bit of an asshole...''

''Good, at least I don't have to feel guilty for ruining a relationship''

''If it's alright I wish to come over tonight, to comfort each other, You had a hard day and I had a hell of a confusing week''

''I suppose Sekhai'' They began walking towards Azrains mansion.


Azrain decided to finally change the conversation.

''So your mother...whats her job anyway? she works insanely long hours''

''A therapist''

''Wow, is she Dr.Heler''


''Oklain must hate you, she is the one that used to give him therapy during his time in the nut house''

''Wow, Oklain sure likes seeing my mothers doesn't he?''

''Yes, maybe you can ask her what he was like, you know to see if he always snapped like that or just recently''

''Makes sense I suppose''

''Of course it does''

''Um you wouldn't mind getting a taxi again would you?''

''I'll even pay this time'' Sekhai answered.

''Your trying to spoil me, wait do you even have a job? cause every day so far you never went to work''

Sekhai dialed for a cab then tucked the cellphone away.

''Yes I do have a job, well sort of anyway, I work during Fall, Winter, and Spring, Summer though I usually don't work, I just spend some of the money I saved from working in Spring''

''Does Lexiharin have a job?''

''Not really, he often would say he'd rather work on his own ambitions instead of getting a lower pay to accomplish someone elses''

''Basically he is a lazy ass''

''Yeah, I guess you can say that''

''How did he get the motorcycle then...''

''Oh that's his fathers, he used to be in the U.S army, the motorcycle was one which a German officer owned, I guess his father got lucky and shot him then took it afterwards''

The taxi arrived and they entered the vehicle, at a short 5 minute drive there destination was reached, Azrains mansion.

The Husky paid the driver and then hurried inside, Sekhai on the other hand just walked.

''So any idea what now?''

''Well that ball room had a few instruments...''

''You actually want to try and play something?''

''Well we don't have to, it's your house''

''Mansion Sekhai'' Azrain added.

''I guess whatever works''

''I guess we can goto the Ball room, seriously though don't break anything''

''Okay'' Sekhai answered as they headed towards the ball room.

After climbing the numerous stairs they finally came across the massive room as Azrain opened the door, Sekhai walked closer to the instruments.

''Oklain me and Lyon, and sometimes even Amber would often come up here, and play them, once Oklain was drunk and broke the electric guitar...he paid me back though and my parents never really found out, I got another instrument before they got back''

''He was an alcoholic even back then?''

''Of course, it was Lyon that got him into it in the first place, I admit Lyon wasn't the greatest example, but he had his moments''

Sekhai looked at the instruments.

''Can you play any of them well?''

''Guitar, Bass, and bass guitar, why not try one of them''

''What if I pull an Oklain and break one of them''

''Oklain was drunk when he did it, I doubt you are capable of doing that while your not into alcohol much''

Sekhai looked at the electric guitars, he even saw a double neck guitar as he gazed at them.

''Everyone seems to always look at the electric guitars first...''

''Hey...after Oklain was sent to the institution did Amber still come here?''

''Yes actually she did, and every time Amber did come she always asked me where Oklain was, I would say I don't know, because I really didn't know what happened to Oklain, I was upset that he never told me...I guess I thought my life was going to hell back then. Lyon and my Father dying, and Oklain my only other friend that I spoke to of my problems was in between white walls''

''Why didn't he tell you?''

''I was with Oklain when Lyon died, yet he still thought he killed Lyon, I can't believe he said what he did though, 'Maybe I really did kill Lyon' I mean how can he even say that, Lyon was his friend to...''

''Maybe Oklain really is insane, sometimes smart people just are, just look at Hitler''

''I'm not sure if he was smart or if he was lucky my self''

''Well I used to think that Hitler was a moronic wolf, but Lexiharin actually was convincing that Hitler was smart''

''Either way, I think next time you see your mother, if you ever do that is, ask her a few questions of Oklain? hopefully she can determine if Oklain is insane..or if there is something else...''

''Something else? He just said your species deserves to die and that he probably did kill your brother, you really think it's fair for him to say all those things to you just because he is having a problem?''

''Well I often don't mind remarks like that, but you know, Oklain said it that's what disturbs me...and also I don't mean Something else could be bothering me, I literally mean there could be something else''

''This complex conspiracy?'' Sekhai mocked.

