Found on The Farm

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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#8 of D.E.B.O.R.A.H.

(The following is a work of fiction loosely based on certain ideas. D.E.B.O.R.A.H./Deborah, B.R.H.A.D. Moriarty, and Dr. Borden are fictional characters with no basis on any actual fur or human living or dead. The name Moriarty is originally copyright to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This story contains violence)

Doctor Borden sat at the diner's counter, looking at the daily paper as he worked to finish the last of his breakfast. He had decided to stay in town while he worked on the tests. It ended up making him need to rent a car, but it was a pretty quiet and peaceful town.

The bull set the paper down a moment, rubbing his eyes before continuing on his meal. Even if he did not go out to check on Deborah on an almost daily basis, the tests he was running would tell him the same thing he was noticing every time he went out there. The dragon traits were becoming stronger. If this did keep up, she would become completely dragon like. So far, he had no possible way of stopping it, much less reversing the process to turn her back into her original form. Such was the danger of messing with magical beings.

The bovine doctor finished his breakfast and moved to get up. As he walked toward the door, someone moved behind him, staying close. Something in the male cow's back tensed as his personal space was invaded. Before he could do anything more though, there was a sharp metallic point pressing into his back.

"Just keep walking Doctor Borden," a voice growled, giving a small push to dig the blade point into the flesh of the Doctor's back. The bull did as he was told, opening the door as the two of them walked out the door. He tried to turn and look back at the individual behind him, but the attempt caused the blade to poke against the flesh beneath the fur and shirt more.

As he walked, Doctor Borden's mind worked quickly to think it through. He was at a disadvantage since the knife was so close. Whoever it was had known his name, so it must be someone who was sent from the facility. As such, that would mean that they knew Deborah was nearby. He had to figure out a way to get free and warn them. It was a knife. Maybe he could make a run. The point could only be used as far as the holder could reach. If he could move fast enough he could get out of reach and make a run for it.

Before he could actually try anything, one paw reached and grabbed the collar of his shirt. The other pulled back then pushed forward hard. The tip of the knife cut the fabric before piercing into the soft flesh, sinking in to the handle The blade sank in right next to the spine, then was twisted. The attacker then pulled sideways, cutting through the skin and even one of the kidneys as well as a few other organs as it slashed along before coming out. As soon as the knife was out, the attacker started to run, fleeing from the bull as quickly as he could.

Doctor Borden fell forward onto his stomach, laying on the sidewalk. He could feel the blood flowing out of the opening, the warm thick fluid pouring from the wound. It seemed as though all the warmth was coming out with the blood, his limbs starting to feel cold. His eyes started to glass over as the edges of his sight started to get darker. Something told him he was actually dying. He felt he should be scared, that he was not ready. The strange thing was, there was no fear. He felt at peace, calm and relaxed.

There was the sound of someone screaming, it must have meant that he was seen laying in the parking lot. There were feet as various individuals ran toward him. Someone pressed against he wound, trying to stem the bleeding. Was there time? Could he still be saved? It would be nice to see how this all would end after all. The sight of others around him turned blurry before going black. The last thought that lingered in his mind for a moment was what would happen to Miss Aurell if he never went back to work.

The facility had decided to make their move today. Doctor Borden had now been taken care of, and now it was time to try and capture the escaped D.E.B.O.R.A.H. Mark One to bring it back to where it belongs. The SUVs turned onto the dirt road and drove up to the driveway of the farm.

The sound of the engines drew Desert's attention, especially since it did not sound like the car Doctor Borden's and no one else ever came out to where they were. He walked over to the window and looked out at the two large vehicles stopping. His back tensed slightly as he let out a low growl. He looked around for the rifle that was there, then grab some ammunition. He put the shell into the chamber while the rest went into his pocket.

The canine headed back to the window, crouching down in front of it and looking out. There were four figures standing there, one of which was holding a chain attached some sort of feral dog that looked to be the size of a horse while another held a rifle. The four of them were looking off away from the house toward one of the fields.

The mutt moved back to lift the gun then stopped a moment. Something else looked different. He had to stare outside a long moment, and could not figure out what it was. He let out a sigh as he moved the window open slightly, not realizing that the problem bothering him was the large hoof prints in the dirt and grass of the yard.

