Grid Chronicles - First Cycle

Story by Serana on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at a story, and it stems from an idea brought on by finding a game called Tron: Evolution in my box of dvds today. It wasn't that great a game but it did start me on watching both movies and the series recently, I've wanted to do a series for a while so I took this as a topic. Also I'll be making the sergal, Lyra, in second life later on to try and get a visual image to set with this story. If you like please rate and leave a comment, I would love doing a part two after some feedback. Cabbit out!




"Do you really think we need this too? We have the ANON program working already." A tall tiger in white and blue asked a darker clothed wolf working busily at his desk on an imported program. "This program will be an emergency scenario at best should anything happen to either you or ANON, she won't even come online unless something like that happens old friend." The wolf warned the other male who was quick to retort. "Nothing like that will happen; I'll have another ready to act as the next me before it would ever come to that." As they spoke the form of a female sergal in the fetal position hovered above, her body completely black at the moment with only a mark on her chest showing that she was part of the security programs much like the tiger. "Are you certain though, everything you told me about the one this program is based on, this sergal, the fact most of them with her level of intelligence use it for violence, she's a military program isn't she!? Doesn't this make her unstable and a factor you can't control?" There was a long pause from the wolf working at the panel to set up the floating sergal's parameters before the tiger continued. "I understand you are concerned, but to resort to this, what really has you worried?" "I want the Grid to be safe, if anything happened to you or ANON then we might require someone like her in order to keep it safe. You said it yourself; she has the intelligence to take the initiative against aggressors to the Grid. That violence you spoke of will help her survive and overwhelm those that may prove too much for other programs, she will know how to control it. Besides, when have you been one to let your faith waver in me?" The wolf smiled to attempt to reassure the tiger; placing only a few concerns at bay for now, the latter however did fold his arms as he neared the floating sergal. "I just hope that it won't be me that has to put her down should she follow into what you're really concerned is going to harm the Grid." The two took moments more to complete her parameters before walking out and locking her away for when she'd most be needed.

However, much earlier than the wolf told, an alert began to sound letting the sergal's form slowly lower onto the ground, as she came online white markings began to slowly course from her core and out to her limbs. For the first time her eyes opened glowing a brilliant blue with slits for pupils interrupting this glow, a screen came online in front of her with the image of the wolf gazing right to her "Greetings program, if you are seeing this then you have been brought online to aid with Grid security, a localized threat has begun in the Grid in the form of a virus. Your duty is to locate, investigate and eliminate any threats to the Grid's stability, do you accept this." Without delay the sergal answered in a voice that was feminine and firm "Yes Sir, I accept these parameters." It was then that the dark room illuminated and panels slid out from the walls, several small cores, a glove and a backpack nodule for a disc. "These will be your tools program; do you wish to pick your own designation before your disc is loaded?" The sergal was already placing the nodules on her shoulders, chest, stomach, hips, legs and arms. The backpack nodule formed out the moment it was on her back and then the glove began to seal to her left arm. "This program would like the designation, Lyra." Once she picked her designation the final panel opened for her containing her disc, but there was a second within the panel, slightly thinner than the first. "This is an addition to your disc, you have been given most system administration functions and restore functions, Lyra, you are the Grid Protection Program." With that the sergal completed her disc and attached it to her back, her eyes widened as the disc linked to her completely, the nodules began to spread their blue circuitry along her body like clothing, the glove illuminated and formed over her paw and an inventory of its functions illuminated, she closed her hand and thrust it forward making it form into a bladed form. She then reached back to her disc and tossed it to bounce around the room before catching it and reattaching the disc. "These are your tools, go into the Grid and help find the source of this virus and keep it from spreading Lyra." "Yes sir." She replied walking towards the door as each claw on her began to glow the same blue as her circuitry. She found herself in a bay overlooking a massive city all lit up, scattered orange, blue, green and white keeping the city illuminated before she took a better look around the room at the many vehicles housed here. A larger three person all grid vehicle could get her places that many could not, but it would be slow. Another was an older model light cycle, it would attract attention to be certain, and no it would not do. Above hung a single person flyer, as tempting as this option was and the speed was certainly key, it would attract far too much attention. Finally was a newer and slimmer cycle, one that could maneuver and curl with her slender body, it held two weapons, the light beam on the back and a small pair of barrels by the front wheel. "Yes this one." The moment she touched it the originally white cycle turned to match her colors and collapsed into a small stick, she placed it on her hip and headed down to an elevator towards the streets.

