Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part II Chapter III

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#14 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

So hey sorry to get this out a little later than expected. Turned out to be a lot longer than I thought when I started writing and the sad part is this is only half of what I was trying to write. So the next chapter should finish up the flash back and hopefully answer some question in the series. I but a little bit of my own philosophical points in the flash back, but they're not really important to the plot so you can ignore those if you want. I'll have the next Chapter done probably over the weekend, but meh, it might take a little bit longer. Thanks for everyone that reads this series, you furs are why I write. Any comments, or rates or favorites are greatly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy


Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Part II Chapter III

Klyzab sat with Efuvno on the couch, across the room from Brutus who resided in a comfortable leather armchair. The room was quit, and dim, being lit only by a pair of small lamps on the coffee table. Brutus sighed, before going adjusting his sitting in the chair.

"Now, I want you both to know that I would never hurt you and that...that I'm sorry, for what happened. I was in charge of all the military operations against your kind. I was lied to though with false information, but I was still in charge, I shouldn't have been fooled by false reports, but I was, and now I and you all have to live with my mistake." Brutus said with slow and measured sentences.


Major General Petraus read the briefing reports on his desk. He'd seen them all countless times before, but still he was in wonderment about the target. Sartorius, the name read in a font of big bold letters. An E.L.P. or Earth like planet, something so valuable that only six where known before it: Earth, Caprica, Tanius, Terra Centari, Folks Welt, and Rama.

It had been three weeks since he'd given his now famous orders to drop on the planet. His force had cover minimal resistance, indeed from their analyzes the Pseudo Klein-Vulpine were in roughly what would compare to the humans at 1930 C.E. in terms of military technology.

Now though came the part of his job that he didn't like the fucking parades. He and the other two major generals were to be shown in a parade in what had been the largest city on Sartorius, City Alpha-1, or A-1. The soldiers had taken to calling the city Steak Sauce apparently, and Major General Petraus laughed at the old joke. The Chancellor of the U.T.E. had already sent drop ships of new colonist for inhabitation of the planet, and to start off they were going to have a major parade at A-1 to commemorate their victory or some other bullshit like that.

After flipping through the various reports and things on his desk one last time, he got up and started to the drop bay to get suited up for power armor. Power armor was the only type of space suits on the ship so if he was to enter atmosphere he would have to be fitted for one.

The armor was built more as a long lasting life support more than it was built for combat. In fact as long as you could find water, and small bits of air, you could remain in the suit with no ill effects for over six months. The suit also did a wide variety of things like: auto seal if the armor was breached, administer drugs like morphine or stimulates, monitor vital signs and transmit those signs to the field command center.

The armor also augmented strength, endurance, and reflexes in humans. It served as a hazmat suit as well as a space suit; and it could take a few hits from any major weapon, plasma, lead, or nana goo.

The armor had oddly enough been invented as a piece of fiction, with a man by the name of Robert A. Heinlein inventing the concept of it. Though his was over complicated in some aspects and just fiction in others the basic idea he wrote of for power armor was used as influence to create the real life version of it. Truth be told though they were actually closer in description to the armor that a man by the name of Joe Halderman came up with in a book. The two books were usually seen as anti-thesis to each other, but none the less were a source of wondrous military weapons.

Then there was the second kind of soldiers. Some soldiers were already cyborgs when joining the military, while others became so in the military. These cyborgs though, had not only power armor, but essentially nothing left but a highly advanced and augmented cyber brain. While offering for a better defense all around, these troops ran the risk of not only conventional warfare and weapons, but of cyber hacks and other electronica weapons of mass destruction.

After being fitted for power armor, Major General Petraus just had to give the order of his transfer of control of the ship over to the captain proper then he was all cleared for leave of the ship. Drop pod ships came in many different sizes, from group to singular with many varieties.

For this drop though the Major General was scheduled for a single person drop pod with a slow glide time. So after signing of the Battle Star to the captain proper of the ship, the Major General watched as the deck hands opened the single pod door and prepped the capsule for ejection.

The bod was an elongated three dimensional oval in shape. The outer workings were head shields and an array of sensors, so to track with precision the path of the drop pod. The inner works were vastly more complex, with various shields, and paddings, all with build in life support. So as the Major General lowered himself into the pod to be hooked up to some of the best life support in the galaxy he never even thought of how the next week would play out.

Approximately one hour later the pod containing Major General Petraus dropped from the atmosphere and crashed into the largest body of water in the southern hemisphere of Sartorius. He was quickly pulled out from the sea and pried out from the drop pod.

Major General Petraus gazed around him. The planet was large and arid, only having one major continent. As he stood there the general couldn't suppress the odd thought that the area he found himself in look oddly like southern California.

After a few days of military bureaucracy, and the bores of paper work on the scale of tons the parade was finally scheduled definitely. The scale of the parade was somewhat odd, and was made not as a main event but as a back drop.

The planners had put in the design as this. As the incoming colonists were being processed at a large military building, in the back ground the military parade would be going on, so that people could stop and watch that for a while if they so wanted.

