A Dog named Toby

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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A dog named Toby By Roofles

"Great part-aye!" Cody got a thumbs up from the guy being supported by his two friends.

"It was fun, we'll have to do it again sometime." One of them said as they left.

"See you guys later. Drive safely, you hear!" He called after them laughing and waving at the last group as they departed from his apartment. "And where the hell do you think your going?" Cody asked shutting the door cutting the last one off.

"Um...home?" The Bernese Mountain Dog said blinking his foggy milky gray eyes. His black ears folded back and his white tip tail tucked between his legs. He wagged his tail the next second and one ear rose up half way as his face brightened, his eyes almost seeming magnified by the white marking around them. "Come on, bud. I'm good to drive." Which was soon follow by a loud hiccup.

Toby's eyes widened like a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar and he covered his mouth with a white paw. Before laughing it off. A giddy high pitch laugh that only a drunk could manage.

"Not happening on my watch." Cody shook his head, locking the door as a final point. Even if the dog could easily just unlock it his spirits fell and he gave up on pushing the issue. With a crestfallen face he looked up at him, watching him go, with large puppy dog eyes.

"I can...crash here then?" His tone was hopeful and a hint of a tail wag betrayed his racing heart and sweaty paws and just how nervous he felt about it. His quick breathing and slightly dialated pupils watching Cody begin to clean up the room only betrayed him further. A tongue licked his dry lips and he tore his eyes away with another giddy laugh as he felt even more foolish as the man he was watching looked over his shoulder at him.

"Yeah?" Cody eased up after the confused question. "Of course you can. I need to clean up first..." He trailed off looking around the room at empty pizza boxes, empty beer cans, bowls of turned over chips and a half eaten icecream cake melting on the count. "But the couch is a lot comfier than it looks." He offered as some solace turning back towards him with a smile.

"Thanks." Toby slurred a bit. Taking a slow breath he continued as he walked over to help. "Tossing me the couch while you get the warm nice lonesome bedroom all to your self." He teased fishing a bit as he did so, almost hoping for a bite and at the same time afraid that he would.

"Hey!" Cody turned to face him again after picking up an empty bag of potatoe chips, pointing a finger and the bag at him. Once more Toby's ears fell back at the harsh tone. "I sleep on that couch all the time. Don't dis the couch." And with a laugh headed into the kitchen to toss the garbage he collected away.

Toby watched him go before bowing his head down to take a sniff at the couch. Wrinkling his nose he pulled away. He rather be sniffing someones sheets than a couch with more than a half a dozen asses on it this night. Spying some dripping icecream on the counter he walked over to it.

"Toby!" Cody said loudly making the dog stop mid lick from the dripping vanilla running down the side of the marbel counter. "Don't lick that." Cody expression was soft and more amused than anything else, like disciplining a puppy dog he had just gotten.

Tongue still rolled out of his maw he looked up at him. Drool dripped from his mouth before tucking his tongue away with a loud swallow and shutting his muzzle. He didn't say anything but looked away guiltily. "So...what does a place like this cost you a month?"

Cody went back to cleaning. Picking up a few pieces of pizza that spilled out of a knocked over box. He took a bite of one before answering. "Not as much as you'd think." He took another bite not even finishing the first. "It's the utilities that cost a bundle. Water. Electric. I don't even have the heat on."

"Its already October." Toby frowned in a worried tone.

"I got a heated blanket." The man answered as if asked a question, a bit too defensively though. He sighed and scratched his brow. "It's been...a rough month."

"And your having a party over here..." Toby stated but it sounded more like an accusation which he quickly regretted. He wanted to sound sympathetic. And failed.

Cody stopped and looked down at the floor. He took a seat on the couch and folded his hands in his lap. "My roommate just up and left the other day. It's what I get for getting a guy through Craig's list I suppose. At least he didn't rob me," he laughed a bit trying to lighten the situation but it didn't help much.

"It happens." Toby shrugged but took a seat on the other side of the couch. He popped a beer from the six pack he was about to put away and tossed it to him. Cody caught it, watching from the corner of his eye as Toby got one for himself. "At least it was a stranger. I got family that's done that too me." The dog said rather flatly.

"Heh, life's a bitch." Cody sighed resting his head back against the black leather couch. "No offense."

"None taken. My mom was a bitch." Toby replied resting back against the couch in a similar fasion. He kicked a bare paw up onto the coffee table in front of the couch; always having liked walking around bare foot whenever he could and he couldn't refuse the offer at "making himself comfortable" at the start of the party. He stretched his toes out as he tossed an arm up on the back of the couch, leaning a bit closer with the action. "So no offense taken." He said smoothly although it took him longer than normal to say with his buzz state of mind.

