Lost Flight

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#1 of Lost Flight

Lost flight by Raven Fox: Three friends coming home from MiDFur are on a fully loaded Airbus A-380 going home. When it goes thru a storm and landing on another world. They and the other passengers end being permanent guests of the inhabitants of that world.

Dec 9, 2012, the day after MiDFur at Melbourne Australia. Braniff flight L4523, an Airbus A-380 over the Pacific Ocean.

Ernst looked to his right to his best friend who goes by the furry name Raven Fox. Right now the thirty something year old human male with dark brown hair is sleeping with the seat back. He looked over Raven to a young guy named Thomas. The youngest of the trio occasionally writes a series called Tales of a changed Earth. Right now the twenty something male is looking out the window looking at the wing gazing at the large Rolls Royce engine under the wing. "We had to beg Raven to go with us to MiDFur; his excuse was that he had no money to fly. So Thomas financed the trip for him, I am glad he came with us, at least he had a good time." Ernst thought to himself noticing the darkening sky change to a greenish color.


The pilot looked at the storm ahead and checked his weather radar. A dark red area on the screen is in his path. At the current moment, the airliner is in a radio dead zone making contacting ATC impossible. Ninety degrees to his right is a yellow area meaning light storm system. "Have a choice of flying thru a severe storm risk damaging the plane or sending dispatch a request to slightly change course to avoid this storm." He thought to himself looking over to his co-pilot who is staring at the storm ahead. "Send a request to dispatch to change course to avoid this storm system."

The co-pilot nodded typing on the data link; the device uses a satellite signal instead of radio frequency to work. A minute later, the request was granted.

"Turning to the right. " The pilot replied turning the small knob on the console to make the autopilot turn the airliner. He felt the giant aircraft gently bank to change course watching the yellow area on the radar move to the front of the plane. Fear gripped his gut when he saw the green glowing storm in front of his aircraft. "Too late, we're going in." The pilot said as the airliner flew in to the storm.

The passenger section.

Ernst felt the airliner drop and the large jet engines race. He looked over to the window seeing the green glow at the window with the felling being on an elevator dropping fast. The passengers screamed and the oxygen masks dropped and Raven is still sleeping, over at the window seat Thomas was looking out the window and he turned back with a look of horror on his face that looked green from the outside glow.

Thomas looked out of the window seeing nothing but pure blackness. He couldn't see the sky, a minute ago, he saw thousands of stars before the airliner acted like an out of control elevator. Then a weird green colored light shone turning the blackness to a green glow. The young human read a series of books called Destroyer men written by Taylor Anderson. He loves the plot about a couple of Destroyers ended up on an alternate earth where humans never evolved and some dinosaurs are still around. The two main beings are anthropomorphic Lemurs with a feline head and anthro type lizard. Being a furry, the young human loves that series. Right now, he writes an occasional chapter of a series he invented called Tales of a changed Earth. Thomas stopped writing the series a few years ago, but Raven told him that a bunch of his watchers wanted more and now he writing the series again. The young human just gotten done doing a long wielding job on a pipeline in Southern Utah and now he's ready to send Raven another chapter. "I can't see anything outside but that green glow." Thomas said in a shaking voice looking at his friends.

Inside the cockpit.

A minute later the weird green storm dissipated. The airliner stopped the feeling of falling to the Ocean. Few seconds later, the sky cleared giving the pilots a view of the moon and stars.

"I am logging this severe rain storm with lighting." The pilot said to the co-pilot who nodded.

"Captain, I am not getting a GPS signal, the storm must have damaged the antenna." The co-pilot said looking at one of the screens. "Do you want to divert to Hawaii?"

"Negative, with out GPS and a controller guiding us we'll get lost looking for that island chain. We'll land at San Francisco; I am not getting other aircraft pilots talking to each other. The radio itself might be damaged, let's set a course to California, maybe we'll pick up someone when we get close to the coast." The pilot said to the co-pilot switching back on the auto-pilot. He picked up a handset.

The passenger section.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is you captain speaking. That was a weird storm we went thru, but the aircraft is still flying ok. We're going to divert to San Francisco or Los Angeles, we'll decide when we get closer to the California coast. We'll keep you posted." The pilots' voice said in the overhead speakers.

Thomas looked at Ernst shaking his head and whisper over Raven. "I think the aircraft is damaged or they would have flown straight to Salt Lake City."

"What do you think it might be? The aircraft seems fine; I didn't hear an engine shut down. If there're problems they can land at Hawaii, the airport at the big island can handle an A-380 because the airport was modified." Ernst said to Thomas.

"I think we're lost." Raven muttered in his sleep.

Thomas and Ernst looked at each other and at the sleeping Raven.

Hours later, a radar installation at the California coast.

The unmarked blip got the attention of the antro male fox. The vulpine watched the blip for a few minutes due to the antique military surplus vacuum tube operated system was known to produce a ghost image. After watching it for a few more minutes, he picked up the phone next to him. "Sir, we have an unknown aircraft heading to the coast, it's a big one."

Minutes later, an interceptor aircraft.

The male wolf gripped the control stick and looked at the radar on the flight instrument panel. He stared at the blip figuring out the size just wondering what he is going to see. "It's too big to be a Soviet bomber." The lupine thought to himself as he finally saw the giant aircraft in front of him.

"Dam, that thing is fucking huge!" The RIO behind the wolf said in to the radio. The male fox earned a few choice words from the wolf.

"Dragon one, repeat your last message. Describe the bogy." Inquired the military air traffic controller.

