Luke and Theo Chapter 1 Tied and Tested

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#2 of Luke and Theo

Luke and Theo:

Tied & Tested

Some time in February on a Friday, one of the best days of the week for three good reasons:

  1. No school till Monday.

  2. Phys. Ed was the last lesson so Luke (a Dalmatian pup) and Theo (a Husky pup) could have a quick feel up in the showers before going home.

  3. Luke or Theo was aloud to sleep over till Sunday at either ones house.

But Luke was in trouble, Deep trouble, the only time he was in this much trouble was four years ago when he was eight, when his relationship with Theo was first found out, he could remember the paddle falling relentlessly on to his cute spotty bottom, he remembered the look on his parents faces, each and every blister, each and every one of his lovers cries on the other end of the sofa, it was hell.

But, he was also lucky, he was lucky that his parents held no bigotry towards gays, he was even luckier that he was still aloud to see Theo and sleep at his house, albeit in another bed. But since then both boy's weren't fully trusted by their parents, for one they had sex under age and also stole personal material from Theo's dads' room, now they weren't even aloud to watch T.V unsupervised. They were grounded often, leading to weekend long 'disciplinary reinforcement', which in their terms meant being stuck in their rooms being spanked every two hours or so and only coming down stairs to eat their least favorite meals.

They still hadn't practised any other forms of sex, par oral or manual; because the last time they tried 'going all the way' they had a rather loud kissing session before tumbling on the bed, unfortunately they heard foot steps on the stairs before Theo could get his leg over and were switched harshly till their bottoms were two big welts.

Of course they developed fetishes like any other couple, but they still had to be discrete, The last time Luke's parents caught him cross dressing they had spanked him like a little girl, after putting him screaming over the chair in the corner of his room and pulling down a set of pink panties his mom used her old nursery cane harshly, before his dad fetched the polished pine fur brush, and all the while on his bed his mobile was recording the whole thing (Theo liked a good strip tease, even if he wasn't there to witness it live) and the file was kept by his parents to embarrass and to discourage him from being naughty.

Theo had quirks of his own, he liked to walk to school, with Luke on the end of a leash, and he wouldn't let Luke wear anything looser than y-fronts, and often asked Luke's parents if he could give some of Luke's punishments if he himself was not in trouble. Once, they had tried water sports, forcing Luke to the floor of the bath with ticklish fury, he relived himself, making sure to cover (if not fill) some of the greedy pups orifices, but they got wasn't pleasant.

But on this Friday Luke was silently wishing to have a sudden heart-attack, the reason being that he was stuck in his classroom during a monthly surprise locker inspection.

(a new piece of local legislation to tackle the problem of drugs weapons and other illegal materiel being carried by school children, and in this one city it fit perfectly with the legal spanking of children in schools bill passed in the city 5 years prior)

Currently in his locker were 3 gay hardcore porn mags, 50g of Cutters Choice tobacco (both the ownership of pornography and smoking in school were spankable offenses) and an illegal copy of next Mondays test answers, it took every ounce of strength he had to stop soiling himself.

Next to him was Theo, who was trying to avoid wetting himself glee, he had at multiple points in time 'expressed his displeasure' upon Luke about his smoking habit, mainly through his panty clad bottom, but he also grudgingly promised Luke never to tell his parents.

"And now I won't have to!" he thought in immense expectation, as he only got to see Luke's cute butt either in the changing rooms or...during a spanking.

Suddenly it was as if God him/herself was speaking, the ominously loud voice of the speakers announced a long list of children to be interrogated in the principals office.

"...Jamie Palmer, Tanya Miller, Che Gordon, Luke Stevenson, Paula Jennings, Michelle Smith..."

"Shit" Luke whispered as everyone looked at him as he got up to leave, He always liked to be at the centre of attention, but not like this, once he even used fur-dye to join the spots on his arm to spell a rude word, he was popular until...he was guided by the same arm over The Principal's desk.

"Go on then love, its not like you didn't deserve this" Theo chided.

Luke went red at this and swore back loudly, at which he was chased out the room by his teacher Mr Ryan.

"He is soooo gonna regret that when he sees the 'present' his grandpa sent him from England" Theo thought wickedly.

The halls were quiet and deserted, Luke almost thought of running when he saw the main entrance, but swung his head back when he also saw the two policemen guarding it. As he approached the hallway with all the school offices he saw a long line of pupils (about 182 out of a school of 962) also waiting to 'get it' and also heard the tell tale sound of a switch and a screaming boy. When he almost sighed in relief that he might just survive till lunch (school closed early today), when they began using both the vice principals office and the head of school securities as well for the punishments, he was screwed and he knew it.

