The Green Collar Club: Part 2

Story by Edison on SoFurry

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#2 of The Green Collar Club

Greetings to you all you legal aged (and most likely horny) furry peoples! That's right, just you legal aged ones, that underage fox looking guy doesn't get his greeting yet because he's not supposed to be here yet; it's okay, when you're older you can have this greeting all to yourself. Like its predecessor, this story is chock full of penises being shoved into hole of other males, so if you don't enjoy that very much, I wouldn't hang around very long. Also, if this is your first time here, it would really help if you started a part 1, and then head over here, because it really helps in your understanding of what is going on.

The Green Collar Club: Part 2

The Exhibition

Edison panted heavily as he was nearly dragged out of the school building by the otter, the sound of cum dripping from his ass onto the tile below ringing in his ears as he is pulled through the double doors. Rain, the otter that was maintaining a firm grip as he tugged the skunk through the parking lot, just had this smile plastered on his face the entire time he snaked around the lot until they arrived at his car.

It wasn't anything elaborate, one of those simple compact cars that most of the other students drove around, very practical. Rain opened up the passenger door, and then tugging the collar a bit, shoving him inside playfully, "hop in skunk".

The door was shut on him as he flopped against the seat cushion, barely able to flick his tail out of the way as the door clicked shut. He moved himself into a sitting position as the otter came around to enter on his side and takes the wheel, buckling himself up before turning the ignition, the skunk putting his belt on as well.

"You're most likely dripping cum onto my seat skunk, just so you know you have to lick that up when you get out," the otter ruffled the boy's head fur as he said this, the vehicle now in motion as it backed out of the parking space. There was an awkward silence as he maneuvered the car out of the school's lot, the skunk whimpering a bit occasionally as a bead of cum trickled from his tailhole, plus he couldn't shake this feeling that he was being stared at. Which he was, as he looked over to the side he saw that the otter was paying far more attention to him than he was to the road.

"You don't talk much skunk, I figured that you'd have more questions about these things, I mean, if I was in your situation I would have been talking to me more, I haven't ordered you to be quiet yet, you could take advantage of that."

"Okay then why"- the skunk's seatbelt was undone and a webbed paw suddenly grabbed his head and pushed it into his crotch.

"Too late skunk, now you have to suck me while I take us home." The skunk struggled against the paw as he was thrust unexpectedly into the otter's lap, his nose landing right on top of his furry sac, getting a full breath of Rain's arousal, causing him to moan out and swipe at them with his tongue. The otter let out a loud murr, holding him down with one paw, forcing him to get drunk off his scent as he continues to head to their destination.

Edison stopped struggling, every breath he took filling him with more lust for the otter, murring as the scent of his spit mixes with that of the otter. He starts to whine uncontrollably, not out of discomfort, but because the paw has rendered him unable to get to the tower of otter cock that lay just out of his reach, every breath he took making him more and more desperate to taste him. "Please Rain, let me suck you now," the skunk blushed a bit, realizing that he said those words instead of thinking them.

The skunk felt the pressure on the back of his head lift away, his movements on autopilot as he wasted no time in wrapping his lips around the head of the otter's member, instantly drenching it in his saliva, which would be roped back into his muzzle as his tongue was slid over the head, finally able to get a taste of the otter meat. With no assistance or egging on, the skunk left a wet journey down to the base of the cock, slowly getting accustomed to the sideways approach he had to take, making his tongue curl to the side in order to slide along the underside, furry hips arching up towards his muzzle lightly. The skunk's nose presses against a thigh, taking another whiff of arousal before suckling and drooling like mad over the entirety of the shaft deep within his muzzle; not even able to keep it all inside, thick globs of spit oozing out and sliding around Rain's genitals.

The otter was obviously enjoying the wet, sloppy blowjob the skunk was providing him with, but showed little sign of it on his face, keeping his eyes on the road at all times, any passerby wouldn't have the slightest idea that there was a skunk nursing of his cock if they looked. The skunk made up for lack of skill with his raw enthusiasm, the car filled with the lewd soundtrack of slurping, gulping, moaning, and panting, Rain even offering his contribution of a moan every now and then, much to the satisfaction of the boy in his lap. The sweet taste of pre running along his tongue only served as a tool to make him work more vigorously, bobbing his head with a loud squelching noise as the shaft disappears and reemerges from the black muzzle, a lets out a deep murr, the humming traveling through the otter's member, causing Rain to slightly loose his composure and swerve to the side a bit.