The pilot didn't know what he is looking at. Near his fighter is a large four engine aircraft being painted a white color with the word BRANIFF painted dark blue on the side. Bringing his fighter closer, he looked at the blue colored control surfaces and saw that this aircraft is a passenger airliner due to the windows and he saw movement within the aircraft. "Base, this is dragon flight. The bogy is a very large passenger airliner of unknown type."

Inside the passenger cabin.

"Guys, take a look, there's a fighter near us." Exclaimed Thomas looking at the light blue fighter jet.

Ernst leaned over Raven looking out the window. The human male saw a type fighter he saw in military museums. "What the hell, what U. S. military branch will be flying that antique. Not even air national guards will be flying an F-4 Phantom, they been retired since 1996 when the Idaho air national guard went to F-16s." He said to Thomas looking at the fighter thru the window.


The pilot looked to his left and saw the fighter near his aircraft. He did a double take looking at the fighter. "What the hell?? Who would be flying that relic?" The human had to move the airliner. "Dam, we're being forced to land somewhere."

Dragon flight.

"Sir, we've been ordered to force the aircraft to land at our base." Replied the RIO.

The wolf breathed a sigh of relief because he didn't want to destroy such a wondrous aircraft.

Cockpit, an hour later.

He knew that for some reason, he is no longer on Earth. The city below the aircraft wasn't any of the cities in California. Sighing looking at his co-pilot. "We're not at our Earth, we're somewhere else." The pilot said to the human to his right.

The co-pilot nodded grimly. "Looks like we're being forced to land at that airbase at our right."

The pilot looked at his flight instruments watching the back up ILS indicating that it's picking up a signal. Breathing a sigh of relief, he corrected the airliner approach angle watching the ILS.

The passenger cabin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're being requested to land at an airfield to our right. Please remain seated till further notice." The pilots' voice said from the speakers.

Ernst looked over to the window seeing the ground approaching. A second later, he heard the thump as the landing gear made contact with the runway. Then there was the sound of the thrust reversers slowing the airliner.

Raven woke up rubbing his eyes. "Are we at Salt Lake City?"

Thomas looked at his friend. "No, we're at a city in California. Didn't that severe storm woke you up?"

The older human male gazed at his friend with his medium green eyes flecked with brown and yellow. Thomas shivered because the colors of Ravens' eyes were like the ones of a large cat. "No bud, I was tired and so I decided to sleep thru this flight. You said that I miss a severe storm, what happen?"

Ernst sighed knowing that you drop a nuclear bomb near his old friend, he won't stir. He knew that some people cringe when Raven stares at them. The only feline predator he would compare the older male to is a lynx. His friend has the temperament of that feline, when someone messes with one of his friends watch out. "The aircraft went thru a weird thunderstorm, I think it's been damaged because we had to divert. One strange thing did happen; we were intercepted by an F-4 Phantom."

Raven looked at his friend question ally. "An F-4, dam, I want to see that. The last one I saw was an Air force base in Japan when I was waiting for a MAC flight back to the states."

Minutes later, outside near the A-380.

The three friends stood near the airliner watching different anthropomorphic beings herding the six hundred plus passengers to different buildings. Ernst leaned against one of the landing gear tires watching the passengers with shocked looks being lead away. He turned to Raven grinning. "This isn't bad, I can adjust here. We been writing stories about something like this happening and posting them on So furry. I wonder if vixens are really sex crazed?"

Raven chuckled and looked at Thomas. "I can adapt, but e2s86 is going to be upset."

Thomas looked at the older man with a puzzled look. "What do you mean and who is e2s86?"

"He's one of my watchers on So furry, plus he loves the series you write Tales of a changed Earth. Some of my watchers are going to get upset when they found out that Raven Fox was on an airliner that disappeared over the Pacific Ocean." Raven said looking around.

"I was about to E-mail you chapter eight of Tales of a changed Earth, I just gotten done writing it the night before we left for the convention." Thomas said watching three male anthro foxes walked toward them.

"Will you please come with us?" Asked one of the foxes.

Raven walked up to the fox looking him over. The older human male stood a few inches taller than the vulpine gazing at the fox making him cringe. "What are you going to do to me and my friends? Just to let you know, I value every friend I have and I don't take kindly to anyone who wants to harm them." He said to the fox.

Addar looked at the strange creature that is known as a human and male. He looked at those medium green eyes with brown and yellow flecks in the green part. "He has the eyes of a feline and I believe that he will harm anybody who will mess with one of his friends." The vulpine looked at the other males with the one with dark brown fur, one was blonde with blue eyes and the last has light brown hair with brown eyes. "We just want to ask you some questions. Some of our healers will want to examine you guys." And Addar gestures the three males to follow them.

Later in a hanger.

Raven and his friends were lead in a hanger. While passing an idling F-4 Phantom, the older male started to monologue. "I always loved older jet fighters. I love how they look." He glances at the F-4 like a guy would look at a sexy woman. "I love how they feel." Raven walks up to the side of the jet touching the part of the wing that bends up touching the wing like a guy would stroke a woman's breast. "I love how they sound." He walks near the engine exhaust cupping his ears to listen to the turbo jet idling. "Last thing, I love how they smell." Raven sniffs near the engine exhaust taking in a deep breath. "Now that's the best smell in the world except after pussy." He says, but two of the foxes lead him away from the idling jet.

Ernst who goes by the furry handle Shetland just watches as his best friend gets dragged back near him. He looks at his friend who has a grin on his face and now smells like burned kerosene. "Will you please just chill, you're in your thirties and some times you act like a five year old. I can't believe you spent four years in the Navy and you never changed, still nuts." The human watched as the older guy nods and follows the foxes.