Now 2nd from meeting destiny, he watched another poor student being led naked waist down with her clothes in her arms to the cafeteria to wait for her parents (as two months ago students went 'missing' to avoid further punishment at home and the school was nearly sued for misplacing students).

And at last he was directed to the all too familiar principals' office by a cop, and there at the end of the room branched by two more cops was the female greyhound Principal Gordino. He was gestured to a chair opposite hers, and he shakily sat down.

"Don't worry, we shall do this as quickly as possible to ensure you are limping out of here in at least 10 minutes" she recited as though she was reading off cue cards. "We need you to confirm that whether or not the items found in your locker were solely yours"

The officer on his right handed him a list, Luke read it thoroughly and nodded slowly.

"Good, now all we need you to do is sign this sheet listing your confession, if at all we learn you are covering for some one else you will be brought back for additional punishment, the same would of happened If you lied about the items stated on the list" she droned.

The officer on his left handed him a sheet so he scribed his signature and the sheet was taken away from him, as soon as the document was sent for copying for he personal record he was lifted out of his seat and hauled over the edge of Principal Gordino's desk by the officers and his belt, jeans and briefs removed soon after, his arms and thighs were put into hidden restraints, a leather wad was put in his muzzle and his tail held against his back.

"Since the ownership of pornography and tobacco on school property are only school offences you will be paddled 20 times for each" she held up a paddle similar to the one used on him at home but a half inch thicker and it had many more holes.

"But first, the acquirement and planned use of an illegal answer sheet is a state offence and you will be switched 15 times with this." She held up a very long and thin hickory switch, cut so it would inflict maximum pain to any bottom.

So Luke tensed up, closed his eyes and hoped it would be quick.

Shish-SNIP! The first blow and it landed below his tail, right on his tailhole.

His eyes snap open, tears exploding from the ducts and almost choked on his gag whilst trying to scream.

Shish-SNAP! The second fell right on the crease between his buttocks and thighs.

"MMMPH!" He kicked the Right cop right in the nads, so the cop in anger, decided to put a cabinet under the desk to lift Luke's butt higher so Principal Gordino had a better target.


Luke's reaction was to choke out his gag and scream, he screamed as if he was being dissected alive, as if all his entrails were hanging out a huge gash in his ass! Then he bawled he cried enough to halfway flood the empty desk, and his only thought how was he going to survive 40 swats with a paddle on top?!

The cop on the right re-stuffed the leather piece in his muzzle.

WHAM! Left buttock


WHUMP! Right buttock


SMACK! WHUMP! WHACK! Dead centre

From that point ever spank was a blur, each one bringing about sudden volume to his sobbing, he furiously kicked hoping to hit anything just to make the pain stop! At spank number 19 blisters started to appear, several on each cheek, by spank number 37 he was delirious half fading in and out of consciousness and at a glance at his bottom you would think he sat on a hornets nest as the blisters spread and burst as the final spanks landed

. [Imagine having being caught with drugs, tobacco, a knife and pornography! That's thirty with the switch plus the forty with the paddle!]

Even when it stopped he howled and screamed, even through the gag, he was taken out of the restraints with out pity, handed his clothes and given to another cop to be escorted to the cafeteria. With no cushions and having to sit on bare wood on a bare blistered switch bottom, you can't comprehend the volume of which he yelled! And no one noticed, they were going through the same. After he quieted down he was told to redress himself and was given a cup of water and a cookie.

At 12:30 the bell rang signaling the end of the day, at 12:45 he saw with many other parents, his mom enter with Theo walking smugly behind.

The fury on Mrs Stevenson's face was paramount, she had been told all in one day that her son was a dirty smoking cheat who was suspended from school for a week, she was embarrassed, ashamed and very very angry, and her thoughts were almost murderous.

And as she strode up towards him, Luck scared out of his wits emptied his bladder right on the bench, he jumped up and sunk to his knees grabbed her by the leg.

"MOM!i-i'm so sor r-ry don't hurt me PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T HURT MEEEE!" he half screamed and begged, he begged for he was scared, he begged because he just wanted it to end.

Mrs Stevenson's first reaction was disgust, looking down upon a weeping shivering wreck of a boy, his fur was matted together by his own tears, his tee was soaking, his britches stank of urine, she had planned to spank him here and now like most of the other parents that came in with her, but when she looked into those eyes, yes so pleading so helpless, eyes she hadn't seen since cradling him in her arms since he was born.

