The Heart of The Matter

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#13 of Roman Life

It's the day before the date, how are our heros feeling?

Hey everyone,

sorry for taking so long, being a busy week for me, didn't get to write for myself until yesterday! Hope you will like this new chapter, the infamous date is approaching and the drama is piling up :-) As always, my deepest thanks go to my Gritou, who is always by my side and helps me so much. Also, this chapter is especially dedicated to him because of one happy event that happened earlier this week. This is for you babe *hug*

".... And I booked a table for four at this pub, the Fairy Tale, do you know it?" Ale asked, with his ears as perked up as possible, looking at Sara with two big, bright eyes.

"Uhm, maybe, it's in Prati, right? One of those in the basement of those old buildings?" She guessed, with a big smile on her muzzle.

"Oh yeah, it's the one in Via Germanico, it has good music and it isn't as fairy as you might think from the name, no offense Luca." The rottie said, his tail wagging madly because the squirrel knew the place he was talking about. Luca didn't replied, he knew that his friend didn't want to offend him. He was more desperate about listening to stuff he already knew, the rottie had been telling every fur they met about his plans for Saturday! But, unfortunately, Sara had asked about them while going back to the Basilica after a tasty lunch, and she didn't know what she had unleashed.

"Oh, yeah, now that you mention the street, I went there a few times, it's a pretty nice place, good choice!" She exclaimed, excited to hear about the date. The lupo just walked with them, not actually speaking since there was no need and, to tell the truth, he couldn't manage to wriggle his way in the conversation between the enthusiastic rottie and the very interested squirrel.

"Thank you Sara! We will meet there after dinner, take a beer and talk and listen to the music, then go for a walk!" The dark canine kept explaining his co-worker.

"That's sweet, so you two can walk hand in hand .... And maybe even Luca and her friend!" The petite rodent proposed, winking at the lupine.

"Ei, I don't do that kind of things the first time I meet a gay guy!" He defended himself, suddenly drawn in the conversation. He inwardly sighed with relief once he saw the street opening in the piazza, and the Basilica getting near.

"Come one, I'm sure you did much more with someone the first time you met him!" Sara said, and then laughed at seeing the lupine's face turning so red under his fur that it was clear he was blushing.

"M-maybe I did, but it doesn't concern you!" He stuttered, his mind going to what he had done with Stanley the very first day they met. That caused some tightness in his pants to, thanks to the memories of the barbed cock deep in him, but, luckily enough, no other effects, which were the ones he feared the most.

"Ahahahah, leave him alone Sara, we are about to enter a sacred place, no sex talks!" The rottie chuckled, and he was right since they were at the entrance of the Basilica. They waited until they were all composed, it wasn't right to laugh in the church too, and they weren't talking nor doing any mouth-related noises once they entered the got in, so they understood perfectly the chanting they heard once there

".... Crocefisso per noi sotto Ponzio Pilato, morì e fu sepolto1..."

The three restorers looked at each other before withdrawing, and spoke again only once they were safe outside.

"Did you know there was a Mass at this hour?" Ale began, perplexed by this turn of the events.

"No." Luca answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Neither did I, I'm sure they didn't even warn the professor." The squirrel theorized.

"Oh well, it's not bad, that means we have half an hour more of break!" The rottie cheered, just happy for the extra free time.

"I would have preferred to go back to the frescos ...." The lupo sighed.

"Always work and no fun makes you a stre-" The dark canine didn't manage to finish his tease that a soft music began to hum from his pocket. "Ohhh, a call, I wonder who can be!" He took his cell phone out of his pants and looked at the name of the incoming caller. The two other restores witnessed a truly marvelous thing, Ale becoming even more excited than usual, with his ears flicking and his wag just disappearing for how fast it was wagging.

"It's Clara, she is calling me!" He shouted, then answered right away without more delay. "Hi Clara, I was thinking of you! Of course you don't disturb, I'm still on my break, and..."