Edison continued to moan and lap on the thick meat down his maw, hungrily gulping down every bead of pre that had the pleasure of trickling down into his muzzle, murring some more as he feels the shaft throb and pulse with need, building up to a release that only he could provide, he dives his head back down into the thigh, the shaft buried into the back of his mouth. The skunk gets another breath of the otter's musk as he feels the cock twitch slightly before starting to empty itself down the back of his throat, making him suck hungrily at the shaft in order to coax every drop out of him, feeling the warm goo coat his throat as it travels into his belly. The paw returns to hold his head down, making sure the skunk's muzzle remains impaled of the member as he continues his trip home, for how long Edison was unsure, even five minutes stuffed into a musky crotch can feel like an hour.

Finally though, the car comes to a complete stop and the paw is removed, allowing a dazed, slightly horny skunk to pull himself back up and get a breath of some real air. Edison quickly surveyed the scene as the otter undid his belt and exited the car to get his skunk friend, a normal suburban home stared back at him, one of those housing track ones that looked like 12 of the other homes on the same street. It was amazing how well it seemed that these guys would be able to blend in, their green collars the only true way to identify who they really were.

The passenger door opened up, and a familiar paw tugged him out by his white collar, pulling him up the remainder of the driveway, pausing only a moment as the otter played a bit with his collar, swapping his car keys with house keys from a pocket on the backside, opening the door and taking the skunk upstairs. The otter's bedroom was surprisingly normal as well, there was a bed, desk with his computer, and various other items one usually associates with teenage otters, nothing to suggest anything sexual in the least bit. Rain fished through a drawer, tugging the skunk closer and clicking a leash to the collar, then tugging him by the bed and securing him to one of the bedposts.

"You get to stay there for today skunky, the floor is more comfortable than you think. I'm gonna go easy on you today and call that business in the car the last act of sex for you today, you're going to need to let those little skunk balls of yours make some more cum for tomorrow."

Edison gave a small whimper at that, "what happens tomorrow?'

Rain chuckled, "Not allowed to tell you that skunk. These things are supposed to be a surprise to you, heck sometimes we don't even tell some of the members when we do something, just to surprise them."

Edison nodded slowly, "Who are the other members?"

The otter just chuckled at him again, "Not gonna tell you that either boy, these tests and training are designed to keep you on your toes. You will not know who or what you will be faced with until the very last moment."

The skunk tried one last try for information, "Who came up with these tests?"

Rain laughed again, "Persistent little bugger. The tests and training devices were based on ideas and events involving myself and the chipmunk you met today. Max and I were the founders of our little group about 5 years or so ago, so we've had a lot of time for trail and error in coming up with new ways to see how far new prospects can actually go. We usually apply younger students like yourself in order to keep a presence in the school system, as Max and I are seniors, in addition to 2 others you haven't met yet, but we need to maintain our appearance at our old haunts as we pursue larger prospects. Sex is a powerful currency Edison, we could use it to get whatever we want, but with these skills you also need to know the difference between what you want and what you need. I'm not saying never indulge yourself, just that when you realize what you can do with yourself, remember who you were before too. Anyway, I'm starting to go off on a tangent, I think you should get some sleep."

The skunk nodded, his sexual exhaustion catching up with him slowly as he curled up on the floor at the foot of the bed, sleep finding him a lot quicker than he expected. He didn't remember if he had any dreams that night, it felt like he had just nodded off, when he was awakened by his head being lifted off the ground, breath squeaking out of his lungs as the leash tugged his collar into the air, taking the skunk with him. Edison pulled himself up in a groggy stupor, allowing himself to be taken to a bathroom to wash and get ready for the day ahead. He was never considered a morning person, apparent by the fact that he stumbled around everywhere, vaguely aware of what he was doing, then falling back asleep in the otter's car as they went back to school, awakened as he was tugged out of the passenger door again.

The skunk was regaining his composure for the day finally, the sight of his 5 day a week soul crusher jogging his brain into an active state. He blushed a bit as the otter continued to lead him along, becoming aware that he was being towed naked down the hallway in front of furs that he knew, figuring that they must now thing he's the otter's pet.

Rain stayed silent through all of this, leading him to the boy's bathroom, this time the public one, not their official lair. He simply opened the door and released his leash; shoving him into the room with a laugh, "Have fun kid."