Once down on street level she weaved through the crowds, her ears kept low listening to nearby chatter, anything to give her a hint to any activity nearby. Only a couple caught sight of the new program and her alien form to the Grid, the sergal though did not let herself stand out, blending into the crowd by constantly moving. Then someone caught her ear "I'm telling you the walls just began falling apart, and these programs began pouring from the breach attacking everyone. If not for the security programs and Grid guards who knows what would have happened." "Whoa where and when was this?" "Sector three back during the dedication of the new system admins, they took care of the programs that were causing the problems but the sector still has that breach, they can't repair it." The sergal smiled and left the crowds, pulling out her cycle and tossing it ahead "Sector three, good a place to start as any, at the very least I can familiarize myself with this breach." It took a matter of moments for the sergal to weave through the busy traffic towards the infected sector, her cycle handling as if it were an extension of herself and so effortlessly. She pulled up to the site almost silently before collapsing her cycle back and stowing it away, walking up the steps towards the dedication platform. Sure enough the walls around the platform had derezzed and glowed with the yellow infection she'd been searching for; her left arm illuminated taking a scan of the section. "All this stopped spreading the moment the last infected program was eliminated... yet the infected section remains here even if inert. How is this even possible? This virus's damage lingers through removal, run system tool, clean up." Her palm pointed directly towards the missing section, the glove illuminated the section and completely derezzed the sections, within moments removing the damage dealt. Once removed the Grid slowly built back the section as if nothing had ever happened and a voice spoke out towards the sergal "Now that I haven't seen since this sector was built, especially with such a pleasing program doing the work." Her head turned and eyes lingered on a well-dressed feline with a cane, given the extravagant way he was dressed the sergal felt little need to continue a conversation and stepped down from the platform stating plainly. "This is only part of my designation, if you'll excuse me now sir, I've more sectors to clear today." "Oh really, such as where, do you know where other places like this are already?" The feline was quick to retort, catching the sergal with a lack of information. "Because I happen to know where information can be obtained rather quickly for those willing to listen or trade for such. In my quaint corner of the Grid I find many rumors and facts float towards my ears, you're welcome to join me there if you'd wish." While he spoke the sergal tossed out her cycle, another object of interest for the feline, but he waited to see what this new female would say before moving on to voicing his thoughts further. "If you happen to have any information about these sectors or the infection, I would ask that you be forth coming now." With this the feline merely grinned as his baiting her saw promise. "Well now, most information like that is not free, there are many secrets in the Grid after all, I'm sure we could trade for something..." When the sergal saw his eyes linger on her cycle she emitted a small and sharp growl. "Now now, nothing that will mean that much to you, perhaps a trade of information for information sometime, or even something else in trade. However, this information is free, you can pay me back or not if you would like. Find me at 'End of Line' at the central tower in sector seven if you'd like to obtain more. Till then, it might benefit sector twelve should you pay a visit to the eastern corner in the dock area, as I've understood some programs have gone missing there, others have seen these strange yellow programs. Do be careful though, I would be distressed should I never have the chance to steal another glimpse of such a lovely program again." With that he took a soft, brief stroke of her side pulling her close to him with a grin, and then back before she even had the chance to pull away and strode down the streets towards sector seven. It took all of her not to toss the disc on her back right through him, but this report was urgent if programs were disappearing. She sped off on her cycle right past the feline nearly hitting him before swerving back through traffic.

It took longer to journey to this sector with the heavier traffic going towards the harbor; Lyra gained an appreciation for just how massive the city was. Once down on street level she took her time searching for the eastern section mentioned and found a couple of those yellow programs lurking around, immediately when noticed they drew their discs and tossed them at her. The sergal dodged with her cycle and circled back taking a shot at one while the other evaded. The one she hit slowly derezzed as the energy spread over the entire form before decompiling him. His partner however was evasive and left Lyra little choice but to simply accelerate and run him over, feeling an odd sense of joy from the act that confused her for a moment. She pulled over watching the program derezz before slowly moving on, keeping to her cycle for now but dimming the glow on the both of them. Her left arm gave an alert that it found an active section of infection matching the inert patch on the last, the moment she turned though she gained a full understanding about what may have happened to the programs that went missing. One of the dock workers was being turned from orange to yellow right before her eyes, he was being infected. The sergal counted ten total in their ranks, too many, she thought, slowly pulling away on her cycle before looping around to go full speed into those guarding this section of the harbor, disc drawn in one paw, bladed form glove in the other, swiping both along the midsection and letting them crumble while a third was run over by the sergal. The rest had turned their attention from the turning program and towards her, one signaling a command to attack. Without any further room to maneuver she left the cycle tossing her disc towards one, her glove still in blade form deflecting two discs tossed her way. "Six..." the sergal said to herself, stabbing another viral program and cutting from torso through head "Five..." One had caught her tail only to get a clawed foot to the face; another though went for an arm and spun her off balance. Her disc returned to her as she rolled out of the way, managing to catch an attacker that had her pinned for a moment right in the throat. Four remained and these were more organized, sizing up and surrounding the sergal. One standing over the captured program spoke "Program, lay down your disc or be derezzed." The voice was broken and glitchy showing the infection was completely in control of this one. Lyra would stand firm keeping her view on each of the four surrounding her, soon to be five if she did not act, and sure enough one would ready his disc before another would sail straight through him and back to its owner. The viral program commanding the others would hiss out "ANON. Stall them; I must pull back to a safer sector." With that the sergal was joined by a tall, slim program marked much like her own, both took towards ending the final two before returning their discs.

