Love Since Forgotten

Story by MadamGorey on SoFurry

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This is a short story my friend, PoesRaven, commissioned me to write for her after she had a little difficulty finding someone that would portray her original characters accurately.

I really enjoyed writing it. I simply adore how sweet and loving they are to each other even though they haven't seen each other in so many years. :)

The October night provided chill and a peculiar sensation that was just as thick as the enveloping darkness. On this street, only one home had a light on and inside this grey two-story farmhouse, there was a very tall man leaning against the island table in the white themed kitchen. His deep, warm auburn hair was tied back in a small pony tail which rested over a thick black mane on his neck. He had barely drunk any of his jasmine tea and was staring in the amber depths, although his eyes were not seeing much of anything. His mind was being weighed down by sorrow filled thoughts. His younger sister, now in her teen years, seemed to want very little to do with him. She had gone over to a friend's house for a Halloween party earlier that day; Kezhon assumed that Ravenna preferred to hang out with them than to spend time getting to know him now that he was finally home. He could always talk to his psychologist, Dr. O'Leary, about such troubles as this; however, he feared being judged by a near stranger.

Expelling a shallow sigh, Kezhon picked up his cup and shuffled his paws against the linoleum and onto the wooden floor of the living room. Seating himself on the couch, he sipped the sweet, warm liquid yet barely tasted it as his honey eyes rolled to watch the pendulum of the grandfather clock slowly swing from side to side. Kezhon was no longer plagued by his lonely thoughts now and had entered a dreamlike state. As time passed, the cup as well as the contents it held, became cool. A strange rustling from behind Kezhon awoke him; in one rapid jerk like motion, he turned his torso and neck to see what or who was there. Listening intently, his mind beginning to whirl with terrible scenarios, he felt his body stiffen as the air of foreboding overcame him and he was hesitant to investigate. Then, a powerful gust of wind forcibly shook the house as it resonated a high-pitched shriek that transformed into a low wail before dying away. Realizing now that it had just been a tree's branches scraping against the side of the house, his muscles relaxed. Raising the cup to his lips, Kezhon swallowed the now cold and utterly bland drink. His face twisted in disgust as he let out a displeased cough. Frowning at his tea, he then began to admire the tea leaves and slowly rocked the cup to and fro, compelling them to partake in a dance that neither one of them knew the correct steps to. As they continued, they soon found their footing and gracefully performed the ballet over the pale marble floor just for Kezhon as his mind hummed their music. Smiling now, he decided it would be best he get to bed. With a glance to the towering clock, he was surprised that it was not much later in the night, finding out that it was only a quarter till ten.

Yawning as he made his way back into the kitchen, he threw away the tea leaves and washed the cup meticulously before returning it to the tan, varnished cupboard. Just before he turned to leave, he noticed the icing coated sugar cookie he had put out for himself to enjoy, but had forgotten. Picking it up, he took a bite, and flicked the light switch before ascending the stairs and counting each step in his head as he went to make sure he did not skip one and have a fall. When he reached the beginning of the hallway he could now clearly hear that the rain was pelting the house at an intense rate. Not needing the aid of the wall, he found his bedroom just diagonal from the stairs. Upon entering he flipped the light switch on and instantly he caught sight of his plump Siamese kitten curled up on his pillows. The sudden brightness disturbed her and she lifted her head to look at him with squinting eyes. Kezhon uttered a mellow chuckle that abruptly stopped mid way.

