De-Evolution - NaNo Day 11

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#55 of De-Evolution

So anyway, masteraaran and I are hard at work on our NaNo story for this year.

Day 11: 3,764 words written, five pages.

Goal: 100,000 words between two authors for the month


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

The Indian was beginning to get bits and pieces of insight into what she had gone through, or at least he thought so, but he would wait to let her tell him. He respected her as a person and wasn't going to rush something that was so painful for her. Marco knew how hard this was for her. He let her take his paw in her own hand and he squeezed it back, then drew her closer so that her back was against his chest and she could feel him holding her. His free paw came up to touch her waist, and give her what strength he could.

Tisha leaned back against Marco, happy that he was letting her tell her own story without interruption, but there if she needed him. Taking a deep breath, she looked into Black Elk's eyes and her voice dropped as she finished the line before she'd stopped herself to regain her composure. "They raped me. Well, one did. Another tried to force me to suck him. Both my legs were held spread open while the last of them held my arms. I bit the one in my mouth and got slapped for my troubles, but when he tried again, I went to bite him again and he left my mouth alone after that. I screamed for help, and Marco came to my rescue."

Marco was happy to be there for Tisha no matter what she might need. He held onto her gently while Black Elk listened with a horrified expression as she told him exactly what they had done to her. He stared at her a moment, then looked at Marco and said, "Did you kill them?" He asked this, because, a man who raped a woman in the Lakota culture deserved to die, unless he took responsibility and married her. Marco looked back at him, as one man to another, and he said, "At least two or three, there were five...two were alive, but probably would not have been able to move without help...I did my best to get her to safety."

Tisha leaned against Marco, her eyes glittering as she looked at Black Elk. "Three of them only held me down, but the rapist and the one who tried to stick his thing into my mouth... Well, they both got a heel dug into their things. Too bad one was dead beforehand. But the other is definitely in severe pain from my step-attack on him." Her head tilted up as she looked into her husky's eyes before looking back at Black Elk. "Marco helped me get out of the building, then carried me home, but when we got there, I wanted to walk in. So he set me down, then went in first, since things seemed off. He wouldn't let me check out downstairs, just the upstairs, and then held the information until we both felt I could have the time needed to deal with it." She paused, her body trembling even harder against Marco's as she looked at Black Elk. "Mom and Dad are dead, and my brother's missing. In the way of the tribe, there is no one for Marco to prove himself to as being good enough to be my husband and provider without any male family left. I need you to stand for him on that, Black Elk, when the time comes."

The Indian kept on listening, now standing and moving over to her. He came close and took her hand in his own as she finished, gently holding it, and whispering in Lakota, "Hemaca Awecakeya Cate Sice Mitawa Taksi." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, then continued, in English, "This Husky...Marco...has done you a great service...he shall have the thanks of the entire tribe, and I will gladly speak to my Father the chief regarding your marriage, his inclusion in the tribe, and the fact that he has truly done these things that I have heard from your lips." He bowed his head and let go of her hand, stepping back to give them space. If what she had said was true, then Marco had truly helped her, and he truly loved her. It also meant, in a roundabout way, that he owned her because he was man enough to take a woman that had been violated.

Tisha held still as her best friend took her hand, nervous for a split second, though she knew Marco wouldn't let anyone hurt her again, and that Black Elk would never hurt her in the first place. But the memory was still so vivid in her mind, she just couldn't help herself from the slight stiffening before she relaxed again. "Thank you, Black Elk. You know I have never lied in the past, and I have no reason to lie now. Marco and I have slept together the last two nights, but that's been all. I feel safe in his arms." She seemed to burrow into Marco's fur even more, rubbing his scent all over her. "Marco deserves the thanks of the tribe, and inclusion into it. I know he would help any other female that found herself in this situation, though I am very glad he was there for me when I needed him. But also, during the time we were in the house, I was able to think straight from not knowing exactly what happened, and got everything together to bring up here, though we'll have to make a run down to town soon to get more. But we need to see how many are going to be here before we make too many runs to town for canned stuff. And I had planned on teaching him to put his trust in Brute and ride the Lakota way. But that looks like it will wait until tomorrow after we finish the garden planting that got interrupted."

