A lover in a brother

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Hopefully a decent attempt to a thought out story, all the usual bits, incest, yiff etc but a good bit of character...I hope?

Oh yeah, as usual I appreciate any sort of feedback ta!

"Okay folks, mind your step as the mountains are not to be taken lightly" a handsome Jackal said as he led a troop of mixed furs and humans on an adventure outing. "Whoops there, I told you to be careful now didn't I?" he chuckled when a female feline almost fell on her face; luckily he was there to catch her. "And I thought cats had a good sense of balance, just kidding ma'am" he chuckled, hanging back for anyone else who may struggle.

"Jace, over here" a kangaroo morph shouted next to a fallen tourist, an elderly bear morph that seemed to have a sprained ankle.

Sighing mentally, the Jackal morph named Jace was expecting this in some sense as bears were not the...most graceful of morphs. And in situations such as these they tended to be quite hard to move, even with just a sprained ankle. "Come on Rill, give me a hand" he said with as much warmth as possible in his voice to reassure the stressed bear morph. He was unable to supress a chuckle though at the kangaroo morphs resigned expression as she moved to help the bear on the other side, giving her a playful flick of his long ears.

He was all too aware she had a thing for him, a few did actually as he was indeed handsome, a well-toned, light brown furred chest, the light fur running from the underside of his muzzle to his crotch. The rest of his body was covered in a slightly more dense fur, a darker shade of brown, almost red on his head and ears as well as the tops of his legs with a large, fluffy brown tail tipped nearly white at the end. As suited his line of work as an adventure and outdoors planner he was in a pair of shorts and a shirt that didn't stifle him too much, what with already having fur. It was more to satisfy the human's code of conduct really. He was just thankful they didn't have to wear those pointless shoes they were so adamant about. It was something that was enforced but due to most complaining about the feel of them, was allowed to go bare footed, not that they ever truly were with fur covering their feet and pads to grip as well as any human made footwear.

"It's all very well for you, you have done this for longer than me but I...have only been doing these adventure trips for two months" the Kangaroo morph complained. "I want...a lift after this" she said, giving him a flirtatious wink in between their struggling and panting under the bear's weight.

Jace smiled, his honey gold eyes twinkling with that same playful spark, but truth be told he liked his new assistant as a friend, for some reason, though she was a pretty roo morph, he had a hard time feeling attractions to other girls...how could he when he secretly had feelings for his sister who was still in school?


"Psst Sasha, how is that hunky brother of yours going, has he got a girl yet?" a big busted vixen whispered in class to a slender young female Jackal of around 15.

"No, I'm trying to concentrate" Sasha said under her breath, her eyes scrunched in concentration, trying to finish her test before the bell rang. She was usually teased about her handsome brother and normally made to feel small due to her dependence on him. As was the rest she was in a school uniform that was all a dark shade of green.

"Maybe you could try and get me and him together then hmm?" she said, making some of the other girls giggle near her. "I'm sure he would appreciate a sexy female like me in his life as opposed to a baby-sitting flat chested sister like you" she said innocently, mocking her and her friends laughing quietly.

"Yeah, pity you traded brains for them" she growled, her upper lip curling in a half snarl before the teachers voice snapped at them.

"Girls, would you by chance have something to share with the class at all?" the teacher, a middle aged giraffe morph said to Sasha and the girls.

"No miss" the vixen and her cronies said in unison before whispering dangerously to Sasha "you can be sure that I will pay you back for that remark" she said, making Sasha wince and gulp slightly at the implied threat.

Half an hour later and the school bell rang when the morphs piled out to go home in a gleeful rush, a lynx morph tried to hit on her but she just hurried, wanting to feel safe with her brother again. Sasha wasn't ugly by anyone's standards, quite the opposite she had an appealing figure, offering nice curves in the hip and legs and a pretty angled muzzle with light brown eyes. Her fur colouring was the opposite in been mostly a reddish-brown in colouring with lighter patches of brown dotted in parts of her head, legs and a highlight of light fur on her privates. Her tail was a light brown with the tip ending in a black tip that reminded one of a bushy paint brush. The main difference was her long mane if hair that she had died a light blue colouring, which just gave he a more exotic look to her features.