Addar walked up to Ernst. "Are we going to have any more problems with him?"

Ernst sighs looking at the vulpine. "No, it's jetlag, most people it makes them sleepy. But for him, he acts like he drank a gallon of strong coffee with lots of sugar. Don't worry about him, soon it will hit and he will be sleepy." The human said watching the fox nodding.

Hours later, in a room.

Raven looked at his friends sitting on the floor looking at their shoes. He looked at his Caterpillar brand boots and it suddenly hit him. The human male thought of his relatives and friends he still has at Lyman Wyoming. Raven thought of their reaction of his demise over the Pacific Ocean. "I am going to miss the fishing and camping, but what do these anthropomorphic beings do for sport? Made them joust in the series End of an Era, race antigravity vehicles in Hover Racer. Oh man, I miss my pet cat Midnight."

The door opens letting in a human male and an anthro female bobcat. Raven cleared his mind and shifted his mentality. He didn't trust this human and he knew that he wasn't from the U.S.A... "Maybe from California because it's a mini U.N..." The human thought to himself.

"I am from the Vatican and your United States doesn't exist. So you got to listen to what I say or you'll get very uncomfortable here. One other thing, I did a passenger manifest and found out that only seventy Americans were on this flight." The human said to Raven.

"Excuse me, that's not how you talk to him if you still want to walk out of here still standing up." Ernst said to the male.

"Shut up half breed!" The male from Vatican said to the male pushing him. All of the sudden he's picked up and was thrown against the wall. Then there's the feeling of a hammer hitting him in the abdominal area. He looks at the green eyes glaring at him.

"You don't tell me what to do and you don't mess with my friends. I know he's half Native American, but I can't blame his father falling in love with a Native American female. Seen her a lot of times while growing up with him and his mother is very hot. In my twisted opinion, she's much better looking than Caucasian women." Raven hissed at the male and punched him a third time, then something jabbed him in the back making him hit the floor.

Ernst saw the female bobcat holding a syringe. The Vatican male went to take his revenge on Raven, but Thomas body slam the male to the wall. "Don't even think a bout it. You call us Americans barbarians, taking advantage of an unconscious adversary is real low and you call yourself civilized." The young human said to the male.

The male glared at the young male holding him to the wall. "I Lissare will not do anything to your friend. Just keep that half breed away from me..." He was knocked unconscious by Thomas.

Thomas looked at the body on the floor. "Don't call my two friends half breeds; I am Viking descendent and being of pure blood. I count people with a superiority complex like you as scum, lower than whale shit." He grabs the syringe from the female feline and looks at her. "All you half to do is ask if you want us to follow you somewhere." The human said to the feline with a mellow voice.

Later in a room.

"No, no, no way I am going to do this. I don't care what you did on our Earth; you don't tall me and the other coach passengers what to do!" Yelled Raven at a first class passenger named Burns.

"I am giving you a choice American..." The older human male spat the last word like a bitter taste. "Either you and your two friends wed the three females we chose for you or take part of the sport our hosts do once in a while. Their sport is something like a fox hunt, you're the foxes and the hunters are wolves who live in the mountains. One other thing, no one has returned from those mountains. So what will it be marriage or being hunted?"

Raven looked at the three females curling his lip. One female was skin and bones with a dress hanging limp on her thin frame. He felt like throwing up when he seen her. The second one wasn't better, her face had so many surgeries on it, it looked like a mask and her breasts were inhumanly huge. Last and but least the third one must have had twenty piercings on her head alone and her chest was heavily tattooed. The human looked at the older man leering. "I am awfully sorry, but I must decline your offer, I wish to remain single."

"So be it, take them to the transport to dump them off the mountain." Burns said to a few first class passengers. He looks at Raven one last time. "Last chance, marry these women or become a fox on a hunt."

Raven giving Burns a big grin said. "I rather marry Krystal from Star fox than marry a human skeleton." The older human holds up a hand with three fingers saying. "Read between the lines."

"Get this furry lover out of my sight! Plus his friends" He flushes with anger as Raven gave him that gesture.

Minutes later in a UH-1 Huey, the three friends looked at the green forest under the helicopter. A rope was tied to each guy and they were lowered to the ground.

Shaking themselves off, packs fell near them. Raven looked around admiring the place and grinned. "I think, I'll build a cabin right over there." He points over at a small clearing. "I'll set up a bar with hookers and gambling, plus all the good stuff."

Ernst sighed. "We got to watch out for those female wolves. Addar told me that no one has ever returned from this place."

"I don't blame anyone for staying in this place, I kind of like it here." Answered Thomas.


"Don't like this crap, even on an alien world with anthropomorphic beings the super wealthy still screw with us." Said Raven tying a red fabric on his forehead to keep the sweat out of his eyes.

"You look like Rambo Raven. " Chuckled Thomas earning a glare from the older guy with his medium green eyes flecked with brown and yellow.

Wearing only a dark blue T-shirt, the human flexed his right arm and kissed his bicep. "I am better looking than Stallone, but he's a million more times wealthier than me. I just can't believe that wealthy businessman convinced our hosts to stage this hunt."

"They gave us a choice, marry those rich skanks or allow female wolves to hunt us. I prefer getting hunted by a female anthropomorphic wolf than marry that one blonde female human. Her face was stretched so tight by many plastic surgeries; it looked like a snare drum. I almost had gotten poked by her implanted breasts. Don't get me wrong, I do like women, but one hundred percent natural women." Thomas replied looking around for signs of the wolves.

