The Last Dream - Chapter 1 / 2

Story by BitterPoison on SoFurry

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This is a story I came up with after a friend of mine told me a dream of himself, and the idea took a move! Have fun reading it!!!

The last Dream

She was sitting on a bench in the park. Her long hair laid all over her back and flew a bit in the wind. Her black jacket smoothed around her thin frame perfectly. It was autumn, the most romantic season of the year. Rose was more and more happier the closer it came to winter, Why? Because she was a young Snow Leopard. Blonde hair laid over her left eye at the moment when she looked around.

The wind brought her scent over to him. Fresh grass and leaves.. But also a hint of coconut from her hair. She was also waiting for someone.. Him. A special Person in her life.

Coming up from behind, he laid his hands over her eyes, making her squirm and blind. "Calm down Rose.." He whispers. "Its just me.." He said with a deep voice, but it was so soft and loveable. Rose melted to this voice and calmed down. Knowing who covered her eyes. "I missed you.." She finally whispers and he let go of her eyes.

"I missed you to.. But now I am here.." he said and wrapped his arms around her from behind and cuddles her.

"How long will you stay this time?" She asks him softly, enjoying his touch after this long time without him.

"I am not sure but I try to stay as long as I can my love.." He whispers into her ear and kisses her head softly. This drew a sigh of happiness from the female.

Finally he came around. A white strongBengaltiger with eyes so bright pale blue. Eyes that could be like ice. He still wore his military uniform but was without any wounds or weapons. She was so happy to see him unwounded and this was shown in her deep blue eyes. They twinkled like at the first time when she saw him... He sank to the ground before her and leaned in, pressing his soft slightly cold lips against her own warm and soft lips. Just to feel the love again. She felt his lips.. So soft.. warm... and the love of the kiss was just overwhelming her. After like 5 minutes they parted with a loveflooded expression.

"I love you Dante.." She whispers.

"Lets get out of this coldness please.." He said and smiled while getting up to grab his bag with his clothes.

Rose lived at her parents house and had a whole floor to herself with a little kitchen, a bathroom with a shower cabin and a bathtub, a big livingroom with an oven and a big TV and finally her bedroom with a Kingsized bed.

"Your or my home?" She asks and smiles softly after she got up herself.

"Yours, I am eager to see your parents again. And the bestHawaiitoast of yours.." he murred and heard her giggle softly.

He missed this giggle so much.. Together they walked to the house of her parents. But her parents weren't that normal. Rose's parents were lesbians.

"Mum! I am home! And I brought someone with me!" Rose calls out and holds Dantes hand softly.

"Who is it?" Her biological mother, Scarlett, asked from the kitchen and came out. When she saw Dante she smiled softly. "Dante! Welcome back!" She says says and hugs the smiling tiger.

"Good to be back here with Rose and you Miss, But of yourse your beautiful wife too!" He says as Roses other mother, Darlene, cam in. "Dante" Nice to see you again!" She smiles wide.

"Nice to see you too Miss Darlene!" Dante replies.

They stood there for a while and talked. Then Scarlett said: "You should go up and take a hot bath. I will call you when dinner is ready, I bet you want to spend some time together.." She winks and giggles. Rose and Dante moved upstairs and held their hands.

"I missed your touch so much my love..." Dante says and strokes her hand happily. Soon they reached Rose's floor and she places his bag in front of the wardrobe to sort them in. Dante goes to the bathroom to take saidBath.

In the meanwhile Rose sorted his clothes into the wardrobe and turned her lap top on and was walking around as the door to the bathroom opened. "Love? Where are the towels?" Dante asked and Rose turned around. Seeing him in his whole glory... This muscled trained body and the strong legs where she always melted to.

"Oooh.. Here.." She says and moves to the wardrobe. He moved behind her and hugged her from behind. Purring she cuddles to his arms. "Hmm.. Still strong enough to hold me.." She whispers and rubs the towel up and down his arms. "Hmm.. Yes always holding the muscle shape for you.." he returns and smiles, murring softly she turned around to kiss him deeply.

Soon they would be found making out in a deep and passionate kiss. Laying on her bed they would touch each other every and anywhere where it was possible right now..

Soon they would be called for dinner and both hurried downstairs. "Yay dinner!!!" They shouted and smiled wide.

After the harmonic dinner they moved upstairs again. Flopping down onto the couch and he started touching her, kissing her all over. "Hmm.. It's been so long.." He whispers and smiles at her. She only smiles and both exposed each other. The clothes fell to the ground and they laid on her bed as well..

His fingers would push between her folds. Rubbing along them to probe, and seek out her entrance. Once found, those fingers would just as softly and slowly start to slide inside her walls.

She moans softly when he prodded her and searched her entrance, when finally found she gasps softly and sighs, she had missed this close time with him

His lips would leave her's, and move to the wonderous globe. Softly he would begin kissing, sucking, and licking at her tit. His fingers between her legs would slowly rock in, and out of her wet, warm, velvety sex.

She gasps softly when he stopped kissing her and she moans openly now, enjoying the slightly thrusting manners of his fingers and the sucking and licking to her breasts. Her hand moving to his head and stroking his hair gently

Deeper, and deeper his fingers would slide in and out of her walls. Stroking every sensitive spot he could find. His lips were, and tongue were like flower petals on her breast and nipple. Brushing them ever so softly to bring as much pleasure to her as he could give.