He went outside on the piazza, to get some privacy maybe, or just because, as Luca knew, he tended to wander when talking on the phone. The squirrel and the other canine remained alone, with Sara just giggling.

"He is so cute when love struck!" She said between giggles.

"Maybe, but he can be bothersome too, believe me." Luca replied.

"How so? He seems so excited and happy for this date, so why do you think that?" She demanded him, bugged off by his remark and wanting a very good reason for saying that.

"He is, but once you hear the schedule, which you helped made, over and over again, you tend to get tired to hear the same things ..." He trailed off, not sure if his friend understood.

"Oh yeah, I see, it's the same with Lidia, she tends to keep talking about her latest catch for hours, it can be boring." She sympathized with him. "At least it will be tomorrow, so you won't have to listen much longer!"

"Yeah, you are right, plus it will be fun, I'm not complaining about that, just the whole phase before it." He added with a bit of excitement in his tone.

"That's the spirit Luca! And maybe you will click with this mysterious friend too!" She offered

"Why does everyone want me to hook up with this guy?!" The lupo asked, annoyed by that fact.

"Because you need a boyfriend! Or a friend with benefits, either one." She answered.


"What, do you think that girls don't know that kind of things?" She winked at him.

"No, it's just strange hearing you saying that, that's all." He shook his surprise from his head, and since he didn't want to keep doing down that path, he desperately changed subject. "So, maybe Ale didn't ask you, but I'm going to, would you and Franco like to meet up with us at some hours? Più siamo, meglio è3!"

"That's nice of you Luca!" She said with true surprise.

"Good, that will distract her, I don't want to have that kind of conversation with her ..." The lupo thought, while saying out loud: "Well, you know me!"

"Are you sure that Ale won't bother having another two furs with you guys?" The rodent asked.

"Oh no, don't worry about that." He shook his head, to enforce his opinion. "He won't probably even notice that you are there, since he will be occupied with Clara."

"Okay, if you say so. But we will catch you later in the evening, we have a dinner with-" Sara was interrupted by a new phone call, this time coming from the lupo's pocket. Said dog flicked his ears because of that unexpected sound.

"Ah, sorry about that!" He apologized to her.

"It's okay, it seems it's a phone call day." She chuckled, amused by the need to apologize showed by the canine.

He took his phone, already knowing it was one member of his family by the ringtone, and the display of the little device confirmed that it was indeed Valerio the caller.

"Sorry, it's my brother, I have to answer." He said while pushing the button that will trigger the conversation.

"It's okay, I can live five minutes without amusement." The brown squirrel joked.

"Ciao Vale." The tall canine greeted his brother.

"Ei fraté, come va4?" The voice of the little brother welcomed him.

"Everything is fine! We are having a break since there is a Mass being celebrated in the Basilica. And you?"

"I'm fine, taking a break from the books right now."

"Say hi to him from me!" Sara intruded in the conversation, waving his paw to the not present interlocutor of Luca.

"Sara says hi to you." He said, just doing what he was asked for.

"Is she the little brown squirrel who asked me a lot of questions the last time I visited you there?" The younger lupo asked.

"Yep, that's her."

"La saluto anch'io5!" Valerio said, and it was clear from his voice that he was proud of remembering who she was.

"He says hi to you too." The lupo passed the message. " So, what is the reason behind the pleasure of hearing you?"

"Well Lu, we said that we were going to see each other soon last time, and, well, I called to know when you are free for that..." His brother said hesitantly.

"So that you can tell me about the thing you talked with Ale?" Luca tried to guess.

"..... Did he tell you what we need to discuss?" The other answered, panic beginning to take over his voice.

"Don't worry Vale, he just told me that you two talked and that you have to tell me something." He was quick to calm him.

"..... Are you sure?"

"I swear."

".... Okay. So, are you free Saturday afternoon?" The lupine proposed.

"Nope, I have to guide a rich couple all day, sorry. Is Sunday okay for you?"

"Awwww bro, I have the game Sunday! When will you be free next week? I have only study to do, so I can adjust my schedule."