"Get in the car, we'll discuss this at home, and for god's sake take your clothes off and put them in the boot!"

Luke was so relived, he jumped up and started licking her face as though she just freed him from a P.O.W camp, but he shied him away with a look and started to walk back to the car.

Theo helped Luke out of his filthy clothes and put them in the boot, and when he looked to see how badly he 'got it' he blanched, taken aback by the grievousness of the spanking. He couldn't believe how much pain his lover must be in, he almost started crying, so he hugged him, and through that hug he silently promised that everything would be okay, that he would do anything to make his recovery faster, even if that meant ... role-reversal.

So Theo helped Luke into the back of the car, even being cautioned by Luke's mother for giving him a pillow.

"Remember, he's still in A LOT of trouble" she said "And so are you Theo" she thought to herself.

But he still cuddled him on the drive home, whispering softly into his ear,

Five minutes later they arrived at the Stevenson home, when they got in side Luke's mother had some things to say.

"Now Luke, I couldn't be more furious with you, not only do you smoke and fap your way through school, you cheat in exams! How do you expect to get by in life like that! You should have known you would have been caught, how stupid are you?!"

"Mom I-" he pleaded

"Save it! You march up to your room right now mister! Whether or not you get a spanking before we have dinner is your father's decision, don't expect anything to eat yourself, and be prepared for at least a paw spanking from both of us before bed!"

With this she grabbed him by the shoulder twisted him around and gave him five hard swats to his abused behind that sent him yelping threw the living room and up the stairs.

Theo turned to follow when...

"And as for you, get undressed, because you're getting a smacking now!"

Theo stopped, blinked and turned round with a puzzled expression on his face.

Mrs. Stevenson grabbed him by the arm and marched him to the sofa

"You heard me, did you or did you not know that Luke smoked or was cheating on his exams?" She asked

"I only knew that he smoked I didn't know tha-"

Mrs Stevenson bent him over her firm lap, unbuckled his belt and removed his jeans.

"So why didn't you come and tell me or your own parents?"

"He made me promise!" he screamed in fright.

"So you withheld, information from me, about my own son?" she began swatting his boxer clad backside.

"I'm ow! sorry! Oww! Stoooop! OWWWWwww!" she slid his boxers' right off.


"PLEASE NOOO! NOT THA'!" he screamed as his flesh under the fur was turning pink under the hard powerful swats of the adult Dalmatian.

"Go to the bathroom whilst I fetch the tawse! And I expect you there with the soap in your mouth and bent over the edge of the bath!"

Her threat let out fresh howls of fear from the usually brash pup, but even the threat of a tawse (a strap that is partially cleaved in two) can reduce any child to tears.

So He half ran to the bathroom, vainly trying to avoid anything worse, he found the 'punishment soap', basically a bar of soap with two drilled holes at either end with two leather straps looped trough them that were to be tied behind his head, he could still see his own teeth marks from last time.

(As being dominant partner, he often 'persuaded' Luke to do most of the things he was spanked for, but when they were caught, he would LIE, and was always caught in the webs he spun.)

When Luke's mother entered, he had the soap in his mouth and was leaning over the side of the bath with his furry butt in the air and nothing but his arms to stopping falling completely into the tub, he started to think of what he could do to Luke in this position, totally helpless his deep warm inviting cavern waiting to be filled...he then felt his pup-hood touch the cold surface of the tub.

"Ahem" Kath (her name) cleared her throat, and looked knowingly in his eyes as he squirmed in her gaze.

"My my you are a naughty boy" she tied the leather bonds behind his head and raised her arm, and he whimpered knowing full too well how PAINFUL the tawse was.

Two welts instantly flared underneath the thin fluff that covered his butt, his cries were effectively muffled by the soap-gag

"Just be thankful you are just getting five of these Theo, my husband won't exactly be pleased with you either, I do want you to able to sit at dinner you know."

Two more welts crossed the two previously laid down; Theo started to kick wildly, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, his doggy-dick had retreated back to his sheath at this point, he only liked giving spankings, not taking them.

Two crossed his thighs, Theo's arms nearly buckled; tears were now streaming from his eyes.

Riding the next two were riding the crease, Theo managed to let out a high pitched whine.

And the final spank was completely diagonal and crossed all the welts, Kath managed to grab Theo before he fell over into the bath.