Black Elk nodded, "I apologize for interrupting your planting and your plans, but I suppose it was one way for me to see that Marco really does love and want to protect you." He kept his distance from them, seeing how Tisha nuzzled into Marco's thick fur as if to make sure that she smelled like him in case anyone tried to think otherwise. The Indian said, "The entire tribe will be on its way back up here. They should arrive nearly at the same time that Theron and Brielle and Melanie will. I returned early to ensure that no intruders crept on the place while it was empty. If you would like, I can stay and help you with your work, or I can return to the tribe once again."

Marco figured that he would let Tisha decide if she wanted the Indian up at the cabin or not. He didn't really mind that Black Elk was there, it seemed that Tisha trusted him and so he put his trust in him as well, that he was an honorable male and wouldn't try anything. He was also happy that, as the chief's son, the man had seemed to approve of him and his actions regarding keeping her safe, which was a good thing if they were to remain together.

Tisha thought for a moment, then grinned at Black Elk. "I don't mind if you stay here, Black Elk. But we will be finishing the garden tomorrow, then doing some riding training and hunting tomorrow, and I plan on showing Marco the watering hole that we used to swim at. But I would like to show him the watering hole in private, so at that point, I would prefer if you came back here with what we've been able to catch for dinner. Besides, you know some of the telltale signs of wild onion and carrots and thyme and stuff for cooking until the garden is flourishing." She looked up at Marco. "You don't mind, do you, Marco? Black Elk can have one of the other rooms here in the main house, so we don't have to clean two different houses. The less cleaning we have every day, the more stockpiling we can do. At least until the other female in the tribe get here. Then all the women can work together to get the cleaning done faster. And community meals can get cooked."

Marco shook his head. "No, I don't mind at all. Perhaps if he cleans his room, and we clean ours, you won't have to worry much about cleaning at all. I think the more people we have up here, the less work load there will be for all of us, which means less stress on any one person. We'll all be able to share the load." He smiled and nodded. "So no, I don't mind at all if he stays, providing he follows your rules." He winked and then chuckled, giving her side a squeeze with his paw and nuzzling the top of her head.

Black Elk grinned widely. "Of course, I'll do whatever Tisha says. I have a feeling she would make me if I didn't," he laughed. "I shall take one of the other rooms, it matters not which one, so I'll just pick one of them, and I promise that I shall leave you two in private. I do not, I shall keep my thoughts on that matter to myself. You two may go on being as close as you desire."

Tisha glared at her best friend, growling softly, "You best keep those thoughts to yourself, Black Elk, unless you want to be wakened by my screaming. I still relive every moment of what happened, and Marco keeps me from screaming right now. If he was separated from me at any time at night, I guarantee that I would do more than I am now. But if you want to push it, try it for one night."

Marco rubbed her side as if to calm her down, nuzzling into the back of her head as she stood with her back pressed to his chest. Black Elk raised a hand and nodded, "I understand. I shall say no more about the matter." And after that he went quiet about it, moving on instead to other subjects, "So, who will be cooking dinner this evening?" He asked with a grin.

Tisha relaxed against Marco, looking over her shoulder at him. She lightly pressed her lips against his before looking back at Black Elk. "We've got two rabbits smoking in the wood stove. And we have canned vegetables to last us a little while, though we'll need more of them as well as more canned fruit until the garden starts to produce. And flour and yeast and baking soda and baking powder. I want some bread with dinner soon. But Marco and I have been working together to get dinner ready. It's usually me cooking since it's such a small stove, while he gets everything else ready. But I want something other than coffee for dinner tonight. So I'm putting both of you to work. Water needs to get brought in and I can heat it up. I want to really get the dishes washed, not just with cold water. Also, I want a bath tonight and Marco and I have a couple outfits that need to get scrubbed clean. So we need to divide up the chores for today."

