The Secret - Part 2

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#6 of Jane Doe and The Secret

This story takes place in an alternate timeline to the one in my Swiss Mix stories. In this series, Hans and his father Karl are both Americans, and live in a suburban community. This is from the same series as my story "A Sleepover with Jane".

Eight year old Hans gets caught wearing girl's undies by Ryan, the ten year old daughter of his dad's girlfriend. When their parents decided to spend the night together, Hans and Ryan have an unplanned sleepover together, and they begin to get to know each other intimately...

The Secret - part 2

By DoggyStyle57 - November 2012

Hans Bernerholdt and his father both stared at Melenie Kelley and her daughter, Ryan. Neither of them had suspected that the 22 year old collie girl was already a mother, let alone that her kid would already be ten! Hans hadn't ever really learned Melanie's last name yet. He just knew his father's girlfriend as 'Miss Melanie', and so he hadn't had any reason to suspect the girl was related to her mom, even though he had seen the collie a few times at school, and had mistaken her for a boy. He recovered first, saying, "Wait a minute. I've seen you before! You're in some of the same classes as that tiger girl Karen, right?"

Ryan nodded. She took her ball cap back from her mother and put it back on, and with a well-practiced movement she tucked her braids under it and out of sight again. "Yeah, I think so. Don't know her very well. I mostly play with the boys. Mom told me you like comic books? Wanna see some of mine? I just got the latest 'Robot Warrior Dogs' comic."

"You do? Yeah, sure! I don't have that one yet." Hans replied eagerly, tail wagging. Then he looked at his father's girlfriend and asked, "Ummm, Miss Melanie? Do we have enough time before dinner?"

She looked at the clock and said, "Yes, you have about twenty minutes. Go to her room and play. I'll call you when dinner's on the table."

"Come on, Hans," Ryan said. "I think our parents want to talk without us hanging around."

When the kids had gone upstairs, Melanie turned to Karl, who still hadn't said a word, and said, "I know I should have told you sooner that I had a daughter. I mean, you told me about your son Hans right up front. But I was afraid. So many guys have dumped me when they found out I already had a kid. You're... not mad, are you?" She bit her knuckle again and waited for the angry tirade that usually followed a boyfriend finding out about Ryan.

But Karl just shook his head, and said, "No. Not mad, just surprised. You must have been about her age when she was conceived? How did that happen? And what happened to her father? I take it he's not in your lives at all anymore?"

Melanie led him to the living room couch and sat down with him beside her. She took a deep breath, and said, "Thanks for at least hearing me out. Most guys only listen long enough to find out that she's mine, and then they leave. Her father is long gone, and good riddance. I never even found out his name. I was eleven when it happened, and twelve by the time she was born. I'd gone by myself on my bike to catch a movie at the mall, on a Sunday morning. The mall itself was still mostly closed. After the film was over, an adult collie guy who had been watching the same kid's movie started chatting me up. He was a really smooth talker, and offered to put my bike in his van and give me a ride home. He said he had a daughter about my age, and he wanted to make sure I got home safely. I should have refused, but he seemed really nice, and so I said yes."

"Umm hum. I think I see where this is going, but please, tell me all of it," Karl said comfortingly.

"I should have seen it coming too, but I was young and innocent, and I didn't suspect a thing. His van was parked way out on the edge of the mall lot, by a large clump of trees. Looking back on it now, that alone should have warned me something wasn't right. Why not park closer? There were plenty of good spots really close to the movie theater. I found out later he chose that spot because the parking lot security cameras had a blind spot there - one camera was out of order, and another was blocked by the trees," Melanie took a deep breath, and continued. "He leaned my bike against the tree, and asked me to help make room inside the back of the van. I got in, and there was a mattress back there. Before I could react, he got in with me and shut the door. Then he showed me a big wad of money, and said I could have it, if we could have a little fun with each other. It started out pretty fun. He kissed me, and he fingered me to my first ever orgasm. Then he took off my panties and licked me to another orgasm. I was still sighing happily from that with my eyes closed when I felt his weight pinning me down, and he took my virginity. He kept humping me until I stopped crying and started to have another orgasm. Then he came inside me, made me promise not to tell anybody, and gave me the wad of money. When I got out of the van to get my bike, he locked the van doors drove off, and I never saw him again."

"I was afraid it was something like that," Karl said, patting her hand. "I hope someone eventually caught that bastard. I'm very sorry that happened to you. What then?"