Desert took a deep breath as he put the gun into position, leaning down to aim. He tried to relax, to remember what he had been told. The weapon shifted slightly as he shook, trying to focus on his target. He tried to steady himself a little more as he began to squeeze the trigger.

The hammer struck the shell, firing the bullet with a loud crack as the gunpowder exploded. The canine hit his target for the most part, the shot hitting the one with the rifle. It was nothing fatal, but the injury was serious, shattering part of the collarbone while tearing up a large amount of flesh and causing him to start bleeding. The wound should be bad enough to keep the rifleman himself from using the gun.

There was a moment where the four were frozen in surprise as one of them was suddenly wounded. The mutt figured he was wrong, and had time for another shot, but not if he wanted to get out of the farmhouse before they came in. He walked across the house, ejecting the shell from the chamber and putting a fresh one in place. He hit the safety, not wanting to shoot himself as he headed toward the windows.

Deborah jumped where she stood in the barn at the sound of gunfire. Her wings twitched behind her and tail twitched to kick up a small cloud of dirt. It had sounded like it came from the direction of the house, where her friend was. She started for the door. She pulled it open, then froze at the large silhouette standing there before her.

"So," a deep rumbling male voice said, "You are the Draconically Enhanced Bovine Ovine Recombinant Altered Hybrid Mark One." The figure stepped forward, coming into the barn and letting himself be seen fully.

The male stood a full head taller then the female, looking mostly like a bull much as she had used to look mostly like a cow. He had two sets of horns, the ram's growing directly on top of his head as the bull's grew out the side, giving him a heavily demonic look. His body was thickly muscled, covered in a thick layer of wool. The exception was across his shoulders and down along his chest and stomach. There was a line of scales leading down to his crotch, which showed he was male and in fact quite dominant on the bull features. There were no signs of wings yet, though his hands did have the start of talons. Draconic features were starting to appear, but had not yet developed as far as they had on the female hybrid.

"Wh..Who are you?" Deborah asked nervously as she stepped back away from him. Her cream colored scales glistened in the light that came in, having replaced all her wool. She moved her arms to cover her breasts, feeling nervous and uncomfortable around this male. Something told her he was not someone she could trust.

"Me?" He replied with a smirk, "I'm known as B.R.H.A.D. prototype. Bull Ram Hybrid Augmented Draconically." He moved forward working to get closer to her as she kept moving back. "I was sent so we could finally meet and I could bring you home." He grinned more, licking his lips. One large arm reached out, grabbing the barn door and slamming it shut.

Desert had gotten out of the house and was running through the field toward the barn. He finally stopped, laying down in the grass and turning to face back. He rolled onto his stomach as he laid there, need to stop a moment to turn the safety off. He did not have the gun so well he could push it without looking. His experience with firearms were limited after all.

The canine aimed back the way he had come, the tall green grass hiding most of his body. This was probably stupid, but might as well try. He held still, tail against his legs as he waited. When he saw the three other unit members and the large dog coming along, He moved to aim better, and squeezed again.

The shot missed the target, not hitting any of the soldier-like facility workers. It was not a complete waste though. The bullet struck the large bio-gene hound, causing it yelp as it fell from the impact. The sound was also enough to stop the three, throwing themselves to lay down in the grass and keep from getting hit.

Desert swore to himself as he hit the large dog instead, but moved to start running again. He continued toward the barn, moving as fast as he could with the rifle, slung over his shoulder or not. A part of him was starting to wish he had shot firearms more often while growing up.

Inside the barn, B.R.H.A.D. had continued to walk toward Deborah, causing her to move back against the wall. She pulled tight, wanting to try and pull away more. Her head turned and legs pulled tight together as the male body started to press against her.

"You need to return to the facility, D.E.B.O.R.A.H." He said almost into her ear, "They want you to come back. We are very expensive projects and the fact is we are made for each other." He reached down to grip her thigh, giving a squeeze. "You need to come back, with me D.E.B.O.R.A.H. Come with me so I can claim you, show you the pleasure of sex for the first time, and have the first naturally born hybrid offspring.