Marco kissed her back lightly, the light in his eyes showing how much he loved her. He let out a soft little groan into her lips, and winked, then looked back at Black Elk. "I'll get the water and bring it in in trips," he offered. "As long as you don't want me to stick close, that is. If you're ok with that, you can put Black Elk to work doing whatever else you need done." He slipped both paws around her middle and nuzzled the top of her head, whispering, "Are you going to try and wash me off of you?"

"Can I have you both get water from the creek on the other side of the garden? At least a couple loads. I can boil the first set of water for the dishes, at least half of it, with the other half tempering the heat down to a manageable level of heat for my poor hands. Then I need enough to wash two-three sets of clothes, and then two baths." She looked at the two of them, knowing that they would still be close enough to respond quickly if anyone showed up there that shouldn't. Looking into Marco's eyes, she smiled and licked his lips lightly. "I never want to wash your scent off me, Marco. But a wash in a pool that only got my inner thighs cleaned up just was not enough. I want to make sure I have all that scrubbed off."

He nodded in response to her soft words, and licked her lips in return, then he nodded again. "We'll get water for you, and with both of us doing it it should get done in half the time. Come on, Black Elk," he said, at last releasing her from his grip and turning to head into the kitchen where they could each pick up two buckets for water.

Tisha headed into the kitchen with the two males, pulling the rabbits from the stove and adding fire to it to build up the heat to boil the water, plus she figured she could make a quick pot of coffee, but she wanted to have enough water for them to have the option of both with dinner tonight. Looking through the cans of vegetables and fruit, she separated them a bit more, putting some green beans to the side for dinner tonight, as well as some canned peaches for dessert. Those went into clean bowls and set onto the table, the trail mix going into the last clean bowl for a snack while she got things done before they could eat. While going through all the food, she found a couple boxes of crackers, and she put some out onto a plate in the middle of the table next to the trail mix bowl. Once she got the dishes scrubbed clean, she'd get the clothes done and her bath. Then dinner could really get made.

The two males picked up the water buckets that he had used earlier, though there were only two. The other two were outside on the porch, so they walked around and grabbed them as well, then made their way over toward the creek. It was getting late now, the sun was setting rapidly behind the hills, but there was no all it was a picturesque and extremely calm scene. If Marco hadn't known that the power was out in the cities, that all manner of things had gone wrong....he would have been completely at peace. As it was, he had to tell himself that overall, they were fine. They were capable hunters, they could get food and they had plenty of water, and he had Tisha to keep warm at night. The more he thought about her, the more he knew he loved her. The big husky hadn't ever really believed in love through circumstances, or love at first sight... but looking back at how he met Tish and how it had all gone...he did now.

They worked in silence, getting four buckets of water full and carrying them back. Each bucket held four or five gallons, so it shouldn't take them long to get what they would need for dinner and her bath and washing the clothes.

While the two were outside, Tisha had pulled out a large stew pot that her mother often used to make both stew and chili for the family, since they went through a lot in just one sitting. It would hold the entirety of one bucket of water, and while another would get divided up between the two sinks for dishes and the coffee pot and cups for them to have some water tonight in place of the coffee. As the two males came back with the first set of buckets for her, she reminded them, "Don't forget to bring the horses in and set them up for the night with food and water."

She had them pour one bucket into the pot, and another into the sink, and the final two went into the bathtub she directed Black Elk to that was downstairs. "Get four buckets into the horses, then bring four to me, then finish the horses and the last buckets can come in here. After that, we should be good for the night with water."