"Well, I was too embarrassed to tell my parents, at first. And I wanted to keep the money, which turned out to only be about 50 dollars in one dollar bills, with a ten on the outside. Anyway, I didn't tell them until four months later, when we all could tell that I wasn't just gaining weight, but that I was pregnant. By then it was too late to find the father. Mom and dad took me out of school and home schooled me the rest of that year, and mom pretended Ryan was hers. She wore a pad on her belly and everything, to make the neighbors think she was pregnant. Mom's trained as a midwife, and when the time came, she delivered my baby on the kitchen table."

"That sucks. But even after four months, the police should have been able to find some clues," Karl said.

"We didn't call the police, or register her birth," Melanie said. "Ryan didn't get a legal birth certificate until we enrolled her for kindergarten, and then we admitted she was mine, with the father unknown. Then the police got involved, and tested my dad and all of my family's male friends, relatives and neighbors, to make sure it wasn't one of them that raped me. And they checked out the mall, and found the five year old maintenance records about the broken cameras. Anyway, the cops finally dropped it, and my parents helped raise Ryan while I finished school. Ryan moved into this place with me when I finished college and got a job. My parents moved into the other half of this duplex, and they still take care of her when I'm at work or on a date, and she's not in school."

"That must have been very hard on you, being a mom so young. Even with such helpful parents, I can't imagine how you made it work," Karl said.

"Yeah. And of course, once she was born, I wanted more sex. I was still way too young to be legal, but once I knew what an orgasm felt like, and my virginity was no longer an issue, I wanted more. I went on the Pill when I was still in middle school, and I slept around a bit, but none of the boys I went out with wanted to keep dating me, once they found out I had a baby. College was better, with Ryan living with my parents, and out of sight. But I missed her terribly, and wouldn't lie to any guy that started getting serious," Melanie said. "Which... is why I told you, tonight. I really do like you, Karl, and I think Hans is a great kid, too. So, what now? I won't blame you if you don't want to see me after this, but I don't want our relationship to end."

"Well, first I want that dinner that you offered us," Karl said, standing and offering her a hand. "And after dinner, I want to go next door and meet your parents. And tomorrow, I'm taking you, Ryan and Hans out to lunch, so we can all start to get to know each other better. I'm not leaving you."

Melanie hugged Karl tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Oh, thank the Goddess! I hoped and prayed you'd understand!"

"Goddess?" Karl asked, somewhat bemused.

Melanie looked scared again, and said sheepishly, "Umm, yeah. I'm Wiccan. So are my parents. They're sort of hippie throwbacks, I guess. They are heavily into pagan religions, herbal medicines, alternative lifestyles, self-reliance and all that. Is... that okay too?"

"I think we have a lot to learn about each other, but yes, that's okay with me too," Karl said, holding her close. "I don't care if your religious beliefs are different than most people. I know you're a good person, and that is what matters."


Upstairs in Ryan's room, Hans and Ryan were getting along pretty well. Hans had read several comics, and Ryan had proudly showed off her collection of sports team baseball caps. She had more than twenty of them on display on her wall, each hung on a little plastic frame that supported the cap with the back half folded inward. There wasn't anything girly about her room. Her bedspread and the posters on her wall all looked like what he would find in any boy's room. And her interests were just the same as most of the boys he knew.

"Ummm, do you ever act like a girl, Ryan?" he asked hesitantly.

"When I have to, yeah," she admitted. "Like, at school I go to girls' gym class, and I usually use the girls' bathrooms."

"Usually? You mean, sometimes you go in the boys' bathrooms on purpose?" Hans asked.

Ryan grinned and said, "Well, the line's usually horrible for the girls' toilets at a movie theater or a sports event, and nobody usually looks twice at me if I am dressed like this and go into the boys' side to use a toilet stall. Haven't you ever been tempted to go into a girls' bathroom?"

"Ummm, well actually, I did go into a girl's bathroom once. So a girl could help me to, errr... wash up," Hans admitted. "But what I meant was do you ever wear a dress, or other girly clothes?"

"When mom or my grandparents make me do it, sure," she replied. "I have a few nice dresses and skirts and blouses in the back of my closet, and I do prefer to wear panties from the girl's department. But the rest of my clothes we buy in the boy's section. They're made better and last longer, when you play rough like I do."