The skunk was greeted with an interesting spectacle; sure he noticed the badger and Dante moving stuff around on it, but what it was made the skunk nervous. It looked like something from a carnival or magic show, it consisted of a flat pane of glass, with holes that could easily be inferred as places to stick parts of ones body through. The base looked pretty secure, meaning that he would be immobile when he was put in this thing, and there wasn't any doubt in his mind that this thing wasn't intended for him, due to the fact that it had been decorated with gaudy posters and signs, which left nothing to the imagination: "Fuck the skunk, at no cost to you!" "Free tailhole around back!" "Hi, I'm a skunk, use my cock as a play toy"

There were several others like that, decorating the top and sides of the contraption, clearly displaying that he was about to be used as a free screw for any boy who happened to wander inside the bathroom today. He remained still, half wanting to run away, half paralyzed with fear, jumping out of his daze when the hyena snatched his paw.

"What's great about today is that it's self explanatory. From the look on your face, I can tell you know what today is all about." He leads the skunk around the back of the wall of glass, "the badger is Julian, and he manages most of the construction of the toys we use, in addition to the usual perks of being a member of course."

The badger gave a soft head nod, quietly moving about and cuffing Edison's ankles to the base of the wall, then with Dante's assistance, he pulled his hands through the hand holds, clicking him inside. His head was next, the skunk whimpering as he was now fully held against this clear wall, they were kind enough to let him face the mirror it seemed, the reflection of a naked spread eagled skunk looking back at him with a look of worry. He watched as Dante got a strap and attached it to one side of the wall, running it to the other, and then he pulled, slowly making it tighten. Julian's paw held his tail in an upward position, the strap coming to a rest on it, making it impossible to cover his rump in any way. Edison squirmed against his restraints as he watched the badger crawl underneath him and softly lap at his sac, the fear leaving him for a moment as he murred softy, the tip of his cock poking from its holder as he wiggled. Dante walked to the other side to face the skunk, waiting till he was about halfway unsheathed, then tugging it through another hole, his sheath and balls secured poking out from the wall, unable to be pulled back for any reason, or any amount of struggling.

Edison whimpered, tugging futilely against his restraints, finding that it quite painful to do so, this wall was designed to make sure that he kept still. The two furs left the room with a wave and a laugh, but he wasn't to remain alone for long. The chipmunk had most likely been waiting by the door until they were ready, because he strolled in just as the door had shut on the previous furs, whistling happily with a leash in one paw, tugging another fur into the room.

Max locked the door after a gray squirrel padded inside on all fours, letting the chipmunk tow him over to the sinks directly across from the skunk, sitting under his feet as the munk hopped on top next to the soap dispenser.

"Hey there Edison, I figured that I should check up on you before the fun started for today. I assume Rain took it easy on you last night; he's usually nice like that, not like Squirrelly here. You see Edison, Squirrelly was one of our former prospects, but he didn't play by the rules, he disobeyed orders, and refused to do some of the things the will also be asked of you. You recall your note said there's no turning back don't you? Squirrelly here tried to turn back, and also tried to tarnish our good name with his little lies, so I took him. It takes a long time to break someone in, but in the end he's gone from a naughty little boy who can't be trusted to my loyal pet. Basically skunk, if you quit on us, you belong to us, and depending on how good you've been before you gave up, you could end up like Squirrelly here."

The chipmunk giggled a bit, "That speech sounds spookier in your than it really is, and it's also pretty much made up." He laughed some more, "We use that one all the time just to watch your faces get that panicked look all over them. Don't worry, you're free to say you want to leave whenever you want, but there are conditions to that, which hopefully you need not have to worry about them." He hops off the sink, walking around the glass wall, the squirrel padding behind him, "Nah, Squirrelly here is a willing pet of mine, we don't turn enemies into pets, shoving your dick down the throat of someone who hates you can turn out bad you know." He quickly double-checks the skunk's restraints, then walks back over to his seat, giving the squirrel's blue leash two tugs, the gray fur quickly crawling up and pressing his muzzle between the chipmunks legs, a loud slurping is heard.

Max murrs softly, petting the furred head in his crotch for a few moments before turning back to the skunk, "I never congratulated you for making the decision to go through with this, you don't know how many pass up this opportunity. Hopefully within a few months time you can have a green collar of your own Edison, we have high hopes for you skunk boy." The skunk just stares forward at the chipmunk, unable to give him any sign of acknowledgement with his head restrained in the hole, just making an "mmhmm" towards him.