She knew that bitch vixen was lying about her, she was pretty despite been flat chested sporting only a piddling B-cup at 15, and there was still time to grow right? And her height was already past a good few of the girls but despite that, she didn't look wrong, only made her seem more mature and pretty. She certainly had no shortage of males asking her out, and even one went as far as to suggest having pups with her when they left school, which made him an instant write off.

Paying a quick stop to her locker, she hurriedly undid the padlock and retrieved her stuff before she heard the vixen's voice, causing her to go stiff as a ramrod before bolting for the exit. "Get back here you fucking bitch!" the vixen snarled, one of her friends, a cheetah morph sped on ahead as Sasha burst outside and headed for the bus stop.

Just before the gates though, she was yanked back painfully by her tail, causing her to yelp in surprised pain by the cheetah girl. Sasha struggled and threw the light feline off of her, only to be jumped on then by the vixen, pinning her to the ground with help from her friends. "Who's dumb huh, would you like to repeat that again hmm Sasha?" the vixen said nastily to the Jackal morph.

"Let go of me you bitch!" Sasha growled, earning a slap over her face along with a bit of fur gouged out with the vixens claws.

"Looks like someone needs to know her place it would seem, maybe a new style of fur cut would teach you a lesson?" the vixen said, fetching some scissors from her bag and having the rest of her cronies hold her still.

"Hey! What the hell?" the bullying vixen shouted as she was lifted off her feet, her legs kicking and catching one friend in the muzzle.

"I would thank you for not picking on my sister please" a handsome jackal morph said in a low voice before dropping her back to the ground.

"Why you...I can have you done for assault you jerk!" she snarled before turning and looking to her friends for support, just to see they had all fled once the adult got involved. "I-I'll remember this!" She shouted, running off as fast as possible out the gates.

"Heh, pity her personality isn't as nice as her looks are, Oof!" Jace grunted as his sister flung herself at him in a giant hug, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at him with watery brown eyes.

"Brother, I thought they was going to...I don't know what to do if...oohhhh" she cried aloud in despair as she hugged onto him strongly, burying her face in his chest as she cried into him. Sasha sighed inwardly at her brother's scent, he reminded her of so many different things, of the outdoors, of earthy smells, the scent that she knew she was with someone she could be safe with, she knew he wouldn't abandon her like their parents had done two years ago. And of his rich, masculine male scent that caused stirrings in her breast.

Looking shocked at first, his muzzle broke into a gentle smile as he caressed her head, trailing his furred fingers through the long, blue dyed head fur. "Least it is school holidays after tomorrow so you won't be seeing them for a while at leas, I will let the teachers know of what has happened today so they will leave you alone okay sis?" Jace said with his large tail waving steadily as he felt her relax against him. He dabbed at her eyes with the end of his tail as she pulled away, leaving his chest damp from her salty tears.

"Oh I-I'm sorry brother, here I'll fix that for you" she said as she gathered her tail in her paws. Before he could utter a refusal, Sasha had got to work of drying the little damp spot up before saying "there, all better now" she said, her delicate muzzle breaking into a smile.

Shaking his head at her and still smiling, Jace put an encouraging arm round her shoulders and guided them to his quad bike, been a necessary instrument of his profession he usually rode it everywhere, let's face it 80mph was enough for anyone really. "Come sis, let's get home" Jace said as he handed her a special, custom made helmet for their species. A helmet that had been moulded to the shape of the individual's skull to fit the species and even included holes to fit their ears through.

Climbing on, and after the initial noise that normally startled Sasha on start-up had died down. Wrapping her paws round her big brothers mid-section, they headed out of the school car park and to the open road, his tail billowing past her face like a fluffy scarf. Sighing as they sped down the road at a steady 50mph, feeling the wind in her fur and the constant scent of her brother, Sasha lived for moments like this and wanted things to be like this forever. She normally fantasised they were two lovers, driving away from their problems and nothing to worry them with just their love that blanketed them and the open world.