"I guess that makes sense. Ummm, do you like boys at all? Or are you, well, one of those girls that likes other girls? It's okay if you are!" he added quickly. "I know some really neat girls that fool around with other girls!"

"Hummm. I haven't thought much about sex or dating yet, really," Ryan replied. "Mom's shown me sex ed books and stuff, but they just had line drawings in them. She said she doesn't want me encouraging boys to get too close, because she's afraid I'll get pregnant. But my family is pretty laid back about gender stuff, or sex in general. They wouldn't care if I lost my virginity, as long as I liked the guy and he didn't get me pregnant. They probably wouldn't care if I dated a girl instead of a boy - just like they don't mind me acting like a boy most of the time. So I guess it would depend on whether I liked the person enough, more than on what sex they were. What about you? Do you prefer girls, or boys?"

Hans blushed furiously and was saved from answering by Miss Melanie calling them down to dinner.


After dinner, Ryan had some chores to do, and she went upstairs. Karl used the downstairs bathroom to wash up. Hans had to go too, and asked, "Miss Melanie? Is there another bathroom here?"

"Upstairs, between the two bedrooms," she answered. "First door is my bedroom, and the second one's Ryan's. The bathroom is the only regular door in either room, other than the door to the hallway."

"Thanks!" he replied, rushing upstairs. He rushed through Miss Melanie's bedroom, latched the bathroom door behind himself, glanced at the door on the far side of the bathroom to make sure it was also latched, and shoved his pants down so he could use the toilet. He made it just in time, and sighed with relief.

When he was done, he cleaned up, pulled up his pink panties, and was bending over to pull up his boy's undershorts when he heard Ryan's angry voice behind him.

"Why you little pervert! What do you think you're doing, stealing my panties from the laundry?" she hissed, as she grabbed him by the collar of his t-shirt. She was trying hard to keep her voice down, because she really didn't want to make a scene and screw things up with mom's boyfriend. Not when this evening had been going so well and her mom was so happy.

"I didn't! I swear it! These are mine!" he said, struggling to turn and face her. "How'd you even get in here?"

"Like Hell they are! I put a pair just like those ones you're trying to hide under your own shorts into that laundry hamper this morning!" she insisted. "The lock on my bathroom door doesn't work, if you must know, and I was coming in here to get the dirty laundry and take it downstairs to wash." She wrestled him to the ground and straddled him, pinning Hans to the floor of the bathroom. His pants were still down around his ankles.

"How many pairs do you have that look like these?" Hans asked defiantly. "I never even looked in your stupid hamper! If you put some panties in there, then that's where they still are! Look for yourself!" He struggled under her, but the feeling of her crotch grinding on top of his was starting to give him a boner, and he began to blush more, as the tip of his cock poked out of the panties' waistband.

She shoved him down hard and said, "Don't move, or you'll regret it!" Then she got up and looked in the hamper. Her panties were in there, right where she had left them. "Errrr, okay, this is really awkward," she admitted. "My panties are still here. But why are you wearing girl's panties? Your dad really lets you do that?"

"I'm wearing a bra, too. See?" Hans said with an exasperated sigh, still laying on the floor and pulling his t-shirt up to show her his pink bra. "Dad doesn't know, and I really don't want him too, okay? I only started wearing girl's underwear last week. Some of the girls I know - the ones that like other girls - they dressed me up like a girl when I was playing with them. And I liked it, okay? Last week, I asked one of them to buy me some panties and bras of my own, to wear under my clothes. Can I get up now?"

"Yeah, get up. So, you're gay, and your dad doesn't know?" she asked.

"No!" Hans replied emphatically. "At least, I don't think so. I've had sex with both girls and boys, and I liked it either way. I dunno what that means. Just like what you said before dinner - I guess what matters really is if I like the person, and want to do it with them. I don't much care if they are a girl or a boy. And... I like dressing like a girl, even in public. I did that once too. Went to a park playground dressed as a girl, with girls who knew I was really a boy. I fooled everybody else, too!"

"You've already had sex? Really? And umm, your pecker's sticking out," Ryan said, blushing as she stared at the first erect boy's cock she had ever really seen.

Hans blushed and tucked his cock back into the panties. He had to push it sideways to make it stay under the skimpy cloth. "My first time with a girl was just last weekend, but I learned a whole lot," he admitted. "Ummmm, if you promise not to tattle on me, I could show you some fun stuff that won't get you pregnant."