Raven chuckled. "Don't get me started on very skinny women. I used to work for a guy who watched that TV show called Ally Mcbeal. He had a crush on the main actress, man she was thin a board. If I wanted to have sex with something skinny like one of those anorexic females, I'll drill a hole in a tree and pack it with cooking grease. No, I prefer a female with meat on her bones. That brunette gal they wanted me to marry was skin and bones, that ruin a good hard on." The older guy said earning a chuckle from the other two guys.

Unknown to the three men, three sets of canine eyes watched them walk thru the woods. Each one of the female wolves was different; there is one female Maned wolf. With her were two different regular female anthropomorphic wolves. One is a gray and brown colored with long brown head hair. The other is a gray colored wolf and the difference is that she didn't have head hair; the hair at the neck area is a long brown and gray giving her the appearance of a mane.

"So these are the humans were allowed to catch. After hearing them talk, it seems that don't like the human females they given to." The Maned wolf inquired.

"Well, I saw them during that meeting, can't say I blame those men in rejecting them. So do we capture or kill them?" Asked the gray wolf running a hand thru the long hair at her neck.

"Capture, why waste good males. I have this feeling that they might prefer to live with us. Uma, which one do you want?" Asked the Maned wolf.

She looked at the three guys and directs her gaze to Thomas. "I'll take the young one, he's mine Maya."

Maya looked at the group and directed her gaze at Raven. "I'll take the older one which leaves the last to you Taila. He did say he prefers females with meat on her." The female Maned wolf said looking at her full figure. She wasn't fat, but her body will be counted as full figure on Earth. Maya looked at the Raven and licked her nose pad. "Let the hunt begin."

A twig snapped causing the three guys to turn around. Raven saw three female canines walked toward them. He counted two female wolves and the third canine reminded him of

Carmelita Montoya Fox of the video game series Sly Cooper. Never taking his eyes off the three females' canines walking towards him, the human studied them.

The one that looked like Carmelita walked up to Raven looking him over. "That's a Maned wolf Raven, a wolf body with fox coloring." Thomas whispered to the older male. Raven looked her over noticing that she's taller than him wearing something like a leotard over a two piece bikini. He noticed a slight bluish tint to her raven black head hair. The human liked the slashed areas on the leotard showing the tan white belly/breast fur on her full figure and he looked at her large breasts.

Maya looked at the human staring at her body. She grabbed his chin looking at his feline colored eyes. "So, are you the leader of this group of contestants?"

Raven looked at her eyes being the color of new copper calmly answering. "Yes these are my friends and I count them as brothers, so you better not...."

Uma blurted out, "We're not going to kill you humans, it's just a friendly chase thru the woods till we catch you with no pain." The wolfess walks up to Thomas looking him over and holds his chin looking at his blue eyes. "You're cute; I am going to chase you."

Thomas felt his pulse race looking at the gray female wolf wearing a decorative bra and dark tan lion cloth. He noted the lack of long head hair on the wolfess, but she had long fur at her neck like a mane. "A wolf version of Joan, I did like that series called the voyage Raven wrote not long ago." The human thought to himself glancing at the abdominal area of the wolfess and barely saw what Joan had. "A feral like female wolf." Thomas thought to himself. "What your name?"

Uma grinned showing her canine teeth running her fingers thru Thomas hair. "The names' Uma, we'll be getting to know each other soon."

The young human looked at her Jade colored eyes admiring the feathers in the long fur at her neck. "Oh, just to let you know, I won't be an easy catch."

The wolfess stuck one of her hands down Thomas pants fondling his genitals. "Ok, the longer it takes to catch you, the longer our first session of mating will be." She withdraws her hand and sniffs it.

Taila looks at Ernst noticing that he has the same brown shade eyes as her. "I am Taila, do me a favor and make this hunt hard and exciting."

Ernst nodded admiring her long chocolate brown head hair. "Just like Thomas, I won't be an easy catch."

Maya cleared her throat, "Alright since you humans brag that you're hard to catch, I'll even the odds. You get a fifteen minute head start instead of the usual thirty minutes. The clock is ticking." The Maned wolf inquired taking out a pocket watch from a pouch from a belt on her shapely hips.

Raven walked a few steps and turns around grinning, "I hope you have a lot of provisions, its going to be a long hunt for you ladies." He chuckles and the three men started to trot away.

Maya grinned as the three humans trotted down the trail watching them vanish around a bend. Uma walked up to her grinning, "So who do think is going to be our first catch?"

The Maned wolf thought and did a, "HMMM." And looked at her friend. "I think one of the young ones is going to be first, but that older one is going to the last catch and the hardest. He's a fighter and I like that."

One hour later further down the trail.

Ernst and Thomas watched as Raven poured black pepper in a balloon and started to blow in to it. The older male inflated it till it was ready to burst. "Is this going to hurt those females?" Inquired Thomas with a concern tone in his voice.

"No, its going to even the odds, that feral wolf Uma has your scent and she memorized it. I heard that pepper just messes up a canines smell receptors for hours and those female canines are using their tracking skills to hunt us." Answered Raven as he pinned the balloon to a tree. He looks at the yellow balloon with a picture of Krystal of Star fox. "I am going to hate myself later because I wanted one of these, but I am glad I bought a dozen."

"Where did you get the black pepper?" Asked Ernst as they walked down the trail thirty yards and climbed a nearby tree.

"I robbed the galley on the airplane before we disembarked." Answered Raven watching the trail. "I always liked pepper on my food, but I hope this world has something like pepper or the rest of my life is going to suck. Now be quiet, I think I hear our female hunters coming."

