In case you couldn't tell, this story takes place in the 80s. References to movies and the time of year can give you a specific year and month if you'd like~ Comission for Bittersweet/Bubbles Prime. All characters of my creation. Guess...
He was transfixed with the second flashback this day. _good lord,_ he thought, _this is sure a first._ _there it was... he felt it. right there; elixir's feminine opening.
The flashbacks are a symptom. but i am not the illness.
Resistance and Flashbacks
Rex, the real Rex, awoke to find himself inside a large cave with a few holes. There was some light, but for the most part, the whole area was nearly pitch black. Rex had good vision, but he still had some trouble seeing at night. He squinted, trying...
Derek's Flashback
"Derek get your ass down here!" Tim my lion friend yelled. As I reached the bottom of the stairs he was wearing white button up shirt with blue jeans while I was wearing the exact opposite baggy cargo pants and a random ass band shirt. "You aren't...
6 bestias - Capítulo 3: El abuelo, la niña, y el príncipe de fuego.
Yuala observó con cuidado la criatura que residía encima de toda esa cantidad inhumana de tesoros, de objetos, de joyas... Había de todo: Desde ropajes, hasta cubiertos. Cuadros, fotografías, prácticamente era todo lo contrario que se le exigía en su...
First love (Flashback)
"Do you know that feeling, you know...when there's that special somebody that can make you happier than anyone ever has? That's how she made me feel. When I was just a little foal, I was a skinny, weedy little fuck. Gangly, uncoordinated and...
Chapter 2: Flashback
**chapter 2: flashback.** cassie was running as quickly as he could after his father. his father shouted to him, that he had to hurry. cassie tried not to look back, as his village was getting destroyed.
Flashbacks to the Beginning of a Friendship
Delscher very excitedly got himself prepared for the trip over to his friend's house. Dashing to the shower, he undressed and stepped in. Turning the water temperature to hot, he groaned as the soothing heat poured over his body. The snow leopard...
The Club 8 - Flashback
This chapter pretty much IS my fetish. Well, 5 of the major ones actually. I had fun with it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, Mr. Serif, I'm not quite sure...
Chapter 3 Flashback
Southeast of the Duty outpost laid a small house within a forest. The house had a concrete wall going around 2/3rds of it with a person sitting comfortably on top of it. He wore a green tank top and blue jeans; he looked roughly 17 years old and full...
A Flashback - Chapter 6
Copyright 2019, all rights reserved.https://www.furaffinity.net/user/daydreamer089/https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rokah a flashback - chapter 6 3 years ago "alzight class, vat iz all ver today." mr.