She sat him down onto the toilet lid undid the soap gag and put it in the medicine cupboard and took the wash soap of the sink broke off a piece and told him to chew and swallow it. Theo let out a whine of disbelief that earned him several paw spanks, so in the end he accepted the waxy chunk and grudgeingly put it in his mouth and began to chew, the foul juice flooded over his tongue and crept down his throat making him want to gag.

He leapt towards the sink to spit it up, but Mrs Stevenson grabbed him and held his mouth shut forcing him to swallow the foul substance.

"Now Theo, when Luke's father gets home I want you on the sofa waiting for him. Do you understand me? He has every right to spank you as I did."

"Yes ma'am" he replied. "ma'am, did you receive that package for Luke?"

"Yes, and if you have told him, we'll try it out on you first." She snapped he gulped and slunk his way downstairs to watch his cartoons.

At 5:00 Mr Stevenson (Geoff) came through the front door from a happy and productive day at his office, kissed his wife (who was now cooking spaghetti bolognaise with bacon for dinner) and asked how her day was, within the next five minutes his cheery demeanor slowly diminished until he looked very old (even though he was only 33) and tired. He walked into the living room and sank into the sofa with a sigh, barely glancing at the half naked husky pup next to him.

"Tell me Theo, why on earth did you abandoned your responsibility as a friend and not tell us Luke was doing something both extremely foolish and careless?" he said tonelessly rubbing his forehead as though he had a headache.

"I only knew about him smoking sir, and I wanted to tell you guys ,I really did, but he started shouting at me saying that it was his decision, that was always telling him what to do and that he wanted to have his own way for a change, and when I pointed out that he was just going to get himself into trouble, he said he didn't care and started swearing at me, so I pushed him up against his locker and said If he didn't care then why shouldn't I tell his you guys? So in the end he resorted to blackmail, and when he realized he didn't have anything solid, he started crying, and he begged me to promise not to, he looked so pathetic I just put him down and gave up, knowing that sooner or later he was going to get caught and then it would be out of my paws." He said burying his head in his paws.

"I can understand that you tried your best, and you didn't want to jeopardize your relationship with Luke, but unfortunately it wasn't the RIGHT decision, and I'm sorry to say that you will just have to pay for your mistake." Luke's dad said with an understanding if not regretful tone, and motioned the young pup over his lap.

"DINNER WILL BE READY IN FIFTHTEEN MINUTES!" Luke's mom shouted from the kitchen.

So Mr Stevenson switched the telly over to the local news and told Theo to get comfortable.

the constantbitching you do between cigs, I have had to put up with so much shit from you over the past few months and I am sick of it, I even got spanked for covering for you!, so NO MORE! Alright! Every time you come to me to bitch some more OR ask me for money, I will drag you into an empty classroom or lockeroom, screaming if necessary, and treat you like the bitch you act like to me every day! Whether or not you get a spanking will determine on how fast you change your attitude before or during, not after!"

After this little speech, he removed the makeshift gag from his poor friend's mouth, but kept him on his lap, a little less firmly this time, and began his spanking again ...

Luke Lay there sniffling, not sobbing or bawling like he usually was after a spanking from Theo, no ,this was different he had thought, he knew that Theo was sincere about most of his message, because he had used full force spanks like he does in front of his parents,the rest of the spanking hurt,of course it hurt, but it was different, it was like the spanking he was receiving now, it did not burn it tingled and the message at the end, it turned him on more than anything else...

Just as the words active lifestyle role-play went through his mind Theo picked up the pace, he was smiling.

"Now my naughty little bitch.have you learnt your lesson yet?"

"Yes'daddy'." Luke looked up with an irritated smile, he hated being made fun of.

"Then I think its almost time for your first 'cootie vaccination'."

"You don't mean!?" he looked up hardly daring to believe it.

"Yes, I'm gonna bang you like the naughty little bitch you are!" "About time too" he silently added.

He plonked Luke one the bed, with his head now against the headboard, and lay behind him spreading the Dalmatians buttocks.

Luke suddenly froze, he felt some thing warm and wriggly press against his sphincter and circle around it leaving a trail of slime, he almost died from shock as his but was lifted and he was dragged until his shoulders were flanked by Theo's knees.

"what are you doing!?" he gasped as the creature did it again.

"teasing you" he said simply before inserting his tongue as far as he could in his friends ass.

Theo lay there and enjoyed the probing, knowing what would happen if he became impatient, but his member was becoming a constant distraction, it became almost unbearably hot after another 30 seconds, and he went to grab it...and up went Theo's paw.