Their attention turned towards the infected program left behind, the other had walked through the breach and disappeared, his systems were being compromised quickly and the one called ANON lifted his disc. "No, wait." Lyra interjected, placing her palm to his disc, her glove reacting to scan the virus as it spread and then began to rewrite it, letting it delete itself as the program began to take the shade of blue she held. 'Function unlocked, restore parameters set for program recovery.' A voice softer than her own came from the glove, adding to her functions as intended. The other program lay there groaning and limp on the ground while her new companion's helmet retracted, showing a jackal was the one named ANON. "Are you a user? That's a function reserved only for them." "No, I am Lyra, Grid Protection Program, I was just brought online. My programmer installed these features alongside the security functions." The jackal looked over the new addition to Grid security with raised brows, to date most had been like him or the original program when it came to body type and abilities. Yet she showed her new functions by deleting and restoring the infected sections without delay while he called forth other local programs to aid the one they just saved. Once all was addressed the two managed to question each other. "Who was your programmer?" The sergal could only respond. "No name was given, only an image saved within where I was stored and brought online." ANON gave a nod and circled her looking over the sergal, gaining a raised brow from her. "Why that form I wonder, I've never seen a program with your build before."

After a moment's conversation ANON found they were both brought online by the same individual, their user, and for the same purpose, to protect the Grid even though her functions were set higher. "How do we track the program that escaped?" "Unfortunately I've not worked out a way to do that yet, these breaches are linked but it seems only he is able to travel them." "I see, and how did you find where we were?" "Honestly I saw you on the high way; I recognized the program designs on you and followed. I was looking for this same place after hearing about a rumor that programs had disappeared here from one of the information brokers in sector seven." The sergal's eyes narrowed "Cat?" The jackal gave a small smirk and replied "Cat..." "I've the feeling we were both set up to meet today, but I'm glad you did." ANON nodded and took her by the left wrist to add his contact to her glove. "Given that you headed straight into combat without assistance was reckless yes, but you did so to save another program. Can't say I would have acted any differently, though I have others I can call for help first. Now so do you." Her direct contact line now showed, but there were two now, ANON was the second, and the first was... Castor, that was the name by the picture of the feline from earlier, but when did he? Her memory flashed to when he made that grab for her, giving a small growl at it again. "Seems he got you too, hard one to figure out that one, never trust him, but also if he pays you a favor, pay it back or else he'll make trouble. He always has. I'll let other security know about you being online, I'll save what your functions are from that report though, don't know who can be trusted at the moment with this viral infection in the Grid." "Understood, I'll go back to finding my leads, even if it means talking to that Cat again." ANON placed his paw to her shoulder and shook his head "Go back to where you came online and rest for now, it will be more difficult to find places of infection with their leader in hiding, give him time to make another appearance and then we can make our move. Take this as either a suggestion or an order." The jackal smiled softly at her, acting more out of concern for the fresh program's well-being. "Yes sir." She answered reluctantly and went to her cycle "And if you don't mind, I'll follow for a bearing on where you are in case I find anything."

The sergal actually found she was taking joy in trying to lose him in traffic; her cycle was faster and maneuvered better than anything else on the Grid she'd seen so far. For a moment when she reached the bay she believed that she had indeed lost him before he pulled up right after she had dismounted. "The ENCOM tower replica, that confirms that you are who you say you are then. I was brought online in this very place as well, though I now stay at my own bunker where Grid status can be monitored." With that the sergal invited him in locking the bay down behind them, the building greeted them with lights as they reached the top level and stepped off the elevator. As they neared, the table set two plates for the programs to eat, surprising the sergal but not the jackal "Always thinking of his programs and their needs, it's what I admire about him, just wish he was around more." They sat on either side as the sergal had her first meal and jackal stared over her again "What is it ANON? You've kept staring at me like that since we first spoke." It made the jackal swallow a bit hard and nod "Everything is alright, it's just out of all the programs I've worked with, none were built like you, even your base programming does not seem the same as what the user would have set. I have to wonder if you were imported from another system or a different user gave you to ours." Lyra thought for a long moment about what the male was saying to her and answered "I had that feeling that I was not in the right place at first when I came online, this place felt strange and I felt restless until I was in the middle of combat, for the first time, I felt like I was in my place and comfortable." "Sounds like you were more meant for combat than security, or even the games. Do yourself a favor though, keep who you are now; it's more attractive than those who go that path of wanting to always have that thrill of the games or combat. You were given abilities that let you do so much more." Lyra couldn't help a smile, a connection formed with this jackal since they met. Wait, did he say she was attractive?