Uma kneeled down sniffing the ground and looked around in the trees. The wolfess saw the yellow balloon pinned to the tree. She looked at the picture of a blue furred vixen morph wearing the same type of outfit as her as she took a step closer to the balloon. Unknown to her, Raven threw a dart at the balloon causing it to burst spewing black pepper around her.

"Uma, are you alright?" Asked Maya as the Maned wolf ran up to her.

"Achoo, sniff, I am alright, I just lost their scent. It was very strong at this area." The feral wolf answered.

Taila looked at the tree seeing a yellow dart stuck in the tree and handed it to Maya who sniffed it. "Who set up this trap?" She asked the Maned Wolf.

Maya sniffed the dart grinning, "Raven, the one I am chasing, he hope to even the odds in their favor. One thing he didn't put in the equation that we use more than our noses in tracking prey."

That night, the humans' camp.

The three males looked at the sky seeing similar stars in the sky examining them. Ernst watched as Raven studied the sky using a pair of binoculars writing on a piece of paper and looking at a small book. He knew that his friend was an engineman in the navy, but the older male knew a little of every rate on a ship. The older human told him that he con the destroyer he was stationed on for almost an hour while going to Thailand. "So, is the sky the same one as the one on our Earth?"

Raven put away his stuff sighing and looked at his friend. "It's just like southern California back on our Earth. The area we're now at is fifty miles east of San Diego; I can have it down to one hundred square yards if I had a sextant and a better understanding of stellar navigation. But I am not a Quartermaster or Navigator, but that is our sky, but on a different Earth."

Thomas watched as the two guys talked to each other and looked at the dim light near them. He needed to go, standing up and glancing at the two friends. "I need to go take a dump."

Ernst looked at Raven and back at Thomas. "Be careful, I think our female hunters aren't in a good mood after what he did to Uma a few hours ago."

Raven tossed a roll of toilet paper and a hand shovel. "Bury your shit after you wipe, bury everything. I only put that feral one out of action, but not the other two will smell you when you go. Be careful and don't walk to faraway from camp."

Thomas nodded and walked seventy yards from the camp. He used the small hand shovel to dig a foot deep hole and squatted over it. Unknown to the human, he was being watched.

Twenty feet away, Uma watched as the human male was relieving himself. Due to the incapacitation of her ability to smell, she didn't smell the human shit. The wolfess decided to wait because her prey is less than twenty feet from her.

Standing up, Thomas wiped himself and buried the used toilet paper along with the feces. He looked at the hole making sure that everything thing was buried and walked back to camp. The human felt a calloused hand clamped over his mouth and a strong arm around his torso.

A female voice whispered, "Gotcha, you're mine human, now let's go to camp and mate. I have an itch that needs scratching in my vulva."

Minutes later, Raven and Ernst walked down the trail to check on Thomas. "Thomas, what's wrong, did you fall in?" The older male joked, but a second later, the joking humor died when he saw the area at the makeshift latrine.

The small hand shovel and roll of toilet paper was lying on the ground like they were dropped. Near the small shovel was a message: ONE DOWN, TWO TO GO. NOW WE'RE EVEN REGUARDING THE INCIDENT WITH THE PEPPER. SINCERELY UMA. YOU'RE NEXT ERNST TAILA.

Raven studied the message written on the ground. He picked up the stick examining it and looked at Ernst. "Man, I am sorry a bout the pepper bomb."

Ernst looked at his friend. "Don't beat yourself over this, she was waiting for him. I bet the other two are nearby. We better keep watch for the rest of the night."

The older male nodded looking around. He picked up their provisions and started to climb the tree near them. "I never heard of canines climbing trees. So let's sleep in the trees tonight and get a head start in the morning." Raven said looking at his best friend who nodded and climbed the tree next to him.

Minutes later in the tree, the two males settled down with the female wolf Taila watching them. An hour later, the wolfess snatched Ernst while he stood watch leaving Raven alone asleep.

The next morning, up in a tree.


That night, the wolves' camp.

Maya walked the parameter of the camp looking at the fire burning. The Maned wolf looked over at Uma who had Thomas with his face against her abdomen asleep. She looked at Taila having Ernst lying on her lap looking at the sky while running her fingers thru the humans' hair. "So, are you gals enjoying these humans?"

Uma looked at her friend petting Thomas. "I am glad that you told us to take them alive. He likes to suck on my teats, but it took a while before he allows me to have sex with him because of my canine vulva. These humans have the strangest sex organs I ever saw."

The Maned wolf looked at her friend grinning. "Don't spoil the surprise, I can wait."

Up in a tree, Raven watched the three female wolves talk. He's glad that his friends were being treated fairly. The older human male was going to rescue his friends, but decided to watch.

Looking around in the trees Maya check for any signs of the last human. She turned to the wolves and the humans. "Alright, hit the sack, at daybreak we'll break camp and look for a fox. I wouldn't doubt it he's watching us right now. Get a good night sleep." The Maned wolf said walking in her tent.

The two wolves looked at each other and went back to their tents leading their mates to their beds.

Raven watched for a while longer and climbed to the ground. He picked up a stick walking to the fire mumbling. "Two can play the game wolves." The human wrote on the ground grinning.

After he was done, he walked the camp making sure that he walked with the wind blowing towards the woods. Raven grinned looking at the dried meat hanging from a frame near the fire. "MMMM, I do love beef jerky."

The next morning, the wolves' camp.

Uma walked out of her tent being followed by Thomas. She grinned at the human male as he followed her. The wolfess looked at the drying rack feeling a strange emotion. "Maya, Taila, we had a visitor last night."