''No, but Oklain often would plan things...sometimes Oklains father would give him an errand, one time it was to smash up a car, I didn't approve of it but Oklain said he had to or else his father would probably use something to compromise Oklain anyway, when he smashed up the car he didn't just run out with a crowbar, he actually made a plan''

''A crappy lure I bet''

''No, he'd actually spread fear in people, Oklain as much as he hated his father took those errands seriously, I never knew why though, but any errand that came up Oklain got it done, this car smashing....I was actually surprised my self, I tried to talk him out of it. I even said I would report him to the cops, he just responded by saying ''These are criminals and they have more money then I ever will, which is ironic considering Oklains father is a mob boss, he seems to always try and seperate him self from his father''

''I suppose, if I never knew his father was really Oklain and Oklain we knew was really Oklain ll then I wouldn't ever notice Oklain was loaded with money''

''Your not making any sense''

''Okay, if I never knew Oklains father was really his father, then I probably would never know Oklain him self was some what rich''

''Thank you''

''No problem'' Sekhai replied.

Suddenly Sekhai randomely tried to use the guitar, he played horrendously, That was expected, but when Sekhai finished him self Azrain finally started. To Sekhais surprise what Azrain played on the bass was depressing and slow, opposite of what Sekhai expected from the often hyperactive Husky. They continued playing around for two hours taking turns playing there instruments *Azrain didn't like numerous instruments playing at once unless everyone was skilled* and finally they came to a stop.

''I'm going to get some beer'' Azrain began to walk down stairs, Sekhai made a small debate in his mind and quickly decided to follow Azrain.

''Wow Sekhai your a good example of irony'' Azrain stated suddenly.

''How is that?''

''I used to consider my self clingy until you''

''Am I annoying?''

''Not really, just saying that your clingy, I am my self remember?''

Sekhai quickly remembered how Azrain would answer the door before he even knocked.

''True...your more clingy though''

In truth Sekhai was following Azrain so much today only because he was depressed, the Husky was happied in conversation and in his actions, but it was clear he was depressed as he kept bringing memories up of Oklain, even more then he usually did.

''I don't know how Oklain ever met Amber, she wasn't clingy and never threw her self at him, and Oklain him self is shy...I don't know how they met''

Azrain grabbed some of the liquor.

''How much do you drink anyway?''

''Oh nothing compared to Oklain that's for sure''

Sekhai could see it coming now, another speech of Oklain...

''I usually only drink on weekends, but considering it's summer and my parents aren't here I'm making the best out of it''

''How long are they gone anyway?''

Azrain paced around, it slightly reminded Sekhai of Lexiharin, often times he would walk around randomely, even when they weren't talking he would walk around. At first Sekhai found it odd but he was quick to accept it, Lexiharin would often just reply with ''It's healthy'' but Sekhai doubted that was the real answer.

''2 weeks, awesome huh, just imagine I have this mansion all to my self'' Sekhai quickly noticed just how artificial Azrain's up beat personality was, right when he said that. Sekhai knew Azrain wasn't actually content having a mansion all to him self.

''You get scared huh?'' Sekhai asked Azrain.

''Well...yes my brother died here after all, I always hated the basement, I actually think someone lived down there too''

''How is that? afraid of a big bad monster'' Sekhai teased.

''No worse, monsters aren't real, but there was the possibility of a serial killer being in there''

''Some proof?''

''Well I know I sound a bit crazy, but once I went down there because my parents wanted me to organize some boxes, I went deeper to check for a specific box because I thought it was moved, I could hear things shifting through the basement, I thought it was Lyon and said for him to stop, I felt a paw touch my ass and swore out loud, I thought it was Lyon and I was preparing to yell at him. In the end though my mother heard me and asked what happened, I asked where Lyon was and she said he was taking a shower''

''A bit bizzare''

''Fully aware, I locked the basement door and slammed the windows shut around it, I hated that basement''

''Any ideas what the paw could've been?''

''Not really...'' Azrain appeared tipsy after a few beers, cheap drunk was what Sekhai thought to him self.

''You aren't drunk are you?''

''Not really Seki'' The Husky still retained his fluent speaking skills, but when he tried to stand up he couldn't walk the finest, he actually couldn't walk at all anymore almost. Sekhai shouldered the Husky to his bedroom, and stripped him self of his own clothing, excluding the boxers. Sekhai decided that drunk or not Azrain probably would prefer to sleep in his boxer breifs as he did the other nights and decided to do the same for him this night as well.

Sekhai tucked Azrain in *Sekhai was going to sleep on top of the blankets on his side* and as he was about to get up Azrain pulled on his arm.

''Yes Azrain?''

''Um you wouldn't mind going under the covers would you?''

''I guess not'' Sekhai got under the covers and was instantly hugged by Azrain.