Cody missed the smug look on his face as the weight of the night began to wear on his eyes an they clamped shut with an exhausted sigh, a groan and a reassuring paw touching his shoulder. The finger squeezed once and stayed behind. His thumb rubbed his coat slowly as he continued to look at him.

"Right." Cody said clapping his hands on his thighs and pushing himself up. "Let's clean this shit up!" He stood there for a few seconds without saying or doing anything before clapping his hands together and continueing what he was doing.

It took half an hour to get most of the mess bagged and wiped down. Most of the time was spent making sure Toby kept his head out of the garbage claiming that "that piece of pizza was still viable for consumption" and scrubbing down a rather well set stain from a glass of wine earlier that night. Cody tossed the rag into the sink, dyed fully red from the mess. He rested against the sink afterwards with his head down.

"What made you have a party tonight anyways?" Toby asked casually fishing for some topics for them to converse about. The silence was deafening to his ears even though it had only been a minute between their last conversation about Carlos's drunk antics only two hours ago.

"It was Halloween. It's an excuse to dress up like an idiot and drink. An I didn't want to do that alone." Cody confessed a bit embarassed but glad he had thrown the party.

Although he had been invited to the party, they didn't know each other that well. They never got the chance to talk just the two of them before or during the party. Several others from work had come along and he had met some rather interesting friends of his cubicle neighbor. Cody was always friendly during lunch and in passing, more than happy to add to any conversation that formed between the two or with others. He had a way to jump into a conversation without making it seem like he was eavesdropping even if it was just in passing. Just a guy that could sit down at your table in a restaurant and nobody would have an issue with it. Someone that just fit in naturally with a warm welcoming presence about him. Something the dog envied.

Still Toby was surprised when he was invited over. It had been sudden and during the middle of the work day. Of course at the time he had misheard him thinking it would just be the two. And his mind jumped on the idea of a date between the two. Quickly learning that more than a dozen other people were coming along however. Toby didn't even know of his orientation. It was but wishful thinking and a good nose at the right time.

Toby lounged out on the couch watching the man run around the apartment to finish the finer details. He was still wearing his outfit from the party. A mafia man from some popular show on tv. Toby wasn't familiar with it. He had gone with a more dorky outfit of underdog. All he needed was the collar. A friend of his owned the outfit. He never questioned why he did though. Most people didn't get it until he did his horrible impression that only got worst the more he drank. But it had gotten a laugh from Cody and that was enough for him.

"You know what I could really go for? A belly rub." Toby said after another minute of silence catching himself and the man heading into the kitchen off guard. He had been racking his brain over what to say exactly and that was what he blurted out. Maybe he was more out of it than he thought. He was getting tired though and his eyes were feeling heavier with every passing minute.

He groaned tossing an arm over his eyes the beer barely holding in his loose fingers. Cody hadn't replied and with wishful thinking was hoping he hadn't heard it. That he was too out of it or hadn't said it loud enough for him to hear; that it was all just in his head.

Toby bit his lower lip as he felt a hand on his chest. Out of instinct he sucked his gut in and almost sat upright. It rubbed softly on the red suit he wore just trailing along back and forth as Cody leaned against the back of the couch looking forward.

"Here..." Toby found himself saying pulling his shirt up to show his white chest fur that ran almost down to his belly that blackened and vanished into his pants.

"Hm..." Cody replied still looking forward without thinking about anything in particular. His fingers went back down towards his stomach and continued to run through that surprisingly soft fur. The tips of his fingers touched warm flesh and goosebumps ran down Toby's spine making him buck slightly upwards as he twisted his hips and let out a low murr of a growl.

"That good?" Cody laughed finally looking down at the dog who was twisting on the couch still murring at the feel.

"You have no idea." Toby stretched out long, curling his toes slightly as he did so. "Covered in all this fuzz you get real. Itchy." He stopped to soak in the moment and feel before finishing the sentence. "It's like." He went on stopping to groan at the hand that was beginning to work a lot more deligently than it had before. "When your ass itches in the middle of a public place. You can't just scratch and got to wait 'til the coast is clear. Then when you do scratch. Hm-mh!" He finished with another low murr.

"Poetic. You should've been a writer." Cody laughed looking down at the dog now curled up on the couch. His ran his hand through the fur one last time before pulling back as he looked off to the side lost in thought about nothing in particular.