A wet sloshing is heard as the squirrel starts to bob up and down, even from the skunk's limited view it's obvious what he's doing to Max, who was sitting back watching the skunk with a smile. "I could have picked anything as a pet Edison, but I insisted I have this squirrel. You know why skunk? To prove a few points to everyone." He pauses a moment to push Squirrelly's head down, making him let out a soft squeak but the sounds of suckling starts up again as the squirrel deep throats his master.

"I grew tired of furs somehow managing to confuse chipmunks with squirrels Edison, so I figured if I had one of my own, I could show them the difference myself. As you can see, squirrels have smaller muzzles than us munks, which isn't bad, once you trained them to use that to their advantage." He pulls the squirrel off his cock slowly, the skunk seeing the chipmunk's pink shaft dripping with saliva, strands connecting upwards, presumably ending at the squirrel's muzzle.

Max then snatched the tail of his pet, pulling it our flat onto his lap, "They have bigger tails than us though, they have this big bushy thing going on, it's kind of girly if you ask me." He turns to his pet, "Are all squirrels effeminate, little cock sluts like you?" Squirrelly nodded towards Max, speaking in a soft quiet voice, "We are master".

"Well there you have it skunk, chipmunks have an entirely different coloration to their fur, deeper and wider muzzles, no bushy tail, and aren't girly cock sluts; chipmunks are confident little fellas who use their cuteness to get into your pants, and by the end of the night you won't be allowed to wear pants." He grinned at the skunk boy, "Anyway, I just wanted to see you before the fun began and introduce you to Squirrelly here, you'll see each other again." The chipmunk hopped down, his wet erection bobbing up and down as he walked, stopping a brief moment as he noticed that Edison's cock had become rock hard while watching his pet service him, the skunk himself realizing this and blushing deeply.

Max swiveled and walked next to the skunk slowly, "You know what? Squirrelly has been a good boy lately, and I think he deserves a reward for his behavior." He tugs the squirrel closer to the wall, "Squirrelly, I want you to take care of this skunk's erection problem."

The squirrel simply padded over to the skunk without question, and opened his muzzle, sliding the cock inside as far as he could, but never closing, just letting it slide over his tongue as his hot breath ran across the length. The skunk jerked slightly at his touch, the tongue was so smooth and slimy, except for these two bumps that rubbed along his shaft as well, raised slightly from the rest of the tongue.

Max rubbed the back of the skunk's head softly listening as he murred at the squirrel's tonguing, "give him a kiss before you keep going." The squirrel slowly raised himself up head level with the skunk, revealing he was slightly taller than him when he was in a proper upright position, which he corrected by slouching slightly. Edison couldn't do much to stop the squirrel even if he wanted, his gray furred face moving right up against his in a rough kiss, the skunk's head smashed back against the bindings holding his head in place as the squirrel stuffs his tongue down into his muzzle, licking over his teeth softly, a clicking sound is heard in his mouth as something clacks over them. The tongue teases over the skunk's tongue, those smooth bumps on the slick surface leaving a tinge of a metallic taste in his muzzle; Squirrelly finally pulling away, sucking the skunk's tongue as he left, tugging it from his muzzle with a giggle, a wet squirrel tongue attacking it before he retreats it back inside his muzzle. Catching a glimpse of the squirrel's tongue he confirmed his suspicions, Squirrelly had been adorned with two studs on that pink muscle, and now that he was sure the skunk knew about them, he didn't take the trouble of hiding them any longer, lapping at his face softly, letting his tongue loll out to show off his two friends.

Max still kept behind the skunk, swatting his ass playfully, "Those were his idea, you know. I told him to get a piercing for himself, he cam back with 5. It's actually more fun than I thought it would be to play around with."

Edison just blinked, "Then where are the other 3?" Squirrelly's response was just a giggle, and then he backed up to give the limited viewed skunk a better view of his whole body, namely his cock. Like his tongue, his penis had two studs along the shaft, ending with a ring on his cum slit. The skunk just stared at it a bit in awe, never having seen piercings such as those, but the squirrel went back into his all fours feral like position and licked the skunk's shaft again, taking care to grind his studs against his shaft.