"I'm sorry, Nan-Nan." As he walked toward the bed she let out a silent yawn as she stretched, then rolled onto her back and looked up at him purring happily. Smiling down at Naganny, he rubbed her belly before giving her forehead a soft kiss and a gentle stroke down her neck. "Why do you always sleep in daddy's bed? I bought you the nicest kitty bed I could find and you don't even use it." Although he was smiling, knowing that she only did that to express her love in a little way, he shook his head and whispered a slight, "Tsk." Straightening his posture he went over to his dresser and pulled out flannel pajama bottoms and a cotton T-shirt that was not quite a match. With his back turned toward the door, he got undressed by first removing his trousers and underwear. With one leg in his pajama bottoms, he felt as though there were eyes watching him from a secluded area. This caused a succession of shivers to violently whisk down his back, causing his skinny frame to shudder and his skin to prickle. His ears were standing at attention as was his bristled, white tipped tail. Quickly he pulled his pajama bottoms on and scanned the room, anxiously avoiding going too near the windows. Having found nothing suspicious, but still having worry fill his mind; he changed shirts and clasped the clip over his tail to keep his bottoms from falling down. Turning around with his dirty clothes in hand, he noticed his kitten was seated with her tail slowly wagging and attentively watching something across the room.

"What is it, Nan-Nan?" Tossing the clothes in the hamper, he turned to her with a smile. "Get the bug! Get the bug, Nan-Nan!" He mused how cute she was when her eyes got wide as she grew evermore intent to capture her miniscule prey. However, he was startled when her ears suddenly pulled flat against her head and she let out a hostile hiss. The smile had fallen to form a frown as his brows slightly raised, "What is it?" Emitting a fearsome growl, Naganny's puffed out form leaped off the bed and fled from the room.

Kezhon was very worried now, if his kitten felt or even saw something strange in the room, they could very well be in danger. He checked the room again, feeling foolish as he looked under the bed, and then despite the strong urging for him not to do so, he looked outside his window. Just then a flash of lightening revealed that no one was outside. Relieved, he sighed and smiled knowing now that there was nothing to fret about. However, he still could not explain to himself why Naganny had acted that way. An explosive boom of thunder startled him, his shoulders giving a partial shrug as his muscles tightened. Silently he scolded himself for being so on edge and walked over to the right side of his queen sized bed to turn on the lamp before turning off the ceiling light. After returning to the bedside, he pulled back the covers and tucked his paws beneath them to get settled in before removing his circular, lutescent tinted glasses and setting them on the bed stand, then turned the lamp off.

The vigorous boisterousness of the storm was persistent in its aim to keep Kezhon from falling asleep; however, the sky soon became fatigued and the only sound it was able to create was that of the rain drops. This repetitive, soft sound helped lull him to sleep. The covers, having been introduced to his body heat, retained it to keep him comfortable. Yet he began to shiver slightly while he dreamed, because the temperature of the room dropped several degrees just as a circular orb giving off a dim silver glow appeared. A feminine voice faintly called his name, resounding like the gentle flow of a river. The strange apparition began to extend itself to the floor as it widened and took on the shape of a woman.

Saying his name again, this time getting his attention; Kezhon stirred somewhat and squinted at what appeared to be moonlight. His thoughts were slow as he realized that it could not be moonlight for it is so far from his windows and then he recalled that the moon had waned to hide itself for this night. Propping himself up on his right elbow, he rubbed the corners of his eyes with his thumb and index finger, lightly pinching the bridge of his nose, before reaching for his glasses. Putting them on, he could now see that the light was actually a vaporous form of a woman. His jaw slackened as his mouth fell open, his eyes wide and fearful. Surely he must be seeing things! He fumbled with the lamp switch for a few moments before finally illuminating the room, but only for a brief instance and then the light bulb sputtered before suddenly burning out.

Kezhon sat up, his back pressing against the headboard, "Wh-what do you want from me?"

"Don't you recognize me?" The room was evermore frigid than before and it seemed to Kezhon, as the woman's lips parted to release a cheery laugh, that her dulled features were enhancing to the extent that she appeared nearly solid.

"I-I don't..." Crossing his arms over his chest as his body shook to warm itself, he studied her trapezium face, "...Janie?" Saying her name aloud after all these years sounded out of place. This could not be her; this had to be a dream, or else a figment of the imagination.

The corners of her mouth curved upward, spreading her upper lip further apart and making the vertical crease running down from the center of her heart-shaped nose more apparent. "Who else would I be?" Janie sat down on the bed, turning her torso so that she could face him, and raised her hand to stroke his cheek. Although she had extracted much of the atmosphere's energy for her own use, her fingers slipped through the flesh.