''I'll admit I went a bit far with the alcohol...well for my standards anyway, I noticed you never drank much here, do you drink at home?''

''I sometimes swipe some, I usually feel guilty in the end though''

''Your worst experience?''

''Whisky, took to much and it hurt like a bitch going down''

''Yeah, Oklain likes Whisky him self, but he prefers rum a lot because of how sweet it is, I just like Beer, Tequila and sometimes Rum''

''Are you sure your not drunk?''

''Yes, I haven't forgotten of todays events thats why''

''Don't worry, I'll ask my mother the-''

''No...I guess I really can't hide it, I'm worried about Lexiharin more at the moment''

''Worried about him, or worried about him me and you?''

''About him actually, him and Oklain have many things in common, I think Oklain might actually hate Lexiharin''

''Well he said he hated Foxes didn't he?''

''Yes, if Oklain really did snap I think he'll blame things on Lexiharin, sense they have so much in common, sorta like...um...''

''Just don't worry about those things, I try not to''

''You actually know him,I don't know how you keep your self so calm all the time''

''I don't know how you stay happy all the time'' Sekhai replied.


''Azrain, I never know if your happy or if your just faking it, how do I know if I'm really talking to you and your happy or if it's all fake''

''Well I...''

''Azrain can you promise to be more honest of your feelings? I've been honest with you, I don't want you to be one of those people that always smile and yet the next day your headline news because you committed suicide''

''I'll never commit suicide Sekhai, why would I?''

''I don't know, but can you keep that promise?''

Azrain held Sekhai's paw.

''I'll be honest..just don't see me as another person please''

''Thanks, and I won't, but I can imagine you see Oklain as someone else don't you?''

''He's worse than his father, I think he'll lose everything''

''Why doesn't he just forgive his father, you forgave Oklain for many things haven't you?

''Yes, many, even him not telling me about him going to the nut house, I actually thought he died''

''Did he ever tell you why he hates his father so much?''

''Not really''

Silence ensued, but was quickly disrupted by Azrain suddenly kissing Sekhai.

Sekhais heart began to race, he never was kissed by another male before, not even by Lexiharin, the experience was entirely new to him. Sekhai looked at Azrain slightly puzzled by his outburst.

''Being honest with how I feel'' Azrain smiled as Sekhai was still embracing him.

''Don't worry, I know, but what makes you like me?''

''Cause your cute, always shifting position, always curious, and I just like to be around you, even if we never did do much yet, but we cannot help that''

Sekhai closed his eyes and began to feel sleepy.

''Sekhai...can I kiss you one last time?''

''Of course I don't see why not, it's just a kiss after-'' The rest of Sekhais sentence was unfinished as Azrain kissed Sekhai even more, unlike last time though it was muzzle to muzzle as they enjoyed the taste of each other. Sekhai was slightly nervous receiving a kiss, especially from another male, but he had no guilt as he enjoyed caressing Azrain. As they continued to greedily interlock muzzles, Sekhai held Azrain even closer and felt his member form against Azrains own, they finally broke the kiss and Sekhai fell asleep on top of Azrain, with his erection still noticible.

''I love you Sekhai...'' Sekhai knew how Azrain felt, but he never heard how Azrain felt, for he was already asleep by the time Azrain whispered in his ear. Azrain felt guilty, wasn't he stealing Sekhai from Lexiharin...but then again nothing ever happaned between them yet. Then Azrain was confronted with worry if Lexiharin had Sekhai, either way he was damned. Azrain petted Sekhais head a few times then fell asleep, at least he took his mind off Oklain.


lApartment 648l

Oklain sighed as he emptied the contents of every liquor, he was draining every single liquor bottle, except for one of rum.

He was aware what he said to Azrain, it was entirely intended, Oklains father hated Huskies and Foxes, the last thing Oklain needed was them in an imminent crossfire, thus he had to get rid of Azrain one way or another, hopefully his plan will succeed and he can explain why he said what he had.

Oklain knew his plan was most chances going to work, it was rather simplistic, but the only problem was that no one would die, other then Oklains father of course...that part seemed impossible though. What made the plan simple was that it revolved around Sekhai, Oklain wasn't worried of the Ocelot catching on, because Oklain him self knew he would always be a step ahead, Making an Ocelot run through a maze full of dead ends, full of deception.

Oklain recalled how him and Amber were mocking villains, and ironically it appeared he would be portrayed as a villain wouldn't he, manipulating an Ocelot all for one thing, aw well, it's either Oklain manipulates Sekhai, or his father does. Oklain had to face it, he had a trump card that his father didn't have, Luxir.