Their home was down a dirt street, so off-roaders were essential, especially in the rainy days when it became thick mud and got into every part of their fur and bodies. It was one of those areas that were fur living only; humans were of course welcome but were not allowed to purchase a house. Of course humans and furs lived together fine enough, just that some liked to live with their own kind and have their own ways so seeing a morph running around in their fur was not unusual as there was enough coverage of natural fur for the morphs. For those more accustomed to human living, they had much shorter fur and in some of their own people's eyes, just a human in a morphs skin.

Their apartment was just a mid-sized bungalow but had been extended when their parents lived here with an upper box-type second floor. There wasn't much around and the school was a good way from here, but it was peaceful and they could do as they pleased which suited them. "Sasha, come on wake up" Jace said, shaking her gently as she had fallen asleep with her head pillowed against his back.

"Grr, what?" she growled as she woke before shaking her head in confusion, had she really been dreaming that she and her brother...? "No, no way" Sasha said aloud as she took her helmet off and shook her head, sending her fur flying about her face.

"Hmm, is something the matter?" Jace said at her words, a puzzled expression on his face as she seemed to come back to herself.

"Err, n-no, nothing, I'm fine thanks" Sasha said in embarrassment as she recalled the dream; she was coming into heat and needed to get some heat suppressant tablets in before things got awkward.

Shrugging, Jace ruffled her head fur "I know, you are coming into heat, I have had a word with the pharmacy but they will not have any in until Saturday" he said, laughing as she batted his hand away from her head.

"Oh, are you afraid some male will claim me as their own, that another male might knock me up and land me with pups huh?" Sasha said with a playful look in her eyes at him, causing him to blush and twist his head away with a slight flattening of ears.

"No, it's just that..." Jace trailed off as his words died on his tongue, just what? How could he admit he loved her far more then he should, that he wanted to be the one to give her a happy future, he was afraid of her been taken away from him. He simply sighed and turned away before saying "I...just don't want to see you hurt is all" he said, reaching into his shorts pockets and extracting a key which he unlocked the house with a dull 'click' sound.

Stepping over the threshold, Sasha breathed a sigh of relief at the comforting scent and feel of home; long since had the pair chucked any reminder of their parents away and had replaced it with a different variation of furniture. And of course they had a spacious back garden for playing about in and a garage which Jace kept his Quad in, along with a vintage motorcycle and a set of dumbbells and treadmill to help keep him fit and in shape with the line ofwork he was in.

Sighing as her brother busied himself in the kitchen, Sasha drooped her ears and tail as memories came back in flashes of their parents, of how they had broken up in a huge argument two years ago and acted as though the two of them was inconsequential. "Sasha, I bought us a carnivore special for us if that is okay?" Jace started before he caught the sounds of her whines of sadness, his tail and ears drooping.

Walking up to Sasha, he wrapped his arms round her as she pressed into them and whined louder "why...why did mum and dad have to just leave us, it's not fair" Sasha whined out, the fur beneath her eyes dampening with tears as she clung to his fur.

Jace could only stroke her head as she cried out into him, he didn't have the answer, but he felt infinite hatred towards them, and as far as he was concerned, was better off really if that was how little they thought of them. "It is okay Sasha, I am here with you" he said quietly, causing her to lift her head to him, staring into those beautiful, golden eyes of his.

Their hearts seemed to synchronise as they locked eyes, Jace became acutely aware of her subtle shift in scent, the scent was needy, pulling at his heart as he knew they needed each other more than this but...no. Clearing his throat, he said "I...will get the dinner started" he said before turning and heading towards the kitchen, a lump in his chest as he heard her give a small howl of misery before dashing towards her bedroom upstairs.

That evening, Jace ate alone, discarding half of the food in the bin with a stomach that felt too numb to stand food.


The next day, Jace had to call off of work due to not having his head or heart in the right place, a substitute was called in to lead the tourists and he was left to his thoughts at home, clicking through the channels on T.V and just in general stewing over how miserable he felt. "Why the hell do I feel this way to her, it is not right, she is four years beneath me at 15 and is my sister, I am getting far too attached for a brother" Jace growled, digging his short claws into his arms and making them bleed as he shuddered, wanting this feeling to go away. This icy feeling of loneliness, a space only his sister seemed to be able to fill and yet was so wrong. He bared his fangs and flattened his ears as a low howl escaped his muzzle before a buzzing interrupted his mournful thoughts.

