The down-full of something pure!

Story by mrmad on SoFurry

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unicorns and there use for humans

The down-full of something pure!

The unicorns had being long watching over the many woods and forests that were scattered about but as man kind was growing the unicorns watched and cried at the damage they were doing so began the down-full of two of the herds most loved members they went in such of the fabled black book and the powers it would give to control the pest that was humankind....

It took fire-wind and her mate many years to find but at last coming to understand the way they could holt humanity and use them for even greater power and sexual desires as there soul would be and will be locked within each of them and as the black book say bonding a spirit to there own being would open the gate way.....

After many day studying the book and the dark rites held with in fire-wind cunt leaked its juices upon the ground the thought of have a human in her control and being apart of her drove her over the edge as she called flame-dancer to mate her for need was now overwhelming At the thought of a human become that of her deepest realm of her ovaries, the womb, and her birthing canal to a vagina, the winking lips of an equine like vulva...

As flame-dancer came to services his love and feel the great desire she had and even now it had infected him as well as dreaming of a human being his mighty tool that now plunged deeply in to his love from flair to acing balls and the promise of power and a ever growing lust....

As he rested upon her back as his glans flared and his ball started to pump out the rich cream

As in lust he cam and cam again as her juices flow like a waterfall around his shaft as her walls milked him.....

Many hours later they went in such of there human prey and it was decide that she would get all the man and he would take the woman as it would be more fun that way but first they need just one human each to start the rite and these two would be all ways a part of them trapped for ever as there virile vital parts.....

As the day grow old they watched a couple walk alone together along this lonely path were to the unicorns did not care it would be easy prey and they lusted after it as in there loins tingled and cried out for there soon to be new resident to take up its soon to be rightful place and to have them taste every thing that flowed and leaked out was beyond any desire they could of had ...

But the way humanity was destroying the world had drove the pair to seek retribution

And so the downfall was here as they longed out in front of the couple but instead of running they looked at what was myth and in doing so they looked in to deep crystal like eyes known wide and rimed with white as the unicorn started the first part to the dark ritual

And with there prey now under there control slip of the worn track back in to the woods......

As the four of them enter into the deeper reaches of the old wood the unicorns lead the human couple to the place were the rite is to be held as each sing as the dark magic flows around them as the humans stand behind there predator the unicorns turn and run there horn over the there bodies slicing off there cloths and start ritual marking of there prey as the horns drew blood the human cry out in pain but unable to move as the moon reach's its highest point they turn jaws agape and rush to consume them as head neck slips in as thick black muzzle slip around the necks as tongues lass and taste the humans face

As more and more of the humans are forced though as the belies slide in they lift there head and propel the last of the human down into there stomach once made for grass and over such brows but now burning with a fire to strip the soul and mind and then to bind it to the virile vital as enjoyed part of deepest realm of her ovaries, the womb, and her birthing canal to a vagina, the winking lips of an equine like vulva, this was him in his form and life....

As there mind blink out but returned with strange feeling and an almost strange taste for they could not see and breathing not for they were there as just that an organ to sex crazed unicorn

They heard the unicorn mind laughing out loud as they tasted this new form of pleaser as the unicorns ravelled in the power and began the never ending torment as both flame-dance and her mate in turn stretched out there hind legs stallion dropping his enchanted tool and the mare rising her tail up and to the side as both began to pee and as for the ex-human they tasted it as was the fate the unicorns hear screams and cry's stood there enjoying it