As the day arrived the Major General found himself seated in the back of a jeep, waving into crowds of people who looked eager, ready to prosper here without the overcrowding of Earth and most other human habitations. The whole operation was something that the Major General hated, but he liked how it was conducted. He hated that he was made to take part in an ultimately pointless parade, but he did like that other people had planned it all, so there really was little effort on his part in terms of work. He just had to sit in the jeep and wave at the colonists. So naturally he had a lot of time to let his mind wonder as he waved to random people from the jeep.

He thought it was sort of odd in a sense that really since its invention no one had really found a way to make the standard jeep a better light troop carrier. Really except for upgrading the part over the course of a few centuries no one had made a better jeep than the first ones. So he wondered if maybe technology could reach a plateau, or that maybe there was a point of perfection in life. He quickly dismissed these thoughts though, they went against the teachings of Der Übermensch, and everyone knew that to defy the ideals of the foundation of the U.T.E. was absolutely insane.

Then out of the corner of his eye he found something that sparked his interest. A second sun rose up near him, and grew brighter, though it emanated from the ground not the sky. A second to late the major general understood the second sun. As the light seared his eyes blinding him, he ducked for cover behind the jeep, making sure to exhale all of the air out of his lungs so they wouldn't burst from a possible pressure wave.

The bomb was a large one for fission that was certainly clear to the major general. The blast was enough to blow back all the troops and light jeeps in the parade. As soon as the blast wave passed though the major general jumped to his feet knowing there must be a counter attack coming.

They seemed as rats, coming up from the sewers of the city, from the canals and other crevasse's of the city. Their numbers seemed massive; the Major General couldn't believe how many of them had been hiding.

The situation was grim at best, and he knew that there was no way the main of the army would arrive before the savage mass of fur clad species before him either killed or captured him. So he did what any major general who cared about his troops did, he gave the order to stand down.

The message must have been clear to the savage foxes. They quickly rounded up the surviving personal, making sure they were all disarmed and had their hands on top of their heads. As they finished rounding up the men the major general made his way to the front of the crowd, looking to be in charge of his men, even in a P.O.W. status.

The Major General looked around, of the few thousand or so of the military in the parade only a few hundred were left unharmed. Most had had their lungs blown out, having forgotten that they weren't wearing power armor. From his best estimate the fox savages had roughly three thousand, armed with lead based semi-automatic weapons mostly.

"Soldiers stand down, do not resist, we're now being taken as prisoners of war. We will remain as such until I have news of our being reprimanded by either are captors or by the U.T.E. High Command." The Major General said with grave and determined tone.

He looked around his men to see if there would be any trying to disobey his orders, but so far everyone was silent. Then he had another terrifying epiphany, all three major generals were scheduled to be in the parade, and he didn't see the other two. He realized that he was now the sole commander of all military forces on the planet, and he had just been taken prisoner.

After some unclear communicating with the small fox savage that seemed to be in charge, the major general thought that they understood that he was in charge of all the men they had just taken prisoner.

They were led through the wreck of the parade, and as they rounded a building that had had part of its corner blown off by the force of the bomb he was shocked. They building that had been the processing and customs center for arriving colonists was caved in and destroyed. Inside there seemed to be no signs of life, the major general shivered at that fact, knowing how many people must have been crushed to death, or asphyxiated in the dust and debris of the now ruined building.

They were marched down a small incline, into a large reservoir area. Water trickled down the stone cut ravine, flowing away some of the debris of the bomb. Even this soon after the explosion the major general noted that the fallout was starting to darken the sky. Suddenly they were stopped outside the opening of a part of the reservoir that housed the entrance of a tunnel. The Major General thought that this must be where they had hid, after all he knew that the general in charge of underground operations was a lazy bastard and probably had done a half ass job of clearing out the tunnels bellow the various occupied cities.

Before they entered the tunnel they were all halted, and for a moment the Major General was afraid they would be separated, however it was much worse than that. Most of the men were put up against one of the step stone inclines of the reservoir and instantly the Major General knew what was to happen.

A volley of bullets dropped the first line of soldiers, most writhing on the ground, bleeding out slowly; others had large chunks and strings of organs and other tissue falling out of them but were still alive for the pain. The lucky ones took it to the head, not feeling the new horror that the savages were preforming.

They lined up group after group of soldier, but they showed no fear. They had been trained that they were becoming Der Übermensch. They had aspired to be the best of the species possible, and as protecting the values of genes of their fellow superior species they knew that their deaths were of the highest and noblest sacrifice.

The Major General felt for them and while keeping a stone complexion on the outside he wept for them in his mind. Soon as the bodies piled on each other, some still wiggling and moaning, the Major General looked around again. They had stopped grouping the men up in sections and he counted eight men left.

He saw some of the furry little savages come over to the remaining eight and himself. The Major General had little time to react as he was hooded with some kind of bag, and had his hands tied in front of him with some kind of rope. He felt the resistance of the rope and found that he was most likely tied to the others. Then there was a sharp pull and they were being led down into the tunnels beneath the city.