"You're good human, I am glad I chose you." Maya muttered to herself as the three wolves broke camp and started to hike down the trail. Unknown to them, they were being followed.

Up in the trees, Raven watched the female wolves and his two friends. From what he saw, his friends seem alright and in good health. The older human male mused. "I am going to keep this up longer, I haven't had this much fun since I was at Bangkok Thailand with a three day liberty pass."

Maya watched as Uma kneeled down and sniffed the ground shaking her head. The feral wolfess regained her sense of smell this morning but they hadn't picked up the humans' trail yet.

Uma scratched between her ears looking around. "It's odd, I smell him once in a while, but the scent vanishes." She looks around and kneels on the ground sniffing.

Ernst looked up in the trees and saw movement. He grinned knowing why the wolves can't pick up his friends scent. "Thomas, Raven is in the trees, that's why they can't pick up his scent." The human whispered to his friend walking near him.

""Shh, don't tell them yet, let Raven have his fun." Thomas whispered back to Ernst earning a nod from his friend. Unknown, Taila heard the conversation and walked up to Maya.

"What?" Asked Maya when her friend got her attention. She nodded when the wolfess pointed to the trees over their head. "Ok, he thinks he's Tarzan, I'll get him later when he makes a mistake." The Maned wolf thought to herself looking back and saw some movement.

Later in the day.

Raven watched as the wolves set up camp and pitched their tents. He was wondering why they stopped tracking him early. The human watched as his friends settled near the fire and the two wolves sat next to them. Raven saw Maya walked to the woods and decided to have some fun.

Maya heard a short howl from Uma meaning that she saw Raven. The Maned wolf went off the trail and waited. A minute later, she saw Raven walk by her hiding place. Maya noticed that he's sporting scratches on his exposed skin. The Maned wolf looked at his stocky build as the human passed her. She grinned as she quietly left her hiding place.

"Where is she? I like her figure, just want to look at her." The human said to himself walking down a trail. A calloused hand went over his mouth and a strong arm went around his torso.

"Let's go to camp Raven and get to know each other." Said Maya holding the struggling human who seem strong. "So, you work out, I am glad you're in good shape, one thing, I caught you so the hunt is over." Said the Maned wolf as she leads the human to camp.

A minute later, the couple entered camp. Raven saw his friends sitting next to the wolves looking at him. He was released and he walked to his friends sitting next to Thomas. The human looked at Uma and shrugged. "Sorry about the pepper."

The feral wolf looked at him with her jade colored eyes. "Apology accepted human, you were a challenge and I liked it. In the morning, we will be going to our town."

Raven looked at Thomas question ally. "How are doing? I knew I should have checked on you."

"Don't worry Raven; she's been real nice to me. Remember Joan from the Voyage?" The young human lowered his voice to a whisper. "Uma has the same anatomy as her."

The older human looked at the feral wolfess looking her over. He nodded at her and looked at Ernst. "How did she get you?" Raven asked looking at Talia.

Ernst blushed. "I nodded off and snapped awake; there she was looking at me. She snatched me and Maya left that note. These canines can climb trees Raven."

Sighing, Raven watched as Maya passed out fried meat. The older human grinned smelling the cooked meat. "I think, I'll adjust living here. Still going to find a way to get even with Burns and that Vatican guy, but first, I am going to chill for a bit." He thought to himself as he ate his dinner and looked at some pills.

"These canines mostly eat meat; those pills are for missing nutrients. We're not the first humans to land here. There are others at their town, that's why the ones at the base weren't surprised to see us. It's that Airbus A-380 they haven't seen before." Ernst answered his friend and grinned knowing that since Raven has been caught, they can go to their new home.

Hours later, Mayas' tent.

The Maned wolf hugged him while taking off the humans' T-shirt. She undid his belt pulling his jeans down looking at the dark blue boxer shorts seeing his erect penis thru the fabric. Maya pulled the shorts down and started licking Ravens' nut sack.

Raven relaxed enjoying the warm tongue licking his balls. He looked down liking the Maned Wolf who captured him. The older human wrote a lot of stories about situations like this. On this world he found out that female wolves are sexed crazed instead of vixens from Ernst and Thomas. Raven didn't mind this, he liked both vulpine and lupines, but he does like felines, tigers mostly because of their coloring. While getting his penis sucked on, he wondered if female anthro tigers are large as he wrote in his stories.

Maya stopped sucking on the humans' organ and started licking from his penis to his chin. She gave him a kiss and looked at him gazing at his eyes.

Raven looked at her admiring her full figure and how it slightly stretched the leotard. He hated bone thin females because seeing bones poking thru the skin makes his penis go limp. The older human watched as Maya pulled off the green leotard exposing the light green bra and panties.

The Maned wolf undid her bra slowly feeling her large breasts relax. She bends over removing her panties after undoing the tail flap. Maya gently pushed Raven on the sleeping bag and sat on him. Reaching, the Maned wolf spread her labia lips and grabbed the humans' erect member. She lowered herself feeling the organ go inside her vaginal canal. Maya started moving feeling the member inside her and then she felt Raven feeling her abdominal area and her breasts. The Maned wolf knew that her large breasts were sensitive due to their large size, that's why she decided to sign up for the hunt. Most of the female canines in her town have mainly medium size breasts like Uma and Taila. The male canines prefer females with medium size breasts, but right now she's glad that she ran in to a human male with a big breast fetish.

"Oh how I love soft predatory females." Raven thought to himself as he ran his hands on Mayas' ass and ran them back to her abdominal area feeling the soft belly. He ran them up to the Maned wolf breasts teasing the pink nipples poking thru the whit tan fur. Raven gazed at her coppered colored eyes and stroked her long black head hair enjoying his new mate.