He was certainly taken aback by all of this and now that her body had lost most of its transparency, he could see that she was completely nude. "J-Janie..." Despite the frigidness of the room, his body was able to muster enough heat to turn his cheeks pink. Kezhon tried to avoid staring at her breasts and ultimately failed. Clearing his throat, he looked away from her for a few moments before returning his gaze to her face. "...Why are you here? I thought..." His eyes began to burn and he attempted to rid his voice of emotion, but instead when he spoke again his voice cracked. "I thought know...because of me..." His ears swiveled backward and flattened against his head as it lowered, his shoulders slouching with guilt.

Janie's smile shrank and became a sorrowful frown, "No, Kezhon. Of course not," The hurt was evident in her voice. "I was really sick; I was suffering..." Her hand managed to touch his chin and slightly lift his head back up. "I didn't want you to see me like that... But I'm here now."

"Yeah," the word escaped his lips as a sigh would, as he smiled at her. "I really missed you..." Kezhon simply could not find the words to describe how happy he was to see her again and to finally know that she had not ended her life due to him all those years ago. He did want to ask her what sickness she had that was so terrible that it led her to make such an extreme decision; however, he did not want to linger on such a grim subject for all that mattered now was that they are together again.

"I missed you, too," her voice was so tender as she spoke, "I wanted to see you sooner...but each year I visited, you weren't here..."

Feeling nervous about her bare body, he hesitated before finally holding his arms out to embrace her. To his astonishment, they did not fall through her and were able to pull her body closer to his own. Without saying another word, he nuzzled his face against her neck, enjoying the soft tickle of her blonde hair; not noticing that it briefly passed through his cheek. Everything about Janie seemed so delicate as though the slightest touch could cause her to disappear.

Janie backed away and lovingly stared into his eyes as her left hand swiped his hair from his face. "I'm really sorry that I hurt you... I regret not telling you that I was ill... I just couldn't bring myself to... And I wish that I hadn't missed out on so much of my life...graduation...and you..." Hearing her say that, knowing that after a decade she still felt that way about him, caused his heart to throb. Janie leaned in, first gently rubbing her nose against his, then giving his lips a tender kiss. Slowly pulling her head away, she remained close to him and her eyes fluttered as she watched his reaction.

Kezhon was surprised at how warm she felt for he had expected her to be as bitter as the room. He enjoyed feeling her loving kiss once more and smiled as he softly pressed his lips against her thumb; in response she slowly caressed his cheek. Janie mused at how well he aged; he was even more handsome than when they were in high school, and the goatee he had grown suited him so well.

"Kezhon, there is something that I would like to try with you..." Janie's pallid cheeks took on a light pink hue.

He gave her a curious look, having forgotten that she was not wearing anything, still holding her body close to his. "What's that?" The flirtatious yet apprehensive expression on her face explained it well enough. "A-are you sure? I mean...could you...?"

Biting the side of her lower lip as she smiled, she nodded, "I think so." Carefully she pulled the blankets away from Kezhon, then embraced him again, kissing him with more passion than before as her hands slipped under his shirt and rubbed his back before helping him take it off. A thought intruded upon this endearing moment, attempting to occupy his mind with dreadful memories; however, just as sudden as had it occurred it faded away as he noticed a mist surrounding them that appeared to be thickening. Ever more calm now, Kezhon had barely recognized the near seizure upon his wish to be with her and found himself yearning for Janie's kiss in response to their lips' brief departure. Once his shirt was discarded to the floor, he permitted them to meet again, opening his mouth slightly as he delivered short kisses amongst the drawn-out, breathtaking kisses that flared the compelling ardor between them. His fingers brushed slightly through her golden hair, enjoying how smooth and light it felt against his palm.

Janie turned her head to the side, causing Kezhon to kiss her cheek, which she laughed at. She gave his cheek a quick peck before untying and pulling down his pajama bottoms, exposing his sensitive area to the algid air. Cupping his testicles in one hand, giving them a gentle squeeze, as the other slowly stroked upward to his chest and began to lightly play with a nipple; both sent a pleasurable sensation that ran from his spine to his toes while a soft moan escaped his lips in unison with Janie. He gave her a curious look, not understanding why she had done that when he had not attempted to please her yet.