"I won't tell," she said. "But right now you better get dressed and go back downstairs, before someone starts looking for us. Maybe some other time, I'll consider... doing sex stuff with you. When we know each other better, okay? For now, friends?" she offered him a handshake.

Hans shook hands with her, and said, "Friends. And thanks." Then he put his clothes back in order and went back downstairs.


When he found Miss Melanie, Hans offered, "May I help dry the dishes?" His father was already washing the dishes, and Melanie had been drying them and putting them away.

"Sure!" she said. "You dry, and I'll put them away."

Ryan came down with a laundry basket and went into a small utility room that was just off the kitchen, by the back door of the duplex. "One load of darks after this, mom," she said.

Melanie smiled and said, "Look at all of us! Just like we were already a family. I don't want to sound like I'm pushing things, but do you think it could work out for the four of us, Karl? I mean, long term?"

Karl smiled back at her, and said, "Depends on how well the kids get along with each other, I guess. So far, they seem to like each other. But yes, it just might work. I don't think I would mind the idea. Let's not rush things though. I had one bad marriage, and before I get married again, I want to make sure I really know the other person. We still have a ways to go there."

"Agreed," Melanie said, kissing Karl on the cheek. "But for the first time in my life since Ryan was conceived, I feel hopeful that we might have a normal family life some day. Thank you."


By the time the dishes were done, Melanie decided it was too late to go next door and have Karl and Hans meet her parents. "Mom and dad will be heading for bed about now. They will already have realized that it went well with us tonight, since I'm not over there bawling about losing another boyfriend. So, ummm, maybe you could talk to them in the morning, after breakfast? You're not in any hurry to leave, are you?" She stood on tip toes and kissed him right after she asked this.

"Well, that's fine for me, but what about Hans? You said this place only has two bedrooms, right?" Karl asked, holding her close to his chest.

"I have a sleeping bag, if he can stand sleeping in a pink one for one night," she replied. "I don't think Ryan would mind if he crashes on her floor. She's gone skinny dipping with some of our pagan friends before, and she doesn't care if she's seen naked or nearly naked. Or if Hans feels bashful, he could sleep on the couch down here. It's pretty comfy."

"Well, go ahead and ask them, then," Karl replied. "I'm up for it if they are."


An hour later, Hans was tucked into Melanie's pink sleeping bag on Ryan's bedroom floor, with a spare pillow from Ryans bed. Ryan was wearing an oversized sleep t-shirt that came to her knees, and just a pair of panties under that. Hans was wearing his t-shirt and shorts, with his bra and panties still hidden under them. Karl and Melanie had tucked the kids in half an hour ago, turning out the lights.

"Hans?" Ryan whispered in the dark. "Are you still awake?"

"Yeah, kind of," Hans replied. "What do you want?"

"Listen... I can hear your dad having sex with my mom," she said.

Hans listened for a moment. Through the bathroom door that connected this room to her mom's bedroom they could hear Miss Melanie moaning happily, and they could hear a thumping sound, like the headboard of the bed was bumping the wall. He said, "I think you're right. What did you expect, with her asking him to spend the night in her bedroom? Hasn't she ever done this before? Brought a guy home overnight?"

"Well, you're spending the night in my bedroom, and you're not in bed with me. And no, she's never invited a guy to spend the night here before. If she spends the night with a guy she's dating, she's always done it at his place, so they don't find out about me. The ones who knew about me never stayed," she said. She listened to her mother moaning for a moment, and then asked, "She sure seems to like it, whatever they are doing. Hans? What's it like? Having sex, I mean."

"It's fun. Better than rubbing yourself off, for sure," he said.

"Oh. I don't know what that means, so I still don't understand, Hans," she said. "Mom told me that having sex the first time hurts, so I haven't ever tried."

"Well my first time didn't hurt, not for anything I did. Maybe that's just for girls. Those other girls I did some sexy stuff with were worried about 'keeping their cherries', and they wouldn't let anyone stuff anything in their cunnies. But they would kiss and lick, and I could even fuck their butts, and no one said that stuff hurt."

"Fuck their butts? Really?" Ryan said. "What's that like?"