He would groan a bit, and slowly pull his fingers free from her sex. Bringing them to his muzzle to softly suckle away her juices. Then he would slowly lower his muzzle to her abdomen. Kissing it softly and slowly working his way downward.

She smiles, watching him happily and sighing in relief to be with him again.

He murred, and continued to kiss his way down her stomach. Stopping when he was just an inch or two above her slit. His paws gently spreading her legs open, and making her bend her knees to plant her feet on the bed. "Mmmmm baby. You smell so good. I could eat you forever." He purred to her.

She giggles and smiles. "Oh don't.. then nothing will be left for you later.." She giggles and smiles, her legs plant up and she let him go between her legs

He would softly start kissing along her slit. Murring quite loudly as he started to taste her juices. His kissing quickly became more passionate, and focused. Two fingers from one of his paws would gently spread her moist nether lips open. His tongue dipping between them to lap at her entrance, and clitoris. "Oh gods baby. It's been so long since I tasted you."

She smiles and moans out softly. Her body moving against his lips as he kissed and suckled and licked at her pussy and his tongue moving in. "Oh dear.. It has been so long .... please.." She says and moans

"Please what my love?" He asked her as he brushed his tongue up, and down along her folds. Teasingly licking over her entrance, and clit.

She shudders and gives a high pitched moan. "Fuck me.." She whispers and begs him

"Mmmmmmmmm" He murred out, and pulled his muzzle away from her sex..

She smiles and sighs happily. She loved having sex with her boyfriend... he was always so passionate.. She prepares herself. "Doggy..?"

"But, I want to be close to you. And, I know you prefer missionary. I want to make you happy." He smiled.

She smiles and stays on her back. "You know how to make me happy love.." She says quietly and smiles

He would slowly, and gently lay on top of her. Kissing her deeply as his member was pressed agianst her heated, and moist slit. She could feel his shaft throbbing with anticipation.

She moans softly and smiles, moving her lips against him to press him more against her. "Oh love..." She moans softly

As he kissed her deeper, and more passionate. He would rock his hips back to slide his length along her slit. Then when he felt that just his tip was touching her. He would slowly, and gently start to rock forward. His cock head starting to push between her folds.

She sighs happily, shuddering as he rubs his cock up and down her slit and finally pushing into her, he would feel that she was really really tight right now.

He groaned, but continued to slowly slide his length inside her. Kissing her more, and more.

She returns every kiss to him and bucks her hips against him. Moaning against his lips

He moaned as well. Trying not to hurt her a she slid inside her walls. Groaning long, and deep once his tip would touch her cervix.

She moans loudly and arches er back. "Damn.. please.. fuck me.." She whispers. He would soon start rocking his hips back, and forth. Thrusting his entire length in, and out of her tight pussy. His tip brushing her cervix with every inward stroke.

She moaned loudly to his strokes into her and her body reacted, her walls clenching around him heavily.

"Oh baby. You're so tight, and clenching." He groaned. Somehow managing though to rock his hips faster, and harder.

"You.. are just very big," She moaned out and whimpered in pleasure

He continued to thrust in, and out of her faster and harder. Drawing up her legs to wrap around his waist so he could plow even deeper inside her.

She screams out and blushes, this made her so aroused. "Love.. I.. I come pretty soon!!" She moans out and grabs the sheets under her.

He coudln't control himself any longer. His rapid thrusting built his orgasm way too quickly with how warm, and tight she felt. He would arch his back, and roar loudly as his seed burst from his tip. He would bury his cock deep inside her as he came. Filling her womb with his hot, thick, tiger cum.

She cries out loudly and cums herself, covering him in her juices and surrounding him with his own seed and her juices.

He held to her tightly as they climaxed together. Nipping softly at her neck.

She gasps and pants. "Oh love.."

After some Minutes they fell asleep next to each other, cuddled up and happy. Dante had his muzzle burried into her neck as they were cuddling in a spoon position. But they wouldnt know that this night was their last night together again... In the morning Dantes mobile rang. The Company leader. He answered it with his duty voice and the way they spoke. "Yes sir. Sure Sir. " He only said and hung up. Rose had been awoken by this. "Whats wrong.?" She asked him and looked a bit worried.

"They call me back.." He said and looked down at her. "Again..." She whispers quietly and he lays back down to cuddle her, tears streaming down her face...

Several hours later, Scarlett, Darlene, Rose and Dante stood at the airplane which was supposed to bring Dante back toAfghanistan. Rose was still crying, holding onto him and not letting him go. At least she didnt want to. "Rose, please stop crying.. I will come back for you.." Dante whispers and lifts her chin with a finger to kiss her softly but deeply. Then he moves to her parents, hugging them as well, then kissing Rose again. "I will be back.." he says and made his way to the airplane. Moving in and sitting down on a seat where he could see Rose, who was crying... It hurt his heart to see her like this. He swears himself that when he gets back, he will never make her cry again. And with this thought the Airplane moved. Leaving Darlene, Scarlett and Rose alone.. "I love you.." Rose mouthed before she lost the sight of her boyfriend and he mouthed those words back...

At this day, Rose didnt eat anything, she just laid in her bed, smelling his scent, thinking of their last night...