"Theo! PleeeASE! I have a bottle of Lube under my mattress! " he sobbed, those spanks had HURT!

"Learn some self-restraint, and would it have killed you to tell me earlier?" he pushed Luke's ass out of his face and spat on the floor. "I didn't do all that because I enjoy the taste of shit you know! For that all I'd do is ask you to cook me something" he said offhandedly

"HEY!" Luke growled

"Why do you even have lube anyway?"

"Just say it gets awful lonely up here on Sundays and I paid a friend who got his brother to get 'it'and those DVDs you like so much and a umm... know..."

"Jesus! Your more effeminate than I thought, Just video it next time you play 'bouncy castle'."

"Pervert" Luke stuck his tongue out, got off the bed and dived underneath the mattress, seconds after, he came out with the bottle.

Luke climbed back on the bed and laid side-side next to theo, and filled his paw with goo, and as pay back did Theo first.

"Fuck-ing-hell! That's cold!" he winced

"Baby" he Taunted as he began to slide his paw up-down and squeezing every two inches.

" that's your... uh ...uuh ...uhh"

Theo wouldn't be beaten, he grabbed the Lube of Luke and squirted out a pawful and rubbed it on his lovers tail-hole, he squealed.

"whos the baby now" Theo stated as he inserted his digits one by one until he able to start fisting the cheeky little pup next to him.

"Why you... neEEed to do that ......we already have the lube..."

"I want to be as rough as I can with out hurting you"

"Why can't you be even the tiniest bit romantic for once!" Luke hissed.

Theo took his paw his paw out.

"Okay here's the deal, I fuck you delirious until valentines day, on which you call the shots, candle light dinner and every thing, dressing me up in the most embarrassingly cute shit and drag me around school by the paw, making out with me in front of the entire class, soccer team and make me sit with you and the other 'bottoms' and talk about thongs and stuff" He was almost sick thinking about it.

"Hmmm..."Luke rolled over with a girlishly happy smile on his face rolling his hips in the air. "and if I think of anything else?"

"Like I said YOU call the shots" he growled kneeling before booty heaven in front of him.


Theo had grabbed Luke by those hips and thrusted so half his member was instantly buried into his naughty little bitch's ass.

"That's for teasing me" he thought

He slowly withdrew, and thrusted again and again and again softly and slowly at first getting more forceful and moans of pleasure escaped from the NLB, he speeded up slowly, but keeping the same force, he forced Luke's upper body down and bent over his abdomen, and sped up dramatically, feeling his white fuzzy balls bang painfully against his lovers tight butt, he didn't care , he heard every squelch of his member sliding in and out of that warm slimy tunnel, every loud moan of the bitch below him, he dug his nails into the bitch's flesh drawing out a even more pleasing squeal, he righted himself and began to slowdown.

He wanted this to last, bringing his right hand over to the NLB's own erect member andbegan to slowly stoke the pulsating organ teasing the tip with his finger tips before squeezing hard, releasing a long whine from his naughty little bitch, he trailed his finger through the soft spotted fur and began playing with those small fleshy nipples his lust building as he squeezed more moans squeals out of the NLB's throat.

But his lust won out eventually, he picked up the NLB's legs and thrust as hard and as fast as he could into the now well ploughed tunnel, as he thrusted and thrusted, he felt his knot begin to form and slam against the NLB's tailhole, who at the sensation tried to wriggle out of his grasp, He dived upon the squirming boy pup, grabbing it's thighs and with one hard final thrust knotted the two of them, seeing a long jet of spunk splash against the sheets, and he instantly felt the walls around his knot constrict and with a huge grunt he came, filling his bitches colon and dribbling down Luke's balls and he fell on top of him gasping and light headed, just wanting to sleep...

"Now you boys have finished mucking around, we can give you a spanking for being so loud." Came the solemn voice of Geoff as he opens the door.

"And afterwards we are going to have a nice long talk" said the equally solemn voice of Kath.

The pups looked dumbstruck, had they been that loud? What did the punishment entail? And what the hell did she mean by a nice long talk!?

"Oh, and don't worry about you waking us, you didn't, we were planning on resuming your punishment now anyway Luke" Geoff stated

"But, we can't spank *you* whilst your tied but Theo can still get his licking." He continued, unbuckling his belt

Theo visually gulped.

"Please don't, I need to 'go'!"

Well, if you 'go' in our son we'll just increase his punishment by giving him an enema, and increase yours by lightly blistering you for not having the sense to go before you started knocking out bits of our plaster with your antics, you know that can last for at least 20mins right?" Geoff stepped towards the doomed boy pointing at his knot. "I'll be giving you 5 licks of the belt and then brushing you till you are free."