In Umas' tent, Thomas is under the feral wolfess still getting use to her canine vulva. He ran his hands on her firm medium size breasts, a minute later he ran his hands at her abdominal area feeling her teats. The human earned a look from the wolfess, but he didn't care. Thomas did tell Raven that he liked feral anatomy on anthropomorphic female canines. When he got the idea of Tales of a changed Earth, Raven told him to have the canines to have human like features, but have the dragons have the lines of a canine. The human thought it was a good idea at the time, but he relaxed as Uma bend close to him giving him a kiss.

Minutes later in Mayas' tent, Raven yelled as he emptied in to the Maned wolf. He looked up at her as she looked back at him. The older human relaxed as Maya bend down giving him a kiss pressing her breasts on him. Raven returned her kiss feeling himself get sleepy.

Maya lay on her side looking at the sleeping human that made her orgasm twice during intercourse. She stroked his hair and pulled him to her and fell asleep.

The next day, the wolves' town.

The three human males and three fem wolves walked in a type of village reminding the humans of a small town. Raven studied the structures with interest and remembered something that's been bugging him. "Maya, can I see that pocket watch?" He asked his new mate.

The Maned wolf nodded and handed it to him. "Be careful, my grandfather gave it to me a couple of years ago."

The older human looked at the brass timepiece pushing a button to open the watch. Reading the inscription on the cover sent chills down his back. USS TIGERFISH SSN-579. He looked at the engraved picture of the ships crest and he shakes giving the watch back to the Maned wolf. "Thanks." Raven sputtered. (Author's note: There was no nuclear powered USS Tigerfish commissioned in the US Navy. This sub is make believe for this story.)

"What's wrong Raven?" Asked Ernst, with concern.

"USS Tigerfish was the sub my great uncle was serving on during 1965. The sub was lost somewhere in the Pacific Ocean with all hands. Conspiracy guys still spread rumors on the internet that the Russians or the Chinese sank the sub. The official Navy cause due to finding no wreckage that she must have had the same type of accident as the Thresher back in 1963." The older human male looked at Maya. "Is there anyone left from the sub?"

The Maned wolf looks at Raven. "There are only thirty left in this village, most of the crew went to different countries. My grandfather was the skipper of the sub; he might help you track down your great uncle."

Raven did a sigh of relief for two reasons. One is that a relative of his might still be alive on this world and two; his uncle was a nuclear machinist mate first class. Meaning that Maya isn't related to him. "Whew, for a second, I thought I became a redneck by having sex with a third cousin that was close." He thought to himself as they continued walking down a street.

A few minutes later, Maya guided the humans and wolves to a single story house. The Maned wolf gestured them in.

Raven blinked his eyes to make them adjust to the dimmed interior of the house. He saw a picture on the wall of a submarine emerging from the Ocean. The older human knew the picture of an attack sub doing an emergency blow to the surface.

"That's the Tigerfish doing an emergency blow to the surface." Said an older male human voice.

Raven turned seeing an elderly human male looking at him. He reached in his pack putting on his naval command ball cap. The older male managed to keep it hidden from the first class passengers.

"So you're a surface skimmer." Replied the elderly human male.

"And you're a bubblehead; it was my ships' duty to hunt subs." Raven said to the elderly male doing a common jab to sub drivers.

Raven took off the ball cap looking at the writing; USS OLDENDORF DD-972 with a silhouette of the destroyer on it. "She was decommissioned in 2003 and sank as a target in 2005. Where is the Tigerfish and Machinist Mate first class Deverson sir?"

The old man looked closer at Raven. "Yeah, you look like him. He's across the Pacific Ocean to live with anthropomorphic Dire Wolves because he fell in love with a female Dire wolf. As for my ship, she's at a pier in a navy yard not far from here. These anthros are still studying it because they never heard of nuclear power till we showed up. We thought we went thru a bad storm and lost coms with SECNAV, and then we tried to moor at San Diego finding out that we're not on our Earth."

Raven nodded trying to remember the name of this elderly male to be polite. He decided to tell him of how he got here. The older male told him of the flight and his treatment by the first class passengers from other countries. "In my opinion Commander Iverson, if I was in charge, I'll cut aid to the countries that hold anti-American demonstrations sir."

Iverson nodded. "That would give them excuse to continue their anger. Would you make thousands suffer because of a few hundred? I admit, I felt the same way as you. Your great uncle has a lot of anger inside him. A jet airliner landed here a few days after my sub was confiscated. There were thirty Americans along with some passengers from European nations. There was a hunt just like the one you went thru. A bunch of my crew with your uncle was on that hunt. One of the female hunters was a Dire wolf; she kept him as a mate."

Raven held his tongue and ended the subject. He saw an older anthro vixen walk in looking at him, Ernst and Thomas. She checked over the sub captain and talked to Maya for a minute and left the room. "Is there a way to get a hold of my uncle sir?" The human asked Iverson.

The formal Navy sub commander nodded. "It will take a while, but I'll get a hold of him. Give me a few days, settle down with my grand daughter and let her show you a round town."

Raven nodded and looked at his friends and the female wolves. He gave the elderly Iverson a salute. "Thank you sir, I was an engineman third class."

"Oh, a snipe like your uncle, see you in a few days." Said the formal sub captain as the six beings left the house.

The three human males and three fem canines walked out of the house. Ernst looked at the street seeing cars from the 1970's and older. He watched as the vehicles drove by them seeing humans and anthros driving them.

