Freebies Vol. 53: Ravetigers (RayOElGatubelo)

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#19 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

George thinks he's going to get a quick round in with a hot drunk chick. Turns out, there's more to Russian raver Khristina than meets the eye...

From Freebies: Vol. 53: Musicality Edition!


Khristina twirled on the dance floor, laughing as she spun, long red hair flying in all directions. She twisted and jumped to the heavy, bassy beat in the dark of the nightclub, illuminated only in the neon green and blue flashes of raver jewelry. The heavily intoxicated dancer spilled more of her drink than she was able to swallow - drops of cola and vodka stained the front of her blue dress and white blouse.

Khristina, oblivious by this point to practically everything but having a good time, barely noticed when she was joined in the center of the dance floor - until she saw the handsome man's attractive Italian features. Without a second thought, she leaned into him, draping her arms around his neck and letting him support her as they ground together, no words necessary. She grinned at him, eyes burning.

George Tarantello grinned right back. He kept his hands tight on this attractive girl, not even letting go to ensure his carefully slicked hair was still in place. Her fingers dug into his white suit jacket and she kept stepping on his fine leather loafers, but he didn't care - this girl was hot, horny, and drunk, a combination the swarthy Italian American couldn't resist, especially after having struck out so many other times in the past few hours.

Khristina, for her part, had no idea of the time or who she was dancing with - just that he was handsome, well-built, and had his hands squarely on her ass. She grinned at him again, but the smile froze him in mid-step.

Blinking, George looked again. Had her teeth seemed extra sharp? Just a trick of the flashing strobes, probably. She was a crazy looking girl, but filing your teeth wasn't part of the rave scene, he thought. He was unfamiliar with the music and club. All he cared about were the girls.

They did dress funny, though. This one's dress was almost like something from a renaissance fair and she had realistic-looking tiger ears on her head. George thought he'd seen something like that on YouTube - it was popular in Japan or something. She probably liked all the animes.

George slipped his hands lower, suggestively squeezing the jiggling woman closer. Her hips ground into his and he grunted as her thigh pressed against his crotch. Her mouth came closer and he stared into her eyes, entranced by the deep black vertical pupils within. Contact lenses? They gave her a foreign look, like something was not quite right, but also made her more exotic. George was entranced by her as much as she was entranced by the music.

Khristina felt the guy's cock getting hard inside his fine white slacks. She grinned, the need rising up inside her, overwhelming even her desire to keep moving to the music. She flicked her ears and curled her toes, laughing as she pulled his head down to her neck. Her tail whipped back behind her, long and striped in black and orange. She clutched at his shoulders as his mouth slipped across her smooth white skin, down towards her firm, perky breasts, passing across the large neon rings she wore as necklaces. Her desire grew and grew, gradually turning into a mixture of lust and the red-hot ferocity of a huntress.

George grunted when her thigh slid between his legs again, more aggressive than he expected. She was all over him! And she tasted so good as he licked up her neck. And the noises she made! He could almost swear he heard her purring when his hand reached up and roughly grasped her right breast, squeezing the firm melon through her dress. She pushed even closer against him, breathing hard, obviously enjoying the attention.

When she grabbed his wrist and jerked him through the crowd, George had to struggle to keep up. She dragged him stumbling behind to the women's restroom. He tried to stop her, but she ignored him and roughly hauled him in after her.

Several women were at the bathroom counter, but they were too busy snorting suspicious white powder to notice the woman and man barging into the far stall. George hadn't even got the door locked properly before Khristina was on him again, pushing him back and slipping her lips against his.

"Mmm... hold on, babe," George gasped, pushing her away. "What's your name, first?"

"Dah... I em Khristina," she said, one hand reaching down, down, down. George moaned. "And vat eez your name, handsome?"

"I'm Ge-ha!-orge!"

"And eez thees leetle Georgie I em skveezing?"

"Oh, God, yeah..."

Khristina pushed forward. The stall was pretty dark, but George could swear her eyes were yellow now, not the deep blue they'd been before. Or at least, part yellow. He was getting confused, hot, warm... his clothing felt tight. Mostly that was the arousal. Her hand was on his cock, rubbing through his slacks, and her mouth tasted so sweet...

She pushed her tongue into George's mouth, still pushing up against him. George reached down and groped at her ass through her dress; she squeezed his dick harder in response. Her hair tickled at his face as they kissed, long and hard, until George felt something sliding up his leg.

He broke the kiss and looked down to see a large cat's tail wrapped around his knee. Striped in black and orange, with a faint white tip, it squeezed tighter as Khristina's hands pulled his jacket down, exposing the $150 white button-up underneath.

"Whoa... what the fuck?" George said, trying and failing to push her back.

"Mmm... eet is nozink," Khristina said, a growl underscoring her voice. "Take off your clothes..."

George gaped at her as she spoke. A layer of fine white fur had sprouted across her chest and spread over her shoulders, disappearing under the dress. Ears he assumed to be fakes were twitching and rotating constantly on top of her head and her lips were getting dark, blacker than the red lipstick she wore on them. Her nose flattened, getting broad and extending outwards. Whiskers popped free of her skin above her lips as orange fur came in on the top half of her face, completing the feline look.

"What... what the... holy hell..."

George gaped, astounded at what he was seeing. Khristina, for her part, ignored her changes as she tore off his shirt, sending buttons flying.

"Mmm... big man... ve have fun now, dah?"

George's hand reached for the stall door's slide-lock, but the woman - no, tiger's - hand grabbed his wrist and pushed his palm across her chest. She ground against him as she pulled his shirt down around his shoulders, exposing his chest. Sharp teeth nibbled on his skin and George groaned, his erection straining despite his incredulity.

