The things he does for love

Story by ArkanumZilong on SoFurry

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Story writen for ForgottenScales( short story contest(

The image used in this story is the prize image for the contest as colored by me(original image:

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Story, Characters and coloring @ Me( ArkanumZilong)

The things he does for love By Arkanum Zilong *knock**knock*

The moment he heard that sound the muscular dragon got up from the bed nervously and bolted for the door; looking trough the magic eye the dragon lets out a breath he did not even realize he was holding and relaxes a bit, opening the door and greeting the black lioness on the other side.

The lioness, whom the dragon had called Alex, noticed that he was nervous and went about assuring him, saying that no one would find out about this... especially his boyfriend.

The dragon Blushed at her words and tried to say something but was stopped as the lioness put a hand on his cheek and whispered for him to be quiet, pushing him lightly into the room with her other hand and, once inside, closing the door with her tail.

Once the door was closed Alex started to unbutton the dragon's shirt with one hand while caressing one of his spiral shaped horns with the other; she whispered again for the dragon to relax, this time referring to him as Ark.

Soon the lioness had finished undressing the dragon; she took some time to admire his body, taking some time to trace his purple markings as they went down from his eyes and split off to each of his limbs, all of which were fully colored purple except for his wings, those only were purple on their inside; there was, however, only one part of his markings that had truly caught her eyes, right above his crotch the markings from each eye came together, branching off from the ones leading to his legs to form what could almost be described as an arrow pointing to his genitals.

Looking at it Alex could not help but get a mischievous smile in her face; she moved up to the dragon and planted a kiss on his cheek, to which Ark meekly protested but was ignored by the lioness, from there moving to trace his markings with her tongue all the way down to the "arrow". When she got there Ark did not even have time to say anything before she had moved on to his genitals, gently licking and sucking at his balls and cock while on her knees.

The dragon tried to say something and just moaned, the lioness actions quickly bringing his member to full size despite his hesitancy. Having successfully aroused Ark, Alex stops her actions, earning a whimper from the dragon as she gets up and starts undressing herself, halfway through the process telling him to go sit on the bed. While he is blushing brighter than ever and has a massive erection Ark stills follows her instruction, sitting on the bed and getting a good view of the lioness as she start to removing her panties, revealing her crotch and tail base to be the only areas of her body other than the tail tuft to be covered in white fur.

When she finishes undressing Ark hastily looks away as she turns and starts coming in his direction; reaching the dragon she sits sideways in his lap, hugging his neck for support as she starts to whisper to him; the lioness tells him that she wants him to take the lead, to use her; but the dragon remains hesitant, saying he is not sure he could do it. Alex answer to the dragon's dilemma is a simple one "If you don't take the lead, and make me really enjoy myself, not only will your family hear of your little secret, but that secret will also hear about us..." Hearing those words makes Ark look at her in horror before closing his for a moment, when he opens then they contain a newfound resolution and he proceeds to give the lioness a deep kiss while starting to lightly fondle her B cup breasts.

After a few minutes of kissing and fondling the dragon gently pushed the lioness away and spoke to her, ordering her to present him with her asshole; she instantly knew what he had planned and laid back onto the dragon's arms while holding to his neck with one of her arms for support, positioning herself so as to do align her asshole with the male's member. Ark gently held the lioness body in his arms as he penetrated her hole, making the Alex curl her tail around his leg and arch her back in pleasure while still holding onto his neck for support.

The dragon then started to pump in and out of the lioness's hole, each trust harder and faster than the other, it does not take long for Alex to be moaning in pleasure as her pussy becomes increasingly wet.

Feeling the lioness fluids leaking onto his cock, Ark pulls Alex back to a sitting position on his lap as he continues to trust, soon reaching his orgasm and firing his seed deep into the kitty at the same time he embraces her in a hug with both his arms and wings, roaring loudly.

Arks orgasm had been too much for Alex and she simultaneously reaches her own, letting her exhausted self slump into the dragon's chest afterwards; they stay like that for a few moments before the dragon surprises the lioness by laying her on her back in the bed and lifting his legs, this time positioning his cock at her pussy.

The confused kitty asks Ark what is he doing and the dragon answers "you told me to make you really enjoy yourself, that's what I'm doing" before plunging his cock into her waiting pussy.

This goes on all night, with ark continuing to show incredible endurance in making that kitty enjoy herself... and she certainly did so many, many times.