The skunk started to murr softly, which rapidly became a loud moan as the squirrel slammed the entirety of the skunk meat down into his muzzle, letting his throat tease over the shaft as he suckled softly. Edison panted, already starting to pre into the muzzle below him, forced to view the squirrel's work backwards through a reflection, watching a gray paw move up and squeeze and need at his scrotum, coaxing more juices out from his cock. The tongue started to act up again, the smooth wetness colliding with the sensation of the small balls of metal dragging along the underside of his shaft, not to mention the hungry throat that was relentlessly attacking his member. It felt like it had only just begun, but the skunk found himself draining his load down into Squirrelly's expert muzzle, who suckled and drank every last drop like the good boy he was.

When he had finished and the skunk's limbs drooped slightly, it was impossible for him to collapse like he wanted, with his head, paws, and cock held firmly into the holes the way they were, Max started to lead his pet out of the bathroom, clicking the lock back open.

"Well see you skunk, hope you have fun today. Next time you'll get to feel what Squirrelly's cock feels like inside you, but that's another day." And with that the chipmunk walked off, most likely to have his pet take care of his own erection problem.

The first hour was pure humiliation; several furs walked into the bathroom, all of them couldn't help but notice the signage and the skunk stuffed into the sex display, but they mostly just turned away in disgust or laughed at him, a few choosing to throw some paper towels at his face. His cock slipped back into the sheath as he waited, his heart pounding every time the door opened up, wondering if the fur that walked through would take up offer the signs around him gave.

The first one to do so was a collie, at first he didn't seem too interested in Edison at all, but perhaps out of pure curiosity or lust, most likely a dash of both, he slowly walked in a circle around the wall, surveying how the skunk was stuck inside. When he seemed satisfied that this wasn't some hoax or prank, at least on his part, the clothes were thrown aside, pants dropping to reveal his throbbing canine member.

"Hi skunk, my name is In-"

"Please don't tell me your name, just get this over with," Edison blurted out.

The collie just huffed and walked around behind the skunk, Edison seeing the reflection of foot paws and a head approaching close behind him, then he felt the warm throbbing meat of the collie press through his exposed furry cheeks and rest against his pucker. Edison yipped loudly as the collie thrust himself fully into his tailhole in one smooth motion, taking a few moments to find a position he felt comfortable with before he started to thrust roughly in and out of the whimpering skunk. Edison gritted his teeth as the collie continued to use his tailhole quickly and roughly, panting out something about the skunk being a cock slut while he pumped his pre inside of the boy, who suddenly let out a small murr of pleasure, his tailhole finally becoming accustomed to the intruder.

The skunk blushed profusely as he let out a particularly loud moan just as the door swung open, a startled looking cheetah poking his head in and getting a glimpse of the collie humping into the skunk's rear before deciding that he should try another bathroom. The panther that came in shortly afterwards didn't seem to mind as much, hanging back for a few moments to laugh at the moaning panting skunk as the young collie used him.

The collie began to speed up, the skunk's rejuvenated member leaking pre onto the floor as his prostate is rammed into repeatedly, a thick wad splatting onto the ground below as the thick knot suddenly pushes itself inside of him, exciting a moan from its owner. The thrusts become shorter, but much faster than they previously were, the skunk closing his eyes as he grunts and moans as his ass is pummeled by the canine, the sounds of their combined lust filling the room, reverberating off the walls, most likely heard down the hallways.

His tailhole was dripping wet with the pre from the collie, a small tickling sensation felt on his rump as they slowly drip out of him, the dripping no where near as frequent as that from his own member, somehow over all the feral yipping and howling behind him he could hear every drop land onto the tiled floor below. He moaned loudly once more, a particularly good thrust hitting squarely on his prostate, his cock ejecting more fluids, odd that this time he didn't hear the pitter patter of it landing on the floor below. His breath comes out in a short pant and his eyes flutter open as he suddenly feels a small lick over his cum slit, wiping it clean of the next building wad of pre.

The collie had slowed down a little bit, it seemed he wanted to prolong his pleasure before he finished up, and the skunk had a good reason why now that his eyes open. During the course of their loud mating, it appeared that quite a crowd had snuck into the room, standing around for a front row view of the show. Luckily, they were kind enough to let Edison keep his mirrored view of things, now able to see the chubby rat kneeling on the floor to lap at the dripping skunk cock, his teeth teasing over the head as he cleaned it of pre every few moments a new pool collected on the tip, never letting the shaft pass his lips as the skunk wished he could hump through the wall into his muzzle, but had to settle to be humped with the collie meat into the wall instead.