Grabbing at his mobile, he hovered a digit over the button to cancel the call, not in the mood to talk when he saw the number. His eyes went wide in alarm as he recognised the number of Sasha's school, "hello?" he said as he picked it up.

"_ Jace, could you come to pick you sister up as soon as possible please? Your sister...your sister has been in a terrible fight and should go to see the doctor as soon as possible" _ the voice of the giraffe teacher came. No sooner was that said when the Jackal morph was belting it down the road at top speed, his thoughts ominous as to what he would do to whoever harmed his sister.

Arriving, he saw in some satisfaction as the police were at the school, greeted by Sasha's teacher and his sister, alarm written all over his face as he saw a large, blooded bandage round his sisters head. "It seems your sister was involved in an attempted rape set up by some jealous school girls, a young vixen named Joanne had her older boyfriend try to rape her during lunch break, but she fought and he lashed out at her, taking a chunk of skin out of her forehead" she said in a grave manner. "The brute has been dealt with by the police and the students have been expelled from here, we do not take such things lightly. I would recommend that you take her home and get her to have some rest Jace" she said with a gentle hand round Sasha's shoulders.

Nodding in a somewhat numb fashion, Jace took her sister and picked her up much to her surprise.

Carrying her to his quad, he was about to open his mouth to speak when she pushed herself away from his arms, landing on the floor "do you think I can't take care of myself, huh?" she said, tears streaming down her face "I...I don't need to keep been babied by you alright?" Sasha said, ears flat and tail touching the ground as she began sobbing, her arms wrapped round herself as she cried.

"Sasha...please, what have I done wrong?" Jace said as he reached out a paw to her, only to have it batted away, a hurt expression on his features as she did so.

"If I wasn't so dependent on you then I would be stronger to take care of myself" Sasha sobbed as she held herself, as though trying to protect herself from him now.

Shaking his head, Jace wondered what he could do, he had let her down and he wondered if anything he could ever do to regain her trust of him. She was so frail inside and she needed to get stronger yes, he couldn't protect her any longer.

The ride back had been awkward and silent as she refused to hold onto him, holding more awkwardly onto the back with her paws as they rode, Jace having to be extra slow so as not to dislodge her.

Getting back to the house, Sasha got off and dashed to the house, wanting to just go straight to her room before she heard a jangle of keys "you can't get in without these silly pup" he said with a slight chuckle in his voice.

"I...am not...A PUP!" Sasha cried out, her fangs showing in her distress at been seen as some helpless pup that couldn't take care of herself.

"But you are Sasha, you are acting one now, you want to be able to take care of yourself but you are only fifteen years old, you are not an adult yet and..." he stopped as she took a swing at him, his eyes widening in surprise at her action before he pinned her arms to her sides. "I am not your enemy Sasha, I did not hurt you. And if you want to get stronger then you will need to trust me" Jace said, stroking a paw through her head fur. Softening his voice he said in an almost begging tone "please, trust me sister".

Sasha started sobbing, this time not out of anger but because of how she had been acting towards him, a high pitched, whining sound as she gave vent to her emotion. "Why would you still help me Jace...look at me, I tried to hurt someone I love and respect the most and spurned all of your kind words after everything you have done for me in the past".

Sasha stopped crying as her muzzle was tilted up to meet her brothers honey gold eyes as he stared deep into hers "because Sasha...you are my dear sister and I will protect you. Neither of us have had a pleasant start to life and I know how you are feeling. It is partly my fault as I could have done more, but I was so wrapped up in my work I never took the time to help you properly, but that I will change tomorrow". Jaces voice was smooth, clear and soothing as Sasha felt his abs against her soft curves.

Wrapping her arms about his neck, Sasha smiled in joy, wondering what she ever had done to deserve such a loving and handsome brother.


The following day on Saturday, Jace visited the small pharmacy at the end where the road ended just before the dirt road street. However, he came back empty handed with an apology from the panda morph at the counter that the shipment has been delayed and will most likely get in sometime next week.

Sighing as the next chemists was a good 60 miles away he had to make do as his money was low and wouldn't be able to afford the fuel costs to get there until he was paid next week.