Outside, Desert had reached the barn. He looked back to check and see how far the others were. He then reached out and grabbed an old rope, gripping firmly and giving a pull to see if it will support him. He moved to grab the coarse textured length between his toes, using it for more support as he worked to climb up to the hay loft. He was glad the rifle had a sling or he would have had to drop it.

The canine let out a growl as he feels the muscles in his arms get tense with the effort of trying to pull him up. He gripped the rope with his legs as best he could, working to crawl up to the opening. He climbed in, pulling the length up into the hayloft behind him. His head tilted curiously, the flopping ears perking at the sound of Deborah laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?!" the B.R.H.A.D. unit bellowed at the laughing female before him. He snorted through his nose, the flesh of his face turning red beneath the wool and scales as the rage rapidly started to build up.

Deborah's laughter slowed a moment as she looked at him a moment, then started again, just as loud as she could once more. She moved to push him aside, having caught him off guard. She continued to laugh as she stepped away and walked around him.

"You?" she snickered, "And me? You don't find that funny?" She shook her head, "And come on. Do you really think I'm still a virgin? I mean I've been on the run for a while now and across several states after being cooped up in a place where I got no one to talk to or hang out with for the most part." She grins and points, starting to laugh again. "I bet you don't even know how to use that thing. Probably end up having your orgasm all over my thighs before you even-"

She was cut off with a massive bull roar, the hybrid male punching a fist into the side of the barn. The wood gave away under the mass and speed, splintering apart on impact.

"You insubordinate BITCH!" he bellowed, glaring at her, "You dare to give yourself to some inferior creature when you were made for me? Then you have the GALL to make fun of ME?!" He let out a snarl as he started toward her. "I DON'T have to take you back ALIVE if you're too difficult. We do have orders to kill you and return the body if it comes to it."

The conversation was stopped for a moment at the sound of a gunshot from the hayloft echoing through the barn, causing them both to turn and look at the portion that neither could really fit under, Deborah catching sight of her friend up there. A small smile passed on her lips at the sight of her canine friend, standing at the loft window with a rifle in hand.

Desert had not wanted to shoot at the moment. He was enjoying listening to Deborah taunt the male and apparently really get his goat so to speak. It also would have been better if he could keep whoever she was talking to from knowing he was here. When he was heading toward the barn, it was because he thought only she would be here so he could warn her and the two could do something before the facility members reached them.

It had reached the point where they were in range though. There were still three of them and they were fast approaching, though they no longer had the large hound with them. He rapidly loaded the chamber once more. The shaking had gotten worse as his nerves were getting the better of him, but he was able to squeeze the trigger all the same.

The shot hit one of the soldiers in the chest, causing him to fall backwards with the impact and hit the ground. He grabbed at the spot and rolled onto is side, clearly showing he was still alive. The wound was nothing serious, he would bleed some, but survive. Luckily the burning sting of the shot would be enough to slow him down for a bit. Hopefully, they were not so adamant that they would continue to fight while injured.

The sight of her friend gave Deborah a burst of additional confidence. She used the moment of distraction to lower herself and run forward. She tackled into B.R.H.A.D. with all her might, forcing her broad thick shoulder into his abdominal muscles while slamming him backwards against one of the wooden walls, causing it to crack and splinter.

The hybrid male grunted out in surprise as he was slammed into, the impact knocking all the air from his lungs and leaving him stunned for a moment. Before he could react, his head was snapped upwards as the thick sheep horns slammed into the underside of his jaw. The impact slammed his head into the wood, the large cow horns piercing the wood to get him stuck for a moment. As he reached up toward his head, a large knee moved forward, shoving between his large legs to slam into his genitals.

B.R.H.A.D. bellowed out in pain and rage. He pulled his head hard, his neck joints cracking loudly as the wood shattered when his horns pulled free. The hybrid male reached down, grabbing the female around the waist. He lifted her up with a grunt of effort then threw her against the other side of the shed.