Dinner continued and the two remained together until the city lights began to dim outside, the jackal rose stating he would have to go soon in order to file his report on the events in sector twelve. "Ah, you're welcome to stay if you'd like, it sounds like this was your home once as well." Her voice reaching his ears but his eyes focused on the rest of her while she powered down her glove and set it to upload that which she'd gathered today. "Yeah... I mean no, I think maybe I should report all this in, at least for now." The sergal's smile faded slightly at his reply "If you are certain, I could use the company though, you've been the most enjoyable I've had so far." ANON couldn't help but smirk at that, "Another night I will Lyra, perhaps after I report in I'll return here, but for now I must take my leave." He approached behind her and brought his arms around her torso, she felt the compulsion to lean back into him, her body moved without being told back into the embrace closing her eyes to enjoy the contact the brief moment they held to one another. "My apologies Lyra, I'm not sure why I did that." Lyra only shook her head as the smile returned "Nothing needed for that ANON, it was... enjoyable." With that she watched him pull away and set down the elevator, her eyes lingering as his cycle sped away into the rest of the city lights.

Lyra set off locking down her station and headed to her bedroom, slowly powering down and removing that which clothed her. The circuitry derezzed and became just nodes once more, being pulled and set on the panels they came from before she pulled her disc and pack off leaving the sergal nude and feeling over herself, starting at the curve of a breast and curled a claw along one of her midnight black nipples. The gentle touch made her murmur softly to herself, thoughts lingering on feeling that slim, dark body of the jackal against her back for the brief moment she had with him. Her other paw joining in to slowly cup and lift the supple mounds letting out another shrill chirp of pleasure, toying with her chest until both nipples stood erect. Lyra admired herself in the mirror, pressing her ample chest upwards while something dimly glowing peeked from her lap; the sergal's vent spreading to reveal her gender to herself. She strode to the bed lying on her back with a knee up and one paw gingerly stroking down her belly to further attend to her rising length, spreading the vent with two digits to allow more of her arousal to spill forth. Her paw would soon wrap around the tapered length while her hips pressed forward into the playful stroke, speeding her arousal to fill out and stand along her belly. The sergal looked to her side viewing herself in the mirror again, grinning as she saw the creature gazing back in full glory, but her thoughts lay always on her newest companion and partner. While she thought of the jackal her other paw traveled down the same path as the last, avoiding her length to feel below it to the smooth patch of fur below the bottom of her vent until she felt the curve of her rear begin and the winking flesh tucked between her cheeks. As a claw grazed this area she let out a small murr of pleasure from her own touch, the shemale sergal carefully moving the tip of her claw along the bud in a slow circle till it reached the center and prodded softly. The motion made her cock jump against her stomach, rising upwards and making her head tilt back slightly. She brought both paws back up to angle herself on the pillow, gazing at what she was doing in the mirror before taking her arousal in one paw, licking along the other and lowering it to her tailhole once more. Once the claw was pointed with care at the center she slowing let her long digit slide in, the smoothness of her claw letting her tight pucker slide open with ease, causing the sergal to gasp once her finger began to join where her claw had begun. Watching on in the mirror as she slipped further in until all her finger was within the confines of her walls, making the first beads of precum dribble down her tip and onto her fingers. Her paw stroking in time with the pace she was beginning to set by drawing her digit out and then slowly back in, leaving her length to swell to its fullest so soon while Lyra gleefully pleasured herself, letting her eyes close as she began to quietly moan "ANON... please... keep going." The way she was panting and how caught up she was her mind barely focused on just what she said, though it brought those dark cheeks to rose red underneath, thinking, wishing the jackal had stayed to give her what she was feeling now. Lyra's tongue lolled out to the side as she huffed out each moan, pawing herself faster when she felt that edge coming up faster and faster, the sergal not caring that her first orgasm would be one that built up so quickly. The pleasure that was being built up was too much to resist, she buried her digit into her rear and cried out as ropes of sergal cum erupted from her shaft and onto her body. The creamy white seed erupting onto her chin, muzzle, down her chest and along her belly while she cried out the jackal's name yet again before she settled back panting hotly in the afterglow of her first deep orgasm, sliding her finger from her rear and let her still pulsing length spill onto her stomach. "Mmmm... I wish I had done that sooner now." "Or had company to help you through your first." She sat up quickly, still covered in her own cum to see the jackal was standing at her doorway, obviously having watched the whole thing with his ebony arousal standing so proudly out of his sheath.