"We're connected; I can feel what you feel." She giggled as she gave him a flirty smirk, "I think I'm doing a good job so far."

"Oh," he smiled back at her, "Yeah, you are." He released another moan as his length steadily became swollen and erect. Kezhon strongly wanted to pleasure her as she was to him, so he began to rub her soft fur, carefully raising his fingers higher and past the labia. He could not help but be surprised at how moist this area was, it was as if she was not a spirit at all. Not wanting to harm her with his uncut claws, he kept his fingers vertical so that the tips barely came into contact with her fragile flesh. As Janie emitted a hushed moan coupled with a contented purr, Kezhon moved his hand so that he could rub the clitoris. At first he moved his thumb up and down as his fingers petted her flaxen fur, but as he began to rub in a circular motion Janie's hips lurched. Taking note of the obvious cue, he continued the rhythm and applied a little more pressure.

Her eyes were lightly shut and her head was arched back, breathing through her mouth in labored pants, she managed to murmur his name, "You're doing...a good job, too." She smiled as Kezhon leaned his head toward her to give her breast a loving kiss. Her fingers slowly drug along his shaft, barely touching it, as she whispered, "Don't you think we should...?" Janie purposely allowed her question to trail off and opened her eyes to look at him as she gave him another flirtatious grin.

Kezhon shivered at her touch, and although he was feeling very nervous about this, he was glad that he was satisfying her as well. Smiling back at her, still uncertain how this would work out, he nodded, "If you're sure..."

"I am," she said this with such certainty in her voice. When she was alive she and Kezhon had wanted to take their relationship to the next level to better express their love for one another, but she could not allow that for she would have passed on the disease. However, now that she was free of that mortal entrapment they could enjoy this joining of two souls.

Following her lead, his hands slipped over her hips and helped lift her form, gingerly easing her down and his length inside her. Uttering a faint yowl as he filled her completely, Janie took control by bobbing up and down, quite slowly at first, then steadily quickened her motions. She noticed Kezhon's nostrils lightly flare as his breathing became labored and gave him a smile as she, too, was panting already. Deciding to make it more fun for him, she began to rock her hips as he instinctively tried to thrust.

Kezhon could hardly feel the chill in the room for Janie's pseudo-body heat kept him contented. Nuzzling against her neck, he nibbled at her shoulder. In response, Janie rubbed her cheek against his as her purring got ever louder and her finger tips kneading his back, taking care as to not release her claws and do him harm. Moaning again, Kezhon gave her neck a sweet lick, then pulled her ear down with his fangs, playing with it for a time.

Janie left three kisses on his neck before taking his chin in her hand and moving his head to face her, pressing her lips hard against his. Separating her lips slightly, as did Kezhon's in response, the feeling of the soft humming poured through his throat. Gently massaging her breast, rubbing the nipple with his thumb, he felt the sensation in his loins grow ever more powerful as it surged throughout his body, tingling so that it seemed his mind was numbed. All at once their bodies shook against each other as they each emitted their gruff roars, which intertwined as they reverberated through the room. Lurching his hips upward, grinding into her cervix, as his body discharged a warmth that gushed inside her. Both of their bodies were exhausted now, Janie effortlessly picked herself off his lap; his penis gently exiting and flopping down to rest. She curled her body toward Kezhon as he scooted his body down so his head could lie on the pillow. Janie put her arm around his stomach as her head nuzzled against his chest.

Janie's voice was so delicate as she spoke, "I love you, Kezhon."

Sleep was already beginning to drag him into a dream yet he was able to hear her and mumbled his response with a slight smirk, "I love you, Janie." His right hand laid on top of her forearm and lightly rubbed it.

Now that Janie's heart and mind were at long last put at ease, her soul could now cross over without any further delay. As she fell asleep, the light surrounding her body began to fade out as did her features before completely disappearing; however, her love for Kezhon remained.