"Uhm let me think for a moment ..." He mentally went over his appointments of the next week, and finally found a free spot. "What do you think about Tuesday afternoon? I should be free."

"Uhm for me it's okay. So, a Martedì6?"

"Yep, I'll call you to confirm and to agree where, okay Vale?"

"Okay. Now I have to go back to the books, see you soon Lu!"

"Buono studio!7" Luca said, and then hang up, turning back to Sara.

"So, what do you and you brother have to talk about?" The squirrel asked.

"As I said to him, I don't know. Ale does, but he won't tell me." He explained, his brown furling a bit because of the secret.

"Hope nothing serious." She gave him sympathetic eyes.

"Ale assured me it isn't, but still I am a bit nervous about it." The lupine confessed her. His ears flattened a bit at the thought.

"You should trust him, I'm sure it's nothing big." She consoled him, patting his arm with her paw.

"Thanks Sara, I will do that." He shrugged off his worries, quite literally, and managed to smile again. "What were you saying about Saturday night?"

"Uhm, what? Oh yes, I was saying that we will reach you later, since we have a dinner with Lidia and another friend." The squirrel continued her tale.

That froze Luca. He wasn't sure how badly the evening could go if the tigress and her friend would end up with them. He even didn't dare to make up such a scenario. "Uhm, not sure how late we will do, so maybe you should call us to see if we are still around ..."

The squirrel just stared at him, like if he was a strange bug, then spoke. "Don't worry, Lidia and Mascia are going to dance after the dinner, it will be just Franco and me, a quite couple."

"Look Sara, I didn't mean that Lidia and her friend can't come-" He tried to amend.

"I know, I even didn't think they were invited, so don't worry." The rodent smiled at him.

"Uhm, okay, just I don't think Clara should meet Lidia, more so if she begins to flirt with Ale..." He expressed his true worries.

"Ahhh, I understand, that won't be nice for the new couple. Quella tigre è una forza della natura8." She laughed. Luca laughed with her, happy that he didn't get her angry at him. The laughter continued for a while, both of them really didn't wanting to stop, for whatever reason. Sara was the first to recover his breath.

"Eehhehhehe, I just love to work with you, I laugh so much!"

"Aahahhahaa, sure, we are such funny guys!" The lupo agreed while wiping some tears from his eyes.

"Oh yes." The rodent said, then her face light up, like she had thought something incredible. "Talking about tigers, one striped guy came yesterday to the weekly meeting of the professor."

"Uh? And what was particular of him to be remembered? Was he a very flamboyant guy, with his stripes colored? Or a male counterpart of Lidia, who flirted with you? That's the only reasons you could think of a tiger while talking with me or about your friend." The lanky lupine theorized, his curiosity being stirred by Sara's words. His guesses elicited another round of giggles from her, which made him smile while waiting her to regain composure.

"Oh God, no, neither are true! Actually, it was a guy around my age, maybe younger, definitely not a student considering he was wearing a suit." She explained, merriment still in her eyes.

"Really? And he asked of the Professor? I hope he wasn't a lawyer or something, and that the Professor isn't in trouble...." The lupo imagined all the kind of things related to a suited-up feline visiting the professor, and none of them were good. A cold feeling began to spread from his insides.

"No, don't worry, he wasn't asking for him. Actually, he asked for you." She said, then quickly corrected herself since she saw the panicked expression on his canine friend. "Don't worry, he wasn't there for bad things, I think. He said that he was an old friend of yours, who came to talk with you or something."

That clarification morphed the budding panic in something else, not quite anger but more like irritation, which was clear from the lupo's muzzle and voice. "Was his name Carlo?"

"Uhm, yeah, I think."

"Did he tell you what he wanted to talk about with me?" He asked another question.

"Uhm, no, he just said that he wanted to talk and make you a surprise, he was disappointed you weren't there, and... Oh God, wasn't he..." Sara trailed off, realizing just then who the tiger was.

"Yes, he is my ex." The lupine confirmed angrily, his fur rising on his neck.