The collie gave a low moan and started to hump him madly, milking his shaft in and out of the skunk quickly, the rat below starting to lick rapidly, like Edison's cock head was some melting ice cream cone. The skunk came first, that little tongue still torturing the tip of his shaft as his balls tensed up and released a second load; not too far behind, the collie nipped the back of the boy's neck and emptied his load of warm collie seed deep within his bowels. Edison moaned and whimpered softly, his afterglow an overload of pleasure as the rat tongue refused to stop cleaning the tip of his shaft, finally ending when his cock had dripped its last offering to him, a smiling black rat rising up, face matted with cum, which he then nuzzled onto the skunk, making his fur sticky with his own fluids.

The collie just panted in his ear, waiting for his knot to soften so he could go about his day, doing his best to cork his cum inside of his skunk bitch a bit longer. The rat left the Edison, thinking he should go to this bathroom more often, but it was no sooner than he started to back up than the lemur that had been watching intently from the corner stepped forward and started to remove his clothes. He was what many would expect from his species, fairly thin, athletic looking, and had that trademark tail flowing behind his now naked body. Edison felt the collie pop out of his behind, the splashing of seed landing onto the floor as his ass was given a swat and he went on his way out as well.

"By the way, he doesn't want to know your names, he just wants to be used anonymously," the collie remarked as he left the room.

The lemur approached slowly, a small swagger in every step he made towards the skunk, his vision filled with lemur muzzle as he presses up against him, his paw grabbing the skunk cock that was attempting to retreat, stroking him back to an active state, and then leaning forward a bit. The skunk shivered at the sensation of his cock being enveloped in a furry tube, it was warm and tight as hell, then his cock brushed against something familiar, another penis. The lemur's muzzle pressed against his and his tongue instantly invaded his muzzle as he humped his sheath back and forth over the skunk's member, making him squirm and moan into the muzzle attached to his, his cock barely having time to recover from before, now forced to experience a pleasure it hadn't dreamed of before.

Edison become a bit nervous as he felt another set of paws rub his rear softly, another hot throbbing shaft becoming wedged between his cheeks. With the lemur pressed right against his face, he had no way of seeing who or what exactly impaled himself inside of his slickened hole, grinding its hips against his rear. The lemur simply broke the kiss and grinned at him, holding onto the skunk's paws and timing his thrusts with the mystery furs.

The skunk groaned and panted far louder than he ever had before, every time the thick pole crammed its way deep inside of him, the furry container would slip down over his own shaft. The lemur was a rather affectionate one it seemed, licking the skunk's cum coated face softly as he humped towards him, or perhaps it was to give him something to do while he blocked his view while the guy behind him plowed him. Thanks to the recent coat of collie seed to his tailhole, the fur behind him had no problem in smoothly slipping his meat in and out of the skunk, adding a dash of his own pre to the mix.

The skunk was amazed that he could still produce pre, but he found that he was squirting it inside of the lemur's cock holder nonetheless, making him shiver and lock lips with him again, his tongue twirling around in his muzzle, tasting every inch of the skunk's muzzle, Edison feebly licking at the muzzle in front of his between his deep moans. The thrusts behind him deepened, the skunk having to deal with some strokes directly to the prostate once more, forcing him to make a squeaking sound as he coated the sheath around him in more pre.

Luckily for the skunk, whoever was behind him had no intention of pacing himself like the collie did, wasting little time in giving several more fast paced thrusts before applying another fresh coat of cum to the boy's tailhole. The lemur however, seemed to have all the time in the world, taking the opportunity to slow to a near grinding halt, watching the skunk quiver and hump feebly against the wall as he feels his impending orgasm shrink back down into near nothingness, just a painful twang on his needy shaft.

With the sheath humping at a snail's pace, Edison blushed slightly at the fact that he secretly hoped some fur would use him one more time so he could get off, but unfortunately he didn't get exactly as he wanted. It was a tongue he felt next, a long snake-like wet muscle that slurped all around his hole in one swift twisting motion, cleaning most of the outside of his rear. A blunt muzzle kissed his rear, that same tongue snaking and twirling about inside of his cum coated innards, his moan silenced but yet another deep kiss from the lemur in front of him, Edison doing his best to keep up with the lemur tongue swirling about inside nearly just as much as the one inside of his tailhole.