"What are you?" he moaned, shivering as a rough, sandpaper-like tongue slid across one of his nipples and down over his belly.

"Told you," she mumbled. "I em Khristina."

She lifted her head and grinned at him. At least, George assumed it was a grin - a very feline grin. Her muzzle dropped open and she licked her lips, green eyes blazing. She lifted her paw and flexed her fingers; five razor sharp claws sparkled in the dark. George flinched as she dragged them down his chest, leaving five tiny red scratches from his chest to his belly. The claws snagged his $300 white-leather belt and sheared it in half, doing the same to his even more expensive pants. A moment later, George felt a velvety soft paw slide around his cock.

He leaned forward, unable to help himself.

"Oh, fuck it," he gasped. "Someone must've dropped something in my drink and I don't give a crap."

George spun around, pinning Khristina to the side of the stall. She cooed at him as he ripped at her dress, yanking it down to expose her chest. Leaning down, he planted his lips around one of her fat, pert nipples. Squeezing it between his lips, he flinched again as her claws slid down his backside. His hands grabbed at her dress, pulling it down further. He wondered at the feel of her body, so smooth and firm, soft fur under his fingers. She moved against him, sinuous and relaxed, tense at the same time. Her belly pushed against his cock and he groaned around her nipple as his maleness rubbed through a patch of warm, thick white fur.

"Oh my God..."

"Yes! Take me!" Khristina cried.

George groaned and grabbed her by the back of her thighs, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his hips, squeezing him so hard he had to gasp for breath. Her sharp teeth nipped at his lips and cheeks as he leaned forward, staring at her drastically changed face, now that of a bestial tiger. Her tail slid up his leg, caressed his balls, as her claws dug into his shoulders.

"Now! Now!" she cried, impatient.

He didn't disobey. He lurched forward, pushing into her warm folds. She yowled like a cat in heat and sunk her claws into his shoulders. George stiffened and pinned her to the wall, unable to move as she ground down on him, insides clutching and squeezing at his erection. Her tongue bathed his cheek as she bounced up and down. The raver jewelry around her neck hit his chin and nose, but he didn't notice.

Hips moved slow at first, finding their rhythm. With Khristina's natural feline ability, they were soon humping like mad beasts - which, coincidentally, one of them was. The weretiger was insatiable as they pushed together against the stall wall, making enough noise to attract all sorts of attention were it not nearly as loud inside the bathroom as it was outside. The coked-up women at the counter didn't even turn around.

George grunted and, still holding her rump with one hand, reached up to grab at her breasts with the other. A strange feeling grew from the pit of his belly, separate from but similar to the pleasure he felt in his loins. As he groped at her chest, he snarled.

That gave him pause for a moment. George was a sophisticated kind of guy. He didn't snarl. Yet he couldn't help the movement of his upper lip as he pumped his hips firmly into the moaning, lithe feline huntress straddling him. She growled right back, eyes wide, teeth bared.

"Yes! Dah!"

More swiftly yet George thrust. He stared, amazed, as his hand changed. His fingers seemed blunted and short without fingernails, but he quickly discovered the claws within. Popping them free felt strange and wonderful and Khristina didn't seem to mind as he raked them down her belly, teasing the skin beneath her protective pelt.

Something lashed behind George and twined around Khristina's tail. With a start, he realized it was his own tail, a protrusion of his tailbone. His cock surged inside her, harder than it ever had been before, plowing through her warmth and wetness, filling her as best he could. She grunted, moaned, and purred at him, bouncing on him, encouraging him on. George growled, eager and close, as fur grew around his temples, spread towards his face, and covered his rapidly growing nose. Their muzzles met this time, not their mouths, as they traded kisses and licks. George's balls swung heavily, now covered in a fine layer of white fur.

The newly formed tiger was different than Khristina. Where she had typical tiger colors, George was white, with grayish stripes across his sides, back, arms, and legs, as well as a few over his forehead and cheeks. His muzzle was larger and wider than Khristina's and his body more muscular. He gripped her more tightly and lowered her to the ground. She stepped onto the floor, dress still hanging around her thighs, and turned around to face the stall door.

George's cock hung in mid-air, fat and thick, dripping clear pre-cum. He stared hungrily at the lithe tigress's backside before reaching out, encircling her with his arms. He pushed in again, easily taking her, filling her anew from a different angle. She moaned into the warm metal door and pushed back as his furry palms groped at her breasts.

George grunted, seizing up as an orgasm exploded from within his loins. He curled his toes, claws shredding his hand-made Italian shoes, turning the leather into a bunch of strips. Thick white seed dripped down the insides of Khristina's thighs as he filled her and then some. She moaned again, experiencing a warm thrill of an orgasm of her own, then another and another. Her body shook in his grasp as his thrusts resumed, his cock as hard as ever.

A few minutes later, with the stall door nearly rattling off its hinges, George the weretiger came again. Khristina yowled and moaned, head back, backside arched, both breasts engulfed by the male's large paws. She shuddered at the warmth he lent her and wrapped her tail around his hips. Her legs wobbled, weak with the strain of supporting herself against his rough onslaught. There was no stopping him, though, as he kept going for round three.

By the time they finished round six, both felines were exhausted. George leaned against Khristina's backside heavily, lazily licking the edges of her ears as they relaxed.

"Thought weretigers were just a myth," he mumbled.

"Not so mythical," Khristina purred. "You like it, dah?"

"Oh, yeah," George growled, paws rubbing down the front of her smooth white-furred belly. "And once I get you back to my place I'll show you exactly how much I like it..."

"First we get some vodka. And I show you how to change beck. It eez not good to walk around like so," Khristina murmured, even as the male's erection throbbed inside her.

"All the vodka you want, babe..."

Khristina yawned and licked her lips. Being queen of the jungle was good.