Cursing softly as he walked out, he would have to make certain they have minimal contact if he wanted to keep from doing what his heart screamed for him to do, to take his sister as his mate but he knew in his mind that it would be wrong. Hopefully she would find someone and he..."no, best not think about that right now" Jace said, shaking his head to himself as he walked back the ten minute walk to their house.

When he told Sasha the news, she seemed disappointed they couldn't spend much time together, it would be hard on them both but she said she understood the reason why, though secretly she would rather they both lose control and...she ended up shaking her head at the end thought.

Jace's nose told him she was getting into her heat properly now, and he could also scent with a flush that she had been trying to relieve herself of that burning itch that came with the heat recently. The smell clung to her of her recent attempts but she still seemed uncomfortable.

He had set the weights up in the garage for the lightest ones at 10kg and to only start slowly to gradually build her strength up and programmed the treadmill to go only at jogging speed and no higher with a self-shut off timer of 15 minutes so she didn't overexert herself.

The Jackal siblings still had a certain amount of contact with each other but, reluctantly they had to limit it, also buying a spray to try and mask the others scent which didn't really help all that much really.

However, on the fifth day when Sasha was starting to show some muscle on her arms and her legs looked slightly more toned, Jace had no choice but to take some days off so that he could teach her the basics of self-defence. And this was the part he had been dreading as it would require some intimate contact.

"Alright Sasha, first we need to begin with some warm up punches, now it is important that we make only a loose fist, and try to control the amount me clench as unlike humans, we have claws and must be careful" Jace said, feeing somewhat awkward at instructing his sister in this manner.

"Yes sir!" Sasha giggled as she saluted playfully, her tail swishing excitedly as her brother's musk filled up the room in the moderate sized garage, her heart beat increasing in tempo.

He began showing her the safe way to make a fist, having it so that her fingers were spread flat across of her palm and had her follow his punches. She wasn't punching straight though, so he had to go in behind her, trying to guide her so she would be hitting in the exact spot each time. Sasha moaned quietly as she felt her brother's strong body against her back, her scent filling the garage up further as her tail brushed through his legs and over his crotch. He was going topless as the day was hotter than normal, the garage was a little cooler but not by too much.

Quickly moving away from her, he cleared his throat and said "erm, okay that's enough of that. Sasha, why don't you try throwing a punch at me and I will show you how to counter it?" he said, trying with a force of will to keep his voice steady, a growl creeping into it in want as her heat stimulated him.

Sasha was in just a short bra herself and shorts which made her scent less disguised than usual and gave him a teasing glimpse of her small but still forming breasts. There was no other way really as they would risk passing out from the heat in much else.

She threw a light punch at him, her aim wide which he lightly chastened her for, he knew how she felt though, how much it must be frustrating Sasha, driving her near mad with need, if only the last shipment of those heat suppressants had not got lost on the way.

Sasha threw another punch, this time it was on target as Jace easily caught her fist, twisted her in a demonstration of flipping an opponent over and then...she was in his arms.

He swallowed hard, he had deliberately pulled her into his arms at the end, Sasha laying against his chest with her own breathing coming out in fast, short pants as he took in her reddish fur, with the lighter highlights, those bright, brown eyes of hers and that lovely long, blue dyed head fur.

"Jace..." Sasha whispered out as she arched her head up, her muzzle inches from Jace's own muzzle as their hearts beat loudly before he dropped her, literally on the floor.

"Sasha...no, please find someone else!" he said in a growl, sounding more like a wild Jackal than the morph he was. Jace fled out the garage and down the street, needing to get away from his sister, from her scent and from how much he truly felt about her.

Jace came back an hour later, having been to a small park and laid around as he tried to distil his emotions and thoughts as they raced through him, coursed through his being and his instincts raged for him to go back and take her as his mate.

"Jace, are things okay? I heard some howling coming from your house; did something happen between you two?" A male bear morph asked of him as he approached the house with trepidation. Jace just turned his head round and shook it sadly at the bear before walking into his house.

As he entered the house, her scent was everywhere, she was at the peak of her heat cycle and would be so for a few days, Jace felt he would cry as he heard her moaning upstairs but...it was coming from his bedroom.