Deborah cried out as she slammed into the planks. The impact hit her wings, causing them to hurt, but luckily the limbs had kept her spine safe from the hit. She fell to the floor with a grunt, laying there a moment stunned. Her head turned to look at the male as she started to push her way back up, then she looked up higher to see the canine in the hayloft.

Desert rapidly reloaded the rifle, really starting to wish it was not a single-action. He moved to the edge, trying to aim at the large hybrid male below him. The canine muscles twitched some as he got frustrated a moment, not seeming to be able to get a good angle.

So instead he jumped. The canine lunged off the edge of the hayloft, aiming for the back of the large hybrid male. The foot paws hit the back between the shoulders, throwing them both off balance. The rifle barrel was brought under the head of the large male and held tightly as the smaller male pressed against the broad back. The dull canine claws in her feet pressed into the small of the back, digging into the flesh. The mutt pulled tight, growling as he held on as best he could.

B.R.H.A.D. grunted out as he felt the pressure to his throat, cutting down the air he could take. One large hand reached up under his neck, trying to get a hold of the rifle. Unfortunately his hands and fingers were too large to get a good grip on the weapon. The other reached back, trying to get a grip on the smaller male on his back. The canine was lean and less then half the hybrid's size. It was difficult for B.R.H.A.D. to get a grip of Desert though.

The canine continued to squirm, keeping out of the reach as best he could and keeping an eye on the large arm reaching for him. The feet kicked at the back, digging furrows into the wool covered flesh around the hips and tail. Each minor wound started to ooze small bits of blood, turning the white wool red and pink. The mutt suddenly gave a small push up and lunged his head forward, biting down on one of the large ears.

Deborah pushed up more, listening to the aggressive large male bellow out in pain again, while struggling to even get a grip on the six foot canine on his back, much less not having any luck to pull him off. She felt a smile at the sight, then stopped at the sound of the barn door opening again.

The two still active facility soldiers opened the door, stopping at the sight of the battle in front of them. One took the tranquilizer rifle and moved to aim at the struggling pair to neutralize the canine. Before he could finish aiming, the two were struck by an arm each, slamming against their collarbones and throats. The pair fell backwards, hitting the floor as they were hit by a clothesline.

Deborah pushed herself back up from where she landed on the two, watching them as she brought herself up to her full twelve foot height. One of her legs pulled back as far as it could then swing, kicking her thick heavy hoof into the ribs. The figure rolled from the impact, several ribs cracking loudly as they were broken. The two laid there, alive but not moving as she turned away to look back inside.

The two males were still struggling with each other, the canine still clinging to the hybrid's back. The large hands continued to reach back, trying to get a grip on the mutt and pull him off. B.R.H.A.D.'s lower back was a bloody mess from the constant scratching of the canine feet, causing numerous small furrows into the skin and through the wool. One ear had a portion torn out from where the mutt had bitten.

The large hybrid finally managed to get a grip of Desert, giving a hard tug. The gun fell to the floor as it slipped from the paws, letting the pressure off the throat. B.R.H.A.D. pulled Desert around to look at him a moment, the canine dangling in the air slightly as the warm air blasted from the large bovine nostril. The mutt was then tossed, arcing in the air a moment before hitting the wall and bouncing to the floor.

As B.R.H.A.D. stepped toward the downed mutt, Deborah ran toward the hybrid male, slamming her horns into the back between the shoulder blades. She then swung one fist, punching hard into the small of the back just above the tail. There was the sound of vertebrae popping as the hard fist slammed into the bloody flesh of the hybrid male's back.

The large male stumbled forward, but managed to keep himself standing upright. He turned to face Deborah, eyes narrowing to slits and fists tightening. He through one punch, managing to hit the hybrid female on the jaw.

Deborah's head snapped to the side from impact, the large body stumbling to the side she had been pointed toward. Everything went blurry for her a moment, seeming to look more like there were twice as many things that would be seen if they were not simply shapeless masses of color. She swung out with a fist, trying to strike back.

The blow was wild, going wide and hitting nothing as well as throwing the hybrid female off balance further. The large mixed male grinned at the swing as he saw how problematic it was. He took a step closer and grabbed her arm around the wrist. He threw a punch with the other, hitting the back of her elbow. The joint cracked loudly as it was forced to bend the opposite way of how it was supposed to, causing Deborah to cry out as white hot pain flowed through her arm.