Edison shivers softly, the fur behind him slurping at the hole loudly; sucking out the cream stuffed inside, the skunk suddenly crying out as the lemur starts to hump his sheath at breakneck speed, then stopping a few moments, only to repeat himself over again. The skunk whimpered, his bottled up orgasm deflated time after time, the ass suckling and sheath humping keeping him at a constant state of arousal, but one without end. The way he was restrained made it impossible to hump back or forward enough to make himself get off against their wishes, forced to go at the lemur's pace he whimpered, his ass now completely empty of cum, but now it was quite full of spit, whoever that was pulling back his muzzle and taking off as well.

There was an odd silence in the room, either he was alone or there currently no more takers at the moment, leaving the lemur here to relish in his slow, torturous grinding into the skunk's shaft, licking around his lips each time a moan was forced from the skunk's mouth, dipping it inside slowly. Edison just panted heavily, gasping for air, and release, only receiving yet another taste of lemur tongue in his muzzle, his cock teased by the coat of pre it had surrounded itself in.

"Please." Edison finally broke his silence; he couldn't take it anymore.

The lemur gave the skunk yet another taste of his tongue before pumping back and forth onto the skunk, making him whimper and bite his bottom lip as he felt the sensation of his cancelled orgasms start to drift back into his consciousness. Edison could only stand there and take it, wishing desperately to be able to cling to the lemur and hump him to climax, even this brisk pace of humping felt like a slow grind, his cock building a light pressure finally.

A furry paw squeezed on his sac tightly, making its owner yip, the action coaxing out another flood of seed, the lemur using his free paw to hold his sheath against him, letting it fill with skunk juices. He gives the skunk one last kiss, sliding his sheath of carefully, grasping his paw around it to trap the cum inside, then in one strong hop, his free paw is clinging to the top of the wall, using his feet to help scale himself up the wall, positioning his sheath against the skunk's muzzle with a little chuckle.

"Open up skunk, this gets slightly painful when you bottle it up like this." The lemur pressed his sheath right against his lips.

Edison reluctantly parted his lips, letting the furry holder just inside of his muzzle, the lemur's paw letting go, a wave of skunk cum pouring inside in addition to the lemur's own hard member. Not really needing much instruction, Edison proceeded to drink his own load licking his juices off of the black shaft down his gullet, which started to pump back and forth inside of his muzzle, the lemur showing off his strength and natural talent as he carefully hang the top of the wall, humping up into the skunk's face.

Thankfully for Edison, that previous docking session had been pretty arousing for both parties involved, so it didn't take long for his muzzle to be filled with a second wave of cum, this time not his own, he drank it hungrily, the taste was sweet and creamy, making him murr as he guzzled it down. It was good enough to make him whimper softly as he dropped down, idly walking towards the back of the room like nothing had happened, going over to talk to the raccoon who had apparently been watching from the corner.

They laughed for a few moments before the coon handed over a green collar to the lemur, Edison able to catch a glimpse of the raccoon's as well. They looked over at the skunk, laughed a few moments more, and then padded over to him.

"Hello there again Edison, My name is Sid and this guy next to me is Dexter," the lemur spoke in a calm and smooth tone, fitting for his appearance. He carefully slipped his collar back on, "Sorry about that, I always found the undercover approach amusing when we do this particular event." Sid leaned back on the counter, "it is customary that after the first hour of this trial that we give the option to swap it for a different trial. I can't tell you if it's easier or more challenging than this one, but I will tell you that there is less anonymous sex, if that hasn't worked out for you."

Edison thought for a few moments before nodding softly, "I think I would like to switch to the other option Sid."

The lemur nodded, moving up with the raccoon to slowly unhinge each restraint, freeing each part of the skunk's body one by one. When the skunk was finally free, he simply collapsed onto the floor below, exhausted. The raccoon bent down, grabbing the leash on the collar that Edison vaguely remembered about and tugged him up onto his knees.

"As the lemur said before my name is Dexter, and I am going to be your master for the rest of the day now. So if you don't mind, we have things to do today puppy."

To Be Continued...

And there is part 2 of our tale. I'd like to thank everyone who gave feedback and favorites to the preceding chapter, and I hope that this latest one lived up to your expectations, or at least got you a bit horny. Comments, hate mail, slave applications, and scathing criticism are welcome. Thank you very much.