As he crept upstairs and peered tentatively round his door, he let out a gasp of surprise as he saw her, his sister lying on her back on torn up sheets and her furred pussy thrust out into the open air as she moaned, a sound of such longing that Jace felt his heart shatter, a brief sob caught up in his throat as he slowly approached her.

"Sis...?" Jace said as he approached her, resting a furred hand on her shoulder before he quickly whipped it away as she lashed out at him.

"So you have come back have you? Well I will leave your bedroom and the house for that matter, maybe I can get put up as a young adult whore, I am tall enough to pass for one. And you won't have to worry about an incident like this again and you won't have to worry about Sasha the needy, Sasha the pathetic, Sa...?!" the young Jackal stopped short of her tearful ranting as Jace hugged her, this wasn't the kind of hug you give to a sister but more deeper, meaningful, the kind of passionate hug you would give a lover.

"I am sorry, I am so, so sorry Sasha, I wasn't scared of you, I didn't run because of you, I ran because of my own feelings for you sister, I couldn't bare it and I played a coward. And in doing so I have hurt you badly, as well as myself" Jace said, a whining quality in his voice as he cried his own tears, something of a rarity for him but he couldn't hold himself back, not in a circumstance like this.

"What...do you mean?" Sasha said, unable to breathe as she tried to think through a fog that seemed to have settled in her mind now, her emotions in tatters and torn between her love she had for him, and the possibility of getting the wrong idea which would destroy her.

"I mean...Sasha..." Jace said slowly as he reached for her small bra, when she didn't stop him but only tightened her grip, digging her claws in lightly he continued "I...love...you" he growled, pulling her bra all the way so that her pert nipples were exposed, the hard nubs standing out from her small, furred B-cup bust.

Sasha went quiet, her mouth wide open in shock "Jace...for how-how long have you loved me?" Sasha said as she found herself lost in her brother's gaze.

As he ran a paw over her face, he chuckled slightly "I have always loved you as a sister, but when you came into your first heat last year, that was when I realised there was something much more there than just sibling love, and it scared me, frightened me. I saw it something to be ashamed of, that should be best left hidden until...until you found yourself a proper mate" he said, a tone of sorrow in his voice as he said the words. "I didn't want to hurt you" Jace whispered, starting as he found his own sisters paw cupping his face.

"Well, I think there is a lot less hurt this way than your stupid way, and brother...I am sorry for what I said" Sasha said as he saw the whites of her eyes were red with crying and the fur beneath the eyes damp with tears.

"Here, let me help you with that" Jace said as he extended his tongue to gently lap below her eyes, making Sasha squint the eye and giggle, the sound like music to Jace's ears after all the torment she had been through the past week.

Giggling, Sasha flicked her own tongue out as the broad canine tongue brushed down his throat, Making Jace growl softly into his workings. Once he was done with both eyes, he took her by surprise as he caught her tongue inside his larger muzzle, pressing his muzzle up to her own.

Ohh how Sasha had waited for this moment, to feel her brother kissing her on her muzzle so passionately, his hands dropped down to thumb her pert nipples, making her gasp into the kiss. "You haven't had them played with yet have you eh Sasha?" Jace said as he smiled playfully, causing Sasha to blush hard with arousal and embarrassment as she was all too aware her brother had experience. She had never told him but she had caught him once when he was 16 and brought a girl home from school, but they did more than make out as a then 12 year old Sasha watched. Her innocence broken so early and she found herself growing up wanting her brother, to have him kiss her like he was now, that strong muzzle kissing her hotly, passionately as they flicked tongues round the others muzzle.

Sasha moaned in need, grinding her body up against his, taking Jace by surprise as he almost lost his balance. "It looks as though someone is a little desperate" Jace teased, panting as he broke their kiss before she pressed her muzzle up to his again and forcing him to lay down on his back while she had her way.

"Don't...tease me brother, I have wanted this since I was 12" Sasha said, not thinking of what truths she was letting slip in her passion.

"I know, I remember scenting you nearby when I was with my girlfriend at the time, I could tell even though you was 12 that you was aroused by what you saw" Jace said, a slight smirk as Sasha's face reddened. He then cupped her muzzle in his paws, letting her chin rest on his palms "and that is why I broke up with her, I felt something for you that no one else seemed to match" Jace said, stroking a paw down her chest and between her breasts.