Geoff putts Two pillows under Luke to angle the already crying Theo a bit more.


"What about me dad?" Luke sniffed "the switch right?"


"No, something much worse I afraid, you were getting it anyway, were not too mad at you for being stuck like this by the way, that's what we are going to talk about later, that, and your smoking habit."



Theo was now completely broken-down, Geoff actually decided to not use the brush, and sooth the poor boy until he was able to spank him with his paw, he managed 10 coats until theos cry became higher pitched

And Luke started blushing through his fur....Kath (now striding towards the toilet to get things ready) and Geoff sighed.

10 minutes later Geoff was carrying the now separated Theo toward the 'spanking chair' in the corner, and Luke was being led by his mother to the bathroom, it was white furnished like a lot of bathrooms, but it had turquoise floor tiles and the wall with the door was painted yellow whilst the other walls were sky blue.

Kath sat herself down on a chair next to the toilet, she bent Theo over her lap and began spanking him, surprised that his bottom was a little pink already.

She gave him four coats from her hand,spanking cheek to cheek, and then working on his thighs, staying in silence because she was so mad at him, not because he had had sex, but that he choose to have sex after being spanked harshly and then also suspended from school, TO BE PUNISHED, not to have a free week to do what the hell he wanted! She grabbed a bottle from the windowsill, it was an old sports bottle (the kind with the pull up top you suck from) full with soapy warm water. She angled him a bit more and inserted it into his tailhole, he yelped as the warm/hot water flowed into the ultra sensitive flesh and muscle of his gut, Kath made sure he took at least half the bottle and took it out and plonked him hard onto the porcelain seat before he could eject anything over her or the floor.

He screamed as he made contacted and he whimpered and the uncomfortable sensation of water in his gut wouldn't fade fast enough even as bursts of water, waste and cum left his innards, and as soon as he stood up he found that he had to go again! He was a very unhappy puppy.

When he was finally taken back to his room he saw Theo bawling on the bed, his spanking finished (the bathroom was sound proofed) he ran over to comfort him, he was caught by the arm and yanked to face his mother, unbeknownst to him his dad took something ,hidden deep in his closet.

"Bend over Luke, lift your tail" she instructed.

He did so, scared of disobeying

the pain was worse than he had suffered of the last two days, no, his entire life! he screamed and jumped reaching for his backside.

His mother grabbed him and bent him over pinning his arms to his sides, and folding his tail over his back, read for another lash of his Grandpa's cane.

" You are getting five more Luke, four you were getting anyway, and the extra one is forgetting you're your were on a punishment weekend and not your honeymoon!" his dad scolded.


The second lash landed dead centre the first had landed just under his tailhole


He tried to jump again, as it had landed on the crease of his buttocks/thighs

"Three on the butt, now three on your thighs"


It was even worse, as it hit pure un-built pup muscle



After this final stroke, to reinforce the punishment, Kath picked up her wayward son and carried him over the chair in the corner to think of what he did.

Now eight thirty, the two pups had calmed down and were carried in just matching white shirts, that went halfway down their thighs, down stairs on to the sofa to have 'the talk'.

"We have been thinking on this for a while boys" Geoff started, "We, and your parents too Theo, are now going to allow you to have a fairly unrestricted relationship, reason being, we think you two are old enough to make your own decisions, be them good or bad, but, there are Three main rules: One, Don't be too loud or you will be crying yourself asleep, Two, No funny business in anywhere but the bathroom and your own bedrooms and Three, no dating without a chaperone. Your curfew has been extended to nine and no more until you are fifteen, you can always come to us if you have any problems and finally tell us if you are facing bulling problems or threats etc. got it?"

The two pups were overjoyed, so they couldn't stay out all later, they could just have sex for longer. But ...

"Of course since Luke is still grounded and on 'disciplinary reinforcement' till next Monday, what I just said doesn't apply till then. So stay out of trouble till then and you're good. Now on to your smoking habit Luke, basically the same deal, but do it outside the house, never in it, if you ask us for an advancement on your allowance, you will be spanked, and whenever you are grounded you will be limited to three a day, use them wisely." Geoff finished by saying "Oh, Theo you dad's are coming round they too weren't to pleased about you covering up for Luke's habit, plus, after thinking that they lost $100 two months ago, they now have a good idea where it went.......they're using the cane."

[The end]