The dog whined. Moved and thrashed a bit on the couch before looking up on him. The look on Cody's face made his complaints die obvious that it was falling on deaf ears anyways.

"Ok, ok. Your turn." Toby twisted his hips and got up.

It took Cody a second or two before he even noticed the dog going around the couch. "No no no. Not goin' to happen." Cody said seriously but the paws quickly went to work and he was laughing. "I-I'm tickilish you jerk!"

"Well if you stop fighting it wouldn't be." Toby stuck his tongue out after stopping his assult. He got a smile and laugh in return so he continued waiting to hear a no or stop but it never came. And he shamefully enjoyed continueing.

"Ok, I give." Cody said finally pulling back and instantly Toby stopped but he took a step closer with a smug grin.

"The couch is a little...small. You got a better place for a rub down?" Toby laughed and stuck his long, thick red tongue out again making sure he got a full view of it before slurping it back into his muzzle.

"Well...there's the bed I guess." Cody said off handedly. Not even thinking of it really. His apartment had the main room half of which was the kitchen. A small closet of a bathroom and a bedroom. He didn't need anything else.

"Perfect!" Toby jumped on the band wagged gun ho. "Lead the way."

"I didn't agree to this." Cody said standing his ground. His shoulders were tight with clenched fists but his face was soft and kind as always.

"Ease up. No need to get all tough and manly." Toby said. "I thought it'd help. You've been real tense lately. It kind of hard not to notice. I just thought it'd help is all." He said off handedly. The guilt was written all over his face though and Cody would've been a real hard ass to refuse after the look he was given.

"Ok, fine. Just a belly rub..." It melted his heart and Toby skipped behind him as he went along tail wagging. The dog felt bad using guilt but he knew it'd help the guy out and a part of him, though he'd never admit it, wanted to give him one.

It was a common cultural acceptance of canines and belly rubs. In public between lovers, partners or good friends in parks. Most dog breeds had a winter coat grow in and during summer the heat alone made it feel as if they were wearing an itchy old sweater like the ones made out of yarn by a grandmother. Special back scratchers were made with anti-itch shampoo's that was supposed to help with the 'condition'. And although Cody wasn't familiar with it and other cultural acts, he was an open minded guy living not only in a joint apartment complex but working in an office as well that catered to any and all.

"You want to get out of that stuffy outfit? I mean the shoulder's alone look uncomfortable." Toby nodded at the padded shoulders of the black and gray striped outfit. It almost looked commical if the dog hadn't seen his own natural broad shoulders that soon showed as the coat slipped from his shoulders and was tossed onto the pile of 'clean' clothes.

"It's not so bad. Lined with silk with padding between." Cody said delaying the inevitable at this point. It was a conflict he had to admit. An a small part of him knew it was because he was in fact not human. A small part of him, most likely on his father...and mother's side of the family, that put those thoughts in him. If it was a human guy here...offering the give him a belly rub...

That eased his mind. Human or not it was still odd. Uneasy. A custom he wasn't used too. From another culture. And with that thought, knowing it wasn't just because of who he was he laid down on the bed. "Be gentle. It's my first time." Cody meant to tease but Toby heard it in a different light.

Growling the dog joined him on the bed nearly straddling his hips. "With pleasure." He murred slipping a paw underneath his shirt without wasting another moment.

The coarse gray paw pads ran up his stomach that he sucked in a bit startled at the feel. Scratchy but smooth. The fur on the end of the fingers tickled only slightly and the dull nails trailing upwards created goosebumps in their tracks. He drew in a slow breath between clecnhed teeth about to speak, to tell him this was too wierd before a muzzle pressed down against his lips.

A wet black, bumpy nose touched his own. Toby had his eyes closed sneaking the kiss before he lost the nerve. Wanting to go slow, ease into it but couldn't help but want to steal a single kiss just in case it all went down hill before he got the chance.

The paw continued to rub under his shirt. His thumb rubbing up his happy trail to dip into his belly button making Cody groan a bit at the force. It only opened his mouth to the tongue propping at it almost depseratly seeking refuge inside. And Cody...wrapped an arm around that thick neck kissing him back, nearly sucking on his tongue fervidly. Breathing out hottly across his muzzle when the tongue retreated back inside to roll the taste of him around in his muzzle.

"Damn. You do work fast." Cody laughed a bit feeling the heat building up.