Marco and Black Elk both nodded as they headed out to grab some more water. They began talking about the way things were going, and Marco inquired about how the tribe lived now, if they still went by older traditions and how they were different from the kind of setting you would see in a movie. He knew that they lived differently, he just wanted to get a feel for the kind of society that he would be expected to live in after marrying Tisha.

Getting the amount of water that she wanted wasn't hard at all, and they took care of the horses all at once, getting them fed and watered before they even took the next load back into her. Once they had it distributed, they went out and got another load, which finished off what she had originally asked for.

As they brought in the second set of buckets, she had two of them dumped into the tub while she poured the heated water from the stove into the twin sinks, then poured another bucket of water into the large pot to boil for the bath, then poured the last bucket into the wash basin for the clothes to be washed in. She waited until they brought in the last set of buckets of water, then grinned at them. "Black Elk, you get to wash dishes. Marco, you get laundry. I'm going to get that bath, then Marco, you need to at least rinse off the dirt of the last couple days so I can wash your clothes and finish getting dinner cooked. The cleaned clothes can get hung out to dry for the night on the porch. Mom-" She stifled a sob at the mention of her mother, but it only showed in a slight hitch in her voice. "Had hooks set up on the porch ceiling so hangers could be set up there for late night washing runs."

Marco didn't mind the laundry that much, since there really wouldn't be too much of it. Just their few sets of clothes from the past couple of days. He wasn't washing Black Elk's. He grinned and nodded, saying "Yes Ma'am" in a mock military voice, before shaking his head and saying, "Go get your clothes off and toss them outside the bathroom. I'll wash them, then ours from the last couple days. By that time you should be done, so I'll take a dip and rinse, and while I'm doing that you can wash mine." He turned and headed out of the room, making his way up to the one they had shared so he could get their clothing.

She followed Marco to the stairs and called up them, "While you're getting the clothes that need to be washed, grab me a set of clean clothing." She hurried back to the kitchen and picked up the pot of boiling water and carried it to the bathroom to add to the tub. Going back to the kitchen, she set the pot on the stove again, pouring one of the remaining buckets of water into it, boiling the water for laundry before she headed into the bathroom to wash up. She stripped just inside the door and dropped her dirty clothes outside the door before pulling the curtain shut around the tub and stepping into it, letting the hot water loosen up her muscles as she soaked for a couple minutes before scrubbing her legs and lower body clean. She'd meant every word she said to Marco about not wanting to scrub him off her. Just the remaining evidence of what had happened to her just days before.

Of course he had only been teasing her. He knew that she wouldn't want to wash his scent off, and he hadn't thought that she really would try. He headed into their bedroom and went to the bags of their clothing, pulling out a clean set for both of them, panties and sweat-shorts and a t-shirt for her, since they would be sleeping after dinner, and a similar set for him, boxers and light shorts and a tank top. He then gathered up the clothing from up there and carried it down, dropping it in a pile next to the wash basin. He came back and put her clothes down near the door to the bathroom, and his beside them, then he went back, poured the hot water into the wash tub, and dropped the dirty clothes into it, and began scrubbing. He didn't really feel like it was a menial task, since it was something that needed to be done. He didn't really mind.

Black Elk had started on the dishes already, before they had even left, and he was working his way through them just fine on his own, getting them washed, dried and put away in their proper places.

After a few minutes, Tisha stepped out of the tub and dried herself off, leaving her towel on the bar by the tub for Marco to use. One use in drying her off wasn't enough to send it to the laundry to be washed, but maybe it would need washing later. Going to the door, she peeked out, and grabbed her clothes, putting them on. She'd noted that when she'd gotten dressed back at the house, she'd still been bleeding and the panties she took off showed the remnants of the rape. She hoped that Marco had washed them first, so she didn't have to look at them herself. But she knew if he hadn't, she would deal with it, like she had with everything that had to be done during the day. The only good thing that she felt had helped her during the daytime is Marco being there with her. She wasn't having to deal with anything on her own and that made it easier to deal with.