"I'm going to BREAK you," B.R.H.A.D. growled out as he moved closer, "I'm going to use you for my pleasure, filling you with my seed then take your unconscious body back." He grinned wickedly, licking his lips, "Once there, I'm going to have my way with you night after night, making sure to fill you with my offspr-OW!"

The statement was cut off in a cry of pain. The canine had crawled over toward the two and had bitten the male hybrid. His body was tense as he sank his teeth into the back of the leg, piercing the skin and starting to bite through the Achilles' tendon. He bit down hard, holding on as tightly as he could. One paw squeezed more, digging his claws into the calf muscle.

"Let go," the hybrid male growled, shaking his leg to try and get the canine off. He kicked with the leg, feeling the pain get worse as the muscle shifted and the weight of the canine caused his teeth to tug against the injury he created with his jaws. B.R.H.A.D. tried to turn to get a kick the mutt, but just could not move enough to get a good angle since most of the small form was behind him. Finally the large hoof pulled up then went straight down, pressing against the mutt's knee and the top of the leg joint.

Desert closed his eyes and growled, biting down as hard as he could to keep from crying out in pain. It hurt badly, as though it was close to breaking. He had to hold on though, had to stop the larger male from killing Deborah or taking her back to the facility.

"You are a persistent pain," B.R.H.A.D. said with irritation, "You know, you're not needed alive. As far as the facility is concerned, you're expendable." He moved to grind the hoof down more, feeling the pain in his own leg getting worse. The hoof pulled up and slammed down onto the canine's thigh, finally causing the teeth let go of the leg as the dog cried out in pain.

The hybrid male grinned as his leg was released. He then reached down to grab the canine by the neck, lifting him up. The large hands moved to grip the neck and started to squeeze at the throat. A large grin spread across the bovine muzzle as he cut off the air from the mutt's throat.

Desert gripped at the fist, digging his dull claws into the flesh of the elbow. He tried to move and get air as his vision started to blur. He kicked more, trying to get some thing that would hurt, that would cause the grip to let go.

There was a loud boom of gunfire echoing through the barn. The grip tightened a moment before relaxing. The large body went limp falling to the floor and landing on top of the canine. Desert gasped out, taking a deep breath and filling his lungs. He pushed at the large form, wiggling out to get free.

Deborah stood there, panting heavily and eyes wide. The rifle was in her hand, the trigger guard now missing. It was still being held in firing position, the last wisps of smoke coming from the end of the barrel

B.R.H.A.D. laid there, no longer breathing Blood seeped from the back of his head where the bullet had penetrated the back of the skull. His body continued to twitch slightly as the muscles spasm, no longer getting any kind of orders from the damaged brain.

"How did you become such a good shot?" Desert asked as he turned to look from the remnants up to Deborah.

"I... I don't know," she responded in a dull emotionless tone as she was in shock, "I saw you were in danger, so I grabbed the gun. I tried to shoot, but the piece of metal was in the way. Somehow I pulled it out, then tried again. Next thing I know, the gun jumps slightly, there's a bang, and he fell down on top of you." She dropped the gun and walked over to him.

Desert looked at her a moment then reached out and hugged her. He then slowly pulled back to take her arm and lead her outside. Hopefully getting her away from the body and out into the fresh air would do some good.

Deborah slowed down as she stepped outside, but kept walking out into the field with her friend. She closed her eyes, taking a long deep breath to fill her nostrils and lungs with the smell of grass and wild flowers. Her head tilted back, enjoying the sunlight against her skin. She started to feel better.

"We can't stay here any more Desert," Deborah finally said sadly, "The facility knows that we're here. They're going to come after us again. And we killed B.R.H.A.D. which is something that is going to get them mad. So... what are we going to do now?" She turned to look at him. Her large brown eyes looked at the canine with sadness and curiosity.

Before he could say anything, the sound of police sirens came down from the dirt road and heading up toward the farm house. The sound continued, one large pick up driving out into the field and heading toward them. It seemed as though someone had decided to call the county sheriff's department.