Toby swallowed loudly fussing with his button shirt. "I'm glad my speed impresses you." He joked, teased and yet both knew just how hard he was getting. The bulge in his pants grinded roughly against Cody's groin and the man was all too happy to hump against it.

The dog whined pulling back a bit and letting out a hot breath beginning to pant. He struggled with the last button that only fueled his frustration more as it twisted back and forth but just wouldn't come undone. A whine escaped him as Cody humped again.

Toby blinked several times after being rolled over, pushed back against the bed with Cody on top. Instinctively the dog wrapped his legs around him which only served as better leverage for the next hump he gave the dog. Grinding their pants together slowly as he pressed the dog back down against the bed.

"Having your friends ask if I was single. Checking to see if I was free for weekends. And yet you never did ask me out." Cody eased up letting the legs wrapped around his waist lessen so he could move down his body and kiss him again. The muzzle opened willingly for him and their tongues met, lips closing around them as they pressed harder against one another.

Toby grabbed at the sheets as his eyes stayed clamped shut his ears folding back and his tail desperately trying to sneak between his legs. His legs twisted and whine escaped him as his arm was moved above his head in Cody's grip.

"You ok?" He asked pulling back a bit looking at him with concern.

"Don't stop." Toby panted still with closed eyes.

Cody didn't continue until those smokey grays opened up to look at him. He continued to pant slowly before licking his drying lips. "Are you clean?"

"Get tested every month."

"Me too. No rubber. No lube."

"You want it rough?" Cody asked swallowing loudly wanting to start panting himself in this heat.

The dog just nodded eagerly. So Cody let go of his arm and pulled back a bit working on the stray button that wouldn't come undone. Toby looked at him desperately as if afraid he was going to change his mind but watching him strip in front of him only sent his tail ablaze wagging back and forth.

Cody stripped his shirt slowly pulling it back over his shoulder and dragging it on his back. Letting go of one end he spun it around until it was a strip of cloth and began to work on his wrists. "Any time you feel uncomfortable, big boy, tell me." Cody said hotly inches away from his face as he tied both his wrists together with the shirt.

The grin he got in return told him it was about to be a problem. The six two dog just submitted to the five ten man, full willing and not even bothering to argue. In fact he even moved his arms up further as Cody let them go to work on the dogs shirt. He opened it up, running his paws up his stomach and chest through that black fur to the white markings on his chest. Cody continued to scratch his chest as he worked on the dog's belt. Watching it spring open at the bulge inside and the pre stained briefs tenting upwards.

"Earger aren't we?"

"You have no idea." Toby just toothily.

Cody just grinned back as he started to work on his own. Toby lifted his hips as Cody coax his pants down to his ankles. Rubbing along those briefs he rubbed that sack clearly defined in the fabric watching the stain on the front only get worst as he rolled his palm against it.

Toby groaned. Moaned. Rolling his hips and twisting his ankles, pulling against the pants that shackles his legs together and whined while panting the whole time with a massive grin on his face. "Good boy," Cody couldn't help but say as he looked down at him. He got a hump in return.

Cody bent down continueing to grope the dog mercilessly as he began to gnaw on his neck. Biting the loose skin as he grinded his whole body against him. Continueing to tease the dog just enough to make him squirm but stopping whenever he began getting too into it.

Pulling back he slid a hand into the briefs and for the first time felt his bare naked, hot sticky flesh against his skin. The shaft glistened in the light as he began to remove the briefs. Nearly fully erected the dog hump against his hand getting it even more sticky as the tip spewed another glob pre. A building knot was already forming in the base just above the loose skin of his sheath that rested ontop of his hefty full sack that bouned with each hump he gave.

Taking that sticky hand he traced down around the sack, between his legs to the tight pucker underneath. Touching the hot pink flesh he felt his whole body tense. The tight tailhole squeezing shut. Cody teased it softly running his middle finger around it. Softly the first time before harder the next. Finishing the second circle he teased the middle. Feeling him tighten even more he forced the first half inch inside making Toby whine softly.

"You alright?" Cody asked softly as he brought his other hand back up to Toby's quivering, leaking body. Stroking it he waited for a response or answer.

Toby eyes were open, almost fogged over as he licked his lips again. "I didn't tell you to stop."

And Cody just smiled.

Twisting his finger he pushed further inside the dog who tightened further at the intrusion. If he wasn't before the heat radiated from his groin and between his legs on Cody's hand was getting him hot and bothered. His own cock hard as a rock, poking its head out from the top of his stretching briefs.