Sasha shivered, the electric sensation travelling all the way through her being, ending up at her light brown, black tipped tail. "You-you knew all along I had been watching you?" Sasha gasped as her brother cupped a small bust in his paw.

"That I did my sweet sister, I found that your scent seemed to stimulate me, make me want you more than anyone else, I had begun to lose interest in other females as yours was the only scent that seemed to resonate with me, I was relieved when we was able to get some heat suppressant pills when you first started but...when we couldn't and you started coming onto me, I wasn't sure what to do. But this...this feels right" Jace said, a husky tone to his voice as he squeezed a small, furred bust lightly.

Sasha arched her back up, letting out a moan as pleasure coursed through her; she had never thought it would feel so much better in her brother's paws, those strong yet gentle, loving paws, and his voice, she had never thought it possible that he could take on such a seductive tone. "Does that feel good Sasha?" Jace said, a slight growl creeping into his voice as he was taken more into the moment.

"Yes it-it does" Sasha moaned out, her hands roaming his furred chest, hands trailing through the light fur as she felt her innards somersault and her pussy clench hungrily, wanting him but wanting these gentle caresses to last too.

She suddenly gave a high, quick yip as her brother replaced his fingers for his tongue, brushing the hard, stiff nub of flesh as he flicked it back and forth across, a low howl of pleasure and slight bucking motions coming from Sasha's groin as her sensitive nipple was toyed with, her eyes rolling back as he suddenly wrapped his muzzle round the breast, easily swallowing the surrounds with his large, canine muzzle and sucked gently on her bust. Sasha's tail wafted frantically as he slowly upped the pressure, his sister wrapping her arms about his head as though she just wanted him to stay there as he reached with another paw to play with her other bust, stroking the nipple and toying with the large stick of flesh, making Sasha arch herself on the bed and roll her eyes backwards in pleasure, her senses heightened along with her heat.

Sasha felt something hard and fleshy bump at her thighs, looking down she saw Jaces erection, having come just about all the way out of his dark brown furred sheath, the pink tip starting to gleam in the light as a little bit of pre beaded the head, running down his length slowly. Sasha inhaled deeply, her head spinning as his scent overwhelmed her making her want him now as she let loose a needy whine. "Broother, pleeease" Sasha whined out through gritted teeth, her mind seeming to struggle to for basic words as her body raged for him, felling his abs and muscles pressing against her soft curves made it even harder to think properly.

Jace grinned mischievously at his sister, reaching a paw down he ran it over her slit, making her bark at the feeling as he traced around her soft, furry lips. "You like that sis?" Jace said, his voice deeper, a low whine of need coming from him as he also wanted her bad, her scent was driving him mad but he had to take things slow for his sister, she was young and unknown to her, this was not the biggest he could get, he would split her with his full size of seven inches if he didn't slowly warm her body up to him. And that wasn't including the knot that would further push her body.

Jace slipped his fingers slowly into her, taking care not to scrape her soft, vulnerable inner walls with his claws as she barked high, clenching her fingers and digging her claws into his shoulders. "By the...feel of you, you are...enjoying it?" Jace said, one eye closed and the other half lidded through the mix of arousal and the pain, luckily the fur kept her from puncturing his skin but he would have some nice bruising underneath he reckoned.

"Yeah...yeah" Sasha said through a pink fog that made it hard to think at all other than the thought of having him deep inside of her. "Please...please" Sasha begged, dragging her tongue over his arm, her paws moving to stroke at his length without thinking of her actions, feeling the flesh pulse hard and a gasp come from Jace's muzzle as his length came to its full seven inches, Sasha staring in dull wonderment at how large her brother was.

Jace could stand it no longer as he withdrew his fingers, Sasha shivering slightly as he took his finger out of her and lapped at the moisture, the sight making her cheek fur turn bright red from a fiery blush on the sides of her muzzle.

Jace stared at her pussy, marvelling at how the pale fur that started at her pussy seemed more like a beacon, as though her body wanted to advertise her private parts as he made his sister lay down so he could gently guide himself into her slowly.