"Yeah. Either boys or girls can get their butts fucked. That means a guy sticks his cock in their butt, just like he was screwing a girl's cunny. Or a girl can strap on a dildo and fuck a guy or a girl, as if she was a guy. But if a guy cums in someone's butt, no one gets preggers. I've been screwed up the butt by a guy once, and by a girl using a strap on, too. And I've fucked two girls up the butt. I liked it, and the girls liked it too. You just need some slippery stuff to make your butt able to do it comfortably. And you gotta be empty back there, of course."

"That sounds kinda weird, but maybe it feels better than it sounds. What else have you done?" Ryan asked.

"Well, I've licked a girl's cunny, and they really liked that. It tastes pretty good, but only the girl getting licked gets the really good feeling from that. The guy or girl doing the licking just gets to know they made the other person feel really good. Doing it the other way, a girl or a guy can suck a guy's cock, and that feels really good for the guy. Or two people can get nose to crotch with each other at the same time, and either lick or suck, and they both feel really good," he said.

"And no one gets pregnant from that? It doesn't hurt?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, that just feels really good. No chance of getting pregnant," Hans said.

"Ummm, can I turn on the light, and look at you? I want to get a really good look at you in that bra and panties. You still have them on, right?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Turn on the light. I want to take off my t-shirt and shorts anyway," Hans said, getting out of the sleeping bag and pulling off his underwear.

Ryan snapped on her bedside lamp, and looked at Hans. Then she giggled and said, "You look really cute. If you took your hair out of that pony tail, you'd look just like a girl. Except that your pecker is starting to poke out of your waistband again, and you have too much of a bulge in your panties. Here, I'll let you see me in my panties, too. It's only fair." She pushed her blankets aside and pulled off her sleep shirt. "Not much to see, though. I'm flat as a pancake. I don't even wear training bras like the one you have on, yet."

"Well, I think you're cute, too," Hans said, liking the direction this seemed to be going.

"Ummm, I've never really gotten a good look at a boy up close and naked." Ryan said. "Will you... pull your panties down, so I can see your pecker? I'll take mine off too."

"Deal," Hans said with a grin, hooking his thumbs in the bikini panties he was wearing, pushing them down, and then stepping out of them. He left his bra on.

Ryan blushed, and then slipped her panties off. Her pubic fur was as short as the fur on her face or belly, and her puffy labia were very visible. "Ulp! Well, there we are," she said, swallowing hard with embarrassment as she sat there naked in front of a boy she had only met this evening.

Hans got onto the bed with her, and lay down beside her. "Look all you want. You can touch me, too, if you want to." He was all the way out of his sheath now, though his knot hadn't even begun to swell yet.

"Wow... I've never seen a boy sticking out like that before. I've seen boys naked at the swimming hole, when we went to a Summer Solstice camp out, but they stayed in their sheaths. And they didn't stand still, really close like this," she said, as she stared at the boy's cock. Ryan hesitantly touched his exposed shaft with one finger, stroking its length from sheath to tip. She jerked her hand back when it twitched in response to her caress. "Eeep! It moved!"

"That felt good. It twitches like that when you touch it," he said "It's okay. You can touch it more if you want to."

"Uhhhh... not right now. I... suppose you wanna touch me now... down there?" Ryan asked hesitantly. She was blushing hard and looked a little frightened.

Hans was thinking that he really would like it if she allowed him to lick her there, and not just look or touch. But he saw the nervous look in her eyes, and decided to 'be a gentleman', as his father would have put it. So he looked at her seriously and said, "Well, I already know what a girl looks like and tastes like, down there. You don't hafta show me if you don't want to."

Ryan looked relieved, as she said, "R-really? You don't mind?"

He nodded, and said, "Your mom and my dad like each other a whole lot. I think we'll get lots of chances to see each other, and even to spend the night with each other like this. Sure, I'd like to have more sexy fun with you. But I also really wanna be your friend, and I don't want your mom to get mad at me. So if you're not ready, I'll wait. Good night." He pulled his panties back up, got off the bed, and slipped back into the sleeping bag on the floor.

"Wow... Okay then. Err, thanks. Good night," Ryan said, as she snapped off the light. She felt really confused right now. Part of her was relieved that Hans was willing to wait. Ryan was curious, but she wasn't quite ready yet to really have sex. But part of her felt frustrated, too. As she pulled her panties back on and put her sleep shirt on again, she realized she was a little wet between her legs. That had never happened to her before. She fell asleep wondering what it would be like to really have sex, and if Hans was the right boy to do it with for her very first time.