Not even half way in he withdrew his middle finger which caught Toby's attention. He raised his ears and looked down at him, curling his toes and tail as he was stroke again. Milked for another spooge on Cody's hand. Bringing the hot melted cream seeping between his fingers, Cody began to lube himself using Toby's own cum.

Cody breathed out looking down at his own shaft now shinning in Toby's pre. Stroking his thick head, teasing the slit he stroked downwards before cupping himself. Rolling his head back he groaned at the hot liquid rubbing over his sack. Biting his lip he moved into position not able to keep up the act much longer.

Toby kicked off his pants while watching the show. He could lay there all day watching him use his own fluid to play with himself. Hot ooze was still leaking from his tip and Cody was more than happy to scoop up some more.

"You always leak this much?"


Cody just closed his eyes to stroke himself once more before angling downwards and scooting a bit closer. Toby opened a leg up and lifted his thighs. His tail was off to the side and out of the way, the end still wagging as he watched Cody's every action and move. Feel that sticky palm rub over his sack again, watch him guide his head down to his tight tail hole. And groan as that thick head pressed against it forcing its way inside slowly but without stop.

"Aurgh, god!" Toby gasped having to put his heel up on Cody's shoulder. It was soon joined by the other leg as his head slipped fully inside him sealing his pucker shut.

Toby was in heaven, pleasure soon washed away the pain and he gave up trying to keep himself tight. Just tossing his head back he moaned into a low growl that sounded almost like a howl as another inch slipped into his body. The heat and tightness, combined with the smell and legs pulling him in deeper only made Cody want to finish right there and then. He even felt his sack tighten against him but he wasn't about to end it there.

"Fuck. Yes. Fuck." The dog said grabbing at the pillow with his hands and pulling him closer with his strong muscular legs.

Cody moaned at that. As another inch slipped inside and the feel on that body rubbing against him sent sparks of electricity through his body. The further he slid inside the easier it got. There was little resistance from the dog who just begged for more. Cody didn't even notice that he wa fully in seconds later still trying to push further inside. He gripped the bed and humped hard against him almost desperate to go further. The back of Toby's knees were on his shoulder now and the dog crossed his legs making sure that when Cody pulled back he wasn't about to get away.

So as the legs stopped him Cody humped back in. And again. Each time watching the dog toss his head to one side then the other as he barked, whined and growled in pleasure.

The rhythm was easy to pick up on and before he knew it Cody was pushing into the dog who was pressing back against him. The heavy sack of the canine slapped against one body before the other as they rocked back and forth. Toby began squeezing his body every time he hilted and Cody only pushed harder the next time he humped. Before he knew it the bed was beginning to shake and the dog's cries of pleasure wasn't the only one in the room.

Toby whined. Trying to hold back but just watching the man he coveted using his own seed to stroke himself was enough. Pulling the body ontop of him tightly against him he arched his back forward and groaned before biting his bottom lip. His breath stopped, his whole body tightened squeezing the thick rod inside him, before his long shaft began to pulse ribbons of white.

Up his chest and onto his shoulder. Hitting on cheek and getting all over Cody's chest as he closed the distance between them. Breathing hotly in his ear as he felt that warm spray across his bare chest and soaking in the tight feel choking his cock. Reveling in that feel as that building need finally hit the breaking point. Holding it as long as he could before tossing his head back with a loud throaty groan of his own.

Pleasure washed over his body like a wave radiating from his groin like a beacon going off. Before it all spilled out of him and inside of the man that had caused sweat to drip down his half naked body. The heat and smell was enough to make him gasp as his cock pulsed, spewing its contents as his sack tightened against him. And with a moan he felt everything empty, almost painfully so as he kept trying to force every drop out.

He laid across the dog who supported him quickly, wrapping an arm around him. Cody didn't pull out as he rolled to the side and the dog turned to face him. His musky breath washed over his face making him wrinkle his noise.


"Yes. We just did." Toby said.


"Yes. You did fuck my ass." The dog continued to tease sticking his tongue out. He rubbed his thumb on his cheek, smearing his seed all over the side of his face. He brought his thumb to his muzzle and licked it clean.

"I just fucked...a coworker." Cody laughed rolling onto his back as he finally slipped out. The cold air hit him like a shower and his mind was forced back to the present.

"Don't worry. I won't tell the boss." Toby continued to rub his release on his chest and stomach. Ending up using his whole paw to rub it around. He lifted a finger up and looked at Cody.

Cody looked at him before licking it clean.

"Good man." The dog said before rolling ontop of him and licking him all over.