"Brother...will it...hurt when you take my virginity?" Sasha said with some slight fear in her voice as he positioned himself at her entrance.

Jace hesitated, thinking for a second if he should tell her the truth before deciding he should let her know "yes it will, but just for a moment and then it will begin to feel good again" he said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze as he guided himself into her.

He held onto her, feeling her buck hard at the large intrusion as she was slowly spread apart, Jace gritted his teeth to will his knot to not form yet, he wanted this to be done properly yet slowly for her.

He sunk in about two inches before he encountered a resistance to his progress "sis...hold tight" Jace said, gripping his sisters paws in his own before giving a large thrust, tearing her haymen.

Sasha howled out in pain, tears springing to her eyes as she tried to thrash around, tried to pull away as pain racked her, followed by a wash of blood that ran down her brothers shaft.

Jace held onto her, trying to keep her still so he wouldn't hurt either of them as she cried in pain, he wanted to hug her, to comfort her, but to do so would be to push in even deeper when she was still sore.

Sasha quietened down "Sasha, I am sorry that hurt you, but I promise from here, it will feel really good" Jace promised her as she gave a look of uncertainty to him, unsure if she could cope now.

But as soon as he pushed further into her, slowly as he felt the walls ripple and her body adjust to his size, he heard her moan aloud and put her paws near her passage, her eyes widening as she could feel him, she could feel her brothers dick sliding deeper and deeper into her folds, slowly and gently filling every bit of her as she cried out in joy, at the feeling of her brother so large inside of her.

Jace was panting heavily now, god was she ever tight, but she felt so hot and to see her in such pleasure and joy heightened his own pleasure as he felt his knot forming, he had to get himself up to his hilt in her before it could form. "Sasha...hold on" he gasped as pushed, watching the last inch of his cock vanish inside of her clenching tunnel, making Sasha bolt up and wrap her arms round his furred shoulders.

"Aaahhh, brother what...what is that?" she cried as she felt something swelling inside of her, pushing her vulva further apart in a mix of pain and pleasure, the juices that had been dripping from her had ceased with the softball sized knot locking them in place.

"Shh, it's alright" he said, stroking her head as they slowly started to rock and grind against each other, Jace starting in slow, circling motions, causing his knot to keep brushing and rubbing her clit and Sasha giving a series of yips and barks of pleasure before she started grinding away, startling Jace with her animal ferocity as his tip brushed repeatedly at her cervix.

She shook and ground their crotches together with her body arching on the bed, giving Jace a good clear view of their locked genitals as he increased his grinding against her, wanting his release as he filled her with his pre, priming her for his release.

Then it was suddenly on them, Sasha howled, her teeth flashing in the light as her eyes went cloudy and her walls clamped hard, riding out her first, true orgasm as she howled long and loud, soon joined by Jace as he shot his load into her. His pre having primed her he shot almost instantly through her cervix and into her womb, thrusting madly with short, rapid thrusts in a frenzy of feral lust for each other.

He gritted his teeth as spurt after spurt filled her up with his seed, her passage bulging with his cock as It throbbed and pulsed inside of her, the pair holding each other tightly as they rode it out, not as siblings but as a mated pair now.

Jace laid on top of his sister, cuddling her and still joined by his slowly softening knot as she whimpered and shook from such an intense feeling. She felt both full and complete now, as though they were two halves and now they had mated was both whole.

As their breathing returned to a more regular, less laboured pace he stroked his sister ear gently, bringing a tired whine of affection from her as she flicked it gently against his touch.

Feeling his strong, furred body hugged up to her, Sasha looked up at him with a tired but happy expression on her face "Jace, thank you. I love you so much and now I know we will be together forever" she said before yawning sleepily and nodding off to sleep, her head pillowed on his chest. Her light coloured tail waved serenely behind her as she drifted off to pleasent dreams.

Smiling, Jace draped his unusually fluffy tail over her form "yes sister, it's what we have always needed and now we can face anything that comes, my new mate" he sighed happily before turning the lights out and joining her in sleep. Both their groins now a sticky mess but both couldn't care now as they slept peacfully in the others warm embrace.