As Raven followed Maya, he wondered how a Maned wolf ended up a human males' granddaughter who seem mated to a fox vixen. "Some things, I better not ask." He thought to himself.

Military base at the California coast, the next day.

Burns watched as different anthros and some humans studied the Airbus A-380. The older human male watched as the Vatican representative walked up to him. He looked at the guy like one would do an insect.

"Sir, personal from the aircraft manufactures will be here in the morning to look at this airliner." Said Lissare eyeing the personal looking it over.

"I noticed that the technology level is nineteen eighties. Maybe they can reverse engineer this aircraft. They also have that missing American attack sub from 1965. I would love to see the looks of those conspiracy nut cases when they find out the sub ended up on another Earth instead of being sunk. Oh well, I can live here, just got to find a human female to live with. I can't believe those three Americans chose being hunted instead of marrying the women we set them up with." He looks at the Vatican representative. "I didn't see anything wrong with those women. They seem the perfect match for those Americans." The older human male laughs. "At least we don't half to worry a bout them any more. They became wolf food."

Lissare sneered at the South African with disgust. He knew that the three human males are still alive due to some of the anthros talking a bout it. Yesterday, a female wolf came to the base and claimed the luggage of the three American males as trophies. But she was gone before he can examine the luggage. The human had a bad feeling because the male with the green eyes was the most dangerous of the three. "I better watch my back." Lissare thought to himself as he left the hanger taking one last look of the airliner.


Part two, settling in, five days later.

Ernst felt soft fur against his hairless body. He opens his eyes looking at the beautiful female wolf with long chocolate colored head hair. The human looked down seeing the medium size gray furred breasts pressing against his body.

"Morning hun, how are you feeling?" Asked a sleepy Taila gazing at him with her brown colored eyes.

"I am doing fine; Ravens' uncle should be here later today with his female Dire wolf mate." He looks at Taila question ally. "Dire wolves were extinct at my would for thousands of years. What are they like here?"

The wolfess strokes Ernsts' hair and holds his chin. "You humans have some breed of humans called giants. As you noticed, I stand six feet tall and a male wolf stands six foot nine to seven feet. A female Dire wolf stands seven feet to seven foot five with the males being almost eight feet tall. They make us grays look like children compared to them." Taila runs her fingers thru the humans' hair doing the grin that shows her teeth. "Raven has a saying regarding a phrase for fox vixens in his stories. Don't mess with a vixens' mate." There's a minutes silence. "We female wolves are worse than a vixen, the one who messes with our mates tend to end up in the ICU. Messing with a female Dire wolfs mate, the individual ends up in the morgue."

Hours later, Iversons' home.

Raven looked at his great uncle seeing the resemblance of his grandfather. The human looked at the female anthro Dire wolf noting that she's still a nice looking female for her age. He noticed that the base coloring for gray wolves like Uma and Taila is a very light gray with different shades of gray with different colorings for head hair. The Dire wolves other than making him nervous with their huge size are way different than the grays. His great aunt has a medium gray base coloring with light gray and dark gray coloring. Her head hair is a long platinum color stopping at the middle of her back. Right now she's looking at him with her amber colored eyes. "Tom, he looks just like you when I first caught you." His aunt Jenn said to him.

His uncle looked him over with the same eye coloring as him. "Yeah he does, how is my younger brother doing?"

Raven relaxed as the tension broke. "Well uncle, he's doing fine, other than being slightly overweight, my grandfather is doing fine. I am the oldest with two young sisters." He said taking out his wallet showing the pictures of his sisters he knew that he will never see again.

Tom looked at the pictures and took out his wallet and showed his family pictures. Raven saw his uncle being younger with Jenn and three kids. One human male with two wolves. "It's random, a female mated with a human male will give birth to either a human or a morph. same with a female human with a morph male. Humans are rare here, but what you told me from how those first class passengers treating you." The older human male leaned closer to his nephew. "Watch yourself, if it gets bad, you and your mate will have a home with me and Jenn."

Raven looked at the bag at his feet. He had Taila recover their luggage and this bag, this bag is a special type with a compartment that he is glad that he brought the item in question with him. Australia is a safe place, but he didn't like walking around unarmed. "I'll watch my back; I've brought something from the good ol' USA made by Remington arms. 44 mag revolver and Maya told me I can walk around here at this town with it holstered. I am so glad that these people here have a weapon that fires the same exact bullets." He said to his uncle who nodded in agreement.

The talking continued in to the night and later that night, Raven and Maya turned in for the night. Tom looked over to Iverson. "Skipper, something tells me that this bunch of first class passengers is going to cause problems. The offer still stands with the people here to move to the Soviet Union."

"It's ironic, on our Earth the Soviet Union was considered evil. On this Earth, it's like our southern states where you have more rights than the big cities here that have my sub impounded." Said Iverson looking at Tom. "Hold that offer, if this group gives us any trouble, I'll be joining you with the others with my granddaughter. Where she goes, I know your nephew will follow."

A familiar hard look went thru Toms' eyes. "If this group messes with my nephew, they will regret it. It won't be me, but my granddaughter who will make them pay. Jayne is very protective of her relatives." The human male turns to the front door that opens.

A female anthro Dire wolf walks in sitting next to her grandfather. "Had a talk with Raven, he looks just like you. To bad we're related, I heard the last bit." She runs a hand thru her long silver colored head hair and gazes at Iverson with amber colored eyes. "If anyone harms my cousin, they will regret it."

The formal sub commander who had to keep a level head while operating a complex nuclear powered vessel felt a chill looking at those amber colored eyes.

End of Part two, to be continued. RAVEN FOX:)