
Story by Nevar Felrnn on SoFurry

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The following is the intellectual property of DKGrayWolf being hosted by Nevar as DKGrayWolf left Yiffstar.com.


By: DKGrayWolf

"Hey Gatomon, I was just wondering, if you had nothing better to do, if you wanted to go exploring with me?" asked Veemon shyly. He had always had a crush on her but until recently hadn't had the courage to ask her out.

"Sure I've got nothing better to do and Kari won't be coming back for a few days, so what did you have in mind."

"Well I was thinking we could go over to the Eastern forest. I've never been there but have heard a lot of stories about weird things that happen to digimon who enter the forest."

"Sounds kind of dangerous, and with out our partners here we won't be able to digivolve if something goes wrong."

"I know and that's why I didn't want to go alone, so do you still want to go."

"Yeah I'll go." Gatomon responded as they headed on there way to the eastern forest.

As they made there way towards the forest Veemon tried to tell Gatomon how he felt but every time he tried, he would get do nervous that he would change the subject. Thoug he did continue to hint at his felling he just couldn't bring himself to come right out and say it. Though just spending time with Gatomon was enjoyable.

As they arrived at the edge of the dark forest, the gravity of the situation hit Veemon, he never really wanted to go into the forest he just needed a reason to spend time with Gatomon and after the nice time he had, had walking and talking with her he really had no interest in going into a very scary forest.

"You know we don't have to go in if you don't want too." said Veemon his voice sounding alittle shook up.

"You aren't scared are you." taunted Gatomon.

"Of course not." Veemon declared, trying to impress Gatomon with his bravery.

Then making their way quietly into the forest they continued on their journey. Amazed that though the forest looked really dark on the outside there was a lot of very beautiful and colorful plants on the inside.

"Hey Veemon check out this cool plant." Gatomon called out "and doesn't it smell wonderful."

As Veemon inhaled the beautiful aroma of the plant he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck. "ow" He said turning just in time to see that a near by flower had shot him in the neck with some sort of thorn that was now causing him to get really light headed.

"Veemon you okay?" asked Gatomon as she watched him tumble to the ground.

"I don't feel so good" were the last words he said just before passing out.

Hearing the sounds of rustling leaves Gatomon quickly spun around to face the plant that had attacked her friend, watching in terror as it seemed to come alive. She stood there frozen with fear as one of the plants vines shot out and rapped itself around her leg and began dragging her back towards the plant. As panic set in she began to struggle and fight wildly against the plant. Though to no avail as three more vines came out rapping themselves around her arms and legs holding her solidly in place before the plant.

Finding herself unable to move as the plant continued to rap more vines around its pray Gatomon cried out for help.

Kari who was sound asleep at the time was startled awake as if to somehow sense the danger.

As Gatomon lay helplessly tied up with Veemon passed out no more than a few feet away she could have sworn that one of the plant vines had begin caressing her vagina. What in the world is going on she thought as the plant began to poke at her body? Then it found what it was looking for and with a slight shiver of pain she felt the vine slip inside of her. She let out a gasp of pleasure as it began working its way deeper and deeper within in her as it began to secrete a chemical that made her whole body almost convulse in pleasure. The plant continued to push itself deeper with in her sliding in and out until it reached her womb, at which point it began to pulse within her, expanding and contacting. Final when she just couldn't take to pleasure anymore it began pumping its eggs deep inside of her, by now the fear had left her and all she could do was enjoy the feeling as her womb began to fill and expanded more and more with each pulse. Letting out a moan of pleasure she relaxed and the plant slide itself out of her, leaving her lying on the ground confused and satisfied.

By this time Veemon had final come too and running over to Gatomon who was lying on the ground "Gatomon you alright." But no sooner had he said those words, when her smell hit him like a ton of bricks. The smell that was emitting from her vaginal opening was so strong that it literal took control of his mind as he began stroking himself. Oh man was his body screaming out for sex, as he began to work his manhood to its full size.

Then without thinking or hesitation he jumped on Gatomon snapping her back awake and began to push his now erect penis deep within her. She tried to struggle but to no avail as Veemon's only concern was to get deep within her. He began to thrust himself deeper and deeper going as fast as he could find himself completely consumed in his desire.

Unable to get free from his grip she continued to struggle but the harder she fought the harder he thrust himself. "Veemon stop it!" She cried as she clenched her teeth in pain as he continued to rape her. Then with one final thrust Veemon shoved his member deep within her and released his load. She could feel it moving within her as it worked its way towards the egg that had been placed inside her. Oh Kari she cried out where are you, I need your help.

Then as if her wish had been granted a bright light shot through the forest. So bright that it blinding them to all that was going on around them, then as quickly as it came it left, leaving behind a little girl.

"Oh my God." The girl said as she looked upon the spectacle before her.

"Kari is that you? Help me!" Yelled Gatomon.

Kari ran up behind the little digimon who was releasing the last of his load deep within her partner and gave him one swift kick in the side removing him from her with some pain as his penis was ripped out of Gatomon. Landing on the ground not far from her he layed rolling in pain as he gripped his stomach. Kari immediately grabbed her digimon and who had once again fainted from the pain of having Veemon ripped out of her and carried her out of the forest.

Laying her digimon on the ground "Gatomon you okay, wake up, talk to me. " She cried. "Come on buddy," muttered as tears began to fill her eyes. Then as if nothing had ever happened Gatomon awoke to see her partner in tears over the past events.

"Kari, how did you get here." she asked stuttering as the reality of what had happened came flooding back into her mind. "That thing, what was it."

"Gatomon your okay," said Kari as she picked up her digimon and hugged her as if they would never see each other again. But something was wrong, while holding her close she could feel something moving within her as if some creature was living with in her. "What the." She said pushing Gatomon away from her to stare at her stomach, which was throbbing and moving.

"Ahhh" Gatomon yelled out in pain as her vagina stretched and contorted as if something was trying to break out of her. Then as quickly as it came it was gone. Feeling her stomach she realized all that had happened, "I'm pregnant."

"What? How?" asked Kari in shock

"It's along story but for now I'm tired and just glade to see your face."