"From your reaction, I'm happy that you weren't there, you must have been parted badly..." She whispered, not really wanting to stir bad memories.

"Well, yes, but they were past and we were friendly with each other." The canine spitted out.

"You are talking in the past, something must have happened. Not that I need to know if you don't want to talk about it..." The squirrel said, sympathy in her eyes when she offered her listening ears so gently.

"Well, I met him this Saturday, we discussed about why we broke up again, with him not understanding, again. I was a bit forceful this time, so he must have taken in that. Still, I was pretty pissed off when I went home and he knew that" He gave the general details, still very upset about the whole thing.

"I see. An old argument resurfacing. So, he went to the meeting to make up with you ..." She voiced her conjectures.

"Yes, which is typical of him, to get by surprise, he has my number, for fuck's sake, he knows where I live, but yet, he went to the meeting, where I am supposed to work, not talk with him." He growled.

"I see Luca, but now calm down, you weren't there and he isn't here, so just calm down." Sara tried to soothe him. The dog put all his efforts to do as she said and, incredibly, he succeeded, his anger diminishing to controllable proportions.

"Yeah, you are right, I don't have to get mad for him." He agreed.

"So, I know it's none of my business, but what was the reason you broke up with him?" She asked uncertainly since she knew it wasn't her place to do that kind of question.

"It was because of Ale." The tall dog answered.

That took her by surprise. "So, you two have .... You know, you have..." She stuttered, blushing a bit.

"What? No, of course not! He is one hundred percent straight!" He shouted, almost indignantly, which made Sara flinch and the ladies going out of the Mass the now ended stare at him.

"O-okay, sorry, it's just that you look so nice together, I wondered if something happened in the past..." She voiced her deepest desires for the couple of friends. Strangely, that made Luca laugh.

"Ahahah, so you are shipping for us, eh?" He chuckled, a bit hollowly because of the dormant anger.

"I guess I am." The petite rodent smiled brightly.

"Eheheh, but no, seriously, it wasn't like that. Carlo was his friend and, well, at some point he treated Ale like shit, not like a friend should do. I don't want to get into more details, but that's il nocciolo della questione9." He summed up to his co-worker.

"Awww, so you left him because he was a shitty friend to Ale!" Sara aw'ed, understanding perfectly what must have happened back then. The lupo just nodded to that, nothing more needed to be added. "That's just so sweet of you!"

"What's so sweet of Luca? He isn't that sweet, I tasted him!" Ale broke in the conversation, having finished the call with his sweetheart. He earned a stinky stare from his friend, and a lewd one from the squirrel.

"You have tasted him, eh?" She suggested with her most malicious expression painted on her short muzzle.

"Ah, no, not like, I bitted him once and ..." He tried to correct, but it only worsened his situation. Luckily, his co-worker wasn't in a teasing mood.

"Luca was telling me why he broke up with Carlo, and it was just sweet that he did that for you."

"Why were you talking about him?" The rottie asked, his ears flicking at the mention of the feline's name.

"He showed up yesterday at the Professor's weekly meeting, thinking he would find me there." Luca explained to his friend.

"Oh. Why didn't he call you?" The dark canine asked.

"I really don't know..." The lupo expressed his doubts. Sara stayed there just listening, and then she glanced to the piazza and gasped.

"What's the matter, Sara?" The two dogs asked at unison.

"I remembered I told him that we were working in Santa Maria, since he asked about our current projects." She murmured, shocked by that memory.

"Why do you remember that now?" Luca asked, worried about that.

"Because he is coming this way right now."


1) [He was] crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, he died and was buried. Part of the Profession of Faith, which is done during the Catholic Mass.

2) What?

3) The more, the merrier! Well, literally it is "The more we are, the better".

4) Hey bro, how are you doing?

5) I say hi to her too!

6) [See you] on Tuesday?

7) Have a good studying session. Actually, "Good study", but I wasn't sure it would be understandable that way :-)

8) That tiger is a force of nature.

9) The heart of the matter.